The Distance of Love

By Starfire

Published on May 29, 2006



This story is fictional. It contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting male adults. If you are under 18 years of age and/or homosexuality offends you, this is not the story for you.

The Distance of Love

It always amazed me how I would meet all these guys online that said they really wanted to get to know me. We would hit it off and talk a lot but nothing ever seemed to come of it. It always seemed to be someone that lived a million miles away from me. We would talk and start to care about each other; well as much as you can care about someone on a computer screen. I always believed that you could get to know someone to an extent online, but I never thought you could find love that way. I mean, let's face it. When you are talking to someone on the net they can be anybody they choose to be, and so can you, if the truth is known. I find the ones that hang around are the ones that are legitimate. Anyway that's a separate story. Now where was I? Oh yes, not believing one could find love on the net. Well, I had found that to be true in my life. That is, until I met Cyrus. He lived in California and I lived in a small town in Kentucky. When he first messaged me, I just put him in the same boat as all the other guys I had met over the years online. He told me that he found me attractive, which I always find hard to believe. I have never thought of myself as attractive because I stand at 5'9 and weigh in at around 250 lbs. Granted; not all of my weight is fat. I do carry a bit of muscle which makes me a very thick bodied person. I have brown hair and blueish-gray-green eyes. My eyes are one of the things that tend to attract people most. By the way, my name is Bill. Cyrus was around my size, but had this gorgeous head of black hair and dark eyes. He also had a go-tee where I am clean -shaven. He was of the Latino persuasion. Me, I'm just an old white country boy.

Cyrus turned out to be quite a different person than most guys one would meet online. He took the time to actually get to know me. We talked about general stuff our likes, dislikes, what we did for fun, what we did for work and that sort of thing. I found him to be a real gentleman. Online that is a rare thing to find. Usually when someone sees another person online in a certain area they automatically assume that person is looking for sex. That's not always the case. I have made it a policy to always be honest with whomever I'm talking with and see what happens. If the person is looking for sex, they don't talk very long. If the person is looking for friendship or more, then they stay. The online conversations are usually about getting to know the facts about someone. Therefore I always feel that honesty is the best policy. That way even if the other person isn't being honest about who they are, they will know immediately who you are and will usually shy away because you are not what they are looking for at the time.

Cyrus and I had spent about two months talking and getting to know each other. We even made contact over the phone and had some nice talks. Finally the time came when we were ready to meet in person. I have to tell you; I was really nervous. I knew that I found him to be a very caring and loveable man. However, there were times when he could be really moody.

The plan was for me to fly out to California and spend a weekend with him. I had never been to California and I wanted to go. I had never had the chance to see the ocean and I was going to get that chance with Cyrus. There are times when I have this adventurous side to me and this ended up being one of those times. So, I booked my flight and made plans to meet my friend in person.

Now it was true that Cyrus and I had become friendly over the net. However, there were other elements of our relationship as well. I found myself thinking about him and dreaming about him. I remember one time I had a fantasy about him. I was in the shower. I was standing sideways holding on to the shower curtain rod. He was behind me holding me tightly and kissing my neck as I arched my back. He was inside of me making love to me with a hard steady pace. I was moaning as I gripped that curtain rod tightly. He kept thrusting into me over and over until I couldn't take it anymore and my orgasm sent me into unknown realms of pleasure and satisfaction. I tell you it was so hot that if I were a smoker I would have rolled over and lit up. I couldn't believe that I had such strong feelings for someone that I had never met in person. We had done the video chat thing and watched each other smile and laugh as we joked around. I could hear the emotion in his voice as we talked on the phone as I'm sure he could hear in mine. However, now the time had come for a face to face meeting.

The day finally arrived and I was standing at the gate of departure for my flight. If all went well in a matter of hours I would be standing face to face with a man that I had grown to really care about over time. We shared the same interest in movies, some music, and several other issues that we had discussed at length online, and on the phone. Here I stand a man that doesn't believe in finding love online and yet I'm about to board a plane and fly across the country to see a guy that I've met in just that way. I stood there thinking to myself that I must be out of what's left of my mind to be doing this. However, sometimes in life you just have to take a chance and follow your heart. So, I got on that plane and headed west.

