The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Jun 13, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The Diary -- Chapter 9

Ryan and I walked towards the apartment giving Dan a couple minutes with Tom. He probably would have gone to have lunch with him if it wasn't for Jeff. They talked for a few minutes while Ryan and I tried not to watch. It almost looked like they wanted to kiss each other good-bye but just smiled at each other instead. Dan walked towards us with a smile on his face and a bulge in his shorts."

Ryan and I laughed. "Way to be obvious Dan." He tried to adjust himself and smiled.

"Quiet shorty, even I've got seven," he laughed.

"Hey, no more size jokes. Besides, you'd probably gag on the six."

"Maybe, maybe not," he smiled.

"Dan, you look more relaxed today. Don't you enjoy not worrying about stuff so much?"

"Yea, it's nice. Let's just get back. I need to do some laundry."

"I wonder why" I laughed. Slapping his back.

We got back to the apartments and Dan went into his place while Ryan and I went to ours. Ryan and I sat down to do some work. I had to work on my project and Ryan had some math. It was tough though. I couldn't focus. Neither could Ryan. He went out for a run and I sat down to write in my diary.

April 2004

The next morning I woke up early. My life had changed dramatically the last 24 hours. Yesterday I went to school as always with nobody knowing my secret. Today I woke up thinking about Ryan and was about to drive him to school. I wondered what my friends would say when they saw him with me but I really didn't care. There was something about him that made me feel good. I know he doesn't quite trust me yet but I was determined to change that.

I tossed down the sheet to get out of bed. There was dried cum on my stomach and in my pubes from the jack off session Ryan and I had on the phone the night before. My cock got hard again as I thought about it. Getting out of bed and putting on some shorts I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and got there just as my brother, Tom, was coming out. "Morning," I mumble. "You done in there?"

Tom looked at me and smiled. "Yea, did someone wake up horny.? You should be careful of walking around like that, mom might see." He rubbed a dried cum spot on my stomach and laughed. I'm sure he also noticed my shorts tenting in front of me.

"Like you never do," I laughed. Jumping back and going into the bathroom, I turned on the water and stepped into the shower. It felt good standing under the hot water. Lathering my body paying special attention to my midsection, my hand making it's way to my cock. Stroking slowly my mind drifted and thought of Ryan, his face and his big cock. I smiled to myself. At least I wasn't only interested in his cock. My eyes were closed as I stood under the hot water working my cock. Images of Ryan flashed through my mind, him being picked on at school, what happened in the woods yesterday afternoon, what happened in my bedroom afterwards as well as our talk last night. I felt really good and started to stroke faster. The image of me holding him and kissing him flashed through my mind just as I shot my boy juice at the drain in the shower. I relaxed with my head back enjoying the afterglow of my morning session. Then I looked and saw the last of my cum swirling around the drain about to disappear forever.

I snapped back to reality and realized I had been moaning Ryan's name and things I wanted to do with him while I had been jacking off. Hopefully the shower was loud enough to cover anything up. I was pretty sure my mother was downstairs and Tom knew about me anyway. He'd be happy I found someone but also worried about how other people would react. I know I was in the shower and the chances of anyone hearing me were slim but just the same, I was usually more guarded with what I said. "Oh well," I said to myself. It could have been worse, I could have been in math class daydreaming with him sitting next to me. I quickly finished washing my hair and was about to get out when I heard a knock on the door.

"Chris, hurry up in there. I need to get ready for work."

"Just a minute mom, I'll be right out." I hope she wasn't there two minutes ago.

I finished my shower and dried off quickly. Wrapping a towel around me I opened the door to see my mother waiting. "Sorry mom, I didn't know you were waiting."

"It's OK, you just seemed to be a long time this morning."

"Yea, the hot water felt good. I guess I was daydreaming" I saw Tom chuckling as he came out of his room.

"You get interrupted," he asked with a smile after mom went into the bathroom. "I heard you moaning."

"Was I that loud?"

"Yea, but don't worry about it. I couldn't make anything out and mom didn't hear anything. You should be careful."

"I know, thanks. Good thing mom didn't knock 2 minutes earlier I smiled." Looking at him. Our eyes met.

He looked puzzled. "Are you OK?"

"Yea, I was just thinking of how great it is to have you as a brother."

"Don't get mushy on me. OK? I know your type can," he smiled and playfully pushed me.

