The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Aug 5, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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I wandered out of the cave naked, my uniform long torn into shreds days ago.

My mind was in a daze as I stumbled out into the night, time had lost all meaning in there. All I had known was his cock and my hunger for it. I would have been ashamed of my actions if anything akin to shame still existed in my mind. Surrounded by all that pink K and his overwhelming presence, I hadn't been anything more than his boy for days on end. The name Superboy hadn't even bubbled to the top of my brain while riding his cock. I was his whore, his happy and well fed whore.

I felt a small tinge of shame at my thoughts, the pink K was finally subsiding.

I stumbled down the side of the mountain, I couldn't fly right now, my brain had been so submissive with dadd...Atlas that my powers were turned off. At least the ones I could turn off. I was still invulnerable, which meant even though I was naked, the rocks didn't cut into my feet, the night air didn't make me cold. But I was no stronger than a normal boy right now, fuck even that thought turned me on as I made my way towards the lake.

I looked up, a distant hope I would see Atlas coming back. One part of my brain knew I had to get home, no telling what Ma and Pa was thinking. But the other part of me, the real part knew that if he came back right now I would crawl back up this hill and beg him to fuck me senseless all over again.

I had discovered a couple of things about myself the past few days.

One was my healing ability was fast and included every part of me. Including my ass. No matter how badly my pussy is wrecked, given a few minutes of rest, it would heal back perfectly. Atlas found this amusing saying that no matter how hard I was fucked, no matter how many times, my pussy would always be virginal for my man. It was humiliating but made me so proud at the same time.

The second thing I learned that I had a very hungry hole.

Freed of all my obligations and ego, there was not a limit to how badly I wanted to be used and demeaned. There was never a point I said stop, never a desire to slow down. If anything I begged for more, I cried for faster...I was never satisfied...not once. It actually got a point where I seemed to wear Atlas out with my demands. It seemed his magical amulet couldn't keep up with my desire to be fucked.

I hadn't even realized I had paused, standing still in the middle of the night, just remembering it. My cock was rock hard, a drop of precum fell from my tip as I remembered what it felt like to ride Atlas, beg him to hurt me, to make me his bitch. I felt my cock throb and knew I was close to cumming just standing here.

"Come on Clark..." I said to myself, get it together.

I continued my way down, forcing myself not to jerk off right where I stood. I wasn't an animal! I could control my urges.


I was not surprised to find no answer as I got down to the lake shore. I had to have been out of it because only now did I notice I could hear people in the area. My super senses could hear no less than three different groups of people within a mile of the lake. I could also see flashlights moving around, what the heck?

I was still out of it because it was hard to focus on what specifically they were saying. God pink K messed with my head too much! I heard my name a few times but not much else, were they looking for me? I tried to take flight but my powers were still blocked out. Being outside naked, it was so humiliating it was turning me on, and turning me on was sapping my powers. The longer I was out here the worst I would feel which the longer my powers were turned off. It was a viscous cycle I needed to break.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus, drowning out the shame and trying to find my will...

"I told you we'd find him naked."

My eyes shot open and I spun around, there was Whitey and his friend, leering at me.

"You been out here whoring around all this time?" Whitey asked me, "Fucking queers man..."

"What? No, I mean..." he wasn't wrong. I had been out here whoring myself out to Atlas. There was literally no other name for it. I was a whore. I had been whoring. And if Atlas came back I'd cry to do it again.

"Oh save it," Whitey's friend said turning the flashlight off, "You still owe me some ass."

His words shocked the sober part of me, but my bitch brain shot off a bust of x-ray vision to scan his cock to see what he was packing. I could see his tall, lean body, he wasn't as big as Whitey but he was much more cut, his cock looked longer as well...more than one enough to hit my...

I had to blink and look away I was so disgusted by my actions, I had never used my x-ray vision to ogle someone before.

"Come on faggot," Whitey said, pushing me down to my knees, I didn't even resist as I came face to face with his crotch, "You know you want it."

Oh god I was back here again, where it had all started. I was on my knees serving Whitey and his friend...except this time...I couldn't find the will to stop myself. I needed to be used, to be owned, though my rational mind told me I didn't want it to be need for cock was too shaking hands reached out and undid his jeans while his friend laughed.

The fact I was letting them do this, that I wanted face was red with shame as I saw Whitey's half hard cock fall out of his jeans. When I had first saw it I had been impressed by it, but after Atlas, Chris and even Bash, I could tell it was normal, just a normal cock on a normal boy. The fact that it wasn't all that almost broke me free until his scent hit me. The smell of his cock and balls hit my super senses like a freight train and I felt my head begin to fog again.

And just like that I was grunting to suck off in the middle of the night.

His cock felt small in my mouth, my own member was so much bigger, but that didn't matter right at all. My body, my dick, my powers, all of it meant nothing to Whitey as he pushed my head into his crotch. Where his cock once made me choke, after days with Atlas I had no gag reflex to speak of. I was able to easily deep throat him, a fact not lost on him.

"Oh look at Clark Kent, you've gotten so much better at this. Been practicing Kent?"

I didn't answer, I was too busy sucking the precum out of his slit as his friend began to finger me. I backed up onto his hand, even as I tried to resist. If people were wandering around out here looking for me, ma and pa must have been crazy worried about me. I didn't have time for this, I had to go.

But I still heard myself whimper as a second finger was shoved into me.

"Jesus he is tight," his friend remarked.

"He's obviously a slut.." Whitey said thrusting into my mouth, "Maybe he's saving himself for the right guy."

His friend laughed, "Well I may not be the right guy but I'm right here..."

I felt him spread my cheeks and his tongue pushed into my hole, I let out a loud groan around Whitey's cock and they both laughed. God the feeling of some strangers tongue up in me, god I was fucking Superboy and I was on my knees, serving two guys I didn't even know! I could tell the pink K was wearing off because the lust I had been consumed with was being replaced by horror. There were other people looking for me! What if they came across me like this? On all fours, sucking a cock, wiggling my tight ass to be pounded...

