The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 28, 2021


They were driving up to the entrance of Worth's house, and butch began to feel a pit in his stomach. What had he done? Did he want to go back, and if he did, could he? He felt the cuffs around his wrists. How many times had he put cuffs on a man's wrists? Had he ever gotten hard, or even aroused by it? Never. Now, if he moved and he felt the metal, or heard the "clink," he aggravated his already aggrieved dick. "You looking forward to my bed, stud?" Adam patted butch's thigh. "I'm looking forward to having you in there every freakin night - unless I share you with Jason. " He laughed. "Or even Shelley. You know I bought her a strap on: even bigger than my cock." butch didn't know what to say: EVERY night with Adam? SHARE with Jason? STRAP ON for Shelley. He pulled at the handcuffs, not realizing that he did. As Adam parked, he commented to butch. "No turning back now, stud. Submission is submission. You gave up, and I gave you a chance that you turned down. And now, this is it." "I know Sir, I know. But... with everything else... sharing and .. a strap on." "Deal with it butch. If you were a dog, you'd have to deal with changes, and you'd get punished if you didn't. And in a lot of ways, stud... you have to start thinking of yourself as my dog." Adam laughed. "I mean, you LIKE taking cock doggie style. Maybe even tonight..." He got out of the car, and then went over to butch's door to let him out. "Jason's gonna come get your bags later. For now, we're gonna go inside, as soon as I adjust something." He opened the cuffs, and pulled butch's wrists behind his back. "This is how you're gonna be much more than with them in front, bud. Front cuffs only when we drive together. " His hand went on butch's bicep. "Gonna be fun working out at the gym together. Can't wait. " "OH SHIT" thought butch. Some of the other troopers worked out at that gym. Adam walked him into the house. He saw, waiting... Jason and Shelley. "HEY. Welcome to the house, butch." Jason smiled and came over. Shelley followed him. "We figured that everyone who's gonna be in charge of you from now on should be here." "Told ya he was sexy when he dressed up," Shelley smiled. "And you were right. Just ... MMMMM" Jason smiled and came up. "Adam, you mind if I have some fun?" "Be my guest. I think we all should." Jason begin running his thumb over butch's left nipple, and Shelley came up and began teasing his cock through his jeans. "Open up big guy. Get you nice and excited." Adam pressed his lips to butch's and forced his mouth open. He began frenching him, deeply. The triple combination of the kissing, the tit play, and the dick teasing... butch was on fire. It went on for about fifteen minutes, before Adam said "I think it's time for me to break in our new house member. Gimme about half an hour. Jace, can you bring in his bags? Take care of the uniforms because... " he smiled. "Say no more, Worth. I gotcha." Jason walked off, and Shelley smiled. "You're gonna be MY bitch eventually butch. Just the change of a vowel." "For now, though, he's mine..." Adam smiled. "It's almost like deflowering your new bride. Except it's not...." He walked butch to the bedroom. "So, for the first night, you're all mine. No one else but me, butch. I decide EVERYTHING. As of tomorrow, we'll be negotiating who gets you for what length of time." He was fastening butch's wrists to the bedposts. butch winced as they tightened. "So, after I have your ass, and whatever else I want, I'm gonna leave you tied up for a while, because Shelley and Jason are gonna make dinner. You're gonna learn your place which is NOT at the table with us." He began opening butch's shirt. He stopped talking for a minute as his hand went over butch's chest. "DAMN. I still don't know what I wanna do with that fuzz. But I DO know what I wanna do with these..." His fingers circled butch's sensitive nipples. butch was so horny that it was almost too much, and went Adam bent down and licked, then chewed one, it WAS too much. He screamed and moaned. Both he and Adam heard Jason and Shelley laughing from the kitchen area. "What's it gonna be like when you throw a fuck in him?" Shelley laughed, and Adam didn't answer. He was slurping away at each of butch's nipples, then his ears. "I bet you're DESPERATE to cum, butch." butch's answer was more plea than anything else. "Yes sir. I do. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE." Adam laughed and answered "No." He firmly shoved butch's head to the side, and his chin was buried in butch's neck. "I COULD send you back to work tomorrow with a love bite. " "NO SIR PLEASE NO" "Ha ha. Maybe I should send you back smooth." He dug his beard into butch's neck and butch began to moan again. He could feel the wet spot from the pre-cum around his caged dick. "Tomorrow, we're gonna do a scene with you in uniform. And this weekend." He smiled. "This weekend, everyone's gonna meet my new MANCUNT." He pushed his knee into butch's crotch and butch almost cried. Adam lay down next to butch, and toyed with the button of his jeans. "Never thought this'd happen to ya, did you, stud?" "No sir. Never. " "Ha ha. That's the kind I like the best. So cocksure and then... they're bitches." He got off butch's pants. Then he pulled off his briefs. "I may not want you to wear shit like this anymore. We'll see. Tonight, though, I wanna focus on... FUCKING THE SHIT OUTTA YOU." butch felt the hands on his ankles, and his legs pushed back further than they ever had been. Adam's cock was almost bright red. And it was thick. He wasn't using lube, and butch tried to scream, but the sounds didn't come out, as a thick piece of meat pushed its way into his ass. "I LOVE the idea of you being plugged all day butch. I think we're gonna do that." "OH FUCK... OOOOOOOOOOOOH. " butch couldn't answer because he was focused on the cock inside of him. "Now, we're gonna do something like playing a stringed instrument stud... I'm gonna move up.. and down, and see what sounds I can get out of you." Adam smiled. He was gonna find the spaces in butch's chute that were most sensitive. He moved slowly: maybe half an inch at a time. When he got to a spot that was maybe four inches inside of butch, the bottom began to squirm and moan. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. OH GOD. OH GOD." Adam stopped moving. "Now, what would happen if I squeezed your nipples too?" "SIR.... I think I might die..." "Ha ha. Well, let's not have that. Let's just instead.... " He paused. "Nah, I'm not gonna let them know I found the spot. I'm just gonna leave it here." He grinned. "You my sub, butch?" "Yes sir. YES." "Willingly?" "Hell yes sir. You conquered me. But I surrendered." "DAMN RIGHT YOU DID. DAMN. FUCKING. RIGHT." The jizz started filling butch's ass. It actually cooled him down from the assault of Adam's cock, but it did nothing for his screaming cock. Neither did the butt plug Adam pushed in right away. After Adam pulled out, he looked at butch. "I'm gonna untie you. Fix up your pants, don't put your shirt back on. Then come out to the living room and sit in the bondage chair. When butch did, he saw Adam hand a coil of rope, to Jason. "Make sure it's REALLY good and tight. " butch also saw him turn to Shelley and hand her a large cloth. "In his mouth. Nice and tight. If it's not being used to suck cock, I don't know what it's good for." She smiled. "Eating pussy is a good idea" Adam smiled. "Know what? You're right. Gonna have to put it on the list. "Open your mouth, bitch" Shelley said as she walked over to butch. He knew better: he didn't fight. Now he was bound and gagged. "One more thing for now. Just one..." Adam came over with nipple clamps. "Better hope we eat fast, stud. HA HA HA HA HA. Welcome to submissiveness."

