The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Apr 12, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= My Diary -- Chapter 4

October, 2007

Ryan walked in the door just as I was finishing up writing. I looked up to greet him. "Hey bud, how was class?," I asked smiling.

"Did you go to Dave's apartment this morning?"

Taken a little aback by his tone. "What?? No, of course not. .... Why would you even think that?"

"I heard him talking to a group of guys. He said how you came over and that you are going to his party tomorrow night."

"And you believed him? There is no way I'd ever consider that"

"I didn't think so, but the more I thought about it walking back the more it bothered me. Why would he say that?"

"Who knows, he mentioned his party this morning but I told him I wouldn't be there. Sex and drug parties don't really excite me. I told you how he came on to me."

"I know. I just heard him talking and ..... well, I guess I let my imagination get carried away."

"Come here." Reaching out my hand towards Ryan. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Sit down. I think you need to hear Christoper Walker's view of life."

"What do you mean?"

"Here," I sad. Taking a paper and trying to draw a complex network that resembled a three dimensional spider web or at least something that looked like it. "This is life, it represents friends, family, school, work, you name it, it's in there. All these points are places where you make choices or where things happen. You make a choice then you go down this path. It rains out so you go down this path. Obviously you don't know where the path would have gone if it wasn't raining but you don't have much of a choice."

"There are also different area. Some really good, some really bad and everything in between. As you make choices you find yourself going into new areas. To me, life is just traversing these paths into different areas. You take a route through the maze, only being able to go forward, never back."

"Now some choices you make take you to an area off your route but you can recover and get back on track. Other choices take you to another area where you have to get on another path, never getting back on your original route."

"OK, what's this have to do with us and Dave?"

"These two figures are Chris and Ryan. Ryan is the one with the big dick but that isn't important here. You can see that Chris and Ryan are going through this web of life together. You can also see that Ryan has a smile on his face and that makes Chris smile. He'd do just about anything to keep that smile on Ryan's face. Putting Ryan's interests in front of his own. He also wants to stay on the path he is on with Ryan for a long time and would never do anything to get on one of those paths he couldn't get back from."

"Alright, I get your point, I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't do anything with Dave. But I have to ask, have you been drinking? That was the corniest thing I've ever heard," he smiled.

"Hey, it took your mind off Dave."

"That's true. You only got one thing wrong."

"What's that?"

"The smile on Ryan's face is there because Chris is smiling and he would do anything to keep it there. Even if he does have a smaller dick and Ryan could find bigger at the gym," laughing as he playfully punched my abs.

"What?? You shithead. Not everyone can be part horse," I said returning his playful jab. "Besides, you seem to enjoy it when it's up your ass. Now come here." Reaching out for him.

Ryan leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I'm sorry, your cock is just fine."

"I'm glad you like it. Now can we please go to the gym?" Giving him a hug. "Unless you'd rather work out here," I smiled and squeezed his crotch.

"You have a one track mind. Let's go to the gym."

I smiled. "Alright, but we have to change anyway." Reaching to pull off his shirt.

"Chris," he laughed. "You're the one who wanted to go to the gym."

"I know, I just wanted to see you smile."

We both started to strip to get ready. I pulled on my jockstrap and picked out a pair of workout shorts I bought on-line. "I love these shorts, they show off my ass, don't you think?"

"I'll wear mine too. We'll look sexy together."

"Ha, everyone will know we're gay, that's for sure."

"They'll know we're together too."

We finished getting ready and headed out the door to walk the half mile back to the gym. I wondered aloud. "I wonder what Dave is trying to do. What's the point of saying that stuff? Yea, he probably wanted you to hear him but to what end?"

"He probably just wanted to see what I'd do."

"Whatever. ... What are we doing for exercises today?"

"Upper body and cardio."

We usually did 30 minutes of cardio ever time we went. However, we would switch between upper body and lower body exercises with weights. Upper body consisted of curls, chest presses, pull ups, dips, and a few other weight machines that I really didn't know their names.

"I think I'll do the weights but then run back along the river to the apartment. It's a nice day. I'll get my cardio that way. Plus I want to make sure I'm there when Tom gets there."

"I'll probably stay here and use the elliptical. I don't really feel like running outside today."

Ryan and I did about an hour of exercises on the weight machines. It was good working out together. Ryan would do his reps between my sets and vice versa. It was also fun to see his muscles bulge as he exercised. Even though we both had tee shirts on. I also enjoyed looking at his crotch standing there watching him as well. He knew what I was doing but didn't say anything. Besides, he was checking me out when I was doing the exercise.

After a little over an hour my muscles felt nice and tired. That good type of tired that comes from exercise. "I'm going to head back," I said. "You sure you don't want to run with me?"

"You just know I run faster and you want to watch my ass," Ryan chuckled.

