The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Apr 2, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

My cock was rock hard as I followed Ryan into the bathroom. His ass was perfect. Small, tight with just the right amount of movement as he walked. Plus I'm always horny in the morning which shouldn't be confused with me being horny at night. Or just horny in general. Actually, we're both just your typical horny college guys. Ryan and I have sex at least once a day, usually more. We've even been known to have a little stress relief when we've only had an hour break between classes. Seeing his ass in the morning always did it though.

I stood in front of the toilet trying to take a piss while Ryan turned on the shower. It's frustrating having a hardon and trying to piss. I'm sure everyone has been there. Having to go but not able to. It took me almost a minute before something finally happened. I don't know if it was being hard or Ryan standing there laughing at my situation. It does feel good once things get going however.

"Someone get a little excited watching my ass again?" Ryan chuckled and playfully slapped my ass.

"Shut up, fuckhead .... you're ass isn't that special," I smiled as I playfully grabbed at his cock.

"That's not what you say when it's sitting on your face."

I leaned towards him to give him a kiss causing me to miss the bowl.

"Hey," he said. "Watch what you're doing. Good thing it's your turn to clean the bathroom."

"It's your fault," I laughed. We both laughed. It was great how we could joke around with each other. We both had a sarcastic sense of humor and would frequently use it on each other. We both knew it though and knew what each other's true feelings were.

I stepped into the shower and lathered up taking in the fresh scent of my body wash. Ryan took his early morning piss and stepped in the shower with me. I stood behind him, putting my arms around him and holding him, rubbing body wash on his chest.

"Mmmmm, that feels good," Ryan moaned as he pushed back against me. My soapy chest sliding against his back. I kissed his neck softy and rested my head on his shoulder. It always felt so good in the shower like this, holding Ryan, our bodies close. The water spraying on us made it feel like we were in our own little world.

I slid my hands lower onto his abs before wrapping my soapy fingers around his cock. "Talk about being a 'little' excited," I smiled. "We have an hour before class you know. Want to have breakfast or spend it here?" Stroking him a few times as I asked.

"We can always have breakfast after class" he smiled and turned around facing me, immediately putting his arms around me.

Our lips met as we embraced. Our soapy bodies rubbing together.

"Keep this up and we might be late for class too," I smiled kissing him again. "But remember, I have to meet with Joe and Dave after class. We need to work on that project for computer science so we don't have to work this weekend."

Ryan grimaced. "OK, but I should have taken that course with you. Make sure Dave keeps his hands off you. It's obvious he wants your ass." All the time washing each other as we talked.

"You aren't worried are you?" I asked with a smile.

"You know I trust you, it's Dave I don't trust. Remember what happened to Jake and Brian? They almost broke up because of Dave."

"Yea, that sucked, Dave going after Jake like that but hey, Jake could have always said no. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Yours is the only ass for me. I'd rather cut it off then hurt you. Besides, it's only for a couple hours after class and then we'll have the weekend to ourselves."

He laughed. "Ouch, don't even joke about that, I like your cock just where it is. But, we won't have the weekend to ourselves anyway, you're forgetting your brother, Tom, is coming tonight. You said you would show him the school since it's one of his choices. He's staying with us, remember?"

"Oh man, I completely forgot. I don't know why he's coming. He doesn't want to come here. It's probably just some plan my parents came up with thinking if he was around then it would affect you and me. How I don't know but you know they don't like us living together."

"Tom doesn't care. Remember when he found out we were boyfriends. He was really supportive even though his friends gave him shit."

"Yea, he's a good guy. A lot of brothers don't get along but he and I have always been there for each other. I wish our parents were as understanding as he is."

"It is kind of funny thinking of him coming here, the baseball jock coming to a geek school."

"He's smart enough but he wants to play ball in college and his high school team could probably beat our team. They're pretty bad."

"Yea, but we'll still have to entertain him tonight. Not that I mind. I'll just have to be on good behavior," Ryan said as he rubbed my chest.

"Guess we better have some fun now then," I smiled stroking Ryan's cock a few more times. Moving my lips to his again. We held each other tight. My tongue pushing between his lips. My thoughts drifting as I felt his body against me, thinking how much I loved him.

I stroked him a few times and reached lower, lathering his balls with my soapy hand. Kissing his neck and pulling him against me with my other arm.

He rested his head on my shoulder and let out a soft moan. "Your hand feels nice."

"You feel nice too. I love your body against mine, holding each other. I never want to let go."

"Especially in the shower," he smiled. "It's so sexy.'

"This will feel nice too," I smiled, squatting down in front of him.

