The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 14, 2021


As he got out of Worth's car in front of his own house, Butch thought his head was going to explode. He tried to think through everything that had happened, and the events just kept on tumbling on top of each other. He knew it wasn't a dream because... he could feel the cage gripping his cock. THAT was real. So were the memories of how Worth had worked his nipples until Butch was near frenzy. He remembered how the drops of Worth's cum falling on his ass felt so heavy. He knew he had to do a few things, but beyond that.... He'd have to cancel the plans he had to get together with Shelley on the following night: Shelley would be expecting sex, and he didn't want her to see that he was locked. He'd find her at the gym and tell her that he had to do some work related function. He wasn't horny. Yet. But Butch masturbated about one time a day, sometimes twice. He couldn't now. Was he... was he heading back to Worth's to get the cage off ? For now he'd try to sleep. And he did. He dreamed about everything, and he reached down to play with himself more than once, and found the cage. "What the fuck have I done?" he thought over and over again.

"SO, RANDY RANDLE. How's it GOING????" He was at the headquarters for morning role call, and Sparks came over, grinning. "One day you're gonna explain to me how this all happened, fucker," Butch looked at Sparks, who smiled and just laughed. "Got time?" He looked at his watch. "Yeah, we don't leave for another 20. I can tell ya. Worth and I? We met at a bar about a year, maybe year and a half ago. Nothing sexual, we both like the same thing, and we're not each other's type. But we used to go out hunting together: see if we could find a guy each, or just one to share. We did well together too. Then it just got tired, know what I mean? We decided to share a place because the costs were lower than living alone, and because we knew each other's likes and dislikes, there was no problem with a roommate or anything." "Ok, great, so now I know about your frat house. How the hell did I get into this? "Ah, now THAT's an interesting story. You won't remember: my car was in the shop once, and Adam was kind enough to serve as my chauffeur for a while. You were hanging out once when he came in. " Sparks grinned more. "He's been obsessed about you since then." "Even after you told him I'm straight?" Sparks began to laugh. "Screwing Shelley doesn't count as being straight Butchman. I bet you thought of more than one man when you made a deposit in the bank of Shelley." Butch couldn't answer. It was true. "So.. you set up this whole thing. The orgy, the wrist wrestling match..." "Well, the orgy, no. I had no idea Adam was gonna be there. He must've just driven by or something, I don't know. But when you happened by, well, he called me. "You gotta get us together, Sparks. I nearly split a poor young thing in half thinking about that fox." "He said that about me?" Damn if Butch wasn't getting hard again. "YEAH he did. He thinks you'd be the perfect sub." "He's wrong about that. I'll fight it every inch of the way." Sparks smiled. "That's EXACTLY what he's hoping for. Worth LOVES a challenge. " He paused. "By the way, don't expect him to let you come by tonight to take off the cage." Butch turned beet red. "You KNOW about the cage?" "Hell yeah, he told me he was gonna lock you up so you knew all day who was Boss." "FUCK. I am totally FUCKED." "Not yet, Randle. But you will be. Just give it time. Now let's get moving. Too bad you won't see Lost Boys today. My beat. Oh, and by the way , the guy I brought home last night? Fucking sweet as a good piece of cake. Great Ass! I hope that you get to meet Vinny some day. The two of you tied back to back is really a FUCKING HOT idea." It was. Butch hadn't seen Vinny's face, but he had fantasized about being tied to another man for years. It could happen. It was about 2pm that the "screaming purple hornies" began to get to Butch. That was a little earlier than usual, but it was probably because he had been thinking about the damn cage, and about Worth all day. He dialed Sparks. "Yes Miss Butch? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Ha ha. Very funny. So, can I get Adam's number from you?" "You mean he didn't give it to you?" "Uh, no." "OH, DAMN. That means he doesn't want you to call him yet." "WHAT? " "Means he wants you to keep that thing on for a little longer. He'll let you know when you can come by." "JASON. I'M SERIOUS." "Got to get back to work Butchy. Make sure you wear looser shorts to the gym today."

