The Depths of Despair... Story by MickMack

By mickmack999

Published on Sep 13, 2006



This story is (c) Copyright 2006, by mickmack. All World Wide Rights Reserved.

The story below is the completed tale of a totally fictional event. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. It is gay erotica and is intended to be read by persons who are 18 years of age or old and by persons that enjoy gay erotica.

The material covered in this part and all other parts of this story are fictional. Any similarities to persons living or dead are a coincidence.

Please send your comments to: ______________________________________

The Depths of Despair...

Part One - Brother Can You Spare a Dime!

Traipsing through the outskirts of the ghetto streets, I moved quickly up the deserted alley, glancing at empty darkened doorway enclaves, hoping for somewhere to rest up out of the freezing sleet and wind that swept chillingly throughout the inner city streets and avenues.

I just needed somewhere at least to get out of this weather, to gather my thoughts and work out what I could do now.

It was getting colder by the hour, looking like snow drifts would be piling up high in the streets by the end of the day, covering the paths, walkways and water logged gutters in thick dense ice and sludge.

I was hanging out real bad. I'd had my last shot two hours ago and now the high was receding and the dreaded withdrawals were kicking in.

What the fuck was I to do now?

I felt totally nauseatingly drug-fucked and I was stressing out big time, as none of the local drug dealers I knew were going to give me any credit, as I'd already burnt my bridges in that department ages ago.

Also, I sure as hell didn't have the energy at the moment to go do a 'break and enter' to pawn something worth nothing to me but a few bucks to get my next hit.

Hugging myself closely, rubbing briskly at my bare arms with my trembling hands, my teeth chattering, and feeling a misery I hadn't felt in years, I struggled on up the narrow laneway. I was dressed in a thin grime-stained sleeveless t-shirt and jeans that were a size or two too small for my waist and neither article of clothing had seen the inside of a washing machine in month's.

My sneakers were squelching with each quick step I took, soaked by the sleet that pelted down all around me. In fact, if it hadn't been so cold, I would have welcomed the onslaught of the iced rain lashing me, opened myself up to it as I hadn't showered in a few weeks.

I knew I stunk pretty bad, a pungent odour that I could now smell emanating from my filthy clothing and body.

My scattered brain registered that there was no windbreak in this lane to take cover, so I decided to make my way to the end of the street where all the down and out prostitutes and out-of-date junky male hustlers hung.

Maybe, if I got lucky, some dirty old faggot might want to suck my dick for twenty bucks.

I cringed inwardly at the thought, as I'm pure hetero and hated the idea of some fat old wrinkled pervert giving me a blow job.

I shivered violently, the frigid increasing cold permeating my very being and reminding me of where I was and why I had to do this.

My unkempt shoulder length brown hair lay lank, wet and dripping on my scalp, around the back of my neck and shoulders, my long fringe plastered to my forehead, reducing my field of vision as I reached the end of the alleyway and entered the main thoroughfare.

Looking up and down the wide darkening street, at the throng of traffic that flowed passed me, splashing puddled water up onto the walkways as they drove by, I took my place under an overhanging street light that was vacant.

Looked like five other guys also stood hunched over, zigzagged up and down the heavily congested street, coughing and wheezing in the freezing pounding sleet, coming forward furtively and hopefully from whatever cover they were able to huddle under when a vehicle slowed down near them.

I stared for a long moment or two through the falling rain and sleet, at all the other dregs of society, at all the other misbegotten rejects who had found their way here and who were trying desperately to survive in a world of long lost dreams, addictions and alcoholism.

I stood there staring, wondering how the hell I'd ended up like this.

Had my life, which had looked so promising when I'd first come to the big smoke three and half years, offering so much, deteriorated to such depths of despair and futility that hustling myself was now the only option for me to survive in this huge metropolis.

Trembling uncontrollably from the relentless onslaught of sleet and rain that pelted down on me, I saw the beat up dented kombi van glide slowly up to where I stood shivering.

As I tentatively stepped forward, trying to peer through the downpour at its single occupant, it stopped, shimmering eerily as the iced rain bounced and danced repeatedly off its peeling enamelled surface, creating a thin mist-like shroud around its exterior.

