The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 4, 2021


The first day back to work after butch had moved in with Adam and Jason was... difficult. Yes, he had pushed his ass into Adam's crotch after they had settled into bed, but he didn't sleep well. He was sore from what had happened the night before and confused over what it all meant. During the night, he ran his hands over his chest and realized: his hair was gone and it was probably going to be removed regularly. His chest, his pits, his pubes, everything. His nipples were sore - and they became more sore the next morning, because Adam rolled him onto his back and chewed them for about fifteen minutes. butch wanted to beg him to "stop," but he realized that as the DOM, Adam could do this. And if he complained, it might be even longer before Adam released his chastity cage. Already, butch felt like his balls were going to burst , and he needed to cum, badly. He didn't like the fact that Jason and Shelley also had domination rights over him, or that Shelley was going to be training him at the gym. He had seen her train other people before: he knew how tough she could be and now... His wrists were sore from the ropes, and the cuffs. His ass was sore from the spankings he was getting. He hated all of this. The only thing he liked... he almost moaned when he thought about it - was Adam's cock up his ass. Yeah, it hurt sometimes but... that was short compared to how good it felt when Adam was driving, pushing, and rubbing up against his hot spots. It was easy to forget how much he loved his alpha Master's cock with everything else that he was feeling. It became harder when, as butch was finishing up getting ready for work, Adam had called out "Hey, studbitch, you forgot this." butch turned around, and he saw Adam, with a wicked look on his face, holding out butch's slave necklace. "SHIT" butch thought. He was hoping he'd get out without it, and maybe he could get through the day without Jason seeing he wasn't wearing it, and.... and... and... "Thank you Sir. I'm just not used to it." "Well, get used to it FAST. Every fucking day." He came over to butch and stepped behind him to put the necklace on him. Then he pulled butch's wrists behind his back and whispered into his ear. "I know the winter uniform is still required for work. When you get home, you put on the tightest summer uniform you have. AFTER you get my shoes done. You do them naked tonight. Or maybe just with your socks on." butch gulped. "yes sir. I understand." He put on the necklace, and then a t shirt and his denim jacket. He was already wearing the tight 501s Adam had picked for him. He'd change at the locker room at the squad house. His old uniform was here in Adam's house. He'd change later.

"HEY. What's butchy wearing?" butch heard a voice from behind him. It wasn't Jason, it was someone else. Then he felt the chain around his neck pulled. "WHOA. Hey, Mike" (Mike was one of the out gay guys at the squad) "you have any idea what this is?" Mike came over and looked. Then he smiled. butch had been giving him grief for years. It was HIS turn. "Well, well, well. Seems macho man butch may still be macho, but he's a macho slave. That's a slave collar guys. Means he belongs to someone." "BUTCH? Who'd WANT him?" Someone laughed. butch was turning red. He was angry, embarrassed, scared, and it got worse. "Hey butchy, what happened to your chest hair?" Another one of the troopers came over, and butch turned away, trying to cover himself with his arms, which turned out to be the worst thing he could do. Soon, there were three of them, prying his arms away from his chest. butch could have taken any one of them, but the three of them. "Seems our butch has gone all the way on us, guys." One of the troopers was running his finger up and down on butch's torso. "Who shaved ya stud? Your new Master? Who?" "N..n... none of your business. I just wanted to see the look." That got a laugh as the ringleader added "I bet if we stripped him, we'd find his cock shaved too." butch began to struggle. He didn't want anyone to see the shaving OR the cage. "LET ME THE FUCK GO. WHAT I DO WITH MY PRIVATE LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS." "Sure as hell ain't Shelley who did this," someone laughed. Just then the captain walked in. "Alright guys, enough is enough. You're all gonna get docked for starting shift late. Finish up and get to work." As they walked out, Jason patted butch's ass and whispered "regretting surrendering, stud?" Yes, he was. And he was planning to talk to Adam about it that night.

