Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 17, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


6 - Full Circle


G. Cutter

Tom telling the tale again. The weekend had been a crux, a nub or whatever, I now had one firm boyfriend Peter Knox and basically Rob and Paul were our dominators. Jeez, they sound like a pair of lesbians but the unspoken agrement was that they were quite happy hosting us but we had dues to pay. OK, all dirty and nasty but neither Peter nor I minded, it wasn't as if they were raincoat wearing fourty year olds lurking around the local school. They'd all headed for the hills.

Kevin was a turn up for the books, the fact that he'd gone down so easy was nothing short of miraculous, the further fact that he seemed to get a hell of a buzz out of what he did was even more of miracle. After the first rough ride the second we all had was much better, a lot more smooching and once we got Kevin used to being plated or rimmed he was a convert.

He briefly met Rob and Paul as they came in from the pub and after mumbling a good night did a runner and that was the end of him.

'Any good?' Rob laughed as Kevin waddled down the path like a bandy duck.

'Excellent.' I grinned.

'Good, we have a plan.' Paul laughed giving Rob a knowing look.

'Yeah,' I looked suspiciously as Rob wandered away and returned with drinks. 'What sort of plan.'

'I have a vehicle, a Transit Van being delivered Wednesday and I thought we'd have a day out.' He sat down with his drink and looked at Paul as if for confirmation. 'Paul knows some guys down in Wandsworth who will lend us a digital movie camera. I thought of having a day out, take in some skinny dipping and get some dick shots.'

'No sex?' Peter smirked.

'Only if it arises and only if it's safe.'

'We need four to make it worthwhile,' Paul also sat. 'A day out, food and drinkies plus a tenner for the wet speedos and cockshots.'

'Mmm...' I looked at Peter. Four was a problem but there was always Kevin, he wouldn't turn down a tenner for flashing his bits that was for sure.

'I know one.'

'The little darling who just ran out of the door?' Rob laughed. 'He's quite sweet apart from the eighties haircut.'

'Yeah, he said he's getting it all off tomorrow, a Skinhead Number One.'

'Whats that?' Rob asked.

'Down to the bone.'

'Drag him in here, I can do that I've got the kit and chop offs are easy. He can save his fiver or whatever.'


We had a quiet night. They told us that they had business on the Tuesday from lunchtime until around late evening and we would be expected to feed ourselves. I didn't mind, Peter's sleepovers would be over but he would be hanging around and if we got Kevin in we might have a bit of fun.

'Monday, you have to make a start on that garden at your place,' Rob tried to look stern. 'Your dad's instructions.'

'You can give me a hand, Pete,' I grabbed his arm. 'And we can swag Kev.'

'Whatever,' Peter shrugged. Shortly after that we bedded down. 'It's all happening,' Peter flopped out onto the bed. 'I wonder what they get upto when they drift off... mind you we could ask them.'

'I reckon they do porn.'

'Could be... how's about us doing some porn?' That was it, another night of passion, I couldn't get enough of Peter's body and from the way he licked and munched I reckon he felt the same.

I was a bit worried Sunday as Kevin kept well out of the way, I had visions of him having a bleeding back end, suffering a cross examination from his rather dragonlike mother and then the blue lights arriving on the doorstep. I've got to admit I was a bit relieved when he cyled past the house a couple of times accompanied by a dusky chum and finally parked up. On Rob's prompting I went and invited them into the back garden rather that chatter on the doorstep and Kevin seemed to have got over his shyness of the previous night. The other kid was called Kassim of all things and was from one of the Gulf States, however his family weren't one of the rich ones, his dad was a chauffeur at an Embassy. He was quite beautiful as some Arabs are and most aren't, long thin nose, dark brown eyes and black hair naturally enough and with it all, a ready smile. That made him alright in my eyes, I like a giggler or someone with a sense of fun. I thought he'd be stuckup but he wasn't and spoke perfect English, better than we boys, put it that way. I idly wondered what he'd look like in those gauzy trousers you see in the Ali Baba films. Mind you, he looked pretty good in his baggy shorts.

Being Sunday church reared it's ugly head and he surprised me by saying that his mother dragged him and his younger brother and sister as regular as clockwork.

'So, you're not a mad Mullah,' Paul remarked rather tactlessly.

