Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 30, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


2 - Rob and Paul and Tom makes Three.


G. Cutter

We settled down to watch the film for a while before Rob decided to make coffee putting the film on hold whilst he did so.

'You known Rob long?' Tom looked at me clearly after information.

'Just a little while.'

'Do you work together?'

'We did today.'


'No,' I laughed. 'Other work, mainly paperwork,' I made it up as I went along. Rob was right, this kid was nosey. 'What do you think of the film?'

'I like it, wicked,' he grinned. 'All living in an old theatre and running around nicking things.'

'Whatever turns you on, I suppose,' I laughed as Rob came back into the room with a trayload of mugs.

'Aaah, I'm going to miss the back end of the film,' Tom had just realised a ninety minute DVD doesn't fit into sixty minutes which was the time he'd been allowed.

'Don't bother, I told your dad we'd walk you down when it finishes.'

'Wicked,' Tom relaxed. At least we knew his favourite word. 'Dead wicked,' he made his point. 'Who do you like the best?' He asked Rob.

Rob looked at me and grinned. 'Scipio, he's rather dishy.'

'Eeeek...' Tom squealed. 'I like Prop, he's cool. What about you Paul?'

'Riccio, there's something ultra boyish about him.'

'Like me,' Tom grinned and I chanced my arm and reached out again giving his knee one of those chummy little squeezes like all the old pervs do.

This time Tom just grinned and put his hand on mine giving it a little squeeze. I saw Rob's eyebrows go up in surprise. 'Let's go,' he nearly choked on his coffee and clicked the remote again.

There was food for thought with this kid. For starters I didn't think he was half as innocent as Rob assumed. He was a fourteen year old schoolboy in Putney for God's sake, not a bloody nun. Not so long ago Putney Common was a well know trolling ground for gays until the local kiddies started beating them up. One thing was for sure and that was he had a hell of a boy crush on Rob and I hoped some of it rubbed off on me. Two very minor moves so far and he hadn't objected to either was some progress and we had all weekend to work on him. I was going to accept Rob's bet, all he had to do was give me some time alone with Tom and I reckon I'd score, at least score as far as maybe giving him a wank or even the sucky sucky... the kid was up for it or that's what I imagined. Reality and imagination are worlds apart but sometimes the two come together.

We saw the film through to the end and walked Tom down to his house delivering him at the door and then got asked in for a 'swift can'. It was the dad's turn to do a bit of pumping this time but he learnt as much as his son which was very little. Rob told him that I was staying over the Bank Holiday so that Tom would have 'someone to play with' which I thought was a bit near the mark but it seemed to go over the dad's head. Not so with Tom who was lurking and gave me a sly smile which just reinforced what I'd already thought.

We said goodnight in the end after listening to Tom's dad babbling on about sea fishing and which had young Tom rolling his eyes heavenwards. At last we were out in the cool night air and on our way home.

'Jeez, I'm ready for bed,' I sighed. My legs felt like lead, I felt on the verge of collapse.

'I hope you're not too tired,' Rob nudged me with his shoulder.

'Not for that,' I laughed.

'I was thinking that when Tom sleeps over you should use the spare bedroom and Tom can sleep in with you, sounds more proper than him seeing us sleeping together if you know what I mean.'

'Exactly,' I laughed. 'Anyway, it leaves me a bit of leeway to do the dirty work.'

'Clears the way for you to win that bet,' he grunted. 'Anyway, we can sort that out tomorrow... straight to bed tonight.'

'Amen to that.'

It was only around half ten but we'd both had a long day, what with the performance at Doctor Anders' and then having to be so careful what we said with Tom which was stressful in itself. Still, all in all a fruitful day, I'd made a hundred and twenty quid and made a new friend who may turn out to be a little more than that. Hope springs eternal as they say and then again there was little Tom... now that was an adventure waiting to happen. Watching both Tom and Rob as well as trying to watch the film I rather got the impression that Rob wasn't quite as enamoured of the tyke as I was but that was no bad thing. Hopefully he fancied me more than Tom. I was easy, I fancied both of them, Rob as a lover and Tom as a boy toy. Yeah, I know, all very complicated but relationships often are.

