The Devils in the Details

By Jennifer Elizabeth

Published on Sep 8, 2006


The following is not intended for anyone under the age of 18 and contains explicit language dealing with sex and sex change. If you are not supposed to be reading this or live in a community that prohibits this style of content, then go away. The following is a continuation of "The devil's in the details parts 1-4" It is best to have read that before reading this, otherwise it won't make much sense. This is entirely fictional and made up, though as I said before, it would be neat if it wasn't.

The Devil's in the Details

Part 5 of 5 Thursday Feb 13.

I was chatting with Mom over coffee. It was early afternoon. I had just returned from my doctors appointment with a clean bill of health. I was telling Mom that those weird dreams of once being a man were subsiding more and more. Doc thought that I was probably a little stressed over my new job and not to worry too much about it. He was right. Even Mom had to make her little jokes about it. She would say...."You know, honey, I was there when you were've always been a little girl." then she would laugh. I loved talking to Mom. I could tell her anything. But she was interested in something else today.

"So sweetie, do you and Mark have anything planned for Valentine's Day tomorrow?" she asked.

I blushed openly. I had circled that day on my calender a month ago. I knew full well what I was planning to do with Mark but telling my Mom wasn't what I wanted to do, yet...

"Well Mom, Mark has to go out of town on business tomorrow night, so we planned to get together tonight after midnight gifts." I said, like Mom didn't know what that meant. "It's going to be the first time we've...ummm....exchanged gifts like this"

Oh what a terrible anology I thought to myself, and half buried my face in my hands. That must have sounded really cheesy. But like I said, I can tell Mom anything. Looking up, I saw she had a huge grin on her face and her eyes were wide open.

"That's great Jenny...I mean...I just assumed that you'd already....well you know what I mean honey. And on Valentine's sweet. Oh dear you two will remember that for the rest of your lives." She continued, " Now when you two get together, you take things slow at first. Sometimes the first time with someone can be a little overwhelming and you don't want things to come to an end too quickly, so you take charge and don't let him get too hot too quick."

"MOM...!!!"I shrieked. Ewww, nobody wants sex advice from their Mom. And I didn't know how to take charge. I had never been with a man before and I was counting on Mark having a little experience. I wasn't the take charge kind of person anyway. I knew I was submissive by nature. I was intending on just letting go tonight and letting Mark take care of all my needs. The thought of getting together with him, even now, was getting me wet. Oh I couldn't wait for tonight. Feeling myself blush even more, I decided I needed to get home and rest. It was going to be a long night.

"I gotta go Mom." I said getting up from the table. I gave her a kiss.

"You kids have fun." She said as I was leaving. I swear I heard her laugh.

The rest of the day I spent preparing for our night together. A manicure and pedicure, getting my hair done (Mark loved it curly), a stop at Victoria's Secret for this really racy black lacy bra and panty that Mark once pointed out, hoping to see me in it one day. I didn't want to disappoint him. I was hoping he would remember it. He'd better! It was my "gift" to him. I'm sure he knew what was happening tonight, but just in case he needed a little help, I planned to wear them and let him "unwrap me" to get to it.

Mark arrived at my place at 10:00 P.M. as planned.

"Hi Jen." he said leaning in to kiss me. We locked lips briefly...just a little hello kiss. "What smells so good?" he asked.

I was sure he was giving me a little crap because Mark knew I wasn't the greatest cook. But I had managed to throw together a lasagna dish with a few side items for our late dinner.

"Please Mark, you don't have to pretend...I know you better than that." I said back to him.

"No...really smells's lasagna, right?" he said again.

I loved this man. He could have been serious,or he could have been joking....I didn't care. Tonight wasn't about lasagna. It was about the two of us finally coming together. I was so thankful for Mark. He was instrumental in my new job, helping me to secure a loan to buy this little nursury that a friend of my parents owned. I had been working for a lawn care company, but this was more up my alley. At the nursury, I would be able to help others design and build the lawns they wanted, rather than just maintain them. I felt a better sense of creativity doing that. And besides, I think Mom was looking forward to helping out, as she and I have always had a knack for gardening. For his help, and for all his understanding of my wanting to wait to have sex with him....well, let's just say that I wanted to make this the night Mark would never forget.