It silently spoke of a warm, comfortable interior, dry and spacious to the invited.

Here shone a small window of opportunity to escape the severe frigid weather, a tiny sheltered haven, a moments welcome relief from the deluge of ice and wind that billowed around and through me. I could only hope that the driver would only want to blow me quickly, pay my asking price and let me be on my way.

As the scratched tinted window wound half way down, a bald round, unshaven face with large dirty dark sunglasses perched on a huge hooked nose looked me up and down.

"How much you are?" asked the mysterious large man behind the dark glasses in stilted broken English, a heavily laced middle eastern accent rattling from the man's throat and out his thick leering lips.

Sighing deeply, shuddering not only from the deepening cold, but also at what I knew was yet to come, I leaned forward and smiled that fake smile I alway use whenever I want to con someone.

"Thirty bucks, you blow me, OK?" I stated back at him hopefully, expectantly, trying to hold his inflexible, steady gaze with doe-like eyes.

I winced inwardly as I saw my own desperate, dripping wet, shivering image and pathetic false smile mirrored back at me through the smudged unpolished surface of his large face hugging black sunglasses.

"No, you suck me, then I fuck you! Fifty bucks!" The man stated back at me firmly, and dropping my frantic eyes for a second, I shivered as I considered what I would have to do for a lousy few bucks.

What made my situation worse, was the fact that I'd never given head to a man before and never had a cock up my arse.

I looked back up at the man's face, but his uncompromising and steady grin made me realise that this was his bottom line, and that if I walked away, he'd just go pick up one of the other guys lined patiently up and down this street.

"Ok" I answered softly, my voice quivering as I sighed, resigned to do whatever the man wanted. At least fifty bucks would get me a large enough hit to carry me through to the morning. Also, it would get me out of this shit awful weather for a little while.

The man, satisfied with my response, motioned with a big calloused hand for me to go around the passenger side of the van and get in. The van door creaked and screeched loudly as I opened it and again when I slammed it shut.

Instantly the warmth of the interior surrounded me, intoxicating as my shivering trembling body soaked up the balmy heat. Slowly the driver pulled away from the curb and gunned the vehicle down the thoroughfare and out onto a main exit ramp leading to the east side of the city.

The man's glance looked at me reproachfully as he noticed the wetness coating me, puddling the floor and expanding where my feet rested.

"Get in back. Take clothes off, dry down" He said sternly, pointing at a dirt and oil stained but dry towel laying crumpled in the back corner of the van's rear interior.

I stared self consciously at the ripped striped thin mattress that covered the entire base of the kombi van's cargo section, and squeezing through the gap between the seats, slowly started to remove my saturated clothing.

As I peeled my wet t-shirt and tight jeans off, and with butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I prayed that the stench of my body odour wouldn't filter through to the front of the van.

I had resigned myself to the fact that fifty bucks was a lot of money for me at the moment, and was fearful that the driver might find my rank smell offensive and then decide to call this off.

Grabbing the towel, I wiped and rubbed myself all over, feeling the chill in my body slowly being replaced with the warmth of the interior of the van.

I could feel the driver staring at me through the van's rear vision mirror, taking in my now naked body, on my knees and hunched over as I towelled my body dry.

Hurriedly I reached down and wrapped a discarded blanket around me.

Suddenly the kombi van slowed down and pulled over, the wind and sleet outside increasing to blizzard-like ferocity and buffeting against the exterior of the vehicle.

As there were no windows in the back, I assumed we must have stopped in some deserted area of the city's derelict industrial district, a place rarely visited except by the homeless and down and outs.

The man took one more look at me in the rear vision mirror before undoing his seatbelt and manoeuvring himself hunched over to kneel before me. Grabbing the blanket, he pulled it roughly off me and stared at my nakedness, licking thick rubbery lips and grinning like a Cheshire cat about to pounce on its intended rodent dinner.

