The District

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Aug 12, 2023


THE DISTRICT-30 Turning Points

Written by: Eugene Marvin (aka)



47 yr old Julio Espisedo pulled up in front of A-Building at Roswell Heights [a south Philly housing development]. He looked down at the address he had scribbled on a piece of paper, then headed into building to take the elevator up to the 6th floor.

Julio was well aware of The Projects, having lived down the street from the neighborhood eyesore for years. In fact his son was killed because of these Projects [the last of its kind in the Phila area].

He got off the elevator, then walked down to the numbered door he was looking for and knocked. It was well after 10am, and he knew Junior would be in school, allowing him to have a private conversation with his parents.

"Yes...?" asked 41 yr old Jerome Sr,, answering the door.

"Mr Taylor...? I'm Julio Espisedo..." he introduced, shaking hands. "...I'm here to talk about your SON, Junior...!"

"Oh...?" said Jerome, looking the Puerto-Rican man up and down. "Come in...!" he offered, closing the door behind them. "How do you KNOW, Junior...?" he asked, curiously.

Roseland Taylor [Jerome's 40 year old pregnant wife] came out of the bedroom in her nightgown, her prominent belly showing the few months she had left to carry.

"He's come to a couple of my weekly Father's Against Drugs meetings at my house..." answered Julio, much to Jerome's surprise.

"Oh really...?" responded the father, having had no clue.

"Is something wrong...?" asked Roseland, slowly approaching the conversation.

"uh, no honey..." answered Jerome. "...Mr. Espisedo just came by to talk about Junior...!"

"What about him...?" asked Roseland, looking Julio up and down as if he was something good to eat.

"uh..., are either of you aware that your son Junior was selling DRUGS in the streets...?" asked Julio, bluntly.

Jerome and Roseland looked at each other...

"uh...yes...we were aware..." said the father. "...but kids will be kids..." he added, to Julio's surprise. "...sometimes they have to stumble before they walk...!" he testified.

"Well, are you aware that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore...?" asked Julio. "That's one of the reasons why he's been coming to my meetings with his friend Todd..., he doesn't want to be a drug dealer anymore..., he wants to go to college...!"

"We can't afford college..." said Roseland, "...we can barely keep up with the BILLS as it is...!"

"I know..." said Julio. "...and I'm aware that THAT'S probably why you choose to turn your heads to the fact that Junior was selling drugs in the first place...! But I'm here to tell you that paying your monthly bills, as well as the RENT on this apartment, is NOT Junior's responsibility..., its YOURS! He shouldn't be risking his academic future because his parents are too lazy to find a JOB...! HE shouldn't be worrying about how he's going to pay the rent..., HE should only be worried about which COLLEGE he wants to attend...!"

"HOLD IT..., who'r YOU to come into OUR house and tell us how to raise OUR children...?!" asked Roseland, insulted by everything Julio just said. "My son doesn't PAY the rent here, we're on assistance! And my HUSBAND is on the verge of finding another job to support his family! So I don't know WHERE you get your information from, but you NEED to go back to them and tell them nosey ass neighbors to mind their business and not to worry about what happens in OUR household!"

"Roseland, don't stress yourself..." warned Jerome, rushing to her side as she clutched the base of her bloated belly. "...the baby..."

"Get that man OUT of here...!" insisted Roseland, walking back towards the back bedroom to lie down.

"My wife..." said Jerome, waiting until Roseland made it back into the room and closed the door. "...she's pregnant and not allowed to have a lot of stress...!"

"I'm sorry if I stressed her..." said Julio.

"Its okay..." said Jerome. "...but WHERE did you get your information...?" he asked, curiously.

"I...hear HUMORS in the streets..." admitted Julio. "...although I tend to choose NOT to believe them all...!"

"Rumors such as...?" asked Jerome.

"Do I really need to get into what people have been saying about you and your family...?" asked Julio, trying to spare Jerome some embarrassment.

"YOU came to OUR house with these accusations..." said Jerome, "...I just want to know WHAT ELSE you might have heard...?"

Julio cleared his throat...

"I heard..., that your family was once a prominent religious family that attended church on a regular basis..., until Kane came along and corrupted you by turning you onto his sex slave...!" he answered.

"Oh...?" responded Jerome, his eyes diverting down to the front of Julio's pants to his crotch.

