The Difference

By Justin Luong

Published on Mar 7, 2008


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This is a love story between two barely under the age of 18 year old boys in high school. If that offends you, I apologize and ask that you not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy.

The Difference

Chapter One: Sorry...

"What do you want me to do? I can't do anything about it!" yelled Ryan. "Why do you care so much on what other people think of you?!"

"I'm the quarterback of this school; I'm the most popular guy in this entire school. And if people were to find out that I'm kissing some faggot let alone a stupid emo kid, does not bode well with my social status!" Brian argued back.

"Faggot? Is that all you think of me is some faggot? You are the one who kissed me; you are the one who asked me out. You can't blame this on me," said Ryan.

"Why not? You're the one who came on to me," said Brian.

"I'm not going to be treated like some rag doll, not again. I'm done with this!" Ryan said storming out the room.

"Where are you going? I'm not through with you," Brian said as he chased Ryan.

"Well I am, Brian. I'm done with this and I'm through with you. Handle this on your own," said Ryan.

"Screw that!" Brian said as he pushed Ryan into the locker. "Now you listen to me you got me into this, you're going to get me out."

"Excuse me? You have no right to talk to me like this, let alone treat me like this. So just leave me alone," Ryan said.

"I thought you said you loved me," said Brian.

"That was when before you changed into a mindless jerk--"

"Don't you ever talk to me like that!" Brian said as he punched the locker to the left side of Ryan's head.

"I guess I hit a nerve. Poor baby. I can make the pain go away, just let me have a second chance to make it up to you," Ryan whispered.

"I...I can't have anyone find out about us. I just can't," said Brian.

"It's okay, no one's here. No one will ever find out," Ryan whispered into Brian's ear. "Now get against the locker, let's get this started."

"Awesome," Brian said as he let go of Ryan and leaned against the same locker as Ryan.

Ryan looked to his left and saw an open locker on the top row. He walked to the locker and started rummaging inside the locker.

"What are you doing?" asked Brian.

"Just looking through my locker for some stuff," said Ryan.

Brian thought for a moment and remembered that Ryan's locker was downstairs.

"What are you talking about this isn't your--"

Before Brian could finish his sentence Ryan slammed the locker into his face and said, "Don't you ever mess with me. Remember this, I'm not your boyfriend and I'm not a piece of meat. Go back to your straight life. Peace."

Ryan walked outside and called Kase.

"Hey Kase, it's over as of now. So when you get this message, pick me up by the PAC. Peace," said Ryan.

Ryan started walking around the school parking lot until he saw a car speeding towards him. He thought it was just some stupid kid trying to show off so he didn't think too much about it and he began to walk again. Ten seconds passed and he noticed that the car wasn't stopping just speeding up faster and faster.

"What the heck?" said Ryan.

The car stopped and a masked figure walked out of the vehicle wielding a baseball bat.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ryan asked nervously.

The guy didn't answer but instead got into an attacking stance and swung the bat towards Ryan. Ryan reacted quickly and put his arms up guarding his face, bad thing though was that the person didn't aim for the top he aimed for the bottom, the legs.

The bat hit Ryan's legs and the bones in his legs split apart and broke through the muscle and the skin exposing the bone. Ryan fell to his knees in pain as the blood in his legs gushed out spewing blood onto his face and the masked figure's face.

"AHH!" Ryan cried out in pain.

The masked figure walked back into his car, released the brakes, backed up and started for the final assault.

Ryan still in pain tried to stand up but instead fell on his face. All Ryan wanted to do was to go to sleep, but he couldn't he had to get away just enough for Kase to get there. Ryan started to crawl and saw Kase's car. Ryan started flailing his arms in the air trying to get Kase's attention.

"Is that Ryan?" Kase thought as she drove into the school parking lot.

Kase squinted her eyes and say that it was indeed Ryan. She wondered why he was crawling on the floor and saw that his legs were shattered and a suspicious car speeding towards him.

"Oh my God, Ryan. Hold on," Kase said to herself as she sped towards him.

"Crap, I'm not going to make it," Ryan thought.

Ryan got on his hands and knees forgetting about the pain and tried to leap out of the way. It was too late though, the car impacted into Ryan and he flew into the air and crashed back into the school, unconscious. Shards of glass were scattered all over the place. Brian got up and saw that Ryan, who he just got in a fight with, was right across from him.

Brian walked up to him and saw the damages all over Ryan's body. He looked like he had gone through hell. His body was completely dismembered. All his bones were shattered, you could see it through his clothes. Blood stains everywhere, he was road kill. Brian looked over Ryan and saw that Ryan was not breathing. He checked for a pulse, nothing.

"Ryan, Ryan wake up. Don't die on me, I'm sorry. Please don't do this," Brian cried. "I'm so sorry."

Next: Chapter 2

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