Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on May 15, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


4 - Peter Knox joins the Club


G. Cutter

Hi. Me, Tom telling the story again. A bit of corruption in this one but what's new.

We sent out for pizzas for our meal and spent the evening watching videos and right at the end more of the Russian stuff. We all remained stoked up in a manner of speaking and all had a further wank only solo and the Pervert in Chief timed us with a stop watch. I came first amazingly enough and was promised a double fuck by Rob as a prize. Well, I was hoping for that anyway but never mind, it was a nice gesture... I think.

They talked about their situation and Paul decided with some pressure from Rob to move in on a temporary basis and only return home as, when and if his mother insisted. In six weeks or so he could do what he wished anyway and he didn't think she'd worry too much going by her performance in the past. I still couldn't fathom out what they did to keep the money rolling. Rob's porno was the story, I finally decided that they did porno alright but not with females as Rob put about. I reckoned they did stuff together for some studio somewhere. I should think the female aspect was pure smoke and mirrors for the locals who could stand 'standard' pornography but baulk at a gay pornography.

We also talked about John and the plan for what it was worth was for me to try and advance a little on the mutual masturbation front, then throw in some extras like maybe a blow job and see how interested he was in going further. If he was, and this was down to me, I had to invite him to Rob's and use the story that Paul's room was my room when I was staying after that it was all a bit vague. The point was that we decided if I got him indoors that they had to act 'slightly gay' and see if he picked up on it. Any real reluctance on his part and they said I had to back off. As Rob said, if Peter was truly up for a game he'd come running and to chuck another Old English saying in the mix: The proof of the pudding was in the eating, whatever that meant.

We dragged ourselves to bed around the midnight mark again promising not to get up too early, my dad wasn't due back until the evening so no problems there. I did mention that now he'd found a couple of 'trustworthy' babysitters and in the middle of the season he'd be back for more. They seemed happy enough with that and I could see endless sex and a good chance of tempting Peter Knox ahead of me. We left Paul stretched out on the sofa with a duvet over him and a couple of pillows, he reckoned no way was he going to lie in his bed listening to Rob and I shagging all night and I sympathised with him.

'Well, here we are,' Rob drew the curtains and turned the lights off leaving the room illuminated just by the nearby street light. 'Just you and I, me, moi.' He held me in his arms and kissed me. Gentle at last, he seemed to have lost his roughness and enthusiasm from earlier or maybe he was on a charm offensive.

'You'll have to be careful,' I muttered as he took me down onto the bed. 'That's thing's huge.'

'It's not huge,' he grinned. 'It's a bit bigger than Paul's and the same size as that vibrator you nearly swallowed earlier.'

'Bloody thing,' I moaned and jumped as I heard a familiar buzz from under his pillow. The crafty bastard had hidden it away.

'I'll relax you with it,' he whispered.

'OK,' I muttered. I was determined to take his big cock, it was one of my ambitions and the vibrator wasn't that bad and if it helped then that was a bingo.

We got organised as if we were planning a battle. Rob got his lube and smeared some on the vibrators head and it was indeed similarly sized to him. I lay on my belly with my legs apart and he ran it up and down into my crack and then turned it on when it was at my pucker. Whatta buzz, literally. It sounded like a bloody lawnmower but he tickled and teased me before gently pushing and it began to sink inside me. I'd had Paul now on numerous occasions so that was no big deal but as it buzzed away and sank deeper and deeper I began to feel it. In fact, it was wicked and my dicky started to leak on the bedding. Rob laughed and said I was coming on line. He also said he was a bit nervous as I was the youngest boy he'd ever topped, I reminded him that I was good practice for little Peter and he had a crafty snigger. He had a lust job on my mate but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, so had I. We played around with the bouncy boyfriend as he called it for a while until it was firmly seated in my bottom (pun there) then came the last push. He put his hand on it and sank it into the flange at the end and I must have leapt about a yard but it was in all the way and buzzing away merrily. I was wrecked at this stage and whined as he began to withdraw it but I was well and truly stretched and wanted a substitute and his hot cock would do. Vibrators are alright but they can's kiss, they can't mouth you and they can't whisper sweet nothings in your ear. At last it slipped free and before I had a chance to feel empty I felt Rob's plumlike glans at me and in me.

