The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on May 29, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Ryan playfully punched me and walked towards the bathroom. Coming back he sat next to me on the couch and blew in my face. "Better?," he asked, smiling.

I put my arm around him and pulled him against me. "I was just joking. I'd kiss you with your morning breath. Besides, I've kissed other places on you that could smell worse."

"Don't be gross. ... How long will Tom be gone?"

"He won't be back until this afternoon. Why? You have something in mind?" Smiling, moving my lips towards his.

"Yea, I'm hungry," he laughed. "Let's go get some breakfast."

"Hey, I've been waiting for you to get up." Pushing him down on the couch, placing my lips on his. My hand went to his crotch and I rubbed him through his shorts. "I love you so much," I moaned. "How about we go a little later or I'll make us something ... later," I smiled. My cock was so hard as I felt him against me.

"Oh, Chris," he moaned. "I love you too. Please believe me."

"I know you do." We held each other close. The last twelve hours seemed like a blur. It was nice just sitting, or laying, there making out. We didn't talk much more and simply tried to please each other ... slowly. It was so peaceful until we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

We looked at each other and smiled. "Maybe they'll go away."

No such luck, whoever it was wasn't giving up. Finally I got up and opened the door seeing Dan standing there.

Now Dan is a nice guy but his timing could be better. "What's up?" I asked.

"Looks like you are. Sorry I interrupted."

"No problem, come on in." He looked at Ryan sitting on the couch and then at me.

"He OK?" he asked.

"He can hear you, you know. And yes, he's fine. Just a misunderstanding. Everything is cool now. .... What brings you over anyway?"

"I was on my way to breakfast and wanted to see if Tom is around."

I smiled. "You two really hit it off last night, didn't you? Tom had a shit-eaten grin on his face when we walked to the Administration Building this morning. I'd thank you for letting him sleep over but you seem to have gotten paid in full," I smiled.

"Chris!!!," Ryan said. "That's not nice."

"I'm just giving him a hard time. You know that, right Dan?"

"Yea, yea – it's cool. I take it he isn't here."

"No, he's touring the campus. You know, he was disappointed you have to work tonight."

"That's the other reason I stopped by. I switched with someone. I was hoping Tom might want to hang out."

"I'm sure he would. ...... Wait .. He met someone from his high school who might come back here with him. He even asked me not to be too gay," I said, smiling. An obvious look of disappointment on Dan's face.

"You're still welcome to come by. I don't even know if the guy will even be with him. It was one of those maybe/might situations. He might just head home."

"I don't know. Tom might feel awkward. He said nobody back home home knows he likes guys. He might be nervous something would slip."

"I didn't know until last night when he said it was just on occasion. Do you know something I don't?"

"No," Dan said, looking towards the floor.

"You do, come on ... spill it."

"No, that's for him to tell you. I guess I'll just stay home tonight. You can have him call me if he has some time." A look of disappointment on his face.

"Dan!!!! Are you falling for my brother? Not that I care but he's only in high school. I mean, that doesn't matter on an age thing but you're here and he'll be back home with his friends. "

"I know, we talked about that. He ... "

"You talked about it???" I smiled. "Just how serious did you two get last night?"

"We just had fun. He actually said the same thing you just did, at least at first. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him though."

"Dan, just take it slow, OK? I don't want to see either of you hurt. Plus I value you're friendship. Ryan and I both do. I wouldn't want things to be awkward between us either."

"It's cool, I'm just being stupid."

"You're not being stupid. It's obvious you like him. He seemed to like you too. I'm just saying not to rush things, that's all. ..... Tell you what, let me text him and tell him you got the night off. I'll hint to make up some excuse why his friend can't come over. He said he doesn't really know him anyway, just a kid from his school. If he does then you'll know. If he shows up with him then that might say something too."

Dan sat down while I sent Tom a text message. I kept it pretty 'straight' in case his friend saw it. I just told him Ryan wasn't feeling well and didn't really want anyone else over and that Dan didn't have to work tonight after all. I looked at Dan who looked uneasy.

After I finished I sat back down next to Ryan. "You want to go get some breakfast? Ryan said he was hungry just before you knocked."

"Sure, if that's OK. It looked like I interrupted something."

"Well, kind of but nothing important, " smiling and leaning over to kiss Ryan. "I was just making out with my boyfriend."