"Alright, I'm sorry. What do you mean, my type?"

He laughed and started prancing down the hall.

"Shithead," I smile. "I don't prance." He turned back and smiled. "Relax bro, It's cool."

I smiled and flipped him off before hurrying into my room to get dressed. I put on some jeans and my favorite shirt. I combed my hair standing at my mirror thinking I should work out more. Not that I looked bad or was fat or anything but I wasn't defined like some of the kids at school either. I guess they get that from playing sports. Something I didn't really do. I wanted to look good when I picked Ryan up though.

I ran downstairs, grabbed a quick bowl of cereal and headed out the door without really saying goodbye. I jumped into my car and drove the short way to Ryan's house. He must have been waiting and came right out when I drove into his driveway.

"Good morning," he said as he got into the car. "I wasn't sure you'd be here."

"I told you I would, didn't I. Relax, OK. It's cool."

"We'll see when we get to school. You might not like the reaction."

At the stop sign at the end of his street I turned to look at him. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him towards me, leaning over to give him a kiss.

He smiled but said I'd better watch it. Someone might see us.

"You know what? I don't really care. Unless you do," I smiled. Kissing him again before turning the corner. "You should join us for lunch today. Meet some of my friends."

"That might not be a good idea, I don't want to cause any trouble."

"If you don't I'm going to come find you and drag your ass over to our table."

"Lets just play it by ear, OK?"

We turned into the school parking lot and I parked in my usual space. Sean pulled in right beside me. Before I got out I reached over and put my hand on Ryan's. "Things will be OK, I promise." He certainly didn't look convinced.

We got out of the car and I said good morning to Sean. "Wassup?" he asked, looking as Ryan getting out of my car.

"Not much. You know Ryan, right?"

"Yea, I know who he is. What's he doing here."

"Ah, let's see. He goes to school here?"

"You know what I mean. What's he doing with you?"

"I gave him a ride to school. He had some trouble with Ron yesterday after school. I helped him out and offered to give him a ride, why?"

"Nothing, I guess."

I got closer to Sean. "Sean, Ryan is really a good guy. Cut him some slack, OK?"

He looked at Ryan, then at me. "Whatever, I don't have anything against him."

We walked into school and went to our lockers. Ryan had science first thing while I had English. We compared our schedule but I knew we only had math and computer science together after lunch. Promise you'll meet me for lunch, OK?"

"I'll think about it. I'm still not sure it's a good idea."

Nobody was within earshot but I leaned in a little closer. "How about a good-bye kiss until then?" I smiled.

"Let's not push things."

"I was just joking." He was smiling though. I think he thought about it.

We walked to class together. A few kids made comments to him along the way which really bothered me. Others just kind of looked at us oddly although that might have been my imagination. He said he'd see me later as he went into the science lab and I headed to the stairs to go to my English class. I looked back to see him disappear into the room before going upstairs. We made eye contact and I'm pretty sure I saw a glimmer of a smile on his face. Maybe this will work out I thought.

The morning went by slowly. First English, then history, then a free period. Sean had the same free period and sat down beside me.

"So what was up this morning," he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Why were you with the fag?"

"Don't call him that."

"Chris, what's up with you? You know what kids say about him."

"So what. Look, I saw Ron and his friends drag him into the woods yesterday and they were trying to force him to do stuff. I followed because I knew something was up. Anyway, I had to help so I broke it up."

"What? You got involved? Did you give any thought to what could happen?"

"I just reacted but I'm glad I did. Nobody should be treated like that. So what if he is gay and I don't even know if that is really true (I lied). I couldn't just walk away."

"OK, so why was he with you this morning?"

"Well, after we ran out of the woods with Ron chasing us I gave him a ride home. I can't explain it. I just started seeing how his life around here is. I offered to give him a ride and said I'd do what I could to help."

"Then he's your pet project?"

"No, not at all. He's really a good kid. Just give him a chance. Will you, Sean?"

"Is it that important to you?"

"Yea, I guess it is. Look, you're my best friend. I was hoping I could count on you to help too."

"Alright," he said. "I may not actively 'help' because I don't want to have people talk about me but I won't say anything bad either."

"Just so you know, I asked him to join us at lunch. I could use some support."

"Oh man Chris, get a grip, will you? You know what everyone thinks of him. Why would you do that?"

