The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 18, 2021


It's mid Saturday morning after Worth had taken butch's ass. butch is sitting on the floor of Worth's living room, his wrists and ankles chained together by a set of prisoner shackles: they allow him to shuffle to the bathroom, for example, or to scratch his nose, but there's not much more movement than that. He's surrounded by three sets of Worth's boots: his assignment to get them as polished and shiny as his own boots. "Proper respect for your Master's articles is one of the keys to being a good sub, butch. If you're going to be mine, this is one you're going to have to do. It's key." "yes sir," butch answered, and sighed, before Worth went back to reading the paper. When butch was finished with the boots, he'd have to clean up the kitchen. butch's ass still twitched every now and then in reaction to the invasion he had experienced last night. He had played every second of it through his head, more than once. "I have to stop!" he kept on ordering himself. "The DAMN CAGE." Thinking about it roused him , and the cage was tight. butch's ass throbbed less than his nipples did. butch almost laughed thinking about why they throbbed. He was still sleeping when Adam woke up. "Roll onto your back," he had whispered into butch's ear. There was very little that could wake butch before he was ready, and he pulled away. He remembered Worth chuckling, and then slowly rolling him over the way he wanted him, then squatting on his torso and beginning the nipple torture. "You like that bitch boy?" he saw Adam looking down at him, smiling. "I have a BIG day planned for you. This is sorta thrown in." If Adam hadn't had butch's nipples in his fingers, butch MIGHT have been able to get away. "Might" becauase, for a 42 year old, Worth was in ridiculously good shape: even better shape than butch. While butch couldn't say he had been manhandled from start to finish, there was no question as to who was in charge physically. Even if Adam didn't know about his nipples, his navel, and... whatever else he had figured out, butch was no match for this man. "I figure we should start ya with a good 20 minutes of this. We'll push it up tomorrow." All butch could do was whimper. And get hard. Inside the cage.

Again, thinking about it was not conducive to butch's cock being comfortable.

As he polished the boots, a thought went through butch's head. "WAIT. What did he say: 'proper respect... a KEY to being a good sub. It's KEY... The key is in his boots." butch frantically began digging through them, marring the slick surface he had put on them. No luck. "FUCK." And now... "LOOK AT THOSE" butch heard Worth behind him before he felt the hand gripping his body where his left shoulder met his neck. "Remember the way Spock put people out? It works... " butch sucked in his breath. Adam was pushing with enough pressure for it to be a turn on. He pushed just a little harder. "Someone better start all over, or... ha ha. Discipline, butch, DISCIPLINE. NOW GET IT DONE." "yes sir. Sorry Sir," butch breathed easier as Worth released his grip. "No key. Where the...." "You ticklish Randle?" butch saw Worth standing in front of him. He was naked, and his cock was primed for action. "Better tell me the truth." butch gulped. He did NOT like being tickled but... "Yes sir. I am. Ribs. Belly button. Armpits." "Well, we're gonna have to investigate that later, but for now... remember a sub's job is keeping his DOM well served. Looks like something needs servicing. SUCK IT" "yes sir." butch's skills were still rudimentary, but he got to work on Adam's cock. He looked up, quizzically while he did. He wanted to know if he was doing a good job or not. Worth's eyes were closed, and he was smiling. His breathing was deep and regular. "Look at HIS nips" butch thought. Adam had a very well developed chest, for sure, but... butch didn't know the word yet: Adam had headlight nipples, from his youth. They were mesmerizing but... as Adam began to thrust faster and harder, butch had to focus. "Almost virgin mouth. My favorite." Adam grinned as his cock shot into butch's mouth. He ruffled butch's hair. "Eventually, you're gonna make a DOM very happy." He pulled butch's head back so he was staring right at Worth. "You want that DOM to be me, don't you butch?" "OH GOD YES SIR" "Heh heh. So far, you're doing fine. Keep up the good work." "Thank you Sir."