'Jeez, Rob... that was quick.'

'I'm consumed by desire.'

'I can feel it,' I giggled I could feel the dripping slime from his erection coat me on top of the lube and his hot cock began to fill my gut. God, it was beautiful, so thick, so hard and so warm and he was so gentle. He took his time moving in and out sinking ever deeper at every move until I could feel his thick mass fill me and his belly lay in the small of my back bearing me into the bed. 'Nice,' I whispered and tried a little clampage.

'Sweet cheeks,' he giggled and gently bit me at the edge of my hairline. 'The fuck of the century.'

'Better than Paul?'

'Now now,' the laughed and began to move and then I felt it as he begun. He didn't do the long dicking stunt that Paul did, Rob fucked seriously pushing me into the bed and fucking hard and deep. It was so good and I pushed up against him wishing he was coming in from the front but I reckoned if he followed Paul's pattern that would be next on the menu. He did a Paul in one way, he dragged me up into a crouch and knelt behind me slamming and slapping his way to a climax.

When he cum it was like a bloody horse not that I'd had the pleasure. The stuff seemed almost hot and there was loads of it, I felt it ease his movements but it also trickled down my thighs until I collapsed face down on the bed with him still in me and still fucking but he was done.

'That was nice,' he whispered and withdrew with a squelchy sound, I felt more cum ooze from my hole until he shoved a wadge of tissues up there. Romantic or what? 'Paul said you were good.'

'That's what he said about you,' I grunted and rolled over onto my back. 'He said you were as tight as an eleven year old.'

'I wonder how he knows that,' Rob asked dryly. 'You're my youngest.'

'Until Pete, he's a few months younger. Funny this is he's slighly smaller than me in build but his dick's bigger. Little rat.'

Rob laughed and rolled onto his belly. I wasn't being offered a frontal but that would probably come later. I got up and nearly fell off the bed. I was so worn out my head was woozy and I felt dizzy. It could only be the pill, I'd overdone it but you didn't have much choice with two sex mad companions and a cock of rock that wouldn't deflate. I gave up there and then with my not so bright idea of feeding one to Peter, things could backfire if he attacked his little sister in frustration or even worse, the family cat, Fagin. Gotta get the priorities right..

I pushed into Rob on a coating of his glop and my precum and he was wonderful. So tight and he really did have the bum of a smaller boy. Paul was nice and soft, springy and comfortable, Rob was a hard muscular bottom and virtually milked me as I shagged. This kid had practice and I guessed it was something to do with his business. No matter, I grabbed his shoulders and went to town I think he got the point (he he) as he started shoving back onto me and grunting and groaning for more and more. It was another good 'un as they all were, I squirted an enormous amount and this time when I slipped free and flopped down onto the bed I stayed down. I vaguely felt Rob pulling the bedding over us and I went out like a light.

The night went prety much the same as it had with Paul. We were both awake at some ridiculously early hour and after a bathroom call got down to a good ol' frontal apiece which was a lot more loving and smoochy. Eventually and with honour satisfied on both sides we went back to sleep in the rumpled and funky bed to sleep right through until we were served tea by our number three who climbed into bed with us. Needless to say that led onto a threesome but the wilt had set in, we had to work at it and stayed in bed until around midday.

We worked out that the beefed up Viagra pill had a life of around twenty hours, it seemed this Doctor and he was a proper one had told Rob and Paul that the active period was followed by an equal amount of time flaccid to be perfectly blunt. Rob said this was a load of nonsense at least for teenies like he and Paul which was good news. I didn't fancy sitting indoors for the day catching up on the Sunday papers which were still sitting on the front doorstep delivered my another of my mates, young Sam. If he'd had known what was going on in the house he'd have been peeping through the windows looking for a show. Now that one was a right randy little rat or so gossip had it, quite nice but nothing to write home about if you know what I mean.