'We've got him flitting around all day tomorrow, we'll have to be so careful,' I had a little moan as we mounted the stairs to the bedroom.

'He's got his own little mates,' Rob dismissed my concerns. 'He'll be in someone's house watching Saturday football on the telly for most of the afternoon. Browny's mum does them all jellies and crap.'

'Not in here?'

'Not if I can help it,' Rob grinned. 'I'd rather lockdown and snog you all afternoon.'

'Great,' I peeled my shirt off and he was on me pressing me back onto the bed and going belly to belly and lips to lips. 'Rob, you maniac,' I humped up into his groin feeling an answering pressure.

'At last,' he sighed. 'Just we two, needy Paul and very needy Robert.'

'Dishy Robert,' I kissed him feeling his hands on my body stroking my bare flesh softly but with a built in desire. I managed to get my hands into the back of his loose cargoes feeling the warmth of his tight bottom through the thin cotton of his briefs.

'You're after my bum,' he sniggered. 'Imagine it's little Tom's tight little arse.'

'Don't tell me you wouldn't do him if you had half a chance,' I nuzzled at his ear as I felt his hands at the waistband of my shorts edging them down.

'After you,' he lifted his head and looked down at me. 'You first, he fancies you.'

'Rubbish, he fancies you,' I protested.

'You do him and get him used to it and I'll get there in my own sweet time,' he declared as if settling the matter and then I lost interest as his warm hands were inside my briefs grasping my hot and now very hard cock. This wasn't a Viagra enhanced hardness, this was the real thing. I wanted him and I wanted him now. I'd been a bit of a punchbag or a shagbag over the afternoon and I needed a warm and loving body under me and his was it.

In the various porno films I'd seen the actors always take their time getting undressed and down to action but in real life and with a hot boy in your arms things get a bit more hectic. We tore at what was left of our clothing and finished up in a tangled mess of arms and legs both dry humping like mad and kissing each other in a frenzy. He was the boy for me, he was older but in subtle ways he was showing it was upto me, he was coaxing me into being the top, at least for the moment. I got him onto his back with his legs in the air and dived taking his heavy scrotum in my mouth sucking and working at his pucker with my fingers. There was enough in the way of sweat for me to prong him and he moaned and clamped on me as I finger fucked him loosening his tight little ring. I wasn't worried and nor was he, the Doctor hadn't been any monster but his son Keith had been bigger than I was and Rob had bounced up and down on him quite happily.

'Put some spit on it,' Rob grabbed my penis and guided it down to his hole. 'Take your time, you're a lover not a luster.' God knows where he got all this bullshit from but he was right. I wanted him gently, slowly and with enough between us to make it good. I smeared saliva on two fingers and smeared them across my bulging glans. I was even dribbling just a little bit and that was nothing short of miraculous after the day's work. I pushed myself up against him and moved my hips towards him. My erection speared into his soft and slick fanny effortlessly although he still groaned and held me tightly. I was in his heat and delicious tightness and moving, moving deeper and deeper into his tunnel of love (How camp can you get?). 'Yeah... excellent, Pauly. It's a damn sight bigger than it looks,' he gave a little jerk as I must have rubbed a sore spot but then his legs came down on my back and we bonded together as one. 'Beautiful.' I felt his anal muscles clamp on me and I started to slowly move in and out of his tight little boy's bottom. He loved it, so much for the cool displayed down in the doctor's basement, this was a whole new ball game. He squirmed and writhed on me and as we went virtually belly to belly as I lay on him fucking he moaned and covered my face and neck with his sweet kisses.

