The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Jun 2, 2008


Okay boys and girls, this chapter is a tearjerker so i suggest you grab some tissues! I would also like to say that i did NOT write the song in this story, it is a song by jon mclaughin.

well thts it, hope u enjoy this chapter and email me back.

Peace XD

Chapter Eight: Broken Hearts Club

Ryan got up from his bed, grabbed his bag and keys, and exited his room. Ryan walked downstairs and saw Brian looking out of the living room window.

Ryan walked behind Brian and tapped on his shoulder. No answer. Ryan tapped his shoulder again. Still no answer.

"Geez, this boy must be in deep thought," thought Ryan. "I guess I'll just play the piano till he's done."

Ryan walked into the piano room and started to play. A few minutes passed and Ryan got really into the music he was playing so he started to sing a song and it went like this:

"You're in my arms And all the world is calm The music playing on for only two So close together And when I'm with you So close to feeling alive

A life goes by Romantic dreams will stop So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting, waiting here with you And now forever I know All that I wanted to hold you So close"

While starring out the window, Brian heard this wonderful song. It shook him out of whatever he was thinking and he started walking to the beautiful song he heard.

He walked around the house and finally came upon a room on the first level that read "Piano Room." Brian put his ear to the door and heard the music coming from the inside. Brian slowly turned the doorknob and walked into the room.

The room was one big glass container. The floor, the walls, everything was made of glass. You could see everything from the outside. Brian looked around and saw that Ryan was the one on the piano playing and singing that wonderful music. Brian walked over to Ryan and sat right next to Ryan.

Ryan suddenly stopped and looked at Brian.

"Don't stop," whispered Brian.

Brian just sat there looking at Ryan and waited for him to start again. Ryan took the hint and finished the song while still singing.

"So close to reaching that famous happy end Almost believing this was not pretend And now you're beside me and look how far we've come So far we are so close

How could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now? We're so close To reaching that famous happy end And almost believing this was not pretend Let's go on dreaming for we know we are So close So close And still so far"

"That was...beautiful," whispered Brian.

"You like? That was "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin. You should buy his CD, it's really good," Ryan said avoiding the scene that Ryan thought was going to happen.

"Why'd you get up?" Brian asked somewhat disappointed.


Ryan didn't know what to say. Ryan looked up at the clock and saw that it was 6:45 a.m.

"We have to get to school. If we don't leave now, we'll be late," Ryan blurted out.

"Shit, the assembly!" Brian shouted.

"Oh crap, today's the game!" Ryan shouted.

Brian stormed out of the piano room and scrambled to get his things.

"Brian, calm down, I have your things all ready in my bag," Ryan said.

"Calm down? How can I calm down, if we're late...wait we can't be late. I'm part of the football team. I am the fucking football team," Brian said panicking.

"I get it, Brian, you don't have to yell. Get on the motor, I'll be with you in a sec," Ryan said handing Brian his bag.

"Motor? That must be gay slang for car," Brian thought. "I'm going to have so much trouble being gay."

Brian walked outside and the bright glare of the sun pointed directly at Brian. Brian walked into the car and waited for Ryan in the car. A minute passed and Brian was getting restless.

"Where's Ryan? We need to go now!" Brian said to himself.


Brian looked up and saw Ryan in a leather suit and two helmets at his side.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked.

"I'm in the car. You told me to go into the car," said Brian.

"No, I said to go on the motor. You know like motorcycle?" said Ryan.

Brian got out of the car and noticed how tight the suit was on Ryan. Ryan was a slim and slender boy, but he was still a little bit toned. He didn't have any muscle, but he didn't have any fat either.

"You know, I need to get a new suit. This suit is way too tight on me. I mean look at this you can even notice how small my butt is," Ryan laughed.

Brian immediately looked down and surveyed Ryan. Brian walked over and reached out to grab Ryan's ass. Ryan turned around, Brian freaked and smacked Ryan's ass.

"Whoa! Okay, I don't know what's up with straight guys and they're addiction to patting everybody's asses. Leave it to the game," Ryan said rubbing his butt.