And there went what little powers I had recovered...the shame, the humiliation...I had to get up! I had to get away...but I wanted to get fucked so bad...

Whitey pulled his cock out of my mouth with a wet pop and began to furiously jerk it in front of my face, "Open your mouth Kent...fucking gonna feed you my load."

A small voice in the back my mind screamed at me to close it, to fucking stop...but I could feel the night air on my tongue as I knelt there...waiting...silently screaming at him to do it!

The first shot hit my face and I moaned...hating that some of his man juice was being wasted. The next one hit me in the mouth and I began to whimper like a hungry puppy as he pumped another four shots down my throat. I got closer, trying to suck every drop off of his leaking dick...he chuckled and then cursed at me as my tongue began to roll around his super sensitive head.

"Fuck off fag!" he cried, slapping at my head to stop, "Get off my cock!"

His hits did nothing, but I still felt myself flinch like a dog, so desperate for more...god what was wrong with me?

"She just wants some more dick," the friend said, his tip pushing at my hole, "I got you baby."

I heard a twig snap and knew someone was close, "Wait...don't..." I called out but he ignored me.

"Shut up cunt, too late now..." he began to push into me and I felt my hole stretch abound his cock. God it felt incredible! You'd think after a cock like Atlas I wouldn't even feel a normal dick but my hole had regenerated, I was a virgin again and being fucked for the first time...all over again.

"Noooo..." I moaned, hearing someone getting closer the same time my brain was beginning to fuzz out. Oh shit I wanted this...needed this...

"GET UP CLARK!" I screamed at myself as the footsteps got louder.

"Someone else wanna fuck this bitch?" Whitey asked turned around...

And getting a fist in his face for the effort.

Bash didn't say a word, he clocked Whitey across his nose, his flashlight in hand. The snap of Whitey's nose as he went down was like a gunshot. I could hear the wet gurgle of blood as he fell to to the ground unconsciousness.

The friend had stopped pressing into me, "Hey man he likes it! He wants..."

He never finished as Whitey punched him so hard he popped out of me and fell back onto the lake shore. Bash walked past me at him and said, "I know...he likes it from me."

He kicked the friend in the ribs, picking the boy up off the ground for a moment before he fell back down with a pained grunt. Bash loomed over him, "Get up and I will kill you, Got it?"

The friend looked up in terror and nodded.

Bash turned back to me with a concerned look on his face, "Clark? Are you ok?"

Something broke in my mind. The fact I had to be saved by Bash of all people, from two normal guys who I was almost begging to rape was the ultimate humiliation. It was the final indication of how far I had fallen. I looked up at him and there as a literal swamp of emotions passing through me. Relief, horror,

I began to cry as part of me realized I was never going to be the same Superboy again. That part of my life was over...I was...someone else now. But I also cried because as Bash leaned down and covered me with his jacket...whoever I was, I belonged to him now.

He picked me up in his arms, "Come on, let's get you home."

There was such care, such emotion in his voice...I leaned my head against his chest and took a deep breath of his scent. I felt safe, I felt content...I felt...


And then I felt nothing.

All my dreams were of sex.

Faceless men all took me, I begged for it, cried for it, was on my hands and knees wailing for it. Images of Jor-El screamed at me, berating me for spitting on Krypton's legacy. My older self raged at me, cursing at me that I was never going to become Superman if I lived on my hands and knees begging for cock.

I wanted to argue with them, part of me was desperate to prove them wrong...

But they weren't.

I woke up with a start, the feeling of disappointment that lingered for a moment quickly faded when I realized I was in my room! How had I gotten home and in my own bed? It felt like a million years since I had been here, when I last slept in this bed I was mild mannered Clark Kent, secretly Superboy, champion of Earth.

Now I was just a slut who secretly wanted to be owned and controlled badly.

A sound startled me and I looked over and saw Bash asleep in one of pa's rocking chairs. He looked like he had dozed off...watching me sleep? I felt a massive swell of emotion pass through me as I remembered him saving me at the lake. He must have brought me back home and dressed me in pajamas. Had he fallen asleep by my side?

I quietly got out of bed and grabbed the extra blanket from my closet. I put it over him, just staring at him in fascination. I could smell him from here, and it was as intoxicating as ever, but there was something about him just sleeping there, something about his face I hadn't noticed before.

God he was attractive!

That thought shocked me. It wasn't born out of lust or passion, it didn't come from a desire to be used to was genuine. I honestly thought Bash was attractive! That shook me a little, I was just getting around to having these desires...but deep down I had been harboring the belief I was still straight. I still had hope one day I would date Lana, and go steady with her. But standing here, listening to Bash lightly snore...

Oh god I had it bad!

I backed out of my room, careful not to wake him and headed downstairs. I was not shocked to find ma and pa still awake at the kitchen table. When they saw me walk in ma got up and rushed over to me, engulfing me in a huge hug.

"Oh Clark..." she cried, holding me close.

It felt so good to just be home and being in ma's arms. I hugged her back, knowing they were going to have a million questions where I had been. And just like that I began to carve out my other life. I was no longer their little boy, hell I was barely even Clark Kent any more. I had to face there was something that lived inside of me that was much stronger than I had ever guessed.

Ma made me some food as I explained, in broad strokes, Atlas and him taking me hostage. I left out the lewd parts of course, but I explained how he came here to conqueror Earth and I had tried to stop him and failed. How he kept me captive and I was able to free myself and sounded as reasonable as any other of my adventures so they accepted it.

But pa had questions.

"So how did you end up naked by the lake?"

"My uniform got destroyed, and he had drained me of my powers so I couldn't fly."

"If you didn't have your powers, how did you escape?" he asked.