"They think that because of the rumors. They don't know him as a person. Hopefully some of our friends will have open minds. Besides, they don't have to be his best friend, just don't treat him like a pariah."

"Better you then me. I guess I'm a bad person. I probably would have walked away."

"No you wouldn't and you know it. You might not be trying to help him now but you wouldn't have let Ron and his friends do that to him either. I know you. Just give him a chance, OK? I told him my friends were really cool. I was hoping I could at least count on you."

He looked at me for a few seconds. "Alright Chris, what do you want me to do."

"Just cut him some slack, OK? He's really a good guy. You know how he's treated. He doesn't deserve that even if he is gay, nobody does."

The bell for the end of the period sounded and I had to get to science. I saw Ryan at his locker between classes.

I snuck up behind him. "How's your day going hot stuff?"

He turned around quickly. "God Chris, you can't be doing that. Someone will hear you."

"Relax, I'm just having fun and I made sure nobody could hear."

"Just be careful, OK? We don't both need to be treated like pariahs." He saw me looking at him. "What?" he asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I want to kiss you."

"Chris, stop it. You know you can't here."

"I know, but one of these days I'm going to in front of everyone."

"I need to get to class."

"OK, but don't forget about lunch."

"Look Chris, I believe you're trying to help, OK? Believe me, me eating lunch with you and your friends isn't a good idea."

"Just try, please. If it doesn't go well you won't have to do it again. We'll try something else. I know you're kind of scared about it. ..... I have to get to class, just think about it, OK?"

"Alright, I'll see you."

I went to class but could only think of Ryan, whether he would show up for lunch, worried what my friends would really do. I promised Ryan things would get better. If I can't get my friends to accept him what else can I do. I wondered if I was doing the right thing and I certainly wasn't paying attention to class.

"Mr. Walker!!! Earth to Mr. Walker."

"Huh?" Looking up with a deer in the headlights look at Mr. Berry, the science teacher was standing over my desk.

"Ahh, sorry," I said. Good thing I was a relatively good student and generally got along with my teachers.

He smiled. "A little distracted are we Chris? ... I'm returning your test and collecting last nights homework. Do you have it?"

"Yea, right here." Kids around me were making jokes and laughing at my expense.

Mr. Berry was cool though, he played along. "It's OK Mr. Walker." He only called students that when he was trying to play being serious. "I was young once too. Just try to pay attention for the last 15 minutes of class, OK?"

I smiled. "Yes, sir, sorry."

He went back up front and started talking about the next topic we'd be covering. He was trying to explain what made a baseball curve and why it was so difficult to hit one saying that major league hitters only have half a second or so to react after the ball leaves the pitcher's hand and they had to anticipate where the ball would be based on what they picked up from how the pitcher released the ball, it's spin, etc. It gave me a new appreciation for Tom's ability to hit a ball.

Finally it was time for lunch and I hurried to the cafeteria. I saw Ryan at his locker and grabbed him. "Come on," I said. Not giving him much of a choice.

"Chris, this isn't a good idea."

"Yes, it is. You'll see. I've already talked to Sean, he's cool about it." That might be stretching it a bit but it wasn't totally a lie.

I stayed with him in line for food and as we paid just to make sure he didn't go off by himself. "You ready?" I asked. Seeing my friends at their usual table.

"No, but that won't stop you."

"Let's go." Walking towards the table and putting my tray down. Ryan nervously stayed next to me. "What's up, guys? You all know Ryan don't you?" I went around the table saying their names, introducing them to Ryan. Nobody really said anything and just sort of stared at me.

"Ryan and I have a project together in computer science. I said he could eat with us and then we could work on it."

Sean looked up. "Well, ... sit down Ryan, we don't bite," he smiled. Then he smiled at me. I think he knew at that point. "Chris says you're OK."

"Yea," chimes in Josh. "Have a seat."

Everyone was nice to Ryan. Derrick said how he'd heard about what happened. Word travels fast in a small school. "Ron and his friends are real assholes. Don't worry about them."

I looked over at Sean who was smiling at me causing me to smile back. "Thank you," I mouthed and he nodded, smiling back. He really was a good friend.

Lunch really went well. Ryan didn't say much but people accepted him. It became a little awkward when we were talking about something and Jim piped up with a "that's so gay." Jim realized what he said and stopped, looking over at Ryan. Nobody else said anything either.

"It's not something I'd want to do," smiled Ryan. Actually making eye contact with Jim who kind of apologized. Good recovery I thought. Smiling at Ryan.

