The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 2, 2022


The next morning, Adam ordered butch to give him a blow job. They were still in bed, but Adam had woken up extremely horny, and he knew with the day ahead of them, he wouldn't get any relief until after dinner. He assumed there was something up at Dan and steve's place, but he and Dan hadn't discussed it very much. He knew that after they had the showing of the house he intended to buy, steve would take butch to meet a couple of the other subs in town -- people who'd be joining them that evening -- and he'd be meeting with their DOMS, and with Dan. "Fucking shame there aren't cuffs on the sides of the bed. Just put your hands above you. I'm gonna hold you there and you're gonna suck like the champion cocksucker you are." Butch could only reply "yes sir," before Adam's cock was deeply down his throat. He had to work to get some fluid in his mouth and he did the best he could. It wasn't enough for Adam, though, and he stopped, and ordered butch to go and either drink some water, or somehow moisten his mouth. In those few minutes, Adam looked around and found a pair of cuffs in a side drawer of the bed table. "Wonder what happened," he thought. "The place used to be the brothel. You'd think." When butch got back, he cuffed his wrists to the headboard. "Now, let's get going sub boy. Don't think your ass is gonna be safe though. There'll be AT LEAST one cock in it before the night is over." "mmmmmmmmmmph?" butch was confused by the "AT LEAST." He had learned to take Adam, but what was his Master saying about more than one cock being in him? He knew well enough not to ask, as Adam settled into a rhythm. "AH. MMMM. If someone else gets that sweet mouth, bitch boy, they're gonna be a lucky top. But you're not sucking ANYTHING unless I'm there and approve it. YOU GOT IT BITCH?" butch tried not to gag, and not to let his teeth scrape Adam's dick as he nodded yes. He curled his tongue around Adam's cock the way he knew Adam liked to be sucked. He puckered at Adam's cock head and took his shaft slowly, and then he deep throated it. It always amused him: Adam was the Top and the DOM, and certainly in control, but once he put his piece into butch's mouth... he was really at butch's mercy. It was fortunate -- for Adam -- that butch LOVED sucking cock. After he had been recaptured, butch thought about how ingenious Adam had been when they started: he didn't let butch near his cock until he was confident that butch had been broken. He knew that butch might try something. (And as he found out later that night, one of the subs had done that, and had paid dearly for it). Now, Adam was pumping faster, and faster and butch began to prepare himself for the flood. Adam always had big orgasms, but the ones in the morning were always HUGE. In his position, lying down and cuffed, he'd have to be careful about not choking because, if he did, he might very well wind up scraping Adam's dick and that would mean at least a week in the cage. He saw his Master smile, and then he felt hot, thick cum going down his throat. butch could have used some release too, but Adam didn't talk about that. Instead, he got up and started getting ready, leaving butch cuffed to the bed frame. When he came out of the bathroom, naked and rubbing his hair with a towel, he grinned, pulling the sheets off butch. He reached for butch's nipples. "Looks like someone is gonna lose control very easily this morning. "He began pinching butch's nipples until he began moaning. "Know what's gonna happen REAL soon stud muffin? You're gonna get that glass chin of yours nibbled on. That little secret space that I'm the only one who knows about. Heh heh. Wonder what it'd be worth to someone else." butch wanted to beg Adam to promise not to tell anyone, but he was moaning, and he was getting harder. Then when Adam put his hand around butch's cock, and started scraping his chin with his teeth, just hard enough to arouse butch, the jizz flew out of him. "THANK YOU, SIR THANK, YOU. OH GOD I NEEDED THAT." "Get yourself cleaned up, handsome. I want you looking REAL good for the meetings, and then... tonight. I'm SO glad I packed that uniform." Dan and steve met them for breakfast. There was still a bit of a sheen of sweat on steve from his morning run: "my stud did 8 miles this morning. Keeps his legs and glutes so fucking hot." Dan was squeezing steve's shoulder. Both Adam AND butch were thinking that steve was a really, REALLY hot man. For Adam, it wasn't surprising: steve was physically somewhat similar to butch. For butch though, getting the hots for a lankier, tall guy was odd. He was attracted more to guys with thicker, hairier bodies like Adam. He began to wonder: was he being "awakened" to other types by the surroundings? "Let's go see the house," Dan smiled. "I have to be honest: it's pretty basic. It's not one of the bigger houses in the town: the guys you'll meet tonight meet in two of the big ones, but it's very similar to mine, and I can tell you, it's plenty of house for two people."

