The Diving Team Bitch

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 17, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how my best friend turned me into the diving team's bitch.

This is a total fictional story and is for entertainment only. Please do not take anything personal or believe this will ever happen. Warning there is a lot of forced sex and blackmailing in this story so if you feel you would not like reading it please do not. Otherwise enjoy.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Diving Team Bitch

Chapter 1

So, to start my story off I need to give you a little background of my life and my best friends life. We are both 17 years old and are juniors at our high school. We have been best friends ever since kindergarten. My name is Nash, and my best friends name is Leo. I am thin but in shape you could say I have the typical swimmers build since I am on the diving team. I am kind of on the short side and only 5 feet and 7 inches tall. I have brown short hair. The sides are buzzed cut and I have a fade to a spiky messy look on top. I hate long hair and makes sure my hair is cut short. I weight only 140 pounds.

Everyone always comments on my bright blue eyes and tell me I look so sexy. I am also kind of arrogant and stuck up. You know the type I am the kind of guy that thinks his shit dose not stink and can get whatever I want. I would break up with girls for the smallest things because I felt they should be lucky to even be seen with me.

Now my best friend Leo was about the same way as me. Arrogant and stuck up. That is probably why we got along so well. He is taller than me at the height of 5 feet and 11 inches tall. He also has brown har but longer than mine. He has the same body build as I do but taller and with a little more muscle than I have.

Like I said we are now juniors in our high school and we both dive for the high school swim team. The old diving captain just graduated school, so the team was looking for a new team captain. I wanted to be the team captain so much. I am extremely competitive, and I knew I was going to get to be captain. Anything I have ever wanted I have always gotten.

The first couple practices came and went, and it was finally time to be told by our coach who the new team captain would be. The coach told us all to meet in the locker room and spoke.

"Ok everyone, I want to thank all of you for giving your all. I know we are going to have a great team this year. And to lead everyone to all our victories will be your new team captain Leo. Congratulations Leo. Now its your job to keep the team moral up and lead everyone to all of our victories."

Everyone started to clap and cheer for Leo, except for me. I was majorly pissed off. I wanted to be captain and here was my best friend stealing that right under me. Leo came over to me and spoke.

"I'm so sorry about that Nash, at least one of us get to be captain, oh wait I'm not sorry you always get everything and it's time for me to finally beat you in something."

Leo then started to laugh and walked away. Like I said we are both very arrogant and competitive. I then went home and started to think of ways to get back at Leo. Then I came up with an idea. I would have his girl suck my dick and break them up. I really did not want his girl, I just wanted to get even.

The next day I invited Leo's girlfriend over to my place and told her that Leo has a surprise for her. When she got there, she asked where Leo was. I told her that he should be there soon but let us wait in the living room for him to get there. Now I had her come one hour before Leo so I could have him walk in on his girl sucking my dick.

I looked at my phone and seen Leo text me and said he was on his way now; I text back to just walk in that we were in the living room waiting on him. So, I then pulled out my dick in front of her on the couch and she looked over and spoke.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I replied.

"Getting my dick out for you to suck on, you know I am the most popular guy in school, and everyone wishes they could suck on me, well I'm giving you the chance to now. Leo just text me and said he was going to be longer than expected so I figured while we wait on Leo you can blow me, and it will be our little secret."

She smiled and then put her head down to my crotch and started to suck my dick. I knew right then I would get my revenge on Leo. Not even 5 minutes into my blow job Leo walks in and I put my hands on the back of his girlfriend's head and hold it down on my dick to make sure Leo seen what was going on and then let her up. Leo then said.

"What the fuck is going on here. You got to be fucking kidding me, my best friend is getting head from my girl. Fuck this I'm out."

I started to laugh and told his girl to get out. She was upset but was not my problem. She was crying and try to chase Leo down. I just shut the door and laughed. The next morning at school I walked up to Leo and spoke.

"You remember how you said at least one of us get to be captain, and that you didn't care. Well at least one of us had to get head from your girl and I don't care."

You can see the anger in Leo's eyes, and it made me feel good. Yes, we are best friends and we have had fights before. But after about a month or so we were always good, and I knew we would be fine. at least I got my revenge on him.

