The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Jun 16, 2008


Chapter Ten: Expulsion

"Ryan, I have never seen you as a trouble maker, but today, being one of the most important days for our school, I see that you fall asleep during my speech," explained Principal Grey.

"Mr. Grey, you have to understand. Yes I did fall asleep, I'm guilty of that much, but you did not notice and you were right in front of me. And on top of that, I did not fall on my own," Ryan explained.

"Then who do you think pushed you?" asked Principal Grey.

"I know this may seem crazy and you'll most likely won't believe me, but Brian Shift did pushed me," said Ryan.

"Brian Shift? That's...well that's just preposterous. Tell me why would Brian, the star of the football team do something like this to you? You're a nobody compared to him," laughed Principal Gray.

"But he's the only one who sat next to me. He's the only one who could've done it," pleaded Ryan.

"Well if you are so sure about this, then why don't I bring him in to hear this himself?" said Principal Grey. "Brian. Mr. Shift get in here."

"Yes, Principal Gray?" Brian said as he entered through the door.

"Ryan Lee says that you pushed him off his chair while I was speaking through my speech, is that true?" asked Principal Gray.

"Sir, I would never do that to him. I don't even know this guy," Brian lied.

"Brian, why are you acting like such a dick all of a sudden? I thought we were friends?" Ryan said standing up.

"Friends? If you were friends, why would he do this to you Ryan. And more importantly, why would you put blame on your own friend?" asked Principal Gray.

"You're putting words into my mouth--"

"That's not the only thing you like your mouth," laughed Brian.

"Oh ho, that is really funny. Not only are you amazing at sports, but you're also amazing at comedy too," laughed Principal Gray.

"Mr. Gray--"

"That's Principal Gray."

"Principal Gray, how could you laugh at something like that? A comment like that shouldn't be okay to say," argued Ryan.

"A comment? I'm sorry, I must've gotten my words mixed up. That is a fact, because you are a faggot," said Brian.

They both laughed again like that word meant nothing to them. And what about Brian? Didn't he say he didn't like that word?

"That's it! This is discrimination! How can you stand here and join in his fucking sick jokes?" yelled Ryan.

"Language, Mr. Lee," said Principal Gray.

"Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't tolerate my language, but you can tolerate his?" asked Ryan.

"What are you talking about? His language is perfectly fine," said Principal Gray.

"That's it! I'm done with this fucking shit!"

Ryan quickly moved over to punch Principal Gray in the face but was cut short when Brian tackled him down.

"Get off of me!"

"What's wrong, faggot? I thought you liked this sort of thing?"

"Not like this. Now get the fuck off of me!" Ryan pleaded.

"This reminds you of Blake doesn't it?"

Ryan froze. Images of Blake rolled around Ryan's head.

"I knew it! He's your fucking pimp and bailed on him!"

Ryan's past had caught up to him again as Brian word vomit spewed out his mouth.

"Aw poor baby, did I hurt your feelings?"

Ryan kicked Brian hard in the jewels, punched him in the face, and picked himself up.

"That's enough from you, Mr. Lee! I see that you are not fit for this school anymore. I hereby expel you from my this school. Now leave!"

Ryan opened the door and said to Brian, "I thought you were different. I thought we could be friends. I thought so many things, but I should've trusted my instincts. You're a jerk and always will be."

Next: Chapter 11

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