Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on May 8, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


3 - The Tom Tom Saga


G. Cutter

Hi Tom here going for the last lap and taking over where Paul left off. I may as well as this Part is all about me and how I savoured and learned to enjoy a couple of my neighbours (bodywise that is).

You know if you've read the rest of the story that my dad was away for a sea fishing weekend with boozy pals, it was a long weekend, a Bank Holiday in fact and he'd farmed me out to Rob who lived up the road a bit. We all called him Soldier Boy Rob basically because he looked like one. He lived alone in his grandparent's house who had passed on just before his mother died. All a bit sad but as he often says 'shit happens' and he seems to have got over the trauma as they say nowadays. He's nice and I suppose I had a bit of a crush on him, I used to lurk as young lurkers do, I also helped or pestered depending on your point of view when he was fixing cars which he does as a sideline.

The general concensus of opinion is that he's something in the porno world or that's what he puts about and believe this, I actually slept over one night when my dad was out of town but he was very proper and nothing happened much to my regret. I was beginning to think he was a straight as a ruler and this porno crap was just that, crap until the Friday. Not Black Friday as on the news but what I'd call Golden Friday, the start of it all... the arrival of Mr McBride, Paul that is. The blond skinny scruffy and the kid with the haircut from hell.

I saw the two of them, Rob and Paul that is get from a taxi and immediately beetled over as is my wont to see who the new arrival was. I saw comments in the last part about my nosiness well, so be it. I was nosey. Rob was his usual polite self and I managed to wangle an invitation to spend an hour in their company in the evening but alarms bells were going off. This Paul was different to Rob, he wasn't so buttoned down, his eyes were all over the place but also very much on me. He had 'that look', you must know the one, the one where you know he's reading your mind and as a sideline he'd probably imagining you naked and in handcuffs.

Well, I don't want to repeat what he's already said other than to say it had gone midnight and I was over the moon. I'd been drained and done a bit of draining myself. I'd sucked his boy cock dry and he'd done me, he's also wormed a finger into my back end which, believe it or not, was a hell of a turn on. At the end of it we lay there all spunky and smelly and chilled.

'That was totally and utterly wicked,' I whispered and he chuckled.

'Good,' he rubbed his soft and depleted cock up against my upper thigh. 'It seems Russian porno boys get you going.'

'I got going looking at Prosper,' I held his warm meat feeling the thickness and the drive still there. He wasn't finished for the night and I was up for more if I could muster the juice. 'You got me going not the Russians.'

'And you got me going,' he smiled in the half light and wrapped his arms around me crushing me and sticking his tongue down my throat in one of those supersonic French kissies. Gawd, they could suffocate but I felt my tired noodle coming to life and I could certainly feel his hardening against my leg. We rolled around and I finished up on my back with him half on me and playing with my drained out ballbag and stroking the bit between your nuts and your hole.

'Don't stop,' I whispered and raised my legs a little more dropping them onto his shoulders. I should have said something posh like: 'The ball's in your court' but he knew exactly what he was doing. He licked a finger and I felt him smear saliva around my ring, more spit and he gently but firmly pushed and I felt my hole open to admit his probe. 'Aaaaaah...' I clamped on him as he made little fucky fucky moves with a stirring motion. I knew exactly what he was doing, I wasn't a dummy. He was after the prize, my treasure, my tight little arse, my virginity to be blunt. I knew I was going to let him take me sooner or later but it seemed it was destined to be sooner rather than the other. He was a dish, he was younger than Rob and better looking than Rob. I might have still had a crush on Rob but a lot of it had passed onto Paul.

I think Rob and I would get there in the end or maybe not but Paul and I were going to do it, not a shadow of a doubt there especially as I felt him reach full hardness in very short order and start moving against my thigh. The randy dog was on heat and I was the only chicken in the roost (for roost read bed). He was going to make love to me and after some fighting him off (he he) I was going to let him. I'd had the weird urge to do it with a couple of pals at school but never as strong as with Paul, then again, I'd never been in a bed with them.

'You wanna fuck me, dontcha?' I whispered. Well, it had to be said.

'I want to make love to you, Sweet Tom Tom,' I felt his hand slip under the pillow and made a wild guess. It was lube, ten to one, it had to be... I had seen the films after all.

'It'll cost you.' I whispered wriggliong on his finger which was getting a little dry now.

'How much?' As swift as a snake with that one.

'You fuck me and I fuck you.' There I'd said it.

