The Diving Team Bitch

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 23, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how my best friend turned me into the diving team's bitch.

This is a total fictional story and is for entertainment only. Please do not take anything personal or believe this will ever happen.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Diving Teams Bitch

Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke up to Leo's dick across my face. I was hoping it was all just a bad nightmare, but I knew that was not the case. I did not move as I did not want to wake Leo yet and must deal with him. I just laid there with his dick across my face trying to figure a way out of this. I then heard Leo say.

"Good morning bitch. Sleep well?"

He started to laugh and got up and then said.

"Ok bitch get your cloths off. We are going to take a shower and you need to wash my body."

I got undressed and followed him into the bathroom where I was ordered to turn on the shower. He then went in and I followed. He just stood there and I got the soap and wash cloth and washed Leo's body for him. I then washed his hair and made sure he was clean. I then started to wash myself when Leo said.

"We don't have time for that bitch you can wash later you need to dry my body off now."

I turned off the shower and got the towel and dried off Leo's body. After I was finished drying him off he told me to air dry. I was shivering from being cold once we walked out of the bathroom. I was then ordered to dress Leo.

I thought to myself that he is going way to far with this. He can do all this himself. But I did as he said. I then went to get my cloths on when Leo said.

"No bitch you will be staying nude all day today."

We went to the kitchen and we both ate a bowl of cereal. He was fully dressed, and I was nude. It felt strange being like that. I then had an idea and said.

"Hey Leo if I give you my car that you have always wanted and make sure your girl comes back will you please fix this."

Leo said.

"Damn I really do have you right where I want you. No deal I prefer to have a bitch like you and as for my girl I could get her back if I wanted, I was the one who broke it off with her. I don't need a cheating bitch but with you there is no romantic feelings, and I can just use you."

Right then the doorbell rang, and Leo went to see who it was. I stayed put because I was nude. I then heard Leo talking to people as he walked back in, I seen Justin and Phillip behind him. Phillip then said.

"Great show last night Nash. I didn't realize how much of a cock whore you really were."

Justin then said.

"Damn Phillip I could have told you that I seen that fag in action firsthand in the locker room a few days ago. Nash even offered me a blow job."

OH, I could feel myself getting mad again. I never offered to suck his dick. Leo told him I would and no I will not. I spoke up.

"No, the fuck I did not. Leo said I would, but I never offered and I'm no fag."

They all started to laugh when Phillip said.

"Who are you trying to fool? We all seen you beg Leo for his dick last night and drink his cum. You're a fag if I ever saw one."

So, then I said.

"Yeah, I did that so Leo would tell everyone that I'm not a fag and he forced me."

Leo then said.

"Now why would I want to lie to my friends and tell them you're not a fag. No one forced you and they all seen how you begged me for my cock."

Leo then leaned down to my ear and whispered.

"You better be careful bitch. You keep talking like that the video goes viral all over school and your family. So why don't you offer Justin and Phillip a blow job?"

I just lowered my head and knew I did not want the school and my family to see that video. I then said.

"Your right guys I'm a fag. Justin and Phillip, would you like me to suck your dicks?"

They laughed and Phillip said.

"Beg us and we may let you."

I then swallowed my pride and spoke.

"Please Phillip Please Justin may I suck on your guys dicks? I want to make you guys feel good."

They all laughed, and Justin went into the living room and sat down on the couch and pulled his dick out and said.

"Get in here and suck me bitch. I don't have all day."

Now let me tell you about Justin and Phillip. Justin is about 5 foot and 9 inches tall. He has Blond hair cut short and like everyone on the dive team has that swimmers body build. Phillip is much taller. He is 6 foot 1 inches tall with brown buzz cut hair.

I went over to Justin and went to my knees when Leo told me to put my ass in the air as I sucked his friend Justin off. I did as he said, and I put my face between Justin's legs and started to suck him with my ass up in the air as if I was on all fours but my arms was on the couch with my face in Justin's crotch. I then felt Leo start to play with my ass.

I instantly jumped up and asked what he was doing, and Leo replied.

"Don't worry about it bitch just keep sucking Justin's cock."

I did and then I felt one of Leo's fingers push into my hole and I jumped back up and said.

"No fucking way man stay the fuck away from my ass."

Leo laughed and said.

"You sure about that bitch I know you want it. Remember the video. Now tell me you want me to play with your hole bitch."

I lowered my head once again and said.

"Please play with my hole Leo I like it."