I felt myself squirm under his gaze, but I was in too far now to back out.

"I was able to use his magic amulet against him and banish him back to his dimension."

Pa didn't openly say anything, but I could tell he was not buying my story completely.

"Well that boy who brought you home hasn't left your side the whole time," Ma explained, "Does he know about you?"

I froze for a moment, wondering how she knew about me...and then I realized she was talking about Superboy.

"No, he only knows me as Clark."

Pa shook his head, "I thought the Ross boy was loyal but that boy brought you back here naked and refused to let you our of his sight until he knew you were ok. You say he doesn't know who you are...that's a true friend Clark. Don't ever take that for granted."

Pa was right...I couldn't risk losing that.

"I'm still drained," I said, "I'm gonna go lay back down."

Ma came over and placed her hand on my forehead, "You're still a little warm...get some sleep."

I nodded, "Thanks ma, night pa."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving me as I walked out of the room. Once I was upstairs I sighed in relief, if I was going to lie to them I needed to get a whole lot better at it and fast! I got into my room and locked the door behind me, ma and pa usually respected my privacy, but with the way pa was acting I couldn't take the chance.

Bash was still asleep...looking three different kinds of adorable. I walked over and slowly shook him, "Bash...Bash?"

His eyes slowly opened and when he saw me they flew open, "Clark?" he asked groggily.

I nodded, "Come on and lay down with me," I said gesturing to my bed, "That chair cant be comfortable."

"You ok?" he asked, still waking up.

I nodded and helped him stand, "Come on Bash, come lay down."

He nodded and moved to my bed and then stopped, " shoes..."

He was still completely clothed, "I got it," I said as I slowly undressed him. He watched me as I stripped his shirt off, taking a second to marvel at his muscular chest, I took a second to lean in and just smell him, that same combination of soap, sweat and Bash was intoxicating.

"I was worried about you," he said quietly.

I smiled as I undid his jeans, "I'm sorry..."

"What happened?" the concern in his voice was thick.

I pulled his jeans off and he stood there in his boxers, bulge evident even in the dark. I was turned on, I could feel the lust rising in my body...but I wanted to just hug him, hold him...thank him so much for getting me home. Instead I took his hand and pulled him down into my bed. He laid down, facing me and out faces were nearly touching.

"Where were you for the last few days?" he asked.

"I'll tell you...but..." my voice cracked with emotion, "Can we just go to sleep right now? I promise I'll tell you in the morning, I just want this day to end right now."

"Turn around," he said.

I turned over until my back was to him. I felt one arm move over my waist while the other slipped under my pillow. He pulled me back into him and held me close, his semi hard cock slipping between my ass cheeks like it was made to be there.

"Bash..." I began to say...

"Shhh...go to sleep Clark," he said into my ear, "I got you," I felt his cock twitch as he pulled me close and almost pushed back onto him, but I was so tired, so relaxed...

I froze for a long time, not sure what to do...and then let out a breath I hadn't even been realized I was holding and relaxed back into him. His mouth nudged my ear, "I got you baby..."

The smile on my face was almost painful it was so big...I wanted to stay awake and do more...but my eyes were heavy and I was just too fucking happy to breath. Within a few minutes we were both asleep.

I don't remember my dreams, but when I woke up I felt amazing.

The sun was coming through my window and hitting my skin. I hadn't seen the sun in days, Atlas and I had never left the cave, the effect of the solar rays was immediate. I could feel the last of the pink K leave my system as my mind cleared. I slowly slipped out of Bash's embrace and got out of bed. I stood in front of my window, soaking up as much sun as I could. The effect was instantaneous, I could feel my powers start to come back online, my mind got sharper, and with all that came my super will.

Pushing the underlying shame out of my mind from the last few weeks I could see things as they truly were. This might have been the first moment since I had first been exposed by the lake that I was truly myself. With my newly restored mind I could look back at my actions and feelings...everything reevaluated in a split second.

I glanced back at Bash, sleeping in my bed...and with the luxury of my super intellect back I could see the truth that the pink K had muddled.

Bash's eyes fluttered open and he looked over at me and smiled, "Hey," he said sleepily.

"Hey," I said, smile returning to my face, "How did you sleep?"

"Good..." he answered and then patted the empty side of the bed, "Come back to bed."

He said it as a suggestion but we both knew it was more.

It was an order.

The first order given to me in my right mind, without having pink K messing me up, lowering my inhibitions. This was me, Superboy, with every single one of my facilities. So there was only one answer I could give him.

"Yes sir," I said meekly, and climbed back into bed with him.

You see, the truth I had realized, the simple answer I had been running from this whole time.

I was falling in love with Bash, and I wanted him to own me.

I loved the idea of submitting to Bash, wholly and completely. I loved it so much that to resist would just be torturing myself and denying my true self. As he pulled me close into a kiss I gave off a small moan knowing, I was a slut...and was always going to be one.

And I wanted to be Bash's slut very badly.

We made out for a while, both of us slowly understanding that we both wanted more than just heavy petting. He was aggressive as always, and I let him. The fact this was me, not me under the influence or being crippled by own mind, but actual me made it a thousand percent hotter. I squirmed under his touch as his hands groped my body shamelessly. He wasn't trying to make me feel better or trying to illicit pleasure from me, he was surveying his merchandise for appraisal.

One finger parted my firm cheeks and I let out a hungry, "Bash..."

"Yeah," he whispered, "My bitch needs to be bred doesn't she?"

I nodded into his shoulder, taking in his musky scent as he began to finger me.

"Always thought you were a uptight nerd Kent," he taunted as he penetrated me further, "A total milksop loser...but you have a tight, little body under the hood."

"Oh god..." I moaned as his second knuckle entered me.

"And such a fucking tight hole, I swear it's like you were made to me fucked."

"I was..." I said breathlessly, "Made to be fucked by you." And part of me truly believed that.