"Of course I refuse to believe that a father would allow his family to be sacrificed simply because some drug dealer came along and pulled the rug from up under him...!" said the older man, noticing Jerome's eyes cast down towards his groin.

Jerome couldn't help staring at the Puerto-Rican man's crotch, wondering what his dick looked and tasted like? Julio saw Junior's dad absentmindedly lick his lips, as if imagining his prick in his mouth. Julio hadn't seen such a blatant display of lust since his girlfriend's son [Kaleb Nelson] eyeballed his crotch as if it were a steak dinner [Roswell Heights & The HOOD], and started to realize the rumors just MIGHT be true after all...

"uh, Mr. Taylor..., can we focus, please...?" he asked, grabbing his attention back up into his eyes. "Junior needs a STABLE environment in order to get his life together..." he continued. " there any WAY you could ask the pastor of your church to perhaps get the congregation to pull together their resources to help Junior get to college...?"

"umm...I'm not sure..." said Jerome, staring back down at the bulge in Julio's pants. "...he's very busy with raising funds for his campaign..."

"Right..." said Julio, realizing Jerome was no more interested in helping his son get into college than he was finding a job. If Julio wanted to help Junior, it would HAVE to be without the parents' consent. "...thanks a lot for your time, Mr Taylor..., you've helped me make up my mind on what I need to do...!"

"Oh...glad I could help..." said Jerome, following Julio to the door. "uh..." he hesitated as Julio pulled the door open before turning back to see what the father wanted...? Jerome looked back towards the bedroom to make certain his wife couldn't hear, then he turned back around and looked down at Julio's crotch... "...if you...NEED my help with anything else..., feel free to call me...!" he offered, licking his lips to make certain Julio got his innuendo. "ANYTHING at all...!"

Julio nodded his head, holding back the contempt he felt for the father right now.

"I will." he lied, walking away, feeling as if he suddenly needed another shower...


The Church Of Families Of Christianity

Julio had to admit that he hadn't been to Sunday Services in a long time [having gone through a period of resentment towards god for allowing his son's life to be taken away at such a young age], but he was aware of The Church Of Christianity, as many of the members of FAD attended regularly, including his fiancé Latrina.

Julio walked into the church's open doors, then requested an appointment to see The Reverend Malcolm H. Holmes as soon as possible. "And WHAT is the nature of your visit...?" asked the secretary, checking his appointments on computer.

"I'm here to talk to him urgently about the corruption of innocence in one of his longtime members..." he said, causing the woman to become alarmed.

"Corruption...?" she asked, her face poised with serious shock.

"Sex and drugs...!" informed Julio, knowing the older woman would take it to heart.

"Oh lord..." she said, picking up the phone. Julio smiled on the inside when he noticed the sudden urgency in her actions. "Reverend Holmes..., I have a gentleman out here to see you..., he says its about a matter of corruption of one of our current members...! Yes. Okay." she said before hanging up. "The reverend will see you as SOON as he's finished with his last appointment...!" she informed, showing Julio to one of the waiting chairs outside the office.


Reverend Holmes sat behind his desk, his pants and underwear wrapped down around his ankles as one of his young congregation members [Malivia Brown-18] knelt on the floor before him, bobbing his head in his lap and doing his best to swallow the reverend's hard penis whole.

Reverend Holmes watched [amusingly] as Malivia tried swallowing his dick valiantly time after time, only to fall short repeatedly, feeling like a failure. Holmes had gotten ahold of the boy shortly after his mother [a long time member] pulled him into the reverend's office kicking and screaming. Malivia was what most people would call a BAD BOY, except reverend Holmes was able to look inside the boy's angry eyes and instantly assess his problem. Malivia was GAY, but he didn't want to be, which caused him to act out mischievously at times, getting into trouble.

Holmes held a few sessions with the boy and his mother, then began sessions alone with just the boy. After finding out Malivia WANTED to be a good boy, Holmes devised a plan to get into the boy's pants while simultaneously `cleansing his soul' of the impurities that caused him to act out. The results were [like now], Malivia choking on the end of his dick, trying desperately to get his dick to spit its anointments down his throat.

"UHG...UHG...UHG...UHG...UHG...UHG..." gagged Malivia every time Holmes' dick went anywhere near the back of his throat. Holmes had been getting HEAD by the boy for the past 40 minutes, stretching his mouth to fit his fat 8" dick inside, but time was becoming of the essence as someone was now waiting to meet with him between appointments.