Nothing lasts for ever and slow and gentle fucks are no exception. Sooner or later the animal and the animal's passions take over and then the inevitable happens and lust takes over. I fucked him and fucked him good, I could feel his erection between our bellies producing it's own precum and in the end he begged me to fuck him harder and harder. So much for Mr Butch. When I cum it was amazing, I was expecting a weak little squirty pooh after earlier but it was a good one, good enough for me to be happy and obviously Rob as well as he lay there with his eyes wide open and smiling as I pumped and splattered my hot semen deep into his gut.

'Jeez, Wonder Woman, you did well,' he clamped on my juice covered cock and held me tightly. 'Oooooh... I'm in love.' I didn't know if he was for real or joking so I kept silent. As for myself, I was 'nearly' in love. I'd felt that mystery buzz when he'd sat with me when we first met and the feelings I had had grown and grown but I wasn't sure. We had everything going for us, I was soon to leave school and probably home, he had his own house and seemingly a small private income the big problem was the way we earned our pocket money, that was no basis for a marriage, barely stable enough for us to be boyfriends. 'Give it the weekend,' he smiled tenderly as if reading my mind. He held my head and kissed me sweetly on the lips and then I decided. We had to make it work, I wanted him too much to cut and run, I wanted him big-bloody-time... not forgetting Tom Tom the infant from hell.

'I am fucked,' I slipped free and wiped myself off with his little hand towel.

'You said that deliberately,' he grinned. 'Just so I could say: Not yet you ain't.' He coaxed me onto my side and snuggled in behind me, I could feel his hot mass prod at my crack.

'Put some spit on it or something.'

'Better than that.' I felt some cool oil probably KY or similar between my cheeks and then his finger took a tentative prod. As I sighed and stuck my bum out he fingered me in and out until it felt about right. This time his bulging glans complete with dribble pushed against me. I felt a brief hurt but then his warm flesh was within me and this time I really did sigh only this time with satisfaction. God, he was good, so gentle, so loving and so damn hard and big. I felt myself stretch again but this time I coped quite easily absorbing and clamping on his big boy cock as he worked his way in until his warm belly was pressed against my spine and his warm lips fluttered at the back of my neck. 'You are so good, Pauly.' he whispered and groped my dick which was thickening as his own slippery meat massaged my prostate. 'Randy bugger as well.'

I fuckin' well glowed. A beautifully well built seventeen year old inside me and compliments as well... I pushed back onto his slow movements. I wanted his babies.

I got them as well. Some time later as he took his time as if trying to prove how well we went together. He rolled me onto my belly and then got inside my parted legs and went for it. I squirmed and writhed under his assault all the time loving the feel of his hot hardness sliding in and out of what surely must be my super stretched hole. I loved it. I'd never, ever considered myself a 'bottom' (only for money) but this was different. He was a terrific fuck and a terrific fucker and as I shoved up onto his meaty penetration he rammed down into me finally holding me down strongly as he jerked and throbbed his essence deep into my body.

'Oh my...' He lay on my sweaty body glued together with our joint perspiration and that slowly softening monster in my backside. 'How long have you got 'til you're sixteen.'

'Six weeks,' I muttered and smiled into the pillow. Was he going to pop the question?

'When you're sixteen I'm going to ask you to move in with me... be my partner, be my boyfriend.'

'After one day together and one decent fuck?' We rolled onto our side and his penis slipped free but he still held me pressing his messy lump into my crack.

'Strike whilst the iron's hot and the hormones are bubbling,' he laughed and suddenly became serious. 'We go well together, Paul. We'd make a good parnership, we're perfect for each other plus...'


'You like 'The Thief Lord' so you have your heart in the right place.'

I laughed and rolled onto my back. 'Are you serious?'

'Totally,' he replied with conviction then became more practicable. 'Go and abort and then we can have a good kip. Don't forget we've got to collect your weekend gear tomorrow and get some food in if we have a fourteen year old munching machine stopping over.

'By the time I've finished with him he'll be a munching and sucking machine,' I boasted as I rammed his little towel between my cheeks and headed for the bathroom.

'I hope so,' he laughed and lay back in the shambles of a bed.

