Doctors Rumpus Room

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 24, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

Dedicated to the 3D Sims artist "Anders", his works and others like him.


1 - A contract to Fulfill


G. Cutter

A sticky day in 'ol London Town. Mind you, it was mid summer and about half way through the long summer break (for we schoolies that is). I was fifteen and looking forward to sixteen when I could break free from the educational system, and get a job. Well, I had a part time job that I didn't mention amongst my peers. No fifteen year old wants to admit to being a hustler as they call them in the States or a rent boy or male prostitute as we are known in our Disunited Kingdom. To be perfectly honest I'd been on the game since I was fourteen when I found that a torn t-shirt and raggedy jeans turned on a certain type. Of course being a sweety with scruffy blond hair and a rather swishy manner when I wanted to use it helped. I suppose I looked a bit older than my fifteen, I could pass for sixteen which probably made the punters feel a bit better as well.

I used to hang around Euston Station and if that was a bit too hot for business troll Kings Cross or St Pancras Stations. I did well on weekends and even some evenings and could usually rely on being asked to one of the scruffy hotels that still existed in the area. There was opposition as I wasn't the only lad selling but we were civilised, if a geezer chatted me up for some scat or crap work I'd pass him onto someone who I knew would handle it, I'm not really into crapping on glass tables and pissing on guys in a bath... yeuchy. I used to do hand jobs, blow jobs and a bit of rear end work if I was in the mood. Dirty work but the money was clean enough to spend.

As I've said I did look a bit older than your normal schoolkid so I had no qualms about sitting outside one of the pubs having a half a pint just to replace some of the sweat shed you understand when I was a disturbed by a shadow falling on me and a youth sitting opposite, he was also cradling a drink so I couldn't very well tell him to piss off. Quite a good looker with a very military crew cut and dark ginger hair, auburn I think they call it. I took a couple of sly peeps and he was pretty dishy, I rather hoped he was a customer.

'I've seen you around Euston haven't I?' He opened up with a friendly enough grin.

'Possibly,' I smiled back sensing some rent coming in. Yeah, a bent and pretty young soldier boy I reckoned.

'My name's Rob, Rob Thomas,' he stuck his hand out.

'Paul, Paul McBride,' I replied, returning his handshake which was odd, marks normally didn't go through the naming and shaming bit. Quick sex was normally quite anonymous.

'I've got a deal going, Paul and I need a partner.'

'Figures,' I replied as dryly as I could.

'No, no,' he laughed. 'I've got a pretty smooth friend, a doctor around the mid thirties or so and he wants a couple of boys for the afternoon and evening. Interested?'

'You for real?'

'Yeah, no con job. It's safe, I've known the man for yonks and he's straight sex, nothing silly but he did specify two kids.' He smiled and gave me a keen look. 'He's probably gonna shag us both dosed up on Viagra and then watch us give an exhibition. He's made a lot of money making a super dooper version for dead rich dickheads.'

'An exhibition. You mean shag each other?'

'I reckon,' he laughed. 'Come on, I'm not that ugly am I?'

'You're not ugly at all,' I smiled weakly. In fact, he was bloody handsome and unusually for me I felt I could get to like Rob in the dirtiest possible way. I guessed he was around eighteen or maybe younger but he was a well set up lad and looked a bit of a roughy toughy. I shouldn't think the good doctor would try too many stunts on him. Anyway, he had said the guy was a regular.

'I've got to be there in an hour and I reckon the afternoon and some of the evening. What about a sleepover, could you manage that.'

'I could do but I'd need to make a phone call.'

'Fair enough,' he nodded his head. 'If he offers we can tell him just that but he did say just the afternoon and evening.'

'You sure he's safe, nothing silly like whips and stuff?'

'No, no, he just likes straight sex and he did mention something about a birthday.'

'Sounds good to me.'

'Mmmmm...' he looked at me seeming to lose a bit of confidence of which he's shown plenty so far. 'You could always sleep over at my place if he doesn't want us for the night, I have my own place in Putney.'

'Just one condition there.'

'What's that?'

'We share a bed and don't charge each other for the sex.'

'You got it,' he laughed out loud and reached out and squeezed my hand. 'We'll get on fine... want another drink.'