He let out a growl as he began to bite my neck, trying to mark me as his own but my invulnerability wouldn't let him. He actually pulled back, "What the fuck?"

Oh shit, I panicked for a moment and clenched up.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" He screamed as my ass tried to crush his finger.

I relaxed my ass and let his finger slip free as he pushed me off of him.

"What the hell?" he said, standing there naked, his hard cock making my mouth water.

"I can explain," I said, realizing how bad this was.

"Talk fast," he said, obviously pissed off.

I opened my mouth to lie when pa's voice came from the other side of the door, "You boys ok?"


"Yeah pa, just horseplaying!"

There was a silence and then, "Well knock it off! Come down for breakfast."

"Yes sir," I said and waited for him to walk back downstairs.

I looked back to Bash, "I can explain."

"Then get to it," he demanded.

My mind raced at superspeed trying to come up with a lie that would convince him of something. A million ideas came and went...but in the end there was only one solution I wanted. I wanted to tell him the truth. It sounded insane but I wanted to belong to Bash, completely. Not just as Clark Kent but as Superboy too. I I needed to submit totally or I wouldn't be truly happy.

"I need to tell you something," I said, trying to gather my courage up, "Something you might not believe."

His eyes narrowed in suns suspicion, but he didn't say anything.

I took a deep breath, "I'm Superboy."

He just stared at me for what felt like a million years. We just stood there, staring at each other and then he began to laugh, "Y-you're Superboy?"

I nodded.

"Oh god Kent, you're funny. Seriously, what the hell is going on with you?"

"I'm serious Bash, I'm actually Superboy!"

When he saw I wasn't backing down he crossed his arms and said, "Prove it."

I looked around my room and picked up one of my old baseball bats and broke it half. He looked shocked and then said, "Yeah but that could have been old."

I hadn't stored up enough solar radiation for a heat blast, I kept looking around and then came up with an idea. I ran out of the room with a burst of superspeed and grabbed the uniform I had left in the barn, I put it on and ran back to the very place I was standing.

At first he was unsure of what just happened. He stood there, mouth half open in shock. But you could see it on his face, the slow acceptance of the evidence in front of him, the processing of everything he had thought about me before...and then...molasses slow...a grin that went from ear to ear.

"You aren't kidding?"

I shook my head.

"You're really Superboy?"

"In the flesh," I said smiling.

He paused licked his lips, and then said only one word.


The word sent. Chill down my spine, my cock throbbed as I lowered my head and slowly went to my knees.

"Oh shit," he said shocked his cock fully hard now " crawl to me."

I felt my whole body react as I went to all fours and crawled across my room to him. The fact I was dirtying my uniform, that I was submitting to him as Superboy...oh god this fucking turned me on! I got to him and waited, head still locked on the ground.

"Ok, ok," he said quickly, getting excited, "Look up at me."

I looked up, my eyes wide with lust.

He almost jumped in the air with joy, "Holy fuck...ok now...lick my balls."

I rose up and gently began to lap at his balls, the smell of him making my eyes flutter for a moment as I whimpered softly. I felt his hands move through my hair as he pressed me into him, "Oh my fucking god.. Superboy is sucking my fucking balls!"

The words burned in my ears, just turning me on even more. I licked the entire underside of his balls, rolling each one around on my mouth, trying to bring him as much pleasure as I can. A second hand moved to my head and he pulled me away from, him. I looked up and saw him grinning down at me.

"Open your mouth."

I opened it instantly, I could see the awe in his expression as he guided my head to his cock, "Lick."

Never breaking eye contact, I began to lick his cock like it was a popsicle. I could see him shudder with ecstasy as he watched the world's strongest boy service him like a common whore. I let me him move me wherever he wanted to, the feeling of this normal guy controlling me, using dick was leaking everywhere in my uniform.

"This whole've been fucking Superboy?"

I nodded as I kept licking.

"And you're my bitch now?"

Another nod.

He yanked my head back, "Say it, say it out loud."

The sexual energy between us felt like a match waiting to be lit, "I'm your bitch Bash...your fucking cunt."

"My supercunt," he corrected me and I felt the wave of shame of whoring my name out like this.

"Your supercunt, anything you want me to be."

"And you could end me at any time?"

"I wouldn't never..." I began to sputter.

"But you can?"

I slowly nodded.

"Prove it."

I didn't want to, but he had made it an order. I reached up and grabbed his throat and easily picked him up as I stood. I made sure not to choke him, but it was obvious he weighed absolutely nothing to me. He dangled there, trying to force my hands full of him but he had a better time lifting a mountain. He kicked at me, his legs flailing around uselessly.

When he realized it was true, there was no way he could beat me if the wanted to, "Kneel!"

In a flash I lowered him to the ground and went down to all fours, my forehead pressed against my bedroom floor, my body shivering with lust.

"Jesus H Christ..." he exclaimed, "My very own Superwhore..."

A low moan forced its way up of my mouth as I heard my title again be slandered.

Bash looked like he was about to make me do more when Pa called up, "Boys, breakfast!"

"Do your parents know?"

"They know I'm Superboy," I offered.

"But they don't know you're a slut?"

I felt my face go red, "No."

He was silent for a moment and then nodded, "Get changed, we go downstairs and act normal. Then after that, you tell me everything."

A blur and I was in plain clothes again, "Yes sir."

He smiled and moved closer, his hand passed down my cheek, "You really like this don't you?"

I leaned into his touch, "I do sir."

He pulled me close and kissed me, I melted into it as he showed me who owned me. He finally broke the kiss, "Ok slut calm down, let's go eat."

I nodded and we went downstairs.

We sat and ate while Bash talked to my parents, looking like the nicest kid in the world. He may have been a bully at school, but here in ma's kitchen he was the very model of an all American boy. Pa took a shine to him because he was everything I couldn't be. An athlete, confident, he moved with bravado, all things I couldn't risk least my secret came out.