We slept the sleep of the exhausted. The good Doctor was right, the following morning there were no morning glories just limp noodles but we didn't care. We'd had our conversation last night and I wondered if the things said would survive the light of day. We would see. Rob didn't say any more on the subject but showed me a slightly smaller bedroom which he said I could use to 'comply with any outside interests' which I thought was a well thought out phrase. The house was small but standard for one side of the street, the houses the other side were bigger and Rob told me they were three bedroom meaning that the street was a family street, hence all the bloody kids running around. After a smal breakfast we got into his second hand Fiesta and headed for my home which was edging Wandsworth Common just above the big shopping centre.

I was a bit surprised to see mum didn't have any boyfriends stopping over. I'd just about concluded she was pretty much in the same business as myself only on the other side of the fence if you know what I mean. I'd even scored with a couple of her clients but obviously without her knowledge.

'You away all weekend?' She looked at me as I scurried around trying to find some clean clothing.

'Thats what I said,' I replied rather too sharply.

'I need to know,' she snapped. 'By the bloody law I am responsible for you until you're sixteen... who's that in the car? The boyfriend?'

'Thats for me to know and you to find out,' I replied glibly. I was sure she knew I was spreading it around but the subject had never really been raised. She just made cracks like that one.

'I'm not that interested, Paul,' she looked at me and smiled. 'Just be a good boy and look after youself for six weeks and then you can do what you want. Just remember all the time you live under this roof you're my responsibilty.'

'Noted,' I replied and went upstairs to pick up a few favourite CDs and DVDs. Finally and with a packed holdall I came downstairs to find her slugguing what must have been her first whiskey of the day. 'Starting early,' I grinned happy with the thought of being out of the house for a spell.

'It helps with some of the drongos I have to go with.' That was pretty amazing, it was the nearest she'd ever came to admitting her profession.

'Have a good weekend,' I did my teeny, angsty sneer and left. Maybe and hopefully to the start of a new relationship and a new life.

'OK?' Rob asked anxiously.

'The usual,' I grinned. 'She's getting oiled up for her weekend.'

'She'll have a room to rent in six weeks,' he laughed as we drove down the hill. Now for some shopping. We just got a cartload of basics as it seems everyone goes loony toons on Bank Holidays. You'd think the bloody Martians had landed instead of we had one day's extra holiday. 'No close friends you're gonna miss in this part of town?'

'Not really. Most of the kids I know are at school and I'm splitting from them in six weeks.'

'Well, any tasty fifteen year olds are always welcome at Casa Rob's.'

'I'll remember that... slut.'

'That's me,' he giggled as we loaded the boot of the car and set off for home. Bill Flanders, Tom's dad had promised to deliver him like a parcel around the midday mark so we didn't need to be late. Rob's little house wasn't too far from the shopping centre but the traffic was a disaster, that's situation normal in Putney with it's major through routes but on a Bank Holiday it goes from a disaster to a calamity. If you know the roads in South London you'll know what I mean. Whilst we're talking about roads and roady things, I liked his little car. One of the newer Fiestas which was still around ten year old and a nippy little bugger, four seater and two doors with a back hatch, a typical teenage driver's car. I did notice a load of greasy tools on the back floor and commented on them.

'I do car repairs and services now and then,' he grinned. 'You didn't think I was a full time man of leisure and male escort extraodinaire did you?'

'Male escort,' I laughed. 'They take lonely and rich old ladies around, don't they?'

'Not on my planet, buddy boy,' he laughed.

We got most of the shopping indoors and were unpacking it when Bill turned up with his son Tom, the delicious Tom Tom who was dressed down to shorts and a grubby t-shirt. I must admit I had trouble keeping my eyes off him, he was a bit like leprosy, he grew on you, unkempt blonde hair, big ears with eatable lips, slender sunburned arms and legs with blond fuzz... grrrrr and drool. He was only fourteen I know but let's face it, he was only a year younger than myself. Anyway, Bill gave Rob a piece of paper with bedtimes, and whatnot on it. I couldn't see anything about boy-on-boy sex being banned so that was a relief (that was a little joke by the way). Bill was more concerned with beating the traffic down to the coast so we said our fond farewells and welcomed young Tom into our lair.