Shelley wasn't real pleased when Butch found her at a break in her sessions and canceled theirs. "What the fuck is going on now, Butch? You got someone on the side?" "Uh, no. I'm just.... " He dropped his voice. "There's something on my dick that my doctor says needs removal. He's not sure what it is, but until it gets taken off and heals, no ... well, " She looked at him. "That story is so fucked that you can't be lying. I'd ask to see it but it'd probably gross me out." They were both silent for a minute. Butch hated that he was lying to her, but he hated more that he probably was about to cross a bridge he didn't see was coming up. Shelley, for all of her mannerisms and foul language, thought she had finally found a soulmate in Butch. Yeah, she knew that he wasn't 100% "woman oriented" as the textbooks said: she had seen him check out guys before, and she had seen him teasing his own nipples once when she took longer than usual in the bathroom. She could deal with that. She could even deal with how he had yelled out Sparks' name once when he came in her. Butch wasn't a liar. She was concerned. "Butch, let me know when things get resolved, alright? I sure as shit ain't going anywhere. " "I.. will Shelley. Thanks for being understanding."

That night, at home, trying to watch the news, the cage and being alone were driving Butch crazy. He had put on a pair of loose sweat pants so that there was less contact with the cage. Didn't help. It also didn't help that he kept on fingering his own nipples, and realized that Worth did a MUCH better job working them than he did. Shelley had offered to buy him a set of these needle clamps once, so he could play with himself at home. Embarrassed, he said no. Now, he wished he had.

He saw the "incoming call" message on his phone. "Hello?" "How's bitch butch doing?" It was Worth's voice, and the hard on Butch threw actually hurt when it banged up against the cage. "Good evening Sir. How are you?" "Oh, I'm fine butchy baby. More to the point, how do you like being in a cage." Butch gulped. "I hate it Sir. I fucking hate it." "GOOD. Part of your training. " Butch sighed. "Yes sir." "So, this is what we're gonna do, stud. Not tomorrow. But two nights from now. You get your ass over here. No earlier than 7 and no later than 7:20. Wear your uniform. And if you do a good enough job, then... I'll take it off until next time." "A good enough job at what, Sir?" "Ha ha. You'll find out. I haven't even decided yet. " "Sir... could we do it... tomorrow?" "Oh, you've already got the cramping hornies don't ya stud?" SIGH. "Yes sir." "Too bad. No, tomorrow this beautiful boy I met at a bar is coming by to blow me. After Sparks fucks him. So tomorrow I'm busy. But think of it this way, snow top. I was going to wait until the weekend. I moved it up because... " he lowered his voice. "I want that ass of yours." "SHIT. He's gonna fuck me in two days," Butch thought. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. " "Don't make any plans for the weekend yet, either manbitch. I may have plans for you myself." "Yes sir. I understand. " "Alright. Stay outta trouble. Hey, think of it this way. If you met someone, you could blow him, he could fuck you, so much can happen in a night. But then I'll show ya how it SHOULD be done. " The talk was getting Butch hornier, and hornier. His cock kept on bumping up against the cage. DAMN. It was gonna be the longest 45 hours of his life.

But they passed. And now, he had on a complete uniform, sunglasses hooked into his left breast pocket, and he was on the way to Worth's. He had polished his boots the night before, and got hard when he was doing it. He wondered about buying a gift for Worth, but.... "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING." he thought, as he drove up to the front door. He saw Worth's car. And Sparks' too. SHIT. He hadn't anticipated Sparks being there. Butch parked his car, and went up to the front door. "It's open. Come in." He heard Sparks' voice, not Worth's. He walked in and immediately felt a gloved hand over his mouth, and an arm around his neck. "Ever been guillotine choked, bitch boy?" "mmmmmph." Butch shook his head no. He knew what it was from ultimate fighting, and it always got him excited when he saw it happen. "I'll put you out trooper if you don't get in that chair, NOW." Butch shook his head as best he could. Worth released the hold. "GET OVER THERE. YOU KNOW THE POSITION." "yes sir, I do." This time, Worth used cuffs to lock Butch's wrists. Then he grinned as he pulled out the reflective glasses and put them on his captive. He tied a cloth around Butch's mouth, and then he stood back. "Point out your chest, bitch. I want photos." Butch adamantly shook his head no. Worth was ready for that, and pulled out the hitachi. "Remember your friend? Think how he's gonna feel with that cage on your cock." He turned it on and it began to hum. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" Butch shook his head no, but as Worth brought the hitachi closer, he pointed out his chest. Worth smiled. "Good boy. I'm gonna let you slide on this one, because otherwise I'd leave that cage on until the weekend, but if you don't learn that you do what I say." He got right up in Butch's face. "YOU ARE GOING TO HURT ALL THE TIME." "mmmmmmmmmmmph," came out as Butch tried to say "I understand Sir."

