The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 21, 2021


Worth threw another fuck into butch when they got back to the house. Sparks decided to go out and do some "hunting" as he put it, but he'd be back the next day: he wanted to be at the lunch where butch told Shelley. Thinking about it almost made him drool: he didn't mind Adam's "sloppy seconds" when the dish was as good as butch was. He had long admired butch's ass, his whole body, the way it filled out his uniforms. Now, he knew he wasn't going to get butch's ass... yet. He bided his time. He knew Adam got bored very easily. But while he waited for a shot at that hot ass, he had total right to butch's mouth. And he planned to take advantage of it. butch had a tumultuous night of sleep. First, there was what Adam called his "conquest fuck: 'you gotta understand something now, butch bitch. We're not lovers. Think of yourself as a prize animal, hunted and captured by me. That's how I think of you, and if I have to stress it, I will." "yes sir," butch had answered, wondering at the same time "what have I gotten myself into?" The enthusiastic pummeling his ass got from Worth answered part of that question. So did the chain collar Worth put around his neck when they got home. "It indicates to anyone who knows.. you're OWNED stud. And you'll wear it, all the time." He sneered. "It's regulation. I checked with Sparks. You can wear it during the work shift." "DAMN" thought butch. IF anyone on the force understood this lifestyle, they'd know. He wondered: can I get out of this? That wondering was cut short when he felt his cock pressing against the cage. He had tried the key he found in his own boots when they got back from the restaurant: and it didn't work. Adam howled when he saw the look on butch's face. "You think every key is gonna open every lock, stud? You might be pretty but... I gotta question your ability to reason." The final big thought on butch's mind, was Shelley. How the hell was he gonna handle this?