'I wouldn't go to your church if I was,' Kassim grinned. 'Unless I wanted to blow you lot up.'

'Now, now,' Rob played the pacifier as usual.

I jerked my head at Kevin to get him outside, Kassim and Peter seemed quite content with the crap on the TV. 'Kev, the lads are offering a tenner for a day out on Wednesday. Skinny dipping, with some speedo and willy shots.'

'Yeah?' He smirked.

'And a tenner plus food and drink supplied.'

'Gotta be dead private, I don't want strangers seeing me naked. I'd fuckin' well die.' Kevin scowled and then grinned. 'But I'm game.'

'He needs four... what about your mate.'

'Oh, I dunno,' Kevin frowned. 'We've had a giggle and play around but never anything serious.'

'How far did the playing around go?'

'To wankies but we never got naked like yesterday.'

'Just mention it to him, tell him you'll be out of town Wednesday and do some broad hints... see how he reacts.'

'I'll give it a go.'

'And come around about ten, Rob'll do your hair and you can pocket the money.'

'Great, I hope he'd got clippers.'

'Or a fuckin' blowtorch,' I grinned.

We went back in and Kevin and Kassim disappeared. Sunday was routine, after lunch we indulged in a foursome, Paul and myself in my room and Rob and Peter in the other and later a swop over. Great fun and by now pretty routine. We looked at our film again later on in the evening and did a critical appraisal which meant we chatted about how better it could have been. I suggested next time we should let Paul and Kevin have a go, Paul was fair and Kevin was dark and much smaller it would be a hoot. Rob said he'd think about it but the seed was planted, I think they both wanted inside Kevin's knickers and Kassim was raising a bit of interest as well.

On the Monday which was the day I was going to attack my garden both Kevin and Kassim rolled up and we went over and had a couple of hours work. The lads were working on someone's car as they had this 'job' on Tuesday, another mystery job. We were told to come back for one o'clock for something to eat, drink and to do the sheep shearing on Kevin. Nothing like a spectator sport to pass a sunny afternoon and I think by the time the sweaty morning was over Kevin would be happy to see the back of his mop. Kassim was a lot more forthcoming and Kevin whispered that he'd had a 'session' with his pal Sunday evening although he didn't quite say what the session involved. Certainly not fucking I would have imagined. I'm pretty sure Kevin would go all the way with the Arab boy but I guessed he was taking his time, a sweaty fuck is not a thing to jump into unless your name is Paul or Rob for or that matter, me, (Peter told me to stick myself in there). Dontcha hate people sitting on your shoulder when you're trying to write a masterpiece.

Anyway, my garden looked a damn sight better by the time we four trooped back to the house. Dusty, dirty and generally worn out... young teens and work don't mix, unless it's something not too energentic like mucking around in front of a camera. As soon as we got in we were banished to the bathroom. Jeez, Rob was worse than my dad but I suppose he was right plus four of us in one bathroom was a giggle. It would have taken off there and then but Kevin was a bag of nerves and I reckoned he and Kassim were on the verge of you know what. I took Peter aside and told him we needed to help out without being too pushy which was like waving a red rag at a bull. Peter promptly started cock grabbing which opened Kassim's eyes a little especially when it became blatantly obvious that poor Kevin responded to Peter's mauling. In the end we trooped down for something to eat before the show.

'You can push a hoover around in here and have a good clean up tomorrow,' Rob spoke to me as we ate. 'We'll be gone from around eleven and back around ten in the evening.'

'You got it,' I looked at Peter and winked. I also gave Kevin a crafty look... if he was going to make a move on Kassim tomorrow was his chance.

They'd put a chair out on the patio to save the mess and Kevin perched uncomfortably with us all stood around like it was a public execution. I must say it was pretty quick and the sheep shearing simile comes to mind again. Buzz, buzz, buzz and it was all laying on the floor. Poor Kevin looked like one of the Bash Street kids in the Beano, mind you it made him look like a twelve year old and I think Rob thought so too the way he kept pissing around trimming here and trimming there but at last it was all off.

'We should do your pubes as well,' Paul had to chip in. 'You'd look brilliant all wet with clinging knickers on Wednesday.'

I glanced across at Kassim and our Arab lad was showing the first signs. He was gone lumpy pants (as opposed to pointy pants) and the haircut had done it.