Ryan handed Brian a helmet and hopped onto his bike. Brian put on the helmet, but the bag on his back, and hopped on the back of the bike.

"Hey, I didn't know you could drive a motorcycle," said Brian hanging on to Ryan.

"Actually this is my second time using it. Hopefully I don't crash this time," Ryan laughed.

"Wait, what?" Brian said.

But it was too late, Ryan had already started his bike and before Brian knew it they were on the open road. Brian was scared for his life, but at the same time he knew that this was the perfect time for his to snuggle against Ryan. Brian held on tight to Ryan. Brian was having such a good time that he didn't even notice that he was rubbing Ryan's crotch.

Ryan was focused on the road and was far too busy to notice what Brian was doing to him. He had to focus on getting to school fast. Thankfully the roads were empty today. Seemed like everybody was already at school. Suddenly, Ryan saw a road block ahead of him.

"Shit! I can't stop now, we only have five minutes until the bell rings," thought Ryan.

Ryan then remembered a short cut and turned left. Ryan sped through the road and took a sharp right, right into a construction site. By the time, they were on the site, Brian had carefully slipped down his shorts and started dry fucking Ryan. Ryan still oblivious to what was going on sped through all the dirt and ruble. Ryan noticed a ramp, he went on it and Ryan and Brian were soaring through the sky.

Ryan saw the school straight ahead. He was glad that they made it to school with two minutes to spare. Then Ryan felt Brian's grip around him slowly fading away. Brian was falling off the bike. Ryan firmly took Brian's arm and pulled him real close.

The bike landed on the ground hard and Ryan lost control of his bike. The bike, Ryan, and Brian landed on the football field. Ryan got up and brushed off his suit. Ryan noticed some thick white substance on his helmet and just wiped it off with his gloves. Ryan looked around and saw his bike totaled.

"Great, how am I going to explain to Kase that I totaled her bike?" Ryan said aloud. "Besides the bike, Brian are you okay?"

There was no answer. Ryan freaked and turned around and saw Brian's naked, but unharmed, body on the field.

"Brian, are you okay?" Ryan asked kneeling beside Brian.

"Yeah...I'm okay," Brian said not looking at Ryan.

"Glad you're okay, but can I ask you a question?" Ryan asked.

"What," Brian mumbled.

"What happened to your clothes?" Ryan laughed.

"I don't know," Brian said embarrassed. "Can you help me up?"

"I'm afraid you're already up," laughed Ryan.

"What are you talking--"

Brian looked down and saw his cock, hard as a rock.

"You know, the more I'm with you, the more I notice how queer you are," Ryan laughed.

Brian shot up and said, "I'm not--"

"Brian, you don't have to hide it anymore. I know you're gay," Ryan said walking up to Brian.

"Ryan...I was going to tell you but--"

"It's okay, seriously. There's no need for apologizing. Just put on you're football gear on and get into the assembly," Ryan said. "And don't worry I'll keep you're secret.

Brian smiled and slipped into his football gear.

"You may have lost my clothes, but you didn't lose the bag," Ryan laughed walking to the school.

"Wait!" Brian yelled.

Ryan stopped and waited for Brian.

"I forgot something," said Brian.

"You do know that the bike is totaled, right? I can't ride back to the--"

Brian placed his soft lips onto Ryan's and held on to him tightly. Ryan stood there, frozen. There he was, being kissed by the star of the football team. The guy that every girl in that school wanted to have. Brian let go slowly and smiled directly at Ryan.

"I've never been with a guy before, but when I'm with you I feel like I'm...well I don't know, but what I do know is that I can't be without you. Ryan, will you be my...boyfriend?" Brian asked waiting for a reply.

Ryan hugged Brian tightly and started to cry.

"Ryan, Ryan what's wrong?" asked Brian.

"I'm sorry, Brian. I have to say no. You don't know me or my past. I don't want things to get hectic for you. Find some other boy, I'm sorry. I don`t want you to get hurt because of me," Ryan said running towards the school.

Brian stood there, tears falling straight from his baby blue eyes. He just got rejected by the boy he fell in love with. Brian took a deep breath, wiped away the tears from his face, and headed to the auditorium.

Next: Chapter 9

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