The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 25, 2022


Not surprisingly, tied up the way he was, butch didn't get much sleep. The cuffs that held his wrists to the headboard were uncomfortable, and then the feeling of Adam's hand over his nipple while his dick swelled and shrank against butch's ass, were all distractions. He was relieved when Adam woke up the next morning, and uncuffed him. Unfortunately for butch, Adam woke up with his usual morning hard on, and had no trouble rolling the exhausted butch onto his back. "I miss that ass. DAMN do I miss that ass, butch. You miss my cock?" butch didn't want to answer truthfully because...he wasn't sure. There was no question: the feeling of Adam's shaft as it entered him was giving him more than a slight woody. He didn't know where that was coming from. During the time he had escaped, he hadn't had any sex: NONE. No men, no women, no topping, no bottoming. When he masturbated, much as he tried to "switch channels" as he put it, he kept on getting images of Adam. His favorite was one where Adam had tied him down spread eagle, and had slowly opened up his trooper uniform, before he chewed butch's tits for about fifteen minutes, followed by teasing butch's cock for another half hour, laughing as butch begged Adam to fuck him. Eventually, he did. THAT memory always produced a huge orgasm for butch.

And there was a second one: one which butch realized showed how completely Adam dominated him. It was a memory of a morning when Adam woke up and threw his leg over butch's essentially immobilizing him. Then he didn't say anything, but just started twisting butch's left nipple. He varied the speed, and the pressure, and sometimes he just held butch's nipple and did nothing. "I love how you squirrrrrrrrrrrrrrm and struggle butch. How EASY it is to just get what I want." butch took that as a challenge and tried to keep as immobile and motionless when the teasing began again. He managed to maintain that for about two minutes before he started squirming again. He remembered Adam's laugh and then him whispering "I got you figured out butch. NO WAY you're gonna get away from me."

butch thought of both of those while Adam pushed back and forth into what Adam kept on calling "my personal manpussy." butch felt a churning going on in his balls. He had been to busy to jerk off for the two days before he was captured and Adam wasn't letting him cum "as part of your punishment for an attempted escape." All butch could do was moan, and almost howl, as Adam pounded away.

"You have a few months to make up butch. You better get ready for multiple fuckings. Every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY." Adam pushed butch's legs high up in the air and shot hot jizz into his ass. butch would've been lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. A lot.

"You need to get cleaned up sexy bitch. We gotta get on the road." Adam kissed butch's chin. "Long ride. I'm gonna try to get us home without stopping." Then he grinned. "Well, there may be a stop or two for 'service'. Get cleaned up. Then it's my turn. Don't think you're getting away while I clean up. Candy's on duty, and he knows how to keep DOMs happy. " Adam chuckled to himself as butch went off to shower. He could hear the grouchiness from his sleepy sub. He knew he wasn't going to make it home without needing at least one blow job, and he couldn't wait to see how butch reacted to that. Or the big news. The interview for the new house in the D/s gated community of otokouomo.

While butch was showering, Adam packed them up. He left out a t shirt that he knew was too small for butch, and a pair of very short, very tight shorts. No underwear. That, and white athletic socks and sneakers, was what butch would be wearing on the way home. Plus some restraints. "He's always so much more fun when he's pissed off," Adam thought. As butch came out with a towel wrapped around his middle and his nipples looking definitely worked on, Adam pointed.

"Dress slave boy. We're hitting the road as soon as I'm done."

