The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 9, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

I woke up exhausted.

It was a new experience since my super energy made me always awake and rested. But as I dragged myself out of bed I could feel real aches and pains as I yawned. I stretched, taking a long look at myself in the mirror. I was naked again, it seemed that whatever was happening to me, I disliked clothes more and more.

I still looked great. My body was still toned and fit. My stomach flat, my chest thing was still swinging low like normal. That reminded me, I needed to fix my cup before I put my uniform back on again. I couldn't have everyone seeing my huge bulge, I get enough looks already, not that I minded. I see the way that Whitney looks at Superboy and...

NO, stop. Think of something else.

I knelt down and looked under my bed and when I did felt something stir inside me. When I got down on all fours to look my thing began to get hard as I imagined...looking up and seeing K kid looking down at me. The collar pulls at my neck as he holds my leash. My tongue is hanging out and I'm the dog I...

NO! NO! Not again. I am done with that stuff! I fixed that last night, never again.

I grabbed the cup but my thoughts kept flashing back to my dream...imagining someone behind me, pounding...


I forced my thoughts to change as I stood up and worked the cup back into shape. I was going to need a new one soon, I was just getting too big for this...even now I was half hard, no way I could fit it in this one. I couldn't touch myself, that was just wrong. Last night was a one time thing, it was nasty to play with your thing, I had been taught better.

But even as I reminded myself I was a good boy, a very good boy. I could be the best boy...doing what someone says, following their orders... it got harder, larger...swelling...the desire to just grab it and...

"Clark! Breakfast!"


I mean shoot, dangit. What was wrong with me? I needed to get rid of this before I could change, if I walked downstairs with this, nothing I owned would prevent ma and pa from seeing it. But...I couldn't...

I had to, I didn't have a choice.

Closing my eyes I took hold of it, gasping slightly as I felt my hand grip it lightly. God this felt good...I wish it wasn't such a bad thing or I would do this all the time. I tried to imagine of a million things Lana, Lori, literally any girl in the universe, all things I had daydreamed about before. What was wrong? This had done it for me in the past, but no matter how good it felt...I could tell nothing was happening. As I jerked I could feel the ache in my butt...the hole...the empty...

I stopped, my raging hard on looking up at me, begging for release.

The moment the thought of what would solve this passed through my mind I shot it down. Instead I gripped my dick again and went at it. I thought about Lana, squealing, begging, screaming for me


Invulnerable or not, my thing was getting raw and I was no closer to shooting than when I woke up.

"Clark you up?"

Shit, shit, shit.

"Yeah, coming ma!" I called back down.

I needed release, now.

Throwing my uniform on I supersped to the cave, and grabbed a capeful of the pink K. using my hands I formed another...another...another dildo...I made it bigger this time and then collected more in the pockets of my cape. The cave was close to being emptied out, a quick scan of my X-Ray vision showed more embedded in the stone walls. I was going to have to come back and dig them out...

NO! This was the last time.

I flew back to the lab and threw my uniform off. Ma wouldn't come down looking for me, which gave me time. Taking the newly formed dildo I placed it on the ground and then slowly pushed myself down on it. The feeling of the smooth head breaching my hole made me moan as my cock began to weep.

"Oh yeah..." I sighed as I began to stoke myself, moving up and down on the thick rod. God this felt incredible...the feeling of it penetrating me, making me weak, making me submissive... I tried to think of Lana again but all I could focus on was getting fucked. Her image faded and instead of Lana I saw Whitney...his muscled body under me as I rode his cock...him telling me to jock myself on him, calling me names...saying I was a pussy...holding me down so he could fuck me...

Just like that my cock erupted, tossing cum all over my smooth chest and tongue licking a lot of it off before I could stop myself. I laid there, panting...the taste of my own cum on my tongue...I had cleaned it up, licked myself clean like a eyes darted over to where Krypto's stuff was stored but I instantly looked away. That was a cray dream, no. Come on Clark, get a hold of yourself!

The pink K hadn't evaporated like before, it was still lodged in me. I thought about pulling it out but I knew sooner or later the ache would come back and I would become completely distracted at school. Instead I decided to leave it there, the heat and friction had shrunk it some so now it was like a plug, it should keep my pervert thoughts locked up for now.