He was a ball of fire and ran up the stairs when Rob told him to dump his gear in 'my' room, he didn't even question the sleeping arrangements but, and as predicted, did say he was invited to his pals to watch the match of the day so we let him go on condition that he returned for a six o'clock supper and that was his lot for the day. We didn't want him running around with the hoodies on the estate in the evening. TV was good enough and there was a matter of the small fact we were supposed to be looking after him. We didn't want him to turn out like us... much.

We had a nap in the afternoon although no sex.Well, not proper sex, I did get to do a nice long suck on Rob's fat cock and he repaid the favour before we dropped off. The next couple of nights I'd have with Tom unless something completely outrageous happened.

We were up in time for Tom's return and had a salad supper organised. I was to learn in the future that Rob was no great shakes as a chef and seemed to live on snacks with an evening pizza or fish and chips delivered to the door. That suited me fine as I wasn't into cooking either although if we got married I'd have to learn. Tom didn't stop asking questions and his hobby of trying to pump Rob transferred itself to me. What school, what sports, what this and what that, he really was a nosey little sod but I think like most smart boys he suspected that there was something going on between us rather than just being straightforward pals and he was determined to ferret out our sordid secrets.

'Don't you're parents mind you staying away for the weekend?' He asked at one stage.

'Why should they, I'm nearly sixteen and I'll probably leave home then anyway.' I didn't bother telling him I lived alone with mum, that was none of his business.

'Where would you go if you left home?' Tom asked curiously.

'He'd come here and keep me company,' Rob suddenly spoke which halted Tom in his tracks.

'Live together?' He looked shocked.

'They call it house sharing,' I laughed. 'Living together means something else.'

'Sounds the same to me,' Tom munched through a mouthful of chicken breast.

'Not quite,' Rob answered. I think he was going to explain the subtle difference but thought better of it.

'Do you ever keep any of those porny films you shop around?' Tom completely veered off subject.

'I might have a couple laying around,' Rob looked at me and smirked. 'Probably a couple of the gay ones I couldn't get rid of.'

I held my breath, Tom had to say something. He did.

'Do you know what I'd really like to see... a real favour,' he looked at Rob and myself with puppy dog eyes, God he was so good at it I nearly stroked his ears.

'What?' Rob answered.

'The Thief Lord again, I thought it was brilliant.'

'And you fancy Prop,' Rob laughed which brought a deep blush to Tom's face. A bit near the mark there I fancy.

'Aw, come on. I bet Paul wants to see it again, have an ogle of his little Riccio.' Wow, that was a bit near the mark as well. Talk about out of the mouths of babes and fools.

'Do you, Paul?' Rob asked.

'Anything to keep Tom Tom happy,' I smiled and went one further than the previous night. I reached out under the table and gave Tom a little kick. 'You owe me, pal.'

'I'll settle up later,' he giggled and kicked me back but he didn't kick, his smooth leg brushed up against mine with just the faintest of pressures. I got one of those looks again, one of the sly ones. I was beginning to think that Tom knew a bit more than he let on. I was sure of it. I know boys of my age and his talk in riddles, hints and innuendo all the time but this was just that little bit more. I saw Rob smile as well, he was picking up what was unsaid rather than what was being spoken. 'Wicked,' Tom moved his leg again and I felt his warm flesh against mine, this was under the table and something that Rob didn't see. I pressed back and got a return pressure. 'Really wicked,' Tom grinned.

We cleared away the supper and decamped to the lounge, Rob took his armchair again leaving myself and Tom the sofa. Rob insisted we watch the evening news first and then some game show and after that The Thief Lord. Tom was in some sort of heaven when Rob produced some cans of lager and actually let him have one, one only as he insisted. We certainly didn't want a semi drunken fourteen year old on our hands and we didn't want any loose talk about drinking parties getting back to dad.

