The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Jun 7, 2009


sorry guys, i know its been a while but i think this whole story mite be close to an end. It's being difficult to write this if you guys have any suggestions on what you want to see on this so the difference stays alive it'd be much appreciated. thnks so very much. enjoy!

Chapter Nineteen: Sharaun

"Oh my god, I know! This boy was all like hey girl, you got a boyfriend? And I was like Oh hell no, you best not be talking to me wit your bitch ass.' And he was all like crazy and bawlin' his eyes and I swear he jizzed in his pants," said a rambling voice from downstairs.

The lady turned around and saw a white boy dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch from head to toe.

"Honey, I got to go. My client just arrived...No bitch you can't call me later! I'll call you back."

The lady walked up to Brian and looked at him up and down.

"Are you Brian?"

"Ryan, do you really need to ask? It's just us, no one else."

"Ryan? Boy, if you think that I'm Ryan you are sadly mistaken. Ryan is an Asian boy and I am an African American female."

Brian walked up to the lady and grabbed her breasts.

"Damn, these feel real Ryan. Where did you get them?"

"Boy, they are real. RYAN!!!"

Ryan came storming out of his room and stopped in his tracks when he witnessed Brian fondling the lady's breasts.

"Brian, what are you doing?"

"Ryan? I thought you were her," Brian said pointing at the lady.

"Yo, I do have a name. It's Sharaun. You can let go now."

Brian let go and stood there embarrassed.

"I can't leave you for a few minutes and you're already fondling my bodyguard? Sharaun, I'm sorry. Brian is a bit a...basket case."

Sharaun smiled bitter sweetly and walked outside.

"I thought you said you were going to be in disguise? You fucking tricked me, Ryan!" Brian said angrily.

"Well I wouldn't call it trickery more like magic," Ryan laughed.

"How the fuck is it magic?"

"All the magicians claim that they do magic, but all in all it's just trickery, an illusion."

"You are a bitch."

"Thank you. Now we need to get going we have things to do."

Brian grabbed Ryan's shoulder and pulled him into his arms.

"I'm sure Sharaun can wait a few minutes or...," Brian whispered into Ryan's ear.

"Brian? Are you sure? I thought you needed to go back? Won't you miss your flight?"

"It's fine. I'll just fly back with you."

"What if I'm not going back?"

Brian looks down at Ryan with his sad eyes and twiddled his thumbs. A tear dropped from his right eye.

"Brian stop it!" Ryan said as he slapped him.


Ryan pecked Brian on the cheek.

"Come on, I'll have Sharaun fly us back."

"You really mean it, babe?"

"Of course I do, Brian. But first you need to call Jace and tell him that you're having Mia fly you back."

"Mia? I thought I was going with you?"

"You are. Mia is my disguise."

"Oh!" Brian said as he squeezed Ryan's bubble butt.

"Hey hands off, closet case!"

"I can touch you when you're naked but not when you're fully clothed? And what's with this new name you gave me?"

"Well you haven't earned your `touch me' badge and well you call me babe so call you closet case, too much?"

"It's fine, babe. As long as I can have you."

"Of course, you're such a dork."

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