"Actually, I like gay people," smiled Colin. "Less competition for me when I go after some girl."

Sean laughed, "everyone could be gay and you still wouldn't get any." Punching him as friends do.

Colin just sighed. "Tell that to Tanya, she might disagree."

"Tanya?" Sean asked. She'd even make a gay guy get a hardon or at least you could tell if a guy was gay if he didn't get boned thinking about her. Like you'd ever get any of that."

Colin just smiled. "I can always dream can't I?"

"Yea, you and your right hand, just like the rest of us."

Everyone laughed. We all knew we all jerked off regularly and usually got hard just thinking about it. Nobody was going to say they had to go take a piss right then, that's for sure.

Lunch ended and it was time for the last two classes of the day -- computer science and math. I had been looking forward to them all day since Ryan was in both of them. We walked out of the cafeteria as a group taking care of our trays and talking. In the hall we said our "see ya's" and went our separate ways. Ryan and I walked together towards our lockers to get our books.

"That wasn't bad, was it?"

"No, I'm shocked."

"I told you to just give people a chance but to be honest I'm pretty sure Sean had said something to them before we got there."

"He seems like a good guy. I can see why you're friends. He won't get mad if we're friends will he?"

"Do you mean friends friends or the type of friends who make out in my bedroom?"

"Well, either I guess."

"Well, he won't be jealous if that's what you mean. He's definitely straight. His girlfriend has the other lunch period or else he would have been drooling all over her," I laughed.

"I just don't want to cause any problems."

"Relax, I choose my own friends."

We walked to class and sat next to each other. I was relieved that lunch was over and that it had gone so well. I don't know what Sean said but he had definitely said something. Nobody was surprised to see Ryan there and everyone was really cool about it. The last two periods went really quickly. I liked both subjects which helped but also it was nice because Ryan was in both of them. Every once in awhile I'd catch myself looking over at him, something he also noticed. I think he was starting to feel better. At least I hoped so.

After his last class he said he had to stop by to see Mr. Berry about something and would meet me by my car. I said I'd come with him but he said he'd only be a minute so I decided to wait by his locker. I began to get anxious when he didn't show for awhile and started to walk to the science lab to find him. All I could think about was what happened yesterday with Ron and I know he wouldn't let it drop. I hadn't seen him all day though and hoped he was still pulling thorns or whatever he fell in out of his ass.

I was relieved when I saw Ryan walking down the hall toward me. "Sorry," he said. "I had to talk with Mr. Berry about something and then Mr Johnson, the English teacher, wanted to see me. I told him I want to be an engineer. English is like a second language to me."

I laughed. "I know what you mean. I was a little worried though. Wondering if something happened."

"No, Mr Berry is actually cool." He whispered in my ear. "I think he's gay and has a soft spot for me. He hasn't said anything but is always nice and sympathetic."

I laughed. "I bet he's got a hard spot for you too then."

"That's gross Chris. He's old enough to be my father. He's just being nice. He was one of the only people around here who was nice to me before today. Today was the best day I've had in a long time. Lunch was fun. You were right, your friends are pretty cool. Thank you"

"I told you they were."

"I just don't want to cause you any trouble for you"

"Let me worry about that. Besides, you're worth it. Who knows, maybe you and I can double date with Sean and Julie sometime. You know, the blond with the big ..." Looking around to make sure nobody saw me hold my hands in front of my chest.

"Yea, I know her. She's actually friendly but they don't do a thing for me." He laughed but got serious. "What do you mean, double date? Are you asking me out?"

I got nervous. "Let's go, there is something I want to show you before taking you home."


"Can't tell you, I have to show you."

"Where is it?"

"You'll see. Come on." We walked to the parking lot. This was where I expected to see Ron if we were going to see him. He was nowhere in sight. I think Ryan had the same thought. He seemed a little nervous as we walked outside but relaxed when we didn't see anyone. We both looked across the road as we got into my car. I looked at him knowing what he was thinking.

"It's OK, we won't let anything like that happen again."

"I hope not but you can't always be around to protect me."

"I know but hopefully you'll make some other friends too. Safety in numbers sort to speak."

"That would be nice. ....... So, what is it you want to show me? Something at your house?"

I saw Sean with Julie on the edge of the football field as we drove by. He looked and saw Ryan in the car. I'd have to talk with him to explain things especially if my plan worked out. He'd understand, wouldn't he?