'A deal,' he laughed softly. 'We're gonna make sweet love all night long.' He sounded like one of those older black singers, the ones my dad likes or the guy on South Park.

'Until we're drained,' I jerked a little as his finger popped from me but he was soon back and this time he was oiled up. He smeared the stuff around my ring and this time slipped his finger in effortlessly and I squirmed feeling the pleasure and the buzz as he hit a certain spot. I was ready to beg but not just yet, let him loosen me up a bit before trying for that big cock of his.

'I bet Rob's listening at the wall,' he whispered and laughed a little pulling the bedding over us so that we were cocooned.

'I thought he liked me once upon a time,' I gasped as his finger rubbed against that spot again.

'He does but he's scared of upsetting you, he's also scared of you telling tales.' His mouth was right alongside my ear. 'But he does lust for you.'

'Really.' I squeaked feeling as if a big cloud had lifted. 'He likes me?'

'Of course he does,' Paul giggles. 'He likes me too.'

'Hey, we can all share each other,' I moaned a protest as his finger left me leaving me gaping I'm sure but there was a greater pressure and I spasmed as I felt two fingers force their way into my little bumhole and then it was alright. 'Oh, yeah...' I wriggled myself on the larger intrusion and clamped on his moves feeling strangely satisfied. OK, it was weird but I knew what he was doing and he was easing and relaxing me for the main event and I so wanted his big cock in me his body laying on me and his hard loving. I was sort of drifting from a crush, though lust to love and not quite knowing what was happening inside my head. I was confused but nothing so far had hurt me or had been done with roughness or spite. I reached down and felt his hardness, I squeezed him and ran his foreskin over his glans feeling the slipperyness of precum. Gawd, he recovered quickly but he was a year up on me and he probably used it more.

I was right about him and Rob all the same, I knew they were at it from the word go. The good thing was Rob liked me and with Paul's help I was going to realise another dream before the weekend was over.

Suddenly he flipped me over and parted my legs, it was happening and I feebly resisted (or played at it) as he slid a pillow down under my crotch raising my bottom and then he was in me again. Two freshly oiled fingers but this time in as far as he could go and stirring me like a bowl of custard. I felt all squishy and runny but his fingers wen, his knees slipped inside mine and I felt his warm breath as he crouched over me. He slowly and sensually ran his slippery glans between my cheeks just parting them a little and kissed the back of my neck.

'Ready, beautiful boy?'

'Flattery will get you everywhere,' I croaked and waited.

'Be strong,' he continued in a whisper and I felt his mass press between my cheeks. 'Push out like you wanna fart... easy.'

I tried it although I had the urge to go hysterical but it was too late now as I felt his oozing knob press against me. From what I could feel he had one hand on himself holding the big 'it' steady, one hand on my shoulder and his lips on my neck. All he had to do was drop his hips and all I had to do was open up. It sounds easy but it wasn't. Initially I felt a stretching which got more and more painful as he pushed. Then it really hurt but he wasn't stopping now.

'Paul...' I protested really feeling the damn thing piercing me.

'It always hurts a bit the first time,' he breathed on my neck. Talk about the understatement of the year. I was in pain and suddenly it began to ease as my fanny closed up a bit, he was in. The big bit was in and I could feel it. A big lump in my rectum and still going. 'Relax, relax, you're too tense.'

I really did try and it felt a little better. Still a massive intrusion but slightly easier and I had this massive sense of accomplishment. Weird, eh. I felt like I'd passed a particularly difficult test and I suppose I had. Now both hands were on my shoulders and he was moving gaining a little at each thrust and beginning to make little grunts and groans of satisfaction. The funny thing was the more he got in me the better it felt. He passed the buzz point and then it really began to get good. I could feel it's warm length now and even did an experimental clamp and relax. 'Yeah,' he sighed. 'Good boy.' His hands were now running up and down my sides and he grabbed my hips pulling me up as he drove down. 'So tight...'

'So bloody big,' I groaned but it was getting better. I gave a little push up and I felt his tempo increase.

He pulled me up into a crouch and kept up his long thrusts in and out, in and out. He was pulling it all right back to my pucker and then slowly sliding it in until I finally felt him firmly seated against my bottom and his hands pulled my shoulders until we were sealed. 'How's about that, Tom Tom.' he rotated his hips and pulled me in even tighter. I really thought his glans was going to pop out of my mouth. 'Ready?'

