The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 19, 2021


Butch screamed when Sparks attached the first clamp, and began moaning when he added the second one. "I actually like to hear the sound of a bitch to be , stud, so I'm gonna take out your gag. If Adam wants it back in, so be it." Jason took off the gag and when he did, he pulled the chain on the clamps just a bit. "FUCK! THAT HURTS SPARKS." Jason just laughed. "So, I'm not Sir the way Worth is?" "Damn right you're not! OUCH!..." Jason was jiggling the chain connecting the clamps. "Ha ha. I may have to discuss that with him. How you like bottoming, you big stud?" "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS." butch spat back at Worth and then let out a prolonged "OWWWWWWWWWWWW" when Jason pulled the chain. "I guess it wasn't clear that you had TWO Topmen now, butch." Randle was getting ready for more pain, but he was going to answer. "I have two TOP men, I have ONE Master. That's not you." He did experience more pain, this time it was Jason pushing his knee into his locked crotch. "Very true, handsome. Very true. And... you're going to learn just HOW true that is... Because Worth put me in charge of you during the day - when he isn't around you." butch looked away from Jason. That much was true. "You're not allowed to touch my ass. He's the alpha, BETA MAN. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" This time Jason twisted the clamps. "You and I are gonna have a fun time together stud. Starting on Monday." "What the fuck do you mean?" "OHHHHHHHHH... I think the gents at Lost Boy Island are gonna get a real kick out of a Trooper sucking off another trooper." "THAT'S NOT HAPPENING." "Ha ha. Oh yeah, it is. You'll find out that I can be VERY persuasive to my old buddy Adam." Jason got closer, took off the clamps for a minute, adjusted them so they were tighter, and put them back on butch's nipples. "See, he's had my ass before, and if he wants it again, it's a fair price to get access to your sweet mouth every day of the week. I get your mouth during the day, he gets your ass at night, and we share you on the weekends." "Sounds good to me." Adam was back in the living room. "Sound good to you, sub boy?" Frustrated, butch answered "yes sir," not wanting to piss off Worth. "I was simply letting butch know that he'd be blowing me on Monday." "AH. Lost Boy convention. Excellent idea. I guess doing it in a bathroom at headquarters is too risky. He loses his job, I don't care, but I don't wanna lose your rent." "We COULD always pimp out the bitch." Jason and Adam laughed. "I think he's not quite ready for that. I mean, yeah, his ass is still sweet and tight, but... it's MINE." He went over to butch and grabbed his hair, pulling back his head. "Isn't that right, mancunt?" butch HATED showing his growing submission in front of Jason, but he answered, "yes sir." "And I'm gonna get it again tonight. For now, though: I have something else planned. Jason, can you get him untied, save the clamps for later, and bring him to my bedroom? Maybe even tie him down if you like. Hands over his head. Legs spread. " He grinned "We're gonna find out just how much of a tickle bitch this one is."

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"You know, Adam has given workshops on tickling, butch. I just want you to know that. I mean, yeah, he's a terrific dominant Top, but... my GOD, you'll be begging for him to stop within 5 minutes. Especially with those beautiful pits of yours." Jason had done much more than tie down butch's ankles, and tie his wrists above his head. He had pulled down brice's shorts before he tied his ankles, and then.. he ran an slip knot around butch's cock - right up at the top, and tied that to the base of the bed too - right between his bound ankles. "Adam REALLY likes these brushes." He produced two scary looking silver brushes from a side table. "And what he can do with an electric toothbrush... OH SHIT." He winked at butch. "I hope he lets me watch." "Sure can. Maybe you can drain yourself too." "FUCK. You're gonna let him...." butch realized he had spoken out of turn. Too late. "You know, it's very dangerous to tickle someone as hard as I plan to tickle you butch, when they're gagged. But... there are other places where a little torment can work. For example.... " He grinned as he showed butch the cage key. "Maybe I'll use it, and maybe I won't..." "YOU SAID. YOU SAID.. sir..." butch's voice trailed off. "Did I? I don't recall making any promises. And you know something else sweetie? If you think your pits are sensitive now, shaving makes everyone WAY more sensitive. Keep that in mind.." He began to circle butch's navel, and the giggles began to spurt out of the corner's of butch's mouth. "Oh yeah! He's a live one!" Jason said, from his chair. Adam turned around. "Wouldn't it be a shame if the other troopers found out that you could get butch aroused by gang tickling him?" "OH FUCK" butch thought. He had participated in a hazing of a new officer once, and he remembered how the guy suffered - and how hard he got. "Let's save those pits. I like brush work on feet. And you know.. it makes escaping REALLY hard." Adam began running a brush over each of butch's soles. The giggling became flat out laughter. Jason had done a very thorough job of tying butch down and of course, with his balls immoblized, twisting away was not an option. Through tears and laughter, butch begged. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT" and then couldn't get any more words out as he laughed harder. "Damn right you will. Whether I continue or not. Let's try those ribs. Jason, you wanna help me?" They each took a side, and butch began to sweat as he squirmed. He wasn't going anywhere, but he twisted all the same. "PLEASE. PLEASE. JUST A SHORT BREAK? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA." "LOOK how he arches his back, like a bitch in heat," Jason was getting into it, maybe more than he should have. "Now... those snowy pits.." Adam looked at Jason. "Think we should shave them first?" "You know what I think of that, Adam, but he's YOUR bitch in training." "YEAH... Let's do it. Good conversation starter if he's bare chested, and... "butch began to whine. He didn't want this. If they started with his pits....." Each had a simple razor, and some gel cream. Soon, his pits were slathered, and he felt the edge of the metal blades scraping away at his pits. Slowly, ever so slowly... and every hair came off. "Some DOMS like to use cremes that take them all away just by , oh I don't know how. I like a blade. SO GOOD." Adam smiled. "You look REAL pretty butch. More and more like a bitch. " He turned to Jason. "This one is all mine, but... how's about you jerk off on his crotch?" "YES!!!!" Jason moved to the foot of the bed, while Adam went to work, using first one finger only in each pit, until he formed a crab like shape and dug in. butch's laughter was very deep and dark, but it gradually turned high and girlish. Then he felt the drops of Jason's jizz hitting his crotch. Another lash went up to about his navel, and then more, more, and still more. " "May I?" Jason asked Worth, who shook his head yes. "I'm just about finished. For now." "EAT IT." Jason had scooped some of his jizz off of butch and held it in front of his mouth. butch wanted to resist, but he saw Adam's look. He put out his tongue and collected it. He thought Sir Adam tasted better. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

