The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Jun 9, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

We turned and I saw this kid I'd never seen before walking towards us.

"I take it this is the jerk."

"That's him," Ryan said. Tensing up.

The kid cam closer, laughing. "What's the matter? You didn't think you'd see me again? You're going to be seeing a lot of me when my brother goes here. I'll be spending a lot of time here."

People were starting to look. "Come on Ryan, just ignore him. Lets go eat."

"Ohhh, another one," he snickered. "Don't you two make a nice couple."

We walked to an area without too many people trying to get away from the jerk but he just followed us continuing his trash talk.

After putting my tray down I finally turned to him. "What's your problem anyway? Do you just get off hurting people?"

"Mind your own business, faggot. Ryan here and I go back a long way. Don't we Ryan?"

My blood was boiling and I had had enough. I don't know what came over me but I grabbed the back of his head and pushed it into the table, not hard, just enough to get his attention. "You bother Ryan and it is my business. He told me what you did to him. I don't know what your problem is but if you keep bothering him, I promise you, you'll regret it." Leaning down closer so that only he could hear, "and your brother will regret it too if he decides to come here. Trust me on that one. You won't be around all the time to protect him." Pushing his face tighter against the table, "Do we understand each other?"

"Let me go."

Squeezing harder, "Do we understand each other?"

People were starting to look but I didn't care. My face was red. Ryan and Dan looked on as if in shock. "Chris, it's OK, let him go," Ryan said. "He isn't worth it." Feeling his hand on my shoulder.

I started to relax and remembered where we were. "Why don't you just walk away. You leave us alone and we'll leave you alone, agreed?" Letting the kid up. He looked at me confused, with a scared look on his face. I couldn't believe what I'd just done. It was almost like I was on auto-pilot. I let him go just as two campus cops were walking in our direction.

"What's going on here?" The bigger of the two asked. He glared at me first and then at the kid who was just kissing the table. Nobody said anything. I wasn't going to say anything unless he did. The cop stared at both of us and I stared at the kid, not giving any indication I was fazed by a couple of campus cops. If he wanted to push this so would I.. Enough people heard him trash talking us. Wonder what the cops would do if I said my friends and I were just getting something to eat and this guy started trashing us because we're gay. I was never one to claim gay-bashing but in this case I'd use it if I had to.

The kid finally backed down. "Nothing," he said. "I was just joking around with my friend here and got a little carried away. It won't happen again."

"It better not. We have a lot of people on campus today and we don't need to be dealing with fights between students."

Ryan spoke up. "No problem officer. This guy and I were friends early in high school before I moved. Everything is cool."

"OK, but if we have to come back here we'll write you up."

"You won't, we're just going to eat and go back to our apartment. Jeremy here has to go find his brother, right Jeremy?"

"Yea, he should be finishing up his tour."

Jeremy just turned and walked away as did the cops. The people around us started to go about their own business and we sat down to eat.

"Wow," Dan said. "That was intense. I've never seen you like that Chris. Remind me not to get you pissed off at me."

"Don't fuck with Ryan and you probably won't." I looked at Ryan. "Are you OK? I'm sorry if I embarrassed you or anything. That guy just pressed the right buttons I guess."

"I guess," smiled Ryan. "At least its over now."

"I hope so but if that guy or his brother even comes near you again I'll ...."

"Chris, it's OK. Relax. I don't think he'll do anything. It looked like you shook him up enough. And you didn't embarrass me. You were protecting me. I'd like to think I'd do the same thing for you."

"It's amazing how much you two care about each other," Dan said. "I hope I find someone who I care about and who cares about me as much as you two care about each other."

"You will Dan but if I can give you any advice you have to be comfortable with yourself first. You've been more gay this weekend then I've ever seen you but tomorrow your roommates will be back and you'll be hiding it again. That doesn't bother me but it will make it difficult to find the person you want. You are gay, right? Stop fighting it and be proud of yourself. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. It's you that has to be happy."