'I was born ready,' I croaked with a bit of bravado and pushed back onto him harder. he started off on what he later called long cocking but it built up into rapid and hard jabs deep into my gut and I found I could handle it. I liked it even and I was as hard as a spike with my erection drooling onto he sheet. I tried to wank but he removed my hand.

'No sin of Onan here, boy. I want that in a little bit,' I grinned. I didn't get the Onan bit but I knew what he meant. He wanted me to fuck him when he was finished and that suited me. He had a nice tight little arse and it was going to be mine.

'Harder,' I hear myself croak and he went for it. His long cock was now sliding in and out of me quite easily and as I felt it rub up inside me and press against my prostate I whimpered in pleasure. My cock was running like a tap but I held off as he banged and batered my bum.

'Yesssssss...' He cried out loud enough to wake Rob if he was asleep and I felt his big cock seem to swell and then throb and at the end the strangest feeling of hot boy spunk surging inside me filling me and flooding my gut. He seemed to cum forever and I could feel it trickling down my legs as we collapsed onto the bed with him still inside me. I was fucked and I'd lost it. I was covered in sweat, my bum was sore but I glowed. The virginity was gone and now I was going to fuck this beautuifully scruffy long haired lout... I smeared my precum on my belly and grinned up at him in the gloom.

'Is Rob as big as you?' Probably not the question to ask but I did.

'Cockwise he's bigger... big fat cock... gimme a buzz that's for sure.'

'I bet,' I giggled.

'You're not to bad yourself for a fourteen.' he reached out and fondled my cum smeared cock until it jerked up on my belly as if raring to go which it was. He lay on his back and pulled me on top of himself so that my erection pressed against his now flaccid meat. 'Fuck me, Tom... first fuck?'

'Yeah,' I gulped.

'OK, lover boy,' his teeth flashed in the dim light. 'From the front and don't be too gentle... you need a quicky.' He looked at me and smiled. 'We can do the lovey dovey sex later just to get you ready for my landlord.'

'Who Rob?'

'Who else... I gotta pay the rent,' he laughed opening his legs and mine slipped down between them.

'Sounds good,' I must have been grinning from ear to ear as I felt him lift his legs up and fold his knees down to his chest. He was vunerable and submissive as I knelt up and rubbed my weeping erection against his pucker and he was right. I was so horny. I pushed into his exposed hole nearly fainting at the heat and the tightnes as I sank into his delicious warmth.

'Yeah... nice,' he sighed as I started to fuck. No finesse here just a plain and simple teeny shag. He was good. No, he was excellent and they do say you always remember your first. I'd remember Paul McBride for a long time, his kisses, his sweetness, his long and hard cock but most of all his accomodating and oh so sweet arse as I plundered him brutally and nearly passing out with the sheer pleasure of it all.

Bigger and better than any wank I must have cum a pint at least and he writhed and squirmed under me as I fucked downwards into his tight hole. It was over for the time being and as I lay on him feeling his hands smooth my arse my dick slowly softened and slipped free in a gush of my vital juices. That was it, I smiled with complete satisafaction as we slowly squirmed together with cum slippery between our bellies not to mention the passion keeping us lip to lip.

Well, we both did a bathroom call and then shared the tiny shower which led to the inevitable. We did it all again only this time was less of a stretch although I did the laying on the back bit and it was far better. You could actually kiss and trade spit as you fucked. We finally dropped off into a deep sleep around three in the morning. I was awoken by Paul bringing me a coffee at seven of all times, so much for the Sunday lie in but he got in with me and we sat upright in bed like an old married couple enjoying our early morning cuppa.

'You could have made me one,' Rob grumbled from the doorway standing in droopy boxers. God he was gorgeous, tougher looking than Paul and showing a bulging bit in the front his underwear or maybe he kept them as some sort of pyjamas.

'Didn't know you'd be awake this early,' Paul grinned.

'You can bloody well laugh,' Rob peered through the curtains. 'It's a damn good job these houses are detached, you made enough noise to wake the street up last night.'

'He took my virginity,' I piped up determined not to be left out of the conversation.

'I worked that one out,' Rob finally smiled. 'Twice.'

'Yeah,' I smirked feeling well pleased with myself. My bottom was a bit sore but nothing serious and my dick felt like a crushed carrot but we had the day to ourselves and I'd at least be allowed to lounge about (I hoped). If my dad was at home he'd have me on chores which he insisted on to qualify for my measly pocket money. This weekend I'd got my money and he'd forgotten or hadn't bothered to give me a workload.