'Yeah, go on,' I joined in. 'Go kiddy.'

'Whatcha reckon, Kass?' Kevin had gone as red as a tomato in spite of his darkness.

'Yeah, I reckon you'd look sexy.' Now, that was bold coming from Kassim.

'OK, go inside and drop the shorts,' Rob ordered.

'What in front of everyone?'

'It wouldn't be the first time,' Peter grinned bringing a sharp look from Kassim.

'Alright,' Kevin sighed like some sort of a matyr but I knew he was a bit of an exhibitionist, anyway, he was playing a game with Kassim and this could lead to better things. 'I suppose we're all pretty nudey on Wednesday anyway.'

'You can play the small boy with the hooligans... they all jump on you and use and abuse...'

'Shurrup...' Kevin giggled and walked into the lounge very closely followed by Kassim. The ceremonial dropping of the shorts took some time but at last we got Kevin standing there naked with his fat cock filled out without being totally hard. He really was sweet and I couldn't understand why Kassim just didn't leap on him and rape him especially when he turned to display his beautiful bubble butt.

'Gawd,' I could fancy you myself,' I moaned putting it on a bit.

'Get in the queue, Tom Tom,' Kevin laughed as the razor started to buzz.

The black haired pubic nest was gone in an instant but that instant lasted long enough for Kevin to sprout one in Rob's hands. Rob made matters worse by fondling and stroking Kevin until his meaty cock sprung our in the 'poised' position. 'Nice one,' Rob remarked looking at Kassim. 'You lot had better go upstairs and have a play.'

Well, Kassim looked shocked, I laughed, Peter grinned and Kevin looked wanton or is that wanting. 'Come on Kass,' I grabbed the Arab boy's elbow and guided him from the room followed by Peter and Kevin who hurriedly tugged his shorts on but not before Paul also took a feel of his meat. That kid was popular and about to get more so.

We went upto our room, my room that is and Kevin sat on the bed but Peter and I hooked his feet up and lay him out in the centre. Kassim stood by looking nervously as we tugged the grinning Kevin's shorts down exposing him in all his hairless glory. He was happy, I suppose his brain had switched off and he was thinking it was out of his hands now. He made feeble attemnpts to fight us off but his heart wasn't in it. He wanted Kassim to join in and Peter and I were just a means to an end.

'Come on, Kasim. Feel this,' I held Kevin's member upright and squeezed a drop of clear fluid from the tip. 'He's horny.'

'He's always horny,' Kassim actually smiled at long last.

'Take your shorts off,' Peter smiled and led by example. I was pleased to see that Peter was just as hard as I was and lay up the bed alongside Kevin and started to kiss him and play with his tits. He'd recoved the lube from somewhere and rubbed it into Kev's breasts and belly. Kassim suddenly shed his shorts and we had a brief glimpse of his big meaty cock in his tightie whities before he ripped them off and stood there fully erect and very obviously with a full head of steam.

'Come here on the bed,' I croaked from down by Kev's feet and as he gingerly sat on the bed I reached out and grasped his hot and very stiff penis. I'd have loved it but the plan was to get Kevin shagged. 'Get between Kevin's legs.' I ordered and Kassim did just that. He had to know what was going on, he wasn't a complete dummy and Kevin just laying there like a sacrificial virgin gave the game away somewhat. Peter was still on Kev's chest and belly and kissing him, I concentrated on Kev's throbbing cock but also on Kassim's equally hard member.

'Ready, Kev?' Peter whispered and moved around so that he straddled Kevin's head with his knees.

'Yeah,' Kevin mumbled.

'Ready, Kassim?'

'I dunno,' he allowed himself to be hauled up into a kneeling position as Kevin raised his legs which were promptly captured by Peter who almost bent him double exposing his dark brown pucker on all it's glory.

'You're ready...' I guided him down and rubbed his cock across Kevin's pucker. I was doing everything apart from shag for him. He had to get the message and he did. He held Kev's hips and as I held him steady he pushed and watched with mingled pleasure and surprise as his dark red glans just sank into Kevin'g gaping pucker. Kevin tried to cry out but Peter's cock was in his mouth and I was behind Kassim pressing against him guiding him on his way as he slowly moved in Kevin sinking deeper and deeper. Peter let go of Kevin's legs which came down and wrapped around Kassim's slender waist. Part One was complete and as I smeared lube on my cock I prepared for Part Two.