butch heard the door slam. He was sitting in the living room on an old sheet, naked as instructed, polishing Adam's shoes. He had Saturday's and Sunday's to do, so it was taking a while. Adam came in, looked down at him, smiling. "So good to know you've got your manbitch at home waiting for you. How about you put those shoes aside, and get into your uniform? It's time for Trooper butch to learn about what happens when a true TOPMAN kidnaps a cop." "Yes sir. Can we talk after the scene?" Adam looked at butch's face. "Get into the outfit. I'm gonna modify the scene. We'll talk now. We'll do the scene later." The uniform was old, and butch had buffed up some since he last wore it, but it fit. The short sleeves strained against his biceps, and the cage outline was clearly visible through his crotch, but he got into it. He walked into the living room where Adam was sitting. He patted a spot next to him. "Right here, stud. Right here, bottom boy." butch gingerly took a seat. He felt Adam's arm surround his shoulders, and drop to his pec. "I should tie your hands, but nah, this'll be fine." He began rubbing the nipple through butch's shirt. "I love these epaulette type buttons because, well.. you can feel it. Extra stimulation on your bitch tits." Indeed, butch had thrown back his head because... well, early on, Adam had told him the more his tits were played with the more sensitive they'd become. He was right. The nipple work was driving him crazy. His cock banged against the cage, and he could feel pre-cum leaking. He gasped out: "Please Sir, can you let me out of the cage and let me cum?" Adam pressed his mouth up against butch's ear and whispered : "I COULD slave boy, but... NO." butch whined, and then realized that was not a good thing to do. "What's the matter, muffin?" Adam moved his second hand down to butch's crotch, and began pressing. "You don't like being a sub?" butch took a long time with his answer. "No Sir. I don't. I want out. " Adam licked his ear. "Well, butchman, if I had forced a submission outta you, I might be willing to hear that view, but... remember, I told you, you didn't have to submit, and you did it willingly. "I didn't know there was no going back, Sir." Adam laughed. "Yeah you did. I only gave you what you want. And now, you're gonna give me what I want... your ass. And OH, is this gonna be fun. Get on the sheet, face down. butch did what Adam told him to do, his arms splayed out at his side. First, Adam removed his gun belt, and put it to the side. "Get your wrists behind you. As if I were tying them. But I'm not gonna. " butch gulped. He felt his poor cock strain, but he answered "yes sir," and put his wrists in position. He felt... something... tracing on his ass. He smelled magic marker ink. "There it is. A hole just big enough for my cock. " Then he felt Adam's sure hands, cutting a hole in the uniform pants. "We can use these whenever I want... just the right size for.... my cock." butch felt the thong underwear he had on get cut away and then... Adam's wet, clammy cockhead. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OH FUCK..." "You want it butch?" "Yes sir. YES. PLEASE." "Well only one kind of man gets my cock. Know which kind?" butch gulped. "Your slaves sir? " "Well, ok, two kinds. My subs, and my slaves. Which one are you?" butch sighed. "Both Sir." "You sure about that?" "Yes sir." "GOOD. Then you can have this." butch felt the now familiar cock forge a trail through his ass. "IT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD" he thought. "Please Sir. MORE. MORE PLEASE.." butch could hear Adam breathing more heavily, and Adam's cock getting thicker. He wanted to push back, but he knew Adam didn't like him to do that. "A man cunt like you... needs to get fucked every day. And it needs to be your ass that gets fucked. " "Yes sir. YES. I need it. GOD I NEED IT FUCK ME." butch felt Adam's arm around his neck, pulling his head back. "Do we have any questions what you are, butch?" "No Sir" "THEN TELL ME" "I'm your sub Sir. Your slave. Your cunt. Your man cunt." "DAMN FUCKING RIGHT. NOW TAKE THAT JIZZ." butch could feel it enter him almost like a spray, not the thick wads that usually came in. He wondered why it felt different. There was a reason. Adam was thinking: it was time to break any resistance left in butch: there was still some. He had to get things moving. He needed to get Shelley to help him. He smiled, because butch couldn't see the smile. The next phase would be.... just delicious. "Get this mess cleaned up, and get your