Dad phoned up around two in the afternoon and said he'd be home late, probably around ten and I got his OK to stay another night. I told him I would probabaly be in bed by ten... liar, liar, pants on fire but he bought it.

It was probably around four in the afternoon and the three of us were out in the street. Rob was tinkering around with his car with Paul and myself sitting on the slightly dodgy front garden wall, you know, the things about two foot high and very prone to collapse if sat on too often. Rob was a car nut and a pretty good self taught mechanic from what went around. He must have earned a fair bit as he always seemed to have someone's banger on his doorstep and I quite often saw money changing hands +. Car mechanic and porn star, some combination but at this time I still didn't know and wouldn't know until some months later his and Paul's true business. Suddenly I spotted a familiar figure wander around the corner. The dishiest juvenile in the world, my mate Peter Knox.

'Hey, there's Peter,' I talked to Rob's bum as his head was in the engine somewhere. 'Can I bring him over?'

''Oh thou of little intellect,' he grinned as he stood up. 'You've got an empty house...'

'Se ya later,' I was off and running towards Pete who was standing there looking our way.

'Hey up, Dogface,' he greeted me in his usual delightful style. 'Rob got himself a pal?'

'A lodger, a cousin I think.' Well, I had to say something and that would do for the time being.

'Mmmm...' Peter looked up the street. 'Not from around here, gotta be sixteen or so.'

'Fifteen nearly sixteen,' I replied. 'Wanna come in, we've got some chillies in the fridge, I think.'

'Yeah, I just want to relax. We've just got back and I am so pissed off. Its been raining down there since last night and we did a runner lunchtime.'

Just to put you in the picture Peter's family had a caravan parked up down by Lewes just about on the coast. They went down quite regularly in the summer and that was mum, dad, Julie the daughter and Peter. He hated it, he said it cramped his style. I know what he meant, no mates and no privacy and privacy is what a young boy wants at least early morning and probably at least once a day. You can work that one out, can't you?

'Still, you had all of Saturday and Sunday.'

'Don't remind me,' he scowled. 'I just escaped. The sun's thrashing down and they're all plonked in front of the tele-bloody-vision.'

I laughed as I led into the house, my Pete had a way with words and what appeared to be a biding contempt for his family for as long as I'd known him. 'I'm staying with Rob and Paul, it's my dad's new style baby sitting.'

'Uh...' Peter looked puzzled. 'Where's your dad then?'

'Sea fishing with Freddy , George and the other guy.'

'And you have the house to yourself?'

'Yeah but I'm lodged out. He couldn't leave me alone, not 'til I'm sixteen. He could get in a load of trouble.'

'I suppose,' Pete nodded doubtfully. 'Dad was going to get Rob to have a look at our Sierra.'

'Good motors 'til they go wrong and then they're bloody expensive.'

'You've been listening to Rob's sales pitch,' Peter laughed. 'Where's this drink then?'

We got our cans and went upto my room which needed air, I swung the windows wide open and we sat on my bed just chilling and supping our drinks. I wondered when Peter was going to make a move and I didn't have to wait long.

'I bet you feel a whole lot better after a bit of caravanning,' I prompted. I'd also spotted a slightly suspect lump in the front of his shorts, he was suffering post caravan trauma or LOW as we privately called it. 'Lack of Wanks' for the medically inclined.

'I gotta need,' he fell onto his back across the bed exposing his brown belly and the lump was more noticeable.

'You've always got a need,' I purred stroking his smooth belly edging his t-shirt up. I gotta remind you at this point that this wasn't ouir first time for wankies, it wasn't like he was going to run off shrieking down the street. 'Dirty boy.' I lay my flat hand on his lump which was becoming a bulge, subtle difference there chaps.

