The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 5, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

I led the chief back to the cave, my mind was so dazed, so fogged up...the memories of what had just happened to me echoed through my mind and the shame and horror of what Whitey had made me do...

Oh no there goes my thing again.

"Your stuff is in there?" he asked, looking up at the cave.

"Yes sir," I said, trying to cover my thing with my hands. It was useless, it was just too big when it was hard, if anything all I was doing was drawing attention to it.

Chief Cushing chuckled, "Something about this exciting you son?"

I shook my head, the shame making me even more turned on.

"Your meat seems to think otherwise..."

"Yes sir," I said miserably, waking him up to the cave entrance.

We walked in and he pulled out his flashlight, moving it around the small room.

"More Indian stuff, lovely," he muttered under his breath, kneeling down at picking up a piece of pink K, "And what's this?"

I saw him holding the rock and panicked, I moved to knock it out of his hand and he moved it aside easily, something he should have never been able to do with my real speed.

"I asked what was this?" his voice got stern, looking down at me.

I jumped for it again and he shook his head, "STOP!"

His voice caused me to freeze in my tracks, the thrill of his command made my thing leak some...and looked down with arched eyebrows.

"You know what you've always needed Kent?" he asked, putting the shard in his pocket, "Discipline."

I had no idea what he was talking about until he grabbed me and threw me over his knee, I tried to struggle but once again I was just a normal boy...helpless...powerless...under someone else's control.

A small moan escaped my lips as the humiliation of the moment made my dick throb, the feeling of helplessness starting to turn me on again.

"Your pa is too light on you," he said sternly, "Should have done this to you a long time ago."

His hand came down on my bare ass with a slap and my whole body shook. It hurt! "No!' I called out, shocked from the pain, "You can't..."

And he did it again and more pain!

"You earned this!" he said, spanking me again.

The pain was like a shock that was moving right to my dick! He was hurting me, I was...I was...oh god he was hurting me!

Again and again his hand came down...each one sending dark shooting down into my brain. Oh god...this hurt! I was in pain...but...but...I couldn't stop him. Oh why was my thing so hard cause of it.

The pain, the shock, all of entire brain was salivating as he spanked me again and again. Each impact on my ass hurt, but also shot a thrill of being held down, punished, dick was leaking with each shot, I was moaning now, my entire body thrashing around as he sped up, slapping me again and again and again.

"What's that I feel Kent?" he asked, talking about my hard dick, sliding down his thigh...

"You like this?"

"No sir!" I cried out.

"LIAR!" he called out, slapping me harder. "You walk around, thinking you're the bee's knees..." he said, each word followed by a spank, "You think we don't see it? The way you look down on everyone? Thinking you're so special..."

"I'M SORRY!" I screamed, my ass warmed by his hand, "I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT ANY MORE!"

"You've been a bad boy bad!"

'PLEASE!! I'LL BE GOOD...." my dick was throbbing, it felt like my butt was arching up to meet his slaps.

"PROMISE?" he asked, me giving me three hard last spanks.


He stopped, I felt like I was ready to shoot...I was covered in sweat, my mind swimming in lust. I shouldn't be here, not in this cave...the crystals...

"I don't want to do that again," he said, his hand moving over the smooth surface of my firm ass. "You're not going to make me right?"

I shook my head, my back arching in response, "No sir..." His touch was sending shivers through me, I had never been spanked before, never been held down and disciplined...the way my mind was reacting...the fog...oh gosh did I like it!

"You want to be my good boy Clark?" he asked, his rough hand moving over my ass slowly.

I wanted to resit again, I was Superboy! I can't just give in to him...

"No! I'm not..."

His hand came down hard again and I felt my cock throb, "ARE YOU A GOOD BOY?"

"" each slap making me more and more turned on...

"Answer me!"

Something in me cracked and I felt my resolve vanish...

"I do sir..." I begged, the hunger in my voice was humiliating.

"I want you to be too," he said in a husky voice, his hands spreading my cheeks part.

"Oh no..." I exclaimed, as I felt my hole exposed to air, "Please sir...not there..." I begged, my body still grinding itself against his lap against my will.

"Shhhh," he said quietly, " I know how to make your pussy feel better."

My eyes grew wide, "I don't have a p-p...a pussy!"

Saying the word alone felt like it was a betrayal of something.

"All boys do," he said, still whispering, "They're just...hidden..." his tip of his finer touched my hole and I gasped in shock.

"NO!" I screamed, the fear making me pucker up.

"You need to relax Clark," he insisted, "You wanna get spanked again?"

The thought of this man spanking me again, holding me down, doing what he wanted...oh god my thing throbbed against his leg again and I felt the tip of his finger slip in slightly.

"Oh no...please...oh gosh..." I said, my head hanging down as I tensed up again.

"Clark, you're being a bad boy."

"I know..." I whined...why was I acting like this? My head was so...

"Relax," he said again, trying to push farther into me.