uniform hung neatly, cut and all," Adam barked. "Then get the shoes finished. Jason's cooking tonight and I want the house SPOTLESS. Then, the three of us will have a chat about your wanting out of your contract. You won't get out of it, but maybe, maybe... we'll make some changes." "yes sir," butch answered meekly. His balls were on fire, and so was his ass. And all he wanted was to get fucked again. While butch was cleaning Adam's shoes, Adam was in the bedroom, talking to Shelley. She had called him right after butch's workout, because she had, as she put it , "concerns about their relationship." "He IS still your sub, isn't he, Adam?" "Well, yeah. Why do you ask?" She sighed "Well, his eye has been... wandering. And in session - maybe it's my fault. I told him that he had gotten much stronger, much more toned over the last month. He liked that but then he asked: 'how long before I'm strong enough to take on Adam?" Adam laughed: "he called me ADAM, not Sir?" "That was part of it. Also...he wants to be strong enough to take you on." She paused to laugh. "Now, I know that's not going to happen for a long time, if ever, but... he seems to be becoming an unruly sub." "Hmmm. I have to think about this. He gave some trouble to Jason too." "Really? What was THAT about?" Jason had told Adam that he had ordered butch to show up at Lost Boys for blow jobs, twice. Each time, butch made an excuse and didn't show up. "You think you have a rebellious sub, Adam?" Shelley asked. "I think ... I think I probably didn't break him the right way. " There was silence on Shelley's end of the phone. "You gave him the choice to surrender. You didn't defeat him?" "EXACTLY." She paused again. "He's the one you want?" Adam laughed. "For a while." Now Shelley laughed. "I have a feeling that you have a plan." "Always. Thank you darling. I'll keep you posted" butch was surprised by what happened later that night. He didn't expect it, but with Sir Adam, he had to be ready for surprises. After they had gotten to bed, Adam rolled butch on his back and pinned him down, keeping one hand free. butch thought more tit torture was coming up, but instead, Adam pulled out the key to the cage. He put it in front of butch's face. "You want it off for a jizz, bitch boy?" butch's eyes got big "OH GOD YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR!" Sir Adam put the key to the side and cupped butch's balls. "I'm gonna do it, but only if you promise me something: when Jason asks you to sub for him, you do it. He's an extension of me, and saying no to him, is saying no to me." He squeezed butch's balls. "You gonna do what he says?" butch sighed. He needed to jizz SO bad. "yes sir. I'm sorry for misbehaving." He closed his eyes when the lock went into the cage. "Well, you're gonna have to make it up to him. For now though.... " Sir Adam leered. "I'm gonna take you nice and slooooooooow." He did just that. butch had been so close to the edge, he didn't think there was anything that Sir Adam could do to hold back his orgasm. He was wrong. First, Adam did nothing more than enclose butch's cock in his hand. He didn't stroke, he didn't stimulate, nothing. It was enough to start butch moaning and pitching his hips up, faster and faster. Then, Adam let go. "Noooooooooooooooooooo" butch thought, but didn't dare say it. Instead, Adam began to circle butch's cock head with one finger. "So. How does that feel, boy? " "It.. it feels so good Sir. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Adam dropped a finger down to the back of butch's cock, and began stroking. He leaned into butch's ear and whispered "you need one of those fancy cock rings. They send a charge right through your cock. That way, Jason can always let you know when he's close by and wants you." Adam hadn't used one of those since he had broken Jason. As he toyed with butch, he remembered that session. He had pursued Jason for at least two months and finally had him under control. He was living in another house at the time, and there were so many places a good DOM could put a sub down in the basement. He had put the cock ring on Jason after he had chained his wrists and tossed the chain over one of the heating pipes. Jason's ankles were already secure, and he was caged, and gagged. Adam had been applying a small hitachi to the clamps on his nipples , but every time he had asked Jason: "do you submit?" he had shaken his head no. The cock ring though.... it had 15 settings, and Adam had only gone to the 9th one, 30 second bursts, before Jason, in tears, surrendered.

