The Diving Team Bitch

By Chad Slave

Published on Feb 5, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how my best friend turned me into the diving team's bitch.

This is a total fictional story and is for entertainment only. Please do not take anything personal or believe this will ever happen.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Diving Teams Bitch

Chapter 4

So, I'm still tied up and, on my knees, looking up once again to all the guys that just used my mouth and came down my throat, waiting to hear the names they came up for me and to find out how they all felt about me.

Leo started with the first one next to me and went in a circle to hear the names they came up with. Leo also told them if one name is said no one else can say it and to come up with a new name. the first guy said the name and then everyone else continued.

"Let's call it Cock sucker, Let's call it Bitch, Let's call it Cum Swallower, How about Dick Breath."

Leo stopped then and said.

"Dick Breath that's a good one that will go to the top 5 to vote on."

Then the team continued to say names.

"We can just call it pussy, no how about whore, no we don't have to pay for sex so it can't be a whore let's just call it slut."

Leo then said.

"I like that slut we will put that in the top 5."

"Let's call it cock hound, even better ball licker, let's just call it what it is a cunt."

Leo the said.

"That's a good one we will put cunt to the top 5."

Then the team continued to say names.

"How about Cum Guzzler."

Leo said.

"Good one that is in the top 5 also."

The team then continued with more names.

"I like cum whore, should we call it pussy faggot, let's call it dick licker because that what it is, Or we can just call it Cum Dump."

Leo laughed and said.

"That's a really good one because it truly is a cum dump now for us let's put that on the top 5."

And the last guy said.

"Let's just call it what it truly is Low Life."

Leo then said.

"Yeah, it is a low life but not good enough for the fags name."

I just looked up at all my former friends and teammates and could not believe what I was hearing. Did they really think of me like this? I then said.

"Please guys, do not do this to me, I can't believe you all think that low of me."

Then my teammate Ricky came over to me and said.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You have always been so high and mighty and have always looked down on us. You know if it were me that was a fag like you, and I was sitting there in your place you would have done the same thing to me as we are all doing to you. So yeah, I am straight and you're a fag that has sucked each and every one of us off. And we all know how Leo Justin and Phillip has already fucked your fag pussy."

Right then Leo jumped in and said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell everyone last night Nick fucked its pussy also and the fag loved it."

Ricky just shook his head and said.

"See fag that's why we think so fucking low of you. I'm only glad I'm not a fag and you are straight, because you would have been meaner that all of us combined."

I just look to the floor and I knew he was right. If Leo would have done this to anyone else, I would have joined in and treated them this way also when then Justin came over and smacked me as hard as he could on my head and said.

"Stop looking down to the floor bitch, you need to look at us when we are talking to you, now Continue with the name decision Leo."

Leo told Justin and Ricky thank you and then started to talk once again.

"Ok boys here is the top 5 names. Dick Breath, Slut, Cunt, Cum Guzzler, and Cum Dump. Now everyone take a piece of paper and wright down your favorite. We will add them up and see what name wins."

Leo then took all the papers and him and Justin and Phillip read them all and added them up. Leo then came over and said.

"Ok in 5th place with 1 vote is Dick Breath, in 4th place with 3 votes is Cum Guzzler, and tied for 2nd place with the vote of 4 each is Slut, and Cunt. And that makes the winner with 5 votes and the fags new name Cum Dump."

Everyone started to cheer and call me cum dump and then Leo said.

"Ok everyone now we all will never call the fag Nash every again. When we see the fag in the halls of the school or out at the park or even at the mall, we each must call it by the name we decided Cum Dump."

I thought to myself what the fuck, so I asked.

"What if I'm with my family and you guys see me?"

Leo laughed and said.

"We still are going to call you Cum Dump."

I started to tear up once again but this time I felt a big lump in my throat.

The practice was over, and everyone left and there was me and Leo there once again as he untied me. I did not say a word as I just walked in the locker room as everyone was leaving and hearing them say.

"Goodnight Cum Dump and see you later Cum Dump."

I got dressed and walked out to my car and there was Nick at my car once again but this time he had his best friend Mike with him. I got up to my car and asked.

"What do you guys want now?"

Nick replied.

"Well fag I told my best friend Mike here all about your tight ass pussy and he wants a go at it also."

I looked at them both and said.

"I'm not in the mood tonight please just leave me alone so I can go home."

Nick then said.