Tom decided to lay out on the sofa although to be fair I have to admit he asked first, his head finished up on my thigh and his feet rested on the arm at the end. I norticed Rob move his armchair slightly and it wasn't for the television. Whether by accident or design Tom was giving a flash straight up his shorts, I was even more certain when Rob sat up straighter in the armchair, who was zooming who I wondered and soon found out.

'Teaser,' I bent over and whispered as Rob finally got up to put the disc in the DVD player.

'I know,' Tom giggled.

'What's funny?' Rob muttered.

'Nothing,' I replied. 'He's a giggler,' I stroked the fuzz on Tom's cheek whilst Rob had his back to us to be rewarded by a little purr. I reckon that twenty quid bet was money in the bank and God only knew what would happen after that.

I must admit watching Thief Lord for the second time was no strain. I reckoned it as one of the best family films of all time, very European, very British and very good. Two points I watched out for and those were the only time in the whole film there was any suggestion of flesh and that was where Prosper, Tom's fancy went into the toilets with his shirt off and the second when Prosper got from his bed wearing just boxers on both occasions young Tom gave a little grunt as if imagining himself in the scene. Rob seemed torn between watching the film and looking up the leg of Tom's shorts and I wondered if the kid had briefs on, he must have I concluded, even he wasn't that much of a slapper. Tom kept moving up until his head was virtually in my lap and didn't want to move when the film finished and Rob told him to go and have a bath and get changed for bed.

'I am fourteen and we are on holiday, Rob,' Tom looked stubborn.

'I'm just going by that note your dad left,' Rob sounded defensive. Come on, Rob was only seventeen himself and I doubted that he gave a toss either way.

'I don't want to sleep with you all stinky,' I provided my backing.

''Well, you've got to have one before you bed down,' Tom insisted.

'No probs.'

'Go on,' Rob insisted.

'Only if you let me look at one of those pornos before bed,' Tom tried for a bit of blackmail.

'They're gay,' Rob looked at me and smiled a little.

'I'm a big boy,' Tom looked about to go sulky.

'Alright, bath then half an hour of film and then bed,' Rob conceded. 'It will be midnight by then.'

'Wicked,' Tom laughed and got himself off the sofa making sure to give me a squeeze on the thigh unseen by Rob. 'Fifteen minutes,' he grinned and ran up the stairs.

'Whatcha reckon?' Rob asked once Tom had left the room and we heard him turn on the bath.

''Crying out for it.'

'You think so?'

'I'm sure so. Did you get a flash?'

'He had white briefs on.'

'He was teasing you.'

'That's what I thought,' Rob looked at me. 'Be careful tonight all the same. A teaser doesn't always like it when his bluff gets called.'

I nodded. I was well aware of the fact but I think Tom was game, I was convinced of it but then again I would be careful and let him make all the moves or most of them at any rate. I think Tom had us for the weekend and intended to make hay whilst the sun shone. I might be wrong but I didn't think so and I'd soon find out one way or the other. 'What are these pornos you have, not lardy arsed thirty year old twinks?'

'More like fourteen and fifteen year old less than virginal Russians,' Rob laughed.

'Well, warn him. Not to far and not to fast.'

'You've got it. Another can?'

'One for the road.' I didn't really want one but I could share it with Tom as he seemed to have chugged his allocated single quickly enough.

He came back down after the quickest bath in history and it was then I was convinced he was on a tease. He was barechested and damp which made him even more attractive but the thin sleepers he was wearing clung to his damp body. They were like track suit bottoms but made of thin navy blue cotton and almost see through... mind you that might have been my imagination but I swear I could see the outline of his noodle and balls throught the thin material and to make matters worse he curled up on the sofa again with his head on my thigh. This time I could see down the knobbly curve of his spine all the way to the waistband of his sleepwear.