Everyone laughed as I went back to sucking on Justin's dick. Now Justin also had a big dick. It was about 10 inches long also. I could not get it but halfway down. It was so weird feeling Leo finger my hole like he was fingering a pussy and me trying to suck Justin's dick. Finally, Justin started to cum in my mouth and I was told to swallow every drop. I did as he said and when he was finished, he got up and Phillip say down in his place.

Phillip was even bigger than Leo and Justin. His dick was about 12 inches hard. I was a little scared of it. Phillip put his dick in my mouth, and I started to suck. I then felt Leo pull his finger out of my ass and thought to myself finally I really hated that. Then Phillip grabbed my head and forcefully pushed my head all the way down on his dick balls deep.

I started to gag like crazy and tried my hardest to pull up off of him, but Justin then sat on my back grabbing ahold of my arms and restraining me from being able to push away. Then I felt Leo go behind me and with one fast and forceful push he slammed his dick up inside my ass.

Now I did not know I could do this, but I screamed as I had Phillips dick inside my throat. It hurt like hell. Then Phillip pulled my head up off his dick for a sec for me to catch my breath but only for a second. He then took ahold of my head and forced my head up and down on his dick and started to face fuck me.

I was the one who told him about face fucking. I told him he should do it to his girl and after he did that she broke up with him and said he was to rough. Now I see firsthand how bad it could be with his monster dick as now I was getting face fucked. But not only that I was now also getting fucked in my ass by Leo. I was in misery. I then felt Leo cum up inside my ass and almost at the same time Phillip came down my throat as they all screamed.

"Oh, fuck yeah you got such a tight pussy, yeah that's it swallow my cum bitch, yeah that's it boys show this fag how real men fuck. Fuck yeah, I am Cumming, oh yeah so am I dude. Fuck yeah."

After they was done, they all got off me and pushed me to the floor. And Leo came over and said to me.

"Just remember that I'm the one that took your cheery bitch, and you are now my bitch."

I laid there on the floor unable to move. I could not believe what has just happened to me. Then Leo grabbed my head and put his dick in my mouth and started to move me in and out as he said.

"That's right bitch, clean my dick off."

Everyone laughed and Leo pushed me to the floor once again in front of the couch as they all sat on the couch and put their feet up on me as if I was a foot stool. They turned the TV on and started to watch a movie. I just laid on the floor in disbelief of what just happened. In the past 3 days I have sucked off Leo twice and lost my cherry to him when he fucked me, and I also sucked off two of our teammates.

I was now regretting trying to get even with Leo by having his girl blow me and having Leo catch us. If I never did that this all would never be happing. Justin and Phillip both called their parents and got permission to stay the night at Leo's house, so I knew they was not done with me yet.

I heard Leo tell them how nice my pussy was and that they are going to have to fuck that pussy tonight. Phillip said.

"Fuck yeah I want inside that pussy. All the girls I fuck won't let me go balls deep, but I bet this fag would love that."

Then Justin said.

"Hell, yeah I could use a tight pussy tonight."

They then kept talking when Phillip said.

"Hey Leo, you're the captain of the dive team. I know a perfect way for you to keep up moral on the team and be the perfect captain."

Leo asked how and Phillip replied.

"Just make the fag here the team bitch. He can suck and get fucked by anyone on the team that needs to get off so that there at the top of their game. You know as well as I do if your sexually frustrated you cannot concentrate well. And this will fix that problem, and the fag can be your slave bitch. You will own him to give out to anyone on the team."

Leo smiled and said.

"Your right Phillip, that's a great idea. I bet we won't lose one single match with the bitch serving all of us."

I got scared hearing this and said.

"No, it will never happen. I won't do it."

Leo just laughed and said.

"Like you have a fucking choice. You will do it if you don't want everyone to know you're a cock sucker."

Just then Phillip grabbed me by my neck and pushed me down face first into the couch. He climbed on top of me and shoved his 12-inch dick right in my ass balls deep. I screamed out loud. It hurt so much. I have never been fucked before today and here I was with this monster dick shoved up in me and Phillip just started to pound the hell out of me.

I was now crying and begging him to pull out when Phillip said.

"Shut the fuck up fag, you know you love my big dick up inside your pussy."

He then put his hands on the back of my head and shoved my face into the couch cushions and fucked me as hard as he could. I could hear Leo and Justin say things like. Yeah, fuck that pussy. And Show that fag what a real man can do. The just kept saying things to get Phillip more into it and calling me a bitch and fuck that bitch harder. And trust me Phillip did just that. He fucked me as hard as he could.