"Fuck that I know you're a fag now and you need to give it up to my best friend here, oh wait there is Leo. HEY LEO COME HERE FOR A MINUITE"

Nick yelled out to Leo and to come over so Leo walked over and said.

"Hey Nick, what's up?"

Nick then replied.

"Well Leo you know my best friend Mike, I told him all about the fag and he wants inside that tight pussy also. We have waited here for hours again. Your guys practice is starting to get long I can tell, but anyways the fag said he is not in the mood."

Leo shook his head and said.

"Well let me save you some time Nick. The reason we have long practice now is cum dump is blowing everyone on my team and swallowing everyone's cum. So, if you want to use cum dump just come around this time and tell it. Also, the team gave the fag a new name we all call it cum dump now so it you and Mike would do the same just call it cum dump anytime and anywhere you see it."

Nick the said.

"You got to be shitting me the fag blows all of you every day? What a fag and you guy even gave the fag a name of cum dump? Well, I say if the shoe fits. So, what about us getting inside that tight pussy?"

Leo then grabbed my keys out of my hand opened the back door to my car, pulled my pants down and pushed me in the back seat face down in my car once again and told Nick.

"If you want to fuck cum dumps pussy you don't have to ask. You guys are real men just take its keys and do what I just did. Climb in and fuck it."

Nick smiled and pulled his pants down and shoved inside me with no lube once again. I started to scream and gasp for air from the pain once again and Leo and Mike just watched. Nick finally came inside me and Mike pulled his dick out and got on top of me and shoved inside me also. I could tell he was hung also. I laid there crying and screaming from the pain as I heard Mike say.

"Your right Nick this fag has a real tight pussy. Damn my dick feels great going in and out of that pussy. Even better than my girl's pussy."

Nick and Leo laughed, and Nick said he told him that my pussy was tight. After Mike came inside me and was about to leave, I heard Leo say.

"Hey guys tomorrow we will be in practice much longer we all have to be ready for when the coach comes Thursday and need to show him, we are doing good. We won't have time to have cum dump blow us so I will text you when you can come if you guys want to fuck it again."

They agreed and left, and Leo got in the back seat and put his dick inside my sore ass and started to fuck me slow again as he talked to me.

"Ok cum dump I know you heard what I said to them and don't worry you won't be sucking any dick tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I'm telling the coach Thursday I'm benching you again and you do have to be at practice but at least you won't have to suck dick, tomorrow right?"

Leo then started to pick up the pace and then came inside me once again. He pulled his pants up and said.

"See you tomorrow cum dump."

I just laid there in my car face down with my ass showing crying. I could not move at all. I finally got the strength to sit up and put my pants up and start to drive home. I could feel all three guys' cum on my ass coming out once again and started to think about how much dick I have taken in less than one week.

I have sucked dick at least 40 times and have been fucked 8 times now. I finally got home and went right to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got done, I ate dinner. I did not eat that much because my stomach was filled with cum. I then went to bed and just slept all night long. I was so worn out.

I got up and went to school. Once I got into class, I put my hand on Leo's crotch and he pushed my hand off and said.

"Not today cum dump. I know you love my cock, but I need to concentrate on how I am going to be captain today at practice. This is the last practice before coach comes tomorrow."

That was music to my ears. I did not have to rub on his dick all day and just be a normal guy. All day I was called cum dump by everyone on the team and others heard them say this. I finally decided it was enough and told Leo in the next class.

"Ok now I know everyone in school knows what I did, so your video tape has no leverage anymore. Show the entire school I do not give a shit. I'm done with this."

Leo slowly leaned over and said.

"I don't have time for this shit cum dump. Yeah, a lot of people know but your family do not. So if you want to stay there perfect little boy in their eyes you will keep up your duties and shut the fuck up. So, what will it be cum dump?"

I looked at Leo and said.

"Yes, Master I understand, I don't want my family to know anything please."

Leo then replied.

"Now that's a good little faggot now shut the fuck up about it cum dump."

I did not say another work because I realized he did still have leverage over me. In my parents eyes I was the perfect son. I got good grades I was active in sports and they all bragged about me to their friends. I never got into trouble and they trusted me fully. My parents still think I am a virgin. If they found out that I have sucked 17 different guys off multiple times and got fucked by 5 different guys they would disown me. The number on how many guys I have sucked would be higher if Nick and Mike did not just fuck me but then again, the number of guys that fucked me would be lower if they did not do anything to me.