A few hours later I arrived in California. I was as nervous as a virgin at a prison rodeo. I grabbed my luggage, which was only one carry on bag, and headed off the plane. As I walked inside, I looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. My first thought was that I had been stood up or had some kind of cruel joke played on me. Then it happened.

"Well, I didn't think you were ever going to get here." I heard from behind me. I turned around and there I was face to face with the man that I had come to know as a friend. He was even more handsome in person than I had imagined. True, we had talked on camera and I knew what he was going to look like, but in person there is just always a difference somehow. He stood there smiling as those eyes of his danced in the light. He held out his hand and said, "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

I just looked at him for a moment and then said, "Man, put that thing away and give me a hug."

He laughed and moved towards me as I pulled him into a hug. It felt good to finally have him in my arms. We hugged for only a moment and then I pulled him back at arm's length and looked at him.

"Man it is so good to see you." I said, as I smiled at him.

"It's good to see you, too. Come on let's get out of here." "Are you hungry?" He asked, looking over at me with just a hint of a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I could go for a pizza." I said, smiling back at him.

We ended up going to this little pizza place that he had talked about online. He had bragged about how good they were and he was right. It had been a long time since I had tasted pizza like that. It's hard to describe, but there was something different about the sauce, I think. Who knows? All I know is it was good.

We sat there and talked and talked. It was like we had known each other a lot longer than a few months. He was kind and considerate, just as I had hoped. I couldn't get over how his eyes seemed to dance in the light. I don't usually see that in people that have dark colored eyes. However, there just seemed to be something in his. I can't explain it. Perhaps it was just the fact that I had already gotten to know and care about him online. Perhaps it was merely something that I wanted to see. However, it was there nonetheless.

"So did you have a good flight?" He asked, drawing me out of my self induced trance.

"Yeah it was pretty smooth." "I have to tell you though, when I got on that plane I was scared to death." I said with a little laugh in my voice.

"Yeah? Why so nervous?" He asked, giving me an inquisitive look.

"First time flying." I said, grabbing another bite of pizza.

"Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that." He said with a smile.

We continued to talk about this and that and time just seemed to fly by without warning. He was already three hours behind my time and it was getting close to 3pm his time. That made it 6pm my time. I should have been really tired but I was wired. I was excited. So far Cyrus had been everything that I had hoped he would. Now when I agreed to go out and see him, we decided it would be best if we just became intimate friends. We wanted to get as close as two friends could possibly get. That meant that we would grow close emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. There was much that we wanted to share. I felt that somehow this weekend was going to be gone before I even realized it.

We left the pizza place and ended up down by the river. His city was known as The River City. I found that so interesting because the place that I live is also known as The River City. We were standing just beyond shore when he asked, "Does that look familiar?"

I gathered my thoughts looked around and indeed it seemed familiar. It was a scene that he had sent to me online. It was a bridge overlooking the river and the city. In the photo he had sent it was very beautiful. It had been taken during the night. It was all lit up and reflecting in the water. I wondered what it would look like in person. We took a little walk around the city and he showed me a few of the sights. From what I had seen so far it was quite a beautiful place. I found it interesting that there were so many trees. I just assumed that in the city there wouldn't be very many. In my area there are all kinds, but it's a very rural town. This was a big place. There were a lot of huge buildings. I guess I just didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. I've always been a big scenery buff and trees are a big part of that.

"Hey, there's the big pyramid!" I exclaimed, as we came near the building where he had once worked.

"Ah you remembered." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that was one of the first pictures you sent me of this place." I said, remembering the time.

We continued our short tour and then made our way back to his place. As we walked in, his cat greeted us. It was glad to see him but not so sure about me. It was a rather beautiful animal. It was white with long hair. After inspecting the scene it went on it's way doing whatever it was doing before we arrived.

"You can put your things in the bedroom." He said, pointing me in that general direction.

"Sounds like a plan to me." "I think I need to slip into something a little more comfortable anyway." I said, as I made my way to his room.

Before long we had settled into another comfortable conversation. We were sitting there watching a show called Family guy. I had never really seen it, but I knew it was a favorite of his. We laughed and talked and occasionally we would touch each other. It was turning out to be a good night so far.

