The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Jun 16, 2008


Chapter Eleven: Goodbye America

Ryan walked in the hallways wiping away the tears that had scarred his face. He walked towards his locker, opened it, and began to empty everything in it. Upon emptying his locker, he noticed a mirror. He looked into it and saw that he had completely let his guard down...again. First Blake, now Brian.

The images ran through his head again, but this time Ryan shook those images out of his head and punched the mirror in his locker, shattering it. Leaving bits of glass in his hand.

"You broke the mirror? Ryan, that was the first thing I put into you're locker, remember?"

Ryan looked behind himself and saw Kase.

"Oh, sorry Kase. I forgot."

"Oh that's okay, I'll just get you a new one."

"Don't bother, there's no need to."

Kase walked in front of Ryan and looked him straight his face.

"Ryan, you've been crying. What happened?"


"Don't nothing me, Ryan. I know something happened, you can't lie to me."

"I swear it's nothing. I just got--I just got expelled that's all."

"Expelled? How did you, out of all people, get expelled?"

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Try me."

So Ryan told Kase the whole story. What happened at the assembly, him talking with the principal, and the fight with Brian.

"That's fucking amazing! Well except for you getting expelled and all."

"Yeah, not only was Mr. Gray a homophobe but all he cared about was football. I guess me making a mark on Brian really got him all fired up."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Remember when we were little kids and I said that I wanted to leave this place?"

"Yeah, but we were little kids. We didn't know what the hell we were talking about."

"Yeah, well I'm leaving. I have enough money to survive for two lifetimes. I could even leave this place without a trace."

"You can't leave though. You're my best friend, you're practically my brother."

"I know, I'll miss you too. But you know as much I do that I don't belong here. My family didn't want me. The guys that I thought were real, just wanted sex. And I'm expelled from this place. I need education, Kase. I'm not going to be some blue collar guy. I need to make my own path."

"I guess I can't stop you, so I guess the only thing now is to help you."

"Thanks, Kase. But help me with what?"

"Packing, of course! You know how much clothes you have?"

"What would I ever do without you?"

"Not a lot, but I'm here now."

"Well I gotta go. I'm supposed to leave here pronto."

"Okay then I'm going with you."

"What about school?"

"Screw school. I was already in the process of skipping anyways. Where are you moving to anyways?"

"I don't know. Defiantly not here, not in America."

keep sending back feedback XD

Next: Chapter 12

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