I dashed upstairs, replaced my cup under my uniform and then dressed for school. Making sure there was no indication of what I had in me, I went downstairs, each step moving it slightly, making me warm all over.

"Morning ma!" I said sitting down, the impact making a small earthquake move through me.

"Well there you are! " she exclaimed, "I thought you were on a hunger strike."

She placed a plate of flapjacks in front of me and I licked my lips, "No ma'am, I am present and accounted for!"

I ate them down quickly, the good mood I was in making them taste even better. I almost asked for seconds when I saw the time.

"Oh gosh!" I said standing up, "I'm gonna be late!"

Ma looked at the clock, "Well go on boy! Hurry!"

I grabbed my backpack and took off, the running sent millions of shocks through me, making me shudder with pleasure. It took me a few more seconds than normal, but I didn't mind, it gave me more time to enjoy the sensation of the plug moving around in me. By the time I got to school the warmness was everywhere and I was feeling great! I walked over to Pete and Lana.

"Hey guys!" I said waving.

"CK!" Pete said with a smile, he put his arm around me and I had to resist the urge to lean into him I quickly took a step away.

Lana just glared at me, "Clark."

"Aw come on Lana, you can't still be mad at me."

She huffed but I knew she was just playing around.

"You seem like you're in a good mood," Pete observed.

"I am!" I admitted, "I feel like a million bucks!"

"More like queer as a three dollar bill," Bash said, shoving me from behind.

I fell to the ground, the impact moving through my hands. I had felt that! Not a lot, but I had. The pink K was inside of me...darn I hadn't considered that! I got up and turned to face Bash and his friends...and there was that scent again coming from him. It was slightly musty, the urge to just bury my face in his pits was overwhelming...I felt my knees buckle slightly as it hit me but I forced it out of my head. Why was I being so disgusting! What was the pink K doing to me?

"What's your deal Bash? Why you so hacked?"

He took a step towards me and I held my breath so I couldn't smell him.

"You're a flake! I'm tired of you Kent...don't make me smash you!"

Out of nowhere my x-ray vision kicked in and I could see under his clothes! He had a nice chest, his muscular arms were so big...I felt my mouth go dry and forced myself not to look down.

Instead I pushed him back, shaking my head to turn my power off, "And I'm sick of you being a bully!"

What the what? The words had just spilled out of my mouth as he pinwheeled back. I had really pushed him, but he barely had moved anywhere! All I had done was knock him down, this wasn't right! I needed to get a hold of myself.

"You're dead Kent!" He said raging at me, "After school I'm gonna beat your panty waist down!"

There was such a thrill in his statement I could feel my mind melting, getting turned on. I shook my head and said "Don't get all unglued on me Bash!"

"Three o clock, front lawn, Be there or admit you're a chicken!"

"He'll be there!" Lana said from behind me. I turned and looked at her, "Right Clark? You aren't a chicken."

"Heck no he isn't," Pete answered for me, "Clark will be there Bash, count on it." Again Pete out his arm around me and I could smell him too, my head was getting all fogged up and I remembered the vision I had of him naked...his big pecker hanging mouth watering...

I looked at Pete and stepped aside, wondering what the heck was going on.

"Take care of your affairs Kent, cause you die at 3."

They walked off laughing and the crowd that had assembled to watch the argument dispersed, leaving Lana, me and Pete.

"What was that?" I asked Pete.

"What? Come on Clark, all he does is pick on you. Stand up to him."

"Yeah Clark, prove you're a real man," Lana threw in, and I knew I had to show up now.

The bell rang and we all walked to our classes, leaving me wondering how I was going to get out of this.

The whole day I could only think about my fight with Bash and the hunk of pink K up my butt. All through the day I would move and feel it shift slightly, sending chill up my spine and new rush of warmth that made me smile as I felt my head get fuzzy. I kept finding my thoughts drifting off, my x ray vision scoping the guys out. I was stronger than all of them combined but with the pink K I was so weak...they could force me down, make me do anything they wanted! As I imagined all the dirty, little things they'd make me do the warmth kept moving through my body, making me even more worked up.

Then I would remember I had to find a way to get out of fighting Bash, least I slip and actually hurt him! I was just too strong for normal people, I couldn't get into after school fights. I suppose I could just pretend to be afraid and beg him not to, but the whole school heard about the fight, I don't know if I could handle everyone seeing me beg.