But my hole wouldn't comply, my body wouldn't relent.

"I can't sir...I just can't!!"

"We'll see about that," he said, taking me off his lap and laying me on my stomach, he pulled my butt up and I wanted to run away so bad...but parted me of wanted this...needed this...

I felt a warmness at my hole and I gasped as I felt his tongue lick around my tight hole.

"Come on that boypussy for me."

"B-but...but I don't have a....ooohhhhh....." I moaned as I felt his tongue move over my hole.

"Open up for me Clark...." he said between licks...and my body shook with the new sensations. But again my body wouldn't let hole kept itself tight as I pushed back onto his mouth unconsciously.

"Fine," he said in an angry tone, "Let's see if this helps..."

I didn't know what he meant until I felt something hard press against my hole, I looked back and saw he had a piece of pink K and was pressing it into my hole!

"Oh please sir don't..." I began to plead as I felt it slip into me...and then a warmth that told me it was melting like it had before. The warmth moved up my ass and then entire body began to shake as my dick got harder than ever.

"Ohhhhh...." I whimpered as I felt my ass began to flutter open and close as the warmth began to rise.

"There we go," he said, his tongue easily pushing into me. My toes curled as I felt him penetrate me, the pink K made me powerless, even my body's instinct was gone. I felt myself relax, allowing his tongue to touch me in places I never imagined I had. My back was arched, my ass was pushing back as I mewled like a cat in heat.

"Ohhh....oohhhh please..." I whimpered, not sure if I was begging him to stop or keep going.

My legs were spread as he held my cheeks apart, eating me out like I was a cheerleader or something! I was pounding the cave floor as his mouth drew moan after moan out of me. I wanted him to stop, I was Superboy, I couldn't be in a position like this! But oh my god did it feel so good...

He paused for a moment, "Pull your cheeks apart Clark, be a good boy and show me your boypussy."

"B-but..." I stammered, as my hands moved back, my face against the stone floor, "Don't have..." I felt myself spread my cheeks... "a...a..."

Showing him my wet and aching boypussy.

"Good boy," he said and I felt my body shake with the praise.

He was deep in me, I had never felt like this before. So full, so helpless, so...vulnerable. His tongue wormed his way around, nudging my walls, each touch a shock of erotic energy that made me even more and more drunk.

I was pushing back onto his face as hard as I could, trying to force as much of his tongue into me as I could. I had dreamed about this, of course I was the one doing it. Laying Lana back, using my super tongue to bring her off, in my darkest fantasies, the places I never talked about...but here I was the girl, I was the one spread my ass so I could be teased and used.

The sounds coming from my mouth were obscene, I was begging and pleading and just crying for more. They weren't words, I wasn't that coherent, just needful sounds that enimated deep in my

My boypussy.

My head thrashed back and forth as my mind surrendered to the fact I had a pussy, a tight, gaping, greedy little boypussy that was filled with man tongue...and wanted more. When he stopped I looked back with wide eyes, silently begging for more. He just smiled and sat back on the stone where he had spanked me, and patted his lap.

I scrambled to my feet, kicking pink K crystals everywhere as I climbed up onto his lap, facing him.

"You gonna be my good boy Clark?" he asked, his face dangerously close to mine.

I nodded, not knowing how to respond verbally.

He leaned in, his mouth closing over mine, that tongue slipping into my mouth. I had never once thought of kissing another boy before, the very concept would have made me ill. But as he french kissed me I felt myself kissing him back, like with Bash, there was a scent coming off of him, part cologne, part sweat, very made me dizzy as I clumsily kissed him back. I had never really kissed anyone like this before, dreamt about it sure, but never actually did it.

But here I was, naked, on the chief's lap, making out with him as his hand slipped under my ass, one lone finger finding

I felt him shove one finger up my boypussy and I gasped as my whole body hummed.

"So tight..." he whispered in my ear, "So tight and warm..."

"Oohhhh...." I moaned as I squirmed around on his hand as he kept digging his finger up my hole.

"You like that baby?"

I nodded, my breathing coming out rough as I held on to his shoulders, feeling him tickle me in a place I would have never wanted in my life. But as he got past the second knuckle and then crooked it, I let out a whimper as he touched something inside of me, causing flashes if light to explode behind my eyes.

"Ooohhhh...yes sir...yes sir....oh god..." I panted.

"You feel my up in your pussy? You feel me?"

"Yes sir," I said quickly, "Yes sir..."

"This is what I was saying..." he said, his finger still causing me to buck in reaction, "You have a boypussy and this is your clit..."

To make his point he moved his knuckle again and I threw my head back as my oversized cock wept all over my stomach.

"If you're a good boy, I'll do this to you all the time. You want that Clark? You wanna be my good boy?"

I was slamming my hips back down onto his finger as I cried out, "Oh god sir...yes...yes....I'm a good boy...please..."