Holmes placed his hand atop the back of Mal's bobbing head, and forced him to go deeper.

"If you WANT that anointment, you're gonna have to learn to go DEEP...!" he informed the boy, making Mal's eyes bulge.

Reverend Holmes' was the only dick Malivia had ever sucked, as well as the only man [up until then] to taken him anally, anointing his insides with his precious white gold, taking away the demons that governed his life [at least temporarily until the next anointment, which seemed to be coming sooner and sooner].

Holmes helped bob Mal's head in his lap, making him take MORE than he was comfortable with. Malivia's hands shot up to Holmes naked thighs defensively, trying to limit the depth and damage his big dick was doing to his throat, when Holmes suddenly wrapped his fist around his pulsing shaft and started jacking. Malivia lifted off the reverend's dick, licking his lips wantonly as he prepared to eat the load. He didn't wait long before the first shot hit him in the face. Holmes gently lowered his mouth back onto his spurting dick, making him take the rest into his mouth, anointing his oral cavity with his precious gold.

Malivia felt his mouth fill with the reverend's juices, and gathered as much into his mouth as he could before it started to escape around the corners of his lips. Holmes held his head in place on his dick until he stopped spurting, then [and only then] he allowed Malivia to lift his head and swallow. Mal gulped down this thick salty liquid, feeling it slither down his throat towards his stomach. He licked the last droplets from the reverend's dickhead before standing.

"Here..." said Holmes, passing Mal a tissue off his desk. " might want to clean THAT off your face before you head out...!"

"Oh...thanks..." said Mal, wiping the cum from his face.

Julio sat outside in the waiting area only a few minutes before the door opened...

"Thank you reverend Holmes..." said Malivia, stopping in the foyer to say goodbye. "...I really appreciate all the TIME you spend trying to help me...!"

"THAT'S what a pastor's here for, Malivia..." smiled Holmes, temporarily depleted as he tried not to look as physically drained as he felt. " look after the NEEDS of his flock!"

"Thank you again, sir..." said Mal, shaking hands before leaving, nearly walking into Julio as the Puerto-Rican stood to greet the pastor. "Oh...sorry..." said Malivia, respectfully, causing Julio to pause..., was that streak of semen streaming over the boy's left ear? –he wondered.

"May I help you...?" asked the reverend, catching Julio's drifting attention as he turned back towards the reverend and his secretary...

"uh...yes..." said Julio, clearing his mind and getting back to business. "...I'm Julio Espisedo..., I found a nonprofit organization called F.A.D..."

"Fathers Against Drugs..." said Holmes, surprising Julio.

"You've HEARD of it...?" asked the Puerto-Rican, proudly,

"Yes, well..., we have several members that attend your organization..., and they have nothing but rave reviews for it...!" answered the reverend, making Julio beam inside. "Shall we take this into my office...?" he added, showing Julio inside.

"Reverend Holmes, I understand you're a busy man and I don't want to hold up too much of your time..." started Julio, following behind him. "...but there's a family in Roswell Heights, members of YOUR congregation I'm told, that could really use the church's help in getting the family OUT of there and sending their young son to college...! He really has a lot of potential to be someone very productive to the community, if given the RIGHT opportunities...! I think if you meet them up close, you'll understand why I feel the way I feel...!"

"Oh, of course..." said Holmes, pausing at his desk. "...WHO is this family with the extraordinary son...?"

"It's the Taylor family, reverend..." answered Julio, getting an `hmm' look from Holmes' face. "...and their SON Junior...! Do you KNOW them already...?"

"uh...yes...yes, I know OF them..." said Holmes, his mind racing to find ways to distance himself from this conversation. "...I've even TRIED counseling the father, after he lost his job at KFC, I believe..." added the reverend, "...but it was hopeless...!"

"Hopeless...?" questioned Julio, surprised to hear THAT word from a pastor about one of his flock.

"Yes..., of course I can't go into detail about what we discussed..., but suffice to say, I did ALL I could do to help the family, and I can't do anymore...!"

"Well...can I ask WHY Junior has to suffer for the deeds of his father...?" asked Julio. "Surely the church hasn't given up on a 17 year old BOY who's lost in an ocean of drugs, drug dealers, and prostitutes...!"

"JUNIOR is welcomed to come into the church, pray, and receive counseling whenever he feels the desire!" said Holmes, taking his seat behind his desk.