'Just a half of lager please.'

That was it, I studied his back as he walked through to the bar, nice tight arse in his blue shorts, same as mine, the shorts I mean not the arse. I wondered what he packed up front. I didn't know about the doctor but doing the down and dirty with Rob would be no problem at all. Boredom gone, I stretched my legs out surveying the passing crowd, the sunny but rather lacking afternoon had got a damn sight more interesting all of a sudden.

We sat there talking nonsense for another fifteen minutes or so then we walked up Marylebone Road to Regents Park where it seemed our Doctor Anders had a rather posh pad. Rob led me down a narrow mews full of expensive cars and pressed the button on an intercom. It was answered almost immediately and Rob announced us as 'Rob and Girlfriend' which got a frown from me and a chuckle from the intercom before the solid steel door swung open. I noticed broken glass set in concrete topping the wall which I thought was illegal nowadays but I suppose money talks as usual. Rob firmly closed the door behind us and we sauntered up the long garden path to this bloody great house where a young man was awaiting to greet us.

'That's not him.' Rob muttered and looked a bit confused. No panic, a moment later a lookalike but older rushed from the house and greeted us. He looked perfectly normal but most pervs do, he was very upright and dressed like a fashion model, a very muscular model I might add. He introduced himself as 'the Doctor' (shades of Dr Who), Doctor Anders and the younger lookalike as his son, Keith. The thing that struck me was that they both had crew cuts and were clones of Rob, I was the only blond and the only one with a decent head of hair. This lot looked like a load of soldier boys or maybe convicts. On the other hand perhaps I'd been swagged by a weird sex club. The Crew Cut Ginger Knobs... the scourge of West London, but maybe not.

In fact Rob could quite easily have been one of the family but then again perhaps that's why they selected him... weird.

'Join us later, Keith,' the Doctor told his son and led myself and Rob down to a dowstairs kitchen. The first thing he did was to pour us a glass of wine apiece and handed us a tablet. It was blue and I had a damn good idea what it was but then again if this was going to be a prolonged session why not. We were like staff after all. We dutifully sipped our wine and swallowed our pills keenly observed by the Doctor who then led us through a small and padlocked door and down into a roomy cellar.

Jeez. I nearly fainted when I saw what was in it. The floor was bare pine with a couple of scatter rungs with what looked like a dead and very imitation tiger taking the centre stage. There was a huge red sofa, a red armchair and the rest of it was a rather colourful joke shop. A table full of every imagineable sex aid, dildos, but plugs, balls on string and various vibrating thingies. There was another smaller table with some bottles of booze on it but get this... a man shaped bloody cage in the corner and what appeared to be an Iron Maiden. I was beginning to get scared.

'Just my collection,' the Doctor said breezily. 'Help yourself to drinks.' He tromped back up the stairs and left us alone.

'Bloody hell, man,' I looked at Rob. 'What the fuck have you got us into.'

'Don't be a Nervous Nellie,' he grinned and uncapped one of the bottles. After taking a swig he handed it to me and I chug-a-lugged. Not bad and on top of the beer, the wine and the pill I felt the room sway and flopped down onto the sofa alongside Rob. I flapped my open shirt for air as the Doctor came back down the stairs and prompty knelt between us fumbling with Rob's zip.

'Just for starters,' he fumbled with my flies with one hand and pulled out Rob's semi erection with the other. Jeez, my Rob was big, I mean a damn sight bigger than I was and he soon got properly hard as the doctor man dropped his head and began to suck and slobber at what had to be a good six and a half if not seven. I felt a bit of a tremble as I'd virtually volunteered to look after that meaty mass tonight. Ah, well, it could be a giggle. 'Get naked, lads.' The Doctor led by example and when we were all fully nude tugged Rob down onto the scruffy tigerskin, placed him onto his back, raised his legs and without any further ado rammed himself deep into Rob's sweet fanny. Jeez, that guy didn't mess around, he was in and out like a bloody rabbit whilst Rob lay there looking at me and pulling funny faces. Well. Mr Doctor man might have been going like one of those battery powered bunnies you see on the box but he wasn't all that much of a giant you know where. Suddenly he slid free and tugged Rob to his feet and stood him against the table in the stop and search position and rammed back into Rob's now well relaxed hole. I was bored, I was as hard as concrete and started to play with one of the giant dildos. I sat up on the armchair and tried it out but no way, the first bit of pain I gave up. I might have made it with some lube but I wasn't going to try. 'Come on, Paul... your turn,' Rob gasped as I saw the Doctor just slip free and stand there waggling his dick at me. I just grinned. I'd been fucked by schoolmates with bigger dicks than this.

