Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on May 29, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


5 - A Weekend for Four or maybe Five.


G. Cutter

My dad sprung it on me Wednesday evening as we were having our supper. The weather had continued fine and I's spent it mainly with Peter and over with the boys. Paul had disappeared on 'a job' as Rob had put it but stayed pretty close lipped leaving my imagination to work overtime. Peter and I, and Peter was fitting in well, went throught he lot, porno filming, dying relative, contract catamite (like that one) and maybe even a junior contract killer but Rob just grinned.

Anyway, back to dad.

'I was talking to the boys about the sea fishing...' he started and I listened up. 'We thought of having the weekend, doing the week in lodgings then the following weekend. It maked nine or ten days just about,' he looked at me as if awaiting a response.

'And?' I waited for the next bit.

'I wondered if you wanted to come down with us?'

'You must be joking,' I laughed. 'Fishing in a boat bobbing up and down... Jeez.'

'You could stay ashore, we'd be staying just outside Brighton and there's lots of things for kids to do.'

'Awww, Dad,' I did the whiney teeny bit. 'All my mates are up here, Peter, the two up the road...'

'That's the other alternative,' he munched on his food. 'They seem OK with weekends but ten days is a bit much... I don't know if they'll stand for that.'

'I can pump them,' I offered.

'Can you?' He seemed so pleased I almost laughed but in the old phrase: I was over the moon. A weekend, a week and a further weekend with my two lover boys and I could have Peter Knox around any time I liked. OK, Peter would have to pay his dues but I'd more or less briefed him up on that already... and he did have a mini crush on Rob.

The following day two things happened of consequence, firstly Peter rolled up and told me that his parents had given the go ahead for him to sleep over with me at Rob's place for the Friday and weekend. The second one was that I went up the road to see Rob and Paul passing my dad's request on. Rob seemed delighted especially when he found that Peter would be staying over on the earlier weekend at least. He suggested he had some business organised for the second weekend and we may come in handy. He didn't explain what 'handy' meant but went into close conference with Paul and they were all smiles and grins like a pair of schoolkids. He was also sorting out the Knox family Sierra on the Monday which he reckoned needed a load of work on it starting off with a new clutch and then everything else including a back hatch that they had to keep tied down.

'You done the biz with that little pixy of your yet?' He suddenly asked as I sat in the kitchen slurping a Pepsi.

'Yeah, twice,' I grinned feeling quite pround of myself.

'Any problems?'

'Nah... why should there be, once we got on the same wavelength that was it.'

'As it should be,' he agreed. 'He's very sweet,' he avoided my eyes.'

'He fancies you something rotten,' I grinned. 'Just like I did before Paul stole my little heart away.'

'Your double dealing little black, black heart?

'That's the one,' I agreed quite happily. I knew the routine with those two. He and Paul did the undying love bit but they still shopped around, Paul fucked me at every opportunity he got and it looked like Rob was feeling pretty much the same about my pal. What did that old time American actress used to sing? 'Che sera sera'.

'Well, for the weekend you and Peter can share Paul's room for Friday and then we'll adventure. I might have a bit of work I can offer you for the Friday or Saturday after.'


'Paying work,' he grinned. 'But it depends...'

'On what?'

'On how well Peter fits in over this weekend.'

'He'll go to bed with you,' I exclaimed a tad impatiently. 'I've told you that already.'

'Good,' he laughed. 'But a bit more than that before I offer the work but let's leave it for now.' He fished out a couple more cans and Paul wandered in from where he'd been sunbathing as if keeping out of the way. I tried to pump Rob more but he just nodded at Paul as if in confirmation and refused to say any more on the subject. I wondered if they were going to try and involve us in their porny films but I would have thought we were a bit young for that... then, thinking about the Russian films, maybe not.

Naturally enough I told my dad of the outcome to his question and he was happy enough. One grizzling and angsty teenage son out of the way and an English Channel full of fish to bugger around with, he must have been in heaven. He also went around to see Rob and handed over some money for food and whatnot although he didn't say how much and neither did Rob. I fancy there was also an instruction to keep checking on the house and a list of chores I had to do whilst he was away. A bit of slave driving there but I didn't mind, Peter could give me a hand.

Friday evening came and dad was home from work, bathed and changed in double quick time when his mates who were travelling with him arrived as did the Transit with another two they piled all their stuff in the back of the van and with the shortest of farewells were on their way like a a bunch of ten year olds on a school outing. The neighbours either side knew what the score was and would be exercising what we called our Neighbourhood Watch but I made sure everything was locked up anyway and had my holdall ready to go when my Peter rolled up.

'Time to tread the Yellow Brick Road,' he did his Dorothy impersonation which is quite sweet. 'This isn't Kansas, Toto,' he spoke to the pavement.

'It's Putney, you prick,' I laughed. 'Come and let's bedazzle and bewitch the old pervs down the road.'

'They're not that old,' he grinned wiggling his bottom like a little slut.