Again, the reflection of myself mirrored back at me from his overlarge cheap black coloured sunglasses, showed a very pale, still shivering, naked slender but finely muscled seventeen year old young teenager with his long slim arms and hands covering his groin, on his knees, with bedraggled shoulder length damp brown hair, masculine but still boyishly cute face with large doe-like brown eyes.

The man reached out and rubbed my smooth hairless face, running his fingers over my lips, chin and cheeks. Pushing my hands away from my crotch, he took my limp six inch uncut penis between his thumb and forefinger and slowly pulled my foreskin back to reveal my large flange shaped nob. Then cupping my large hairless balls he gently squeezed and rolled them around in his palm, feeling the weight and size of them.

His hand was hot and sweaty compared to my own cold body temperature, and staring at him as he fondled and touched me, I swallowed my disgust and revulsion at the thought I was allowing him to fondle me.

Outside, the sounds of the torrential rain and sleet, of the frozen elements slamming ever louder against the van we were in, sent chills up my spine as he started to gently tug and pull on my scrotal sac.

I tried not to watch what he was doing, but then I felt his fingers slide under my low hanging balls and rub roughly between my arsehole and testicles.

Time to get the money off him before he went any further. I moved back, still shivering, and looked him full in the face, indicating for him to stop.

"Fifty bucks before we start" I said firmly, hoping that he'd get the message and hand it over straight away.

In my mind, I was now thinking of how I could get his money and then get away without having to do anything at all.

In a flash, a moments conscious thought, I thought of many ways and options to knock this perverted homo cunt out, and then get to my dealer for the prized crystal powder that softened the futility of my mostly useless life.

He looked at me for a long minute, then pulling some bills from his front trouser pocket, counting them, he waved them in my face. I stared at them, could even smell and hear their crispness, and felt my mouth water at the sight of the money he teased me with.

"Twenty five dollars now, you suck me off, swallow. Twenty five dollars later, once I fuck you like girl you are!" He grinned leeringly at me.

Feeling nauseated and sickened, I stared at him, realising he had me where he wanted me. No matter the best laid plans that I had formulated in my head, of how I might be able get out of this faggot act, I knew that I would have to agree and go through with it.

Shaking my head in consent, he handed me the money and I pushed the bills into my discarded soaked sneakers. Then the man took his sunglasses off, and started quickly removing his clothes.

He was shorter, yet a lot larger than I had first thought. His thick wet weather clothing had hidden the fact that he was only five foot five inches tall, weighed some 220 pounds, was fat and unshaven. As he removed the last of his clothes, I stared in horror at him.

He was bald, had a very hairy body with a fairly large protruding beer belly. He had large brown hair covered nipples that stood out, with densely matted course hair all over his thick barrel like chest and stomach.

His body hair trailed down further into a thick mass of tangled dark pubic hair that sprouted around the base of his enormous thick uncut penis.

It was rock solid, leaking pre-cum and straining and curving upward, about 8-1/2 inches in length.

Like the man's body stature, it was huge and fat! His nob was glistening purple and widening with each passing second. Beneath his massive cock hung two monstrous hairy balls, hanging low and pendulous.

His visage made me tremble all over. Although I was hanging out badly, all I wanted to do now was call this deal off. To tell him he could have his money back and to drop me off where he'd found me.

But the look on his face told me in no uncertain ways that I would have to do what he wanted, that he would not tolerate any resistance on my behalf.

Facing each other in our kneeling positions in the back of the dimly lit kombi van, I stared at his cock, and remembering that I had twenty five bucks already tucked away, I took a deep breath, leaned forward and opened my mouth wide, taking as much of his penis into my mouth as I could. The sooner I did this, the sooner I'd be on my way.

Suddenly I retched aloud, as I felt myself nearly being overpowered by the stench emanating from his groin. I tried to ignore how vile his cock stank and tasted, how foul and putrid it was, and once my stomach had stopped spasming, and I knew I wasn't going to throw up in his lap, I took a little bit more of his erect penis into my mouth.

With a third of his cock now crammed into my mouth and trying to suck on it without gagging, I closed my eyes and tried stretching my lips further down the full length and width of his penis as quickly as possible, sucking hard in the hope of making him cum quickly, and then getting out of there.