That memory was so sweet: Adam realized that he should have done something similar to butch, rather than have him surrender on his own terms. By doing that, he didn't feel "conquered." There was still time. For now, though... he had to get butch empty. It wasn't going to take much: the heaves were getting more rapid, and butch's moans had become high pitched, and pleading. "SIR. I NEED IT. I NEED IT. PLEASE." Adam knew what butch needed. He let go of his cock, and moved down to his balls. He squeezed them hard, and it was like juicing oranges. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK....." The jizz started pouring out, with butch bucking his hips each time. How many spurts? Was it 15? "OH SHIT I NEEDED THAT, SIR." "Well, you got it. So now, you're going to clean up and then, while I watch, you're gonna lock it back up again. "When can we do it again Sir?" butch asked Adam scowled. "When I say we can." butch realized he asked the wrong thing. "Sorry Sir. I'll get cleaned up." As butch walked off, Adam was more convinced he was right. "What sub doesn't thank his Master for letting him cum? Yeah. I know what to do. Tomorrow. For sure. "

Adam spoke to Jason the next morning. "I know what I gotta do. Gimme a day. He'll be back on track by tomorrow. So don't ask him for any sex stuff for the day. By tomorrow..." He smiled. "I'm gonna insist that he do you in front of me." A little later that day, he called Shelley. "Cancel the appointment you have with the bitch. I want no excuses when I prove to him what we both know is true. He's NOT strong enough to take me, whether I get his nips or not. And I don't want him to be able to say he was fatigued from workout." "DAMN I wish I could be there. Remember the demo you put on five years ago when you just broke that bigmouth?" Adam laughed. "Oh, that guy Henry? The big bear who said no one could get him to submit?" "He's the one. You did it in twenty minutes. " "He was ready to give in fifteen." "How long is it gonna take to break butch?" "As long as I want. Ha ha ha ha ha."

The next day was a fairly routine one for butch. The guys seem to have gotten teasing him out of their system. As he dressed, he looked at the lock at the end of the slave necklace. He knew what it meant: he belonged to another man. What had he done? He had willingly become the slave to another man. WHY? Because he had lost a street fight? He laughed to himself: if he had that street fight today, he just might win. In any event, he wouldn't have allowed himself to get swept up in this D/s relationship so easily. He wanted his body hair back, control over his cock, and... he wanted to top again. Yeah, he LOVED the feel of Sir Adam's cock, but he needed to put his in ... something. He could've taken a trip to Lost Boys and gotten done, but... THAT DAMN CAGE. "SHIT." He was brought out of his reverie as a car zoomed past him. The dude was speeding. No question about it. butch grinned. He liked getting the chance to put the siren on. He started pursuit. The guy wasn't driving erratically, but he WAS driving fast. WAY over the speed limit. Notwithstanding, it was no match for the speed he could get with his squad car. Soon, he had the other car stopping on a shoulder of the road. butch parked, and got out. He came over to the car to see a shaken man with a short beard, medium brown hair, and bright eyes. "Not bad looking," butch thought to himself. "Any idea how fast you were going bud?" The guy was sweating. "Too fast. I know. I... I was in a rush." "Clearly. Step out of the car. Pop your glove compartment. "Yes officer. " As the guy got out, butch wasn't sure, but... was he staring at butch's crotch. "You see something I don't , bud?" "Mmmmmaybe Officer. I think I see a way to avoid this ticket." butch smiled and put his hands on his hips, and took a wide stance. "What would that be." "I bet you've got a good solid 9 inches officer. I've been known to accommodate 11. That's why I was hurrying. My man - no, my Master - wants his cock sucked no later than 3:30 and it's... It's 3:15 now. If I'm late..." "SIR. Your private life is no concern to me." Actually, bruce was lying. It WAS: this guy was offering him a blow job. DAMN. When was the last