'Watch it, some one might be looking.'

'Miserable sod.'

Down at Rob's we found them just cleaning up after mucking around with some clapped out van's brakes and talking about supper. 'Fish and chips, I'm not fuckling around cooking,' Rob declared when we walked in the wide open door.

'Sounds good,' Paul stood there barechested and looked at Peter and myself like we were chickens just about ready for plucking. 'Name a fish boys.'

'Swordfish,' Peter spoke first.

'Goldfish,' I voulnteered.

'For supper,' Paul frowned.

'Cod... I was only trying to lighten the mood.'

'Rock Salmon for me,' Rob continued to scrub oil from under his fingernails. 'Ask 'em for a couple of big Pepsis as well.'

'Fixed,' Paul gave Peter a smile and left for the telephone.

'You wanna settle Peter into your room,' Rob looked at me standing there in my tatty jeans. 'Didn't you bring any shorts.'

'Yeah, I've got 'em in my bag,' I smirked. 'I prefer to wander around in boxers amongst friends.'

'Now that sounds good,' Rob cackled and Peter managed his first blush of the evening. Never mind, he'd get used to it.

'Peter hasn't seen The Thief Lord yet,' I observed.'

'Oh my Gawd, not that fuckin' film again,' Rob moaned but he was taking the micky, he liked the film as much as I did and I was sure Peter would like it. I'd been onto him for weeks to watch it but he hadn't got around to it.

'I hope it's good after Tom Tom's bullshit,' Peter spoke to Rob seemingly facinated with my youing neighbour and so called baby sitter also bare chested and with his arms deep in soapy water. If I could see throught the baggy beach shorts he was wearing I'd bet a pound to a pinch of shit I'd find a living, breathing stiffy perking up a litrtle.

'Come upstairs,' I tugged his arm before he started dribbling over Rob. 'I'll show you the room.'

As took Peter away Rob flashed me a smile, he knew I was having a touch of the little green godess, the jealousy thing not the Army Fire Engine to get it straight. I took Peter upstairs and as soon as I had him in the room we fell on the bed and were at it.

'Sssh...' he'll hear,' he whined as I munched at his slender brown neck.

'He knows the score, for fuck's sake. He and Paul both want to do sex with you.'

'Both together?' He giggled.

'Who knows,' I smirked. I knew exactly what they had in mind and decided to brief Peter to see if he had any objections or was going to be a pain. 'Tonight us together, tomorrow you get Paul whilst I look after Rob and on Sunday you get to do Rob all on your ownsome.'

'Mmmm...' He lay back and grinned as I ran my hand across his rounded belly into the top of his shorts. 'Sounds good,' he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of himself mashing his lips onto mine. 'Gotta be a blinding weekend,' he gave a pelvic thrust and that was it. We were writhing and wriggling together and mashing willies, we were doing everything except fucking but it was a bit early in the evening and supper was on it's way.

''Grub's up, lads,' Paul's voice called up the stairs and I swiftly tugged my jeans off and stood looking down at Peter who had been getting a little fruity.

'You've got to get attacked walking around in your knickers,' he laughed.

'Dad and me walk around in boxers all the time, get's the old girl next door going.'

'I'm not surprised with your dad,' he cackled. 'He looks like Bluto.'

'I'll tell him you said that,' I said as he sat on the edge of the bed tugged his shorts down, he too was wearing floral boxers and stood.

'Whatcha reckon?'

'Let's do it, let's wow the wrinklies.'

Alright... so I was going a bit silly and being a bit bold I suppose but we weren't expecting visitors and it was beginning to get dark already plus if you're going to get groped boxers are just about the easiest for someone to get inside. I think Peter was OK but I wanted his mindset if that's the word on casualness as in casual sex. We were a foursome or that's the way I planned it and I was sure that's the way the Rob and Paul wanted it.

The opportunity when you're a kid to be able to do what you like in someone's home is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The chance to bed Peter without any risk of possible riot was an added bonus.

'Now this is better than looking at your ugly mug,' Rob commented to Paul as we walked into the kitchen where they'd set up the suppers. I saw Peter do a little blush but only a very minor one this time.

'Didn't say that last night,' Paul grinned. 'Can I touch?' He boldly asked Peter. I think Peter was shocked for a moment but just nodded and grinned vacantly as Paul ran his hand up the inside of his leg cupping his balls. 'Sweet,' Paul breathed.

'Leave it out , Pervy. You're embarassing the boy,' Rob laughed,. 'Sit down lads tuck in.'

I sat between Paul and Rob and so did Peter the other side of the table. I gave him an encouraging grin, he'd past the first test with flying colours although even I hadn't expected Paul to go for groping so early in the evening.