Julio noticed a balled tissue on the floor beside the wastebasket, and bent over to dispose of it FOR the reverend, only to feel something sticky against his fingers, causing the tissue to stick like glue before being discarded...

"This COUNSELING session you mentioned, reverend..., would it by chance involve the same kind of session as the LAST young man to leave your office...?" he asked. Reverend Holmes looked perplexed...

" WOULD..." he answered, defensively.

Julio sniffing his fingers [after discarding the tissue]...

"Then you MIGHT want to invest in lemon scented Handiwipes..." he snared, before leaving the office. " masks the smell of SEMEN very well...!" he concluded before walking out.



17 yr old Cole Richman sat outside the stoop of his building, sulking over the loss of his girlfriend [15 yr old Rose Taylor (who was stolen by his drug dealer boss 35 yr old Kane after Kane whored her and her family out during a business meeting} /chap-24]. Cole never particularly loved Rose, but he WAS the one who took her virginity and impregnated her with her first child, so he felt as if she belonged to him. Kane had no right to steal her from under his nose. He knew Kane was just jealous that [up until that point] HE was the only one who had fucked the entire Taylor family, including: the father, the mother, the son, AND the daughter.

He watched as Rose walked down the street [carrying her school books in hand], laughing and joking with her girlfriends as if everything was hunky-dory. Anger instantly shot through him [thinking about his neglected dick] as he jumped up from the stoop and ran down to meet Rose and her friends. Rose wasn't paying much attention after getting off the bus from school, just being a teenager [and joking about dating an older man] when Cole suddenly ran up and physically knocked her books onto the ground...

"COLE, what the hell..." she reaction before he gripped her by the hair, yanking her head backwards. Rose's girlfriends screamed for him to stop abusing her as Rose fought back, trying to claw his face as he wrestled with her hands and shoved her to the ground.

"You BITCH WHORE!" yelled the teen father, kicking her in the gut as RED flashed before his eyes.

"HEY..." yelled 17 yr old Todd Meriwether, jumping from his mother's car [as it pulled up in front of the building]. Todd's mom [Monique] barely had time to register what was happening when her son jumped from the car, then tackled Cole onto the pavement.

The 2 boys started fist fighting as Todd fought for Rose's honor. They wrestled on the ground for a few minutes before Todd finally connected across Cole's jaw, punching him in the face several times before his mother jumped in to pull them apart.

"Stop this fighting right now...! You're supposed to be friends...!" said Monique, unaware of the boys true history.

"FUCK YOU, TODD..." yelled Cole, his face flushed and full of anger. "...YUR DEAD, MOTHER FUCKER...! YOU HEAR ME...? YUR FUCKIN' DEAD!!!" he pointed, holding back the tears before taking off down the street.

"What the FUCK was that all about...?!" asked Monique Meriwether, having worked 2 jobs to support her son, and having no idea what was going on in his life.

"He was beating up on ROSE...!" answered Todd, breathing hard, his clothing disheveled from the fight.

"Who's ROSE...??" asked Monique [completely out of the loop], looking around at the teenaged girls standing about.

"Junior's sister...!" answered Todd, walking over to her as she clutched her aching stomach [being held up by 2 of her girlfriends].

"WHY was he hitting her...??" asked Monique, halfway concerned for the girl, but mostly for her son.

"Cause he's an asshole...!" answered Todd, trying to help Rose into the building. "She had a baby not too long ago..., and here he is kicking her while she's on the ground...!"

Todd's mother grabbed his arm, yanking him from Rose's side...

"Is it YOUR baby...???!" she asked, fearful that it might be.

Todd looked at his mother as if she were crazy...

"No..." he answered [much to her relief]. "'s Cole's...! He's the father...!"

"Then this has NOTHING to do with you...!" said Monique sternly.

"But mom..., he was HITTING on..."

"That's NONE of your business...!" yelled Monique, cutting off her son. "That's between THAT boy and his baby's mother! NOW you have him threating you...! As if I don't have enough to worry about while I'm at work!" she scolded. "Go upstairs...!"

"But..." protested Todd...

"I said GO UPSTAIRS!" screamed Monique, pointing up to the tenth floor where they lived.

Todd stifled his anger [slightly embarrassed to be yelled at by his mom in front of the whole neighborhood], then turned and stormed upstairs like his mother requested. Monique watched Rose's girlfriends help her towards the building as she retrieved groceries from the trunk of the car. She couldn't WAIT until her son started college so he could get away from all this neighborhood drama...!