time he had gotten sucked instead of doing the sucking. But FUCK... He had the cage on!" "Tell you what Mr... Mr. Simons. " butch was looking at the driver's license, and taking down the information. "I'm gonna let you slide, this time, but.... " he took off his sunglasses. "You ever hear of "the Island of Lost Boys?" "I've heard of it officer, I've never been there though." "Hmmm. " butch knew he was lying. "There's a first time for everything. When I call you, you show up. You're gonna get these nine inches and then some." The guy began to smile. "Yes officer. Thank you officer." butch handed him back his papers. "Get home. Tell your man that a trooper made it possible." As the guy drove off, butch smiled. "YEAH. I'd STILL make a good top." And as Oliver Simons drove off, he called Adam Worth. "Yeah, he was gonna take it. Made a date for me for the future." That was all Adam needed. butch needed to submit, through conquest. He still had visions of being a topman. He'd make sure he got rid of those.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx butch was home early because Shelley had cancelled their session. Adam found him in his spot, on the sheet, naked, taking care of not only Adam's shoes, but his own boots. He polished them too. Jason had left shoes as well so, he had a lot to do. He was on the sixth one when Adam walked into the room. butch wanted to avoid a foot on his crotch, so he hurried to get up. He put his wrists behind his back and pushed out his chest. He knew something was .. different. Adam didn't start playing with them right away. "You finish up the shoes, butch?" "almost Sir. One more. " Again, butch was confused: Adam always called him "bitch boy," or "slave boy" when he was doing this. "Well, get it done. We're going to go out for dinner tonight. Jason has one of his dates, and I don't feel like eating your shitty cooking." "So go enslave a cook," butch thought, but said nothing. "Yes sir. Am I wearing a uniform?" "No. Not tonight. I have something planned for you. Finish up then go and get dressed." "yes sir." butch found a blue oxford shirt, a pair of his 501s, a golden thong, short boots, and a long thin leather necktie that he had seen on Adam in photos from leather events. "I can't remember the last time I wore that shirt. Hope it fits." It did, but with difficulty. butch had to squeeze himself into it. He knotted the leather tie as well as he could: the shirt was so tight that the top button was not going to close. He looked at himself in the mirror before he went out to Adam. "I could pass for top, or bottom. Why am I sticking to one?" butch thought. "Do I look ok Sir?" Adam was sitting on the sofa reading the paper. He smiled and stood up. Black jeans, black t shirt. Was he going to dress before dinner? butch actually hoped not. Adam's muscles showed through what he was wearing and butch began to think "this is the man who fucks me. It's what I deserve. WHEN I want it." Adam came over, circling butch like a shark. "Oh yeah. You clean up good, pretty boy. REAL good." He had never called butch 'pretty boy' before. butch felt Adam's breath behind him, on his ear. His tongue ran up and down butch's ear. "SOMEONE seems uncertain about what's going on" "I am Sir, but... oooooooh that feels good. " He felt Adam's hands slide down his arms, and begin pulling them behind butch's back. "You know what's going on, stud?" "I... I think you're planning to fuck me Sir." "Ha ha. Maybe. Maybe... bedroom, now. On your back. Don't strip." butch assumed that Adam was going to tie him down when he got in. He didn't. He smiled as he pinned butch's wrists down to the bed with his hands. "So... Shelley says you've gotten much stronger. You certainly got more buff." butch was breathing hard, and he didn't understand it. Sir Adam hadn't put his knee on butch's crotch, he wasn't playing with his nipples, and he wasn't tormenting his neck and ear. Adam smiled. "Think you can break the pin?" The confidence from the encounter on the road still energized butch. He answered. "Yeah, I do." "Then give it a try. Wearing the cage for another three days or not is at stake." butch began to push. He thought back to the wrist wrestling match. He would've won if Adam