The candlelit dinner went really well. We chatted and laughed, and time seemed to stand still. We were both done eating and were just enjoying each other's company....looking deep into each other's eyes as we talked. I could have lived in this moment forever, the candlelight, soft jazz music in the background, gazing into the gorgeous blue eyes of the man I loved.

"I got something for you." he said

"Mark....ohhhh.....I told you you didn't have to get me anything." I said. "You've done so much for me the last few weeks."

"'s our first Valentine's Day. I wasn't going to let it pass without getting you something." he said as he presented a small box from his pocket.

Accepting the box from his hand, I undid the wrapping to reveal a small jewel box. Flipping up the top revealed a pair of diamond stud earrings.

"Are these REAL diamonds?" I asked, my eyes getting bigger. Suddenly, I realized I had seen these before. "Oh my God....Jewels by Jessica...I pointed these out to you. I can't believe you remembered." I said as I leaned over to hug him. Removing the earrings I was wearing, I placed my new ones in their place. "How do they look?" I asked.

"You make those diamonds look great." he answered. " But in my opinion, you could make a pair of steel washers look great."

His attempt at flattery, while a little odd, still made my heart melt. Leaning back to him, I gave him a kiss. Pulling back, and smiling, I said "I got you a little something too, let me just go get it for you."

This was it. Getting up, I made my way to my bedroom. "Just stay there until I call you." I said as I disappeared around the corner. I had prepared my room for the night. I quickly lit all the candles I had placed in my room. Jazz already played from the stereo. The lacy black bra and panty set I had bought earlier were already on, waiting to be discovered. Taking one last deep breath, I knew that I was ready. Just as I was going to call to him, I felt two hands from behind me being placed over my eyes.

"Oh Mark..." I said," not a game of 'Guess who'" I wheeled around expecting to see my soon to be lover, but instead was confronted my an older man, about 55-60, wearing a black tuxedo, bow tie and matching hat.

"Hello Jenny.....remember me?" the stranger said.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........."I screamed jumping back to get away from the intruder. "Mark... Mark help me....somebody's here. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...."

"Now Jenny....there's no reason to be scared...I can't believe you don't remember me. After all I have done for you." the stranger said in a slow southern drawl.

"You stay away from me!!!!" I yelled..."Mark....Maaaaarrrrrrkkkk...get in here....HELP!!!"

"Ohhhh, I'm afraid Mark can't hear you at the second, in fact, nobody can hear you." he said. "I really can't believe you don't remember me. Maybe this will help." With that, the stranger snapped his gangly finger. Suddenly, my head was spinning. Unable to stand, I collapsed onto my bed, head in my hands. As the spinning subsided, I was suddenly aware of both my present existence as Jenny, but also of a past life as a man. Memories were now conflicting in my head, but it was all coming back to me....I was Jenny now, but only 30 days ago I was somebody else, and that somebody else was a man. It was all there now....the deer, the accident, the deal with the stranger....

"YOU!!!" I said looking up now at the stranger I had first run into 30 days earlier. Now remembering the details of our conversation and deal from 30 days ago, I began to panic. Looking around frantically, I found my clock. 12:22 it said. It was Friday now.

"Why are you here?" I said. " It's Friday now....I kept my side of the man touched me...I didn't have sex with anyone.....that was our deal, right? Maaaaarrrrkkk????? where are you?" I yelled again. "What did you do with Mark?" I asked of the stranger I now recognized.

"Oh, he's just fine there in the other room." he answered back. "I've just frozen a minute of time for us to speak." I realized then that the music had stopped. Candles I had lit just moments ago seemed to just be still, not flickering at all. Getting up from the bed, I glanced into the dining room where Mark was as still as a store manaquin. Time was, as he said, frozen.