Even though the desire to beg Bash was strong, way too strong.

At lunch I sat with Pete and Lana, they said they were looking forward to seeing me stand up to Bash for once. I was noticing that Pete liked to touch me a lot, he was always nudging me, putting his arm around me. Normally I didn't even register this but now...every time I felt him my desire to touch him back grew. I tried to remain focused and keep my hands to myself, but he was making it hard. A lot of other kids came by to say they were hoping I'd win too, which meant that word had spread to everyone now. Gosh, this was bad!

I could always just leave, ma and pa would handle it with the school, but I would still look like a fraidy cat in front of all the guys. I was stuck. When school let out I had no choice, I walked to the front of the school to get it over with.

Wow! There were tons of people here, it looked like all of Smallville showed up to watch. Well now I didn't have a choice, I was going to have to clobber Bash once and for all. I would just have to be careful, I was so much stronger than him it wasn't a fair fight. Maybe I could use my super speed to make it look like I won by accident. Just move out of his way, use super breath to make him trip...

As the crowed parted to show Bash and his friends, I had come up with a decent plan to save face and to make sure Bash got what was coming to him.

"You showed up," he said with a sneer, "Didn't think you would."

I put my books down, "You don't scare me Bash."

He took his letterman jacket off and tossed it aside, his arms were huge! Of course he wasn't stronger than me but he looked it. Because of my powers it made it hard to build muscle, I just didn't need it. But looking at his body, thick and bulky...stop it lark. Focus up.

Bash grinned at me, "You should be four eyes."

If he only knew these glasses were a disguise...Pete was right, it was time Bash was put in his place.

"Fine, I'll let you have the first shot," I said boldly, knowing he couldn't hurt me.

Everyone seemed shocked, even Bash.

"You want it to be over that fast?" He asked walking over, "Fine by me. Say goodbye geek."

I put my hands to my waist and stuck my chest out, this should be fun.

He reared back and I waited for him to scream...

I felt the air leave my lungs as he punched me in the stomach, harder than I had ever been hit. I fell back while everyone bust out laughing. My butt hit the ground and I felt the pink K flash...oh no...what had it done?

Bash didn't waste anytime in jumping on me, his hands coming down around my face.

"Not so superior now are you Clark?" He said hitting me, each blow impacting me, not really hurting but startling me that I could feel them. Was I really on my back getting beat up by a normal kid? Was Superboy really being held down by Bash?

I brought my hands up to protect my face and he hit my stomach again, he was straddling my waist as people cheered him on. I felt the shame of being beaten in front of everyone, but even that was somehow arousing to me.

"Come on Kent, fight back!"

He hit me again and again, I glanced over and saw Pete and Lana watching...watching me get pummeled by a normal guy on the school's front lawn...every time he raised his arm I could smell him again. I couldn't fight back, I didn't understand. Then out of nowhere my super speed kicked in and he was in slow motion. I laid there for what felt like minutes, just smelling him, feeling him on top of me, why were my powers being like this? And just like that time returned to normal and he hit me again.

I felt another wave of warmth and my thing began to stir.

Oh god! No, not here...not in front of everyone.

I tried to push Bash off and had enough strength to throw him to the side. I turned and scrambled away. But he caught my legs and pulled me back. Without a second's hesitation he jumped onto my back, his whole weight on me.

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it back "Where you going Clarky? We aren't done!" His voice was like a growl, and it affected me. Even as I was fighting to get away...part of me was so turned on by it..

He smashed my face into the grass as he bore down on me, I imagined I could feel his hard dick grinding up against my ass. The warmth was shooting through my body, making my dick throb as my hips pushed back up into him. He thought I was just trying to get away...but I was humping myself against him...

In front of everyone!

Now I really tried to get up but he slammed me back down, "Nu uh, we aren't done." He said, pushing me back down. Oh god my back was arching as I tried to grind my ass up into felt like he was mounting me in front of the whole school...and I was loving it.


I turned around until I was facing up at him, "Dangit Bash!" I growled.

He grabbed my hands and held me down, his face right over me, "What's wrong Clark? Never fought a real man?"

His hips were moving over my dick and I shuddered as I felt myself want to give in badly. I was struggling but he held me down easily, where as my strength? I grit my teeth and tried to get him off me but all I did was push my hardness up into him.