''I don't know if to show this or not,' Rob played with a disc. They're not adults but boys betting very dirty.'

'Whatever,' Tom snuggled into me tighter rubbing his head on my leg as if trying to dry hgis hair. 'If that's all you've got... anyway, we're all boys together.' Jesus, the brat was pinching my lines.

'Quarter to midnight,' Rob looked at his watch. 'Bedtime at twelve thirty... right?'

'Right,' I agreed.

'Orrite,' Tom mumbled although he looked ready for bed right now.

'OK,' Rob glanced at me and smiled then settled back into his chair, this time he had no shorts to peer up but he did have some naked chickens on the TV screen.

The film opened up with two lads around fourteen, about Tom's age and dressed only in green football shorts fumbling around with each other and then removing the shorts and doing what they do in this sort of film. A mini wank and then some slow sucking. Tom gasped and his hands went down into his groin and I guessed why, I was springing one myself.

The film wound on and it was a mish mash of this and that, mainly hand jobs and sucking but two clasical shags and the one that really got Tom going was where one biggish lad fucked one boy on a couch, the kid was barely twelve and the bigger boy did a full frontal and finished off cuming all over the younger's belly. It was at this stage Rob decided to call it a day. Thankfully before he turned the televsion off he turned to room lights off but not before I saw that our innocent and virginal young Tom had well and truly popped one. He was tenting well but he fled calling over his shoulder that he had to use the toilet and go to bed.

'So what now?' Rob moved in and grasped my erection.

'Play it by ear,' I grinned and reached out for him. 'Once he's clear of the bathroom I'm going to have a quick bath. Ten to one he'll pretend to be asleep when I go into bed.'

'What about the bet?

I shrugged. 'Play it by ear.'

'Suck it and see,' I laughed and kissed him goodnight. 'Sleep tight.'

'Small chance and no chance thinking about you with him,' he groaned. 'I'll be wanking all night.'

'I'll look after your interests, Lover Boy,' I promised and went up the stairs and left him to lock up.

I might have commented on Tom's bath being the quickest in history but mine must have come a close second and still damp I wandered into the bedroom with a clinging towel around me fully expecting him to have zonked or to be pretending to be alseep but he was sitting up in bed and ogled me blatantly as I wandered into the room. I began to regret having to do a strip tease but there was no way around it other than scurrying off like a big girl to don briefs or boxers in the bathroom.

'That film was a bit intense,' he spoke quietly.

'You could have come upto bed,' I replied assuming that he was about to start complaining.

'No, I mean it was good,' he giggled. 'They seem to have fun in Russia.'

'You can have fun anywhere if you're willing to let go a bit. and don't forget these kids are probably getting paid. I don't think I'd like to be a kid in modern Russia.' I was about to launch into a description of a Smotri film I'd seen about kids living under the Leningradski Station in Moscow begging and selling their bodies to avoid starvation.

'I suppose,' he slipped down the bed a bit. 'You know what amazed me?'


'When that big blond kid fucked that little dark one the smaller one didn't even twitch.'

'He's done it all before I expect, every studio had the regular bottom.'

'Bottom,' he giggled. 'Is that what you call them?'

'Anyone who regularly takes it is a 'bottom', the giver is the 'top'... fucker and fuckee as you might say.'

'You live and learn,' he said dryly and slid right down in the bed. I took my chance and dropped the towel and slipped into a clean pair of boxers. He studied me quite openly without any comment until I slipped into the bed. 'You're big,' he whispered and turned inwards. I felt his foot rub against mine and then it moved up my leg in a gentle rubbing motion.

'You're asking for trouble,' I glanced sideways at him in the dim light afforded by the bedside lamp.

'Sounds fun,' he giggled and he moved in closer it was then that I realised that he was naked, His bare thigh pressed against mine and there was no feel of the long sleepers he had been wearing. 'Do you like me?'

'Yeah,' I turned to face him and to feel his boy stiffy brush against my boxers it was then that I reached out and pulled him into my arms. 'You're naked,' I whispered sliding my hands down and cupping his smooth and very tight cheeks.