'What time we having breakfast?' Paul looked at Rob and I swear something passed between them, maybe a sly wink or something similar, a secret squirrel message of some sort and I presumed it had something to do with me. I was now convinced that these two were working as a team especially after Paul's 'paying the rent' remark. He was going to pass me onto Rob someway or somehow and curuiously enough I was looking forward to it. No shame there at all, I'd had fun and I was looking forward to more sore bum or not.

'Seven now,' Rob seemed to ponder. 'What about ten or eleven.'

'Sounds good,' Paul grinned. 'Are your feet clean?'

'Of course they're bloody clean,' Rob snapped.

'Well, I thought if you go back to bed I can make some more coffee and I can demonstrate to Tom Tom here how to give someone a Sunday morning toe sucking.'

'Really?' Rob's eyebrows rose.

'Toe sucking,' I squealed. I never knew sucking toes was part of the sex act but I suppose it's a good way to start.

'Yeah, it's a buzz,' Paul grinned.

'Sounds good to me, see you in a bit,' Rob scurried from the room.

'Sounds good to me as well,' I grinned. 'I'll try anything once, once I get a demo.'

'Ever played being the meat in a sandwich?'

'I dunno, what is it?' I ogled him as he slipped from the bed and slipped a pair of briefs on. He looked as delicious as Rob and the thought of being on or in a bed with the two of them got the pecker perking.

'Think about it,' Paul laughed. 'Put your jimjams on and we'll make some fresh drinks. The coffee making took longer than the normal as he insisted on getting his hands inside my long sleepers and making a meal of stroking and playing with my smooth buttocks as the kettle boiled. I really thought he was going to take me for the third time on the kitchen table but in spite of being as hard as a rock he held off and we carefully carried hot mugs upto our Boss, Landlord or Ring Master, whatever you want to call him. I knew without any shadow of a doubt that I was going to get done again by one of them or both and I was at last going to see this monster cock Paul had seemed so impressed with. Toe sucking indeed.

Rob was sitting up in bed and I served him his drink and then Paul sat one side and I the other. We just nattered in general about nothing until the drinks were finished and that's when the action started. Paul got the ball rolling by whipping down the bedding leaving Rob exposed in his boxers and grabbed a foot, I followed his lead and grabbed the other following his lead. I must admit sucking toes and licking feet doesn't do a lot for me and not for Rob either but Paul seemed to like it. At one stage he had Rob's foot and also grabbed mine slobbering over them together. I had my eyes on Rob's boxers and he bloody well knew. At some stage I saw his bulge start to bulge for want of a word and then the thing became visible laid upto his hip and nudging his waistband. He then reversed himself on the bed so that his feet were on the pillows and guided me to crouch over him. I knew this routine and went for it, I got my head down over his groin and slowly tugged his boxers down exposing it. Jeez, Paul was right, it was longer than his and much fatter and as I held it I could feel it's warmth and was damn sure I could feel the blood pumping inside it. I took a lick and that was it. Rob groaned and I ducked on it, his glans nearly filled my mouth and I gently sucked and lapped at his dark red end. He reached up and shucked y sleepers down and put his hands up to seize my waist and bring me down into his mouth. A perfect sixty niner but Paul was still behind me. He tugged my sleepers right off me and kissed my bare bottom and I giggled, I was handling Rob well and now had about a third of his big dong in my mouth and was having fun. I craddled his heavy balls as they slowly tightened up and sucked away as a good Toy Boy should.

To my surprise Rob reached around to part my cheeks exposing my hole to the air and Paul was in like a flash or I should say his mouth was. I felt the smoothness of his face against me and his flickering and very wet tongue searched for my pucker. He spread my cheeks so far and exposed my pucker so tightly spead that I yelped in pain but that soon went as he slobbered and sucked at my hole. Rob was on the verge of cuming and so was I. He was first to pop pumping his streamers of white spunk into my swallows and my eventual gagging, the excess dribbled down his shaft into his pubics but then I cum and he sucked me all down sqeezing and manipulating my penis until it was dry. He then span around so that we were face to face and licking each other's cums stained chops but Paul was on the move.