Sunday morning, Adam was talking about how he couldn't make up his mind whether to shave butch or not: his pits were clear, for sure, but there was purpose there. Obviously, his pubes would get shaved, because butch needed to be reminded that, ultimately, he was just a punk from now on - at least if he took care of the matter of Shelley - but that chest? Would that forest of beautiful white hair grow back so lush, and so thick? He had to think about that. He also had to think about moving butch into the house: no way his bitch was gonna live alone. Again, they'd see what happened after lunch. butch had to wear the same clothes he had worn to lunch the day before, which was ok. Worth chided himself on not planning far enough ahead: he didn't think things would move that fast - but they'd make do. They went to a different restaurant, sitting at a booth where he made butch sit on the inside of the table, so Adam could control his comings and goings. Sparks sat opposite them, and when Shelley came in, he got up to let her sit opposite butch. "HEY STRANGER. BEEN A WHILE." She kissed Adam as she got in the booth. The waiter came over and she placed an order for a bourbon on the rocks: she saw no problem with drinking as a personal trainer. And, as was typical with Shelley, she "cut to the chase." "So, Adam, what's going on? You told me you had something important to tell me. " He smiled. "Well, I do. So does butch. But I'll go first. Shel, I found my new sub." "NO SHIT! " She smiled. "That's just great! Congrats. You deserve it. You deserve the right to put some guy in his place. So... do I get to meet him?" She was looking at Adam and didn't see how butch's face was changing. "I think you already know him Shel." "HUH? Who's pulling my leg?" "No one, Shelley. It's me" answered butch. She looked at him, her mouth dropped, and then she started laughing. "Nice joke fellas. You almost got me believing it. Seriously, who is it, and butch, why are you here anyway?" "I just told you Shelley. Remember that night I had to cancel our date?" "Yeah, I do. You said you had some nasty infection on your cock. " Jason spat out a bit of his drink. He never quite got used to Shelley's bluntness." "Well...." butch looked away from her. "I did have something on my cock, but... it wasn't an infection. It was Sir Adam's chastity cage. It's on me now." "HOLY SHIT. You've been wearing it since then? " She looked at Adam. "You may not know this, but one of his nickname's is 'yellowstone' because his orgasms are sort of like Old Faithful." Adam started laughing. "That was one I did not know." "So, seriously, this is the truth guys? " She looked at the silent faces. She called the server. "Can you make that bourbon a double?" "Shelley, I wanted to tell you but... I just didn't..." She shook him off. "Not necessary butch. I always kinda suspected one way or the other I was gonna lose you to some guy. You check out so many and... you DO know you yelled a man's name out once when we were fucking." butch looked totally abashed, and he heard Adam say "That's not going to be acceptable any longer." butch said "yes sir" very meekly. Shelley was nodding her head. "Yup. You're telling me the truth. Getting this one to call someone Sir... better be someone in charge of him. " She smiled at Adam. "I know how you get. Is he easier or tougher than the other ones?" "He's a mix Shel. Sometimes no fight at all. Sometimes, it's out and out war. " He smiled. "I've won every battle." "OOOOOOOOOOkay...." she answered. "So now, this makes sense. The cock cage... Yeah. That's why you asked me to bring this with me." She reached into her small bag, and pulled out a key. "WHAT?" butch exclaimed. "SHELLEY had the key?" "She sure did. If you had seen her , maybe you would've figured it out, but now.." Shelley had the key in her hand and butch grabbed for it, but Adam pushed her hand back. "Shel, you're the one who can take him out of his cock cage. The only one besides me. And I'm deferring to you." There was a big smile on Shelley's face. "I've never felt so powerful in my life. " She looked at butch. "When was the last time he let you cum?" "Several days ago." "MEH. NOTHING. A week is nothing. I'll introduce you to some of his former subs. They all work out at the gym you know." "So... they're gonna know that I'm...." "Uh huh." butch's head began to race again. Shelley literally held the key to his cock. Jason was gonna fuck his face on Monday afternoon. He had become Adam's sub. "How's about.... " Shelley began, revealing her kinky side. "We head back to your place. Tie him down. I'll unlock him and then..." she smiled "Each of us will take one minute turns in jerking the poor bastard off. " She looked at Adam. "And if by some chance you've got the energy to fuck him, I wanna watch." "How about... a double mouth fuck Shel? Jason didn't get a good blow job last night, and he's still learning. I think he can take two." "NAH. I'd rather see him roasted. You fuck his ass, Jason fuck his face." "DEAL!" Adam started laughing and he , Jason and Shelley saluted. "I have three tops," butch thought. "What have I done?" An hour later, butch was shackled down to Worth's bed, and the cage had been removed. Worth, Sparks and Shelley were having a blast teasing his cock, as he moaned. Shelley would run a finger over the back of his dick and then say "Ok, Jason, your turn." Jason would do something like run his hand over butch's cockhead, and then pass it on to Adam, who might tickle butch's balls, or squeeze them, or fake that he was about to suck him. "How long are you going to keep the cage on between milkings?" Shelley asked Adam during one round robin. "Well, you know Shel, I feel that no sub needs to shoot more than once a week, so, we're gonna start with that. By the way... what do you think of a shave for Mr. Randle? " "OH, ABSOLUTELY. I know you're gonna do the pubes, but anything that knocks his sense that he's macho down... DO IT." Adam smiled at butch. "You two finish the jerking, I'm going for the nips. Hear that big stud? We're gonna take every bit of topman away from you. " He smiled as he heard butch's moans get louder. "I REALLY shoulda given you a love bite for tomorrow." "Plenty of time for that Adam, " Jason said. "Plenty of time." Then they all quieted down. butch was beginning to convulse: he was at the edge. "Should we?" "YEAH DO IT. Enjoy the jizz butch. Last one for a week." A scream came out of butch's mouth that was unique in his life. All that pent up need: all out. Every bit of it. "So Jason, shall we? " "Seems like the thing to do." They reversed butch's position on the bed so that he was draped horizontally over it: perpendicular to the direction of the bed. That way, Jason could fuck his face, while Adam got inside of him. "I LOVE SPITROASTS" Shelley gloated. "Let me get some photos. I'll share." butch couldn't moan because of Jason's cock in his mouth, and he was getting used to the rhythm that Adam used when fucking him. It almost felt ... good. And it seemed that Adam and Jason had done this before because their orgasms were no more than ten seconds apart. " While butch recovered, Shelley gave Jason, then Adam, a hug. "Thanks for the entertainment and the lunch. This was great. I can't wait to see this boy at the gym now. Make sure you tell me when you do the shaving. We'll have to make sure he's shirtless in front of everybody."

After Shelley left, there was cleaning up to do. butch needed to be able to get ready for work on Monday, so there was packing, cleaning up, and of course... the cage went back on his cock. "Here's what's gonna happen, butch bitch. Probably not tomorrow, but Tuesday or Wednesday, Sparks is gonna give you a list of what to pack. That's what you're bringing over here. The rest stays at your place until we decide what to do." He smiled. "And we'll celebrate move in day with a full body shave." "yes sir," butch muttered. He couldn't believe he had done this. But he had.

Next: Chapter 8

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