"No, it's about five miles from here, near the river. Just relax." I reached across the console and put my hand on his as I took a left onto a back road. One of the benefits of living in a small town was that there were still areas you could go where there weren't any people. I had found a spot where I liked to go when I wanted to be alone and think. It was a perfect spot on a warm, sunny afternoon like today.

I turned off the road onto a dirt road. More like a trail. After about 200 yards I pulled under some trees and parked the car. "Come on, " I smiled. "It's right up here." Getting out of the car I started to walk towards a trail going into the woods. Ryan seemed to hesitate but caught up with me.

"Don't worry. This is a good place. You'll see." We walked a couple hundred yards up the trail and I pulled Ryan towards the brook. When we got to the opening he just stood there, looking. It was perfect. The sun was shining, the brook was running with the spring melt off, we could see the town in the distance and we were alone.

"I love this place. I found it one day when I was hiking. Now I come here to be alone and think." I sat down and looked off into the distance seeing cars driving around town. Ryan sat down beside me. Just having him next to me made me feel good. I laid back, leaning on my elbows, and looking up at his back. I had thought it looked good yesterday but it really looked good in his shirt too. He said he worked out at home and it showed. He looked so peaceful and content.

Reaching up I put my hand on his back and began to rub it. "Was today better?"

"Yea, I didn't feel like such an outcast. Your friends were actually pretty cool. I can see why you like them. Best of all I felt you were there for me. Something I wouldn't have thought possible two days ago."

"A lot can happen in 24 hours. That TV show drags it out all year," I laughed. My hand still on his back. "If anyone had told me I'd be sitting here with you yesterday morning I'd have told them they were on some serious drugs. Now I can't think of anyone I'd rather sit here with."

"What? What about Sean."

"I've never told Sean about this place. He and I are friends but it isn't the same."

"I guess." He looked back at me but didn't move so that I had to take my hand off his back.

"I want to tell you something."


"It's difficult. I've never done this before."

"What is it? Are you having second thoughts about our friendship?" He was getting nervous. "I don't want you to say anything until I'm done."


Rubbing his back. "Well, you might say I'm having second thoughts about our friendship but not in the way you are thinking. Ever since yesterday I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. Besides when we were talking my thoughts were of you. Thinking of you was the last thought I had before falling asleep last night and the first thought that popped into my head this morning. Today in school was good but it was hard too, in more ways than one." Trying to make a joke.

"It was really tough to pay attention in classes today too. I kept thinking about you. ...... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd like to have more than a simple friendship with you."

I stopped talking and waited for a response. He looked at me and our eyes met. "I understand if you don't feel the same. It's okay, I know that things are happening really quick. I'll still be your friend."

He got a big smile on his face. "This is fantastic. I could say the same words to you. I was just chicken. Afraid I'd scare you away. I thought about you the same way. And I've been hard all day too."

I laughed, "that must have been a sight. Where'd you hide it?"

"I'll never tell. Maybe you should look"

Reaching for his shoulders I pulled him down on top of me, embracing him. "Oh Ryan, you feel so good, you make me feel so good."

I reached behind my head and unfastened a small chain with a medallion I wear around my neck. Here I said, putting it around Ryan's neck. I want you to wear this.

"I shouldn't. People will see and know it's yours."

"That's the point. Then people will know you're my boyfriend. Wow, that sounds nice."

"It sure does. I can't believe how the last 24 hours has changed things. From outcast to having a fantastic boyfriend. I can't believe it. I'm so happy."

"Well, I don't know how fantastic I am but I'm happy too." Holding him close to me. We embraced, laying on the ground, kissing. I pushed my tongue against his lips and looked into his eyes. His lips separated to let my tongue in, an invitation I readily accepted. I'd gone out with a few girls as a front but never kissed them like this. This was so intense. We could hear the brook in the background, there was a slight breeze blowing on us and my tongue was inside Ryan's mouth with his tongue trying to push into mine. Our tongues were so moist as our mouths filled with saliva, saliva from both of us mixed together. I was so turned on, like never before.

I rolled over and swallowed the saliva in my mouth. "Wow," I said. "Wow," said Ryan. I opened my mouth to show him I had swallowed our saliva which caused him to smile. "Now we're part of each other," he smiled.