He slammed my hands back down to the ground and brought his face down, right on top of me, "Ohh...feels like Clark likes this."

It was just above a whisper, only I could hear but he pushed back against my hardness and I felt my eyes flutter in response.

"Is that is Clark?" He whispered, "You liking this?" He was now rocking his hips, so slightly all it looked like was we were struggling, but he was slowly rubbing me off, a small moan escaped my mouth as his smile got wide.

"Get him Clark!" Lana screamed.

"Oh he can't," Bash answered her, never taking his eyes off of mine, "Can you Clark?"

Something inside of me cringed as I realized I couldn't. My powers had deserted me, I was stuck...but there was a smaller voice, one so deep inside I could barely hear it. Asking me if I had them, would I use them?

He then jumped up slightly and then pushed back down on me.

"Whoa, trying to get away Clarky?"

I hadn't done anything, but he kept moving up and down over me, making it look like he was fighting with me but all he was doing was rubbing my cock in front of the whole school.

"Oh god...." I groaned, feeling my cock throb.

"Yeah, admit it Clark, admit you're beat."

He was thrashing harder and faster, my dick was leaking everywhere and I felt my mind start to whirl as I felt myself getting closer. As he kept moving he worked up a sweat, the scent filling my nostrils, overpowering my common sense. I was forgetting where I was, or just not caring. All I was feeling was pleasure and the desire to be dominated...

"Please Bash," I begged, "Please..."

He laughed, knowing what I was begging him for.

"Come on Kent..admit it...admit I'm better."

I thrashed my head back and forth as I felt my hips push up, meeting his thrusts as I felt myself start to lose control.

"Bash....please Bash..." I called out.

"Admit it Kent," he said, grinding down harder, "Who is better?"

I felt my balls tingle and just like that he slammed me down and I felt the last of the pink K melt into my ass.

My cock exploded in my pants as I screamed, "You Bash, you're the better man...oh god you..."

Cum washed all over myself as I shuddered under him, thank god I was wearing my uniform under it or the whole front of my slacks would have been covered in cum. I shook for a few seconds and then collapsed under Bash.

He smiled over me, "See? How hard was that?" He asked as he got up.

People booed him as he raised his hands in victory.

Pete and Lana rushed over to help me up, but I was horrified. I had just cum in front of the whole school! Oh my god what was wrong with me? Pete helped me up, brushing the grass off of my pants.

"It's ok Clark, you tried."

His hands were everywhere, even though he wasn't trying, he was turning me on too! I half pushed him away, "I'm ok."

"Learned your lesson Clark?" Bash asked.

I felt myself want to give in to him and panicked, I grabbed my books and ran off, more than a few people laughing as I fled.

Once I was out of sight I went to super speed and rushed back to the farm. Running up to my room I threw my uniform off, the wet cum smeared everywhere. I stared at myself, berating my own image for letting Bash hold me down. I was a hand reached down and scooped some of my mess off...I watched in horror as I brought my fingers up to my lips and licked them clean. Once I started I couldn't stop, I cleaned myself completely, feeling like I wanted to cry. Once I was done I turned and then threw myself on the bed and buried my face in my pillow.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I must have passed out because the next thing I knew someone was knocking on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked, sitting up.

The door opened and ma was standing there with Bash, "Clark, your friend from school is here."

I froze, not sure what to say.

"Hey Clark, invite me in?" He asked.

"No," I said, completely stunned.

"Clark Kent!" Ma snapped, "Remember your manners," to Bash she said, "Go right in,"

Bash nodded and walked into my room. Before he could look around I used my super breath to push my uniform under my bed.

"I'm headed over to the Potter's real quick," she told me, "Your pa is still out in the field. You boys play nice."

She closed the door, leaving me alone with him.

"Nice room," he said looking around, "For a fairy."

Here in my room he seemed massive. He was so big, so muscular, much more. I wish I looked like him, but my powers just wouldn't allow it. I couldn't exert myself to build muscle mass, but Bash could, and it showed. It took me a second to respond what he said.

"I'm not a fairy," I shot back.

He looked over at me and arched one eyebrow, "You sure about that? Sure felt like you were one today."

"What do you want Bash?"

He moved over to the bed, "Watch your mouth fruitcake," he said raising a hand, a thrill moved through me that I pushed down quickly, "I already beat your ass in front of everyone, you want me to tell them what I felt while I was doing it?"

