The Dominant Neighbour

By Steve Mills

Published on Jul 3, 2019


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The Dominant Neighbour Part 2

I lost my nerve to reply to his message. In many ways, it would have been ideal, a dominant man next door ready to have some fun with, but it was a scary thing that I couldn't contemplate.

I have to admit that I have had my interest in kink going really far back, probably for about 10 years and had always secretly craved a domineering influence in my life. However like many guys, it is a scary process, letting go and allowing yourself to be the person that you know your libido wants you to be.

I tossed and turned quite a lot in bed that night thinking about what could happen. Might happen. All of the possibilities. Eventually I dropped off to sleep. And still I didn't respond to that message.

I woke up at 8.30am and Darren had already gone to work. I was casually lying in bed when I heard a knock at the door. I popped on my dressing gown and went to answer the door. It was Scott, looking as ruggedly handsome as he had yesterday, possibly looking better as a long day was over and he had a good night's sleep.

"I wondered if you wanted to come to the gym with me?" he asked. I might have forgotten that we talked about this among many things. I responded with a sure and invited him in while I got ready.

He offered to drive down to the gym and I reminded me that he needed to get a guess pass. Lo and behold, he had managed to sort that out on his phone this morning. The drive down was relatively relaxed although considering I was still waking up dressed in my gym kit. Scott was remarkably perky considering that he had had a long day yesterday. It was only as we were halfway on the way to the gym that it occurred to me that I would get to see Scott semi naked in the changing room. It's safe to say that I couldn't wait.

Scott was asking what the gym was like, the kind of facilities that were there, when it got busy, that kind of thing. Neither he nor I raised the subject of the message that presumably he sent last night. Whether it was out of a sense of embarrassment from either of us, I'm not sure. I didn't raise because I was a little scared about what could have potentially happened.

We arrived at the gym and Scott was chatting to the girl on the reception. She was quite clearly attempting to flirt with him which he was completely oblivious to. She then said he would need to have a personal trainer give him a tour of the facilities. At which point, I decided that I wasn't going to see Scott, at least not this time, so went off and did my own thing. I did some walking on the treadmill, and lifted some weights. I could see Scott with one of the personal trainers, he was dark skinned, about 6ft 4, so slightly taller than Scott and with some quite obviously big guns. You could see Scott was a little impressed by the stature of the trainer showing him round the facilities.

I carried on my workout lifting some weights and doing sit ups and squats. I was getting one or two admiring glances from some of the guys and girls in there. It happened occasionally, I was kind of flattered when it happened, even if I wasn't going to do anything about the attention.

After doing 10 minutes on the rowing machine, I wandered back over to the treadmill with the view that I was going to do 15 minutes running and that would be me done. My smartwatch said that I had burnt off 500 calories with the exercise I had done already. It was just as I stepped onto the treadmill when Scott finished with his personal trainer. He came and joined me on the treadmill next to him and we started chatting. I slowed down to keep pace with him just starting to exercise.

"How was the tour?" I asked.

"Yeah it was good. That guy is a bit good looking," Scott replied

"He is."

"Straight as anything though."

"That's what I thought about you."

"What made you change your mind?"

"The fact that your boyfriend came round and introduced himself," not taking the open goal that was there to bring up the conversation of the sex toys.

"Yeah that would be a giveaway. But the fact that he spent ages talking to me about the fit birds that were in here is likely to mean he is straight," Scott said.

"Maybe the lady doth protest too much," I joked.

He laughed and we continued chatting about the gym and talking about the news and football. Everything was all very easy and casual between the two of us. We continued running for about 20 minutes and I was absolutely exhausted. The smart watch said I'd now managed to burn off 750 calories. I was happy with my workout.

"I'm going to have stop this. I'm too knackered and not even had my breakfast," I said to Scott.

"No worries Chris, don't suppose I can persuade you to have a swim."

Suddenly, and for some inexplicable reason, I suddenly had a lot more energy and desire to go and do exercise and it was absolutely nothing to do with seeing Scott in a pair of swimming shorts.