Ryan playfully punched my side again. "Nothing important?" he asks, smiling.

I smile back and pull him close to me. "Be good, we've got company."

"I'm always ..." Just then my phone vibrated. It was Tom texting back.

"What did he say?" Dan asked. Agitated as I read the message.

"I don't know Dan, you might not like it."

"What?" he said. "Stop teasing. Can't you see I can't stand this."

"Relax," I smiled and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek." Holding out the phone to show him the message.

"Give him a kiss for me and tell him I can't wait. I'll tell Jeff that Ryan is sick from last night and doesn't want to see anyone."

Dans mood changed right away. A big smile came over his face plus it was obvious he was rock hard. It was so cute.

"Hey guy, we can't walk to the student center with you in that condition. It looks like you're almost as big as Ryan."

He turned deep red and Ryan and I started to laugh. "Don't worry about it, it's cool. I'm just giving you a hard time, you know me. When Tom does get back though will you at least let him get in the door?"

Ryan joined in the act. He smiled at me. "Hey Chris, maybe we should help the boy out. We could tire him out so he wouldn't have any stamina left for tonight."

"Hey, good idea," I said as I grabbed him and Ryan an pushing him towards Ryan. We both hugged him and playfully wrestled on the couch, two against one.

"Come on guys," Dan said as he struggled.

We were just teasing him. It actually felt good, the three of us there like that. Dan was kind of between us. He was trying to wrestle but he was also laughing so I knew he wasn't getting pissed off. I never realized how blue his eyes were. I looked at Dan, then at Ryan. Ryan was smiling. I made a subtle head motion that Ryan picked up on and we both moved our lips to Dan's cheeks giving him a friendly kiss. Ryan kissed on cheek and I kissed the other.

"Oh my god," Dan exclaimed. He seemed to smile but then, "stop it. ..... Oh shit," he moaned.

We let go. "What's the matter Dan, we're having some fun" But then we saw the front of his shorts, soaked with cum.

"Let me go," he said, struggling to get up.

"Dan, it's OK, relax."

"No it's not, you shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have done that."

Ryan looked at him. "Dude, I'm sorry. I got carried away."

Dan was upset. He looked at his shorts. I'm so embarrassed. Look at me. Please don't tell Tom."

I sat next to him. "Dan, it's OK. It wasn't my intent to make you cum in your shorts but hey, you probably do feel a little better. Ryan made me cum in my shorts once too and I had to walk in my house and get by my parents. You only have to go next door."

"What will Tom think?"

"One, he doesn't have to find out and two, it happened because you were so worked up thinking about him anyway, he should be flattered. Unless of course it was Ryan and I who turned you on. Then we should be flattered."

Dan looked at his shorts and started to smile. "Would you be upset if I told you it might have been some of both?"

I smiled and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Dan, Ryan and I both care about you a lot. There is nothing that is going to come between him and me but that doesn't mean we can't care deeply about you. We do. I'd just like to see you be a little more proud of yourself and let others see you for who you are. There are a lot of hot guys on campus you know."

"I know I should. It's just so hard. My parents would flip out and I'm afraid what my friends would say."

"If they're real friends it wouldn't matter. Now, are you ready for breakfast? At least things won't be so obvious now."

Ryan smiled, "some things maybe, you probably want to change. That's kind of noticeable."

"I'm going to, I like to cum but having it sit in my shorts isn't too comfortable."

"Alright then, go get changed and we'll go to breakfast."

After Dan left I looked at Ryan. "You're not upset are you?"

"No, to be honest it was kind of hot, wrestling like that. I almost creamed in my shorts too."

Dan left to go get changed. "I know what you mean. It was kind of hot." Leaning over to him I kissed him again. "Do you need to cum before we go?"

"No, it can wait."

"You sure," I asked, smiling. Rubbing his crotch and slowly sliding to the floor on my knees in front of him. "Maybe you can wait but I can't."

With that I pulled his shorts down and took his cock in my mouth.

"Oh, Chris. Dan will be back soon," but he was moaning and getting hard in my mouth.

I didn't say anything. I simply started sliding my lips up and down his shaft. Each time taking a little more, tasting him, smelling his crotch. I also had my cock out and was stroking it while I sucked him. Ryan's hands were on my head and his head was back against the couch.

