The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Sep 26, 2008


Hey guys sorry for the long, freakin wait. I just got this chapter done, it's a bit short but i've been gettin lots of emails on when the next one would come out. So here it is, tell me how it is plz. peace!

Chapter Sixteen: Strike Two, New Love

Brian walked for a few minutes in silence. The cool air around him sent chills down his spine. Then suddenly he heard a girl's voice. It sounded like she was in pain. She was yelling at the top of her lungs.

Brian ran towards her voice. He soon noticed a gigantic door, the size of a one story house. Her screaming became more and more defined as he stood at the door. She no longer sounded like she was in pain, it sounded more like she was on pleasure island.

Confused, Brian pushed the door open and witnessed what the party was really all about. Everyone was having sex. It wasn't a party where you would get hammered, it was a party to have sex with as many girls as you can.

As Brian turned around to go back to his room, two young, sexy, naked Italian women stood in front of Brian.

"Now where are you going, baby? The party just started," said one of the women.

"Um, I'm at the wrong party."

"Really? You look properly dressed for this party," giggled the other woman.

"It's okay to be scared, we'll help you relax as much as we can," the other lady knelling in front of Brian's flaccid cock.

Brian realized what was going on and freaked. He pushed the lady down and ran. He ran for what seemed like forever. Every where he turned there was a girl and a guy going at it. As he was running, Brian noticed a door at the end of the room. He sprinted towards the door, grabbed the handle, pushed the door, and jumped in. He got up and slammed the door shut.

"Safe!" Brian sighed.

"Safe? Who are you hiding from?" said a voice.

Brian looked up and noticed a guy standing in front of him, fully clothed in casual clothes but had a masquerade mask on.

"Hello? Are you deaf?" said the man.

Brian got up and gave the man a tight embrace.

The man pushed him away and said, "Whoa, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Sorry, but you're the first person I've seen who's fully clothed and isn't having sex in front of everyone."

"And you're being a hypocrite."

"What? That was random."

The man shook his head and walked to into another room. He came back holding a robe and handed it to Brian.

"You're whining about how everyone is naked and yet you're naked yourself."

Brian looked down and noticed that he was still naked. He immediately grabbed the robed and draped it around himself.

When Brian looked back up, he noticed that the guy was sitting on a stool on the other side of the room. Brian walked towards his direction and sat on another stool across from him.

"Hey thanks for the robe."

"Heh, don't worry about it. It's not everyday I see "the boy next door" come to my party."

"Boy next door? You think that I'm that kind of person?"

"Have you not seen yourself in a mirror? You have gorgeous eyes, a sexy body, beautiful face, and from what I saw you have a piece of meat that anyone would love, man or woman."

Brian blushed and felt his cock grow underneath the table.

"You're cute when you blush, you remind me of someone I know."

"Really? Who?"

The man looked down and shook his head.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No you didn't, the person you remind me of just popped into my head. I just really miss him."

"Was he your boyfriend?"

"No, but he felt like one. Anyways let's change the subject. Why are you here if you don't wanna have sex?"

"I just didn't expect everyone to be doing it in front of everyone. Plus, I can't have sex in public it's like a peepshow with no windows, it's out in the open. If I were to have sex with a guy it'd be alone and private, something special."

"A guy? Don't you mean girl?" the man said looking up at Brian.

"Y-yeah, a girl that's what I meant," Brian said looking away.

The man grabbed Brian's head and looked straight into Brian's eyes.

"You're a closet case, aren't you?"

Brian stared back at the man with fear in his eyes. Brian body began to shake uncontrollably. Brian got up revealing his rock hard cock and headed for the door. He got to the door and was suddenly stopped when a kitchen knife struck the door, a few inches away from Brian's head.

"What's the rush? Was it something I said?"

Brian was silent. He didn't know whether he should be freaking out because a knife almost struck him in the head or be scared for his life because a stranger knows his secret.

The man stood right behind Brian and whispered, "You know you don't want to leave, your dick says it all."

"Please, I don't want anyone to know. It's a secret."

"I can keep secrets," the man whispered as he wrapped his arms around Brian rubbing his chest.

Brian turned around with his dick rubbing up and down on the man's shirt. He put his hands on the man's face and leaned in for a kiss.

The man stopped Brian by putting his finger on Brian's lips and said, "you're staying right?"

He nodded his head.

"Good, it's not much of a party with one person," the man said walking to his bed.

"You're done already?"

"Done? Done with what?"

"Weren't you going to, I don't know, have sex with me?"

"Do I look like some whore standing at a corner waiting for some cheap fuck?"

Brian looked down to the ground, embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be down now. Come sit next to me."

Brian walked to the man's bed and sat down next to him, his cock still rock hard but now leaking some pre-cum.

"You're really horny, aren't you?"

"Sorry, you're the first guy ever since--"

"Ever since you broke your own heart and you cut yourself in the process?"

"How'd you--"

"Your arm is covered with cuts and earlier you were talking about losing your virginity with some guy--"

"I never said I lost my virginity. I said that I wanted to lose it with a guy, but I wanted it to be something special."

"But there is a guy, right?"

"Yeah, but not anymore. Like you said, I broke my own heart by hurting him. I'm a jerk, a fucking jerk," Brian said breaking down in tears."

Suddenly the man, started to give off a wicked laugh.

"How can you laugh at this? It's not funny!"

"How can I not? It sounds like something you would see on a sitcom."

Brian looked at the man with a devious look.

"Whoa, what's that look for?"

Brian grinned and pushed the man down on his bed. Brian began to tickle the man. He tried his best to get Brian off of him and so he tickled Brian back.

"Stop! I give, I give!" the man laughed.

Brian immediately stopped and gazed right into the man's eyes. Brian's breathing began to suddenly slow as he started to relax. Brian leaned into the man and perched his soft lips onto the man's own lips. Brian stopped and smiled at the man.

"What was that for?" The man asked.

"I don't know. I guess it was just spur of the moment."

The man smiled back. He then looked at the clock and it read midnight.

"It's getting pretty late."

"Then I guess I should go now?"

"You could or you can stay here with me. Spend the night here with me. Unless you don't want to."

"No, I-I want to."

"Well then, night."


The man clapped his hands and the light shut off. He pulled the blanket over him and Brian and kissed Brian goodnight.

"Hey, I have a question," Brian said waking up the man.


"I never got your name."

"I never got your's either."

"The name's Brian."

"I'm Ry...lee, I'm Rylee."

"Rylee? That's cute."

"Shut up and go to sleep," said Rylee.

"Okay, night Rylee."

"Night, Brian."

Next: Chapter 17

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