We moved towards the changing room and to our lockers. Scott was on his mobile phone texting someone. But I was distracted by the thought of what I was about to see. The chance to see Scott semi naked. I opened up the locker and my phone vibrated. I decided to check it out. It was another message from ScottishDom84 on Recon. I read the message and it said: "Interesting to know I can get you to do anything just by suggesting it."

There was no doubt that the messages were from Scott even if there was a tiny doubt in my mind. I panicked, not entirely sure what to do. Scott was carrying on like nothing had even happened. Like this was a thing that happened all the time. And looking at him, it is entirely possible that it could have done.

It was when I looked round and started to see him peeling off his t-shirt. I stopped looking at my phone to have a look. Well, it would have been rude not to. If this was a film, it would have been a close up and slow mo, lingering to examine the beauty of his chest. There was a six pack, well defined but a smattering of soft dark hair to keep you warm. There were nipples which were dark and ever so slightly erect in the cold atmosphere of the gym dressing room.

He saw me looking and smiled and then carried on getting undressed. He was down to his boxers where his tree trunk muscular legs carried the same black hair all over. His thick thighs looked powerful enough to crush anybody. He looked around at the changing room and then back at me.

"You might get to look at my cock later but you won't get to look at it now so be a good boy and look the other way," he said. In another environment, I would have been cheeky and kept my eyes looking at him but there was not a chance that he didn't mean his words entirely seriously. I turned around and started getting changed into my swimming shorts which I always packed in case I fancied dipping into either the pool or the jacuzzi post workout.

As I was completely naked, all I heard were the words "nice arse" quietly spoken in a Scottish accent. I put my swimming shorts on after smiling to myself. I knew what was eventually going to happen but wasn't quite sure how I was going to get there.

Swimming passed by without incident. We both did 40 minutes in the pool doing lengths. Scott was slightly quicker than me but with all the muscle on him I reckon I might have been just as quick if it wasn't for the fact that I was exhausted. We got out and headed for the showers and went into separate cubicles.

We left the gym and Scott seemed happy to join on a more permanent basis. His guest pass lasted three days and said he would sort it out another time. As we got into the car, I decided to ask the question that had been on my lips.

"So these messages you have been sending me on recon."

He laughed slightly. "You deserve some sort of explanation, I'll tell you over a drink and some lunch. I'll pay."

We drove to a relatively nice pub just down the road which had only just opened its doors. We both sat and drank orange juices (somehow a pint seemed wrong at just gone 11am) and it was then that he decided to answer the questions.

"I'm a dominator, a man who likes to take charge in the bedroom."

"And where does Carl fit into this?" I ask.

"He's my partner."

"Nothing else?"

"Nope, aside from the odd playing with toys, he's not really interested in anything other than vanilla. Besides, I love him, it's a bit difficult to hurt someone that you love," he responded honestly.

I digested this for a small amount of time, Darren and I had been in the same situation. Hence why would I be recon. I was careful about who I talked to. There was one stage where our personal life had gone round the entire nightclub and that wasn't a comfortable position to be in.

"How about you and Darren. You try anything kinky?" Scott asked.

"Only once, I was really into it. I think he was mentally quite traumatised by it. He managed to loose his hard on. Not really a great deal of fun when the top is loosing his hard on."

"I can imagine, so are you allowed to have some fun without Darren."

"As long as I am discreet and safe, then he has no problems with it."

"How interesting," he responded. "I would ask if you would like to be dominated by me but I have a feeling I know the answer to that question."

"I think you do."

Our arousing conversation was interrupted by the waitress who came over to see if we would like any food. I had a chicken salad and he chose a bacon and brie baguette. We ate our food in relative normality, talking about football and plans for his new job. We were actually getting on really well and laughing at stuff. Scott was very easy to fall for, I won't lie.

After finishing our food, we started driving back. As we pulled up, I decided to go for the killer question.

"When will Carl be back?"

"Not for a while." he said quite straight laced. Not the reaction I was expecting to be honest. Not a hint at all that he was going to invite me in. "Sorry, I've still got some unpacking to do and Carl's biting sarcasm is more damage than he could ever do physically."