"That's a nice speech Chris but it's not that simple. My parents would go bezerk and probably stop paying for college. They're always asking why I'm not dating anyone."

"I'm sorry Dan. I know it's hard. I'm not sure my parents would know about me if my mother hadn't walked in on Ryan and me that time. Ryan and I are your friends whatever you do. I'm just saying things are easier once you're not worried about people finding out. You'd be surprised. It's not as bad as you think. Most people don't care anyways. Well, except morons like Jeremy. I just wouldn't want you to look back in a few years and wished you did things different."

"Thanks Chris, I know you're just trying to help but it's something I have to deal with."

"OK, I'll stop preaching. Besides, your roommates won't be back until tomorrow so you can be yourself for another day. Tom will be around tonight. You'll have fun. Just don't cum in your shorts when he walks in the door," I laughed.

Ryan elbowed me in the side. "Chris, stop it."

"Asshole," smiled Dan. So just how did the door happen to be unlocked when Ryan was in your room plowing your ass," he laughed. "Or how about the time .... "

"Alright, truce," I laughed. "Lets finish lunch and walk around to check out the sights."

We finished eating and put our trays with the other dirty trays near the trash. Ryan went to the mens room and Dan and I walked outside. I put my arm on his shoulder and pulled him against me. "Dan, I'm sorry if I said anything that hurt you. I really do care about you, you know that, right? You're a good looking guy. I just want to see you be happy." My eyes were watering as I looked at him.

"I know Chris and I appreciate it. You and Ryan are good friends." He noticed my eyes and smiled. "It's OK Chris. Things will work out. Now stop this, here comes Ryan."

"What's going on?" asked Ryan.

"Nothing," smiled Dan. "Chris was just telling me why he likes you so much. Underneath that sarcastic exterior is someone who really cares."

"Better watch it Chris, your secret is out. And you keep your hands off him," playfully pushing Dan. "He's mine."

"Yep," I laugh. "I'm his slave."

"That could be fun," smiled Ryan.

We walked around campus for awhile before heading back. We made jokes about some of the prospective freshmen as they walked by. Dan said it was good we were going back to the apartment when we started rating them. "There's a 7," I smiled.

"No, no more then a 6," Ryan said.

I turned around after the kid walked by, looking at his ass. "Come on, look at that ass, a 6? No way."

The kid heard us and turned. "This is an 8," he said holding his crotch. "Interested?"

"No," I laughed reaching down to put my hand on Ryan's crotch. "This is a 9," I smiled. "It's all I want."

The kid smiled and introduced himself. "My name's Mike," he said, "I'm hoping to come here assuming they accept me."

"I'm sure you won't have a problem, you get good grades?"

"Yea, mostly A's a few B's but mostly in English and other courses I don't really care about."

I laughed. "Spoken like a true engineer. You'll do fine."

"I hope so but need to go find my brother." He had a killer smile. "Maybe if I come back next year you'll change your mind on this," he laughed as he cupped his crotch. "But right now I'd better go find the jerk. Can you point me to the student center?"

"Yea, across the green, between those two buildings over there and it's the building at the end before the road."

"Thanks," he left me a voice mail that he'd meet me back there. "He said he had been there but some guy tried to start a fight. I figure he must have opened his mouth again. He can be a real jerk at times."

"Oh, this is too good," I said to Ryan. "This kid is related to that jerk."

"Chris, let it be. You don't know this kids story."

"Relax, Ryan." I'm cool. "Hey kid, is your brother's name Jeremy?"

"Yea, how did you know."

"Because it was me who almost kicked his ass. He was trash talking my friend here. "

"What did he say?"

"He knew Ryan here .."

"Sullivan???" Jason exclaimed. "I thought you looked familiar. You probably don't remember me. I was about this tall when you and Jeremy hung out. I also hadn't lost my baby fat."

"I'm sorry," said Ryan. "I know he had a brother but that was a long time ago."

"It's cool, don't worry about it. Look, I heard what he did to you. There is no excuse for what he did. He's actually a good guy but a real homophobe. If he knew about me he'd kill me."

