The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 14, 2021


Randle didn't know that, usually, when "Sir Adam" brought "dates" home, they were tied up tight, and gagged, and laid out on the backseat of his car. With Bruce though, Adam had a sense that... getting this guy to where he wanted to go would require an approach a bit different than his usual one. He had a slight smile on his face as he drove. Bruce could feel sweat forming all over his body. He only had a very general idea of what this guy was going to do to him, and his anticipation mixed with fear. Was he.... going to get fucked?

"You looked so damn hot in your uniform this afternoon Randle, I was disappointed you guys switched to street clothes. " Butch made a sound sort of like a snort. "I didn't know I was gonna have a date." "HA HA. Good one. " Worth reached out and patted Randle's thigh. "MMMM. Most guys ignore that body part and it's flabby. Yours is nice and tight. Means...." he began to laugh. "Means you can tighten your glutes REAL good if you need to." "Shit! He DOES mean to fuck me." Butch was getting more and more nervous. "But to get back to what you were saying," Adam continued. "Next time around, I'd LOVE to see you all tied up in full trooper gear: down to the reflector glasses, the gloves, even the hat, even if I knock that off so I can see that great hair of yours." When he finished, Butch had an image of himself tied up and... yeah, he started to get aroused. Worth was kinda hot, and he left no doubt as to who was in charge. Butch had a feeling that if - or when - he was tied up like that, Worth was gonna turn it into a serious event. But as he sat in the car he was more concerned about what would happen over the next few hours. "Any chance you'll tell me where we are?" "Oh, no problem on that. You may need the info anyway to get out here yourself for sessions." Worth laughed again. "If you pass." "IF I PASS? What the hell does that mean?" Worth swerved to the right and went down a side road. Randle could see the house in front of them. "This is gonna sound like bragging, Randle, and maybe it is. I never go home alone unless I want to. I've been at this for a while, and to be honest, I'm usually disappointed. That's why I was at that cluster fuck the other day: just looking to get my rocks off. Lotsa one night stands with guys who don't meet my standards because..." And he squeezed Randle's knee: "They're not hot enough, and they don't understand discipline! I have an idea you do... and I already know you're hot. How much hotter you are when you're stripped remains to be seen." The combination of fear and excitement ran through Butch again: this studly guy just told him he was hot. And he was right: he DID understand discipline but...he understood the discipline of the gym: the discipline of doing those 100 squats and adding five for each one you did wrong. He understood the discipline of getting his uniform right every day: every crease in place. But in his personal life? Shelley had been clear: he needed more discipline. Could this guy provide it? He thought back to just a little while ago, when Worth had honed in on his nipples: how did he know what to do? He thought about that some more and now he was REALLY getting aroused. Worth hadn't said anything about what he was going to do to Bruce, and Bruce was afraid to ask about butt fucking or cock sucking.