After Jason and Adam got butch cleaned up, the reason for the "dressier outfit" became clear. They were going out to eat together. Adam had chosen the restaurant, and the original plan was for just he and butch to go out. Adam had an idea that butch was probably ready to surrender, and to do it over dinner would take away the idea of duress. Jason had asked if he could join them: he wanted to be there when Adam notched another conquest on his belt - Sparks had been his first. It didn't really work: Adam recognized early on that Jason REALLY wanted to be a DOM and not a sub, and he had helped with the transition. butch? Nope, not a drop of dom blood in his body. Adam wondered who was actually on top when butch was sleeping with Shelley. "Don't forget to bring that up when we're out," he thought to himself. They went to a casual "continental" style restaurant with a decidedly gay clientele. butch looked around, kind of embarrassed that he was being seen in a "gay" restaurant. Worse was the tight grip Adam had on his bicep. When Adam sensed that butch pulled away, he just whispered "Keep in mind, I OWN a sub. Get used to it. If you decide to submit, you're gonna have to get used to this. Think of how it's gonna feel when I leash you and bring you into a gay bar?" THAT thought excited, but also repulsed butch. WHAT was he getting into? "You'll get to choose tonight, butch, but if things go the way you say you want them to, you won't. Subs don't order for themselves. there'll be LOTS of changes in your life. " Worth smiled. "Including LOTS more tickling, LOTS more bondage, and LOTS more fucking." butch put down the menu. He couldn't focus. "Sir, you talked about leading me into a bar on a leash. That too?" Jason laughed. "butch, I take collaring a guy seriously. If I take you on, that's DEFINITELY a part of it: introducing my new sub to my friends. Collared, leashed, bound.. the whole nine yards." "Don't forget the clamps," Jason added, and Adam smiled. "I wanna keep SOME secrets. Anyhow..." He rested his hand on butch's thigh. "I think you have potential. You still have some resistance in you and that's making me excited. I'm gonna break it. My way." He squeezed butch's thigh before he moved to his crotch. "That's why that cage is still locked. Yeah, I told you one thing, but you'll do what I say, and you'll accept it." butch was quiet for a minute, before he asked. "Do I move in with the two of you?" "We'll decide that. Probably. But we have to see. And we have to see one very serious thing." "What's that Sir?" "You need to tell Shelley." butch gulped. He had a feeling this would come up. "You'll tell her tomorrow. I invited her over for lunch." If he weren't already sitting up straight, butch would have been at full attention. "OH SHIT. They knew each other." "Sir, do I... do I have to?" "Damn right you do. Shelley is a REAL GOOD friend of mine, and no one is gonna hurt her when I can do something about it." Again, butch was silent. "If I... if I tell her, Sir... would you accept my surrender?" Jason looked at Adam. He knew what was coming. "I would accept your surrender NOW, butch. But provisionally. If you don't tell Shelley tomorrow... it's all null and void." He smiled. "As is my promise to let you out of the cage. " "Hey Adam. I have an idea. How about giving Shelley the choice of letting it out or not." The color drained from butch's face, and Worth smiled. "JASON! You ARE an evil bitch! I LOVE IT. What a fucking great idea!" He looked at butch. "OH YOU POOR BASTARD. You were gonna say yes, and now... you're thinking." The response came out in a very, VERY low voice. "I am Sir. But not the way you assume. I'm thinking... how my life is going to change. " He looked up . "If you'll have me Sir, I submit. I'll be your bitch." Jason began to clap at a very low volume. "I think this calls for some champagne. " "I think it calls for some serious fucking tonight. I got my my new SUB!" butch was nervous, but he felt the metal bang against his cock. It had gotten as long as it could and now it was reacting by getting wider. A brand new life, one he hadn't imagined he'd ever have was about to start for him. "Victory fuck tonight, manbitch" Adam whispered into butch's ear. "Just you and me, because I'M the one who broke you." butch wanted to cry, but he managed not to. "Yes sir. Take me tonight. Take me hard."

Next: Chapter 7

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