The familiar feel of his red glans between my cheeks and he was in me doing his long cocking again. As Rob kissed me and pulled me down I lay on him belly to belly crushing our flaccid cocks together whilst Paul gave me his third good fucking. I was getting used to it by now and even beginning to like it as he slipped in and out with little effort.supporting himself on his forearms and keeping his weight of us. I was pigging out on Rob, the seventeen year old neighbour I'd fancied for so long was kissing me and still stroking my bum holding my soft cheeks apart to give Paul greater depth. I knew what followed once Paul got going with sweaty slaps. Moments later I felt his cock swell, throb and then another of his massive cums. I don't know where it all came from but he was one juicy lad. So as a Sunday morning wake up call I'd had a mouthful or three of Rob's semen factory and finished off with another flood up the bottom from Paul. I was doing well and we had the rest of the day and the Bank Holiday Monday to get through.

'I should bring up the reserves,' I gasped as I lay between them both and Rob pulled the bedding back over us. The bedroom smelled of cum and boy funk but we were happy and I guessed Rob was saving my bottom for later, perhaps he wanted privacy or perhaps they had another weird threesome organised. One thing was for sure, they had planned ahead, nothing was happening by chance.

'Who you got in mind?' Rob asked curiously.


'That's a help,' Paul laughed.

'What about that kid you have around your place, the dark haired kid, looks like a pixy around the same age as you.

'Errr...' I hadn't realised he'd been taking that much notice of me. 'That's Peter Knox, he's in my class at school.

'Done anything with him,' Rob grinned as I blushed a little.

'Done a wankies on a sleepover, that's all.'

'Maybe some other time,' Rob decided. 'We've got other ways of filling the day.'

I was sure they had and I bet you anything you liked most of them involved me.

'You can watch Paul and me make love after lunch, that's your afternoon treat. Some vids and then some pornos later and Paul and I will give you the whipped cream treatment.'He looked at me and grinned. 'We sleep together tonight little one, you kept me awake most of last night so it's Paul's turn to suffer.'

'Fair enough,' I nodded, I'd got there at last.

Paul laughed. 'But I want to lick the cream off his noodle.'

'And I'll do his sweet bottom,' Rob grinned. I didn't know what the hell they were on about but it sounded good wholesome fun.

We didn't get up until much later and I found myself lumbered with changing the bedding and stuffing the sweaty and stained stuff in the wash, it seemed there were chores after all. Rob and Paul set to preparing a meal which they called a brunch and it had to keep us going until around six in the evening so I pigged out.I was so not into two meals a day. I was into breakfast, elevensies, lunch, tea at four and a supper or dinner later... I was a growing boy not a skinny sex machine like those two. Well, I was in training to become a sex machine but I still needed my food. After stuffing food down me to the bloated stage I lay out in the garden soaking up some sun and letting my belly deflate. At one stage I thought I was pregnant but Paul asured me it was 'eating like a pig' which was reassuring if less than charming.

Paul and Rob seemed to spend most of there time touching each other as if scared of losing contact, it pretty much firmed up my idea that they were far more than friends as if I needed further evidence. I was going to get my own sex show later which I was looking forward to and I wondered who was going to top who... see, I was even picking up the language. I also had a ponder (which is posh talk for a think) whilst I soaked up the sun. I was thinking of Peter Knox who I've mentioned earlier. He'd fit in well here, or would he? We'd done the wank bit together and later on that same night wanked each other. He was a bit smaller than myself but hung well for a midget, he was dark, almost swarthy and pixyish although I preferred elfin. He was dead sweet and up until this weekend had been one of my objects of desire. I had to capture him for another sleepover after this lot, I now had the experience and who knew what might develop.

I wandered into the kitchen late afternoon for a drink to find Rob and Paul messing around with some pills, blue pills which immediately aroused my suspicions.

'Whacha got there chaps?'

'Viagra,' Rob spoke. 'We old guys need something to keep our end up.'

'Bollocks,' I scoffed. 'You aren't much older than I am .'

'True,' Paul butted in. 'But we're taking half of one each before we give you your demonstration.'

'Live show I call it,' I looked at them both and Rob was making a right pig's ear of trying to cut the small pill in half with a breadknife of all things. 'Why not just take the complete pill instead of half?'

'It'll keep us hard right through 'til tomorrow morning,' Rob grunted and gave up with his cutting. He'd shaved of a couple of bits but the pill was more or less intact.

'Well tomorrow's a Bank Holiday,' I felt myself getting excited. Viagra, wowsie wow, what a way to tempt little sexy little Peter, I could grind half of one up and put it into his bed time cocoa, how's that for evil?