"No worries, I've got things to do as well. Catch you later."

I got out of the car, slightly disappointed with the end result. I got in through the door and started to settle down with the laptop and with some porn on when I started idly checking my phone. I saw a message on recon. It was from Scott.

"Did you presume that I was just going to invite you in boi?"

"Yes sir," I responded almost immediately.

"That was foolish boi. But at least you are honest."

"I'm sorry sir. I was foolish to leap to that conclusion."

I assumed that would be the end of the conversation so carried on looking at some porn. It was a tall guy dominating a much younger guy. In the video, the sub was on his hands and knees licking his master's boots. I started talking out loud, demanding that the sub be degraded. Perhaps a little bit too loud but I was on my own. I pulled my pants down and started playing with my cock. The first time I got chance to play with it for a couple of days given that Darren didn't give me a chance to give my dick a stroke yesterday during our fuck.

I even started slightly pinching my nipples as the sub in the video had moved from licking boots to using his tongue on a leather jockstrap. The sub was getting increasingly desperate to taste the meat for real with no barrier between his tongue and fleshy cock.

My concentration on the porn was distracted by a phone call. It was an unknown number. I thought about ignoring it but for some reason, I chose to answer it.

"Hello," I said.

"Read your messages boi." And then it was someone who hung up. I didn't recognise the voice which only added to the intrigue that I had. It was then that I looked at my phone and saw a message from Scott on Recon. I opened it.

"I'm going to give you some very specific instructions boi. I want you to make sure that you are ready for anal play and once you are ready, I want you to come over the garden fence naked and come in through the open door. There will be some further instructions and items on the table for you to use."

I couldn't believe the message that I had seen. I was going to have a hard and heavy fuck session with this guy. But the brain started kicking into gear and told me to go upstairs and douche. I'll spare you the details, I doubt you'd want to hear that.

I went downstairs, all clean and ready for use. I was stood by the back door in the house and then it struck me that it was 2pm during a June afternoon. There were likely to be kids outside playing. What if someone saw me while I was naked. Could I get undressed while I was in Scott's house? Maybe I could undress in the part of his garden which was unseen from our other neighbours? Am I really going to go through with this?

I took a very deep breath and a very large whiff of a bottle of poppers I kept in the living room just for emergencies when Darren and I are fucking in the living room and we don't want to go upstairs. It was then that I stripped with everything left by the back door. I ran out into the back garden and jumped straight over the low fence which separated our gardens from each other. I ran in through the back door and took a big deep breath when I realised that I wasn't caught out. It took me a few seconds to come down from the adrenaline high that I was experiencing. It was a rush and an exhilaration.

Nothing could prepare for me what I was about to experience. There was a table in the middle of the living room with a latched box and an envelope with my name on it. I took the piece of paper out of it and read the instructions. Look inside the box and put everything on or in you that is inside it and then to shout ready.

I opened the box very carefully and saw lots of different things for me to put on. There was a blindfold, a pair of nipple clamps, a pair of leather ankle and wrist cuffs and something that I dreaded wearing. A metal chastity device. I had always wanted to try one of these but have never found anyone who is into a guy who has their dick locked away.

Another deep breath was needed and I went for it and took the padlock off the chastity device. There was a ring which I assumed you put on like a cock ring. It was a hard job to put it on but eventually squeezed both my cock and balls through the ring and they were through. Unfortunately with all of the tugging and playing, my dick got really hard. It was also in anticipation of what was going to happen next. I took a breath and stopped playing with my cock. Very soon, I wouldn't be able to anyway. Especially as I saw no key with the padlock. It did eventually go back to its flaccid state. At which point, I quickly put my shaft inside its metal prison and put the padlock back into place

The rest of the items I managed to put on pretty quickly and while my nipples were relatively taught with the weight of the clamps, I couldn't deny that I was feeling very turned on. So much so that my dick was trying to get erect inside the cage.

I quickly placed the blindfold over my eyes and shouted ready, unsure of what was going to happen next.

Next: Chapter 3

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