"What do you want...why are you here, don't tell me you are going to take this all away from me. Didn't I do what you asked??? Please don't do this to me...we were about to...."

"I know what you were about to do." he said. "I just came to congratulate you. But it also occurred to me that there was something else that we spoke of that you were going to do for me. Problem is, I did too good a job changing your life over to Jenny, that I think you forgot. So I came here tonight to make sure our little arrangement was still met. You see, we agreed that you would help spread the word about what happened out there on the highway. But, because you have forgotten almost everything of what happened, you have also forgotten to spread the word about me. So, as a solution for you, I am giving you back your memories of your past life, even if only for tonight, so that you can do something for me."

I sat there looking quizzically at him while he continued.

"Besides, you always wanted to know what sex was like for a woman, so I figure I am doing you a favor by letting you experience it from both a male and female perspective. By giving you your male mind back for the evening, you'll get double the experience the way I see it. Isn't that what you always wanted anyway?" he asked

"Sure." I said.

Sitting down on the bed next to me, the stranger said "Now this will only be for tonight. By tomorrow morning at 8:00 A.M., all memories of your past life as a man will be gone forever. You and you boyfriend just continue on with your evening. Have fun. There will be a time afterward that I want you to do this......."

The stranger leaned in close to me and began whispering instructions into my ear.

"O.K." I said, listening intently. "Sure, I think I can do that. But that's it?...That's all you need me to do? And I have to do that all before 8:00 in the morning. But how will that help you?"

" me Jenny, it'll do plenty for me." the stranger said, smiling that big toothy smile. Do that for me and after tonight, you'll never see me again. Now, I think I have disrupted the festivities enough, so let's get you back to real time."

Snapping his fingers one last time and 'poof', he was gone. Music played again from the stereo. The flickering of candlelight danced upon the darkened room, and I was sitting on the bed, fully aware of both my former male self, and current female body. I was going to make love to Mark, and my former male self was more eager than ever to get things moving. I couldn't wait to feel him in me for the first time. Wanting to make sure there was no mistaking what I wanted, I decided to go ahead and strip down to nothing but my bra and panty.

"Maaaarrrkkk......sweetie....come in here." I called out in a seductive voice. "Come see what I got for you."

Hearing him rise from the table in the other room, I heard him making his way towards my bedroom.

"Should I close my eyes?" he asked playfully. He rounded the corner with arms outstretched, as if blind, feeling his way through the doorway.

"Open your eyes, I don't want you to miss anything." I said as he entered the room. Opening one eye, then the other, Mark took in the sight that awaited him. Seated on my bed, leaning back slightly with my legs crossed, I was looking right into his eyes. "See anything you like, cowboy?" I said with a slight smirk.

A big smile grew across his face.

"You're right," he said,"I don't want to miss any of this."

Almost instantly, Mark was in front of me kneeling down so that we were eye to eye. Leaning towards me, I met him for a kiss. He pulled away quickly, surprising me a bit. Opening my eyes, I looked at him.

Looking right at me, Mark said softly,"Are you sure?"

Funny, I thought to myself, a few moments ago before the stranger had come in, I was actually thinking of not going through with it. But now, with my former male self in charge, there was no way I was going to skip out on this.

"Mark.....honey....."I said, running my hands along the outline of is face and down to his shirt collar. Grabbing the top of each side of his collar, I yanked as hard as I could, breaking off the top 4 butttons of his shirt, and exposing his chest.

".....What do you think?" I said.

"DAMN Jen!!!" He exclaimed. "I didn't know you had that in you."

Grabbing his shirt, he yanked at the sides, finishing off the last 2 buttons and flung what was left of it to the ground at the base of my bed. Almost instantly, he was on me and we fell back onto the bed. His kissing was forceful and his hands were beginning to roam underneath my bra. I was almost in sensory overload and decided I wanted to slow things a bit. Mustering all the strength I had, I rolled out from underneath him and quickly jumped up on top of him, straddeling his midsection. A bit wide eyed, Mark didn't put up a fight.