Worth pulled up in front of the house. "Listen up, trooper stud. Normally, I'd toss you over my shoulder and haul your ass into the house. I'm not gonna do that tonight, but you're gonna do what you're told. Deviation from my orders is NOT acceptable, and there WILL be punishment if you do." "I understand Sir." Butch added that and he saw Adam grin. He also began to think about what it would feel to be loaded over Worth's shoulder, dragged in like a war prize. "We'll make do tonight with your hands going behind your back. I'll have em tied soon, but for now, I'm too lazy to get cuffs out of the car." So now Butch knew ONE thing that was gonna happen. it couldn't just be handcuffs though. Worth opened the door to the house. "GET IN" He flipped on a light switch. There was a HUGE living room with a fire place: Butch had a thing for fireplaces, even if it was still a little too warm to use one. He could see the entrance to the kitchen, and a stairway. "Bedrooms up there. We'll stay down here for now. " He snapped his fingers. "You see that chair over there? Sit in it. Get your hands behind your back." "Yes sir." Butch still didn't know what was going to happen to him, but Worth's voice had the air of authority: his first commander had a voice like that, and he had more than one dream about, well. "UGH!" squirted out of Butch's mouth as Worth tied a rope tightly around his wrists. "Ha ha. You're not getting out of that, trooper bitch." Butch pushed against the rope. Worth was right. "Don't need much to immobilize a man, especially when you're going to scratch his pussy. " Butch still didn't know what Worth meant by that, but he was about to find out. He saw Adam pull up a roll of tape. "Cloth duct tape Randle. Makes it easier and less painful when it gets ripped off. KEEP YOUR FUCKING HEAD STILL." Butch felt Adam make four complete circles of the tape around his mouth. "Not that it's a worry here, but no one is gonna hear a sound from you. " Worth was standing behind the bound Randle, and slipped his hands over Butch's shirt, finding his nipples and squeezing with a medium amount of pressure. "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." Butch's moan was not of pain. It was pleasure. He felt Worth lean his head on his neck and whisper "Trooper cunt." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Butch shook his head no, and Worth laughed. "Now, let's get the pussy scratcher ready." Butch saw him reach into a stash he kept in a table, and he pulled out a long, white polystyrene instrument Butch had never seen. "Called a hitachi, stud. Any idea what it does?" Butch did. Shelley had one. She made him use it on her once. He didn't much like it until she began to moan and quiver. He had wondered how it felt, but he didn't want her to think he was... that way. Now he was gonna find out. Butch nodded his head yes, and Worth smiled. He laid it horizontally on Butch's chair. The head was right up against Butch's crotch. "Pull your legs together. Hold it there." Butch tried to get a "yes sir" out, but all that Worth could hear was the stifled sounds out of the tape . He took the tape again and wrapped long strips around Butch's legs, so that the hitachi was fixed there. Butch saw him smiling. "OH, this is gonna do MUCH more than scratch your man pussy Butch. It's gonna become one of your best friends." He turned it on at the lowest power. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Butch almost jumped out of the chair. A spot of pre-cum formed on his jeans almost immediately. "AH HAH. I'd say we have a success! Let's leave it at that strength while I.. prepare you otherwise." He stepped behind Butch and whispered " you're gonna cum for me tonight. And my friend Mr. Hitachi is gonna get you where I want you. And he lets me keep my hands free, so...." His strong hands were first massaging Butch's shoulders and then... Butch felt one, then two buttons of his shirt open, and those same strong fingers were back on his nipples. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" It was odd. Butch knew the touch was light: much lighter than Worth had used when he overpowered him earlier, but the sensations going through Butch's body were much, MUCH stronger than he had ever experienced. Those sensations grew, as Worth increased the pressure. "I wanted you the second you interrupted us, fucker. And now.... I've got you. " Worth's tongue on Butch's ear, his fingers on Butch's tits, and the hitachi... Butch thought he was gonna explode. He heard the door open. He heard some moaning not unlike his own. "HEY ADAM. We BOTH had successful nights. " Butch looked up and saw... SPARKS. What the.... He was smiling and he had a humpy guy in a dark brown t shirt and jeans, gagged, tied and struggling with him. "JASON! About time you brought someone down." "Speaking of bringing someone down, big man... WOO HOO. You hit the jackpot. Look who's gonna be servicing you." "We'll see about that, still deciding. So who's this? Not one of your regulars." "Nah. Pulled him over for speeding today. Gave him the whole spiel and when he was staring at my crotch... well, you know the drill. " He squeezed the back of the guy's neck. "YOU GONNA TAKE A TROOPER COCK UP YOUR ASS, SISSY BOY?" Butch thought the guy looked like he COULD be defiant, just like him but... he had been broken. The way Butch felt he was going. Worth reached around and turned the hitachi up a notch. "I don't wanna interrupt training Trooper Randle here. He's got a shitload to learn." "Amen to that" Sparks laughed. "So, we'll talk about three ways, and shit like that later. For now, let me continue to...." he laughed "orient this bitch in training to the basics of admitting what you are: a MANBITCH. "MMPH MMMM" Butch shook his head no, and heard Adam laugh. "Your cock seems to disagree with you stud." Indeed, Butch's cock was growing. It was growing pretty big. "Ok, boy, I been promising this for a while, here it comes." Worth didn't take off the hitachi, or any of the bonds, but he did haul Butch over his shoulder. "Time for a march upstairs." Feeling Adam's hand on his ass as he lugged Butch up the stairs, pushed Butch right to the edge. DAMN did he want to shoot.