We chatted our way through our supper and Rob was telling us how busy he was with his car and van work. I never find out where he learned all he knew but a couple of my dad's mates rated him pretty highly. He did a good job with his limited facilities and naturally enough his labour rates were a lot lower. He was lucky as all the houses in our street had small garages but more than big enough to keep tools, engine hoists and whatnot if not really big enough to work in with the bigger cars and vans. Of course, I hadn't mentioned the business offer he'd skirted around earlier but I'd let that lie. I had the funny idea it was down to how Peter and I performed over the weekend.

We retired to their living room or lounge as Rob called it and turned the fire on as we were having one of those summers, long hot days and very cold nights. We locked the patio doors, drew the curtains and it was time for The Thief Lord again. I can't stop babbling on about this film and poor old Peter had borne the brunt of my lusts for Scipio, Prosper and Riccio. Come to think of it Prosper, Aaron James reminded me a bit of the American kid, the older one in Cousin Bill a quite famous porno from yonks back. With a bit of luck Rob would dig it out later especially for Peter's benefit.

I did a double take when I went into the lounge, the bashed up old armchair that Rob and Paul tended to use like a nest was retired to the corner of the room to be replaced by a two seater sofa which they immediately claimed leaving myself and Peter to sprawl out on the older three seater.

'Buying furniture?' I asked Rob.

'I got it for the wife,' Rob answered straight faced.

'Wife?' Peter looked puzzled.

'He means me,' Paul giggled. 'The old tart.' He clicked the remote and the film began to roll, he must have had it all set up in readiness. Thank Christ, Peter seemed to like it but half the fun was being on that old sofa with him and being able to stroke and play around with him whilst watching. I think he was a bit embarassed at first but Rob and Paul didn't take any notice other that Paul saying something along the lines of: 'Aaah, ain't young love grand.'

We were laying on the sofa full length and watching the film but Peter was spooned up behind me and I could feel his stiffy pressing through the thin cotton of our boxers. Suddenly boldness must have taken over and he slipped his hand into the fly of my boxers and grasped my hot cock just holding it you understand and squeezing it until it was rock solid. Whatta teaser and I just lay there imagining it was Prosper in the same position... now that's what you call faithful.

We lay there until the end and then as people do unwound, stretching arms and legs, yawning and bollock scratching.

'Booze for the boys,' Rob declared and sauntered out to the kitchen, Paul just sat there looking at us with a slight smile on his face.

'Rob and I had a look at some old porno's last night... very old.'

'Really?' Well, you say things like that when you're an English teeny and it's supposed to indicate sublime indifference which Paul must have known but he pressed on. 'Two young Americans, share a bed, wand, suck, fuck and finish up with a wank.'

'Cousin Bill?' I asked and I might have guessed. I knew it was one of Paul's faves.

'What naked?' Peter had to say it .

'Yeah,' Paul. 'It's so basic that you two would eat it... a 'Cousin Bill Revisited' sorta thing. Anyway, there are two and we can look at them when Rob gets the drinks.'

A look flashed between Paul and Rob and after Rob passed us our bottles he dug about in his case producing a DVD. 'Here we go, the first and original Cousin Bill followed by Cousin Bill and Ted.'

'Cheers,' I raised my bottle in a toast and Peter and I settle down to watch. Peter was already half hard and I'd seen his stiff brown flesh peeping through the slit in his boxers, from the way Paul kept looking across he must have had the same sighting.

The film started with a pretty good looking kid around the fourteen mark in a bus station then arriving at wherever and being met by this much younger blond. really tasty this one and twelve or so at an estimate, maybe even younger. Home, records, LP's would you believe and then bed... a big double bed. Blond boy goes to sleep and dark and older boy starts to wank over a fanny magazine. Blondy wakes up, wank, blow job, grease up and the bigger boy shags little one and it ends in a solo wank apiece.

A classic as Rob said but so old. Jeez, long playing records. The little one had a tiny willy but the older boy had a good four incher and was the nicer of the two, but the action was poor as if they didn't quite know what they were doing. The second one was more of the same. The same blond boy with a rather thuggish typical Yank fifteen or sixteen all big dick and fat arse and the action still had that something lacking... probably direction. The cameraman was letting them do their thing instead of telling them what was needed. Anyway at the end of it Peter and I were as hard as rocks sitting there trying to cover our groins with our hands.

'I've got an old VCR Recorder,' Rob spoke. 'Plays onto a thirty minute tape whicgh you can play directly onto the TV.'

'Yeah?' I grinned at Peter. I knew exactly what came next.

'Interested in a starring role?' Rob looked at us both.

'Which one do I get to be,' Peter piped up rather surprisingly.

'The host, the blond. Tom Tom plays the visitor.'

'Mmmm...' Peter looked at me and grinned. 'I can handle it if he can.'

'No probs,' I took a slurp from my bottle. Shagging Peter in front of a camera, what could be easier?'

'OK,' Rob grinned. 'All we do is Tom arriving by car and being welcomed, taken up the garden path and taken indoors avoiding the housenumber or any other outdoor and identifiable stuff. Use your own bedroom and probably do it midday or afternoon when you've perked up a bit after your night of sin.'