One swift push was all it took, Kassim was totally unprepared as I pushed into his soft bottom, in fact, I pushed him onto Kevin and I think he gave up. He wanted Kevin and he had him, I think me inside his bum was just a minor inconvenience and I knew that Kevin would want to visit before the afternoon was out. We did our threeway with Kev having the bonus of Peter's cock slipping in and out of his mouth but he had his prize. Kassim's thick brown cock soon started to move in and out quite easily and Kassin bent into kiss and even take the odd lick at Peter's cock. Cool combo... very nice and we had all the time in the world to take Kassim on further adventures.

I gently and slowly slipped free fron Kassim's tight bottom and grabbed Peter to do our own thing. Kassim had now sampled cock or had tasted it and should have no objection to allowing Kevin his share. Peter and I watched the pair in action until Kassim gave a long groan and we saw him slap into Kevin and his buttocks clenched as he climaxed.

'My God,' he lay on Kevin and the boy's legs came down and they kissed. Very romantic and Peter and I tried to look as if we weren't watching, pretty difficult from around three feet away I can tell you. The boys were operating like clockwork, Kassim allowed himself to be laid on his belly and have a pillow slipped under his middle and randy Kevin was inside him in a flash. I suppose it was made easier by the fact I'd been there and he already had a coating of interior lube. Kevin hammered away and Kassim seemed to take it well, in fact he was shoving his brown bottom upto meet Kevin's thrusts until the climax. After that it was the lovey dovey bit, it was all over.

'Mixed doubles tomorrow?' Peter looked at Kevin willing the boy to share his well rigged Arab pal.

'How's that work?' Kevin looked at us.

'That's pretty obvious,' Kassim laughed. 'I don't mind if Kevin doesn't mind.'

'Go with the flow, that's me,' Kevin started to move against Kassim and the randy pair started again. I lost interest at that stage as Peter was inside me desperately trying to give me babies.

The condensed version is that he did and as soon as he'd juiced me I flipped him over and attacked his sweet bottom. All regular, routine and we'd done it all before but enjoyed it more and more and more as time went by. I sensed Kassim and Kev were looking at us and they were, they we now parted and watching avidly as I slid in and out of my lover boy and he lay there on his tummy pushing his bottom onto my thrusts. They had a thing about their cum as they were smearing it all over each other and I think they were working upto seconds but we had stacks of time.

'Whose pairing with whom?' Kevin spoke out.

I'd just cum ionto Peter and stirred myself in his spunk filed bottom. 'Cut cards for it,' Peter muttered and clamped expelling my messy cock. 'The two lowest together and two highest tpair up ogether.'

'What happens if two cut the same card?'

'For fuck's sake, Kev,' Peter rolled under me to kiss and have a snoogle. 'Second guy cuts again and ace is low every time... anything else?'

'No,' Kevin giggled. 'Kassim cums like a donkey,' he declared proudly.

'He's built like one,' Peter remarked.

'Looks like one,' I added which wasn't too well received . 'A sweet donkey,' I added to keep my life force intact. Apart from a big dick for a younger lad he also had quite big fists.

'We got first dibs on the shower,' Peter slipped from the bed and gave me a meaningful look. Outside he whispered. 'I think they're going for messy seconds.'

Well that was that and we went downstairs after finding that Kassim and Kev were indeed having a second go. We chatted for a while with Rob and Paul and Paul had worked his charm. Rob had agreed to do a second run on Cousin Bill with Paul and the now hairless Kev as the smaller boy. However, they wanted to do it on the digital recorder that they hoped to have for the day of the outing. Wednesday was looking to be a good one. A run out in a new second hand vehicle, a day out and a bit of film making in the evening. The only thing was that Peter, Kevin and Kassim has to fix cover stories with their folks and that should be easy, we were on the long summer holiday after all.

Tuesday was all get up and go. We had a lie in whilst Rob and Paul got ready for their day out and as soon as they'd gone we got up, fed and hoovered the place from top to bottom. We were expecting Kevin and Kassim around one o'clock and they arrived spot on time. Peter and I had been so tired the previous night that we'd actually abstained and were raring to go. We wanted to show our version of Cousin Bill but it had vanished and I suspect the borrowing of the pretty expensive digital video recorder had something to do with it and I wondered who Rob's mates in Wandsworth were, pornographers penny to a pinch of poo.