I smiled and sat up next to him. I took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes. "Ryan, I promise to be the best boyfriend I can. I'll do my best to do right by you. I'm not infallible but I promise I'll never hurt you. If I do anything that does then please tell me about it, don't hold it in. That's if you'll have me."

"Have you? I've never been happier in my life. Of course I'll have you. I just hope I'm worthy and ..."

"And what?" I asked.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble with your friends. It's one thing they let me eat lunch with them. It's something else them knowing you and I are boyfriends."

"Relax, Okay? Tonight I'm going to find Sean and tell him. Tomorrow you'll wear the medallion and we'll walk into school hand in hand."

"Chris, I can wear the medallion. That's special but I'm not ready to hold hands or do anything else in public. I've been an outcast for so long. You don't know how bad it can be. I don't want our relationship to have sustain that burden. If people started treating you like that. I don't want to loose you."

I smiled. "OK, we'll hold off on the hand holding at school but my friends are going to know anyway. I'm going to tell them. If they freak out they freak out but I don't think they will. They accepted you today didn't they? But you're probably right. At least for now. I'm not sure how my parents will react either. I think I'll hold off telling them for awhile."

He looked relieved as I slid my right hand under his shirt rubbing his abs. He started to rub my back and I felt his hand slide onto my ass. "No," I said, "this is for you." Sliding my hand down his flat stomach into his pants without having to loosen them. He was like me, there was plenty of room to slide my hand in despite his pants being relatively small. "Mmmmm," feeling his hard cock. "Doesn't feel like you're hiding anything now." Rubbing the tip of his cock in my fingers.

I slowly took my hand out and loosened his pants and pulling at them. Sliding them down his thighs. His massive cock standing up, like a flag pole. Taking it in my hand I gave it a couple strokes watching some precum ooze out. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"Oh yea," he smiled. "That feels good."

"I may not be too good at this but I want to make you feel better. .... And, don't worry, I know to watch my teeth." I laughed, leaning down.

"You don't have to do it, we can wait if you want."

"I've been waiting all day." Licking around his head as well as his piss hole getting my first taste of someone else's cum, or precum if there is really a difference. I licked the precum from his piss hole.and showed it to him on the tip of my tongue. Then I swallowed it and showing him it was gone..

"Not bad," I smiled. "Got any more?"

I knew I would do this someday but didn't expect to be here, in this spot, today. Slowly I opened my mouth wide and put it over the head of Ryan's cock. He let out a loud moan as I closed my lips around him and licked his head with my tongue. I thought this was a moment I'd remember the rest of my life. The first time I put my lips over someone's cock. I was careful to keep my teeth from touching him. Putting them behind my lips like I had read online. Ryan was moaning and calling my name as I slid my lips further down his shaft taking more of his huge cock in my mouth.

I had read a lot about sucking a cock and wanted to do it right. The best advice I had read was not to make it a chore, to suck it how you'd want to be sucked and let your feelings for the person drive your actions. It was all about pleasing the recipient. In fact that is how I viewed making love in general. If both people really cared about each other and simply tried to make the other person feel the best they could then it had to be good. If that was true then Ryan must be feeling real good because I was incredibly turned on. I had thought about doing this all day and hoped I'd get the opportunity. Also, since I had thought about it all day I was as horny as I'd ever been. There's no way a girl would enjoy this more than I was right now and certainly no way a girl could ever make me feel like this.

I lowered my lips further down his rigid cock. His head in the back of my mouth. My heart was pounding. I knew I couldn't take it all. It would be pointless to even try. Someday maybe but not today. I just wanted to make Ryan feel as good as I could. I wanted to do this for him.

It didn't take long before he called my name. "Chris, you'd better stop. I'm really close."

I sucked my cheeks against his shaft and slid my mouth up and down some more. The insides of my cheeks rubbing against him.

"Chris, I'm serious. I can't hold back much longer." I smiled thinking how cute it was that he'd warn me. What does he think I thought to myself with a smile. That I don't know what is going to happen but also knew he was just thinking of me.

His legs started shaking when I put my hand on his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Oh god Chris, I'm sorry, I didn't mean ... " Before he could finish I felt a blast of warm, thick cum shoot out of the tip of his cock. It was followed by another blast and then another. I tried to swallow it all but couldn't. I started to cough and took my mouth off his spasming cock. He still had some left and two shots hit me in the face as I coughed.