Oh god, bad enough he humiliated me in front of everyone I knew, but if they found out the pervert the pink K was making me...

In a much more subdued tone I asked, "What do you want Bash?"

He smiled, "Want? I wanna finished what we started."

I looked confused.

"I felt you go," he said, unbuttoning his pants, "My turn."

My eyes grew wide as he opened his jeans and fished out his hard penis. It was thick and hairy, he had a good sized head and the smell that came off him nearly bowled me over. My eyes were glued to it as I saw his precum gleam in the light.

"Come on fairy...get to work."

Oh gosh, I couldn't, no way...I couldn't let some normal boy make me...

He reached over and grabbed my hair, "I said get to work."

He pushed me towards his dick and I was horrified to find my mouth open and take him into me. I hated this, but the instant I tasted it I knew I couldn't stop. It was like there was something in his DNA, making me want to service him, making me submit...but it was the pink K, it had to be.

"Oh there we go," he sighed as my tongue slowly swirled around his hardness, "Oh damn're good."

There was an echo of the chief calling me a good boy and I moaned around his prick. He ran a hand through my hair as he guided my mouth over his shaft, though I fought it, my tongue worshipped his cock, making to cover every inch of him with my spit, tasting his precum, savoring it...

"Yeah that's it Clarky," he said softly, "You gonna be good?"

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and I looked up at him.

"Are you?"

I nodded, drool falling from my mouth.

He kicked his shoes off and took his jeans all the way off. He threw his shirt in the corner and he climbed on my bed. Spreading his legs and he looked at me, "Well come on, show me how bad you want this."

He looked so big, laying there, every uncle he had on display. It was so hot but I couldn't look away from his cock. It was like a cobra that had hypnotized me and I screamed at myself not to, but I felt myself crawl across my bed and start to suck on his dick like it was an all day sucker from Mr Johnson's general store. I held the base with one hand as I licked up and down, every time he produced precum I hungrily licked it off, swallowing every drop of him.

"Yeah, always knew there was something about you Kent," he sad, playing with my hair, "Something about you never quite added up, now it makes sense."

I ignored his words, completely obsessed with his hard dick. It was so big, not as big as mine, but bigger than most boys. It reeked of him, that smell I had been denying, it was coming from the musk of his ballsweat and as I licked I didn't just smell it, I tasted it savored it.

Oh god I felt like I was drunk!

"Yeah you like that Clarky? You like my dick?"

I looked up at him and gave him a goofy smile, the warmness moving through my body was like being stoned on pink K. The last of it must still be in my system. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, his mouth met mine and the next thing I knew we were kissing! He was so aggressive his tongue was all over my mouth, and I just let him. I moaned as he kissed me like a girl, making it clear who was in charge.

Oh god this was so hot...

He pulled me up until I was straddling over him, kissing him savagely. He moved my head aside and began to chew on my neck, I groaned at the thought he might be marking me, letting people know he had me. Jesus I had to stop...had to get away from this. This wasn't me...I was Superboy! Not some guy's prom date...

He stopped kissing me and looked down at me and smiled, "You're really into this," he said more than asked, "Look at how hot my bitch is," I felt my face redden, "I really thought you might beat me today =, but you know what? I think you wanted me to win. You didn't even try to fight back. Is that it? Did you want me to win? Did you want me to beat you?"

I felt myself shudder as I realized I didn't know the answer.

"Is this what you wanted? Was it?" He got close to my face and said, "Come on Clarky, help me get off."

I didn't know what he meant, I was ready to suck his dick again when I felt his hips move, and his hard dick slide through the cheeks of my ass. I was horrified but my body shook as I closed my eyes and pushed back. He without a word he slid his dick up and down the valley of my ass, my body pushing back with every move. My hole twitching...

He finally moved up some and I felt his tip touch my hole.

My eyes flew open and he just looked at me with a grin, "Come on me what you got."

He pushed my shoulders back as he sat me down on his cock. I wanted to fight him but couldn't as I felt him push into me, a whimper rising from my mouth as he filled me up. My mind was struggling, trying to find the will to fight, but I was defeated. Bash had already beaten me, all he was doing was claiming his prize...the thought of being someone's prize made me shiver...