'That film got me going he croaked and moved in even tighter and without any prompting or suggestion grabbed my hardness with one hand and gently squeezed the stiff meat. He let go for a minute and then slipped his hand into the top of my boxers pushing them down and held my warm cock in the flesh. 'Jeez, you're so hard,' he snuggled in and mashed our two erections together slowly moving his hand to and fro.

Why the hell was I surprised. It was me that was being backwards, not him being forwards. He was a normal, healthy fourteen year old who had been watching boys performing sex, of course he was fruity and needed release. He'd probably done 'stuff' as they called it with mates before now and I was only a year older than he was after all.

'You've been teasing all the way from supper time,' I spoke right into his ear smelling the soap and shampoo.

'I know,' he softly snuffled at my neck. 'I know you fancy me.'

'I do,' I admitted.

'Wanna try a kiss?' He asked shyly which was a hoot under the circumstances. I didn't reply. I just laid my lips on his and gently kissed but he wanted more. He squirmed against me Raising one leg and resting it on my hip and mashing his penis into mine in a vague humping motion. I licked across his clamped lips and he opened up for the absolute. He moaned with lust as my tongue slipped into his mouth and then it started. Probably the longest kiss of my young life without coming up for air. When we finally parted we were red faced and panting, gulping down large draughts of air but I was done. This kid wanted it so badly I didn't bother with any preliminaries I flattened him on the bed, held his throbbing cock and started to kiss down from his neck to his belly with some lapping and licking thrown in as a bonus.

He whined and threshed around but I held his cock and he was going nowhere. One other thing, he'd learnt from the films. Once again without any prompting he was moving around in the bed into a sixty niner. He knew where I was headed and he was following my example. Far better than I'd hoped for and the proof of all my suspicions, this kid was needy, he was on heat and he was so damn ripe he was falling off the tree. I took his oozing cock which was a respectable four plus into my mouth and he nearly passed out, he gave a quavering moan and began to move to and fro in my mouth. Suddenly in all the moving around and the action I felt his sweet tongue in my belly button before the first swipe across my jerking cock, seeming happy with it he slowly and sensually slipped his lips over my aching knob whilst still slowly moving in my mouth.

'This is so wicked,' he whispered before sliding his lips down my shaft and going to work. I didn't have to remind him of the outcome, he'd seen it all on film and knew what came next. I clasped his jellylike buttocks and pulled him into my mouth so my nose nested in his pubics and I took him right down to the root. He only managed half of mine but I made allowances. It was his first time or so I presumed and he was doing well... and his soft bottom was delicious. I swore than and there that this one was going all the way tonight as I probed with my fingers and parted his cheeks, located his tight little pucker and thrust my finger into his sweaty hole.

He yelped and nearly bit the end off my cock but perservered shagging my face, sucking my erection and clamping on my finger... a very versatile boy.

'Oh, oh, oh...' he gave a series of yelps and then the blast. I swallowed and gobbled as he let go two meaty blasts of boy cum deep into my throat and then two lesser blasts which I rolled around my mouth and slurped down. It was my time as well, I felt the burning sensation and a second later he was gasping and choking as my first full blast of juicy spunk coated the inside of his mouth to be followed by another which he drank down but the third did it and he spluttered and giggled as it trickled from his lips and I sprayed a long streamer across his jaw. I slipped my finger free from his hole and reversed quickly kissing and smearing our joint cums over our faces in a frenzy of slippery spunkings. We were silent all the while but from his movements and his passion I knew it wasn't over and wouldn't be until he was fucked, he fucked me or we did both... the option I was looking for. This kid was mine for the night and what a night it was going to be.

To be continued.

Well, I over run again and I can't leave it here. Tom's got a taste for it now and he has to lose his cherry. It is a long weekend and I should think Rob wants to sample his young guest as well. I wonder if Tom has any local pals? He must have.

Next: Chapter 3

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