The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on May 29, 2008


Okay well just to tell you i tried to do something a lil different in this part of the chapter. Basically i tried to show both sides of the story separating each side with astericks ex. * <-- that's waht i'm talking about so if it's hard to read i'm sorry. but enjoy XD

Chapter Seven: The End to the Past and a Sudden Realization

5:30 a.m.




"Great, morning," Ryan said as he slowly got up.

Ryan was still under the morning syndrome. The blurred vision, morning breath, and the ten second rule of forgetting what the hell happened the day before. Ryan rubbed his eyes, yawned, and shut off his damn alarm clock. Ryan turned to get out of bed, but stopped when he saw this person lying in bed with him.

Ryan, freaking out, took a deep breath and looked over to see who was lying next to him. When he looked over, he just froze at the spectacle in front of him, it was Brian.

"What's he doing here? What did I do yesterday?"

Questions rushed through Ryan's mind. He didn't know why Brian was in his bed let alone sleeping with him. Ryan got out of bed slowly trying not to wake Brian and crept out of his room. Ryan walked down to the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal. He took a breather and tried to remember what happened yesterday.


"It did, it cost me a lot, after I moved out of Kase's place I was on the streets for a year and did some horrible things, I'm not too glad for what I did but now I have a place to live. If I didn't do all those things in the past then I would've died," Ryan said looking down at the floor.

Brian noticed what he did wrong and walked up to Ryan and held his head up.

"I'm sorry for pushing you into telling me this, I'm such an idiot, I didn't mean to provoke your past on me," said Brian.

Ryan looked Brian in his deep, blue eyes and felt the water works coming through his eyes. Ryan cupped his face with his hands and walked to his bed. Brian felt like such a jerk now, he just made his new friend cry. Brian didn't know what to do so he did what came natural to him, he walked over to Ryan and comforted him. He sat right next to Ryan, with his arms around him with his eyes closed.

Ryan didn't want to cry, but he couldn't hold in all his pent up feeling of the past and let it all out on Brian. When Ryan felt Brian wrapping his arms around him, Ryan couldn't help but do the same.

Brian's back couldn't handle staying in that position forever so Brian leaned back and lied on his back while still holding on to Ryan.

Ryan had already stopped crying but he didn't want to let go, he needed this. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.


"That's it! I must've fallen asleep and I guess he fell asleep too. Damn that would explain a lot, for a minute there I thought he was gay," Ryan laughed.

"Who's gay?" said a voice.

Ryan choked on his cereal when he heard this voice. It was a voice from the past. It was deep and manly, but full of trouble.

Ryan turned around and said, "What are doing here? I thought I told you that I wanted nothing to do with you anymore."

"I take sometime off to come and see you and this is how you treat me? I just want to talk," said the man from the past.

"Blake, get out of my house, now," Ryan said as he reached into kitchen drawer.

Blake saw what Ryan was doing, so he ran over to Ryan and slammed the drawer back onto Ryan's hand.


Blake grabbed Ryan by the neck and slammed him against one of the kitchen cabinets.

"Scream all you want, Ryan. No one will hear you. Now I came here so I can get another round and you will give me what I want, you got that?" Blake said gripping Ryan's neck tightly.

"You can't have...what you want here...anymore...just leave," Ryan said slowly fading away.

"I'm going to have it whether you want me to have it or not! Open wide!" yelled Blake.


Blake flew to the right, over the kitchen counter, and landed on his back to the sliding door.

A familiar presence surrounded Ryan shielding away the evil.

"Ryan, are you okay?" said the familiar presence.

"B-Brian?" asked Ryan.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" Brian questioned.

"I'm fine, but what about him?" Ryan asked weakly.

"Him?" Brian thought.

Brian looked around and saw no one.

"He's gone. I'm going to call the cops," Brian said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

Ryan grabbed the phone and said, "No, let's just get to school."


"It's okay, I'll just let this one slide. Now let's just get ready for--"

"Let this slide? Are you kidding me, Ryan? That guy deliberately came in here and tried to kill you. I'm not going to let that guy win," said Brian.

"Don't worry about it, Brian. He's just a petty thief, he was probably looking for something to steal that's all," Ryan said getting up.

"Steal? Yeah, he wanted to take your life away!," said Brian. "I'm just...I'm just worried about you okay. You can tell me anything okay? If there's ever a problem or anyone like that tries to hurt you, let me know and I'll take care of it myself."

"Thanks Brian, I appreciate that you care about me but can I tell you something?" asked Ryan.


"I may be gay, but I'm not a girl so quitting treating me like one. It's sweet and all, but you're treating me like I'm your...your girlfriend," Ryan laughed as he started walking back up to his room. "There's a shower in every guest room and there are clothes in every guest room, but make sure you use the men's guest room unless you...well you get the picture."

Brian stood there, shocked at what came out of Ryan's mouth. Did Ryan just call him gay? No way! But then again, that's what it sounded like.