Worth took pictures of Butch in full uniform and the glasses, then without the glasses. He took off the clip on tie, and opened Butch's shirt. "FUCK THAT'S HOT how your hair pokes out, handsome. DAMN." He took more photos, with and without the glasses. "Now, let's get those tits ready." Worth began sliding his fingers up and down Butch's nipples, and then pushed his knee into his crotch. Butch was ready to explode. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." "Nah, nah. Not yet, stud. Not yet. We have some more exploring to do." He opened Butch's shirt completely. "You know at some point, I'm gonna have to decide what to do about that fucking avalanche of chest hair, bitch, but for now..." Butch saw something that looked like an angrier version of the clamps Shelley wanted to buy him. "If I leave these on too long, you'll hurt BIG TIME. I'm just gonna get them tenderized for... more play." One clip went on , and then the other. "FKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" yelled Butch. "SHIT" he was thinking. "Too much. GET THEM OFF ME." He couldn't. His hands were tied behind him and now, Worth was running his finger up and down Butch's crotch, sending out waves of stimulation from there, too. He pulled the nipple clamps. Butch passed out. A smack from Worth got him awake and in pain again. "Ok, I'm gonna take these off. And after you rest, my fingers are going back." The removal was worse. Butch tried to scream again.

"Now, here's a little game I designed for you mancunt. I have four envelopes here. Each one of the has a little bit of fun written on the inside. You're gonna choose one, and then... we're gonna do whatever's in the envelope. Worth saw the look of fear in Butch's face . "Is 'butt fucking' in one of them? Maybe. Is it in all four? Could be. Am I setting you up? Possibly. BUT... you're gonna pick one, or I'm putting the clamps on and then Sparks and I are gonna go hunting. " At the sound of his name, Jason came out of his room. He smiled when he saw the condition Butch was in. "HOLY SHIT. I gotta get some pictures of this. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" Butch tried to plead. "That way, I have a bit of leverage when I need something from ya, Randle. Like maybe even a quick blow job in the bathroom." Butch's eyes popped open. He imagined he'd be having sex with Worth, but Sparks too? "You're gonna pick the way horses counted, stud. Tap 1, 2, 3, or 4 times. That'll be the next game." 3 had always been a lucky number for Butch so he tapped three times. "Let's see." Worth smiled and he opened it. "Blow job. AH. I can use one too. " He turned to Sparks. "You pick one, Jason. We have time to get two done." "Hmmm. I'll go with 1." Worth opened it. "OH, this is gonna be fun. Pup play. Hell yeah. You know, we could combine them. " He turned back to Butch. "Let's see what you missed. " He opened 2. "Well, there it is." He showed Butch. The card read "up the ass." Then he opened "4" "OH this would've been fun. It said 'full body shave.' " So, you've never given a blow job have ya, Butch? Butch shook his head no. "Well, Jason here is gonna demonstrate. But just very quickly. Then it's gonna be your turn Trooper Randle. " Butch had figured out that while both Worth and Sparks were tops, Worth was definitely the alpha. He learned, in the future, that when hunting turned up nothing and they were both horny, Sparks would bottom for Worth. It hadn't been necessary for a while, though, and with Butch, well... Jason got on his knees in front of Worth as Worth opened his pants. He slid his cock into Jason's opened mouth and spoke as Sparks got to work. "NO TEETH. He's retracting them. See how his tongue works, and then his whole mouth. " He smiled. "Good boy Jason." He turned to Butch. "Now it's your turn." He pulled Butch out of the chair and took off the sunglasses, but he didn't untie his wrists. He pulled off the gag. "GET TO WORK. You're being graded on this butch. You do well enough, the cage comes off." Butch was sweating. He began sweating more when Sparks came up from behind him, and put a dog collar around his neck. He handed the leash to Worth, who wrapped it around his hand a few times. "SUCK ME CUR." butch tried to say 'yes sir' but Worth rammed his cock in so fast he couldn't. "Hmmm. Not bad. You have soft lips, butch. Good thing for a cocksucking submissive. YEAH. And a tongue with a good texture. FUCK YEAH. YEAH up and down. You watched. You watched carefully. Now... TAKE MORE." He pulled the leash and butch's head went forward, taking ALL of Worth's cock. He nearly choked. How much did Worth have? More than butch did, that was for sure. While he was sucking, Worth reached down and tweaked his nipples. "OH, that means you're doing GOOD Randle. Sir Worth doesn't reward his subs unless he's pleased. butch saw that Sparks had his cock out and he was playing with it, getting it harder and harder. "I'm the smallest one in the room," butch thought, as he felt his head pushed forward again. Worth was working his nipples hard, and he was suffering with the cage. "Should I make him swallow?" Worth turned to Sparks, who shrugged his shoulders. "He's gonna have to sooner or later." "You're right. 