When butch finished cleaning up the kitchen, Worth announced they were going to the gym: butch should go and get his workout clothes and get ready. butch was wondering how he could work out with the cage on, but there was no information coming out of Worth. Instead, as butch was gathering them to pack up, he heard Worth behind him. "Know what? Changed my mind. And you're changing clothes. Wear your workout duds. Gives me one more chance to see you naked." He smiled. butch muttered "yes sir," and blushed when Worth told him how good the cage looked on his cock, and how fuckable his ass looked. "I need to shoot. I need to shoot bad," was all butch thought about, until he thought "OH SHIT. SHELLEY. Didn't she work some Saturdays? " It must have shown on his face, because Worth spoke up. "Worried about seeing your girlfriend, bottom to be?" "HUH? YOU KNEW?" "Hahahahahahahahaha. You two always made a show for us at the gym. OF COURSE I knew. I saw it and thought: he's bullshitting. I see him checking out a guy in the locker room every time I'm there. " Still smiling, Worth came over, and grabbed butch's wrists, pushing them behind his back. "It made me even more eager to put you in your place. You learning your place, butch?" butch began to squirm a little. Feeling trapped was a turn on for him and this was no exception. He began to moan in a very low voice. "Trying to Sir. Trying to. It's hard." "Ha ha," Worth turned his words around "yeah, the cage'll do that. But if you remember the clues, you'll find the key." His tongue found butch's ear. "You cleaned me out completely, which is good and bad. Now, I can't really fuck ya properly. I think a visit to the gym'll get me good and hot. And slick you up for fucking number 2" When he heard that fucking was on Worth's mind, butch gently pushed his ass back into the Dominant man's crotch. Worth whispered. "Save it bitch. Save it for when we come back."

butch worked out hard. He had never noticed how hard Adam worked out. Today, he did. He couldn't help it. Adam was on his back, doing presses. His crotch was outlined in his shorts. "I want that cock" was all that butch could think. He was so obsessed with it that he had to grab the handles on the treadmill to keep from falling off. He hoped that Worth was checking him out, and getting ideas, but he never saw Worth look over. He didn't realize that the mirrors all over projected an image of his workout in front of Worth, who was thinking "too bad that they won't let you work out shirtless, or otherwise he'd be in onion skins only now. "

Shelley was nowhere to be seen, and butch relaxed a little. He could put off "the talk" for another day. He moved on to another exercise: squats, and then he got on his back to do some flexibility exercises. Worth couldn't resist. He came over to the stretching mat and grabbed butch's ankles. He laughed as he pushed butch's legs apart in a great big "V" pattern. "GOOD. Nice and flexible. OH, are we gonna have fun this afternoon." butch was blushing: they weren't the only ones in the gym, and while he had seen guys horse around like this before, he... well..., he didn't.... That was where he understood a little more about Worth's comment about submitting when he was ready. He wasn't.