The music could be heard from nearly a half block away, as 53 yr old David McConnell and his 32 yr old campaign advisor Brian Dunn walked into the club, amidst a large group of African American men, all drinking, partying, and waiting for the night's entertainment to begin.

McConnell followed Dunn over to a reserved seat near the front of the stage, then ordered 2 beers from a scantly clad waitress. McConnell blushed when he looked up to tell the young lady his order, and came face to face with her perky B-cup breasts showing through a sheer negligee.

"WHY are we here, Brian...?" asked McConnell, already feeling uncomfortable.

"I need you to SEE something...!" said Dunn, looking around at all the attractive men.

"But THIS is a straight strip-club..." informed McConnell, "...we're 2 GAY men..., what could I possibly need to see here...?"

"You'll see..." said Dunn, accepting the beers from the young lady as the DJ announced the first stripper of the night.


From a side door came a voluptuous woman with thick thighs, wide hips, and big boobs. She stepped up on stage to the cheers of all the men [minus two] in the room. The music started, and she started dancing and gyrating as if her life depended on it. Grabbing the stripper-pole, she swung around for 6 swirls, tossing her long flowing hair weave before falling on her ass to scissor her legs open, showing the string thong separating her vaginal lips under her mini-wrap.

McConnell diverted his eyes and squirmed uncomfortably in his seat as he waited to see what this big surprise was Dunn wanted him to see?

"Are you LOOKING...?" asked Dunn over the music, leaning into David so he could hear him.

"I'm trying NOT to..." said McConnell.

"Do you RECOGNIZE the woman...?" asked Dunn, causing McConnell to take a second look.

Cocoalicious was on her hands and knees, her ass facing McConnell [the thong string tight up her ass], as she looped her head around like a rock star, before resting back on her heels to lower her top and expose her big pillowy tits. Afterwards she stood up again, then leaped onto the stripper-pole, turning her body upside down as she scissor her legs open and slowly receded down the pole to the stage floor [her enormous tits hitting over her neck as she threw her head back on the descent].

"SHOULD I...?" asked McConnell, unable to place her...face.

"Her last name is: HOLMES...!" informed Dunn, causing clarity to wash over McConnell's confused face. "That's Cassandra Holmes..., reverend Holmes' 32 year old WIFE!"

McConnell's mouth dropped open as Cassandra looked at him upside down, then seductively sucked her forefinger before slithering off the stage on her back, spilling onto the floor as she crawled over between his legs, then buried her face in his groin as if giving him a blow job. McConnell looked over at Dunn [who was nearly on the floor with laughter]. Cassandra threw her head back [causing her long hair to land down her bare back] as she looked up into his face, licking her lips desirably [with a wink], before moving on to the next man.

"WHY didn't you WARN ME...?!" asked McConnell, caught completely off guard, as he and Dunn got up to leave.

"I wanted to SEE the surprise on your face...!" laughed Dunn, leading his way to the door.

"I was surprised, alright..." said McConnell, as they stepped outside. " long has she been dancing...?"

"Reverend Holmes MET her in the strip-club..." informed Dunn, shocking McConnell for a second time tonight. "...but while she doesn't strip daily for a living..., she's also never really stopped...!"

"I guess once a stripper, always a stripper, eh...?" stated McConnell.

"So the question is..., WHAT will you DO with this information, now that you have it...?" asked Dunn, curiously.

McConnell leaned back against his car as he gave Dunn's question some thought...

"I find it difficult to swallow that the whole time Elliott's sex video was being scrutinized by the public and the media, that reverend Holmes was among the FIRST to speak out against it, turning an unfortunate and embarrassing moment for my family into a political assassination..., while all the while his WIFE was stripping at the local titty-bar...!" stated McConnell.

"So..." said Dunn, looking for an answer to his question. "...THIS would be the perfect way to get back at him...!"

McConnell looked up at his assistant...

"But even so..., I wouldn't embarrass him by mentioning his wife's indiscretions to the media! What happens in his PRIVATE life is just that..., --private! I wouldn't try to benefit from his family's misery and turmoil...!"

McConnell was waiting for Dunn's response, when Dunn suddenly rushed him, kissing him full center on the lips. McConnell [shocked for the third time tonight] pushed Dunn off him, as passer-bys took a second look at 2 men kissing in public. A few straight men standing outside the strip-club jeered, saying obnoxious things from a distance.