" can be on top. I kinda like this view anyway." he said.

Sliding backwards on him, I was now closer to his knees. Reaching to his belt buckle, I undid it and pulled the belt from the loops. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them away from his waist. I could see his now engorged member all but protruding from the top of his boxers. Reaching to feel it, I could feel the heat emanating from it. Pulling his boxers clear of his waist, gave me a clear picture of his manhood. Jenny may have been a virgin, but my former male self knew exactly what we wanted to do. I'm sure Mark was wondering a bit about this supposed inexperienced girl getting right to work on him, but what did I care. Dinner was being served.

With both hands on his beautiful cock, I slowly started to rub up and down on his shaft. Taking turns with one hand to tickle the under side of his balls. Getting close in to him, I licked up one side of his cock, circled the head of his penis with my tongue, then licked down the other side of him. Stopping to look at his reaction, our eyes met. His look was telling me he wanted more. Continuing to gaze in his eyes, I licked back up his member, swirled to top and back down the other side. With that, Mark laid back his head on the pillow. Licking back up to the head of his cock, I slowly put my lips around him for the first time, taking the head of his cock into my mouth.

I felt Mark's hand on the back of my head, pushing me onto him. I took more of him into my waiting mouth, savoring his taste. Pulling back up, I let him out of my mouth with a small popping sound. Just as quickly, I popped him back in, and rode down his shaft as far as I could take him. Up and down I went, continually using my tongue to tease him. I wanted to have him cum in my mouth, but Mark had other ideas.

"Stop." he said..."I can't have you doing all the work."

I had become so caught up in trying to get a man off that way, I had almost forgotten that I didn't have anything to hide now. I was a genetic woman now, and letting someone explore my body was what I had been wanting for so long. Mark sat up on the bed, as I raised myself up to my knees as well. Moving across the bed to each other, Mark found the straps in the front of my bra. Undoing them, my breasts fell free from their restraints, the bra fell from my arms and onto the bed. Taking a moment to look at them, Mark pulled me in close and began kissing me. Gently he made his way down to the nape of my neck. How wonderful that felt. Reacting to that, my head fell backwards and I closed my eyes. Not unlike a man I met in an elevator a month earlier, I was now putty in Mark's hands. My body was his for the taking.

Feeling myself becoming increasingly aroused, Mark made his way to my exposed breasts. His hands and mouth reaching them at the same time. Fondling and carressing with his hands, and licking with his toungue. Gently, Mark would press down on my hardened nipples with his lips, then pull back. Then he wold lick them and softly blow on them, sending shivers through my body. Not being able to take much more, I needed to lay down. Mark, feeling me start to move backwards to the bed, helped me lay back. Pulling my feet from underneath me, I was now prone on the bed, my legs on either side of Mark who was now intent on moving further south in his exploration. Grasping the sides of my black panty, he pulled them from my waist. As my panty reached my knees, I instinctively raised my knees to my chest to help him remove them. Pulling them off past my ankles, I was now completely naked. As I let my legs fall back to the bed, I left them spread, knees to the side exposing all my womanhood for him to see. Opening my eyes, Mark was looking at me and smiled.

"Brazillian.....nice." was all he said, noticing the bare skin around my love mound. With hands ever so gentle, he began carressing my inner thighs. Feeling his hands inch ever so close to paradise, his face was also inching down past my belly button. The feeling was growing ever more electric for me, and I knew I was getting wetter. Suddenly, I felt his hand brush across me. Almost immediately after that his tongue slid across from the opposite direction. Now coming back with his fingers, Mark started to pry apart the folds of skin around my now dripping pussy. Now focusing his tongue around my clit, pressing against it, then flicking on it gently, all while penetrating my pussy with his fingers. Rythemically, he pushed in and out with his finger. I can't even describe how I felt at that moment. All I knew was that the feeling was more intense at that moment, than any time I had experienced as a man. I knew right then that I had made the right choice with the stranger.