Phillip finally started to cum and came up inside me to add to Leo's cum already inside me. He then pulled his dick out and right as he got off me Justin got on top and shoved his dick inside me. He pounded me just as hard as Phillip did. And the encouragement from the other two continued with Phillip saying tear up that pussy, and go deeper man, I was now crying big time into the couch, not only because I was humiliated and trust me, I was, but the pain was so bad it hurt.

Then finally Justin came inside me, and I thought it was all done, but when Justin got off me Leo got on and shoved his dick in me once again. Leo also kept pushing my face into the couch as he fucked me as hard as he could. He then came up inside me once again. They all three finished fucking me and when Leo got up, he grabbed my arm and pulled me off the couch and I hit the floor. Then Phillip said.

"Damn boys we fucked that slut so hard he just fell to the floor like a rag doll."

And he was not lying I was so used I could not do anything. My ass felt like it was on fire and I was now crying for real. Then Leo asked me.

"So, fag let me ask you again will you be the teams bitch and put out for all of them?"

In a crying voice I said.

"Yes, I will what every you want."

Then Phillip said to Leo.

"If this fag is going to be your slave you should have him call you Master and if you don't mind me and Justin can help you if you don't mind us owning him also and have him call us Master also."

Leo agreed and Phillip put his hand under my chin and made me look at him in the face and said.

"So, slave what do you think of that? You must call all three of us Master now."

I looked at Phillip and said.

"Yes Master"

All three of them started to laugh there ass off. Then Phillip said.

"You guys know since this fag is now our slave, he must do what we say, and we get to choose how he looks. So, for the first thing I want is for this fag to let his hair grow out so we have something to grab ahold of when we want."

All three agreed and I was told to let my hair grow out below my ears. I hate long hair and now I must let mine grow out because they want me to. I am so fucked. Literally and physically now. Then Leo said.

"You guys know that we know nothing about being master's and what slaves should do. I think we should go to the computer and research it."

We then all went to Leo's bedroom while they looked stuff up on master's and slaves. Truthfully, I knew nothing about this also. They were talking about how cool that would be to do and that sounds fun. Then all sudden Leo said.

"Damn it says here that there are slaves and then there is objects. That a slave has more control over the master because he can say no. but an object has no control and is at the masters will. Well boys I believe we don't have a slave that we have ourselves an object and it also says with objects you do not call him or he that you say it's or it when referring to your object."

They all laughed, and Phillip looked at me and said.

"Look at it just looking at us. It knows how much we are going to use it."

Leo then kept reading and said to me.

"Well fag it says here that objects need to know its place, so I should just tell you know. You are no longer my friend. Your just an object I own now like my Xbox. I would like you to meet my new two best friends Justin and Phillip. And since I am such a great friend, I am going to share you with them. You now are owned by all three of us."

They laughed and kept reading stuff to do to me and what they wanted out of me. The rest of the night was them on the computer reading stuff about masters and what to do and having me suck their dicks all night long. I must have sucked each of them off at least 3 times each throughout the night.

The next morning came and I was ordered to put my cloths back on and go home. I was super-fast in doing that and I ran home. Once I got back to my house I ran to the shower and washed my body for what seemed like hours.

My mom asked me if I had fun this weekend and I had to lie to her and tell her yes. Truth be told I had the worst weekend of my life. I went into my bedroom and laid on my bed in silence thinking about what all happened this weekend. I started to cry once again.

I have cried so much this weekend, if you did not know me before you would think that is all I did was cry when truth is, I never cried in my life. I did not even cry when my grandmother passed away. Then my phone rang and seen it was Leo calling me. I ignored the call and just laid there. He then called again, and I ignored it again. Then he text me and it said.

You better pick up that phone you fucking fag. Pick the phone up when I call or I'm coming over to your house and showing your parents the video of you begging me for my cock."

The phone then rang again and this time I answered, and Leo said.

"You dumb ass fucker. If you ever ignore my calls again, I am just going to send that video to everyone in school. Now I am calling you to tell you that tomorrow at school I want you to sit by me in every class so you can rub my dick for me. I am not going to tell you at school. You simply better do it. Oh, and be ready for practice tomorrow. It's going to be a long one."

He hung up and I spent my day dreading school tomorrow.

I finally went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning I did not even want to get out of bed. I did end up getting up and taking my shower. Then I got dressed for school and headed out the door. I took my time driving to school. When I finally got to school everything seemed normal.

I got to my first class and took my seat. Now Leo and I have all the same classes tighter and sat right next to one another. We have always done that since kindergarten when we first became best friends. I then seen Leo come in and sit in his seat right next to me. I knew right then by the look in his face I was going to have one hell of a long day.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 3

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