I could tell the man knew I wasn't very good at it.

I'd never ever done this kind of deviant stuff before, and my pitiful attempts at sucking his cock didn't impress him. Suddenly, the man grabbed the back of my crudely bobbing head with both his large calloused hands and forced me take all of his huge cock into my now loudly gagging mouth properly.

Gagging uncontrollably, I tried to sit back up, but he held my head firmly in place, telling me menacingly how he liked it done.

With tears of shame now welling in the corners of my eyes, I listened to his instructions and obediently stretched my lips tightly around his thick cock, breathed through my nose and moved my head rapidly up and down as my lips slid along the full length of the man's large pulsing eight and a half inch erect uncut penis.

His mammoth cock continually hit the back of my throat painfully, bruising it and making me gag out loud more. I kept on gagging, as he slowly withdrew his fat rock hard penis until just his pulsating flaring nob was at the entrance of my o-shaped mouth, and then he'd roughly push it further down my throat.

The man could also tell I was trying real hard not to let my tongue touch the underneath of his cock either, so he told me to suck it properly, like the proper cock-sucking faggot girl I was, and to lap the underbelly of his thick cock properly as it was sliding in and out of my mouth.

And as the nob of his thrusting cock stopped just inside the entrance to my mouth, he'd order me to use the tip of my tongue to lick at his wide piss slit. To clean out the pre-cum oozing copiously out and over the purple flanged cock head, before quickly sliding my widely stretched lips tightly back down the length of the thickly veined organ again. I must have sounded like I was on the verge of vomiting every time, but the man didn't care.

Trapped in this kneeling position, leaning painfully forward with my head locked firmly in place and my mouth filled to the brim with his rock hard penis and unable to move except to bob my head up and down the length of his huge cock, I listened frantically for any indication that I was making the large hairy man happy, pleasuring him in the ways that he had demanded, hoping against hope that he'd soon blow his load.

I tried to open my eyes a few times, but every time I did, the sharp split ends of his course pubic bush would stab and scratch at my pupils, forcing me to keep my eyes closed and continue to suck him off in this blinded hunched over kneeling fashion.

All that went through my mind as my lips slid rapidly up and down his cock, was the fact that I had the twenty five dollars secured and once he'd cum, I'd soon be away from this perverted arsehole.

I'd pretty much decided once I'd seen his monster dick that there was no way I was going to let him fuck me. I may have been desperate, sucking this man off for a few bucks, but I wasn't stupid. He'd split my virgin cherry hole real bad if he tried putting that thing up me.

With these thoughts rushing through my mind, my eyes suddenly sprang wide open in utter fear, as I felt the sharp keen edge of cold steel against my throat.

Instantly I stopped bobbing my head up and down, as well as stopped my lips rapid sliding motions up and down his throbbing cock.

And with his erect penis still lodged deep in my mouth, I quailed in terror as I realised that the fat hairy stinking bastard had placed a sharp knife at my throat and was firmly pushing it against the skin.

"Move, I cut you faggot girl! Now you do everything I tell you!" The man whispered hoarsely, threateningly. Then he pushed roughly down on the back of my head and made me resume sucking him off. My chest heaved in stunned terror, sobs erupted brokenly from the corners of my mouth wrapped tightly around his hard cock, and as I began sucking him off again, I listened in silent horror and humiliation as my sucking noises and my whimpered sobbing echoed loudly throughout the interior of the van, and the sleet and rain that pounded outside rose to a deafening crescendo.

"Put arms behind back, faggot girl" He ordered menacingly as I now frantically continued to slurp and suck up and down his quivering straining cock, trying desperately to get him off as quickly as possible.

I immediately obeyed, reached back as ordered, and groaned in pain as he grasped them tightly together in one large calloused hand and drew them further up my back. Then taking the knife away from my throat, he quickly bound both my arms tightly together, using some electrical cable laying next to him.

Grasping the back of my head by a fistful of my long damp hair, he roughly pulled my mouth off his cock and back up into a kneeling position before him. Terror and a sense of utter despair swept over me as I stared at the long carving knife he held at face level, and then at the psychotic, lustful, gleeful look he gave me.