They were in Adam's bedroom. He had spread a huge bath mat on the bed before he lay Butch down on the side. "DAMN I love Trooper boots." He began to pull off Butch's, putting them at the side. "And yes, I'm not above tickling a guy's feet, so keep that in mind, manpussy." Butch was feeling totally overcome. He just kind of whimpered as his second boot came off, and then Worth got rid of the tape, and the hitachi. Butch was laying there in nothing but his skinny shirt and his jock. "Now ain't that pretty. Ain't that pretty." Worth smiled. "Got a WHOLE lot of things I could do to you but... you're gonna cum for me. And you're gonna do it without using your hands, bitch butch." He looked at his bound prize. "Roll on your belly. And once you're there, I'm gonna set the timer to 5 minutes. That's how long you have to shoot a wad. And if you don't.... I take over. That's how it's gonna work, stud." Worry built up in Butch's head. Yeah, he was close to bursting with jizz but... now he HAD to do it, and he had a time limit. Could he? And if he didn't, Worth was "taking over?" What did that mean? He began to hump the bed. "Damn, a trooper trying to get off. SHIT. I gotta see you do this in your uniform, Randle. FUCK." Randle could see that Worth had just unzipped his own pants, and he was playing with himself. He had only a vague idea of what Worth's cock was like, and now, that he saw it fully engorged, he began to think "what the hell have I gotten myself into?" Butch's humping of the bed was working. He was getting closer and closer, but he didn't know how much time he had left to do it. He felt drops falling on his ass. Worth had climaxed, shooting all over Butch's firm ass. "FUCK YEAH. Outside today, inside tomorrow ha ha ha!" "Inside tomorrow. " That freaked out Butch, and he lost the orgasm. The timer went off and Worth flipped him on his back. "Butch baby! I'm disappointed! I thought a big strong stud like you could get it off without help. Looks like your new Topman is gonna have to intervene, doesn't it? Butch meekly shook his head yes. "Well, here we go. But I gotta but you on notice stud. Discipline. Remember? Some to follow." He began edging Butch. He knew what he was doing, and Butch couldn't help his body arching up . "HOLD THE BRIDGE STUD. DON'T BRING IT BACK DOWN." Bridges were part of Butch's regular workout, so he could do it. He had never done something like this, with his hands tied and his hips arched, as he got closesr and closer to climax. Then it happened. "NNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGNGNGNGNGNGGNGNGNGNGGNG" Butch saw his jizz shoot up in the air. He was amazed. Had this been building since he had broken up the Lost Boys group. "THERE YA GO BUTCH! I knew you could do it. And you're gonna do it again. Real soon. Just not tonight. Tonight, you're gonna clean that up and then... discipline starts." Worth untied Butch's wrists, and took off the gag. "Get cleaned up. Then back out here. Submission position." "Yes sir. What's submission position?" Worth began to laugh. "OH, we got lots to cover. For now, it's standing with your head bowed, hands behind you, legs spread. It'll get more intricate." "Yes sir. " Butch ran off to the bathroom. He felt surprisingly satisfied with what had just happened: was it sex? Was it foreplay? Was it both? It was like nothing he had ever done before. He came back in the bedroom, and Worth was waiting, with a small coil of - was it metal? - in his hand. "This is the beginning Butch. I want you back here . In full uniform. Then we'll move to Part 2. And I'm gonna make sure you do by putting this on you." "What's that Sir?" "It's a chastity cage. Locks on your cock, and you can piss, but you can't ejaculate. Cause you can't get hard. Anal orgasms? No problem. Cock orgasms? BIG PROBLEM." Butch thought about it and started moving his hand to push Adam's away from his cock. Adam looked at him. "You really wanna go mano a mano with me, stud?" Butch thought about that for a minute. "No Sir." "GOOD. Keep you from getting bruised until I want ya bruised. Stand still." Butch closed his eyes. The coil was cold, and tight and he heard Worth turn the key. "Now you're gonna get dressed and I'm gonna drive you back home. I'd rather you came by tomorrow, but that's not a requirement. Yet. You let me know when you need cock relief and we'll set something up. And the next time, like I say: full uniform. DRESS uniform with the sleeves, the tie, everything. OH. And before I forget, you're gonna be in the backseat tied in a small package on the way back to your house." He smiled. "And yes, I have the address. Sparks gave it to me. " Hogtied, gagged, riding home as Worth's new sub, Butch began wondering if this was what he had been waiting for since he began thinking about men.

Next: Chapter 3

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