The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 29, 2022


Adam had come into the laundry room where butch was doing the next to last of his Saturday chores: he had already gone to the gym, and then straightened up Adam's home office. After laundry, it was time to polish Adam's shoes, and Jason's too. butch never understood how someone who worked from home could get so many shoes so in need of polish, but it was what it was. Jason made more sense: he was still working outdoors as a trooper. When he had been straightening up Adam's office, butch saw notes Adam had written down: "Rochester: 8:15, 12, 4:55, rest too late" and the name "Dan" followed by "committees". That was all he knew. Was Adam planning a move to Rochester? These thoughts were going through butch's head when he heard Adam come into the laundry room. He felt his Master hook one arm, then the other one, and pin them behind him. "You always look so fucking sexy when you don't wear a shirt, butch. Maybe sexier than when I can undress you." He began to nibble butch's neck which made butch hyperventilate. Adam moved his free hand down to where the tight jeans met butch's lower body, and he began running a finger along the waist band. Now butch yelped: Adam loved doing that to him because it always made butch laugh: a slight tickle that proved, once again, that Adam had control over butch. The control had become more and more clear after butch's recapture: there was rarely a time when he was home that butch wasn't bound in some way: to the bed, in the chair, hands cuffed in front of him, something. And there were more subtle ways, like the shirt color game Adam played, or the one that was playing out that morning: before he had tried to escape, butch was following a workout that Adam's trainer friend had designed. As butch toned up, Adam would toss out whatever clothes he had, and get tighter fitting versions. While he was "on the lam," butch didn't get to gyms and had gained weight. He was back at the gym, following a rigorous workout program, but Adam refused to replace his clothing until he was back to the point he had been at before escaping. That meant the jeans he was wearing were extraordinarily snug. Adam required butch to work without a shirt when he was around because "that's the way I like you," and to be honest, butch enjoyed it. Periodically, Adam would make him stop, pull up his arms to make sure his pit hair was still short, or run his hands over "an ass as smooth as a perfect melon," or something like that. It wasn't the first time that Adam had pinned butch's arms behind him while he was working, and butch just assumed Adam was horny and was dragging him back to bed. Instead, he got pulled to the bondage chair, where Adam tied his wrists behind him and ordered him to "spread those sexy legs so your crotch is exposed, bitch boy." And butch began to get hard: he had not been allowed to cum when Adam fucked him the night before. On weekends, he got to cum on Sunday night, and not before. "Those nips could get pointed out too, stud muffin" "Yes sir," butch answered. He smiled as he just gently twisted them until he heard butch sucking in his breath. "So, there's a possible big change in our lives, butch. I applied for a house in a town that's.... you know, I don't really know exactly where it is. The closest city is Rochester. " He paused and lifted up his foot to push it into butch's crotch. "It's probably wrong to call it a town. Let me call it a gated community. Self run. Called Otokouomo: Japanese and Italian for 'man' since the founders were a Japanese and Italian couple. Men only, and only men dedicated to the DOM/sub lifestyle. Couples, and some DOM singles. VERY exclusive and a big secret for years. And now, that I seem to have found my life sub, I started looking into it." "I never heard of it Sir, but I saw your notes on Rochester flights. I thought you were going on a meeting or something." "Nope. I booked flights for Thursday night. We'll get there, spend the weekend, meet the residents and then come back on Sunday. They'll consider us and, if we're approved, we'll pack up and get on the road." Then butch said something he shouldn't have. "But... Sir, what about my job? I mean, you can work from home wherever you are but..." He yelled "OUCH" as Adam pushed his foot into his crotch, HARD. "I thought you understood, slave sub. If I told you I wanted you to stop working, and be at home all day, you'd have to do it. That's what submission is about. And you submitted twice. So, butch, you don't have anything to say about this. Frankly, on many levels, you're like the living room furniture: no one asks the sofa if it wants to move, they just take their property." He brought down his foot and began squeezing butch's nipples again. "And YOU, handsome, are my property." butch gulped. Of course, Adam was right. "I had never thought of it that way Sir" "Well, you're gonna have a week to START thinking about it that way. And I guess I'm going to have to reinforce it. " He stood up and grabbed butch's chin. "Let me be clear too, man bitch. If you try to sabotage this, I'll know. And things will NOT look good for you. I hope that's clear." "Yes sir. It is." "GOOD. Now I'm just gonna enjoy seeing you tied up like that for half an hour or so, and then you can get back to the chores. I have something planned for you this afternoon. It'll help you to understand your place better."