After school I went to the locker room like always and got ready for practice. While changing into my speedos I looked over at Leo and grabbed my crotch and shook my hand to fuck with him. Now the coach never came into the locker room when we were there, so we always talked shit and did whatever we wanted to in there. We all went out to the pool area and the coach started to tell us what jumps to do. I see Leo go over and talk to the coach and then he came over to me and spoke.

"Hey, I just told coach that you're not being a team player and we need to have a conversation in the locker room to how we are going to fix this problem."

I agreed and followed him into the locker room and was going to tell him that if he wanted to fix this, he can tell the coach to name me captain. Last year I was co-captain and that normally goes to sophomore, but he can be my co-captain as a junior. We got in the locker room and Leo sucker punched me in the gut and I feel down to the ground.

He then pushed me against the lockers while I was still on the ground. Leo did not say a word and put his crotch to my face and started to rub his crotch on my face. I started to yell saying.

"What the fuck are you doing man, get your fucking dick out of my fucking face."

Leo did not say a word and reached into his speedos and pulled his dick out and started to smack my face with it. I kept telling him to fucking stop and I tried to fight back. And Leo grabbed my wrists and pined them above my head against the lockers and without me knowing he shoved his dick into my mouth as I was yelling at him.

Now yes, I have seen Leo and everyone else on the dive team in their speedos before, but we all were never hard, and I never really looked at anyone's crotch, so I didn't know Leo was hung. He must have been at least 10 inches long hard and now was in my mouth.

I started to gag on his dick as he finally started to talk.

"Just so you know I broke up with that whore that was sucking your dick, so because it's your fault she won't be suck my dick dry anymore, I only think it's fair that you do that for me from now on. You don't want your captain to be sexually frustrated now do you?"

Leo was now pushing in and out of my face like crazy but could not get his dick to go into my throat. Just then I heard someone walking into the locker room and Leo did not even stop he just kept face fucking me and I heard one of our teammates yell out.

"Holly shit what the fuck are you guys doing?"

I could tell by the voice it was Justin. Then Leo replied

"Oh, Nash is giving me a blow job. He has been begging me for my dick for weeks now and I figured since I just broke up with my girl, I would take the fag up on his offer. Bet you the fag will suck your dick for you also if you want Justin."

I could not say anything with Leo dick in my mouth and all I could do was gag the whole time they were talking. Justin leaned down to see Leo's dick in my mouth and spoke.

"If Nash is a fag why isn't he deep throating your dick."

Nash replied.

"Because I have not yet let the fag have it all, but I think it's time I do.

With that Leo pushed his hips in and pressed had on my face and kept pushing until all 10 inches was in and I could feel his dick down my throat. I could not breath now and Leo just held his dick there as Justin watched and just spoke.

"Damn dude I can see the outline of your dick in the fags throat. Face fuck that fag Leo"

With that Leo started to face fuck me fast and within minutes I heard Leo yell out and pull his dick out of my mouth and stated to cum all over my face.

"Holly hell. Fuck yeah, I am Cumming. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Yeah, that is it. Fucking A."

Leo shot tons of his cum all over my face and I was now crying for the first time in my life as my best friend covered me in his cum after forcing me to blow him. Once Leo was done, he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Now that is what you get for having my girl blow you. And do not think it will be the only time you suck me off. I have plans for you."

With that Leo and Justin walked out of the locker room to go back out to practice when Leo yelled at me.

"Hurry up fag and get back out there for practice. I hope you learned your lesson and will now be a team player and support me as your captain, I don't want to have another talk with you about your attitude."

I stood up and went to the sink to wash my face off and looked at myself in the mirror and started to tear up again seeing myself covered in cum. I cleaned my face off and got myself together and went back out to the pool. Leo looked at me laughed and spoke.

"Aww wish you didn't was my spunk off your face, you looked good wearing it."

It was now my turn to dive. I went up the ladder to the diving board. Went to dive. And when I dived, I had the worst entry into the water I have ever had in my life. I was not able to concentrate at all and had so many more things on my mind. I heard the coach yell at me to get my mind into it and concentrate.

It was no use I had the worst practice I have ever had in my life. The coach approached me and spoke.