When the three of them finished eating, Adam went over to butch. He pulled up a seat opposite him and when butch tried to avoid his stare, he got a WHACK across his balls that had him seeing stars. "Pay attention bitch. We have our first lesson here." "mmmmph" butch tried to get his equilibrium. "We're not gonna be doing this every night: you being tied up, yeah, THAT is gonna happen every night. But not while we eat: you'll be eating with us, as long as you remember your role. " He reached out and smiled as he toyed with butch's belly. "If I see you getting too fat to suit me, you'll get less dinner and your workouts will be harder. Shelley'll see to that. " He tweaked the nipple clamps and got a louder moan from butch. "I don't use food as a punishment/reward. This is just to help you know your place. And your place is gonna be, from now on, cleaning up after dinner. Jason and Shelley are doing it tonight, but you'll clean up after yourself because... you'll eat after you take care of Jason. He's horny as can be and..... he needs someone to suck his cock. You understand." "mmmmph" butch shook his head. "C'mon over Sparks. Open his mouth and fuck his face. " "Damn, you guys have all the fun," Shelley added. Adam winked. "I got something for you to do girl. Don't worry." Adam went into the kitchen and helped Shelley. They could hear Jason calling butch a "fucking bottom bitch," and butch answering "yes sir," until they heard the slurping as Jason rammed his cock into butch's mouth. "He's getting better Adam. MUCH better." butch wrapped his tongue around Jason's cock, teasing it as much as he could. NOW he wanted it. He wanted that cock and Jason knew it. He pulled back. He pulled back so far that butch was leaning really far forward. "Well if you want it that bad...." Jason yanked the clamp chain hard, and RAMMED his dick into butch's mouth. It only took a few thrusts after that. When Jason walked off to clean his cock, Adam untied butch. "Have your dinner. Clean up, and then... get out to the living room." "yes sir. Thank you Sir." butch was exhausted, and he had to go to work the next day - with Sparks - but he got busy. He didn't hear Adam asking Shelley: "when do you wanna shave him?"