'It's not sinful if you're marrried,' I pointed out.

'Very smart, Tom Tom,' Rob laughed. 'I've got a load of old stuff on here, I'll let it roll,' he clicked the button to play all sections or episodes and the films started. Really old and a right mess but some pearls amongst the swine as they say. A hell of a lot of stuff Peter and I could replicate if called on to do so.

We didn't make any big deal out of the evening but retired to bed just before midnight and I couldn't wait. My first night of complete freedom with Peter. No sussy parents, no fear of unannounced siblings poking their heads around the door, just total and utter privacy. We fell onto the bed laughing happy with each other and what was to come. Funnily enough we completely undressed like a pair of virgins backs to each other but the shyness didn't last, as we turned to face each other we were both totally erect and totally ready for action.

'Paul says there's some stuff under the pillow,' I mumbled and there was. A blue tube of KY and Peter giggled as I pushed him back onto the bed and knelt between his legs. This time no coy messing around but a full frontal and then maybe something a little more romatic later on. I smeared the stuff on my erection until it gleamed and then raised his legs until he folded them back, he knew what was about to happen and flathanded my belly as I carefully and gently pushed gainst his pucker feeling it open to admit my raging hardon.

'Aaaaaaah....' he cried out but my lips cut him off and as his legs wrapped around my waist we started. It wasn't going to last but the second one would. It was nice, sex with Peter was nice and I tried to make it last but it was no good... I was in love for God's sake and I hammered his sweet arse until I cum and cum a bucketload. I finished off slipping free and watching his gaping hole slowly close oozing my love juice down onto his tailbone. 'You're not supposed to ogle my fanny.' he grinned. 'Pervo.'

'Nah... this is pervo,' I ducked my head and sucked at his drooling pucker probing and tickling at the smooth flesh until he begged me to stop. I'd managed to tug him around and sank my mouth over his drooling stiffy as he knelt up intent on his share of the action. As he reached for the KY I stopped him and looked up at his smiling face. 'Come in on a bitta spit, I want to feel it.'

He shrugged and moved in. I was right, I did feel it. No smooth penetration but a jerky but definite taking. He fucked me roughly and quickly as I'd done him and I loved it. I whined and cried out as I felt his hot splashes finally arrived and he finished off belly to belly and mouth on mouth. Perfecto. We slept the sleep of the innocents and probably awoke around six in the morning. The birds were chirping and sunlight was finding it's way past the curtains but he was spooned up behing me and when I reached back and smeared a smidgeon of KY onto his stiff cock he got the hint and took me slowly and lovingly in the dawn's early light. I love that phrase by the way and when he was done I sleepily repaid the compliment by seeding his bottom... how's about that for another nice phrase?

There was silence from the next bedroom this early in the morning as we donned boxers and went down to the kitchen. I knew the tea making routine by now and was taking my Peter on his first adventure.

'You serve Rob and I'll look after Paul.' I sorted out the tea and dolloped out the sugar.

'Serve?' He grinned.

'Well, you know what I mean,' I laughed and we returned up the stairs both clutching two mugs of tea. The day was about to begin.

Needless to say they were both awake and probably interested to see how things worked out but I led the way. I handed the tea across and then promptly dropped my boxers and slipped in alongside Paul. He gave me his hideous morning smile and snuggled me in whilst struggling not to spill his tea. Peter rather more nervously dropped his underwear and cock swinging clambered in alongside Rob. It was alright after that, I don't think any of us wanted to get to carried away but from the murmurs and giggles coming from Peter and Rob they were getting on well and as for Paul... he drank his tea and then ducked under the bedding and drank me. I don't know if Peter got the same I was past caring, when Paul blows you, you tend to lose interest in other things. Anyway, as they always say, that was the ice well and truly broken.

After a decent fry up for breakfast we spent the morning in a good tidy up. Rob had a couple of lamp extensions which he rigged in our bedroom where he was intending to film and just before noon we stepped out to do the header for the film. This was a mere two or three minutes (if that) where I get from the car (supposedly a taxi) and am welcomed by Peter and taken indoors. No big deal but it took a couple of goes to get it right and to satisfy Rob. One of our paper boys had to turn up in the middle and ogle like some sort of demented fan as we went through the performance. He was sweet really and older than the other kid who had been floating about, I reckoned this one was maybe a little younger than myself and Peter. I knew him by sight but not by name, you know, a casual nod in passing and that was it.

'You live in the next street?' I remarked inbetween takes... how professional can you get?

'Yeah,' he grinned. I liked his chirpy smile by the way although as usual my mind was just below the waistband of his baggy shorts. He was dark like Peter but smaller with his black hair cut in what they used to call a pageboy... so girly. He grinned at me. 'Kevin.'

'Hi Kev, I'm Tom and my co star is Peter.'

'Yeah, I know,' he replied quite casually. 'My mate's in your class.'