"Yea, now that you mention it, that works."

"I'm going to stay here and use the elliptical. You'll have to use your imagination."

"Alright," I smiled trying to have a sad look. "You have fun watching all the coeds on the machines."

"Hey, I enjoy a nice body, male or female. Just because yours is the only one I want doesn't mean I can't look," he smiled.

"I know, I do too. There is something about college kids with nice bodies that's nice to see. Even the coeds. Just as long as they can't spell out the school name on their butts." Remember we go to school in Massachusetts.

Ryan laughed. "I definitely don't pick the machine in back of them."

"I'll see you back at the apartment." I wanted to give him a quick kiss but we never did that at the gym. We could have. Guys give their girlfriends kisses when they leave. It's just that Ryan didn't like to flaunt it in public. Someday maybe society will change, even here.

I left and ran down the trail in back of the gym, along the river. It was a nice day and I really didn't mind running alone. It was about four miles back the the apartment going this way. The river took a circuitous route into town and then I had to run back along the road. It was good though because it gave me time to think. I debated whether I should talk to Dave but decided against it. I don't know what he was up to. Probably just having fun at our expense to see what we'd do. I figured it was best to ignore him. At least for now.

I got back to the apartment after my run, tired, my shirt soaked. Stripping it off I grabbed a water and sat down to relax. While exercise has health benefits that tired feeling you get after a hard workout really feels good.

I had only been sitting a minute when there was a knock on the door. When I opened it Tom was standing there with a big grin on his face. "Hi bro, how ya doing?"

"Great Tom, come on in. How have you been?"

"I'm doing good. Thanks for showing me around this weekend. I'm going on a couple of tours tomorrow but it'll be good to see what they don't show you on the standard tours. Nice exercise shorts by the way. They certainly don't leave much to the imagination. Ryan must like them."

"He's got a pair too. We got them on-line."

"Yea, I can imagine what else they have. You going to wear those when you show me around tomorrow?"

I laughed. "They're not that bad. They just show off my ass."

"Yea, but you're my brother. I don't really care about your ass. It does look like you've been working out though."

"Thanks, I have and yes, I'll wear regular shorts. Wouldn't want to embarrass you. I can't believe you want to come here anyway. I thought you wanted to play baseball in college. The varsity team here sucks. Your high school team could probably beat them."

"Baseball isn't that important. It's not like I'm going to play in the majors or anything. I was hoping to get a scholarship but even that is tough. Mom and dad have saved enough. They say they can cover most of my college, just like they're doing for you."

"How are they anyway? They don't call very often."

"And you do?"

"Lets not go there. You know how they feel about Ryan and me. I'm grateful they're still helping with my college but I can't forgive them for what they said about Ryan. I never thought they could be so mean. Anyway, how have you been? How's Diane?"

"She and I broke up."

"What? That's too bad. You two went out a long time."

"That's true, almost two years. It just wasn't working out."

"You seem OK with it, that's good."

"Yea, it happens. Besides, she was only a high school girlfriend." He almost chuckled when he said it.

"Mind if I take a shower? Ryan will be back soon and he'll want to take one too before we go anywhere." Knowing he wouldn't mind I slipped out of my shorts, standing in my jockstrap. "I still can't believe you broke up with Diane."

"Lets just say she found someone else. Someone I couldn't compete with."

"Must have been a football player," I laughed.

"No, actually a cheerleader."

"What??? Diane??"

"She said she was confused."

"Yea, right." I tried not to but I started to chuckle.

"It isn't funny."

"I'm sorry Tom, I shouldn't laugh. If it was anyone else I wouldn't, but you. After all, you're my brother" Not being able to control myself, I chuckled again.

"Asshole," he said laughing and pushed me down on the couch. We started wrestling, just like when we were younger.

"I'm sorry," I laughed as I pushed him off me and we both fell onto the floor, knocking the coffee table over. I was on top of him wearing nothing but a jockstrap and he was trying to flip me. Just when he put his hand under my thigh Ryan came in the door."

"What the fuck are you two doing??"

We stopped and looked up at him. He knew there wasn't anything sexual going on and was smiling. "He attacked me," I laughed.

"That's not true. He was making fun of me, again. And I just got here."

"Tell him why," I smiled.

"Because I broke up with my girlfriend."

"You made fun of him for that. What kind of a brother are you?"

"Tell him the rest."

"She dumped me for a cheerleader."

"Yea," I said. "She said she was ..... confused," as I started to laugh again. "I'm sorry, I know it isn't that funny but I just have this image in my mind. How was sex with her anyway Tom?"

Ryan intervened. "Come on Chris, knock it off or Tom might not be the only Walker brother not getting sex for awhile."