Worth wouldn't let butch shower before they left. His t shirt was soaked, and it stuck to butch's chest. "I love how your little man boobs stick out like that. GRRRRRRRRRRR" Worth laughed as he got in the car next to butch. "Know what else I love? How good you look when you're restrained. And gagged. I gotta put you in bondage more. Even if I'm not working you over. By the way, stud.." Before he took off he took butch's hand and put it on his crotch. "Can ya tell I'm ready." "I'm not was what butch wanted to answer but.... he didn't have that choice. "Yes sir. You seem harder than the first time." "That's cause I am. And you're gonna take it. ALL of it." butch could only gulp. Half an hour later, butch was tied down on the bed, buck naked. Most of his sweat had tried, as had Worth's, but... Worth's perspiration smell was musky, dark and getting butch hornier than he was. A naked Worth was in plank position over him. He smiled, and moved his armpit over butch's face. "LICK IT. Get it as clean as my boots." "OH FUCK YES SIR." butch had never done something like this before, and the smell was intoxicating but also made his stomach a little unsettled. He dove in. Worth's hair drove his nose crazy and he dug in deeper, and deeper, trying to get more. Worth's other hand moved to a nipple and began to squeeze it. butch couldn't moan very much since his mouth was occupied, but little squeals were coming out of him. "I got ya hot, didn't I bitch boy?" butch shook his head yes. "It's time to get back inside you. Nice and high." Worth slid down, and grabbed butch's ankles for the second time that day. "Please Sir. I'm still. I'm still sore. OH SHIT." Worth had just rammed most of his cock into butch. "I don't care. That ass is MINE." "Yes sir. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT. " For some reason, butch thought the second time was going to be easier than the first. Maybe it would have been, if Worth had fucked him with the same intensity as the first time. This time though, he was almost an animal. He had paid attention to when butch had moaned loudest the first time he fucked him and now, his cock lingered on those spaces, and butch twisted under him, looking for some relief, or some mercy. "CUNT" he heard Worth whisper, and the word seemed to loosen him up. Worth's cock expanded inside him, and butch began to feel like there was a coke bottle in his ass. He wanted it to stay there. Could he submit now? His brain was all over the place. What did submission mean? Would he have to move in with Worth? So many questions. So many things to figure out. "Understand something butch boy... your days of topping the ladies... they are OVER". butch saw Adam scrunch up his face, and then the jizz started pouring into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YOUR BITCH SIR. YOUR BITCH. TAKE HIM. TAKE YOUR MANBITCH." Worth laughed again. "Look how far my reluctant trooper has come. From arrogant ladies man, to helpless, cock loving bottom bitch! And I'm the one who took you there. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He rolled off of the bed. "You're gonna get cleaned up. Then, you're gonna change back into your uniform. Time for a little roleplay with a captured trooper being tortured ." butch felt his cock swell again. His fantasies of being a captured superhero, a captured soldier... all coming back. He showered, and got the uniform on while Worth got cleaned up. When he pulled on his left boot, he felt something in the bottom of it. "HOLY SHIT. THE KEY! " Yes, Worth had dropped hints when butch was polishing his boots about "the key," and butch had guessed the boots, but... he never thought it meant HIS boots. When Worth came out of the shower, he showed him the key, with a big smile on his face. "GOOD. I knew you were smart, Randle. You didn't disappoint. Let's get out to the living room. Time for some quotidian bondage. " As they walked Worth remarked. "GOD you have a GREAT ass. And those guns.. FUCK. " When butch sat down, he saw the wicked look on Worth's face. Then he had to move fast to grab the handcuffs Worth threw to him. "Lock them behind you. I gotta feeling you did it before." butch blushed: he HAD, with his uniform cuffs. While he was doing that, Worth pushed his ankles apart and tied them to the back of the chair. Then he pulled out a ball gag: butch had never seen one of those. "How long it takes me to unlock your cock, depends on how much drool gets out of your mouth stud." He looked at his watch. It was 11:30. "You're gonna have to stay that way for about 90 minutes. What's next... we'll see." He turned because the door was opening. Sparks was back from his "overnight" with his boy. "SONOFAGUN. Look what we got here. Fucking hot trooper meat. Need some help. " "You got any juice left, Jason?" "HAH. For this guy? I'm ALWAYS charged. "mmmmmmmmmph." butch knew that his ass was off limits to Sparks, but.... "Maybe you wanna use the clamps. Or something else. " Sparks gave Worth a look. "Hmmmm. You're saving tickling for later? " "That's the plan." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" butch was shaking his head no. The LAST thing he wanted today was tickling. "I wanna help with that. But for now, hand me those clamps." Worth tossed him a set and went out of the room. He was trying to decide: to shave the bitch or not? While he was gone, Sparks began opening up butch's uniform shirt. "Gonna get uncaged later, huh, boy?" butch shook his head mildly. "There'll be a time when you'll be wearing it for a week. Just get ready. He started moving closer with the clamps....

Next: Chapter 6

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