When butch finished up the laundry and the shoe polishing, he went to where Adam was watching television, and Adam smiled. "EXCELLENT. I think I'm gonna LOVE the new torment I have for you. Bedroom. Now. Starfish shape, on your back." "Yes sir," butch answered. Adam followed him in and first strapped down butch's wrists. He pulled off his sneakers, and then the socks. "These are the ones you wore to the gym today, butch?" "Yes sir." Adam grinned as he tied the socks together, forming a knot in the middle. Then he gagged butch with the makeshift gag, before he pulled off his jeans, and the red thong butch was wearing. butch was rock hard. "Now, we can't have that, stud. We can't have that at all." He disappeared and came back with ice cubes. He ran them over butch's shaft until the moaning sub's cock receded. "Don't use this too often, bud, but I think this afternoon is going to be a superb time to get you re-used to it." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH" butch whined as he saw the chastity cage come out. "Just for a little while. Maybe 3-4 hours, maybe less, who knows?" He locked it onto butch's cock. "Now, we need to do that because... you SURE did seem to like that hitachi and... " butch saw that Adam had taken it out. First, though, he took a strip of rope and made a small circle in it. "Just big enough to get over those full balls of yours, stud." There was another moan as butch felt the noose tighten around his balls and as Adam pulled the rope taut, tying it to the bottom frame of the bed. "Hey, in the movie I saw, the spy had the rope around his balls, and there was a sinker at the end of it. They put it on a small shelf and every half hour, the shelf moved so that the sinker got closer, and closer to falling off. " He leered. "Maybe we'll do that next week but for now...." He took the hitachi and positioned it right at butch's hole. "Low stimulation. But if you pull or move your hips, get what gets pulled down. " butch looked at him pleadingly. "Oh, you'll get fucked, no question about that. But I want you to understand more clearly just what you are..a sub, a slave. a BITCH. A MAN BITCH."

The hitachi was getting butch even more aroused, and as his cock grew, it filled the chasity cage. It fought angrily against the cage for a while, and lost. And every time butch involuntarily pulled his hips in the air, his balls got pulled back down. Even the smell and taste of his own feet were arousing him. butch hadn't read much about his lifestyle, so he didn't know about "sub space:" when the sub goes into this sort of cloud where he's aware of very little other than what he's feeling. He crossed the barrier into that space after about half hour. He thought about how he ALWAYS wanted to be controlled and dominated. How many people actually like sitting in the middle seat on airplanes ? butch did. The sense of confinement always got him excited. When he started dating women, he looked and looked for one who would dominate him completely. He never found her. He never told anyone, but he had tried getting dominated by men. Somehow, the attitude he had developed as a trooper always came through, and even the DOMS he met who had tons of experience backed down. Adam was the first one who seemed to be willing to take on the challenge of bringing out the submissive part of butch he knew was there, but couldn't reach. And he had succeeded. As butch thought about the attempted escape, wasn't that just a way to get Adam to dominate him even more? It had worked. Here was this big, hunky, masculine stud, tied down on a bed, in a cock cage, his balls getting pulled to the ground as his Master prepped him for a really serious fucking. "GOD you just look SO fucking ripe and SO fucking delicious, butch boy." Adam was in the room, and first shut off the hitachi and then took out the gag. "You ready for me to fuck the shit outta you?" "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR" "Heh heh." Adam had come into the room wearing his shorts, but butch could see the bulge. When Adam dropped the shorts, the bulge became almost a python. butch wanted to taste it, to suck it, but he didn't want a drop of what Adam was holding to not get into him. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR BITCH" Adam smiled, pushed butch's legs apart like he was ripping a chicken wishbone, and butch got his wish. He knew it too. He screamed a THANK YOU as Adam penetrated, deeper and deeper. "HOLY SHIT SIR. YOU FEEL SO GOOD." "You're tight as hell today butchie. Was that the squats at the gym?" "Maybe Sir, I don't know." They were both feeling "it," whatever "it" was. Adam had pushed butch's legs apart far enough, and he was holding them securely enough so that butch shouldn't have been able to tighten his glutes, but he WAS tight and Adam was enjoying every second of it. "FUCK. If we get accepted, I can lead you around like the sub you are, without any problem. Shirtless, dressed, no one's gonna care. Tied up on the street? " (He shoved in harder), led on a leash? FUCK YEAH. GOD I want this. But right now.. I WANT THAT ASS." He pushed hard and the cum started flooding butch's ass. There was so much of it, it started to flow out of butch onto the bed. "Gonna have to do laundry again, fucktoi." "Yes sir. It's worth it" butch answered as Adam withdrew his cock. "DAMN you are SUCH a satisfying fuck. "