'Ah, gotcha,' I did a crafty perv. In fact he'd make a perfect number three between Peter and myself but that's me getting carried away again. 'This is just the header of a film they're trying to make.'

'What's the film about then?'

'Dunno yet,' I backed off. 'I've said too much already.'

'Perhaps I can get a watch when it's done?' He looked hopeful.

'Maybe,' I saw Rob looking impatient and sprang back into action pretending to be greeting or was I the greeter. I noticed Kevin wander off and thought no more of it but we were on the move. The bedroom scene was next up and we wouldn't need our tidy clothing, in fact, we wouldn't need any clothing at all.

This as it turned out was the easier bit. The hardest bit was remembering who was who, I was even a bit confused who Cousin Bill was, was he the host or the visitor. Anyway, Peter was playing the blond and I was playing the older boy and I would get to top him not the other way around. He'd get his chance in another film I was sure of that. He stripped off giving little coy wriggles here and there and I messed around and then followed his example as he supposedly drifted off to sleep.

Cut. Rob examined his watch and away we went again. This section was me rather stupidly deciding to find some porn magazines and have a wank with my host (Peter) sleeping by my side. Of course and quite naturally he does a crafty wake up, he sees what I'm doing and reaches out for me... the rest is history as they say.

Cut. Another timecheck and we were told that the fuckery lasted a whole ten minutes and then there would be a five minute solo wank to complete. Hey, ho, back to work. We did the lubing up bit and I took Peter quite easily sliding in and out of his tight little bottom whilst Rob, resident pervo took his film and Paul snapped close ups on a digital. I was on the verge of cuming when Rob called a halt and laid us both on our backs for the final cum shots. No probs there, we were both so wound up we did excellent belly and chest shots far better than the originals in fact and it was all over. We lay there breathing heavily with our pearly cum splashed from navel to throat and feeling very well pleased with ourseves. There's nothing worse, in my limited opinion of for, for two healthy yougsters to wank and then produce a infant's dribble. .

'Cut and it's a wrap,' Rob declared with a big grin. 'I hope it turns out OK.'

'Yeah,' Paul stood there and looked down at us. 'You know what I'd like?' He stared at Peter and squeezed his groin.

'I know what I'd like,' Rob laughed and I noticed that he was tenting well in his shorts.

'Come on then,' I whispered. I reached out across the bed and clasped Peter's hand. 'Up for it?'

'Yeah,' he giggled. 'I'm all squishy.'

'Excellent,' Paul and Rob spoke as one ,a regular pair of Bill and Teds. They promptly dropped their shorts and briefs and with big dicks waggling clambered onto the bed. Paul took Peter and Rob took me. Quite nice now that the lights were off and the street was as quiet as a graveyard. Paul bent Peter's knees back to his chest and just slipped into the relaxed and already drooling hole. Rob scooped my cum from my belly and worked it into his cock before taking me. It was nice sunny afternoon sex and I didn't need to hear the satisfied moans from Peter to know that he and Paul were doing alright.

God, that Rob was big but I was getting used to him now and I loved it. I squirmed and bucked on his meaty thrusts and returned his rough and slightly bristly kisses with a lustful passion as his long cock slipped in and out of my well used fanny. Peter alongside me was mewing and whining and also flogging away at his rehardened cock as Paul ploughed his furrow. I closed my eyes, this was the way to spend a weekend and the week that was to come. God bless dads and their sea fishing.

It ended in a sweaty mess as it normally does and we layon the bed which was wrecked. All the same it was a brill way to pass an afternoon and as we settled down to a light supper, still just in boxers, the phone rang.

Rob answered it and there was a long involved conversation. It appeared one of the locals had broken down just alongside Gatwick on the A3. It seemed he had his wife and little girl with him and been out for the day, returning home his car had conked out and he had no idea why. It goes without saying that he wasn't linked to any rescue service but was an old customer of Rob. From what we all gathered from eavesdropping there was no suggestion that the breakdown had anything to do with Rob but the vehicle was a pile of crap to be honest and furthermore it wasn't even insured. The guy was in deep doo doo and threw himself on Rob's mercy.

Ten minutes later it was decided, Rob and Paul were swanning off to rescue this twit or to get his vehicle going, we were left to look after ourselves. I don't think Peter and I minded, we were suffering a Rob and Paul overload anyway and a nice quite night chilling would be appreciated. By the time they got there and sorted the motor out they estimated a couple of hours but promised to phone. We donned shorts and saw them off like dutiful wives as they steamed off into the sunset heading South.

Screech... I felt fine gravel spray against my bare leg and span around. The ever cheerful Kevin was perched on his bike studying us. 'Bet they're off to Gatwick,' he declared. 'Old Ross just phoned up my dad for a rescue and dad put him onto Rob.'

'Good for dad,' I replied and gave him the once over. Yeah, very nice (again), football shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. 'Rob's gonna stuff him with a bill, he's not that much of a Samaritan.'

