The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Jun 14, 2008


Ok so this is another chapter to the difference and i'd appreciate it that when you're done reading it that you'll send me some feedback. i write more when i get feedback XD

anyways enjoy

Chapter Nine: Reality


"Hello? Brian, wake up," said Ryan.

"Hmmm...where am I?" Brian asked rubbing his eyes.

"You're in my car. You fell asleep while I was driving," Ryan laughed.

Ryan looked Brian over and saw that his face was drenched in tears.

"Brian, are you alright? What did you dream about?" Ryan asked concerned.

"Dream?" Brian thought. "It was all just a dream?"

"You might want to stop by the restroom before you head into the auditorium. You look like...well let's just say you look bad," Ryan said.

Brian got out of the car and headed straight to the school without saying a word to Ryan.

"'re welcome," Ryan mumbled.

Once Brian was inside the school, Brian rushed to the restroom. He checked all the stalls and realized that everyone must've been in the auditorium waiting, waiting for him.

Brian locked the door and walked straight to the sink. He turned on the water, scooped up some water in his hands, and splashed water into his face. He looked straight at the restroom mirror and just stared at himself.

"Wasn't all just a dream? It felt so real though," Brian said to himself.


"I'm sorry, Brian. I have to say no. You don't know me or my past. I don't want things to get hectic for you. Find some other boy, I'm sorry. I don`t want you to get hurt because of me," Ryan said running towards the school.


"Those words...they cut right through me. What if he really says that, that he doesn't want me like I want him?" Brian said to himself.

Brian looked into the mirror and started to bawl his eyes out. He cried for minutes. Brian looked up at the mirror again and he didn't see the winner everyone saw in him, instead he saw this weak, worthless maggot starring right back at him.

Brian clenched his fists and punched the mirror in front of him, shattering the mirror. Pieces of glass fell to the ground while the rest were imbedded into Brian's fists. Brian was breathing heavily now. Blood dripping from his knuckles, Brian couldn't believe he fell for this boy...this emo fag.

Brian was disgusted in him, but more disgusted in himself. How could he call himself gay? Put himself in the same league as Ryan? Could it be possible that Ryan, Ryan himself put up this whole act so he could get into his pants?

"That must be it. I'm not gay. It's just that faggot, Ryan. What the fuck was I thinking?" Brian said aloud.

Brian walked into one of the bathroom stalls, changed into his football gear, and headed to the auditorium.

"I wonder what was up with Brian. He didn't seem like himself, well at least the Brian that I know," Ryan said heading entering the auditorium.

As soon as Ryan entered the auditorium, Mrs. Hartfield and he bumped into each other.

"Ow," Ryan said rubbing his head.

"Ryan! Ryan, there you are! Where have you been? You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago," said Mrs. Hartfield.

"Oh right. Sorry, I had some unfinished business to take care of and then--"

"Well it doesn't matter now. You were lucky today. The assembly hasn't started yet," said Mrs. Hartfield. "Now take this camera and use it for the for the football team."

"Why me? What about your prime photographer?" Ryan asked.

"Well since you took such amazing pictures last time, I've decided to make you my prime," said Mrs. Hartfield.

"Is your prime okay with this?" asked Ryan.

"Well of course, I was my own prime," Mrs. Hartfield said walking away.

"Wow, lazy bum," mumbled Ryan.

"What was that Ryan?" asked Mrs. Hartfield.

"Um uh, glazed buns," Ryan said.

"Glazed...buns?" Mrs. Hartfield said confused.

"Yeah, um I had glazed buns this morning and now there's a real bad aftertaste in my mouth," Ryan lied.

"YEAH!!! GO BRIAN!!!" went the students in the stands.

"I guess that's my cue," said Ryan.

Ryan went down on one knee and snapped a couple of pictures of the football team.

"Whoever came up with the school colors being purple and green must've been on crack," Ryan thought to himself.

The football team sat down on the chairs that were setting on the floor. Ryan walked over and took a seat next to Brian. Ryan tapped Brian on the shoulder, but he got no response back.

"I guess he's actually paying attention to this crap," thought Ryan as he turned around to pay attention.


Ryan was fast asleep and his head was bobbing up and down. Brian noticed this and decided to do something about it.

"Hey, Jace," Brian said turning his head to the left.

"You're talking to me now? I thought we weren't friends anymore?" Jace said.

"Look if you don't want to I could find ano--"

"NO! I mean no, we're still friends," said Jace happily.

"Good, now you see that guy over there?" Brian said pointing at Ryan.

"Yeah, that's the faggot you defended a while ago. Why?" Jace asked.

"Watch this," Brian said.

Brian turned to the sleeping Ryan, grabbed Ryan's belt, and pushed him off his seat making a loud thumping noise.

Principal Grey stopped with his speech and noticed Ryan on the ground.

"RYAN LEE!" Principal Grey yelled.

Ryan opened his eyes and noticed he was on the ground.

"RYAN LEE!" Principal Grey said now standing right next to Ryan.

"Yes, Mr. Grey?" Ryan asked frightened.

"Report to my office immediately! I will have a word with you after the assembly."

"Y-Yes sir," Ryan said.

Ryan got up and noticed the entire football section laughing, even Brian. Ryan walked out of there immediately. Once out of the auditorium, Ryan started to cry.

" could you?" Ryan sobbed.

Next: Chapter 10

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