Anyway a few cold cans later and everyone acting very jumpy Peter finally produced the cards and sat there shuffling long and hard really winding everyone up a treat. 'Two lowest together, the two highest together and ace is low.' He Grined. 'Two highest in the landlord's bed and the two lowest in Tom Tom's.'

'Get on with it,' I croaked.

Peter shuffled the cards again and then made a big deal of squaring them off and placing them on the table were were sitting around. It didn't really matter to me, I knew he wanted to play with Kev now hairless and looking very much like an eleven year old with a big dick and I was hooked on the Arab kid but we had all day so would finish up in a foursome sooner or later.

'Cut,' Peter finally grinned and placed the cards on the table.

I reached out and sliced a few cards off the top and turned over an ace... bloody brilliant.

Kevin snatched a chunk and displayed a king, he was followed by Peter who sliced a queen. It looked like it was settled.

Kassim reached out and just cut the pack in half and turned up a two. He looked at me and grinned. That was that, we had our mates for the afternoon. I think everyone was a bit nervous and I don't know why but I had to remember that Peter and I were far more used to chopping and changing, casual sex if you like than the two young lovers with us but Peter forced the pace,

'Come on, Kevin. Let's fuck.' Did I mention Peter's charm drops a little when the bedroom is in sight, or perhaps he likes to sound butch but Kevin was a match for him.

'Yeah, let's go and fuck... you,' Kevin giggled. I looked at Kassim and we just got to our feet. I might have said that he was better looking than your average A-rab and from his bare arms and legs plus what I'd seen of him yesterday he was a real smoothy... I suppose the hairy fairy bit would come later.

We split at the top of the stairs without setting any time limits or making any plans. As we so often said: "Go with the flow".

I knew Kevin was around a year (maybe a little less) younger than I was and I supposed Kassim to be the same as they were in the same class but as he quietly peeled his shirt off displaying his super smooth brown torso he was well muscled and even had a black treasure trail of pubics climbing to his navel so he would be hairy enough come the time. For now he was a smoothy and he was mine. I leapt on him and bore him to the bed and he gave a little chuckle pressing me down and planting a kiss right on my lips. I'd suddenly realised that younger or not, he was as big as I was and quite easily kept me pinned as he munched away at my lips and my throat. Sod it, who cared?

I squirmed against him feeling our erections mash through our shorts but a few moments later they were history and we were both down to our briefs. From then on it was a kissathon as we slowly got to naked and squirmed against each other. He had a beatiful dark brown erection with a wonderfully gleaming purple head and he was precuming from the word go. No matter, I had the anal gel under the pillow as well. His penis was bigger and fatter than mine and Peter's which was a downer but then again no matter from what I'd seen of him with Kevin he was a sweet and gentle lover and that's the main thing. You can keep the crash, bang, wallop merchants... they're a waste of space, if you can't get a bit of loving with your fuck you may as well give up.

'You like this..?' He moved his hot cock between my legs and I clamped my thighs on it as I lay back and grabbed his soft bottom.

'Yeah,' I stared into his dark brown eyes. 'How do you want me, front or back?' Well, you gotta be blunt and he wasn't going to last, I could feel the slipperyness of his juice between my legs already. I'd let him go first before he popped all over the bedding.

'I don't know... you better lead,' he looked at me with something like worry in his eyes. I got it, he was comfortable with Kevin, they were lovers and I was his first 'stranger'. I had to take charge and I knew just how to do that. Wordlessly I lay him out on his back and rubbed anal gel into his nut brown cock until it stood as firm as it was going to get, I could feel his precum dribbling over my hand as I slowly wanked him to super hard. Next I straddled his torso and shuffled up until my own twitching meat was at his mouth and he eagerly took me in. He was alright on that front and I lazily pumped into his mouth but suddenly reached behind me and angled his thick and now greasy pole up at an angle and shuffled back. He must have sensed what I was about to do as he grabbed my hips as I fed his hot meat between my cheeks and made just one determined push.

His jaw dropped and he let out a long groaning sigh as his slick knob parted my pucker and he was inside me, I pushed back again taking around half of his shaft. I stayed frozen, now the rest was upto him. 'Keep it in. On our sides and then you get me onto my back... savvy?'