"Oh yes Chris, your mouth feels so good. Suck me. Show me how much you love my cock."

We were both so horny. Ryan began fucking my face. Holding the back of my head and lifting his cheeks off the couch. "Take it Chris, take it all. Suck my cock like the cocksucker you are."

All of a sudden he let out a loud moan and his legs contracted. He drove his cock deeper into my mouth holding my head. He let out another moan and I felt his hot cum shoot into the back of my throat. Feeling this sent me over the edge and I began unloading on the hardwood floor in front of the couch. I sucked on his cock as he unloaded shooting down my throat. My cum all over the floor in front of me.

Tasting Ryan's cum never got old. I sucked on him as he started to relax. We both started to come down from the quick rush and heard someone say -- "WOW".

Looking up we saw Dan standing in the doorway. "Smiling, you like the show pervert?"

"Sorry," he said. I didn't ... ahhh .. I thought you'd be expecting me to be right back."

Both laughing. "Don't worry about it. It's not like you don't know what we do. I'm not embarrassed by it. I'd suck Ryan in the middle of the green if he wanted and they'd let us," I laughed.

Ryan's cock was laying against his leg which I know Dan was looking at before he pulled his shorts up. "Yea, dude, it's cool. Chris is a real good cocksucker. It's as good now as the first time he sucked me back in high school. Of course I like to suck him too even though he isn't nearly as big as me."

"Hey, King Kong, no size jokes."

I stood up and went into the kitchen area to get some paper towels for my mess. "Guess we're all ready for breakfast now," I chuckled as I wiped up my cum. "Does this mean we get to watch you and Tom tonight?"

"I'm not sure he'd like that. Besides, I don't think we have you're technique. We haven't had as much practice."

"Well, practice does make perfect," I smiled leaning down to give Ryan another kiss. "Maybe Ryan and I can give you a few demonstrations later."

Dan laughed. "That's OK. I think we have the basics down. Can we go to breakfast now, I'm starrved. I didn't have any protein juice this morning."

"Yea, let's go," Ryan added. "I didn't have any either and you missed a spot on the floor."

We laughed and quickly got ready to go. We weren't that far from campus but the student center was still up a hill. It had warmed up a little since I had walked up with Tom earlier. The three of us just talked about stuff friends talk about. Dan was going to the gym later to work out and wanted to know if we wanted to go with him.

"Perhaps I really should do some work though. I've got a project I'm doing with Joe and Dave and I need to get something done. Otherwise, we might actually have to work as a group."

"Sounds like you don't like the group."

"Oh, it's OK. Joe is OK but Dave can be kind of a jerk at times."

"Yea, I've heard about some of his parties. Have you two ever been?"

"No way, they're not for us, at least me," I smiled.

"Me neither," added Ryan. "Group scenes aren't for me although it was fun getting you off this morning Dan. You should have seen the look on your face when you realized you were going to cum."

"To be honest guys I enjoyed it. I'll admit I've kind of fantasized what you two would be like. Maybe I'll just say we've had a threesome," Dan laughed. "Plus now I've seen Chris in action. Just how do you get all that in your mouth anyway?"

"Lots of practice," I laughed.

"And lots of patience," Ryan added.

"You guys won't tell Tom what happened will you?"

"What, that you were so excited thinking about him you shot your load in your shorts? .. No, I won't tell him."

"I guess when you put it that way he might take it as a compliment."

We got to the student center and it was mobbed. All the perspective freshmen and their parents. What a show the school put on. Everything looked cleaned up, the grass was mowed, it was kind of funny. I guess they have to put their best foot forward.

"Hey Ryan, we can check out the potential crop for next year. Just in case," I laughed.

"Chris, don't even joke about that."

"Yea, I know. We're like an old married couple," I said as I put my arm on his shoulder. "Maybe we should get married. Think Mike and Sandra would let us have a double ring ceremony?"

"What makes you think I want to marry you," he laughed.

We laughed as we waited to get food. Dan just shook his head. "It's nice to see you two somewhat back to normal."

"Yea, it's cool." At least it was until we heard someone yell behind us --- "Hey, faggot."


I apologize for the delay in getting this chapter out and thank those who asked about it. Hopefully there won't be a long of a delay in the future.

Next: Chapter 8

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