When Dan said "mine," he grinned just a bit. It was something he'd have to get more used to, and he was going to enjoy it. Roles were very clear here in Otokouomo, and subs could not own property. Now, what DID happen is, in case a DOM passed and left his sub widowed, and it had happened, that property WOULD pass to the sub, and it would be purchased back by the town, with the money going to the sub. IF there were a single DOM in town who was interested in the newly single sub, then he could claim the sub and had a period of time to determine if he'd take him. If not, the sub could keep the money and the network of friends of the town (who would visit and rent the hotel rooms, but didn't live there), would see to the re-establishment of the sub after he left Otokouomo. Remember: single subs were not allowed in town. There were three floors to the house, which was standard here. The top floor was bedrooms, bathrooms, and a room that could be a home office, or a second smaller playroom, because there was a bigger playroom on the first floor, off to the side of the main living room. Kitchens were adequate enough, but some of the DOMS would take space from the living area and make them bigger when they remodeled, and there was a dining alcove large enough for eight. By far, the section of the house that was most interesting to new residents, was the basement. Each basement was completely renovated, and had two cells: a larger one, and a smaller one. "The smaller one is for times when a more punitive approach is needed with a sub. You'll find that Martin was forced to use the smaller one with brad when you talk to him tonight." Dan laughed. "And when you meet brad, you may see why." He looked at steve for a minute. "Now, stevie here, he spent a fair amount of time in the more luxurious "suite" after we settled in. He needed to be persuaded' that this lifestyle was for him." "I need to ask him about that," ran through butch's mind. "It's a solid house. Lots of it. I can see us having a fair amount of fun here. I walked into the toy store' today." He gave butch a smile. "I haven't told my boy about his present, but I think he knows what it is." He laughed when he saw butch blush. "Don't worry stud. My understanding is that it's the most popular item in town. You're not gonna be the only one wearing a chastity cage." "Hell no," Dan smiled. One of the subs you'll meet in a few minutes is close to breaking the town record: he's worn his for ten weeks in a row. "TEN WEEKS" butch forgot himself. "Oh, I apologize Sirs. I just can't imagine it." "His DOM started him on it before they joined us. They have an interesting story. There they are." Adam saw a husky, almost football player sized guy wearing a shirt that was so tight it looked like it had been painted on him. His jeans were nearly as tight. He kept his hands behind his back and a skinny, almost geeky guy held his bicep and walked next to him. "That's Will and his sub chris. Shows you what happens when you're a bully. They met in high school and chris essentially bullied Will for four years. It was after college that they met again -- after Will bought the company where chris worked. Well, to cut to the chase, you see what happened. That's where chris learned about Will's fascination with keeping burly guys locked up. Now Martin and brad, well, another interesting story. Martin had come to town on business and went to one of the rougher bars. Seems that brad was on the down low and essentially sucking as many cocks as he could. Well, Martin was intrigued by this sexy guy, but refrained. Next day when he went to the company where he had his meetings, who walked in to give the presentation, but brad? As Martin tells it, as he walked by brad on his way to another meeting, he whispered the name of the club and a time. And from there. OH, you should know, brad is NOT happy about being here. Even less so than steve was when I hoisted his ass up here." That got a laugh from steve. "It's true. Most of you guys got here riding in the front or backseat of a car. I rode in Dan's trunk. Short stops to stretch my legs and get fresh air but... just like a hostage. And I felt like one...until I didn't." "You see how lucky you are, stud muffin," Adam squeezed the back of butch's neck. "I didn't even do something like put you in permanent chastity when you tried to get away. SO much fun recapturing you." "You know, we DO have an event in the spring, Adam. It's the `sub run.' The subs get a chance to try to win a night of freedom by escaping recapture in the woods. "He took steve's hands and moved his arms behind his back. "This boy always puts up a good fight, but he forgets that I grew up hunting and fishing." "No match for Master Dan, I'm afraid," steve smiled. "Faster, but not nearly as crafty." "So, Adam, we're gonna let steve take butch to meet with the other boys, and you come on with me. Will and Martin are joining us, then we'll plan for tonight. I have some ideas, but I don't want to plan anything you don't want to do. It's your night."


To say that butch's head was swimming with the information he got from steve, brad and chris would be an understatement. Such different experiences of coming into submission, but all of them had not thought about it very much until they had met their DOM. Of the three of them, steve seemed the happiest, and he and Dan had been together the longest.