'I don't blame him, time's money,' Kevin laughed. 'Saturday filming finished? Having a nice quiet evening? League football on the goggle box.'

'Something like that.' It was then that Peter really put his foot in it as we stood by the gate taking in the air and nattering as lads do.

'Film's done anyway,' he looked at me and smiled. 'Until the next one.'

'How did it go... good?' Kevin was like an overexcited schoolboy and I sensed something. I know I'm not a radar technician and certainly not a gayday boffin but there was something there. Under the right circumstances this kid would play. How did I know that? Well, I bloody well didn't but I felt it in my pee, how's that for scientific?

'Seen The Thief Lord?' I asked and Peter groaned.

'Never heard of it?'

'Wanna watch, we have the DVD and we need someone nice and small to beat up, kick the shit out of and torture.' Yeah, I know. But we really did talk like that amongst ourselves, we lads that is.

'Yeah, I don't mind,' he grinned. 'I ain't that little,' he stuck his chest out like a stroppy little pidgeon.

'Stick the bike down the side.' I ordered and after he did that we trooped into the living room or lounge. It was warm amd dusk was dusking as dusks do so I just drew the curtains and left the patio dorrs ajar. Unlike the previous evening this one was very warm and sultry. Once a WKD was plonked in Kevin's hand he chilled. I reckoned he was a late thirteen or early fourteen but he accepted the drink as if used to them and relaxed on the sofa seated between myself and Peter.

'I saw you running around in your garden in your knickers,' he confided in me in a low voice.

'Bully for you. They're cooler and we're not supposed to be overlooked.'

'I'm a Peeping Kevin,' he giggled.

'You must be,' I grinned studying Peter's back as he fiddled with the DVD. I also casually gave Kevin a pat on his upper knee, just one of those friendly ones you understand but as Paul told me, the first move is the most important. If the first casual contact goes unremarked press on, if your hand is brushed away you've got problems. Kevin just watched the screen flickering to life.

'Nice music,' he commented as the film started.

'Nice boys as well,' Peter had to say something naff but that's Peter.

The thing started to roll and I could see that Kevin liked it, he was glued to the screen and didn't even say anything when Peter and I kicked off our trainers and removed our t-shirts. Mind you it was building to be one of those hot and sweaty nights and a few minutes later he asked if I minded if he removed his stuff. I just shrugged trying not to look too interested and Peter smirked at the screen. We sat there like the famous three monkeys watching the eye candy perform, I'd seen this so many time I could almost recite the lines but didn't. I lay back in the sofa and ogled to be blunt. I could see down Kevin's smooth dark skinned chest and his softly rounded belly. A bit of a bulge but nothing outstanding unlike Peter who must be having dirty thoughts. In fact, Kevin was like a slightly younger version of Peter apart from the atrocious haircut, he looked a little like one of those eighties American boys in the old pornos. The trouble with thoughts like that they get you going and I crossed my legs to hide my crotch which had started to perk. Shit indeed... so much for Mr Cool.

'Oh, fuck this. This place is like a sauna,' Peter burst out and stood. 'Don't mind do you?' He spoke to Kevin and before the boy could answer Peter peeled his shorts off and sat again clad just in his boxers.

'Your house,' Kevin's voice nearly broke in a squeak and he fumbled with his goodies, Peter wasn't the only one sweaty down below.

'Yeah, fuck it,' I joined the fray and dropped my shorts as well. OK, so it was all a bit rushed or 'pushing it' to be blunt but Kevin just kept his eyes on the screen, the poor little sod probably thought he was surrounded by idiots. I think it was then I decided to watch our film, we hadn't seen it yet it was sitting on top of the old VHS machine they had.

'Good film,' Kevin pointedly drained his WKD and grinned. 'This place is like a sauna.' Banzai, just what I was waiting for.

'You're amongst pals, Kev,' I gave his knee another squeeze and this time he giggled and without standing shucked his shorts down to his knees and then off over his feet.

God, he was gorgeous. Why, the Hell I have to keep saying that is beyond me but he was, his boxers were tighter than mine and Peter's and his nice little lump was perfectly visible. Mind you, it wasn't that little and he fiddled it into place. I lay back and studied his back, it was a light nut brown and flawless, I was so tempted to kiss his shoulders but resisted. I settled for laying my arm on the back of the sofa and when he lay back the next time he relaxed and lay back it was onto my arm.

'Woops, sorry,' he leapt like a startled deer.

'No probs,' I took the plunge and squeezed his shoulder. No move, no objection and I saw his head follow Peter as he walked into the kitchen for more booze. Our boy was interested but I was still iffy, I didn't want to cock up... well, I did but you know what I mean.

'What time are the others coming back?' He moved against my arm seeming to snuggle in.

'Rob said they'd phone... I suppose it depends what the problem is.'

'Right,' he looked up as Peter presented him with another bottle and I cringed, even I could see Peter's bloated noodle and pubics through the slit in his boxers. Thankfully he wasn't hard but you could hardly miss it but Kevin didn't falter, he accepted the drink with a polite thank you.

