The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 12, 2021


With butch now moved in, Adam began to think more about his submission. Yes, butch had surrendered, twice, and Adam was 99.9 percent sure, it was complete, and total. It was that 0.1 percent that gnawed at him. He wanted this man under his control completely: 100%. He began to think about how he was going to get it.

In bed, of course, there was no question. Adam expected that his demands would be met, without objection. They were. If he looked at butch and said "bed. Roll over," He expected one, and only one answer: "Yes sir. Belly or Back?" He got it too. If he snapped his finger and said "CHAIR," again the answer was "yes sir," followed by butch sitting with his hands behind his back and his legs spread. A little rope, and then Adam indulged in whatever part of butch's body was intriguing him that day: his neck (the moans when butch got scruffed always made him harder), or his nipples, especially when he chewed on them, or sometimes... and he really liked this one: he would uncage butch, drain him in the morning and then at night, still uncaged , he'd tease his bound slave until he was begging for another release - which he almost never got. The "almost" gave butch the hope that MAYBE this would be a new one. He'd jerk twice in a day, the way he used to.

butch now polished both Adam's shoes, and Jason's. He also had the jobs of doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, and also yard work. While the weather was warm, both Adam and Jason would watch the barechested, ratty shorts wearing butch at work raking, or getting the yard cleaned up: in fact, they found as many jobs for butch to do that would require him to work shirtless. Apart from the lust that built up for both of them, it gave Adam a chance to see when butch needed a new shaving. Those shavings got him hornier than anything else he did to butch. He liked them even more than fucking his bottom through the torn pants of his old uniform. Another job butch had, was offering his mouth to Jason. Unlike Adam, who announced "this is what I want, DO IT," Jason expected butch to get on his knees, look at him and ask "would Sir Jason like his cock sucked?" It was a little ritual that sometimes got played out at the Lost Boys' Island too. If word got around that the two troopers were going at it, getting a position to watch could be difficult. Sometimes, Jason would pull out his cuffs and lock them on butch's wrists before he pulled out his cock. Since butch was inevitably caged during the day, it was pure bliss, and pure torture.

One thing that happened at work that thrilled Jason and did not please butch, were budget cuts. What it meant was that, to save money, the troopers would work in pairs: one car, two troopers. butch had no idea how Jason had engineered it, but they wound up paired. "Such a shame a big stud like you, with a rod like that... wound up a bottom. Subdued. " Jason would laugh as he'd play with butch's locked dick. It frustrated butch: he knew his place, and Jason took the role of Master when Adam wasn't around. He could handle the dick play: being reminded that he was a sex slave pissed him off. It broke out one night when he just started yelling, and Adam smiled and said that he had a solution:

"You boys are gonna wrestle. In your uniforms. It's a non sexual match but... whomever wins, gets a penalty from the other." He went off to clean the living room to give Jason and butch room to tussle. The two of them went off to change, and then... Adam sat back, with his cock out and rigid, watching them. Jason smiled. He knew, the minute he saw Adam pull out his cock, he was going to win. He knew how obsessed butch was with the cock that owned him and he'd never be able to concentrate fully on the match. Still, butch put up a good fight before Jason was sitting astride his chest, holding butch's wrists down so that he couldn't move. "Looks like I won, studmuffin. " butch fought. He pushed again, and didn't move Jason at all. "I think he did butch bitch." Adam walked over, his cock pointed out. "I oughtta anoint your face, stud. But I'll save it. " butch was licking his lips: he would've loved to give his Master a blow job right then. "What's your pleasure Jason? " "Two parts. One: butch can't wear a shirt around the house without special permission." "MMMM. I like that. Seeing my sub like that: make me even hornier. "Second: when you tie him up at night to play, I get 20 minutes." "OOOOH. I like that too. " He looked at butch and smiled. "Better be ready for hitachi." He was right. The hitachi was Jason's favorite sex toy.