'Damn right,' his hand rested on mine pushing it down and I could feel the heat and the hardness inside his shorts. Fourty eight hours without any hand action.' He looked so forlorn I nearly laughed, he really was acting his little heart out. I grasped his meat and gently squeezed and as he moaned I bent down and planted a kiss on his smooth belly. God his skin was like warm satin and I ran my dry lips across and took a little lick at his navel. 'That's nice,' he whispered. 'Won't your minders come looking for you?'

'No, they've been trying to get rid of me all day,' I lied but it was a lie he would readily swallow. 'We've got an empty house.' I pushed his t-shirt higher exposing his nipples and then licked them.

'Jeez, what have they been teaching you in that place,' Peter moaned humping up into my hand and ruffling my hair.

'Nothing, nothing,' I ever so gently nipped his hard tit. 'It's just the thought of you, me and an empty house.'

'A nice thought,' he groaned again as I removed my hand from his shorts pushing the top exposing his lower belly and the top of his black pubic hairs, a little more and the base of his cock now fully hard came into view. He then reached out and grabbed my crotch feeling me up through my own shorts. 'Fruity,' he giggled.

'Let's get naked.' I croaked and after initial hesitancy we stripped off and looked at each other's bodies fully naked and fully erect. This would be fine on a sleepover but there was an extra aspect to it in broad daylight. It was a first and we awkwardly embraced and ground against each other. This was another first and when I felt his hands drift down and cup my buttocks I knew it was going to be an afternoon of firsts with Peter. I opened my legs and let his penis slip between them and then clamped on it.

'Jesus, Tom,' Peter moaned and made his first little fucking move. I clasped his smooth buns feeling them taut and hard as he pushed in between my legs. 'This is just like fucking,' he rolled me onto my back and gazed down at me.

'If you want to fuck someone you kiss them, there is such a thing as foreplay.'

I felt his springy cheeks relax as he just looked at me and suddenly his head dropped and he kissed me on the nose. Then he grinned and lightly kissed me on the lips. Another one of those grey eyed gazes and he kissed me for the second time and I felt his tongue flicker at my lips. I had seriously underestimated my Peter. I opened my mouth and our tongues met. I knew it was an afternoon for firsts (have I said that?). We continued our new hobby as he slowly moved between my legs and I clasped his bottom, soft as jelly one moment and then as hard as a pair of apples the next.

'I like you, Tom. I like you a lot,' his face darkened in a blush.

'I like you, Peter. I fancy you something rotten,' I upped the stakes and it had to be said sooner or later, we'd gone past the wankies stage.

'Outstanding,' he grinned and lay on me unmoving and nibbling at my neck. 'Fuckin' hell, we sound so gay,' he spoke quietly. 'Next thing well be talking about fucking each other.'

I lay still and silent for a moment hardly believing my ears but spoke at last and gave his silken smooth buttocks a gentle squeeze. 'So we shall,' I gave a little pelvic thrust up feeling my foreskin roll over my glans forcing precum to smear between us. We'd gone from wank buddies to something a lot more serious in less than an hour. So much for the long and drawn out master plan.

'I want to do something for you,' I mumbled rolling so that he was under. Reaching behind me I felt the end of his penis sticking out at the base of my crack and as I rubbed my thumb over his knob it was slippery.

'As long as you don't want to gimme babies,' his eyes avoided mine.

'I do so much but we have time,' I answered him quite seriously and he did his little blush again but I slipped off him and flathanded his chest so he wouldn't move. I kissed his belly again a mere inch or so from his twitching meat and looked up his body. His eyes were closed as I lifted his erection and slowly and sensually slipped my lips over his engorged head.

'Aaaaaah...' he gave a quivering sigh and relaxed totally, he went limp as I sucked his cock and jiggled his balls. He was a nice mouthful, not as big as Paul and certainly not Rob but he was mine for this moment in time. He stroked and messed my hair as my head began to duck and dive on his straining boy cock. No way could he last and he didn't. He started to fuck into my mouth with little whimpers and moans and then just erupted. No warning, no frantic last moment thrust just a large mouth filling splat of creamy white spunk straight down my throat and then I sucked and swallowed the rest. It was awesome, the word he had used. I rolled his thick almost munchable slime around in my mouth as he gently stroked my hair and then pulled me up the bed face to face.