The rest of the day went by normal and it was finally time to go to practice. I did not know why Leo wanted me there if I was benched and he was not making me suck the team off today. So, I guessed I would just go and watch them do their dives.

I get there and everyone is getting undressed to get into their speedos and then I heard Leo say to me.

"What the fuck cum dump get your fucking cloths off."

I thought to myself oh I am going to get to dive today. So, I got naked and when I was about to put my speedos on Justin and Phillip along with Leo grabbed me and told the others to go to the pool and wait for them.

They forced me to my knees in front of the bench in the locker room and pushed my chest down where we sit. My legs then were on the floor with me on my knees over the edge of the bench and they got duct tape out and kept wrapping it around my legs and connecting it to the metal pool under the bench to keep it up.

They then started to wrap the duct tape on my back to the wooden part of the bench and kept wrapping it around until my back was covered and I could not move. The last two things they did wad tape my arms in front of me and pulled my arms along the bench they then wrapped my arms in front of me and I could not move them. The last thing they did was shove my speedos in my mouth and then wrapped the tape around my head a few times to keep my speedos there. I could not move anything on my body except my head. I could look around but that is all. Leo then said.

"You will stay right here cum dump as we go practice. I don't want to have to worry about what you're doing when I'm making sure we are ready for tomorrow."

I thought to myself this was a little overkill to make it so I cannot move with all this damn duct tape all over my body. Leo should know he has me right where he wants me anyways and I would not try to get away. About 30 minutes of me being in the locker room I heard someone walk in from the pool. I looked over and seen Derrick walk in. He did not say a word to me at first. He just went behind me. He pulled his dick out of his speedos and shoved it inside my ass.

I was now screaming in the speedos taped to my mouth and Derrick started to talk as he pushed his dick all the way inside me.

"That's it you fucking cunt, take that dick. Oh yeah you filthy faggot take my man meat deep inside that pussy. Fuck yeah, the guys were right you have a nice tight pussy on you. That's right wrap your pussy lips tight around my dick bitch."

Derrick then started to slap me across the head over and over as he fucked my hole. I was now in full tears as I was getting brutally fucked and mentally fucked at the same time by his words, and him smacking me in the head hard as he fucked me. Derrick started to go faster and yelled out loud.

"Oh, fuck I'm Cumming, oh yeah I'm impregnating your fuck hole you fucking cunt. Take that cum deep up that fuck hole, you fucking bitch."

After he finished Cumming up inside me, he pulled his speedos back up and said to me.

"Thanks for the fuck cum dump."

He then left. As soon as he left the room another teammate walked in and started to fuck me. I was at the perfect place to get fucked with my ass hanging over the end of the bench. I knew now that this was Leo's plan to let the entire team fuck me. One after another came in and fucked me. This lasted for hours.

About after the fourth guy fucked me Leo came in and took the tape off my legs. He then pulled my legs apart and duct taped each leg separate to the bench, he then put a bowl between my legs came over to me and said.

The guys told me your about to start dripping cum out of your pussy that is you're starting to get filled up, so I put the bowl there to catch all the cum that comes out. I know you do not want to waste our straight cum on the floor do you. Have fun cum dump".

Leo then left and another guy came in. for hours I was getting fucked until everyone including Leo all 17 of them fucked me and came inside me. They all came back into the locker room and laughed at me. They then cut the tape off and ripped it off my body. It hurt like hell having the tape ripped off.

I went to stand up and when I did, I feel to the floor. My legs were all wobbly and I could not stand up when I heard Phillip yell out.

"Damn boys. We fucked cum dump so hard it cannot even stand up. Great job guys."

I then took the tape off my head and pulled out the speedos and was crying. Not only from the massive pain I was having from being fucked by 17 guys in a row. But I was so humiliated. Just when I didn't think it could get worse Justin came over and told me to get dressed.

After I got my cloths back on Justin grabbed the bowl of cum that came out of my ass and poured it slowly on my head making sure it poured to the front to cover my face hair and covered my cloths. A lot of cum came out of my ass and my clothes were now covered in cum. Leo then ordered me to leave and go home like that.

I left the school drenched in cum. I walked to my car and there was Nick and Mike but this time there was also another friend of theirs Jake. Oh, fuck I thought to myself now I am about to get fucked by 3 more guys.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 5

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