He got it. In fact he pushed up and pulled me down so that his full length was buried in me before dropping me onto my side and then taking the superior position. One big brown faced and gleaming toothy smile and he was away. Nice and slow and what Ron and Paul called long cocking. He pulled it all out slowly and then slipped straight back into the hilt in one slow thrust. After that it got exciting when he really began to fuck. He was a big boy, bigger than I was and he was good. His brief training with Kevin had been done well and he liked to kiss and make bodily contact with his hands. We rumped away merrily until I felt him throb and surge his sticky slime into my bottom and as Kev had said, he did indeed cum like a donkey. In fact, the stuff was trickling from my hole onto my tailbone but no matter it was over and now it was my turn.

He slowly and carefully withdrew ramming some tissues between my cheeks to take the spillage and flopped out onto his back and stared at me. 'OK?'

'Fine,' I grinned. 'On your belly, Ali Baba.'

He laughed and without any fuss at all rolled onto his tummy and spread his legs. I leant over and kissed one smooth brown flank and then the other. Beautiful, spingy flesh and it was all mine. I licked up and down his crack and as he parted his legs even further I dove in and lapped at his ring until he squirmed and giggled at me to stop. He must have been ticklish but he stuck his bum up as I fed an oily finger in and probed at his ring. He gasped as I pentrated him but settled down to little moans and wriggles as I finger fucked him with just one finger making sure he was well lubed up.

The time came at last, I moved in and placed my sore and now very needy organ at his dark brown hole and gently pushed. He bucked and moaned but even Paul did that and he was used to me. Once inserted inside his hot hole I placed my hands either side of his torso and moved in slowly but firmly and as he relaxed started to move to and fro until my pubics were pressed against his soft bottom. He fucked good... all the little moans and sighs and in the end he was pushing up onto me in a fever of lust as I plumbed deep and hard. Here was truly a versatile boy, he took as well as he gave and after my first spunking we kept at it. His turn next and as the other two didn't disturb us we kept going. Frontals and then doggy and it got messier but better every time.

The four of us barely made it in time to the bathroom to get cleaned up before it was their time to go home. The only slight upset was that the van arrived just before six by which time Kev and Kassim had made off promising to be on the doorstep for ten the next morning. Fortunately as we were chatting to the guy who had sold the van Rob and Paul also rolled up from whatever they'd been doing and did a final checkup on their buy... Rob's buy I should have said. It was a nondescript navy blue but in remarkably good condition. The usual Transit setup with the driver's seat and a dual passenger seat alongside. In addition and as an extra this had a further two seats bolted to the rear and then a half partition between the seating area and the cargo hold. So, in fact, there was ample seating even if one or two had to sit on cushions and the cargo area was boarded out and surprisingly clean. A damn good buy and ideal for what Rob wanted which was basically a repair van to go out on jobs. Peter went home after that and I settled down for the night to recover and recuperate.

The one item they produced was a digital movie camera which we played around with and tried a little movie with Paul doing a bit of willy waggling and a wank. A meal and bed, thankfully I wasn't called on to provided any services and I slept like a log.

The following morning was bright and sunny, from the forecast we could expect a hot afternoon which was just right for our little adventure. Rob had given the van a good check over the previous day and once we were all assembled away we went. We were headed down to under the M3 to Virgina Water. There were a few large resevoirs nearby and loads of old sand and gravel quaries now flooded and used for boating and small sailing clubs. Rob said that he knew a spot which was easy to get to and not all that busy, certainly not in the middle of the week. He said that we may encounter the odd holidaymakers or kids here and there but we just had to be careful. He confided in us that kids actually did skinnydip in the area so in the main we needed to keep an eye out for adults.

He was right, we took over an hour getting there but it was worth the trip. Lots of water, lots of sand, even boats and bodies water skiing further out . There were a scattering of schoolkids on holiday but they ignored us as we used the van for a base and parked it not to far from the water. Perfecto and as Rob and Paul set to sorting out the food and chillers. we the juniors sampled the water. All speedos or underwear for starters until we found out how likely we were to get interrupted if at all.