I took position alongside Rob at the table and the good Doctor was in me in one savage thrust which damn well hurt. He might be paying but he was a bit short on the old couth. No lube apart from what was on his cock and he brought me down to earth with a bang. This was a shag plain and simple, no romance, no attempt at loving and he was hammering at my bottom like a fucking maniac. I felt tears come to my eyes but Rob saved the day by grasping my own erection in his hand and gently moulded and squeezed ny solid shaft taking my mind off the demented dumbo to my rear.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' the Doctor chanted as he rammed and ravished my tender arse but I was saved. Rob moved in and his lips were on mine. We traded spit as I got shagged and I could see from Rob's eyes I'd get a lot more loving from him. Suddenly the Doctor gave a gasp and rammed into me hard and I felt what I could only call a mediocre squirt inside. He pushed home again and I got another one but it was a let down. I was expecting a flood after all the chat about the wonder pill. The Doctor split and rushed across the room clearly searching for a towel so Rob and I had a swordfight.

Hillarious. Have you ever played swordfighting with two extremely long and rather lethal looking dildos. Rob's was red and huge, a definite no-no, mine was sort of pink and much slimmer... I could have handled that for a laugh but it was more fun fighting with them. Rob suddenly disarmed me or I dropped the damn thing but the Doctor was back on the scene.

'I declare the winner Rob,' he announched. 'Lay your friend on the table and take your pleasure, Sir Robert.'

Rob grinned, he liked this game, wrapping his arms around me he shuffled me back to the table and lay me on it and then raised my legs. Jesus, he was going to put that huge cock of his into my virginal young boy cunt (just kidding). 'Slowly, Big Dick,' I whispered as he placed his swollen and now dripping glans at my already battered pucker and pushed in. Gawd, I was stretched, the Doctor was nothing like this. I felt bloated and my ring must have been like elastic to accept Rob's fat and very hard sex. 'Jeez...' I moaned and closed my eyes.

'Relax,' Rob hissed and kissed me gently on the lips. 'So tight,' he looked at me and grinned. 'You're not seventeen, certainly not eighteen,' he lapped at the corner of my mouth and began to move. I shook and clamped on him beginning to accept his intrusion. It was wonderful and I softly tweaked his nipples as he sank in deeper and deeper.

'I'm fifteen,' I whispered back, 'I never said I was any older.'

'Well, you're my fifteen year old toy boy now,' he started to move.

'Great,' I smiled up at him. Suddenly he gasped and jerked inside me, the dread Doctor Anders had arrived.

'Doc...' Rob moaned a protest but Rob was the meat in the sandwich. He was in me and the Doctor was in him and the Doctor was hammering away at Rob's bum which must be as sore as hell by now. Not that the Doctor cared he hammered away and Rob grinned down at me, he knew he's scored, he knew I loved his big fat cock and gave me another gum numbing kiss slipping his tongue into my mouth and holding my twitching penis. 'Save it for later,' he breathed softly into my mouth. 'I want it.'

Suddenly the Doctor stopped and I looked over to see someone coming down the wooden staircase. It was Keith Anders, naked and hard and he gave us all a grin as he walked over. At least the boy or young man was normal, he was as big as Rob but his wasn't as fat, my Rob was top dog in that particular cellar. 'So where do I fit in?' He looked at his father.

'Assume the position,' the Doctor growled and slipped from Rob. Rob gave a little gasp but then grasped me tightly and resumed his slow fuck this time free of the weight on his back.

'Now that is better,' Rob hissed as he moved in and out of my clinging boy cunt. 'Much better, you tight arsed little bitch.'