chris seemed to be grudgingly resigned to it but realized that his life with Will was better than the life he could have had on his own. He told them that Will was extremely possessive and extremely jealous. They almost never went out and Will had had an in-house gym built in their house so that he didn't have to risk anyone crusing chris. He did seem to be obsessed with chastity for chris, and he was going to be unlocked for that night because of a game they called "sub sucking." "FUCK. Not that again. It isn't enough that I have to suck Master' Martin at least once a day already," brad was pouting. "I'm sorry but I never heard of the game" butch asked. "It's sort of a standard party game around here, butch. What'll happen is we'll get paired off in twos. One of us will be the Top and the other one will have to suck him off. Then the two bottoms will pair up and the same thing will happen. Whomever is the one left standing' gets to pick in the other game we always play: mix it up'. "And that one?" "We're all looking forward to you and Adam playing that, butch. In mix it up' no couple is allowed to pair off for butt sex. The winning sub gets to pick whomever he wants to fuck him and then the remaining three DOMS draw lots to see who they get. It's really sexy." He gave butch a look. "I shouldn't tell you this, but Master Dan told me they're going to encourage Master Adam to have you wear your trooper uniform." brad looked up when he heard that. "I never did a cop before. You're all supposed to be pretty dom, but I guess that's not true." "You know, I think you're even sexier today in that uniform, stud."

Adam had come up behind butch and had put him in a bear hug. He began nibbling on butch's right ear. "I really should just keep you here tonight, and fuck you all night and all day tomorrow, but there'll be time for that. GRRRRRRRRR." He pushed butch down to the bed. He kept butch's hands pinned with one of his own and began squeezing his ass with the other one. "I think it's the noble thing to share this sweet ass with those less fortunate." Then he rolled butch over and teased his navel through the pucker in his shirt. "Because I'll have the majority of it for myself." When Adam teased butch's navel, he was helpless. He began to whine a little and to squirm. "I wish you would fuck me right now Sir," he begged. "Someone's gonna fuck you tonight, just not me handsome. That's for tomorrow. At least twice. "He stood up. Adam was wearing a black shirt, jeans, and a vest. "Let's get you collared and leashed. Time for the walk of the subs." Adam understood some of the dynamics of the town much better than butch did, and by not tying butch's wrists, but leading him by a leash, he was showing his total domination. By smiling and giving the "thumb's up" to anyone who whistled them or called out "FUCKING HOT" or "WELCOME HOME STUD" he was making the case for them belonging. He hoped tonight would seal the deal. He wanted this. Badly. Dan and steve had a new housekeeper and valet: Marian and Raymond. They were a married couple from one of the surrounding towns. Dan had not been able to secure permission for Marian to live within the town, so they would stay at one of the closer hotels on party nights, at Dan's cost. He didn't mind: the parties at his house were legendary, both because of Marian's cooking, and Dan's very creative game playing. The game playing started with dinner itself. For pre-dinner drinks, they met in a room that had only four chairs: subs were to sit at the feet of their DOMS. Both brad and butch (it was the first time for both of them) followed the lead of steve and chris in "assuming the position." There was sexual foreplay, of course: butch saw Dan move his foot into steve's crotch (steve had spread his legs) and begin softly running the shoe over it. Butch wondered if steve had been caged before the party: he knew chris was, and assumed brad was, but he wasn't sure about steve. Will immediately went for chris' nipples: chris had on another very tight shirt, and he had three buttons opened. Interestingly though, Will played with the nips through the shirt, not inside of it. (Later, butch found out that Will lined all of chris' shirts with Velcro and it tormented chris way more than Will's fingers). Martin did something very similar to what Adam did to butch a lot: he pinned brad's arms with his legs, but he added a twist to it: butch watched how, during the course of the cocktail time, after ever sip brad took, he'd return his arms to the position and Martin would pull them back further. He thought it was very hot, and from the way Adam was squeezing butch's neck and massaging his ears, he could tell Adam did too. When they got up for dinner, Adam whispered "we'll have to try that. I didn't think I'd be so horny this early in the evening. "Game playing" continued at the dinner table. Dan broke up the couples, so each DOM was surrounded on his sides by two of the subs: Adam had chris on one side, and steve on the other side. Also, each sub had to lock his ankles into