"BRIAN...!" yelled McConnell, frustrated that he had to keep fighting off his advances.

"I'm sorry..." said Dunn, "'s just SO REFRESHING to meet a man who isn't about steamrolling over everyone to get what he wants...! I've never MET anyone like you before...! You're amazing!"

"I'm just trying to find my own way through life..." said McConnell, modestly.

"You have MORE integrity in you pinky than reverend Holmes has in his entire body!" stated Dun. "Trust me, I know!"

"HOW do you know reverend Holmes so well...?" asked McConnell, wondering what dirt Dunn had on everyone...?

"Let's just say he's NOT as discreet as he thinks he is...!" said Dunn vaguely, not ready to reveal his position...



Things seemed to be a little tense around the McConnell/Davenport household as both men had heavy thoughts plaguing their minds. McConnell had the heavy burden of running for mayor, keeping his private life a secret, protecting his family from the media, and dealing with his one-time infidelity against his boyfriend with his assistant. Ramone's burden lay in his undercover work, his disintegrating relationship with his boyfriend, and the burning hot affair he had with Marvin Rollins.

Ramone couldn't get the idea of Marvin fucking him out of his mind [chap-28]. The way he took command of his body [slipping his finger[s] into his ass while getting a blow job from the drug house's designated house-bitch], was totally amazing. In fact he got erections every time he thought about it.

Ramone came out of the bathroom as McConnell was sitting up in bed reading. McConnell barely looked at Ramone since his infidelity with Dunn [chap-16], still feeling guilty about his actions.

Ramone was wearing only pajama bottoms before climbing into bed. He kissed his lover goodnight, then turned onto his side and pretended to go to sleep. The room lay quiet for a what felt like an eternity, before Ramone jumped back up...

"Is there something going ON between you and Brain Dunn...?" he asked flat out, point blank.

McConnell looked stunned as he stared at Ramone for a moment before removing his reading glasses.

"Why do you ask...?" he asked.

"Don't DO that, David..." shouted Ramone, feeling like the younger guy who lets his imagination get the best of him. "...don't try to twist the question around with a question to confuse me and divert answering...! It's a YES or NO question...! Is there SOMETHING going on between you...?!"

"No..." answered McConnell, making Ramone feel like he'd just been imagining things. "...Brain and I had sex only ONCE..." continued McConnell, sending cold chills up Ramone's spine as his suspicious were confirmed. " was while I was under the influence of alcohol...right around the time Elliott was being implicated in Raheim's murder...! I KNOW that's no excuse..., but it just happened..., I...I don't know what to say for myself..."

"Don't say anything..." said Ramone, "...cuz I cheated too..." he admitted, "...with Marvin Rollins...!" he added, causing McConnell's still beating heart to DROP into his lap. "IT was an accident too..." said Ramone, as McConnell sat shocked. " was while I was working undercover..., I THOUGHT I'd picked up on something between you and Dunn...something intimate, that I couldn't quite put my finger on..., THEN I saw the way you were trying to avoid him, and I KNEW...! By the time I got to the drug house, my mind was a fucked up with emotions...! Marvin just happened to have walked in, and before I knew it..., IT happened..."

"He FUCKED you...?" asked McConnell, obviously angry about it.

Ramone looked surprised by David's tone...

"Well...yeah..." he answered, as McConnell got out of bed to pace the room.

"You SLEPT with Marvin Rollins..." he asked, walking back and forth as if searching for a lost slipper. "...AFTER I told you about how he devastated me by coming between me and Malik...?!"

Ramone could SEE McConnell's anger starting to bubble over...

"MALIK...?" he asked, pulling back the covers. "What's Malik got to do with any of this...?!"

"Marvin STOLE Malik away from me..." stated McConnell, having obviously never gotten over it. "...and now I find out that my new boyfriend slept with him also...?? Did you do this to HURT me...?!"

"WHY are you acting like I did this on purpose...?" asked Ramone, getting out of bed. "YOU made a mistake by sleeping with Brian Dunn..., I made a mistake by sleeping with Marvin Rollins..., what makes MY mistake worse than yours...?!??"

"Because Marvin Rollins is like an infestation that keeps and keeps growing until it consumes you!" argued McConnell. "THAT'S what he did to Malik..., and Malik STILL can't get him out of his life til this day! You just opened the door for Marvin to just walk in anytime he wants to TAKE what he feels is HIS...!"