Brian brushed off his thoughts and walked upstairs to the men's guest rooms and locked the door. Brian walked into the bathroom and saw that the shower had already started.

"Cool, automated showers," Brian said to himself. "Well I guess it's time."

With that being said, Brian stripped down to nothing and walked into the steamy shower.

Ryan walked over to his bed and just sat there. He thought of what just happened and began to cry.

"Fuck, I have to be more careful if I want to keep my past in the past," Ryan thought.

Ryan heard the showers in the guest rooms begin so he walked over to his shower, striped, and sat on the floor inside the shower while the freezing water stabbed him in every direction.

Brian grabbed the bottle of body wash, squeezed out an unreasonable amount and started to rub his hard body in a very sexual way. Brian started rubbing his body and felt his cock twitch. Brian moved his hands over to his nipples and started to rub and pinch them. His cock responded by growing under the warm water.

Brian looked down and saw his cock growing.

"No, I can't do this. Not here," thought Brian.

No matter what Brian thought though his cock betrayed him and grew to its full length of ten inches, it was thick as well. Brian knew that he had to now, because his cock would only go soft if and only if he jacked it off.

So Brian squeezed some more body wash onto his cock and started jacking off.

The shower curtain opened up and Ryan was revealed under the shower head wet, freezing, and naked.

"Hmm, you're naked. Just the way I like it," said Blake. "Oh and guess what, so am I."

"How'd y-you get in h-here?" Ryan stuttered.

"It doesn't matter how I got in here. All I know is that I'm going to get what I came here for," Blake said stepping into the shower. "I guess you still take cold showers to forget your past. Well not today."

Blake picked up Ryan, turned him around, and shoved in his hard eight inch dick into Ryan's tight hole.

"AHH! Stop it, get out of me," Ryan pleaded.

"Yell all you want that guy can't help you now, he's in the shower," Blake laughed as he fucked Ryan hard and deep.

Ryan started crying again as his past had caught up to him in a flash.

Brian moved his left hand up and down, faster and faster. Brian moved his head back as he drowned himself in warm water. Brian bit his lip and moaned aloud. Brian used his right hand to rub his nipples.

"Fuck, this feels so good," Brian moaned.

Ryan, bent over, was getting pounded deep and hard for every tear drop that made it down across his face. It felt as if Ryan could never escape his past, like this was meant to be his past, present, and future.

"Ryan, what the hell are you doing?" said a voice in Ryan's head.

"Who's there?" Ryan asked.

"Who are you talking to?" Blake asked. "There's no one here besides you and me so quit trying to get out of this and take it."

"Ryan, it's me your conscience," said his conscience.

"Great...not only am I getting screwed I'm going fucking crazy too? Just what I need right now," Ryan thought.

"Call it crazy if you want, I'm just here to help you out," said his conscience.

"Fine, if you're here to help me out then get this guy off of me!" Ryan thought angrily.

"I can't do anything, I can only guide you into the right direction."

"Then guide me, dammit!"

"Fight back!"

"What do you fight back? If you haven't noticed I'm kinda getting fucked at the moment I can't fight back."

"Use the environment that surrounds you. He never tied you up, you're free to fight back."

"Use my environment? What are you talking about?"

The voice was gone. Ryan remembered the words his so-called conscience gave him, so he looked around for his chance. Ryan noticed that the shower head was the detachable kind. Ryan had to move fast if he wanted to erase his past.

Ryan put both of his hands on Blake's hips and pushed him back.

"What the fuck are you doing? I'm not done with you yet!" Blake yelled at Ryan.

"But I am!" Ryan said whipping the shower head at Blake.

Blake fell out of the shower and hit the floor hard. Ryan stepped out of the shower, ripped the curtain off, and pulled the shower rod out of its place. Ryan twirled it around and swung it at Blake. Blake dodged it by rolling to the left and stood up.

"You almost got me," Blake laughed.

"I did get you, remember the shower head?" Ryan asked.

Blake his right hand on his right temple and found traces of blood on his fingertips.

"You fucking bastard!" Blake yelled, fury in his eyes. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Ryan knew that this was his last chance, so Ryan smashed the shower rod against the tile wall. The rod split into a jagged end.

"Ugh! I'm fucking coming!" Brian and Blake said at same time.


Ryan had swung the rod at Blake's neck. Blood splattered everywhere even on Ryan's face. Blake was on the floor suffocating and choking on his own blood. Ryan dropped the shower rod. Ryan went to the sink and washed off his face. Ryan took his towel and rushed out of his bathroom locking it shut with a key.

Ryan got dressed looked himself and saw that his past had finally come to an end. Ryan smiled, laughed, dropped on his bed and said, "It's finally over."

Brian was breathing heavily now and rubbing his cock. It had finally died down. Brian looked at the shower doors and noticed the biggest load he had ever shot. He remembered the images he used and all he could remember was Ryan's smile.

Brian walked out of the shower and looked into the mirror and said, "I'm gay."

Next: Chapter 8

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