All of that, though, was preliminary to Adam's main plan: making sure butch understood what role he played, meant playing it in public. He had already insisted that butch walk with his hands behind his back when they went out, call him Sir whenever he spoke, and of course, butch had to wear his collar. Now, it was time for something more dramatic. First, there was the up and coming leather event. There was no question: butch was going with Adam: on a leash, shirtless, in leather, maybe even gagged. Or clamped. Adam began to plan out butch's outfit. Jason gave him an idea: "why don't you have him wear sheer speedos. Nice and tight. They'll show the cage." "FUCKING BRILLIANT" Adam looked at him. "I won't forget that idea."

And he didn't. The night of the event, butch looked at what was laid out for him. He was mortified. Heavy leather boots he had been shining for days (not his work boots. They were a pair Adam bought for him.). A muir cap. A leather vest. And... the speedos. There were accessories too. He gulped. "So this is submission." He got dressed and heard Adam come in. "FUCK" butch whispered under his breath. It wasn't just the look: it was the SMELL. Adam SMELLED like a leather man. That heavy combination of musk, and leather. His master all in black, the sunglasses hooked to his pocket: butch's sunglasses. Adam had "appropriated" them, because he liked them. "Let's get you accessorized stud." The band went on butch's arm. "Open your mouth." The gag went in. Then, butch winced, as the clamps went on. "If you knew how much I want you pierced, fucktoi." "mmmmmph" butch whined. He had surrendered. If Adam wanted it, he had to do it, but...

Adam didn't have butch pierced. But he did watch with suppressed glee how butch tried to hide his embarrassment and humiliation at the leather party. Jason was there, too, with two friends. Adam kept butch's leash in his left hand, and used his right hand every now and then to stroke butch's naked chest, or to circle his overstimulated nipples. They were SO charged that every touch from Adam made butch throw his head back and moan. At one point, Adam leaned over and whispered "I bet you're dying to get fucked studmuffin." butch didn't even have to think: he was. The guys coming by, checking him out, and making comments to his Master about the hot stud he had on the leash; hearing Adam re-tell the story of how he had captured and broken butch, and feeling that hand move, every now and then, from butch's chest to his ass, and even more occasionally point a finger into his hole: it had been at least a week since the cage had come off, and butch was desperately horny. That night, Adam started by tying him face up on the bed, and fucking him brutally: the gag and clamps still in place. Then he turned butch over. Instead of plunging in, butch felt the flogger come down as his ass got whipped until he began to cry. Then, and only then, did he feel Adam pull his ass cheeks apart, spit into his hole, and finish the job he had started. "MMMPH MMMPH MMMMPH" was the closest butch could get to "YES YES YES"

Sunday was shaving day. That meant the cage came off too. "Looks like these pubic hairs are growing longer than usual, butchy. You taking some kind of stimulant?" "No Sir. I think your seed is just.... stimulating them. " "Ha ha. Well, we gotta make sure the weed patch gets kept in place." He moved his razor down to the pubes and cleaned them away, before he took butch's cock in his hand. "Any questions about who owns you boy?" "NO SIR. It's you... OOOOOOOOOOOh. It's you Sir. I'm your BITCH. Your CUNT." Adam smiled, and stroked butch slowly, savoring the moans as his sub got closer. As he worked butch, he was thinking: Jason's birthday was in a week. They had to celebrate. Hmmmm." He began to pump butch faster. He wondered if setting up a scene where he fucked butch while Jason fucked someone else: someone butch knew, was in order. His even smile showed, and he began rubbing butch's cockhead. "OH GOD SIR WHAT THAT DOES TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" And it did it again. The now smoother butch let go with a lash of jizz, followed by five or six more. "Worth the wait stud?" "Yes sir. Absolutely." As butch lay there, covered in his own jizz, Adam told him about plans for Friday. "We're going out again. To a bar, not a leather bar. More a preppy place. So don't worry. You'll be fully dressed this time." He ran his finger over butch's lips. "It's time my work people met my new bottom sub." "Yes sir," butch answered weakly. How much more of this was to come? If he only knew. This, in Adam's mind, would be the final humiliation and... make butch his completely.