"I don't know what is up with you Nash, but the meet is tomorrow, and I can't have you dive like that, so I'm benching you tomorrow. You need to get past this and get back to normal."

We all went into the locker room to change back into our cloths when Leo yelled out.

"He everyone, Nash here is a faggot and begged me to let him suck my dick when we came in here to talk about his attitude and how he needs to be a team player."

Justin then yelled out.

"Yeah, I came in while Nash was sucking Leos dick."

I then got pissed off and yelled out.

"What the fuck ever, I'm not a fag, Leo forced his dick in my mouth and made me suck his dick."

With that everyone started to laugh, and I just realized I just admitted to sucking Leo's dick. I got upset and told everyone how I was forced and that I am not a fag. And they could all go to hell.

I went home and was so mad and pissed off. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. So, I went home, ate my dinner and went right to bed. The next morning, I felt a little better. I went to school and everything seemed fine until I ran into so of my teammates. They started to say things like. Dick breath, and calling me cock sucker, and fag. I got mad again and told them to shut the fuck up.

All day long every member of the dive team kept saying things like that to me and it made me furious. After school we all meet up for the diving meet against another team. In the locker room everyone was talking about how I sucked off Leo. Then one of my teammates his name is Phillip came over to me and grabbed my hand and put it on his dick and said.

"Feel that big dick bitch? I bet you would love to suck on it all night for me, wouldn't you?"

I pulled my hand back and yelled at him.

"Keep your fucking hands off me Phillip. I'm not a fag and you need to get the fuck away from me."

Everyone on the team laughed and started to go out to the pool for the meet. I stopped Leo and told him.

"Hey enough is enough you had your fun now; you need to tell everyone that I'm not a fag and clean this mess you."

Leo looked at me and replied.

"Your right I do, let's talk after the meet and we will figure it out."

Finally, I thought to myself. This will all be fix. So, we all went out to the meet. I was benched so I did not get to dive. But I watched as out team won. After the meet no one really said anything to me they were all excited about the win. Everyone left and it was just me and Leo left in the locker room. I looked at him and said.

"So, are you going to tell everyone that I'm not a fag and you did that to get even with me fir having your girl blow me?"

Leo replied.

"Yeah, I can but first you need to stoke my ego. I want you to ask your parents to stay the weekend at my house. Come over tonight. And I want you to act like you want my dick. Beg me for my dick, get between my legs and pull my dick out for me, and suck my dry. After that I want you to tell me how much you love my cock and beg me to suck me off again."

Now I was confused as why Leo wanted me to do this and I ask.

"Why dude? You know I am not a fag. Why would you want me to do that?"

Leo replied.

"Like I said to stroke my ego. I want to know I won. That I bet you in something. I want you to know I'm better than you. If you don't want to do it, I understand, you don't have to, but I also don't have to tell the team I forced you to suck me and that you're really straight. You can deal with them on your own without me."

I then replied.

"Fine you win. Is that what you want to hear?"

Leo smiled and said.

"Yes, it is, and I want you to stay the weekend at my place and beg me for my cock and suck me off."

I thought for a minute and figured I have already sucked his dick once. What would be one last time, and do as he said so I agreed and told Leo I would do it as long as he fixes this mess he made. Leo replied.

"Yeah, trust me I will fix everything. Now when you come over, I want you to be all over me like a whore in heat. Once we get to my bedroom, I want you to say loudly how much you want my dick and beg me for it. I do not want to tell you to act that way I just want you to do it. Make me feel like the alpha."

I just said fine I will and went home. Once home I ate dinner and asked my parents if I could stay at Leos this weekend. They of course said yes because I have done that many of times in the past. So, I got together a bag with cloths for the weekend and headed over there.

Leo only lived two streets down from me, so I walked to his house like I always do. I got to his house and rang the doorbell. I waited a few minutes, and no one answered so I rang the doorbell again. Finally, Leo came to the door and said.

"Damn faggot hold on and let me get to the door. I know you can't wait to suck my dick but damn you're in a real rush to get in here."

I ignored what Leo said and went in and could tell Leo was home alone. I asked him where everyone was and he said.