I looked up at him, his cum dripping from my cheeks and nose. I had stopped coughing and licked the cum still oozing out of his cock. "Chris, I told you I was close. Why didn't you stop?"

"Simple," I smiled. I didn't want to. I wanted to swallow your cum. I wanted to sit at the kitchen table and eat supper tonight knowing part of you was inside me. I'm just sorry I coughed and couldn't swallow it all."

He smiled. "Don't worry about it, you did great. In fact that was fantastic. I've never felt so good when I've cummed before. Last night on the phone was good but this was definitely better. Do you want me to do you now?"

"Too late," I smiled. Rolling over and showing him the wet spot on my pants. Not just a little wet spot, a large area that was obvious what it was. I had shot my load just before Ryan. It was a combination of the rubbing my crotch against the ground as I sucked my first cock and the fact that I was sucking my first cock. Ryan's cock.

"I always thought I'd be the one who sucked first when the time came," he said. I've never thought much what it would be like to get sucked. That was fantastic.

"I kind of figured you felt like that. That's why I wanted to do you. I hope I did OK.

"OK??? I just told you that was fantastic. It was the best blowjob I've ever got."

"Dickhead, correct me if I'm wrong but its the only blowjob you've ever got.

"Well, then I guess it was pretty easy for you to be the best," he smiled.

"Ha, you do have a sense of humor and a nice smile."

"I always did. I just haven't used it much lately. Do you think Julie gives Sean head like that."

"I'll have to ask him. Right after I tell him about us?"

"I can't believe you're going to tell everyone."

"I have to. Sean is my friend and he'll figure something out anyway. He already thinks I'm weird for not dating anyway. Besides, if I didn't I'd feel like I was ashamed of our relationship and I definitely am not. Just please don't let him see the chain until I tell him. I don't want to blindside him."

"I won't. You're going to tell him today?"

"After I drop you off .... and get cleaned up," I smile. Taking my shirt and wiping Ryan's cum off my face. "That is of course unless he's balling Julie."

"You know, this is the first time that I've ever thought sex between a man and a woman was well, disgusting. Not that I ever had any interest in doing it. It just seems right now that our feelings for each other are so natural and that what Sean and Julie have are unnatural. Maybe that's how they think about us."

"You're getting kind of deep there bud. We can have a philosophical discussion another day." I smiled, holding his hand.

"We should get going then. It's getting late. My mother will be wondering where I am."

Standing up. "Yea, we should." Reaching down to give him my hand and pull him up. "You know, tomorrow is Friday night, how about a date with your boyfriend? We could get a pizza and maybe catch a movie. I promise I won't molest you too bad in the movie theater."

"You'd better not, we'd get kicked out."

Smiling as Ryan pulled up his pants. I reached out for my boyfriend's hand, pulling him against me. "I promise to be faithful to you and make you as happy as I can."

"Me too," he replied. Moving his lips to mine.

We stood in the clearing again, embracing and kissing passionately. "I don't want to leave. I just want to hold you like this."

"Me too," he replied again, "but I need to get home."

"I want to meet your mother but maybe we should wait until I don't have a cum stain on my pants."

He laughed as we walked down the hill to the car. "When did it happen?"

"Right when you said you couldn't hold back any longer. You were so cute to warn me but there was no way I wasn't going to at least try to swallow your load." Rubbing my stomach and smiling as we got into the car.

I handed him my cell phone and told him to put his number on speed dial and do the same with his phone. "I'll call you after I see Ryan unless he's out with Julie. I do want to tell him before he finds out some other way."

"I understand. I'll make sure I don't let him see the chain until you say it's OK.

I smiled. "Thanks."

We drove back to town and I dropped him off. His mother was outside or I would have kissed him good bye. I told him I'd call later but really needed to get home and change. The spot was drying up a little but my boxer briefs were soaked. It might have been hot when it shot out but it got kind of cool sitting there. I smiled thinking how good my plan to tell Ryan worked and I pulled out of his driveway and drove home.

October 2007

Ryan came back in from his run and saw me writing. "How far did you get?"

"Up to the part about the first time I sucked that beautiful cock of yours."

"Well, I have to take a shower. Want to join me and you can do it again?"

With that I smiled, closed my laptop and followed Ryan into the bathroom.

To Be Continued

Thanks for the comments. Sorry if this chapter is a little long. I couldn't think of a good place to break it up. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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