After dinner, Adam had butch sit on the floor, shirtless again, but in tight white shorts. He pulled butch's arms behind his back, and trapped them with his legs. Adam's legs were VERY strong, and it felt to butch as if he were tied back in the chair. His cock was throbbing. He wanted, NEEDED to shoot, but he knew... if he asked, if he begged, it wouldn't even happen on Sunday. He'd have to behave: wait until whatever Adam wanted to do and the weekly shaving were over. Tonight, he got his nipples mauled and his earlobes massaged, but that was all.

butch had to wait until late Sunday afternoon to get his relief. Adam was already awake when butch woke on Sunday, and he saw Adam standing in front of his closet. He heard him murmuring "stripes or white? stripes or white?" "Please let it be white" butch was thinking, pleading. He HATED the fuck stick, and with his cock locked up, he thought the paddling would be extremely painful. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Adam pull out one of the white shirts, a red necktie, and khakis. "Don't think you're escaping the stick buddy. Saving that for Monday. After the gym, you change. You can go and hide the information now if you like. I'll leave for the gym now." They worked out at the same gym, but at different times. It was the gym where Adam had worked out for years. He had butch start working out here because he knew enough of the trainers and trusted them enough to tell him if butch had flirted with anyone else. When their workout times intersected, like they did on Sundays, Adam kept an eye on butch and butch knew it. The lock collar kept most men away, but occasionally someone took it as a challenge. He usually felt Adam put a hand on his shoulder and say something like "Bud, looks like you bottom, and THAT's my bitch. So, back off." They always did. butch actually hated it when it happened because it was always HIS fault for what had happened. "I didn't see it, but you must have been flirting you ungrateful cunt," would be the kind of thing Adam would say before paddling butch thoroughly. butch had protested the first two times it happened, but eventually, he just said something like "I didn't realize I was doing it Sir, I won't do it again." Adam always felt even more dominant when it happened: it meant he had a sub other men wanted, and he had butch so dominated, he'd just give in rather than insist he hadn't done anything wrong.

butch never wanted to hold out for long when he was tortured by Adam in the roleplays, especially not that Sunday, but he knew that if he didn't perform up to Adam's expectations, he'd get fucked and shaved and wouldn't get any release. When Adam whispered "you're gonna give it up and then I'm gonna FUCK you as my reward," after he had worked butch's nipples and balls for 30 minutes, butch was done. Adam didn't shave on Sundays, and the short bristles just pushed him over the edge. "I GIVE UP. I GIVE UP. The info is... in my thong. Yeah, I hid it there." Adam started laughing. "That's BRILLIANT you little bitch. BRILLIANT. I think it deserves... the velcro glove." After Adam tied butch down, he first pulled out the shaving tools. No electric shaver was necessary when he did butch every week: a standard straight edge was fine. He put on the velcro glove after he had finished "smoothing" butch, and ran it over his chest and pubes. He whispered "remember what I said I was gonna do to you? " "Gulp. Yes sir." "Well, I'm gonna do it. Right now." When his dick went into butch's ass, again, butch found himself thinking "is it ME who does it to him, or is he always...." "It's you stud. You bring out the animal in me. You were talking out loud. Now shut up and take it." This time, Adam didn't push butch's legs apart, and butch tightened the glutes as much as he could. Adam smiled. "I'll loosen you, sexy boy. All I gotta do is... " He moved the velcro glove to butch's cock, and laid it there. "Loosen up, or when I edge you, it's gonna be with that. AFTER I tickle you." butch sighed "you win Sir. You always win." "You're right. I won you. And I'm gonna keep winning. FUCKTOI" Another wad exploded into butch. He could tell Adam was still thinking about the velcro glove, but he put it aside. He unlocked butch's cock and it exploded out of the center of his pubes. Adam began the slow edging as he kissed butch's neck and then his lips. "OH GOD SIR. When you kiss me and hold my... mmmmmmmmph" Adam's tongue was down butch's throat and his hand was OFF butch's cock, and butch was helpless. Then the hand went back. "Tell me what you are," Adam whispered into butch's ear. "Your CUNT Sir. Your sub slave CUNT. Your MANCUNT." "Damn right." He began sliding faster and faster. "Everyone at that town is gonna be jealous of me for having the hottest mother fucking guy around. " "Maybe the DOMS Sir. subs are gonna be jealous of me. OH SHIT." butch started squirting. He was crying. Yes, moving away from where he had lived all his life was gonna be hard, but it was with THIS MAN. This DOM. butch couldn't wait for Thursday night and their trip. Neither could Adam.

Next: Chapter 16

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