"I think you underestimate me, David..., I'm 6'4", 200 pounds..., I'm not no shrinking violet like Malik..., I can HANDLE myself when it comes to Marvin Rollins...!" declared Ramone, confidently.

"You don't understand..." said David, grabbing up his pillow and a spare bed sheet. "...maybe you're too YOUNG or too STUPID to realize the damage you've just done..." he added, heading for the bedroom door. "...or maybe you just don't give a damn...!"

Ramone stood in the bedroom by himself, trying to figure out exactly what just happened? And reminding himself that `THAT's what you get for trying to be honest...!'



Cole sat atop the roof of his apartment complex [inside the maintenance shed atop each complex], sitting on an orange milk crate and holding a gun in his hand. He felt disrespected by Todd Meriwether, for decking him in front of everyone when he was JUST trying to beat some sense into Rose's head. Rose disrespected him by dropping him as her boyfriend to shack up with Kane. Cole knew Kane didn't care anything about Rose, he only wanted her to complete his dominance over her family, and to spite HIM. Kane disrespected him by stealing his girl. There were supposed to be RULES about sleeping with another man's woman, and Kane didn't abide by them no more than he did the law. Junior disrespected him by fucking him up the ass, then choosing TODD over him as his best friend and boyfriend. And then there was the others [Tyrone, Jahleem, & MarliQ] who made fun of him every chance they got. Cole knew how to make them all respect him as a MAN. All he had to do was shoot ONE of them, and the others would all see him in a different light. They would respect him then!

Ronnie Johnson came to the roof, as requested...

"Cole...?" he called, reaching the rooftop.

Cole hid his gun in debris, then walked over to the shed door...

"What TOOK you so long...?" he asked, sedate.

"I had to eat dinner first...!" answered the younger boy [14]. "Amir said you wanted me...?"

"Yeah..." said Cole, unzipping his pants. "...get over here and suck my dick, bitch!" he ordered.

Ronnie walked over and fell directly to his knees, fishing Cole's erection from his zipper before taking it [full length] into his mouth. Cole leaned back against the doorway, loving the warm wet feeling of the boy's mouth on his dick. THIS was how it should be, how a MAN commends respect. When he gives people an order, it should be followed without question, without hesitation. Looking down at Ronnie [sucking his dick] made Cole feel powerful, as powerful as the handgun had. He felt like he had Ronnie's life in his hands, as if he owed him everything he was because Cole had the power to end it all right then and there.

He grabbed the sides of Ronnie's head and started fucking his face, ramming his 6.5" dick in and out of his mouth, making him take it all. However Ronnie had no problem taking Cole's dick to the base, swallowing it whole and back again [as he had much practice sucking his brother's 8" dick]. The fact that Ronnie could already swallow his dick whole without gagging, made Cole even madder. How could he enact POWER over him if he wasn't afraid of his dick?

Ronnie had no idea what turmoil Cole was going through. He did his duty as Cole's active `bitch', paying the penance for his brother's anal virginity [Amir], sucking dick and getting fucked on command whenever Cole or his henchmen [Munch or Dirk] felt like it.

In fact, Ronnie liked sucking Cole's dick, as it wasn't as big as everyone else's, and was a modest mouthful, something he could suck and chew on without too much effort or force. He swallowed Cole's with every inward stroke, banging his nose into his zipper, and even cutting his lips on the zipper's teeth. When Cole picked up the pace and started slamming his face with his groin, Ronnie took the face fucking with ease, simply working his mouth up and down the shaft faster.

"Get over on the mattress...!" ordered Cole, yanking Ronnie off his dick and pushing him forward physically. Ronnie complied, far too intrigued to argue. He climbed up onto the dirty mattress [the older boys used as a lounge or a bachelor's pad to fuck girls], and waited. Cole walked over and yanked down the seat of his pants, exposed his ass. Ronnie's butt was already developing into that of a champion bottom, the cheeks beginning to plump and rise as the deep centered crack held the eye of the jewel. Cole rough pulled the smooth young cheeks apart to gander at the tiny asshole resting in-between, and buried his face in it.