'What does it taste like?'

'Try it,' I smashed my lips to his and let him taste his own cum. He struggled and then giggled and finally lay in my arms cuddling me with a dopey grin on his face.

'That was... er, wicked,' his teeth flashed in his dark face and I could see a little fleck of his own cum on the side of his mouth. I removed it with my finger and held it to his eyes. He held my hand and took it to his lips. 'I taste nice,' he grinned. 'Now for you.' He pushed me flat on my back and holding my sore penis started on my nipples. I never thought he'd do it but he was intent on giving as good as he'd got.

He grinned when my nips went to sticky out mode and then lapped and licked down my belly and sucked the precum from my innie. One glance up at me and then he did as I had, He held my erection upright and slowly slipped his lips over it pushing the foreskin right back and concentrated on the rigid shaft and dark red glans. 'Yummy,' he giggled and reached under me clasping my soft bottom as his head moved up and down. I was in heaven, I could hear the street noises outside, I could even hear Rob calling Paul for a spanner or some bloody thing but all I could feel was Peter's strong hands and his wet heat sliding up and down my cock's shaft. A scrape with the teeth here and there but there's a first time for everything and I'd never thought we'd get this far so early.

'Aaah... Petey,' I moaned and wrthed on the bed as I felt my balls go uptight. The next time we did this I'd tie the cord around the scrotum trick, make it really intense. I felt that Peter was truly up for more, more experimenting, more sex and maybe more love. 'Peter...' I wailed as I felt the first burning load shoot up my shaft and splat into his mouth, he swallowed and choked on the second, he got the third on his jaw and then looked at the remainder dribble from my pee slit and into my pubics.

'Bloody hell,' he spoke Ron Weasley's famous line. 'That was incredible. He grinned up at me with cum glistening on his chin and then ducked to suck at my softening noodle before spinning around and settling alongside me face to face. 'Lick me, Tom Tom.'

I did so feeling and tasting my slime on his smooth jaw and then our lips met again. Another one of those long kisses but no embarassment and no qualms this time. We lay there in silence for ten minutes or so and then got dressed and left the house. He was going to split and go home but I convinced him to come over and meet Paul as both my babysitters had gone indoors by now.

'We gotta do a sleepover,' he gabbled as we walked. I grinned, I knew exactly what he was after. He wanted to go for the jackpot, my jackpot in particular.

'Next time I foster with these guys, I have my own room.'

'Where do they sleep?' He asked curiously or maybe nosily fully aware from the house's layout that it was a two bedroom, the same as mine.

'They bunked in together this weekend,' I remarked trying to keep it casual.

'Gotcha,' he followed me into the house via the kitchen and we found Rob and Paul sprawled out in the lounge watching a video and thankfully not one of the Russian ones. I did the introductions and it was clear to me that both of my babysitters were taken with Peter, my plan could go ahead. How Peter felt about them after a mere two minutes was another thing. Pete's eyes were everywhere and he took in the boys in their tatty shorts and I think he was more inclined to Rob but that was only a supposition. I know we all talk about love at first sight and true love but it was becoming plain to me that it was routine for lovers to shop around. Rob and Paul made a lot of the love job but then shared me quite happily so how's about that.

'I thought you'd moved back home,' Rob remarked with his eyes drifting back to Peter's smooth legs every second or so.

'Nah, I'm staying here the night ain't I?'

'You are,' Rob confirmed.

'There you go then,' I looked at them both. 'I was just up in my room with Peter, just playing around. You know what I mean.'

I think Peter blushed as red as a beetroot but it was hard with him, he just goes darker, I'm the one who lights up like a traffic light being fairer skinned I expect. 'We were looking at vids,' he mumbled.

'No matter,' Rob shrugged. 'Boys will be boys.'

'You're not that old yourself,' Peter snapped.