restraints that were placed on the legs of the chairs. That arrangement allowed access to their crotches, and Dan was taking advantage of it with brad as they sat down. Adam saw the discomfort on brad's face and thought "Dan is a TRUE DOM. I'm learning a lot tonight." For Adam's part, there was no question that objectively, chris was the hotter man, but he just seemed more resigned to his role than to be enjoying it. On the other hand, steve would purr, or coo, as Adam pawed at his thigh and eventually reached in to feel the swelling in steve's crotch. "Yup," Adam thought. "I could spend some time with this hottie. Marian's dinner was ridiculously delicious. The wines were wonderful too, but Dan counseled everyone to try to be judicious so that they had their wits about them for the game playing after dinner. "Sub suck comes first," he announced, as they released the subs from their chairs, and headed to the playroom. "Now, this box has two green cards in it, and two red ones. You all know the deal, so...butch, you're the newest sub, so you pick first." butch drew a red card. It had a "1" in the center of it. "OK, STUD! That means that once the cards are drawn, you get to choose: suck or be sucked by whomever has the other red card." It turned out that brad drew the other red card. It was clear from his face what brad wanted and it had been so long since he had GOTTEN rather than GIVEN a blow job that butch chose that. For steve and chris, it was a little odder. Rather than choosing on his own, he turned to Will: "Sir, which do you want me to do?" "You suck him, chrissy. Just like the bottom's bottom you are." "Yes Sir" was all chris answered. And then it began. Maybe it had to do with the length of time since he had gotten a BJ because butch wasn't really getting into it. That is, until brad ran a tongue around his balls. He heard the DOMS laugh when he moaned "OH FUCK." "Looks like someone's gonna be the loser here." Indeed, butch felt that way. He could see steve and chris going at it. It seemed that chris wasn't really into it, until Will spoke in a soft, firm voice. "Ten weeks can become fifteen, chrissy," and then he showed more enthusiasm. Of the four, though, steve had the most experience and knew how to maintain his cool. It was butch who blew his load first and he was thinking "I'll show you a GOOD BJ you smug bastard." They paired off again, and this time, since brad got butch off first, he got to pick roles. "I'll do what I'm good at," he said, and prepared to suck his second cock of the night. Meanwhile, butch got down in front of steve's crotch, and saw steve's cock jump an inch. "No chance of him ever topping, Dan. Don't worry." Dan laughed. "Oh, I didn't think so. I've never seen a more uncomfortable face in my life than when he was getting blown. He's almost happy now." "TAKE IT NEWBIE" steve tried to butch it up and failed miserably. Meanwhile, brad was bringing a lethargic chris back to life. There comes a point in chastity when the horniness leaves and a weariness sets in, and that was almost always the case for chris. But brad's technique... DAMN he was good. "This is the best fucking blow job I've ever had," and it was the first one chris had had in years. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUCK" he moaned as he squirted into brad's mouth, a full 3 minutes before butch brought off steve. There seemed to be a silent agreement between them because they were enjoying it so much to make it last as long as possible. When steve couldn't hold back anymore, he smiled and ran his hand through butch's hair. "I sure hope they accept your application, stud," he whispered, "because I wanna return the favor." "OK gents," Dan rose. "I don't know about you, but I think the temperature in the room just went up by ten degrees. Anyone ready for a little "mix it up." "HERE HERE," yelled Will. "So, now we announce the winner. The four of us conferred and we think that brad showed the best technique so... congratulations brad. It can't be Martin. Whom do you want to fuck you?" "No one" was what brad was thinking, but that was NOT an acceptable answer. He had tried it at one party and got a thorough thrashing from Martin the next day. His ass was sore from the whipping for a week. He looked around. "I pick Dan," he announced. "Good choice," steve added. "Ok, now let's let the newbie pick. Not you, butch. Now the DOMS choose. Adam?" There was no question in Adam's mind: he curled his finger at steve. "C'mere big guy. Let's see if you're as much fun as I think you'll be." "Ha ha. Trust me. He will be. Will? I guess that means you're gonna fuck the cop." Will smiled. He had been looking at butch since they walked in. "We get to use toys, don't we?" "Sure do," was Dan's reply. "Good. Officer, you're about to get frisked." "This will be interesting," thought butch. Will was the one he was least interested in getting fucked by: he would have preferred steve fucking him more than anyone else. (And there WAS a game where subs got to fuck each other, but that is for another day). That