Nothing happened for the first couple of hours or so, we swam and Rob took loads of pictures of wet boys and more importantly wet and clinging bathing kit. We even had a couple of youngsters on bikes park up with us and join in the fun. These kids were local and a pair of blondies, sweeties really but we behaved ourselves. I think Kenny was the first to discard his speedos and the rest of us gradually followed his example. The twoboys joined in, in the end. The place was as dead as a doornail and the nearest group to us had to be a half a mile away. Rob continued to take pictures but not so many, I think he had enough and I was waiting for the movie camera to appear.

There is a game played in shallow water the world over. It just has different names, we called it 'knights on horses' or 'horsey' and it's where two boys climb on the backs of normally larger boys and the aim is to dismount or pull the opponent down. It turned out that the two strangers and Kevin were the smaller and once Kev mounted his boyfriend (in the nicest possible way), Sean and Seamus our two guests got invited to 'ride' myself and Peter. It had to lead somewhere and it did. For starters Rob got the movie camera out and then groping started to happen, Kevin started this by the way. It was a game made for groping and the two blondies gave as good as they got, at one stage I had one of them in my arms and my underwater erection was nestling right between his tight little cheeks.

'You dirty sod, you dirty sod,' he squealed and wriggled in my arms making things worse. I risked a feel to the front, well, I had to and his little pecker was as hard as a pipe, after that he quietened down a little but made a beeline for me every opportunity he got. The boy had a need and so did I. Ron was doing his cameraman bit experimenting I reckon. Paul and my Peter were lurking by the van and I suspected they were upto no good. That left Kassim and Kev in the water with the other boy and I found myself with Sean and right then he had his arms around my neck was busy rubbing up against me. He was as hard as a little chocolate frog and most of the time he was rubbing his healthy little spike into my crack. It wasn't all that little by the way, these kids had to be thirteen or so and both had blond fuzz... they were spermables.

'Wanna go somewhere,' I asked clamping as he prodded.

'Yeah,' his voice broke in excitement. No stranger to boy play then.

We sploshed off a short distance and then seeing no one following I dragged him into the long grass by the water and pulled him down. He gave his little squeal again and then bugger me, he was in my arms, snuggling in and grabbing at my own erection... certainly no novice. I pressed him flat into the grass and sunk my head taking his sweet noodle into my mouth. He froze and then relaxed giving little shudders and moans as I started to give him an oral milking. As I clasped his tiny white bottom he fucked up into my mouth like a loony and I sucked away picking my moment to get between his cheeks and toy with his sweet and tightly clenched pucker.

'That'll cost you,' he muttered and ruffled my hair.

'How much?'

'A fiver,' he announced as bold as brass. 'No rough stuff though.'

'Fair enough, I've got the money in my clothes.'

'You just got lucky,' he giggled. 'Do me first,' he pressed my head down and I redoubled my efforts. A fiver was bloody peanuts and I was as hard as a pipe, a leaky pipe at that. I took a peep above the squashed grass but we were well hidden from the others who all seemed occupied anyway. I went to work on my little boy. I sucked his stiffy and then sucked his balls and then worked under his to lick and lap at his tiny little hole but he soon got his cock back into my mouth. It was OK now though, I managed to squirm a finger into his little hole and he wriggled and writhed as I finger fucked him feeling his sphincter get easier and easier.

I never expected to find a juvenile rent boy on the prowl out by the resevoirs but I had and a juicy one at that. When he cum it was the real stuff, white and pretty thick not watery nor just a spasm. Genuine boy cum and he flopped as I worked my finger back inside him and flipped him over dribbling saliva into his tight little crack. Once he started to push back onto me and grunt I withdrew my finger and really got a good coating of basic lube onto his hole. Spit or saliva works and before he had time to protest or make excuses I had my drooling glans at his little ring. One gentle but determined push was all it took and he absorbed me with a little moan. Gawd, he was so tight, tighter than Peter or even Kevin, this kid had a boy fanny like a hampster's cunt. Hot, tight and so slick. He was clearly a well used boy and as I started to rump his sweet little pale skinned bottom he began to push back onto quite willingly and just as clearly he enjoyed what was happening to him. I wondered if it was his little mate, an elder brother or even a father or an uncle he started with but he took it quite happily and I had the shag of a lifetime. We went from doggy, to missionary and then onto our sides and it was like this that I cum inside his hot little body. I was rammed up inside him as far as I could get and he was pushing himself back onto me as I squirted and climaxed my all into his wriggling little body.