Looking up I rubbed Ryan's abs and up and down his thighs. His hard cock against my cheek as I moved my lips to his pubic hairs, kissing them, licking them.

I avoided his cock except to move it out of the way as I licked around his balls. Gently pushing my tongue between his sac and his legs. Slowly licking his balls as he leaned back against the wall.

Ryan was moaning like crazy and his cock was leaking gobs of precum. "Please, he moaned, suck me ... I need to feel your mouth on me."

I was in heaven. I loved pleasing Ryan. The better I could make him feel the better I felt. I could feel my blood pulsing and my stomach tightening as I ran my tongue from the base of his shaft up around his big head.

"Yea, that's it," he moaned. "Take it or I'm going to push it in for you."

I smiled to myself. I knew he wanted his cock sucked but I enjoyed teasing him. It always got him hornier. I ran the tip of my tongue through the opening of his cock to clean off the precum oozing out. Letting it rest on my tongue before swallowing it. Then I pulled back and looked up at him, a smile on my face.

"Want something?" I asked with a grin.

"You're such a tease. What do you want me to do? Beg?"

"That would work," I smiled but also opened my mouth running my tongue around his head, under it, over it, before moving forward. He let out a moan as my lips went over his cock taking his head into my mouth. One hand on his cock, the other on his hips as I sucked on it firmly but gently. I closed my eyes and concentrated on sucking Ryan's cock. My teasing worked on me too. My only desire at that moment was to make Ryan feel as good as I could. The hot water spraying on us only added to our pleasure.

"Oh yea," he moaned. "Fuck, you make my cock feel so good. You make me feel so good."

He put his hands on my head, rubbing my hair gently as I took more of his massive pole in my mouth. When I felt his tip in the back of my mouth I sucked my cheeks against him, slowly sliding up and down his shaft.

It took me a long time to learn how to take all of his pole. I use to always gag when I took too much. He had been so patient letting me learn at my own pace. He use to say he didn't want to hurt me. I remember the first time I was able to hold my breath and take his cock deep in my throat. He said he had never shot such a big load but that's another story.

Now I could take the whole thing pretty easily and knew he wanted me to this morning. He tightened his hands on my head and started pushing his crotch forward. He was really turned on and started to be a little aggressive. He was never too aggressive because as I said he didn't want to hurt me. Just enough so that it was fun.

That's the thing I loved about Ryan. He cared as much about me as I did about him. How could I want anything else?

We both loved our early morning love making in the shower. We were both so into each other and each other's pleasures that we totally forgot the outside world. The warm water from the shower spraying on our bodies while we enjoyed each other.

"Oh yea, take it," he moaned. "You know you want it."

I smiled to myself, something difficult to do with a massive cock in your mouth. Whenever he talked like that he was really horny and wanted to fuck my face. I loved it. Our sex was always different. It could start out loving and sensual and turn into raw sex. Sometimes he would be aggressive, sometimes I would be, sometimes we'd make slow passionate love or any other type we could think of. One time I fucked him on the 50 yard line of the football field. At night of course but it was still exciting.

It was also very private between us because we were into pleasing each other. We never told anyone else about the ways we pleased each other. It was none of their business. I totally trusted Ryan as he trusted me.

Today I knew exactly what Ryan was feeling and changed from my squatting position onto my knees. I then put my hands gently on his thighs indicating I was ready for him.

He moaned. "Oh yea." Holding my head and pushing his hips forward, his nine inches into my throat. I couldn't imagine letting anyone else do that to me. On my knees letting the guy I loved do what he wanted with his cock and my mouth. I did it though because I wanted to please him so much just as he has done for me many times.

He held my head and started to slide his cock in and out. Slowly at first but then picking up his pace. He knew to pull back at regular times so that I could breath. After all, nobody would want an obituary that said 'suffocated during oral sex."

He kept pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. His balls slapping against my chin and his legs banging against me. It was so hot. My boyfriend was pounding my face about to blow his load and I was loving ever second of it.

"Oh god, Chris, you know exactly how to make me feel so good. I'm so close."

His legs began to shake and he moaned loader. I put my hands back on his ass and felt his body tense.

One last thrust and I felt his cock expand. He pulled out of me just as his first shot of cum erupted from his cock. He pointed it at my face and covered me. First my face, then my chest as he erupted several more times before he fell back against the shower wall. The last couple of shots going in my mouth as I licked his head. I looked up at him and smiled as he used the wall to hold himself up, totally spent.

I stood up smiling and kissed his lips. He licked my face to clean of his cum while I rinsed the rest off my chest.

"That was fantastic, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I do that because I want to. It pleases you. I can't imagine getting on my knees and letting anyone else do that to me. I bet not many straight guys get their cocks sucked like that."