Ronnie moaned at the unexpected pleasure when he felt Cole's wet tongue washing over his anus. Cole pulled the boy cheeks as far apart as they could go, jamming his tongue into the soft spot in-between, then tasted the unmistakable flavor of semen. Pulling back, he stared down at the asshole which started to inadvertently drip displaced sperm from within...

"UHG..." he groaned, realizing he had eaten someone's cum. "...WHO fucked you...?!" he asked.

"uh..., Dirk fucked me when I got home from school...and Munch fucked me in the Back Lots before dinner...!" answered Ronnie, knowing Amir was likely to fuck him after lights out.

"Damn..." cursed Cole, knowing the boy's asshole would be too relaxed to even FEEL his dick sliding through. He pushed Ronnie's head down to the mattress and quietly rammed his dick in anyway, hoping the penetration would sting enough to make him moan in pain.

"UH! Yeah...fuck me..." moaned Ronnie lustfully, more turned on than scared.

Cole stabbed his dick in and out of the younger boy's ass, watching his dick disappear into the upturned ass as he thrust. Ronnie's rectum was super loaded with Munch's and Dirk's combined cum loads, making his anus super slippery. Cole fucked in and out easily, feeling Ronnie's slickened anal muscles sucking his shaft. While it did feel good to slide in and out of MarliQ's youngest brother's ass effortlessly, Cole wasn't getting the emotions he desired. He didn't particularly want Ronnie to like the fucking, he wanted him to scream in pain and BEG him to stop. Instead the youngster was throwing his ass back, trying to get more dick inside him.

Just watching Ronnie whore himself on the end of his dick [moaning like a bitch in heat and asking for more] made Cole even madder. He wanted to HURT Ronnie in the worse way, to make him regret being such a fag! He slapped Ronnie in the back of the head, catching the boy off guard. Ronnie felt the slap, but didn't know how to react as Cole kept fucking him.

"Stupid bitch...!" snarled Cole, slapping Ronnie again. This time Ronnie's asshole tightened and flexed, making Cole's thrusting dick feel better. Realizing the connection between slapping Ronnie and his tightening asshole, Cole started to hit him more frequently and harder, even using his fists as he got closer to climax.

Ronnie didn't know how to act to the punches. No one had ever beaten him up while they fucked him before. He covered his head with his hands [trying to protect his face], when Cole started punching him in the ribs. Ronnie started to cry and beg Cole to stop hitting him, but that only seemed to spur the demented boy on as he fucked faster and hit harder. But the time he was ready to climax he was wailing on poor Ronnie, hitting him in the back so hard that it would echo through his chest and throughout the shed. Then as the final act of dominance, Cole reached over Ronnie's head for the gun he had stashed, then placed the barrel down against Ronnie's skull.

"Feel THAT...?" he asked, making sure the boy saw it. "You KNOW what that is, don't'cha...? You KNOW what it could DO to you, don't'cha...?" he asked, as he continued to fuck Ronnie's ever shrinking anus. "I could BLOW yur head off rite now, and won't nobody know WHO did it! And I'd get away with it too, cuz yur brother's MY bitch and once the police see yur pants down under yur butt, they'll know you was a faggot up here gettin' fucked..., and they wouldn't even care to look for yur killer...! It'll just be one less fruity fag inna world!"

"Please Cole...don't...I'll do ANYTHING you want...!" begged Ronnie, crying into the mattress.

"You scared...?" asked Cole, loving the power he had over the boy.

"YES!" answered Ronnie truthfully, grunting painfully after each inward stab of his gripping anus.

"Good..." smiled Cole, tossing the unloaded gun aside before grabbing Ronnie's hips and fucking into him like a mad train. Ronnie cried out loud as his anus was mauled mercilessly. Cole plunged his dick into his tight unrelenting hole, then shot one of the biggest loads of his life up inside the fright stricken boy. "AAWWWWWW YEEAAAAAAAHHHH...!! FUCK YEAH...!" moaned Cole, as Ronnie accepted the warm cum gushes into his rectum. Ronnie could feel the dick pulsating inside him, filling him with the madman's load, and strangely felt relieved AND disappointed that it was over.

Cole pushed Ronnie down flat against the mattress, then laid on top of him as he allowed his throbbing dick to continue draining in his hole. The people of Roswell Heights would soon know and FEAR Cole's names very soon..., as a NEW Cole would emerge from the rooftop, a contender for the titles of most ruthless drug dealer in the city...

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This story writing by aka EUGENE MARVIN ________________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.

Next: Chapter 31

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