"Oh, my parents and little brother went away for the weekend. I told them I wanted to stay home and spend time with you, so they let me say home, we have the house to ourselves all weekend. So you can suck my dick a lot this weekend."

I Laughed in my mind and thought ok whatever let's get this little scene done so he can tell everyone the truth. We walked upstairs to his bedroom and once in there I put my bag on the floor and said.

"Please Leo can I now suck your dick for you."

Leo went over and sat down on his computer chair and looked at me and said.

"No fag you can't, if you really want my dick you better beg me better than that. I'm not a fag like you, so I need to hear how much you want my dick in the cock sucker of yours."

I then replied.

"Please Leo Please let me suck your straight cock. I want to make you feel good Please."

Leo laughed and said.

"Not good enough fag. I want you to get on your knees in front of me and put your face into my crotch as you beg."

I did not understand why he wanted me to do this except for making me pay for what I did with his girl. I thought in my mind he was going too far with it but if I wanted him to tell everyone the truth, I would have to do it and be over with it. So, I went to my knees and put my face in his crotch and begged him.

"Please Leo, I need your big, long cock in my mouth. Please let me suck you off and make you feel good please."

Leo smiles and said.

"Sure, fag you can suck my cock, pull it out and get to work faggot."

Leo was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and when I put my hands at the waits and pulled them down his dick flopped out already hard. He was not wearing any underwear. I then put my lips around his dick and started to go up and down on his dick. He then hit me across my head yelling at me.

"Get your fucking teeth off my dick. I do not want to feel your teeth fag. Now suck my cock right and cover your teeth."

I did as he ordered. Now this was the actual first time I have ever sucked a guy's dick without being forced like in the locker room, so I really did not know what I was doing at all. I just kept going up and down on it and I could only get about halfway down. Leo was getting close and then told me.

"I'm about to cum faggot so when I do I want you to hold my cum in your mouth and not swallow. I want to see my cum in that mouth of yours."

I kept sucking his dick and then I heard Leo.

"Fuck yeah I'm Cumming, oh that's it fag work my cock. Get all that cum out of my balls. Fuck yeah."

Leo started to shoot cum into my mouth and I just let it sit in my mouth like he had asked me to. Leo filled my mouth so much I did not know if I could hold all his cum in my mouth. He finally finished and he grabbed me by my neck and pulled my face to his and said.

"Open that mouth wide fag I want to see my cum."

I did and his cum started to fall out the side of my mouth because there was so much, I could feel it going down to my chin when he said.

"That's good fag now swallow my cum and open your mouth to show me it's all gone."

I closed my mouth and swallowed his cum and then reopened my mouth to show Leo that I drank his cum. It was so nasty, and I felt low doing it but I knew this was the end of my torment. Leo the ordered me down to lick his dick clean. As I started to lick his dick clean, he turned on his computer and then I heard voice. Then Leo said.

"See guys I told you Nash was a fag. Did you see how he begged me for my dick and even swallowed my cum."

All I could hear was my teammates say things like. Holly shit Leo was telling the truth, and damn I did not know Nash really was a fag. And someone even said. That is proof that Leo did not force the fag to blow him. Leo then said goodbye to everyone and disconnected from the video chat.

I was so humiliated and shocked that I could not say a word or even pull my head up from Leo's crotch to look at my teammates and friends. Leo then started to talk.

"Now see fag I told you I would fix everything. I was on chat ever since you got here, and everyone watched you beg me for my cock. They watched everything. In fact, I recorded it also. Now the dive team all knows what you did but if you don't want the entire school and your family to see this video you will do as I say."

I started to cry again. I knew I was screwed now. Like I said before I never cry but here, I am two days in a row crying. And when I say crying, I mean a few tears came out. I am not big on emotions. Leo then stood up and took all his clothes off and went to his bed. He laid there with his legs open and told me to lick his dick and do not stop until he said I could stop. As I had my head in his crotch licking his dick, he played his Xbox and that lasted for at least 3 hours.

Leo was finally ready for bed and he said.

"Now you are to sleep right where you are with your face in my crotch. I don't want you to move."

And with that he turned out the lights and went to sleep with me licking his dick still.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 2

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