"Ha, like you could hold out very long," I smiled. Walking over to him giving him a kiss while squeezing his crotch. "Alright, I'll be good. I'm sorry Tom," smiling again and running into the bathroom to take my shower.

Tom and Ryan talked while I took a quick shower. "Don't worry Ryan, I'll get even before the weekend is over. He and I are like this all the time. You should know that by now. I know he was just giving me a hard time. I'm not really upset about breaking up with her anyway. If I had been he wouldn't have laughed. He's always been there for me. Just like he is for you. He loves you a lot you know."

"I know, I love him too. I just thought he was being cruel."

"Na, he was just being Chris. You should know that."

"Alright, maybe it was walking in and seeing your hand on his ass. Don't let me see you do that again," he laughed. "It's mine."

"Yea, like I want his ass. That's gross."

I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and heard the end of what Tom said. "What's gross?"

Ryan laughed, "he said your ass is gross."

"Am I going to have to put up with this all weekend," Tom smiled, rolling his eyes. "You two deserve each other."

Walking up to give Ryan another kiss. "Speaking of gross, why don't you go take a shower?"

Ryan just shook his head and walked towards the bathroom. "Why don't you two decide what we're doing tonight. I'm hungry."

"Alright, just take a shower. You need one." Smiling as Ryan closed the door and turned on the water.

"You really like him, don't you?" said Tom, more as a statement than a question.

"More than you can imagine. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for him. He's a great guy."

"You're lucky you have each other."

"You'll find someone, don't worry about it and enjoy yourself." He looked sad now and this time I gave him a brotherly hug. He put his arms around me and returned the hug. "You know I was just giving you a hard time, right?"

"Of course I do, I'm still going to get you back though."

Just then we heard Ryan again. "Hey!!!! Am I going to have to separate you two all weekend? Keep your hands off my boyfriend," he laughed.

I said "yea, and keep your hands off mine too." Reaching and pulling Ryan's towel.

Tom just stood there, his mouth open. "Holy shit!!!! .... Chris, you must be sore for a week when he is done with you"

I laughed. "I forgot you've never seen Ryan in all his glory."

Ryan turned red and pulled on his shorts. "I'll get you," he smiled.

"I hope so," I laughed.

Tom just threw his hands up. "You two definitely deserve each other. Now what do you want to do for food, I'm hungry too. Can you two behave if we go out somewhere?"

"Of course, we wouldn't embarrass you, little brother. I'm just having fun. Not often I get to spend time with my two favorite people. I'm looking forward to the weekend."

Ryan and I went into the bedroom to get dressed. There was no need to close the door. We weren't going to do anything while Tom was waiting for us in the other room. I did look over at Ryan's ass when he stood at the bureau looking for some jeans. He turned and saw me. "Don't even think about it horndog. Your brother is waiting to go somewhere and if you don't behave there won't be any for you tonight either. You could have been more sympathetic you know. I know you can be," he smiled.

"I'm sorry," I smiled, patting his ass and giving him a quick kiss as I went by. "And I did apologize to him too. He knows I was just giving him a hard time. We're cool. I just got a little carried away."

"Good, so be good tonight, and I said I had to be on my best behavior, geez."

I laughed. "You better be good later too."

"You have a one track mind."

"Nah, I'm just in a good mood. Going to spend the weekend with the two people who mean the most to me in the world. Lets get going."

We finished getting dressed and went back into the living room. Tom had changed too. If he wasn't my brother and if I didn't have Ryan then .... My thoughts snapped back to reality when there was a knock on the door.

I opened it and Dan, our neighbor, was standing there. "Hey, what are you guys doing?"

"We were just going to get something to eat. My brother is here for the weekend. He wants to look around the school. He's actually thinking of coming here next year."

"Cool." Dan looked over at Tom. "My roommates both went home and I just got out of work. You mentioned you were going to Adamas to get a pizza and watch the game."

"We really hadn't decided but that sounds good. Tom would probably enjoy a fraternity party but fortunately he's too young. The last thing I want to do is see a bunch of drunk frat boys hit on freshman girls." Looking at Tom.

"Actually, the game sounds good. This is Massachusetts you know and it is October. The Sox are playing the Indians tonight. Should be a good game. They have to win or else they're done."

"It'll be on at Adamas. They have a bunch of large screen TVs all around. We could either watch it there or pick up some brews and bring them back as long as you don't tell mom and dad you I bought you beer. They already don't think I'm a good influence."

"Don't go there Chris."

"Alright, mind if Dan joins us?"

"Of course not. Maybe he'll help you two behave."

"Me??? What did I do?" asked Ryan.

Dan shook hands with Tom. "You look like you're brother, only better."

Dan actually looked excited. "Hey Dan, don't get your hopes up, he's straight."

"Well, ........ not exactly," said Tom.


As always, thank you for the comments. They are much appreciated.

Next: Chapter 5

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