"Don't worry, he won't hear it from us. You'd better go find him or he'll be looking for you. You wouldn't want him to catch you talking to us."

"Well, I'm coming out when I get to college. I'm tired of hiding who I am. I was actually joking about you guys being interested. I have a boyfriend back home. He wants to come here too."

"Where is he?"

"He couldn't come today. Had some family thing to go to. Is this place cool for gay guys?"

"Yea, it's OK. Not everyone is as accepting as you might like but most people don't care. We've certainly never met anyone like our brother around here."

"That's good. I'm glad I ran into you guys. Maybe we can hang out as friends next year. You could show us around."

"Sure, we're not hard to find. We spend a lot of time at the gym."

"So do I, maybe I'll work my way up to an eight by then," he laughed.

"Ha, actually by talking with you, I've already bumped your score," I smiled. "Now get out of here and go find your jerk of a brother."

"Thanks, hope you don't mind but I might not tell him I met you," he said as he walked toward the student center.

"Probably a good idea, guy. See you next year Mike."

He waved and walked across the green.

"It is a small world," Ryan said.

"Actually, I was looking at his small, tight ass," I smiled. "What do you think his brother would do if we tag teamed that butt?"

"Come on Chris, lets go back to the apartment. Tom will be calling soon."

"Alright, lets go. I was just joking anyway, you know that. It would be funny though. Might be fun too," I smiled, slapping Ryan's stomach.

"I know you. You're all talk. You'd never touch him but you'd also do whatever you could to help him out, just like Dan here," laughing and shaking Dan by the shoulders.

Dan and I made eye contact. He knew it was true and smiled. When I saw that I grinned as well. It was nice having friends and really caring about them. "Yea, well, maybe, but they have to be damn cute too," I smiled. Causing Dan to blush. I loved Ryan to death but Dan was special too. Hopefully he'd figure things out soon.

We walked back towards the apartment. I joked about going back by the student center just to see the look on Jeremy's face and hear what he said to his brother when he saw us but knew it was better to leave things alone. Besides, Mike seemed like an OK guy and he might feel awkward if we ran into him with his brother. I wouldn't want him to think we're jerks or anything. It would be funny to yank his brother's chain though. Oh well, another day.

As we walked by the gym a tour group came out the door. Tom and Jeff were in the middle of the group. Dan got nervous when he saw Tom. It was kind of cute. "Hey Tom, how are the tours?"

"I'm just about toured out. How's Ryan doing?" Looking over at him.

"He's feeling better. We just cam up to get something to eat and heading back to the apartment. How about you? They must have lunch for you."

"Yea, that's where we're headed." He looked at us and smiled.

Jeff had kept going with the tour group. "Is Jeff OK with not coming by?"

"Yea, it's cool. He said he wouldn't have been able to stay long anyway. He has to get back. Said he had a big date tonight."

I laughed. "I think you do too. What did you do to Dan anyway?"

"What do you mean, what did I do? Wasn't it kind of obvious? What did you tell him Dan?????"

"Nothing," he said. "I didn't think it was any of his business unless you wanted it to be"

"Hey, guys -- relax, OK? Tom, Dan didn't say anything. He just been in a really good mood all morning."

"I'm sorry, Dan. I shouldn't have jumped all over you like that. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Can I watch? He walked in on Ryan and me this morning and didn't have any problem watching," I laughed.

"It wasn't my fault you decided to give him a blowjob when you knew I'd be right back. All I can say is I'm glad Tom isn't as big as Ryan. I had a tough enough time taking his 7 inches."

"What??? You've got 7 little brother? I've only got 6". What's up with that?

"Well, you know mom and dad always liked me best," he laughed. "Guess I'll have to start calling you 'little' brother."

"Go get some lunch," I smiled. "We'll discuss this later." A wild idea popped into my head but it was definitely something I'd have to talk to Ryan about. I couldn't do that now because Dan would hear.


All, thank you for your continued comments. It's nice to hear from new readers.

Next: Chapter 9

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