'Calm down,' I giggled working my arse on Rob's thrusts. Previous to this I'd allowed myself to be shagged but only rarely and strictly on a 'gay for pay' basic but now... This I liked, so fat, so hard and the constant fluttering of lips on my neck and Rob's warm bellly on my twitching erection was driving me over the edge. 'Harder, harder,' I growled nearly biting my lip in frustration and shame. What a thing to say.

'Oooooh...' Keith stationed to my right yelped as his father did his usual. The Doctor rammed into his son just as roughly as he had with Rob and myself, seconds later he was shagging his offspring like a lunatic. Keith just groaned and gave Rob and me a quick grin, he must have been used to rough fucks.

'Pauly,' Rob groaned. 'I'm cuming... thank Gawd for that,' he finished in a flurry of short jabs and then it happened. I'd been fucked before and had cum up the bum before but this was different. It seemed that Rob's fat cock exploded a veritable stream of hot, thick and juicy slime up into my gut. I wriggled and squirmed with my back on the hard table as Rob continued to fuck on his own semen, so much that I could feel it running form my still plugged hole. I'd had the cum of a lifetime and I couldn't contain it. I clung to Rob accepting the frantic and savage kisses as the older boy slowed to a halt. 'God, I am so fucked,' Rob grinned.

'You are?' I giggled as he felt Rob leave me still stiff and accompanied by a flood of spent spunk. My hole felt like a fuckin' volcano. hot and steamy, dribbly and oozing only instead of lava it was Rob's juice puddling on the table and smeared between my thighs. We staggered to the sofa and collapsed in each other's arms.

The Doctor finished up with his son in a flurry of moves and then slid free with his erection limpening and drooling a white streamer of cum. 'Nice one, Keith,' he slapped his son's bottom casually and went over and grabbed a bottle of vodka. 'Take Rob and Paul to your room. Enjoy your birthday.'

Rob and I looked up in surprise. This might explain the curious party or more properly this curious performance. It was for Keith's benefit not Doctor Anders' after all. We collected our clothes and still naked and still totally erect followed Keith up the wooden staircase to the main house.

'Anyone around?' I stopped dead feeling Rob's still sticky penis nudge up against my bum, I gave a little wiggle just to show solidarity.

'No, the servants have the day off,' Keith grinned and led off up another staircase and finally into a well appointed bedroom with windows overlooking the Regency terrace almost adjacent to Regent's Park. 'Here we are,' Keith posed and stroked his stiffness. 'I think dad overdosed on his super Viagras going by his performance... he's probably collapsed into his vodka by now.' He lay on the bed and looked up at us. 'Well...?'

'Well, what?' Rob for once looked uncertain.

'I was thinking...' Keith looked at us both clearly a little uncertain.

'We'll do exactly what you want,' Rob smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 'No kinky although you can do a bit of spanking if you wish... or get spanked.'

'I don't think so,' Keith laughed. 'Maybe if you sat on me, Sweetdick,' he looked at Rob as if thinking things out which he probably was. 'You both straddle me, your pal sits in front of you so you can get in him and I can suck him... would that work?'

'We can give it a try,' Rob grinned maybe at the thought of shagging me again, at least I'd like to think so.

'And before you go I can try for seconds on both of you.' Keith smiled brightly. 'You'll be finished by six. I have a friend to keep me company tonight and one other thing...'


'Those tablets you've taken. They're souped up Viagra, the one side effect is that you'll be as limp as a lettuce tomorrow unless you'd like a couple for takeaways.'

'Maybe,' Rob grinned at me. 'Maybe.'

I was surveying the scene and I must admit the idea of Rob inside me again was exciting, it should be easier this time and don't forget I was bubbling. I hadn't cum yet although I thought I was about to when Rob shafted me deep and hard last time. Come to think of it Keith was as big as Rob in length but didn't have the thickness. 'Happy Birthday by the way,' I looked at Keith and then moved in. 'How old are you today, eighteen?'

'Spot on, baby,' Keith smiled and guided me to kneel astride his chest leaving the hard work for Rob but Rob was busy. He'd found some lube and was working some into his crack, this time he was out for an easy ride. I sighed with satisfaction as Keith pulled me in and licked across my glans removing the pearly seepage and then smacked his lips. 'Boy juice... well under age I reckon.'