'The brat's right,' Paul grinned at his mate. He went to the fridge and took out some Cokes. Rob took a bottle from his pocket and shook out a further two pills leaving the damaged one on the table. We unsnapped our cans and they just looked at each other downing a pill apiece followed by a mouthful of Coca Cola. I promptly grabbed the chipped pill from the table and swallowed it down, that was it, I waited for the hassle.

'I knew he'd do that,' Rob grinned at Paul and he just nodded.

They both came in on me from either side and I was captured.

'Let go of me you vile villans,' I did my damsel in distress bit. That was ignored and I was hauled onto the kitchen table whereon Rob promptly tugged my shorts down and then my briefs exposing my all. The table wasn't all that comfortable but was big enough to support my head down to my knees leaving my lower legs dangling. I can't imagine that the Viagra had time to work but I was as hard as a peg and they both ducked their heads and took a little suck bringing it to a full bloom.

'He'd not bad for a pygmy,' Rob stroked my slick erection which was fully stretched and jerking up and down.

'He fucks well with it,' Paul grinned down at me. Gawd, dontcha just love compliments. I beamed at him until the first burst of cream hit my throat and Rob squirted the squeezy tube down to my crotch and then up and down the inside of each thigh. I didn't struggle, I couldn't, I was too busy giggling. Fresh from the fridge the stuff was so cold. Paul made matters worse by getting what appeared to be a chocolate sauce sueezer and running circles around my nipples and covering my balls. After that they went mad covering me with the stuff and even lifting my legs and squirting a generous helping into my crack. All the time they were doing this they were stripping off and dancing around like a pair of kids. Two big dicks and they were all mine.

'Did you get a measurement?' Rob asked.

'About five,' Paul grinned. 'Five inches of steaming hot infant.'

'I'm not an infant,' I squealed as I felt a finger push cream up into my exhaust pipe.

'Infant, infant,' Paul laughed slipping his finger out and replacing it with two, at the same time he started licking the chocolate sauce off my nuts. 'Love this stuff,' he slobbered away moving his fingers in and out of my gaping hole.

'Very impressive,' Rob grinned before ducking his head and starting to lick my tits and throat. We were off.

I was in a mess and somewhere along the line the drug must have kicked in as I went from hard to super hard, my dick started oozing adding precum to the mess on my belly. Rob also swiped his drooling penis across my lips a couple of times and I got some of his tart precum but he didn't allow it into my mouth. Paul had also put a thick cord around the top of my balls stopping me from cuming. I was being tortured, the Death of a Thousand Licks and Laps. As a total change of tactics Paul's fingers left my arse and through my sexually induced haze I felt something penetrate me, something hard and rubbery or rubber coated. I tried to look down but Rob's lips were on mine holding me down. I spasmed and then jerked in shock and began to tremble. The damn thing inside me was vibrating and twitching in my boy fanny as Paul called it. I was under attack by a vibrator as well as two sex maniacs.

'We're ready for your sex show now,' Rob whispered. 'Just one shag, who do you want to top and bottom... your wish.'

'All upto you.' Paul echoed Rob.

'I wanna see Rob's big dick up your skinny arse,' I yelled at Paul. 'And get that bloody thing out of my bum. I wanna cum...' I finished in what sounded even to me like a childish whine.

'Excellent,' Paul grinned and gently withdrew the buzzy toy from my guts and promptly pulled my hips right onto the edge of the table and slowly sank his long cock right into the hilt. I groaned as I felt his pubics mash against my bottom, the bastard were torturing me. Fuckin' sadists.

Mind you my mood changed when Rob fumbled around and removed the cord and my nuts shot up into the cocked position, just like a gun, I just needed a trigger and the familiar feel of Paul rumping me slowly and gently was it. My penis jerked up on my belly and I shot a huge streamer of cum which splashed on my jaw and then two more that splattered on my chest and belly and Rob was down on it like a sucker thingy. His wet laps and sucks kept me going and white goo trickled from my cock as he sucked it and Paul started to move faster. I dropped my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he shagged and Rob lapped. Rob leant over and rubbed his fat cock into he side of my mouth and I turned my head in time to get the first massive blast over my face and then a second and then a third. I was covered in the stuff and lapped it off my lips as I felt Paul explode within me. More cum, I was flooded top and bottom and we still had a full night to go, not forgetting the so called sex show. The amazing thing was I felt drained of my own juice but I was still as hard as a rock and even more curious I was still needy. If Rob had replaced Paul I would have just laid there and taken it but they were finished. The sucked and licked me clean, so clean that I was tacky as their saliva dried and the cream and chocolate dried out. Now that was something else.