I felt Mark pull away. He was ready and so was I. My hands reached to my pussy and carressed it while Mark finished removing his pants. His cock was fully erect, all 8 inches of it. I couldn't wait to have him in me. Back up next to me, Mark straddled my midsection. Grabbing my legs near my knees, he pulled me up to him. Leaning in, he rubbed the engorged head of his cock against the opening of my love canal.I was so sensitive now it felt like fire against me. The juices were flowing from us both as he rubbed back and forth, teasing me. Then it happened. I felt a rush of both pain and ecstasy at the same time as his penis entered me. Gasping, I suddenly couldn't breath, didn't want to breath. Slowly he pushed in further, waiting a second or two, then pushing in further. I felt my body tense, then relax each time he pushed, wanting to get him in. Then he stopped. Looking down, I saw that our bodies were now one, his entire cock inside me. I finally took a breath. Mark leaned in to me and kissed me. Letting go of my legs, I wrapped them around his body. My hands were now wrapped around his back, pulling him closer to me. Never have I felt so complete.

Now it began, as Mark pulled his waist away from me, then thrust back to me. Slowly at the beginning, but it wasn't long before before things were heating up. Instinctively, I began to buck my hips to meet his thrusts, allowing him to get further inside me. Grabbing his chest, then his arms, I needed to grab any part of him and squeeze. I locked my ankles behind him, not ever wanting to let him go. I was suddenly aware that I was moaning outloud. Gasping with every thrust he made, I felt myself losing control. It wouldn't be much longer. Looking at Mark's face, I could tell he was close too. With my left hand, I started rubbing my clit furiously as Mark continued pumping my pussy.

"Oh yes Mark.....cum in me....cum in me now....cum in my pussy for me..."

My words were all the invitation he needed. With a final thrust, he pushed deep into my pussy and held it there.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh..........yesssssssssss......" he moaned out as I felt the hot spray of his cum pulse out again and again deep inside me. That feeling brought me to the edge as well. Pressing my eyes shut and biting my lip, I clutched Mark with my arms and legs as my body exploded in orgasm. Wave after wave shot through my body for what seemed like an eternity, until I was left with a tingling feeling. Then a warmth came over me. Unlocking my death grip on Mark, I was finally able to open my eyes again. Mark slowly pulled his softening member out of me and we both collapsed onto the bed, side by side. As my breathing became a little more regular, I turned to Mark. Pulling his face to mine, I kissed him.

"Just tell me one thing baby." I said. "Tell me you aren't some one shot pony."

Eyeing me with a grin, he said "Oh don't worry sweetheart, this horse will be ready to run again tonight."

And run it did. We made love twice more before finally collapsing for good in each others arms. Drifting off to sleep, I was totally content with my life as Jenny.

I awoke with a start around 3 A.M. Mark was sound asleep next to me. Without waking him, I slid his arm from around me and made my way to my study room. Turning on my computer, I had work to do that I needed to get finished before 8 A.M.

It's now 6:30 A.M. and my work is done. In a mere hour and a half, all memories of my past life as a man will be gone for good and forgotten. That's why I had to write out the events of the past 30 days. The stranger wanted me to recount our first meeting 30 days ago, and the events of last night as best I could, and then post them here on the nifty erotic stories site. His purpose, of course, is to let others know how my life turned out, and that their life could be similar. All you need to do, he said, was dress en-femme as best you can. If you can get to highway 100 outside St. Louis, great, but any lonely piece of highway will do really. Just get out and drive. Believe that it will happen to you. He may come calling, he may not. All I will tell you is if he does, be sure you know what you want, and what the consequences could be. I can't imagine that your life will end up as good as mine did. But maybe it will. How ever you feel about making a "deal", well, again, I struggle a little with the morality of this, but this was my end of the bargain. I can no longer imagine my life not being Jenny, so here I type. I wish you the best.

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