Instantly I started to beg him not to hurt me. As my face scrunched up in terrified anguish, my lips quavered uncontrollably, and the tears rolled unabated down the sides of my face, I pleaded with him not to cut me. The man just stared at me, his black frozen lust filled eyes gazing at me as I pitifully beseeched him to let me go.

Suddenly, letting go of my hair, he unexpectedly slapped me viciously across my face, nearly knocking me into unconsciousness. Then taking a painful grip of my hair and straightening me up, he quickly reached between my spread knees and took hold of my flaccid dick. Stroking it, rolling my foreskin back and forth roughly, he looked back up into my terrified pleading face.

"You get hard, you live for now. If not^Å" He said slowly, evilly, demonstrating with the carving knife what he would do with it if I couldn't get an erection.

Staring into his cruel eyes, horrified, I could feel and hear my heart booming in my ears as I tried to concentrate on getting my dick hard. The way he yanked my limp dick back and forth and squeezed it tightly as my foreskin rasped back and forth roughly over my sensitive nob wasn't helping matters.

Closing my now red tear-swollen eyes and swallowing back more choked sobs, I tried to imagine a beautiful naked woman in front of me, spreading her perfect smooth legs wide open for me.

Slowly, as my imaginary woman took on a more realistic form in my mind, I felt my cock start to thicken and lengthen. Breathing a sigh of wretched relief, even smiling a fraction that I could even respond at all under such pressure, I then concentrated on the man's calloused fingers stroking my penis, again using my imagination to pretend they were the same woman's lips wrapped around my stiffening member.

With my eyes closed, and feeling the man's rough fingers sliding quickly up and down the length of my now fully erect seven inch cock, I concentrated fully on maintaining my erection.

The man, grudgingly satisfied, and maybe a little disappointed, let go of my hard penis and, after once again slapping me hard across my face, grabbed me by the back of my head and forced my face back down into his lap to take his still rock hard thick penis into the back of my mouth.

"Suck me good, faggot^Å keep your dick hard too while you blow me, faggot girl!" He moaned ecstatically, as my lips slid down the length of his pulsing cock. Gagging me over and over again, he continued to punched the back of my throat with his leaking penis, moaning and groaning in pleasure as I concentrated fully on blowing him and keeping my own dick hard.

Sometimes, he'd reach down under me and between my knees in my bent over position to make sure my cock was still hard, slapping my low hanging hairless balls painfully if my cock started to wilt at all.

Finally I felt his cock head expanding in my mouth. Quickly I added more suction and pressure around the width of his quivering penis and increased the speed of my lips sliding up and down the length of his ready to ejaculate dick.

Suddenly, he forcibly pushed my mouth further down on his cock, yelping loudly as his powerful orgasm shot continuous volleys of hot, foul tasting sperm to hit the back of my throat and fill my mouth to full capacity.

Again, I started to gag, trying to pull away and spit it out, but he held my head firmly.

"Swallow it you cocksucking, dirty faggot girl!" The man shouted ecstatically and cruelly, holding my head tightly, and as I miserably and tearfully obeyed, swallowing every squirting spurt of his thickly churned cum that filled my mouth down my throat, he gently ran the keen edge of the sharp knife over my shoulder blades and spine.

Finally, sitting back on his heels, he patted the top of my trembling head before pushing my face roughly away from his lap. Unbalanced, I fell backwards flat onto my back with my arms bound tightly and painfully behind me, my legs sprawled wide apart and my hard erect penis slapping loudly against my flat muscled stomach.

Laughing the man leaned forward and grasped my rock hard cock and stroked it up and down rapidly in his fisted hand. I lay there, staring up at him, pleading silently with my eyes, trembling all over as he commenced jerking me off.

"Pump hips^Å Up, down faggot" He spat at me, ordering me to lift my hips and fuck his squeezing fisted hand. Obeying him, I thrust my hips up and down into the air and steadied myself as he commenced to masturbate me roughly.