'A quiz,' Peter spoke as he sat himself down again. I looked at him, he was taking the lead and he surprised me, the follower was becoming the leader but I didn't mind. By my devious thinking if he ballsed thing up I'd be Kevin's natural protector. How's that for complicated thinking.

'Go on,' I looked down at Kevin's crotch but still couldn't see anything.

'Tom Tom, if you were going to do some porn with one of the boys, which one would you choose.' Jeez, what a question. There was a stony silence for a moment before I replied.

''Prosper, I guess, I like him.'

'Riccio,' Kevin surprised us both. 'Buuuuuut... depends what you mean by porn.'

I looked across at Peter and he winked. Well, he'd opened a right can of worms now so we may as well press on. 'Snogging and groping, I suppose,' I volunteered.

''Sex,' Peter growled raising a giggle from Kevin.

'Who do you fancy then, Pete?' Kevin stretched his brown legs and at last I got just the briefest glimpse of his dark pubics. That was as good as nearly scoring.

'The Thief Lord, Scipio.'

'Yeah, he's dishy,' Kevin agreed making both Peter and myself cough and splutter over our drinks. 'How did your film turn out by the way.'

'Dunno, haven't seen it yet.'

'This is about to finish,' Kevin hinted. 'We could have a peep, a sort of Leicester Square Premier.'

'Have we got to dress up?' I asked.

'Dress down,' Peter grinned and then fell silent as the film drew to it's close.

'Great film.' Kevin grinned and adjusted himself again. 'I was thinking about getting down and dirty wirth Riccio,' he siad quietly and smirked. Boy, this kid was a bundle of surprises and he was really pushing it.

'You haven't got it in you,' Peter sneered and I dived over to the machine. I knew exactly what Peter's game was and I'd play along. Kevin was halfway there, we had him down to his boxers, he was getting excited and like any kid he wouldn't know when to stop. A bit like Peter and myself in a way, the boy was like a slightly shopworn virgin just awaiting the final push.

'Betcha,' Kevin snapped which was also totally predictable.

'We show you this film and there's no talking about it, no gossip or we come around and kill you and massacre your rabbit,' Peter looked suitably grim.

'Whatever, you've got to have more than one for a massacre anyway. ' Kevin flapped his arm and this time I did see it quite plainly. The slit in his boxer's gaped and I saw his brown and dare I say semi erect boy cock nestling in the cotton. Just a glimpse but enough to get me going. I rigged the VHS up in place of the DVD and stuck the tape in.

'Go on then,' Kevin croaked as we both moved in on him and squeezed in, there was no going back now and that's when the phone rang.

'Fuck it,' I burst out and reached out for the phone trying to hold my now fully hard penis inside my boxers. Both Peter and Kevin giggled and I cursed them as I picked the phone up.

'Who you swearing at, buddy?' It was Rob.

'Peter and Kevin acting like tarts.'

'Yeah... right,' he sounded tired. 'Who's Kevin?'

'You know him by sight, he's been in watching The Thief Lord.'

'Oh, right... Is he, er... you know?'

'Could be.'

'Right,' Rob seemed to make a decision. 'We've got Ross going at last. Paul and I will escort him home and go down the Arndale Centre for a couple of drinks, it was bloody hot and dirty on that bloody motorway. That leaves you three hours with your buddy if he can stay out.'

'I think he'll want to, we were going to let him see what we did this afternoon.'

'Jeez,' I hope you know what you're doing.'

'Ninety five percent.'

'I prefer a hundred but it's upto you.' He seemed to have a brief chat to someone who was probably Paul. 'We'll be home around eleven thirty and I want to hear all about it. Be careful and get lucky,' he switched off his mobile and I was left listening to an empty line.

'They're taking Ross home and going out for a drink. Rob says they'll be home before midnight,' I announced and saw the smile mount Peter's face.

'Come on,' Kevin tried to grab the remote.

'Hold still, infant,' I grabbed him but this time made sure my hand landed in his fork and I felt it. The semi erect tube of flesh inside his boxers. He wasn't hard but he wasn't far removed... in a word, he was ripe and so were both Peter and myself.

'Naughty,' he giggled.

The tape rolled and it was very good for an amateur movie. One visitor arrives in a supposed cab and is greeted by host. Five minutes of bollocks and then the meat where we get down to our underwear and into the bed. Kevin was all agog (love that word). He leant forward to see better and I ran my hand down his smooth back and he didn't even flinch. When I started my wank routine, he glanced and me and grinned. When Peter did his supposed wake up and we started a mutual wank and blow poor Kevin nearly wet his knickers.

'Dirty sods,' he squealed but he was lost. Peter's hands snaked down and slipped straight into Kevin's boxers and the boy just sat there as Peter fondled him and finally extracted a respectable stiffy through the fly. 'Peter...' he groaned half a protest but was mesmerised by the sight of Peter going on all fours and oiling up my erection. When Peter also applied the lube to his hole Kevin groaned. 'I can't believe this...'