We were sitting close together on the couch and something happened on the show that made us both laugh out loud and somehow we ended up very close on the couch. When we realized that we were actually touching, we turned to look at one another. Our smiles faded as we looked into each other's eyes. Without saying a word, I brought my hand up and gently touched his face. He didn't move he just placed his hand over mine. I moved in closer taking one last look into his eyes. Then it happened. Ever so gently I placed a kiss on his lips. It wasn't a hungry, I can't wait anymore, let's have sex kind of kiss. It was more like an I'm really glad you're here kind of kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you." I said, my voice almost a whisper.

"Well, I'm glad you did." He said, his voice a calm quiet as well.

He brought his hand over and slowly ran it through my hair. He watched himself do it, and then he looked at me. We sat there in silence for a few moments just staring at each other. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence but one of contentment.

"I've been wanting to do that since you got here." He said with a slight smile.

"Oh really?" I said, more of a statement than a question. "Well, you can do that anytime you want." "I must warn you though, too much of it and there's a good chance I'll go to sleep on you." I said, laughing just as I got the words out of my mouth.

He just smiled at me and came closer to my face. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in closer. He looked into my eyes and spoke very quietly to me.

"I'm really glad that you're here." He said, stroking my hair with his thumb.

"I'm glad I'm here too." I said, smiling at him.

He pulled me in and our lips met yet again. This time there was something more. His kiss ignited something within me. It was a gentle kiss at first and then it became more. It was as if we had somehow merged into one. I could taste him and I wanted him. Our lips danced in perfect synchronization. We began to touch and to caress each other. Suddenly he stopped. I looked at him as if I had done something wrong. However, I was pleasantly surprised when he stood and reached for my hand. I took it and he pulled me up, as we walked towards the bedroom. We removed out shirts but remained in our boxers. He led me to his bed and I sat down as he leaned in again kissing me. Before I knew it I was on my back and he was on top of me. He kissed me and touched me. He made his way to my neck and a thousand explosions happened inside of me. Kissing my neck has always made me melt, and he was doing an excellent job.

He worked his way lower and lower kissing my chest and sucking my nipples. He touched my stomach and rubbed my chest. Then I felt his hand touching my hardness. Gently he gripped it as he licked and sucked my nipples. I threw my head back against the pillow as a moan escaped my lips. He looked up at me for approval, which he received. In one smooth motion he had removed my boxers and there I was completely naked with this wonderful man lying between my legs. He kept his eyes on my face as he dipped down and slowly licked the underside of my cock. I sucked air in through my clenched teeth. He just smiled at me and took the head of my cock into his mouth, gently moving his tongue around it. It was almost maddening. After a moment he began his descent. Inch by wonderful inch he slid me into his mouth. I can't even begin to describe how it felt. I was in absolute heaven.

He worked me over pretty good, sliding up and down and up and down. He changed the pressure he used from time to time. He worked his way back up my body and kissed me again. I rolled him over and then it was my turn. I was a man possessed at that point. I kissed him, licked him, and sucked his nipples. I did everything he had done to me. It was as if I was trying to bathe him with my tongue. He raised his hips as I removed his boxers. There it was. Standing proud and thick, inviting me to get better aquainted with it. I didn't need much inviting. I took him in my hand and looked at him one more time. There was such a look of anticipation and lust on his face. I wrapped my lips around his thick head and slowly slid down the hardness of him. I began to lick and to suck him for all I was worth. His hand was on my head playing with my hair as I did my best to pleasure him like no other before me.

"Oh God, baby that feels so good." He said, spreading his legs further to give me better access.

I didn't say anything. I just smiled to myself, as I continued my work. It gave me a great deal of pleasure knowing that I was making him happy. He grabbed my head and forced me off his throbbing member.

"Don't make me cum like this. I want to be inside of you. I want to make love to you." He said, his face contorted in a look of desire, lust and passion.

We were in position, everything was ready and I knew the moment I had been waiting for was about to happen. I was on my back staring at his face as he placed my legs on his shoulders. Gently he placed the head of his hard cock at my entrance. He gave a slight push and he slid into me. He was thick so it took some adjusting on my part to accommodate him. When he was sure that I was okay, he slowly began to sink his cock deeper into me. I closed my eyes and I could feel every inch, as it made its way deeper and deeper inside of me. Then I could feel it. His pubic hair tickled my ass as he came to rest against me. He was finally, after months of talking about it, after fantasizing about it; he was finally inside of me. I opened my eyes and saw him staring into my face. He smiled at me as he rubbed my thigh.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asked, his concern for me only making me care for him more.