"Spread legs wider" He ordered and obediently I spread my legs even wider for the man, grimacing as he increased the pace he was painfully masturbating me. And as he slid his calloused hand up and down the length of my thick long rigid cock rapidly, he quickly began cruelly squeezing and slapping my large hairless balls hard.

"You cum now faggot girl!" He stated ominously, glaring down at me, as I kept up my thrusting hip motion. So closing my eyes again, I tried to bring back to my mind my imaginary woman.

Even in this humiliating and uncomfortable position, even though I knew he was getting off on jerking me painfully like this, even though I knew he would probably kill me if I didn't give him a good show, my dick got harder and pre-cum leaked out of my piss slit.

He increased the pace of his fisted hand jerking me, forced me to humped my hips and buttocks up and down quicker and higher.

Then gloating obscenely of the power he had over me, and how I was now his forever, he'd watched avidly as I bit my lower lip, watched as my body quivered all over uncontrollably, laughed out loud at how I'd pushed my spasming cock hard up into his gripping jerking hand and roared with laughter as I ejaculated powerfully, shooting my huge load of teenage spunk all over my chest, stomach and face.

He'd watched in gleeful lust as my copious amounts of sperm shot high in the air before falling and splattering all over my body and face. The man seemed riveted by the view and was obviously pleased by my powerful ejaculation.

He told me in his broken English that he liked the look on my cute boyish tearful scrunched up face as he'd jacked me off.

As he slid long powerful tight rapid strokes up and down the thick girth of my hard cock, and with my legs spread wide apart, he'd laughed at the embarrassing sight of my fat hairless balls jiggling and bouncing about between my inner thighs as he'd made me fuck my dick up into his fisted hand.

And then when I had finally orgasmed, he'd watched in fascination as all my body muscles had twitched, contracted and rippled.

And with my hips thrust high in the air, and as I shot the last of my load, the man had then leant forward over me, scooped up some of my thick steaming cum off my stomach and chest, and held it to his nose.

After sniffing it in curiosity, he'd then ordered me to open my mouth wide and lick and suck his thick fingers clean.

Then I'd eyed him through reddened tear filled eyes warily, as the man keeping the sharp knife in view, and waiting for my breathing to return to normal, told me loudly it was now time for my fucking.

Horrified I realised the man's penis was hard again. It curved back up, the nob glistening again with pre-cum oozing out of his piss slit. Reaching down, he rolled me off my back and onto my stomach. Pushing my legs wide apart, he knelt between them and placed the knife at my throat.

"Not move, cunt!" He said gruffly, gently pressing on the knife so that I understood what would happen if I so much as coughed. Then he started to undo the tight knots of cable that bound me, and once released, he ordered me to spread my arms above my head.

Quickly, sitting the full weight of his heavy body on top of my back to keep me from moving, he reached up and tied my left wrist to one of two metal hoops welded to the side of the interior of the van. Then he secured my right wrist to the second metal hoop, which was about a 5 foot distance from the other.

Then grunting heavily as he rolled his flabby hairy arse off me, he reached down, grabbed my right ankle, pulled it painfully away from my left leg, and tied it to a similar metal hoop welded to the opposite side on the interior of the van. And once secured, he grabbed my left ankle, pulled my legs painfully wide apart and tied it to the second metal hoop.

Completely naked, spreadeagled, face down and unable to move, I lay there frozen in fear and horror, unable to comprehend what he was about to do to me. Again the sounds outside of the torrential rain and wind swept sleet rose loudly to buffet the side of the van.

I could hear him breathing loudly behind me as he moved between my widely spread legs, and then I felt him lean forward over me and lay down heavily on top of my tensed lean muscular quivering body.

Laying there, I shook violently, too terrified to say or do anything. My firm arse cheeks flattened as the man's mammoth weight settled completely on top of me.

And then I could feel the hard pressure of the man's hugely thick uncut cock pushing my arse cheeks apart, then the tip of his leaking nob prodding against the outside my tight virginal anal opening.

Uncontrollably, I automatically tensed up my arse muscles even more, trying to ward off the horror that I knew would soon be pounding up my rear end.

"Remember, move I cut you bad^Å understand, faggot?" The man sneered ominously into my ear. I quickly nodded my head in fearful agreement as I felt the blade of the knife press more firmly against my throat.