left Martin and chris, and again, there was no disappointment from Martin. Just about every DOM in the town wanted a shot at chris' muscular ass and smooth broad chest. Now, he had one. He wasn't planning on any finesse: he just wanted to drop chris on the floor, tear off his pants, and have at him. "Let's move over here," Adam came over with a collar he had picked up in the playroom. He put it on steve's neck and then he cuffed him. "I'm gonna take you doggie style, you handsome guy. DAMN you've got me hard." butch felt a twang of jealousy, as he felt ropes going around his wrists. Will tied a good knot. And when he felt his long fingers dig into his ribs, he knew he was in trouble: Adam tickled well, but it was clear: Will was an expert. And Dan had heard, from Martin, that playing with brad's nipples when he was chained against the wall, was the best way to get the reluctant stud to give it up. It was a position Dan put steve in a lot, so he was used to it. He played with brad's nipples for a few minutes before he took a set of clamps and added them. He whispered "you wanna get fucked boy? You want Master Dan to split your ass?" brad moaned: "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR." Similar stories were evolving around the room. Will had pushed butch's shoes off and would tickle one side of his ribs and his foot on the other side, then he'd dig into butch's pits. Adam always gave butch plenty of time to catch his breath. Will didn't. "I GIVE I GIVE I SURRENDER. FUCK ME MASTER PLEASE FUCK ME" butch's deep baritone rang across the room, and steve tried to look before Adam slapped a blindfold on him and then gagged him. "I don't give a shit whether you want it or not, you're getting it." If the gag weren't on steve's mouth, Adam would have seen that he was smiling ear to ear. Adam got steve's jeans off, and his cock was the first one to find an ass that night. He got in even faster than Martin did, and Martin was working fast. He had challenged chris to a game of "push me off," where he worked on chris' nipples, distended from the work that Will had done on them, challenging him to get him off his chest. Martin was good with nips: brad's were sensitive and so he just did to chris what he did to brad. "I'm not stopping until you beg for it," he told chris, who eventually whined and, when he didn't see Will so that he could get permission, whispered "fuck me Sir. Please fuck me." There was no privacy for the screwing that happened after that: it was all in the same room, all on the same floor. Will shot into butch first. As compared to Adam, butch thought it was a satisfactory fuck, but the tickle foreplay was ... he'd have to try to get Adam to step up his game. Dan's cock was thick and short, a size that brad wasn't used to. He moaned more than any of the other subs, not knowing how much moaning turned on Dan. "SQUEEZE THOSE CHEEKS BRADFORD" Dan ordered, and he got a "YES SIR" in return, plus a flood of cum in his ass. Adam and steve were trying to keep things going for as long as they could, but Adam had wanted to fuck steve from the first time he saw him. "Take me Daddy, take me," steve whispered. "Make me wish I wore your collar." That just set off Adam and he SLAM fucked into steve. Was it as good as butch? Hmmm. He'd never tell. And the one everyone thought would happen first, took the longest. There's passive and then there's PASSIVE. chris didn't do much to encourage or discourage Martin. There were some in the town who felt that Will had broken him too completely and there was no fire left. Martin finally began thinking about what he'd do to brad the next day and then... BOOM. And number four was done.


"Should we try something else or is everyone... spent," Dan asked. Indeed, seven of them had blown their loads that night. "bradford," Dan used brad's nickname. "You still have full balls. I think we have to do something about that. "He grinned. "Let's see: my stevie is the only one who hasn't encountered your cock tonight brad. How about an old-fashioned jerk off? With steve underneath you, encouraging you. Get off your shirt, steve." "Yes sir," steve stripped down and lay under brad who straddled him. "Gimme your juice you fucking stud. Get it all over me. BATHE ME. COME ON. Show you're a man" brad began to tense up, but steve was experienced enough to know what to do. He reached up and squeezed brad's balls ever so gently. It was like getting juice out of an orange. He was so unused to it that brad almost cried when he shot his load. "What a way to end!" Martin went over to his sub and planted a kiss on him. "You're a pro. You'll get to love this life." After everyone got dressed and they were having a closing cocktail, Dan rose. "Now I want to offer a toast because I have some news which may be, pardon the pun, anti-climactic. I didn't want to announce it earlier so that we could all enjoy ourselves. Adam, WELCOME TO OTOKOUOMO. Counsel approved you today. You can move in any time you want."

Next: Chapter 18

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