"Ok hold on," he said, slipping the finger out, causing me to moan in disappointment. "Deep breath." he commanded.

I took a deep breath and felt two fingers move into my hole, the sharp pain drowned out by the warmth of the pink K that was still moving through my ass. Stretched even more, my hole was humming in excitement as he pushed my walls aside with this thick, man sized fingers, once he was fully in he crooked his fingers again.

"OH FUCK!" I screamed as I felt his fingers smash against my I was a boy...I was...oh god he was rubbing it...

"Language," he said chuckling, "Only whores use that kind of language, you a whore Clark? You my little whore?"

My ass was clenching down around his fingers, the moans coming from my mouth sounded like those that would come from a hooker! I was riding his fingers up and down hard now, my arms around his shoulders as I fucked myself on his hand hard.

He shoved hard into me and asked again, "You wanna me my little whore?"

My mind seized up again, I was Superboy! I couldn't be someone's whore, not me! This was wrong, this was dirty...there is no way I could allow this to happen. I tried to muster my superwill, I needed to stop this...get away...

His fingers crooked again, and my head spun...but I wasn't Superboy right now...I was Clark...I was Clark Kent and...oh god I wanted it do bad...

"Gonna be my whore Kent?"

And I felt another part of my ego crumble, "I'll be a good whore....oh please sir..." the words just spilled out of my mouth unbidden, the shame of what I was saying bring more waves of sex through my frame as the pink K kept warping my brain.

Another chuckle and he slipped his fingers out and quickly replaced them with three, the pain too much for even the pink K, cause me to moan in protest...even as I felt my pussy quiver around them. I closed my eyes as he pressed all three deeper into me, the pain itself becoming a pleasure as I felt my hard dick hiccup more precum onto my flat stomach.

When he was fully in me he paused, and I sat here, feeling as full as I ever had before.

"Good boy," he praised me, his other hand rubbing the small of my back, "Such a good pussy boy."

I looked up at him, shocked he would call me that, I felt like I was crying I was feeling so much pleasure. Our eyes locked, "You gonna be my pussy boy Clark?"

I felt my ego struggle with the words, the last of my superwill trying to hold on to as much as the real me as I could. When he saw me hesitate he curled his fingers, all three fingers crooked into my my my pussy...oh fuck....oh god...

"I'M YOUR PUSSY BOY!" I called out as I felt the last dredges of my self respect burn up in the lust my pussy was creating. I was shoving myself down onto his hand, making his whole finger breech my tight little hole, as I felt myself start to lose all rational.

"Come on Clark...fuck your pussy on my hand..."

I did just that, following his orders my hips came down on his hand, the thickness of his digits forcing my virgin ass open more and more. Even as I did this I knew I wanted more, so much more. If he had pulled his dick out I would have straddled his lap and shoved it into me in a second. Even as I rode him, and felt my cock get more and more excited, I knew that this would never be enough for me again. Even as I got closer and closer, something in my mind, some part of me being driven crazy by the pink K, wanted much more.

As I fucked his hand his other hand moved around my throat, my eyes went wide as I felt him slowly start to squeeze, "No more cocky Clark, no more superior Clark..." I couldn't breathe now, my hands went to move his but I didn't have the strength! I was helpless again, he was choking me, while he finger fucked me he was choking me like I was just another normal punk kid. I was at his mercy...oh god my whole mind was on fire now.

"No sir..."I croaked...using up precious air in agreeing with him.

"Next time you're gonna ride my cock right?"

Another frantic nod, "Yes sir...please sir..."

"Be my good boy me how much you love this..."

My eyes rolled back as my cock began to shoot everywhere, thick streams of kryptonian cum went everywhere. My pussy clenched down on his fingers as my legs shook in response.

"FUCK ME...PLEASE SIR....FUCK ME..." I yelled out, feeling my brain light itself on fire from the sexual sensations moving through my once virgin ass. As I shook on his hands, sweat falling off of me, he moved his face aside, showing a thick glob of my mess on his cheek.

"Clean up after yourself like a good boy."

I leaned in, and began to lick my own cum off of him, moving over his whole face, getting each burst of my own seed I had spilled. I moved down to the front of his uniform and then began to scoop it off my own hairless chest, eating as much of my own orgasm as I could.

"Good boy," he whispered in my ear, slipping his fingers free of me.

I fell to the ground, my whole body shaking from my orgasm, no strength in my body at all.

"Ok," he said standing up, "Good talk Clark...I assume you can get back to town?"

I was on all fours, looking down, "Yes sir."

"Good," he knelt down, "Next time I'll let you ride my cock."

The thought made me sick...even as my cock twitched from it.

"Thank you sir," fell out of my mouth before I could stop it, "I'd like that."

He slapped my ass, making me moan despite my best efforts, "See you around...boy."

Once he walked out my strength fled, and I fell flat against the cave boypussy still twitching...aching for more...

Next: Chapter 4

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