Then the man pushed his large hairy hips down and his large thick cock started stretching my anal entrance wide open. The man didn't use any lubricant except for the pre-cum that leaked out of his piss slit and covered his wide cock head.

Pushing harder and grunting lustfully, the man's penis slowly penetrated me and slid all the way up my anus. The pain was indescribable, and increased a thousandfold, as the man then pulled back a few inches of his hard cock from my impaled anus and then again shoved himself all the way back up my now red-raw and bruised arsehole.

I know I must have screamed when he first entered me and began fucking me as hard as he could. I know I must have begged and pleaded with him to stop, snivelled and blubbered pathetically for him to please stop the pain that he was submitting me to.

I know I cried and whimpered uncontrollably and that I tried uselessly to move my arse out of the way of his pummelling cock.

"Shut the fuck up, faggot girl!" The man had shouted above my screams of agony, before he suddenly pushed my own filthy wet jockey briefs deep into my mouth to muffle the noises I was making.

"One more sound and I cut you..." He said cruelly, and again pressed the knife harder against my throat this time.

And with my arse feeling like it was splitting apart, with flares of agony cascaded throughout my body and up my spine, I obediently shut up except for a few heart-rending whimpers and squeals that escape from the corners of my underwear gagged mouth.

Tears streamed down my face and soaked into the filthy thin mattress beneath me, as I again felt the man's fat cock slam and punch up into my now gaping bum hole.

The man was now fucking me brutally, a steady fuck pace that slammed my body back and forth under him as he pounded away, grunting, moaning and gurgling loudly as he savoured the elastic tightness of my arsehole gripping his cock. And as he fucked away, staring down at the back of the my head and long slender neck, he told me how much he loved me, that he would never let me go, that I would learn to serve him as his own personal fuck and suck boy from this day forth.

I felt faint, nauseous, and blacked out many times as he raped me. But each time I fainted, the man, filled with power and lust, waited patiently for me to regain consciousness, before he commenced to fuck me even more brutally than before.

In and out the man fucked, slamming as much of his cock into me, before sliding out four or five and a half inches of his thick cock from my anus and ramming it all back in.

Unable to escape the searing pain and blinded by my own tears, I could feel and hear the man's hairy balls slapping and flapping obscenely against my flattened arse cheeks as the man continued to fill me up repeatedly with his hard thick cock.

On and on the man pounded, sweat coursing down his fat hairy body onto mine, as he soaked in the pure delight and pleasure of raping my once virgin arse.

Finally, from somewhere deep inside my traumatised mind, my numbed body and brutalised arsehole, I softly groaned as I felt the man's cock expand hugely and throb.

Then with a tremendous downward and upward thrust, the man slammed the full length and width of his cock right up my tortured anus and shot a massive amount of his hot sperm into my bowels.

Panting, intoxicated, the man collapsed on top of my trembling body, the knife still pressed hard against my throat and the man's cock still lodged deep up my red raw bottom.

Breathing heavily, he slowly crawled off of me, his thick cock making a slurping, popping sound as he pulled out of my stretched arsehole. Then he roughly fingered my now gaping anal entrance to declare with obvious satisfaction to me that there was no permanent damage and only a little bleeding.

With my arms and legs still tightly secured with electrical cable, my ravaged body spreadeagled painfully and unable to move, I just laid there face down in utter pain and humiliation, my breathing reduced to ragged gasps for air through my nose, my mouth filled with my own underwear nearly choking me, my chest heaved heavily and tears flowing unchecked down my face.

"Now we go home, faggot girl! Time to teach you how to please a real man!" The old man said as he quickly donned his under clothes and made his way back to the driver's seat of the kombi-van.

And as the freezing sleet, rain and winds and impenetrable darkness plunged the city into a frozen landscape of towering shadows and tall frozen silhouettes, the man turned around once more to look at me tied there naked and spreadeagled in the back of his van before he started the engine and slowly manoeuvred the vehicle towards his home.

Part Two - On Bended Knees (Coming soon!!!)

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