'Fifteen,' I nudged against his lips and he took me in jiggling my balls and starting to suck. I felt Rob kneel up behind me and then some fumbling around and a groan as he very obviously took Keith's long schlong in an inch at a time.

'Alright?' Rob's lips brushed my shoulder.

'Yeah.' Keith and I answered in unison. Rob's cock slipped into my crack and he actually pulled me onto his stiff flesh and my hands cupped the back of Keith's head holding him into position. It wasn't the most comfortable position in the world but the suction on my cock and the feel of Rob moving inside me made me harder and harder until with a drawn out wail I squirted my all into Keith's greedy swallowing. He took it all apart from what squirted onto his face and as I bent to lick and kiss him I shoved my bum back onto Rob which drove him back onto Keith's bucking hips.

It didn't take too long but Rob cum again and Keith then cum in Rob and both mighty cums by the feel, the look and the mess. I don't know what the Doctor had added to the Viagra but the constant hardness seemed to be accompanied by an endless supply of spunk. Keith's boastful promise of fucking us both before we left could well turn out a fact of life instead of a young man's bragging. After that little episode we parted and lay in our mess and funk enjoying some cold drinks. The amazing fact was that we were all still hard as scaffold poles, my boy fanny felt like a bucket of slugs but that didn't deter Keith who hauled me up into a doggy crouch and moved in pronging into my messy hole just like his dad. Deep and hard and almost no kissing or cuddling for that matter, this was plain and simple sex as if he had to prove a point. I didn't, I just wanted to go to bed with Rob and have a bit of loving not lusting. Mind you I wanted another session with that big fat cock of his and I wanted something else. I wanted to plunder that tight little arse of his and I suddenly realised that I was a bit short on information about my new friend.

'How old are you, Rob?'

'About six and a half inches, nearly seven if I move the tape around,' he mumbled laying gazing at the ceiling half alseep.

'In years, you tit.'

'Oh,' he came to life and watched as Keith carried out his mechanical fucking. 'Seventeen.'

'Perfect,' I grinned inanely. A seventeen year of boyfriend, a big dick, a tight bottom, good looking and I was in love... wowsers!

Keith was making hard work of his fuck for the obvious reason, I was clamping my bottom as hard as I could but he was getting no traction, the bloody stuff was oozing from me and he was still giving me his version of a virtual rape. 'I'm cuming,' he finally gasped and thrust in deep and hard, his cum was another good one, I felt the warm stuff splatter inside of me and then it started to run down my legs. His daddy must have been sexually deprived thinking back to his weak squirts or he'd overdone the hand jobs before we arrived.

'Gawd, I'm fucked,' Keith fell onto his back.

'That's Paul's line,' Rob said giving me a sympathetic look. I think he, like I ,was getting pissed off but a job's a job.

'Where is it?' I lay there with a towel rammed up between my legs.

'Through that door,' Keith waved his hand. He was probably feeling very pleased with himself but all the babies, or the litter I was carrying were mostly my Rob's not his and certainly not his dad's.

When I returned Keith had Rob flat on his belly and was doing his manic bunny bit again, Rob looked at me and put on a bored expression, it was pretty clear what he thought of Keithy boy. At last it was over and this time it was Rob's turn to use the bathroom, I was done and hoped it was all over. My bum was sore, my dick was still so hard it hurt and my legs felt like jelly... I was wiped out, I needed a bed, preferably a bed with Rob in it.

'Thanks for your attentions, boys,' Keith lay back on the bed and smiled at us both once Rob had returned. 'I have to get ready for my party tonight so I'll bid you farewell.'

That was it done and dusted as they say. A rather offhand ending but at least we were finished. I didn't know what was going to happen about the fee if that's what you called it but I was in Rob's hands regarding that. I couldn't say it was fun but it was a job, the Doctor and his son were muppets but at least I'd met Rob and had a taste of him, what I'd like to call a sampler with more to come if things happened right.

'My father is waiting for you in the kitchen with you know what,' Keith tottered to his feet. We had been dismissed. After putting our clothes on we went down to the kitchen and sure enough Doctor Anders was waiting and he was clutching a brown envelope which he gave to Rob. He also gave us a small glass vial with about ten of his little blue tablets inside.