He kissed me again. "I know," he smiled. "I'm not sure who gets more excited, me getting my cock sucked or you sucking it. I know when it's my turn I'm totally focused on pleasing you."

"Don't worry, you do."

I felt comforted leaning my body against his. I had my arms around him with my hand rubbing his ass.

"Do you want something," he smiled. Turning around.

"We still have time before class," I smiled. Moving closer and kissing his neck. I squatted down and rubbed my face against his back, kissing it gently until my lips reached his ass. "Mmmm, oh yea," smelling the scent of the body wash on his skin. Feeling him push back as I started to lick him, working my tongue between his cheeks.

Ryan braced himself against the shower wall and pushed his ass back against my face. "Oh yea, eat my ass .... your tongue feels so good."

I loved eating him but wanted something else and he knew it. I probed his hole with my tongue and then stood up, aiming my hard cock at his hole. He spread his legs and bent over slightly as I eased myself between his cheeks. Pushing firmly my head disappeared inside him.

His ass felt so warm and tight on my shaft. I moaned loudly when he squeezed against me as I pushed into him.

"Fuck, yea, fuck me Chris."

Sliding my cock in and out, almost pulling it all the way out and then pushing back in as deep as I could go. Each time I felt my head get squeezed as I went deep into him.

I put my arms around him and placed my hands on his chest, squeezing his pecs. "Oh yea Ryan, what a way to start the day." Rocking my hips back and forth, my cock sliding in and out of his hot ass. The sound of my legs slapping against his sent me over the edge in no time. My balls tightened and my legs began to shake uncontrollably. I pushed my crotch tight against his ass feeling his cheeks against me. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh," feeling my balls release their load as it shot deep inside the person who meant the most to me in the world.

I held him close, my head against him as my cock continued to fill Ryan's ass. I was exhausted and fell against him, using his body to hold me up. "Now that was fantastic," I said with a smile, leaving my cock inside him and enjoying the afterglow of our sex. "You sure you want to go to class?" How about I hold you like this and we do it again?"

"You could too, I know it" he laughed. Turning slightly, my cock slipping from his ass. Looking down seeing it soft and slick. I leaned down and grabbed the body wash squirting some in my hand. It smelled so good as I washed off my cock and balls. Wrapping my arms around Ryan one more time before we had to get out to start our day.

"I love you so much," I smiled as I moved my lips to his.

"I love you too." Our lips pressed together.

Finally we pulled apart. "Good thing hot water is included in the rent," I laughed. Reaching to turn it off. "I'm surprised the landlord doesn't charge extra for how much we use."

We talked about our day as we dried off, brushed our teeth, and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. It was getting colder outside as fall was upon us so we both put on jeans. I even loved to watch him get dressed, how he slid his jeans up and buttoned them. They looked so good on him. I mean really good. It had to be from all the exercise but I couldn't get over his thin waist and how his jeans fit over his cute ass. He just smiled as he saw me watching.

I told him once again not to worry about Dave. We were just meeting at the student center and that he was welcome to stop by. I don't know why but I got the feeling he was worried.

He smiled and said, "No, I'll come back here and clean the place some. Wouldn't want your brother to think we're slobs."

"It isn't that bad. I've been trying to be better. Never been a neat freak you know. ...... Man, you look hot in those jeans. Maybe I'm the one who should be worried.," I said with a smile as I patted his ass.

He smiled, "only one cock that goes near there and you've got it."

We embraced again and I brushed his hair with my hand. "We should get to class."

"Yea, let's go." Our foreheads together. "We going to have time for the gym before Tom gets here?"

"What? You didn't get enough of a workout this morning? I'll have to do better next time."

Laughing as we walked outside. "I need a full body workout."

"My thought exactly," I laughed.

"Pervert!! You always twist my words and come back to sex."

"Yea, it's really too easy too." I smiled and took his hand as we walked to class. I gave up caring a long time ago what people thought when they saw us in public. It's not like we were flamboyant or anything. Just two guys into each other.

We generally passed the same people everyday anyway. Some ignored us, some smiled and said hello, some looked disgusted and might make some comment. Ryan would get embarrassed when I'd flip back a sarcastic comment comparing his cocksucking abilities to their girlfriend's or something equally obnoxious but I thought it was funny. One guy got really pissed off when I said that once. I guess the truth hurts. I didn't care though because I had Ryan, I loved Ryan and life was good.


Thank you to everyone who wrote me about chapter one. I'm having fun with this and hope you continue to enjoy it. Feel free to drop me a line at the above address. - Doug

Next: Chapter 3

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