My Superboy secret, sheesh now I had two secret indentures!

"So, I told Bash about me," I during a lull in the conversation, "I thought about what you said pa and you were right," I looked at Bash, "He deserved to know the truth."

"Welcome to the family Bash," ma said with a big smile.

"You think you can keep his secret?" My dad asked.

"Oh yes sir, Clark means the world to me, I'll take good care of him sir."

Pa nodded as I blushed, neither one of them knew what a he was talking about, but I did. As they went back to talking I felt Bash's hand squeeze my thigh under the table, almost making me jump. I tried not to panic as he slowly moved his hand up, cupping my now hard cock through my slacks.

"So what are you boys up to today?" Ma asked.

"Yeah Clark, what are we gonna do?" Bash asked, rubbing the head of my leaking cock.

"Um....ohh....I mean I was gonna show him the lab and stuff," I said quickly.

She nodded, "Well don't stay down there too long. Do you think that Chris boy is coming back by?"

I shook my head as Bash's hand sped up, "No ma'am," I squeaked, "He moved away."

"That's too bad...well you two run along and have fun."

"Oh we plan on it Mrs. Kent," Bash said, giving me one last touch.

"Ok bye!" I said, standing up at superspeed, I grabbed Bash and fled out of the house, before ma and pa could see my cock as about to rip out of my slacks. I ran us about a mile away, to one of the many entrances to my lab. There was a look of fear on his face as he realized what had just happened, I thought he was going to lose it for a second.

So I got down on my knees, "Please don't be mad sir."

I waited, wondering what was going through his mind. Finally I heard him say, "Look at me."

I looked up.

"Whose bitch are you?"

"Yours sir, only yours."

He smiled, "Ok get up."

I stood up and I saw him relax, "This is gonna take some getting used to."

I nodded, "I didn't want them to see this," I said, pointing to the very prominent bulge in my slacks.

He chucked, "I do that to you?"

I nodded and took a step closer to him "You always do that to me."

He got closer, our faces almost touching, "I do huh?"

I nodded.

"Your really like being my bitch?"

Another nod.

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it back, I felt his mouth descend on my neck and then a sharp, "Motherfucker!"

He took a step back, holding his mouth.

"What happened?"

"I think I chipped a fucking're always hard as steel?"

I nodded sadly.

He shook his head, trying to clear the pain, "Well guess I can't mark my girl, that sucks. I always like doing that, it's like my thing."

God I wanted to be marked as his girl very badly.

Then a thought struck me.

"I might be able to fix that!" I said, "I have to run us again," I held my arms out and he nodded and I picked him up, "Deep breath."

He took one and we were gone. I ran us back to the lab in less than a second, the door sensing my approach and opening as we neared it. I put him down and gave him a second to get his bearing. Slowly he looked around, his eyes growing wide, "Whoa...what is all this stuff?"

"Just a bunch of stuff I've collected, mostly from other worlds."

He walked around, not touching anything but looking intensely as things, "So this is all alien junk?'

"Most of it, like this."

I had taken a silver rod off a shelf, "This is a red sun wand from Mars."

I handed it to him and he examined it, "What's It do?"

"Well Martians are vulnerable to fire, so it generates a beam of solar power that is the same frequency as a red sun."

He looked at me confused.

"I lose my powers under a red sun."

He just stared at me and then the rod. I waited and he looked up at me quickly "Wait, this thing, will take your powers away?"

"For a short time yeah."

"And you want me to use it on you?"

"I want you to mark me."

His smile turned wolffish, "Ok, yeah we can do that. But get out of those clothes, I wanna mark Superboy, not you."

I spun in place and changed into my uniform.

"Shit...I am never gonna get used to that," he said soaking up my body. He approached me, his fingers moving over the S on my chest, "Fucking Superboy."

"This is the one I was wearing when you beat me up at school," I admitted.

"Oh yeah?" He asked.

I nodded as I bushed, "You made me cum in it."

A shark like smile spread across his face, "You liked being beaten down didn't you?"

I nodded.

"You like me over you?"

Another nod.

He looked down at the rod, "So how do I use this thing."

"There's a button on the side, just point it at me and wave it up and down my body."

I heard the rod start to hum as he flicked the switch. I felt my whole body start to shake as I realized I had just given him the ability to strip me of my powers. He took the rod and began to pass it over my body, starting at my chest. I could feel the rays hit me and slowly expel the power I had soaked up from the sun this morning. As he moved it down I could feel myself get weaker, and more turned on. He stopped at my feet and then moved it back up again. By the time he moved it over my head I was just a normal boy.


He turned it off and put it down, "So now you're a normal guy?"

I nodded.

His fist was a blur as he punched me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, the air knocked out of me. I was trying to catch my breath when he grabbed a hunk of my hair and pulled my head up, "How does that feel bitch?"

I realized I could taste blood and smiled at him, "More sir."

He threw my head down and kicked me once in the ribs, I grunted as he hit me. I felt his foot on my chest as he pressed down, "Look at you, fucking Superboy, more like Suercunt."

He could have hit me much harder and we both knew it, this wasn't him being mean or overly cruel, this was foreplay, plain and simple.

"Yes sir," I admitted.

""You gonna do everything I say?" I nodded quickly.

He walked over and sat down in a chair, "So Superbitch wants to be used?" He began to unlace his sneakers, "You wanna be put in your place?"

I nodded, keeping my gaze locked on the ground, "Please sir...I need it."

He pulled his socks off and leaned back, "Get over here."

I crawled over to him, hating and loving the fact I was getting my uniform flirty doing it. When I got to him I waited at his feet, never looked up.

"Kiss them," he said, extending a foot.

I took his bare foot and began to kiss the top lightly, I moved all over and then began to lick it. I heard him gasp as I sucked on his big toe, finally looking up ay him with wide eyes.