100% right ." butch saw that Sparks had stopped playing with his cock, and felt that Worth had stopped sliding back and forth. All he felt was the hardness of Worth's cock, all the way to the back of his throat. He nearly threw up when the first salty mouthful went down his throat. And it kept on coming. How many before he lost count? Seven? Eight? "MAN, Jason. Breaking in a newbie is such a blast. " He handed the leash to Sparks. "Your turn." "WAIT" butch thought. "WAIT. I work with him!" He didn't want to give Worth the chance to keep the cage on, so he obediently took Jason. Fortunately, the cockplay brought Jason much closer to climax and he filled butch's throat a second time. "Good to have a company cocksucker, HA HA," Sparks laughed. He turned back to Worth. "So what're you gonna do now." "I'm gonna give my new sub a reward. Upstairs. " "yes sir. " butch tried to get up but Worth pulled the leash. "NO. You've got the collar on. Walk like the dog you are. All fours. All the way up the stairs. With your Master leading you." He untied butch's wrists so he could move that way. THIS was something butch had never even fantasized about. Worth kept the leash short, and taut, and he struggled to get up the stairs and into the bedroom. Before Worth unclipped the leash, he scratched behind butch's ear. "Good boy. A dog would get kibble. You're gonna get something else. But first... off with the boots. And the pants. "Yes sir." butch was exhausted. He didn't care about cumming right now, but he knew he would. Worth took out a key and unlocked the cage. butch's cock sprang to attention. Worth began to laugh. "Geez, you ARE ready. But not yet. That's not your reward. Get on your belly and you'll get it." "Yes sir." On his belly. Ok, it looked like he was getting fucked tonight. butch was convinced of that when Worth shoved his legs apart, and he felt Worth's thumb run down his ass crack. But then... what the... OH SHIT IT'S HIS TONGUE. " "Your gals ever ask you to eat them? Now you know why, stud." YEAH. Now he DID know. butch could feel himself leaking cum all over the towel Worth had put down. "PUSH YOUR HIPS UP SO I CAN GET IN DEEP." butch didn't have to be asked twice, and when he did, as Worth shoved his tongue in deeper, he also reached around and took butch's cock in his hand. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" came out of butch. He was so close. SO close. "Who's your MAN butch?" "You are Sir." "And who's my boy?" "I am Sir. I am. PLEASE. Please let me be your boy." "Ha ha. If you only knew...." he squeezed butch's cock and butch yelped before the cum started pouring out of him. Worth rolled brice onto his back. He began chewing one nipple while he squeezed the other one. "OH GOD. OH GOD SIR OH GOD. " When Worth was finished, he looked at butch. "You did good tonight, bottom." "Thank you Sir. " "Now here's what's gonna happen. Sparks is gonna drive you back to your house, and explain the new work rules to you. You're gonna belong to me from now on, but away from home - at the office and stuff like that - Sparks is gonna be in charge. He cant' take your ass: that's being saved for me, but if he tells you to do something, YOU DO IT." "yes sir. I understand." "And you come here after work on Friday. I'll send you a list of what to bring. You bring what I tell you . Nothing more, nothing less." He looked down at butch. "Damn I wish I could decide what to do about that hair. I mean, it'll grow back for sure, but.... you look SO GODDAMN HOT with it." "Please don't shave me," butch was thinking. He didn't like the "sissy bottom" look on other guys, and he didn't want to look like one. But he realized: he was losing control of making those choices. Fast. He was going to have to decide what he wanted to do: if he even had any say left. Did he? He just didn't know, and he was thinking about it so hard, he almost didn't hear what Sparks was telling him about how things were going to be at work.

Next: Chapter 4

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