"Yeah that's it...come on baby..." he said softly...I heard myself practically purr as I pushed back, feeling him violate me in the more intimate way...

"GET UP! YOU'RE SUPERBOY! YOU CAN'T GET FUCKED!"my mind screamed as I felt him bottom out into me. I wiggled my ass over his hardness, feeling him making my hole twitch.

"Oh there it is," he said his hands on the sides of my hips, "That feel good sweetie? You like that?"

I just nodded, looking down at my raging hard cock, a drop of precum falling down my shaft.

"Look at that," he said impressed, he gripped my cock and I moaned, "Look at the dick god gave you."

He slowly began to stroke me, making me whine and beg him.

"Why would he waste such a cock on you Clark..." he said as he jerked me off, "Why when you have such a tight pussy?"

He thrust up and felt him slam into me, my eyes shot open, my mouth open in shock as a huge glob of precum squirted out of my slit.

His hand went back to my waist as he slowly began to fuck me, his cock sliding in and out of my ass like it was made to.

"Yeah come on Kent, ride that cock, show your man how much you love it."

I bit my bottom lip from calling his name out, all I could do was hang on to my sanity as I felt myself push back onto him. My hands went to his shoulders as I slammed back into his thrusts, fucking myself even more on him.

"Yeah look at you," he said as I arched my back, really getting into it, "Come on Kent...ride that meat...make your man happy."

Oh god please...this can't be happening. I can't be riding Bash's cock in my own room! I was still asleep or this was some fever dream. No way...I couldn't doing way I would call out...

"Oh fuck Bash...please..."

"Yeah? You want more baby?"

I nodded as I pushed back harder, "Oh god...Bash...fuck me...please...fuck me..."

He pulled me down on to his cock with a purpose, "Come on girl, ride my cock...come it...fucking cunt...ride it..." One one level his cock was hurting me, the ache in my ass was intense, but even the pain felt good. Oh god he was being so rough...just manhandling me. He was bouncing me up and don on him like I was a rag doll...and I loved it. He kept calling me his girl...saying he was fucking my cunt...oh shit...the more he did it the more I wanted it until finally...

"Please fuck me Bash...fuck your girl...."

"Yeah that's it...come on my good girl? You gonna be my good girl?"

My brain snapped.

"I'm your good girl...I'll be a good girl...please Bash...please..."

"Yeah take it...." He said, bring his knees up to add more thrust. I felt like I was a little kid playing horsy on someone's knee, expect I was being fucked and begging for more.

"Oh Bash...fuck...please're so good....

"Yeah you like my cock...come on Kent,....beg for it..."

"Bash...your cock...feels so good..."

"Where? Where does it feel good?"

"My my ass..."

He slapped my ass, "Pussy, you have a pussy Kent."

I felt my mind resist it but he spanked me again and I felt it start to bend. Every slap broke me a little more, the belief that I was Superboy and I was too good for this cracking. With each red handprint he left on my smooth ass, I felt my brain giving up, defected, exhausted...just begging me to give in.

"Say it, tell me what you have..."

By the fifth slap I couldn't help myself, "My pussy Bash...oh fuck my super pussy...make me your bitch...please..."

"Yeah, fucking fag.take it..."

"Oh god...oh god... I chanted, "I'm close..."

"Me too," he roared, "Gonna breed gonna have my babies Kent? You gonna let me knock you up?"

God the shame...

"Please Bash...please shoot in me...please...fuck...fuck..."

My cock shot untouched again, warm cum shooting up across both of our chests and faces. I felt him shoot in me and the shame I was letting another boy breed me, willingly....oh god it felt so good.

"Oh yeah...more...fuck Bash...I can feel you...please breed me....please..."

He kept thrusting up into me, making sure each drop of his cum was forced into my super cunt. My body was shaking as he fucked the last of his load into me. When he was done he fell back onto my bed, covered in sweat and my cum.

We both sat there, breathing heavy, dazed from our orgasm.

Finally he slapped my face, shocking me back to the now.

"What the fuck!" He pointed at his chest, "Clean it!"

I wasn't high now, I was just me...horrified at what I had just allowed...what the pink k had made happen.

"Now!" He growled.

Slowly I leaned down, and meekly began to lap my own cum off his I was a bad dog...a bad bad dog...

Oh god what had I done?

Next: Chapter 6

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