They helped me from the table and I stood there on wobbly legs. 'Fucking sex maniacs,' I mumbled and then grinned. I had enjoyed it, it was a buzz and a momentary image of Peter Knox flashed across my brain. Jesus, now an hour with him on the table would be fun, getting into that tight sallow skinned bottom of his would be even more fun. 'Peter Knox would have liked that,' I remarked watching Rob.

'Really,' he grinned. Paul just looked blank although I guess that would change if he ever saw Peter. I'd got them sussed out, Rob normally went for the older boys whilst Paul was for the younger. They were using me, so be it, I could use them. All's fair in love and war.

Yeah, if I ever got him over here,' I trailed my bait.

'Peter is a very pretty classmate's of Tom Tom,' Rob explained to Paul.

'Mmmm...' Paul gave me a calculating look. 'And sweet young Tom is doing a bit of scheming,' he laughed. 'Naturally enough you've decided you want to bring a pal in, a pal you have the hots for. Then again four is a better number than three.'

'That's for sure,' Rob grinned. 'How far have you got with pretty little Peter.'

'I told you, just wankies on a sleepover but that's just a start... I think... I'm sure he's up for more.'

'You think?' Paul's eyebrows lifted.

'I'm pretty sure,' I brazened it out. It was hard to explain but I was certain that if I got Peter primed and then alone I'd get further than the last time. Sure is a weak word, I was convinced, I was convinced that I could score with Peter, there was something about him. You know that feeling you get, I got it around Peter, whether he wanted me as a top or a bottom I didn't know but the vibes I got were that he lusted after me.

Still naked we all wandered back into the lounge and I was just about to flop on the sofa when Rob pulled me up.

'You still want some live action?'

'Yeah... please.' I was a bit unsure how they were going to perforn right after the kitchen episode but they were both fully hard as I was.

'Have a shower first, I don't want my sofa all sticky.'

'OK, fair enough,' I ran upstairs and grabbed a towel. I was caught out as right after me Rob came into the bathroom and squeezed in with me.

'We'll plot and plan something about Peter later,' he started to soap me down.

'OK.' I snuggled in, his huge cock poked me in the belly and slid up between us alongside mine as we swayed under the warm water. 'You fancy little Peter?'

'Yeah but he's smaller built than you,' he smiled. 'That means you need to work him in.'

'I worked that one out.'

'I know you did you devious little sod.'

I laughed and reached around him and gently scratched his back. 'You scratch mine and I scratch yours.'

'Good boy and don't forget Paul, he's my boyfriend or partner, or he will be.'

'You got it Boss.'

'Good... get dried off. The show is about to begin.

'Banzai,' I punched the air. As Sherlock would say, the plot was afoot, or something.

I dried off and still hard wrapped a towel around myself and joined Rob and Paul in the lounge. I felt shattered but amazingly my erection just wouldn't go down and now when they started to roll around on the floor going throughthe kissy kissy stage it had no chance. It was a good show and I was amazed at the ease with which Paul took Rob's monster cock, he did a bit of moaning but Paul took him right to the pubics and Rob truly hammered away. I was going to join in but I didn't want to disturb their pleasure beside which I was too weak. I stretched out on the sofa and watched Rob bang Paul doggy and then spin him around, lay him onto his back and carry on only from the front. Just before he cum he pulled it out and wanked over Paul's belly and so did Paul. I had the pleasure of seeing four of maybe it was more jets of spunk supplied by both of them puddled onto Paul's belly and pubics but by this time I was wanking myself. I couldn't hold back and as I felt my juices rising I jumped over and added my couple of spurts to the mix.

So dirty and so messy but we ground against each other smearing the mess between us and eventually flopped out flat in front of the fire. I was hoping that was the end of it until bedtime but who knew, the pills we'd had seemed to be incredibly powerfull and I fancied I'd be wiped out for a week when this was all over.

'I'm starving,' I muttered.

'Bloody kids,' Paul grinned at Rob.

'Yeah, we'll have to adopt him.'

'And Peter.' I smeared the thick semen on my belly.

'Maybe,' they both replied.

To be continued.

Sorry: Got carried away again. Guess I'll have to run it into a further Chapter.

Next: Chapter 4

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