"Yes, I'm wonderful." I said, smiling back at him.

"Are you ready?" He asked, concerned that he would hurt me.

I didn't say anything I just nodded my head, giving him approval. He slowly slid his hardness out of me except for the head. Then he moved back inside of me. After he felt that I was comfortable with this, he quickened his pace slightly. Our bodies rocked back and forth with the movement of each thrust. He kept his eyes on me as he slid his hard cock in and out of me. I began to moan as he kept his pace. Over and over he slammed into me. I reached up and ran my hand across his chest. His muscles were tense and he was sweating. There was such a tingling, an electric feeling running through my body every time he filled me with his thick cock. Before I knew it, his pace quickened. He began to grunt and moan. I knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

"Oh Bill, I'm close." He said, his face flushed with expectation.

"Do it, baby!" I exclaimed, wanting to watch his face as he climaxed for the first time within me.

"Oh, Oh Bill, here it comes!" He all but yelled. His face grimaced, his body tightened as he unloaded inside me. Although he was wearing a condom, I could feel his thick cock twitching inside me as he unloaded.

Slowly he lowered himself to my chest, nuzzling his head into my neck. I held him and ran my hand across his back. I could feel his heart beating quickly. My other hand found it's way through his dark thick hair. My legs were entangled with his as we lay there allowing him to recover from the powerful orgasm he had just experienced.

"That was awesome." He said, muffled by my neck.

"Oh It was that and then some, Paco." I said, causing him to laugh slightly.

"There's only one thing left to do." He said, running his hand across my chest.

"Shower?" I asked, kissing the top of his head.

"Not quite yet." He said, looking up and giving me an evil little grin.

Before I knew what was happening he had once again found his way between my legs and had my cock in his mouth. He worked it up and down and licked and sucked. After making love to me the way he had just done, I wasn't sure my body could take much more pleasure. I grabbed the sheets, gripping them in my hands as he took me over and over again. Before long I could feel the pressure building. My body began to tense as he took me to the place of no return.

"Oh God, Baby, I'm gonna cum!" I exclaimed, giving him fair warning.

I felt the first tremor of orgasm approaching as he released me from his lips. The first shot landed on my chest followed by several more. The feeling was intense. I couldn't believe that I had gotten off with such a powerful force. Cyrus just smiled up at me as he gently stroked my deflating cock.

"That was definitely worth waiting for." He said, running his hand along my thigh.

"Yes, if I died tonight, I'd go with a smile on my face. That's for sure." I said, looking at him still lying between my legs.

"I don't know about you, but I think it's time we took this to the shower." He said, giving me a slight slap on the ass as he got off the bed.

"That sounds like a good idea to me. I'm a little on the sticky side it would appear. I wonder how that happened?" I asked in pure mockery of the situation.

"I don't know but you've really got to get a grip on that. You're a mess." He said, giving me a mock -disgusted look.

"Oh shut up and get in the shower ya brain damaged bag of bones!" I said, smiling at him.

We made our way to the shower and got cleaned up. It was really nice. We washed each other; we kissed, among other things. Let's just say that fantasy I mentioned earlier in the story, became a reality. It was even better than the original.

After finishing up in the bathroom we made our way back to bed. We turned on the t.v. and just lay there. We were actually listening to it more than watching it. Cyrus was on his back with his head on the pillow. I was lying next to him with my head on his chest. He was playing with my hair as we just talked. It was a wonderful feeling to say the least.

"I'm really glad I met you." He said, his fingers twirling and running through my hair.

"Me too." I said, as I wrapped my arms tighter around him.

We laid there in comfortable silence until I could feel his breathing settle into a certain rhythm. I called his name but he didn't hear me. The last thing I remember from that night was the sound of his heart beating as it sang me to sleep. This weekend was definitely going to be time well spent. I've always wondered what boundaries love had, or if there were any. For me, the distance between Kentucky and California would always be called The Distance of Love.

The End

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