By the time we made it to the van Rob was on his own fiddling around with the camera.

'Gonna do some of us?' Sean asked cheekily.

'Looks like I'm too late,' Rob grinned causing Sean to blush rather like a little girl. 'Tell you what... how's about some romantic one's in the water.'

'Romantic?' I asked. I couldn't think of anything more romantic than what we'd done.

'Waist deep having a little kiss or cuddle.'

'Come on Tom.' Sean led the way with his white arse jiggling as he ran the short distance. 'You need a wash anyway.'

In the process of our little movie shoot Paul and Peter emerged from the back of the van and joined us in the water and then Kevin, Kassim and the other blond appeared from the dunes some distance away and I could guess what they'd been upto. We didn't last long after that but I did make a point of giving Sean my phone number which he'd probably throw away, we also made a tentative arrangement to be there the following Monday but then again, that was very much upto Rob. It was a shame, I liked Sean and I could like him even more given time. God, I was turning into a real slut, I had Paul or shares in Paul, I had Peter as a full time boyfriend and now I was looking at a mere kid who lived miles away.

Once indoors we settled down, everyone was exhausted with the sun and the rest of it but Rob had a new toy. The thing had a disc with it which he programmed into his PC and away we went. A lot of the pictures were rubbish but Paul had backed up with the ordinary digital, the movie bits were splendid, a bit shaky being hand held but good all the same, a good day's production as Rob gloated. Shortly after that Kev and Kassim left for home promising to come around about lunchtime to try and film Paul and Kevin in their vesion of Cousin Bill and we settled down for a pizza supper.

There was something in the air and Rob finally came out with it.

'Do you know our business?' He looked at Peter and myself.

'Motor mechanics?' Peter was acting dumb.

'The other business,' Rob grinned. 'The one you wonder about.'

'Porn?' I replied.

'Sort of,' Rob sat back and launched into his less than earth shattering confession. 'Paul and I are escorts or to be blunter call boys.'

'Rent boys?' Peter chipped in.

'Posher than that,' Paul smirked. 'We're by appointment only...'

'Big bucks,' Rob took over. 'We go to people's houses and do what they want either as a pair or solo. Sexual fuckery to be brutally honest. We fuck and get fucked for a price... we do what the client wants other than heavy bondage and scat.'

'What's scat?' Well, I had to ask.

'Shitting and pissing,' Paul giggled. 'Well. I don't mind some loony pissing on me in a bath as long as I can have a decnt shower after but not the crapping caper.'

'Ew...' Peter shuddered. 'Gross.'

'Yeah,' Rob agreed. 'Anyway, we have a well paying client and his son who's eighteen has a mate staying, a seventeen year old.' He paused and looked at us.

'Go on,' I prompted.

'This kid wants to book two youngsters for a sweaty afternoon's sex . He could go down to Euston and pick up a rent boy but he and his dad like their security... I said we had two boys who might be would fit the bill...'

'And you're going to ask us if we're interested,' Peter laughed and glanced at me, I just gave him a slight nod, he could do the talking.

'Exactly,' Rob nodded. 'Saturday lunch time. We'll deliver you and collect you, we can do some shopping whilst we wait. We'll give you a mobile so that if you want to cut and run you can but these two just want a sweaty afternoon shagging underage boys.'

'Sounds good to me... and getting paid for it.'

'Paid well,' Paul put in. 'Their Rumpus Room might startle you a but but it's all for show. The dad, who's a doctor is a bit of a prick but he's promised not to get involved. If he does its extra money.'

'We going for it?' Peter looked at me, I just nodded and Rob stood up. He walked over to the phone and we heard his side of the conversation.

'Yes, Doctor Anders... I have our two friends fixed up, one fair and one dark... ready, willing and able.' A slilence. ''Yes, twelve, noon Saturday.' That was it.

'Dr Anders' son and pal will be waiting for you,' Rob grinned. 'Welcome to the Rumpus Room.'


A bit of a limp ending but I had to finish this one off. I can't run RUMPUS ROOM and PRINCE COCO at the same time. The boys from this story will reappear in later chapters of the PRINCE COCO saga which I can now get back to.

Is anybody reading what I write because I'm beginning to get discouraged with a total lack of response.

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