One day when butch came home that week, before he stripped down and got to the chair, as he was instructed, he saw that there had been construction in the bedroom: it looked like there were two additional restraints up at the headboard, but attached to short lengths of chains. He didn't dare ask, but he put on the white athletic pants that Adam wanted him wearing for the bondage session. That was all he was going to wear that day. As Adam tightened the wrist restraints, he told butch: "Those are for your ankles, stud. Means you won't have to take breaks during a LONG fucking session. I can't wait to use them." butch heard the rip of duct tape. SHIT. That meant he'd lose some facial hair when it came off. It did, after a half hour of tit torture from Adam, and then twenty minutes of his ears being licked and his pits being tickled by Jason. Then they broke in the new restraints. Adam couldn't help himself: he tore a big rip in the athletic pants, and fucked the hell out of butch. "Not sure if I should buy a new pair, ha ha." he laughed. butch realized that, yes, the chains helped.

"Oxfords. Chinos. Button down. Think preppy stud. REAL preppy." butch smiled as they got ready for the bar trip that Friday. He got to dig into his non work , non gym clothes. He hadn't shopped for a while, not since before Shelley had stepped up his workouts. Would they fit? They did, but just barely. He put on a blue shirt, tan chinos. "Will this work for you Sir?" He modeled for Adam. "FUCKING A it will. Maybe we gotta dress you during the day." He came over and rubbed his thumbs over butch's nipples. "You need one thing. Put on this tie. Leave your button open at the top." It was butch's skinny, black leather tie. It was the only hint that he was a leather sub. As they headed to the car, Adam smiled. It seemed that butch had no idea: both Jason and Shelley - and Adam himself - had put out the word to gay friends to be at the bar when Adam "showed off" his "new boy." They were all there. butch turned white when he saw that there were at least four troopers, and about six guys from the gym. "Yup. It's true gang." He heard Adam speaking as he put his arm around butch's middle, trapping one of his arms in the process. "butch is gay, and he's MINE. Aren't ya stud?" butch took a deep breath. He knew.. he knew he didn't have any choice. And he was telling the truth. "Yes sir. I'm your sub." Adam toyed with butch the rest of that night, pulling his arms behind him as if he were going to tie him up, playing shoulder massage, just showing the "world" of that bar, that butch was HIS. Adam's motivation was that, if the public became aware of butch's life, well... that would break him completely. It did. But Adam wasn't convinced. There was one more thing to do.

That Sunday, he had butch put the torn athletic pants on again. Then he tied him to the bed, face up, with his ankles in the new restraints. He pushed his finger into the hole in the pants, and circled butch's ass, making him whimper. "Sounds like you want cock, studboy? Don't you?" "OH GOD YES SIR. I NEED IT. I WANT IT. OH... PLEASE. GIVE YOUR BOY COCK." Adam stood up. I gotta go and take care of something, but... you're gonna get what you want. He turned to the door. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON. COME AND GET YOUR PRESENT." A naked, hard Jason walked in. "It's just what I wanted. How did you know?" "Ha ha. You only told me about a million times." "OH. Is this gonna be sweet. " "NO! FUCK NO! NO!" butch was screaming. Adam went up to him and squeezed a nipple. "You my bitch?" "Yes sir" "You my slave?" "Yes sir." "Then you do what I say." butch gulped. "Yes sir." "And I say: you give your ass to my bud. GOT IT?" butch stopped squirming. "Yes sir. I understand." Adam left the room and left butch to Jason. It took about 45 minutes for Jason to deposit his load - it was larger than the one he usually left in butch's mouth - then Adam came in and fucked butch for another hour. He was sore for two days. Jason never fucked butch again, but now butch knew...if Adam told him to take cock, he did. He was broken. More than completely.

And there we end folks. Hope you liked the story . Let your imagination run wild with what happens next. Maybe I'll bring the gang back again in the future, who knows. GIVE A YEAR END GIFT TO NIFTY GANG. KEEP IT ALIVE.

Next: Chapter 12

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