'Now, now,' Paul acted as pacifier. 'You go to the same school as Tom?' He knew perfectly well that we went to the same school but the small tension eased and we started talking about the holidays. Peter also mentioned that his dad wanted Rob to look after the family Seirra which had seen better days.

We sat around chatting and watching what was on. It didn't really register with me as Rob and Paul were scrunched up in the armchair which Peter must have found weird as the sofa was vacant. I guess they'd been playing games but probably knocked off when they heard me at the door. It was logical and my little pal Peter was nothing if not logical and suspicious... he'd probably drawn the same conclusion. At the end of it we had another bout of chilled drinks and I walked Peter back home.

'Weird pair,' he commented after a while.

'Well, cousins and all that crap.'

'Yeah...' he scoffed. 'Cousins... right.' He laughed. 'So which one fancies you?' He suddenly asked.

'Both.' I decided to be brutally honest.

'Figures,' he sniffed. 'But we're still pals, you know... boyfriends,' his voice dropped to a whisper.

'We are,' I was so tempted to drag him in and kiss him but right outside his house wasn't quite the time and place. 'You coming around tomorrow once dad's gone to work... tennish.'

'Bet on it,' he laughed and walked off. I nearly did a hop, skip and a jump on the way home. I was so happy, more of the same with Peter and we needed to up the ante. I wasn't going to rush into the fuckery stage although I knew we both wanted it, we'd get there in the end.

I'll cut out Monday evening as nothing momentous happened, we laid off the pills and after a quiet night of routine television and eating we went to bed. This night I got a night off, Rob and Paul split to the main bedroom and I had Paul's to myself. Perhaps they were in love after all but all the same I was warmly welcomed when I took tea in the following day... and I mean very warmly. Warm enough to finally wander around home with a soggy bottom and a sore dick, that warm.

I caught dad just before he left for work and he told me that he was going on yet another fishing weekend and he wanted to know how I'd got on. I just waffled and told him that nothing really interesting had happened and if I had another weekend I'd be inviting Peter around for a sleepover. He didn't comment apart from to tell me that the decision was theirs not his and he would be seeing them later in the day. His idea was that if he slipped them a score or so it would give them enough to feed me and a few quid left over for the trouble. Rob didn't seem too strapped for cash but I didn't comment, Rob would accept just to back up his babysitting credentials, he'd get his real payment in flesh. My mind was that if I worked on Peter our next weekend could turn out to be a real foursome, a mini orgy. Well, there's no harm in hoping.

By the time Peter rolled up I was aborted and showered, as fresh as a second hand daisy in fact.

'Looks like I'll be staying at Rob's again this weekend,' I announced as I opened the door. 'You gotta come over on a sleepover.'

'I'd have to sort out a chastity belt first,' he giggled. 'I clocked that Rob ogling me.'

'Ooh, yeah. We wouldn't want an orgy or anything developing,' I snickered and led him tthrough to the kitchen.

'Well...' he looked at me and grinned. 'It's a thought.' That was good enough for me. The seed was planted now all it needed was time to germinate which showed I paid attention in Biology class but I so wanted to do sex with him I had trouble keeping my hands to myself. As he sat there I got drinks from the fridge and from his rear bent in and kissed his smooth neck. 'Nice,' he wriggled in his seat and turned his head. The next kiss was on the side of his lips and we sat opposite gazing at each other like a pair of sex denied loons.

'You know what I'd like to do?'

'I can guess,' he giggled.

'Have a near sex experience.'

'What the hell's that,' he laughed. 'A near sex experience?'

'It's the ultimate before a real fuck,' I crossed my fingers under the table. We had to do this, it was the one before the ultimate. The thing was that it was so near to the real thing, a bit of overexcitement or even an accident and we could be doing the real McCoy. I knew he was a virgin but my virgin, I wanted him before those randy rats up the road got to him. Once we got into a sleepover at their place, they were in charge, in my own house it was just between Peter and myself. I was so hot and so hard, there was no going back. 'Come on,' I wheedled.