"Yeah suck on that," he snarled, "Show me how much you want it."

The smell was horrible, he hadn't showered since he had spent hours by the lake looking for me. I was disgusted but even that turned me on, the fact I couldn't stop Bash right now even if I wanted to was insane. I had no powers, he was bigger than me...I had given up everything just so I could lick his reeking feet.

I made love to his toe, I swirled my tongue around it, wishing it to was his cock instead. His smile showed how much he got off on having Superboy as his slave, I hope he could see how much it was affecting me too.

"Come on Superslut, work between those toes, how me how much you want to please me."

My tongue traced his foot, licking every inch coating the whole foot in my spit. When I was done with one I started on the other, he watched in fascination as I lapped away contently, happy to serve my master. When I was done with the second he pushed me back, "All fours, now!"

I got on all fours and felt his feet on my back, "Ah there we make a good foot stool Superfag, making your man really happy here."

I could not believe I was letting him do this, but I was so turned on...

"So how you wanna do this Superslut?" He asked, leaving sitting up, "What do you want me to do to you?"

"Permission to stand?" I asked, not making eye contact.

"Go on."

I got up and walked over one the side panels, I opened it up and pulled an object out. I had to take a deep breath, because this was everything. There was no going back from this, if I had him do this, I would always and forever be his bitch.

I could feel my cock throb at the thought.

I turned around and went back to him and then kneeled on both knees, "Please sir, I beg you...use this."

His eyes got wide when he saw Kyrpto's collar in my hands. He took it and held it for a moment.

I held my chin up, "Please Bash...I wanna be your pet."

He smiled and moved off the chair next to me, "You wanna be my dog? You wanna be my breeding bitch?"

I nodded, as excited as I had ever been. Scores of people had tried to beat me, aliens, villains, all of them had come for me and I had beaten them all. Not one of them every got close to stopping me, but here I was asking to be made Bash's pet. I was so ashamed, but so turned on...there was no turning back after this. Once he did this I was admitting I was his whore, his property...his slut.

I was giving up everything that made me Superboy.

I felt the leather touch my neck and shuddered as I got close to cumming. It closed around my throat and I held my breath. The click of the buckle was deafening, because it was locked now, I was wearing it, it was done.

He stepped back and looked down at me, "Good boy."

Those words pushed me over the edge and I came right there, shuddering on all fours before blacking out. I don't know how long I was out but the smell of his foot being pushed against my face woke me up, "You still with me?"

I looked up, my tongue hanging out as I smiled. I got up on my knees and held my hands up to my chest and could see the raw, sexual energy coming off of him watching me do this. Oh god, I had done it! I had submitted...I wasn't Superboy any more, I wasn't Clark Kent...I belonged to Bash, that was the start and end of it. I could hear self panting as I barked again.

"What's wrong boy? What you want?" He asked, talking to me like a fucking dog.

It felt so good!

I moved closer to him and nudged his crotch with my face, rubbing my cheek against his hard cock. I whined like a bitch as I begged. God what if someone saw me? Superboy acting like a dog, begging for another boy's dick. I felt so ashamed as I rubbed harder.

"Oh someone is worked up," he said, pushing me away like I was a naughty puppy jumping up on him, "Ok hold on..." he looked around and saw the open cabinet of Kyrpto's stuff. He walked over and grabbed a leash, "My girl wanna go for a walk?"

I felt my face go red as I barked at him happily. He walked over and connected the chain to my collar, I felt even less human the second it was fastened. He began to walk. "Come on boy, heel."

At a quick crawl, I followed behind my master, my tongue hanging out as he walked me around my own lab. I wasn't even human anymore, I was just a pet, a mindless thing for him to use and I loved it. I had saved the whole world and I was on my hands and knees barking like a dog!

My cock felt like it could go at anytime.

He walked me around the lab, clicking his tongue calling me as I crawled behind him. He paused and looked back at me, "Up, come on boy up!"

I felt my face grow red as I got up on my knees and barked.

He smiled, "Good boy," he said patting my head.

God why did his words make me so happy?

"Ok lay down."

I went down to the floor an laid down.

"Such a good dog! Roll over?"

I felt my cock swell as I rolled around on the ground like a fucking mutt as he laughed.

He knelt down as I laid on my back, my legs and arms up, "Such a hot puppy..." he said running hands over my chest. His touch made me shiver and I was shocked to hear myself whine like a dog as he rubbed me. What was I doing?

"Puppy got a bone?" He said, his hands moving down to grope the front of my trunks, "Puppy got a big bone?"

I whined some more, as I closed my eyes and relished his touch.

"Fucking Supermutt" he muttered, "God if the guys could see this..."

The thought of being exposed, of people seeing me in uniform on my back, letting Bash rub my cock...I felt my body shiver with lust.

He moved away and went back to the chair where he sat down and looked at me, "Up!" He said patting his chest.

I crawled over to him and raised up to his chest, "Give your master kisses."

My mouth attacked his, desperate to please him in any way I could. We stood there, making out like crazy until we were both hard and dripping. He stepped back, "Undress me, fast."

With the last of my powers, I took his clothes off and folded them neatly on the table, leaving him naked. His hard body and stiff cock bobbing in front of him. There was a flicker of awe in his eyes when he realized I had done all that in less than a second. And that awe turned to lust when he realized he owned me.

"Stay!" I froze and stood at attention, hands to my sides, face forward. He began to walk around me like he was inspecting me. "This is in the way," he said yelling at my cape. He yanked it off, "Hiding this perfect ass." He said slapping my rear. I tried not to jump as he kept moving around me, "How do I look?"

He walked in front of me and he had the cape tied around his neck. It was humbling. That cape, this uniform it was everything to me, my goal, my mission in life and he was using it as a sex toy. I felt my ego shudder than I was letting him to do this to me. It was just a cape, but it did something to me, seeing him in it...he looked like a a man. I felt my dick throb in my trunks as I just drooled at him.