'A gift,' he smiled and handed those to Rob as well. 'You will be sexually high for around twelve hours and then go as flat as a pancake,' he rattled the small container. 'Never, ever take more than one at a time.'

We took the advice and bade him farewell, he assured us that he was happy with our service also that he had Rob's number for any further work. He then made the same excuses as Keith had about the party and ushered us out the same way that we'd come in. The unfortunate kicker to the whole affair was that Rob and I were still as stiff as pokers and had to trap our erections in the waistbands of our briefs to keep them from arousing comment. At least I had a long tailed shirt on and he had a baggy tee so we had a bit of extra cover.

'I'm starving,' Rob said as we walked down the mews, it was damn hot and glancing at my watch I saw it was barely five, late afternoon or early evening and I was buckling at the knees.

'I need a decent kip,' I moaned. I felt on the verge of collapse.

'You're staying at my place tonight,' Rob informed me. 'Don't forget to make your phone call.' He grinned and lightly punched my arm. 'You did well and you're a good fuck.' Well, that was brutally frank if not very romantic... nice to hear all the same. I wondered what his tight little bottom was like. Don't forget I was still thinking in terms of sex, I'd been shagged enough and cum enough but I still hadn't actually scored or what I called scored. We slowly walked back in the hot afternoon sun and once on the main road Rob hailed a cab... I was off on another adventure.

He lived over the river in Putney just off the big Common which I found a bit of a giggle. I lived in Wandsworth just down the road from him, it boded well for any further relationship. The one thing I was fearing that if he lived north of the river and I lived south we might lose touch. He opened the envelope in the back of the cab and whistled... it was crammed with twenty pound notes. He did a quick count and there was two hundred and fourty squids which he split equally. Not bad, it sounds a lot in one hit but it had been hard earned and we still had the withdrawal symptoms to come. From what had been said we'd be out of action for a day or so, then again, we could always take another pill if the need arose.

We stopped the cab on the way home at a Chinese and got a meal for four which should see us alright and then we resumed our journey. I was surprised to find he lived in a small ex Council Estate well clear of the big Roehampton tower blocks, it was a nice little house, reasonably smart and in a quiet street. As soon as we got from the cab a kid rushed upto Rob as if he was laying in wait, waiting to pounce.

'Ah, shite,' Rob cursed. 'My fan club, just what I don't need.'

'Hi, Rob. Been working? The boy was probably around fourteen and skinny with big ears, a blond like myself but much neater hair... that's about all I gathered as he just gave me one look and if I didn't know better I'd say it was pure jealousy.

'Just finished. We're gonna eat and have a snooze.'

'Oh...' the kid looked crestfallen. 'Can I come around later?'

''About eight and only for an hour otherwise your dad will be getting the hump.'

'He say's you're a good role model,' the boy giggled and then after flashing me a friendlier look sauntered off.

'A good role model?' I looked at Rob. 'What the hell do you tell them you do.'

'I tell them I'm a porn star. It's Tom's little joke,' Rob laughed. 'I don't tell everyone I'm on the game. Around here being a porn star keeps me out of trouble. I farm a few films around now and then much to the wives disgust.'

'Jeez, you've got some front,' I said admiringly. Nothing like being bold, the trouble was the kid probably thought I was in the game as well. Amazing what schoolies will accept nowadays. A porn star indeed!

'Come on, Dishy Boy, time to eat,' Rob fished around for his keys and we were in. I was surprised to see it was neat and tidy and suspected either a partner or parents but there was no trace of either.

'Before you ask, my single mother died in an accident last year and as I'd just turned seventeen I inherited the place.' Rob had beaten me to the draw. 'My mum's parents bought it back in the nineties and they've gone as well so I finished up as the proud owner.'

'I'm sorry,' I looked at him but he just smiled back.

'Shit happens and you just have to live with it. I live rent free and all I have to do is pay the other bills and I have a small trust fund to help out there.' He led throught to the kitchen. 'Of course a sharer would bring in a few bob but it's a matter of waiting for Mr Right... an over sixteen Mr Right that is.'