"Sir, I finished in the kitchen," butch stood at the border between the kitchen and the living room, where Adam, Jason and Shelley were sitting and talking. "Then get in here. Right here." Adam pointed to a place near his left foot. "Should I put on a shirt , Sir?" "Nope. Not tonight. NOW. In here, on the floor, right here." "Yes sir." butch eased himself down. The fucking and the butt plug had an effect on his ass, and it was sore. He felt Adam's hand on the back of his neck. It wasn't rough and demanding the way it had been in the past. Rather, Adam was giving him a neck rub, and it felt good. Adam moved his foot from where it was, and positioned it in between butch's legs, right up against his caged cock. Jason laughed hard when he heard the sound butch made. "Adam, he's gonna burst if you don't drain him soon." "Then he'll burst. He'll get drained when I'm ready. " He pulled butch's head back by his hair. "Right snow cone?" Shelley laughed at that. butch said, very softly, "yes sir." He felt Adam's hand move down from his neck to over his left nip. Again, he sucked in his breath when he felt Adam's strong fingers there. "Now, let's go over some of what you'll be doing, my captive snow owl." He pushed his shoe into butch's crotch. "See how filthy my shoes are?" "yes sir." "EVERY DAY. EVERY SINGLE MORNING, you polish my shoes from the night before. And you do a good job: now wipes with a promise because... that won't go well for you." His fingers squeezed butch's tit, and butch couldn't suppress the moan. "I told you earlier: you're gonna be tied in that chair every single day. How long depends on the day. I'll play with you, Jason will play with you, if Shelley's over, she'll play with you, and if we have guests, they will too. " He squeezed butch's nipple hard. "But if I hear about anyone getting your ass but me.... just know. I can have the cage welded on you." butch felt a ripple of fear when Adam said that. He had a sense that he had done that before. "I understand Sir. Even Sir Jason?" Jason shook his head. "No one understands the rules better than I do, stud. I can have anything but your ass. And I WILL have them..." He grinned. "You haven't experienced MY tickling yet." "Or mine, not fully," Shelley added. "You'll clean up after dinner, and you'll do whatever other housework Jason and I decide you'll do. Like laundry. Once a week, after you come back from the gym." "Yes sir. " "Let's talk about the gym," and he saw Shelley smile. "Now that you belong to another man, you'll need to work more on the body parts I like: Chest. Ass. And three guesses who's gonna help you?" He saw Shelley smiling. "Yeah, Shel's gonna be your trainer from now on. Your first appointment is tomorrow. " "I understand Sir." "Now Shelley's gonna do one more thing before she heads out and we all hit the hay. I gave it a lot of thought and, I think that however I come down on it eventually, at least for now, you need to start shaved completely. And having Shelley do it with us watching... how's that feel?" "Humiliating Sir." "And it should. Now get on the floor. On your back. Shelley's got her equipment ready. I'll hold your wrists down, Jason'll get your ankles. " He smiled. "Nice and slow Shel?" "You know it. Like great sex. Except when it's nasty and fast." butch closed his eyes. He could smell the distinct odor of Shelley: her perfume, her deodorant, the gym, and he felt the cold metal that he had felt when Adam had shaved his pits and pubes. "Don't think about trying to hide it from the guys, stud" Jason teased. "I'm gonna make an issue of it in the locker room as soon as I can." butch wanted to beg Jason not to, but he bit his tongue: if he were going to get through this, he needed to regrow a spine. And he was going to have to try to resist what Adam's touch and technique did to him. "All done!" Shelley was wiping off butch's chest with a wet cloth. "NICE JOB. Photo op?" Jason pulled out the phone and got to work. Shelley kneeled next to Adam, and Jason made sure that he got both of them, and butch with his shaved chest, on record. He sent the photos all around. "FUCKING HOT" Adam smiled. He showed butch the photo. "Don't you think that's hot?" When butch looked, he realized: resisting was going to be very difficult and maybe useless. He saw the two people who he wanted to dominate him , with his body prone in front of them, and it was just too fucking hot. "Sir, please.... I've obeyed. I've done my best. Can I cum Sir?" Adam smiled. "No. Not tonight, and not in front of people. Maybe tomorrow, if you do a good job on my shoes." "yes sir. I understand." "Ok folks. Shel, you need some help in getting stuff together ?" "Think I'm good. Lemme just give your lover boy a kiss goodbye. " Adam took butch's arms and pinned them behind him as Shelley kissed him. "GOD what that mouth has been through tonight." She reached down and groped him. "GOOD FOR YOU. About time you learned your place." She gave Jason a kiss and then Adam. "See you boys soon. Maybe I'll join you at Canyon's on Saturday." butch gulped. He had driven past Canyon's more than once, tempted, but he never went in. When he drove past, he always thought that it would be to go in, find himself a young pretty boy and get his cock sucked real good. Now, he realized: HE'D be the boy when they went. That thought was still in his head as Adam brought him to bed, naked except for his cock cage, and put his arm around him. He whispered into his ear "Man cunt. MY man cunt." butch was tired, but he whispered "yes sir," and then, without thinking, he pushed his ass back into Adam's crotch.

Next: Chapter 10

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