"Good right? Take the rest of it off," he snapped, "All of it."

I began to comply and he held up a hand, "Wait," he sat down on the chair and smiled, "Slowly...give me a show."

I closed my eyes as I felt my face grow red, I slowly began to pull my uniform off my shoulders. I exposed my hard chest, my nipples hard with excitement. I pulled it down over my tight abs, watching him leer at me as he licked his lips. I felt it begin to peel past my hips and the top of my pubic hair is exposed. He leaned forward, waiting for my hard cock to be released. As I pull it down father it is freed and slaps up against my stomach. It is red and swollen, ready to burst at any touch.

He shakes his head, "God what a fucking waste..."

I avert my eyes as I pulled it off of my feet completely, I know what he's saying. I have a huge cock, it's a Kryptonian thing. I am so much larger than a normal human...and it was wasted because all I wanted was to get fucked. I had dreamed of using it on girls like Lana or Lori, I had fantasies about being a dad with big dicked sons of my own...but the truth was all I wanted to to get filled and used...

My dick was irrelevant.

"Jesus why?" He said taking a hold of my cock, "Why would god waste such a dick on you?" I felt myself cringe inside because I had been thinking the same thing. "Maybe the town will give me a parade? And `lol walk you down Main Street like this," he said pulling me along by my cock, "Everyone could meet Superdog and marvel at how pretty my mutt is."

He looked down at my discarded uniform and said, "Pick it up,"

I reached down and picked it up, holding it, did he want me to put it back on? "Lemme see it." He held his hand out and for a moment I almost didn't move. This uniform, this symbol, it was my everything, I had ever handed it over to someone like this. He gestured for me to comply and I shook my head handing it over. I mean he could hold it, what harm could come of that?

He examined it, feeling the material, and then held it up to his chest, "It's small, it stretches?"

I nodded, "It fits to any form no matter what."

He stood up and put it in front of him, "I like it..." he looked over at me, "Put it on me."

My eyes got wide as I jerked back in shock, "What? No!"

I couldn't tell you which one of use as more surprised but the outburst, him or me. We just stood there, staring at each other. His eyes narrowed in anger, "What did you say to me?"

I took a half step back "Bash, not that, anything but that."

"Why?" he asked, walking towards me slowly.

"T-that's not just a piece of's a symbol, it's my identity."


I sputtered as I tried to find a response, "Please Bash, anything but that."

He held it up, "Is this more important than me?"

I froze.

"Come on Superbitch, think about it. Do you want this, or this," he said pointing to his cock.

My mouth was dry, I was too stunned to answer.

"Think fast slut, cause I'm getting bored."

I looked at the uniform and then at me, "P-please Bash..." I whimpered.

"Put this on me, or take me home."

I didn't want him to leave...but...oh god that uniform was to important...right? It was my everything, it was who I was. Not just that it was who I was going to be. The Legion had shown me Superman and the effect he'd have on the world. I couldn't give that up...just because...because I needed...wanted...

But could I be Superman if I was a slut? How could I be a hero if I wanted to owned this bad?

Oh god..what did I want more?

I stopped moving away and looked at him, pleading him silently not to make me do this.

He just glared at me.

"I'm waiting Superwhore!"

I felt my whole body shudder as I realized, I wanted to be his more. Slowly, like a condemned man walking towards the gallows, I approached him and took the uniform from him.

"Well?" He demanded.

I got to my knees, and held one of he legs open for him to step through, "As you wish master."

He chuckled as he put his foot in, "That's what I thought...such a good boy." He ruffled my hair like he was petting a dog and I closed my eyes as I shook with lust.

He put his legs through the feet and I pulled it up his body. The fabric molded to his body like a second skin, I had to press his cock to the side as I pulled it over his waist. As I got it around his abs I could see him start to fill it out, and I could see why people stared at me when I wore it. He put his arms into the sleeves as I pulled it over his chest, I fastened it around his neck, and then attached he cape again.

I stepped back and he looked down at himself, flexing his muscles.

"Oh look at me!" He marveled.

I was, and it was amazing. I had no idea how it would affect me, seeing someone else in my uniform, especially someone like Bash. He hot. It was incredible how turned on I was, seeing him strut around my lab, looking at himself from all angles, admiring his own physique.

"So how do I look?" He said turning to me, his arms out wide.

"So hot..." I murmured, my mouth half open in lust.

He grinned, "I know right...look at my cock! You can totally see my bulge!"

You could, his cock filed out the front completely making it look like he was much larger than he was. I just stared, not sure what I was seeing. On some level I new it was just Bash dressed up...but it was my uniform, he was Superboy...he was...and I...wasn't.

"You like this?" He asked, walking at me.

I nodded, completely unable to speak.

"This turn you on?"

Another nod.

"You know what I think?" He asked, getting right up in my face.

"N-no..." I whimpered.

"I think this is what you wanted."

Before I could answer he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. With no powers I was no match for him physically. I fell to my hands and knees as he came from behind me, "I think this was exactly what you didn't want to be Superboy did you? Superboy has too many choices to make, he has too much control."

I was shaking my head, trying to drown out his words.

"See you aren't Superboy anymore..." he grabbed the collar and pulled me back, "You're Superboy's dog! Come on girl...howl for me!"

He yanked at my collar again and I felt my shame and ego just crumble as his words took the legs out from under me. "Who are you?" He asked in my ear.

I wanted to say Superboy. I wanted to say Clark Kent. I wanted to say Kal-El...I wanted to say so many things...

Instead I raised my head to the sky and let out a mournful howl, "Arrhhooooo!!!"

"That's're just fucking slutty mutt who always wants..."

I felt his cock head push at my hole and my entire body relaxed as I anticipated his thrust.