'You're gonna show me how?'

'It'll come naturally,' I stood. 'Come upstairs. Well, it was nearly eleven and time for elevensies but our own brand of elevensies which was a bit more basic that sitting around drinking tea and munching biscuits. Once up in the bedroom we played it cool and stripped but just to our briefs which displayed us well enough. We went on the warm up trail snuggling and kissing until we got slightly sweaty and then it was time for the underwear to go and the real fun to start. We spread our damp briefs out in the sun, they'd dry crusty but that was the trouble with precum it's much better when it's on your belly and between your legs. Sexy, slippery and slimey, I also had some hand cream from the bathroom under my pillow, I was ready for anything.

'So what's this new thingy, the ultimate,' he lay on top of me just where I wanted him.

'Same as yesterday,' I grinned. 'Between my legs but this time keep going until you cum, I wanna feel you spunk between my legs and up into my crack.'

'How the hell do I do that?'

'Easy, you fuck upwards, keep in close and imagine you're going to take me from the front.'

'I might do it if get's that slippery,' he ground his cock against mine.'

'If you wanrt to now's the time,' I moved around and spread a nice thick towel under us and had another handtowel on standby, I was taking it things seriously. As he's said, what if he pronged me accidently. What if we stopped fucking around and I guided him to what he really wanted. 'If you 'accidently' fucked me then I'd have to 'accidently' do you.'

'Orrite,' he said immediately grinning like a Cheshire Cat. I think it was then that I made my mind up, we'd go between the legs and when he was on top line and super randy, I was going to offer... whether he accepted or not was in the lap of the gods. I just used a smidgeon of the hand cream on his dick and under my balls, he was leaking like a tap and as he settled in between my legs he closed his eys and sighed his satisfaction. 'All the way 'til I cum,' he kissed me on the nose.

'Go for it, Tiger,' I grasped his springy and almost olive skinned bottom and he started slowly at first but once he got power up he was going like a madman. It was messy but fun, he slithered and slipped in and out and I clamped my thighs as hard as I could. He was driving in and up and I could feel his glans running up and down my perineum into the base of my crack. He was less than an inch away from my hole. I lifted my legs slightly and I swear he hit the spot.

'Gawd, Tom let me...' He knew what he was doing as he tried to lift me but I raised slightly and I felt the first push and slide at my pucker. He slipped off about three times until I gave in. No accidents here, this was deliberate. I lifted my legs eigher side of his slender waist and guided his slippery and almost steaming cock and placed his glans at my hole and with one push he was in me. I opened up and he slipped out again but he was straight back in. This time he pushed me up and rose himself so that he was forcing my legs back to my chest and he was really inside me. A bit of it, half of it and then his complete and totally solid slippery length was in my body and he was gently fucking. 'So much for an accident,' he grinned and mashed his lips to mine as my arms and legs held him in place.

'Gimme babies, Big Boy.' Ok, pretty rubbishy but Paul said it always pays to flattter a new lover and he's had enough from what he's said.

'It's so slippery, Peter whined.

'We'll go drier later on,' I clamped and felt his hardness seem to thicken and then it came. A mighty cum almost as good as the pill assisted ejaculations of the weekend. He seemed to go on forever as I felt the warm liquid inside me mixing with the sweat, the precum and even the hand cream. We were a mess but we'd done it or he had. I was so full of his spunk and I was dead sure I was the first, he'd lost his front virginity to me and very, very shortly I was going to take his beautiful litlle bottom for the first time.

'God, that was so good,' he lay on me and we traded gentle kisses. He was softening but I wasn't, his warm belly pressed against my penis and as I felt it slowly slip free I rolled him so that he was on his back and I was laying ontop gazing into his remarkable grey eyes.

'Greeey eyes,' I whisper sung the Bright Eyes tune. 'Gonna make you mine.'

'Guess we're proper boyfriends now,' he smiled and wriggled under me. 'I'm a bit scared about this you know.'