'Told you it'd be too strong for a kid,' Peter spoke across to me.

'Bollocks,' Kevin sniggered and lay back into my arm and let Peter handle his now fully exposed cock. It was a nice one and only slightly smaller than mine which as you know was just smaller than Peter's. Peter ran the boy's dark foreskin up and over the shiny glans extracting just the smallest droplet of milky white fluid. 'Jeeeez...' Kevin gasped as I took position and started to fuck, doggy for starters, then on our sides and then face to face and with some decent close ups as well. 'Stop, stop,' Kevin brushed Peter's hand away, you're gonna make me cum... anyway...' He glanced at me. 'Tom wants a go.'

Deary me, that kid was bold but I wasn't going to pass on this I held his hot cock in my hand and a second later he reached out with both hands and took me in one and Peter in the other. We followed the fim through to the end and when Peter and I split for the final visible cum as Rob called it Kevin sagged. I could see the gleam of precum on the tip of his penis and even a smear beginning to run. This boy really was on top line, we had to get down to it before he spunked all over the carpet.

'Told you, you couldn't do that sort of stuff,' Peter continued to push.

'I could do what Tom did to you but I'd fuck you properly,' Kevin threatened. I looked at Peter and he grinned. The End Game was in sight.

'You got to rush off home?' I asked casually.'

'Nah,' he laughed. 'Not until midnigjht Saturday.'

'Wanna come upstairs?'

'Only if I get to shag someone,' Kevin reddened a bit but he had his mind made up. 'No pictures though.'

'No pictures,' I agreed and coaxed him to stand in front of me and slowly tugged his boxers down. He stood with a dreamy look on his face as his hardness popped free and jutted upwards. I took him into my mouth holding his slender body as he sagged and then Peter who was on heat like a bloody cat hustled us up the stairs. I've got to say I'd had a good feel of Kevin's smooth bottom and the Americanism 'bubble butt' said it all. It was pure pervy poetry, a bottom to die for. We'd made the bed so the room didn't look too messed and Kevin nearly had another of his turns as Peter jumped into the centre of the bed and crouched on all fours in the classic doggy.

'I dunno how to do this,' Kevin mumbled but reached out and stroked Peter's smooth flanks, all the same he tittered as he ran one finger up Peter's sweaty crack.

'But you want to?' I prompted.

'Yeah,' he whispered.

'Kneel up behind him.' I did all the work, I annointed Peter's twitching little fanny, I lubed Kevin's jerking cock and then nudged them together. 'Just take it easy, no rough stuff.'

'OK.' Kevin lay on Peter's back and I saw his shining hardness slip between Peter's cheeks and then there was a bit of a fumble and a very self satisfied sigh as he pushed in. Peter groaned but he'd taken bigger than this and pushed back onto Kevin's boyish thrustings. I didn't hang around either, I oiled up and mounted the bed behind them. Before Kevin knew what had hit him I had a finger in his hole and he squealed and wriggled but he was between a rock and a hard place. If he freed himself from my finger he's lose Peter and that he didn't want.

He soldiered on taking his time and savouring the experience and maybe he even liked the finger inside as he made a little disappointed moan as I withdrew it. I parted his cheeks for a quick peep at his shiny dark skinned pucker and moved in.

'Tom, Tom... don't... please,' he moaned but he was too taken with Peter and when I pentrated him I did it slowly and carefully and then it was all over. 'You bastard, gonna shag you for this,' he snarled as I slowly moved in and out of his beautuifully tight and slick hole. He accepted me at last and we worked up a movement so that as he drove into Peter I drove into him, we went on our sides and continued and when he cum inside Peter, Peter sprayed his own mess of spuink all over his belly and slipped free. I kept going, as Kevin moaned and groaned I span him around so that we were face to face and then really made love to his tight little arse.

He clung to me moaning and with his mouth open as I plugged him good but not too hard and his relaxed boy cock started to stiffen up again as I reached my climax. At the end I must have flooded him as my cum was oozing from his hole and he lay there like a dead boy but maybe more a beautiful youthful corpse with a slight smile on his dark face.

'Told you I could do it,' he grinned up at me squeezing the last little trickle from his softening penis and pulling a face. .

'The thing is... can you do it again?' I glanced at my watch and reached out to scoop up the final silvery thread. 'Yummy.'.

'Bend over, you dirty bastard,' he laughed. 'They don't call me Mr Shagathon for nothing.'

I had my doubts but crouched in the centre of the bed as he wanked himself to another hardon and I spotted Peter doing the same. Maybe Kevin didn't realise that in a threesome if you fuck twice you get fucked twice but he was about to find out.


Sorry, I got carried away with this one. These kids are such sluts you just can't stop them. So much for the four parter 'job and finish'. I also have a vague Chapter Six bubbling under.

Next: Chapter 6

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