"A fucking bone!" He pushed into me and I groaned as the pain of his thick cock tore my hole apart. Without my powers I felt all of the pain and humiliation of him forcing his way into me, and there was nothing I could do. I tried to get away but he pushed me down onto the ground, my face against the floor as my ass raised up to meet his cock.

"Yeah take that cock...take my supercock..." he screamed as he pounded me over and over. He grabbed my head and pulled my head up to look at the mirror across from us, "Look Clark, look at you get fucked by Superboy!"

I saw myself in the reflection, Clark Kent, getting fucked by Superboy...and loving it. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn't, I was transfixed watching myself get fucked. Superboy had no mercy for me, I was a hole to use and oh god did I want it. I had never imagined I'd see it, but there it was right in front of me.

Superboy raping his bitch.

"Come on boy, ride my supercock...scream for it...speak boy...speak!"

I began to bark as he fucked me, each one breaking my will that much more. I was humiliating myself, debasing myself just so he would fuck me. I wasn't the boy of steel, I wasn't anything, I was just Bash's whore, nothing more. As I thrust my hips back into him I began to cry, realizing everything I had thrown away just to be used as a slut, my reputation, my name...everything was gone. I had given it all away to be fucked on the floor of my own lab!

"Come on pup, howl for me, show me how much you love this," he snarled in my ear.

I kept howling until my throat was sore, I couldn't stop, I just kept watching myself get fucked by Superboy, and beg for more.

He pulled out and I barely caught the disappointed moan before it left my mouth. He walked back over to the chair and sat down, "Up boy...come on up."

I went to stand and he gave me a look, so I crawled over to him on all fours as he clapped his hand, calling me like the mutt I was. He patted his lap and I crawled up, marveling at how the suit made every single line of his body pop, I actually caught myself passing my hands over his chest as I straddled his lap.

"Beg Superboy to fuck you," he said once I was facing him.

I felt the sickness in my stomach as I realized there was still further to fall.

"Come on citizen," he said mocking my voice, "What can Superboy do for you?"

I closed my eyes, humiliated as I ever had been, this was too far, I couldn't do this. Worse I had no excuse, no pink K, no mind trick, just me, my own perverted wants making me debase myself over and over. I almost had summoned up the courage to tell Bash enough was enough when he took my hand and placed it over his throbbing cock.

"What is it you want citizen?" He asked again softly.

My hand automatically gripped it and I felt the hunger start to burn inside me again. It quickly consumed my shame and horror at what he was making me do and I opened my eyes, looking into his face as he waited for my answer. I heard a small voice in the back of my head scream as I blinked a few times and said.

"Please Superboy...please let me ride your cock."

"What?" He said shocked, "But I'm Superboy! I can't do that!"

"Yes you can," I said, my lust overtaking my mouth, "You can do it Superboy. You're so good and proper, don't you just want to let go? Don't you just want to throw it all away and finally do something for yourself?"

He froze, realizing what I was saying.

"Aren't you tired of the whole world relying on you? Don't you just wish it would all go away?" I pulled myself up and lowered myself to his cock, "Just let someone else take control, tell you what to do? Don't you..."

I felt his head breech my hole.

"...just once..."

I shuddered as I felt it press into me.

"...want someone else to rescue you?"

I pushed down and felt his massive tool fill my ass, the pleasure far outweighing the pain. I had my hands on his shoulders, feeling the cape under my fingers and another spark flares in my brain. "Please Superboy...oh god please...." I cried as I pulled myself up his length, "Please fuck me...use me...please..."

I felt his hands grasp my waist, "Yeah that's it...come on...ride my cock."

I did just that, slamming down as hard as I could before pulling myself up, feeling his dick abuse my tender ass mercilessly. He began to push me down as I fell, his hips rising up to slam even further into me. My eyes flew open as I felt him hit deep inside...

"Yeah so tight...such a good fuckdog...that what you are Clark? You my fuckdog? You gonna let Superboy fuck you whenever he wants? You gonna beg for more cock? Whine like a bitch until I mount you?"

"Oh god Superboy..." I cried out, losing control.

"Yeah you wanna be Superboy's fuckdog? That your dream? You wanna be my good boy? My good, good boy?"

"I'm your good boy! I am Superboy...please...oh harder..." I panted, feeling the sweat drip down my body as I rocked myself on his cock, my eyes glued to the symbol on his chest. Oh god Superboy was fucking me...I was Superboy's cunt...oh god more...fuck more...

He grabbed the collar and pulled my face closer to his, "That what you want bitch? You gonna be my full time fuckdog?"

I nodded, practically crying from the feelings his words were creating.

"You serve me now," he growled, "You belong to me...right? Who is your master?"

"YOU! OH FUCK YOU!" I screamed, feeling myself just lose it as I fucked myself harder and harder on him. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU SUPERBOY! PLEASE FUCK ME, PLEASE FUCK MY BOYPUSSY!"

"Bark for me Clark! Prove you love me!"

I was really slamming myself onto him as I began to let bark loudly, letting my master now how good he was making me feel. My head was thrown back as I rode him, I felt him pull the collar again and push my head to the side.

And he bit me.

I gasped as I felt his teeth press into my neck, and I knew he had just marked me. For the first time in my life my flesh bruised, and it was from my master claiming me as his property. It hurt so bad but the fact there was nothing I could to stop Superboy from marking me as his slut made my eyes roll back in my head and I began to shoot.


As I came he gnawed my neck, leaving hickie after hickie on my once invulnerable skin. My cock sprayed cum all over us as I felt him shudder and begin to shoot up into my pussy. He bit down even harder ad the pain, the vulnerability, it just made me insane. He broke contact and I grabbed his face and kissed him desperately. As he got me pregnant I kissed him like the weak and conquered bitch I was. There were no more lies, no more pretending.

I was Superboy's slut and I loved it

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