hadn't talked about his man pussy. Adam wasn't saying now, just smiling as he held butch's wrists so that butch couldn't push up anymore. "Fuck. I... I ...." The "woomph" as his wrists were back on the bed flummoxed butch. "Guess you're not THAT strong butch boy. " "No Sir. You win. You win again." "Oh, not quite yet. I'm after a bigger prize." He looked at butch. "your submission." "I SURRENDERED ALREADY SIR. " "Not through conquest. Now... I'm gonna make you submit. Like a professional wrestler. And when I do, I'm gonna FUCK you harder than I ever have. And you're gonna be putting off that blow job with Simons for a while. "HUH? HOW THE. HOW DID YOU KNOW?" butch began to squirm, but he couldn't move. "Old trick of mine. I introduced him to his DOM. Had to find out if you still had top man vibes. "I DO. I bottom for you Sir. No one else." "And that's proof right there you haven't submitted. Had you, you'd say you bottom for whomever I tell you to." "FUCK THAT SIR!" Adam laughed. He changed position so that he still had butch pinned down but had a free hand. He used it to start opening butch's shirt, after he had loosened the leather tie. "You're probably going to be wearing that this weekend, but for now.... " Adam stroked butch's chest. His hairs were beginning to sprout again. "Such a shame you have such obvious weaknesses. How long do you think it's gonna take before you submit to me from nipple torture?" "I'M NOT! SIR. OH SHIT..." Adam had begun tweaking butch's right nipple. "One of the things I ought to have done, was get you pierced. Then you'd know all the time what you were: my sub bitch." "I'M NOT GETTING PIERCED" butch shouted out in between moans. Adam had taken one nipple in his mouth and continued twisting the other one. His 5 o'clock shadow stirred butch in a way he wished it didn't. He was still squirming, but the squirming was lessening. He whispered: "my tits. my fucking tits." Adam whispered back: "Submit." That got butch squirming some more, but after about five minutes, it eased up. In that five minutes, Adam had positioned himself on butch's chest. He had reached over and put on a soft pair of leather gloves, with velcro'd finger tips. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" butch moaned, as Adam worked his nipples. This was new. "OH SHIT. OH FUCKING SHIT" "Submit." butch felt his cock hardening. GOD. He WAS a bottom. He began to imagine what Adam would do to him if he gave in : and he wanted it. He wanted it SO BAD. "I give. I give up. I surrender. I submit Sir." Adam squeezed his nipples harder. "No more of this topman shit from you?" "No Sir. None of it. None. You win. I'm defeated." Adam smiled. "Just like you always knew you were." Let's get your pants off." When they did, Adam still had the gloves on, and he ran a finger tip around butch's ass hole. butch began to buck from that. "SIR PLEASE. JUST FUCK YOUR BITCH." "Who's my bitch?" "I AM SIR. YOURS. COMPLETELY." "You gonna do as I say?" "YES SIR." "You gonna be my sub bitch date this weekend?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR COCK." Adam didn't need to be asked twice. He had been looking forward to this all day. It had taken less time than he thought it would, and he was going to enjoy the time fucking his new sub slave. Now he knew: butch belonged to him, completely. He pushed in hard, and butch howled from the pain. "GOOD FOR YOU BITCH. KNOW YOUR PLACE. IT'S UNDERNEATH ME. WITH MY COCK IN YOU." "Oh God, yes sir. Keep me under you. FUCK ME. FUCK ME." butch saw the look on Adam's face as he pulled back, slowly, and then RAMMED in hard again. "Who's cock goes in you, bitch?" "Anyone you say Sir" Another shove and another yelp of pain. Adam was clearly enjoying himself. "DAMN RIGHT. BUT FOR THE NEXT MONTH, IT'S ONLY GOING TO BE ME. MY COCK. IN YOU. BOTH ENDS. OH FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" Adam spurted into butch's ass. Yes, this was the most satisfying conquest of his life. OH, was butch's ass sweet. He was going to make a fine, fine bitch slave." As he finished, he looked down at butch. "We're still going out to dinner. That workout made me hungry."

Next: Chapter 11

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