I got the point and silently sat at the kitchen table where we shared the food out. I could feel my eyes closing I was that knackered but the incident with the kid had thrown me. If I'd have been Rob I'd have the boy in and be groping him in no time but perhaps he was smarter than I was. The kid was rather tasty all the same. 'What's the boy's name?' I asked trying to look disinterested, it didn't work.

'Jeez, Paul...' Rob laughed. 'Don't tell me you've taken a liking to little Tom Tom, my one and only fan club member.'

'I'm a fan as well and he's not much smaller or younger than myself,' I declared a little sullenly.

'Yeah but you're different. I can bed you but I can't bed Tom... not just yet.' He laughed. out loud. 'The funny thing is he lives just down the road and his dad let him sleep over one night, can you believe that?'


'He's a single dad, his wife fucked off with a Geordie last year and went North, so he's a bit lumbered with Tom Tom.'

'Even so,' I mildly protested. Mind you my mother let me come and go as I pleased but I was nearly sixteen after all.

'True. God, I was so tempted and I'm sure the little prick was after sleeping in with me.'

'He probably was,' I grinned. 'He's definitely got a crush or a bit of the hero worshipper about him.'

'Maybe,' Rob dismissed the subject. 'Shared bath and shared bed?'

'Yeah to both.'

'And a nice snooze, we want to be decent if Tom rolls up at eight as I'm sure he will.'

'Fine,' I felt my crotch. 'It's going down at last.'

'So's mine,' Rob replied with some relief. 'I was sucking my middle in with Tom close by, that kid has eyes like a bloody hawk. Do you know what he did one time?'

'No but you're going to tell me.'

'He was hanging around one Saturday afternoon when I was taking a weekend off and I plonked him in front of the TV. I told him I was having a bath and he walked in on me, he got a good eyeful as well and a good giggle.'

'Didn't you think to lock the bathroom door?'

'Never occured, living on my own I never bother.'

'You should have asked him to wash your back.'

'Yeah, if I had the courage I might have.'

'He's easy,' I snorted. 'A pushover.'

'OK. Mr Smart Arse what would be your first move on a kid that age?'

'I'd wrestle around with him and cop a feel. If he protested I'd back off. If not, I'd cop a bigger and better feel and then probably give him a blow job... kids love a freebee when they don't have to give anything away. Progress from there, maybe two or three times, but once the ice is cracked, it's bloody well cracked. If he likes it and most boys will he'll be back for more. In the end you have to go all pouty and tell him no more unless he takes a turn... after that play it by ear.'

'Jeez, you've got it all worked oput.'

'Hero worship or a crush is only one step away from lust or love,' I declaimed like an Agony Aunt. He's got the hots for you Rob, he may not know it but he is fourteen and he's not a child. I bet he wanks over images of you.'

'Don't be silly.'

'I bet he's got that picture of you in the bath locked away in his secret little room right in the back of his tiny brain.'

'We shall have to discuss this,' Rob smiled. 'I feel like making a bet but I'll have to think about it... Bathtime, Pervo Man.'

'That's Sleepy Man.'

'Ditto, pal.' Rob led me upstairs and showed me his bedroom which was untidier than downstairs but clean and then we bathed. It would be nice to say we popped one each and had nice soapy sex but we both cleaned ourselves thoroughly with a bit of gentle attention to our rear ends and then wrapped in fluffy towels retired to the bedroom. I was getting hard again with the proximity of Rob but we just cuddled up and slept after setting the alarm for a quarter to eight.

This was what I'd wanted from the first moment I'd set eyes on him. Laying in a nice bed, warm and cosy with his smooth body next to mine. No sex, just a few words and a lazy kiss. As I dropped off I was probably purring like a kitten. The damn alarm awoke me and Rob was on the move, I saw his penis was back to it's fully bloated state although drooping, not quite hard but as I made a grab he slapped my hand away. 'I bet you twenty quid you can't give Tom a blow job.' He tugged his briefs on and searched around finding a track suit bottom on the floor.

'Not just like that,' I backed off a bit. 'I need to have some time with him on my own, he won't do anything like that with a spectator.'

'True,' he admitted. 'There's something odd about him coming around this time of night. He's probably nosey about you... he is a curious little cat, he likes to know all the ins and outs.'