'Just relax all the way and don't fight it.'

'Does it hurt?'

'Only a little bit but it's be OK after we've been at it for a few weeks.'

'Great,' he said sarcastically and bravely lifted his legs which I pressed back onto his chest. 'Let's do the lead up and see how it goes. I'll probably just fall in on a coating of sweat.'

'You won't just fall in, Dickhead,' he scowled. 'I've got to be tighter than those two up the road, your babysitters.'

'Fishing,' I mocked and pushed my slippery and expremely hard cock between his smooth buttocks whereon he promptly clamped tightly on me.

'Fuck me,' he whispered .


'You heard,' he snarled and then smiled. 'Go for it, Tiger,' he gave me my phrase back and I did.

A good five minutes of sweaty and slippery in and outing and a hand on each cheek at each time pulling them apart and stretching him all the while shuffling up the bed inch by inch . The closed leg fuck had gone out of the window by now and he was almost in position. His legs were up in the air and I was actually slipping and sliding across his sweet little pucker when I bent his knees to right back and he was fully on display. One thing I had forgotten and that was a bit of relaxing.

He nearly had a heart attack as my finger slid inside him and started it's task. I explained what was going on but he remained bemused. He probably thought it was one of my kinks. All the same he gave a little moan of displeasure when I withdrew and clamped up again as I pressed my oozing glans against his hole.

'Easy,' he whispered as I moved in. Remarkably for a first timer he just gave a gasp and then a long moan as I pressed against his ring and it opened up admitting my rock hard erection to his delightful warmth and tightness. This was so different from Paul and Rob with their youthful bodies, this was a boy, so warm and so tight and as he accepted me I felt like I was coming home. So smooth and so perfect with just the right amount of pressure and then the kissing to go with it. 'Dare I say?' He lips brushed my ear.

'Say what?'

'I could learn to like this,' he giggled. 'We should have started last year.'

'We'll have to make up for lost time,' I bottomed out and held him tightly feeling my erection solidly in his smooth tunnel. He qave a couple of experimental squeezes, smiled at me again and this time I went for it. No holds barred. The shag of the century. We must have just looked like a pair of Siamese Twins from the outside. I was so blended into him and held secure by his arms and legs that I could barely move my hips but I did all the same fucking him in short and hard jabs as he hugged.

'Go on, go on,' he grunted and his legs pressed against my back. I struggled for some freedom from his death grip and then started for real. Nice long and teeth jolting thrusts into his dripping and leaking boy fanny until he begged me to cum. He was cracked, he was mine and the conquest, deflowering, call it what you will was over as my first juicey jet blasted like hot lava into his dripping boy cunt.

The sweat, oil and cum made it messy and traction was gone but I gave him a couple of superbursts and as I lay on him slowly slipping free his legs fell onto my back once again. 'You are one good fuck, pal,' I lapped at his sweaty face like a cat.

'So are you,' he looked at me and grinned. 'We go well together.'

'We do,' I assured him. 'To secret lovers, we keep this as quiet as the grave... no hints to that bloody sister of yours.'

'Too true,' he giggled. 'What about those two up the road.'

'Don't worry about them, they'll keep quiet plus it's always somewhere to hideaway on a rainy day.' I looked at him and smiled. 'Mind you we might have to pay a little rent.'

'Whatta surprise!' He crowed. 'I would think we have something they want and vice versa, 'cos that Rob's got an arse to die for.'

'You wait 'til you see his dick,' I laughed. 'Like this weekend if not before then.'

'Goody, the sooner the better. I like Rob,' he snuggled upto me and I cuddled him in all his funky glory. Mission accomplished for now and even further adventures ahead.

To be Continued.

Well, it limped to an end but it was only going to be a shorty short one off so it stretched a bit. Hope you liked it all the same.

Stop Press: I've just edited and spellchecked the above and on reflection I thought I'd go for a fifth and final chapter. Why not? Peter needs to spead his wings or spread his legs that's for sure..

Next: Chapter 5

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