Candy had recommended they stop for a meal at "Mabel's" which they would pass about an hour into the drive. As Adam piloted the car into the driveway, butch began to squirm. "Sir, I don't want to be seen in public like this." His t shirt didn't cover his belly, and the shorts were so short you could tell he didn't have on underwear. Adam laughed, and taunted butch. "Don't be silly. I'm gonna uncuff you." Adam had cuffed butch's wrists when they got in the car. "I'm sure not gonna feed you THIS kind of sausage." He pulled the key and opened the cuffs. "Just don't try anything." butch certainly did get a look or two as they came in. Mabel was at the front, hostessing. "You must be comin' from Candy's. You want a table in the middle of things Mister?" She winked at Adam. "As open as possible. Thank you." "Ha ha." She looked at butch. "If ya need it sweetie, bathroom is in the back - past all those tables" butch DID have to pee. He was going to have to accept being on "display" when he did get up. He tried not to blush when he heard one guy say "nice ass," but his face was bright red. In the bathroom, he looked to see if there was a way to get out. Certainly no backdoor, but... could he get through the window. Then he thought: Adam had the car keys, and his own identity hadn't been revived. If he tried to escape, and Adam caught him... what would be next. Resignedly he came back to the table where Adam was chatting with Mabel. "Mabel came by to tell me about the window in the bathroom in case I wanted to wait outside of it, butch. You weren't planning on trying an escape were ya, stud?" butch blushed again. "I thought better of it, Sir." "Then hold that thought. Thanks Mabel." He handed her a small wad of bills. I appreciate your hospitality." He looked at butch. "Let's go stud muffin." In the car, the cuffs went back on butch and Adam continued to drive. After about an hour, he put his hand on butch's thigh. "Three guess who's horny besides you?" "I imagine that would be you Sir" "That's right. How's about we pull over right here." He parked the car near a shoulder of the road. There was very little traffic and if they went to the passenger side, no one could see them. "Get on your knees stud. I'd fuck you in a minute but... OPEN UP" As he wrapped his lips around Adam's cock, butch realized that he hadn't tasted Adam for months. It was still familiar. Sweaty and salty since it was warm in the car, but familiar. He also realized that this was the first time Adam had ever fucked his mouth with his hands bound in front of him. When Adam had done it before, he had tied butch's hands behind him, and as he proceeded, butch realized he liked that more than what he was doing now. He remembered the time Adam had tied his hands behind him and leashed him, pulling his head forward little by little, as butch tried desperately not to use any teeth as he got pulled forward. It was the hottest blow job he had ever given. He wondered if he was ever gonna get something like that again: Adam was clearly pissed, but he HAD come looking for him. He had no idea what was going to happen once they got home. The only things he knew, was that Adam was still as hard as ever, and he could still tell when Adam was close to cumming, as he was now. He pulled his cock out and shot into the ground. "It's still a long right, butch bitch, and I don't want your breath to get rank. And.... " he grinned. "You'll deny it, but I KNOW you like to swallow. Consider this part of your ongoing punishment as well." He grabbed butch by the waistband of his shorts. "GET BACK IN THE CAR. WE'RE GONNA GET HOME WITHOUT STOPPING. MAYBE."