'That's 'cos he's got the hots for you,' I tugged on my shorts and we shared a catlick in the bathroom before going downstairs. The sun was gone and it was a bit chilly but he switched on a big fire and flashed up the television. 'Shit, I'd better phone home,' I looked around for the phone.

'In the hall, ET.' Whilst I was talking to mum who was on her way out for the evening the door bell rang and Rob opened up to admit the bumptious Tom who smiled at me. He must have got over his earlier little moody. He looked sweet, he'd changed into longies, khaki chinos which hung from his slender hips and a t-shirt small and tight enough to give a tantalising glimps of smooth spine and a smoother little belly. No trace of boxers like the 'sagging' brigade and I wondered if he had briefs on. One quick tug would solve that one, his chinos were ill fitting enough for that.

When I'd finished the call to my mum who gave the impression that she didn't really care if I came home or not, I wandered back into the living room or maybe the lounge and plonked myself on the sofa alongside young Tom.

'OK?' Rob looked up from where he crouched raking through a pile of DVDs.

'She couldn't care less.'

'Friday tomorrow,' he looked up at me, Tom's head was going backwards and forwards as we spoke just like he was watching tennis.

'So it is.'

'I'll drive you down your place. Get some clean knickers and a toothbrush and stay over the weekend.' That one got a little giggle from Tom, probably the mention of knickers, juveniles are easily amused.

'My dad was going to ask you to babysit me for the weekend,' Tom piped up. Well, he piped up and my ears pricked up so things were on the rise, I dreaded to think what came next.

'No probs,' Rob grinned. 'Paul and I are going to have a lazy weekend... aren't we?' He looked at me rather lustfully and I hoped that Tom didn't pick up on it.

'Great,' I grinned like an idiot. One night with my new idol was good, three nights would be brilliant. We'd probably be pissed off with each other at the end of it but so be it, the opposite could just as well happen, we could get married.

'My dad said he'd phone at half past or pop around and see you tomorrow.'

'No probs,' Rob repeated and slid a disc into the DVD player. 'The Thief Lord'... good family entertainment, OK?' Tom and I just nodded, I was too busy giving Tom boy crafty sideways looks, he was looking better by the minute and with his 'grown up' clothes looked a damn sight less gawky and skinny. I wondered what he'd be like spread out in a bed in all his pale skinned glory until I was brought back to reality by the phone ringing. Rob shot out of the door and Tom spoke.

'He's nice.' What a curious thing to say, the screen was full of a boy with long slightly curly hair who seemed to be kidnapping a much younger boy also with long hair but very blond. I mean it was a curious thing to say for a schooly, they usually reserve remarks like that for girls.

'Which one?'

'The big one, he's Prosper.'


'That's what the little once called him,' Tom laughed. 'Pay attention.'

'Don't be cheeky,' I reached out and made first contact. Now in the seduction game this is the first and most important step. Never overdo it and always make it seem casual. I just lay my hand on his upper leg just above his knee and gave a gentle squeeze... that was it, job done. He didn't react, just slumped on the sofa a bit and remained eyes glued to the screen.

'Your dad wanted me to babysit you tomorrow night, then Saturday and Sunday. He's got a sea fishing weekend organised and he's been let down by his babysitter,' Rob announced looking at Tom as he came in. 'I told him I couldn't keep running up and down the street all weekend, looking after a kid especially as it's a Bank Holiday and I have a guest...'

'Aaaaah...' Tom wailed or nearly.

'I offered to take you in with Paul and myself and he went for that instead.'

'Oh... brill. Wicked,' Tom grinned from ear to ear. 'All boys together,' he flashed me a grin and that sixth sense, that gaydar thing or whatever it is told me quite clearly he was up for a little game at the very least. How far he would go was quite another thing but I'd be taking Rob up on that twenty quid bet... that one was for sure.

To be continued

This one was intended as a shorty short and should have finished when the boys left the Doctor's and then went to Rob's and had meaningful sex. Unfortunately, young Tom Tom drifted into my diseased mind and it seems set for another fair sized chapter.

Stop Press: It finished up as four Chapters in the end.

Next: Chapter 2

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