butch began to recognize the countryside. They were getting close. "Remember the thing I do to you that you hate the most, butch boy?" butch thought for a minute. "Tickling Sir?" "BINGO. And guess what's gonna happen right away when we get back?" He knew it was hopeless, but butch squirmed, fighting the wrist bondage. "PLEASE SIR. I HATE IT." "Yeah I know. But seeing your belly like that, and your thighs, and thinking about all the trouble you caused...Oh, are you gonna get it. Just about an hour to home now, stud. Think about that. Think about how it's gonna feel to get fucked in my bed again. Cause that's gonna happen too. " "Sir... is Jason gonna be fucking me too?" "Probably not. When you disappeared, Jason found some new guys to play with. And at some point, we may be moving." "Moving? Where Sir?" "I'll tell you more. A place opened in this private community of Dom/sub men . Called Otokouomo. Don't look it up. You won't find it." "Where is it Sir?" "More to follow butch. And, incidentally, you have nothing to say about this. Did you forget what you are?" Silence for a minute. "Your sub Sir." "More than that. My slave. My property. You're like a captured animal I use as a pet. You don't have any rights anymore butch. Especially after being recaptured. We're gonna give the place a look soon. Just not right away. " "What about my job?" butch was thinking. He didn't want to piss Adam off though. He saw the lump in Adam's jeans. He was hard again. The blowjob hadn't been enough and butch knew that there was a butt fuck in his future. And that future was soon. They were in town, and soon, they were pulling into the driveway. Jason was on the front steps waving. "Welcome back men. Oh, sorry. Man and boy." He began to laugh. He looked at butch. "You REALLY thought you'd get away, didn't you?" "YEAH, I DID. " "But ya didn't. " He looked at Adam. "You stop along the way and... begin retraining him." "You betcha. The plus out of this is he's tighter than he was. But I'll take care of that." He uncuffed butch. "First thing you're gonna need, is a shower. Then sleep. I'll leave you be for a while but...." He grabbed his crotch. "Oh, are you gonna get a welcome back reception." butch WAS tired and he WAS filthy. He saw dirty wash out of his hair from the shower. This one was familiar: he had never gotten used to the ones he used when he was on the run. He thought about the near future: Adam had already commented on the need to address his body hair, and had said he was getting dicked . Both of those thoughts got butch even harder. The tickling didn't. He truly HATED it. He also knew Adam loved how he reacted to it. And finally: otokouomo. What the hell was that? He fell asleep, naked, and he slept deeply. No dreams. He was aware of nothing, so when he woke up on his back, spread eagled the way Adam liked him, it was a complete surprise. "AW. butch bitch is awake. Nice and alert." He saw that Adam had a roll of the fabric tape he favored. It was less of a problem on butch's facial hair: he was allowed to keep that when he was with Adam. "Let's just get this in place and then...." The look on Adam's face told butch: he hadn't forgotten a thing about his promises. The stocks came over to lock his ankles in place. "Now, what happens first: shaving or tickling? You know, I think you'll be MUCH more sensitive if I shave you first." butch whined. He knew this was going to be a FULL shave: torso, pits, pubes. The bonds held him securely to the bed, and he saw the electric shaver. He felt the cold metal hit his chest and as Adam worked with it in one hand, he pinched butch's nips in turn. waiting until butch moaned loud enough for him to move to the other nipple. "One of my buds told me how he saves his sub's hair. Makes things with them. I wonder......" He grinned. "Maybe I can make you a pube wig or something like that. LOOK at all this fur." It WAS luxurious: butch was covered in curly white hair, and it all came off. "We'll see. I need to do something with it. We're supposed to be a zero waste society after all. Pubes next. Stay still stud muffin." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph," butch groaned but Adam took his cock and balls in one hand and got to work. He was careful: no nicks, no cuts, and soon, butch was as hairless as a boy. "Finally... heh heh. My faves. That way they'll be REAL sensitive." butch couldn't move his arms anyway, but Adam still held each of them down as he cleaned the pits to the point where they were bare. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" butch jumped when Adam curled his fingers into the left pit. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "Oh, this is SO hard butch. Do I wanna hear you moan, or do I wanna hear you laugh. How about moaning through the pit work and then.." Adam moved slowly... VERY slowly over butch's pits. butch began to shake. Adam hadn't tickled him that often before he had tried to escape, but he had a feeling, it was going to happen more often. "Now, let's get that tape off." Adam pulled out a small scissor and gut away the gag. Then he grabbed butch's balls. "You wanna be tickled butchie?" "OWWWWWWWWWWW. NO SIR. NO." "I don't believe you.........." He squeezed harder. "But I don't want to continue until I hear you BEG me to tickle you." He squeezed harder. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. DAMN. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" "You don't really need these you know, butch. They belong to me, and I can do whatever I want." One more hard squeeze, and butch gave up. "Please Sir. Please sir tickle me." "AH. I KNEW you really liked it." butch saw Adam putting gloves on his hands. "Velcro gloves, stud. Jason told me about them. Let's see how they... work." He ran his hands down butch's flanks. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Looks like they DO work don't they?" "YES. YES SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." "Now, stud. Should I use these on your feet, or the toothbrushes? Got a preference?" "No Sir. It's your choice. " That's right. And I say.... BOTH." Adam ran the gloves over butch's restrained feet and his captive squealed. "Toothbrushes for the feet AND... your navel." Adam had a brush in each hand and worked both feet. He slipped the brush in between brices toes, and brice screamed like a tortured animal. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." When it stopped, one of them went to his navel and he screamed again. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. I'M GONNA WET MYSELF. PLEASE PLEASE...." Adam stopped. He moved up to the head of the bed and ran his hand through butch's thick hair. "I'm gonna fuck you stud bitch. You want it don't you?" "Yes Sir. Please. " Adam said nothing as he opened the stocks, and pushed them aside. butch expected him to untie his ankles and lift his legs in the air, but that didn't happen... yet. Instead, Adam lay on top of butch and began first nibbling his nipples, then moving up to his neck and ear. He nibbled on butch's chin too: a sensitive spot butch didn't know he had until Adam found it. He stared at butch. "You know you belong with me, don't you butch?" When butch answered "Yes sir," Adam kissed him. "With me, and underneath me. With me INSIDE you." "Yes sir. Absolutely." THEN Adam untied the ankle restraints. "GOD I MISSED THAT HOLE" "I missed that cock," butch thought to himself. He felt Adam's big fire plug of a cock tip push inside him. He was harder: MUCH harder than he had been at Candy's "motel," and with the shower water still inside him, and some lube that Adam had used, Adam slid in quickly. "I WANT WHAT'S MINE. I'M TAKING IT FUCKTOI." "SHIT . He's hurting me," butch thought. The fuck was motivated at least in part by anger, and butch wasn't sure if he liked it or not. He did know he would be sore all of the next day as he took the pounding. "TAKE MY COCK YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH. TAKE IT." Adam pounded faster, and faster. "THIS TIME MOTHER FUCKING SLAVE BOI. SUCK IT ALL INSIDE YOU. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OF IT" He came, in what felt like buckets to butch. butch screamed because.. in spite of himself, he lost control and shot all over. "I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry." "Not gonna cut it sweetcakes. Cage tomorrow. And more tickling. And I'll explain otokouomo to you. Better get used to it. If we're accepted, we'll be saying goodbye to this part of the country."

Next: Chapter 14

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