Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on May 31, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


9 - Mayfield House


G. Cutter


Here I was bright and early on a Monday morning at nine o'clock would you believe running around with a hoover and a feather duster like a loony. His Royal Highness The Nick had put me on red alert in his charming way. He was visiting and had some heavy business to discuss as he put it, he also wanted to dump a young Easy Euro import and I was tasked with looking after this youth who was around the seventeen mark but thankfully spoke shattered English. That was a consolation anyway, the thought of looking after a peasant kid with no English, now that would be what I call a task. Nick was due down from London with his freight as he referred to the kid and one other, he didn't say who the other one was.

I was curious, of course I was. I know Nick was mixed up in some shady dealings and had some funny friends and I don't mean clowns and acrobats, I mean funny as in dodgy funny, anyway, I don't want to labour the point. The place was reasonably tidy as I'd roped the Dennis man into helping me out and we'd spent some busy hours the previous day getting the place sorted out. He was off to school right now and I had to entertain Nick and company on my own. The only thing I was worried about was my sorta ixy pixy job, it was unofficial but it paid my way. I was part of the great unemployed and if I didn't have the job and the many perks that went with it I'd be on hard times. So, yes. I was bloody curious and a little on edge as you might say.

The one thing I was pretty sure of and that was it was't drugs. Nick had a deep and abiding hatred of drugs and even talking about them, he didn't find chat about spiffs and whatnot amusing in the least. He had mentioned that he'd lost a very dear friend to 'the white stuff' and when he said 'dear friend' I knew what he meant. Well, so be it, Den and myself weren't interested in that sort of thing anyway, we were more into sex and the occasional can of Fosters or Stella as you may have gathered.

They turned up promptly and I peeped through the curtains as Nick stood in the driveway with this older bloke surveying the front of the house. This other scruff who was the Euro wally I presumed stood apart looking like little Orphan Annie, I'm not saying he was little, it's just a phrase you understand. The kid was about the same height and build as myself. I went to open the front door a bit like a butler but Nick was paying me a wage after all.

'Kettle's on,' I announced like a good butler does and Nick gave me a grin and ushered the other two in, the man first I noticed. This guy could have been Mafya, he had steely grey Russian eyes and looked a right nasty bastard but he gave me a smile which was something, the kid just gave me a nervous nod and followed as they trooped through to the bottom lounge.

'This is Patric my right hand man in Lewes,' Nick announced to my squirmy delight. 'Patric, this is Mr Smithsky and Pavel,' he waved carelessly at the kid who was standing there like a spare prick at a wedding. Jeez, a Russian Mr Smith, how original can you get.

I nodded all round but being Russians they both stood there and made a big deal of shaking hands, curious people Continentals, I mean, they seem to love shaking hands and we Brits seem to find it slightly embarassing. Anyway, I offered tea as I was in flunkey mode and that took some time but once we were settled the real business started.

'Mr Smithsky is a senior associate of mine,' Nick started off. 'We've decided to increase production and spread our wings a little.' He looked at me brightly. As I had absolutely no idea what business he was involved in I was at a bit of a loss. I suspected porn, I supected male brides for pervs, I suspected lots of things but I knew absolutely nothing.

'You know Mayfield House down the bottom?'

'Yeah, I know it,' I replied. Mayfield house was the house at the end of the road, it was the biggest and it had workers all over it at the moment. It was big as in huge and was walled so we local kids didn't really get to know it too well. An American family had lived there but moved out about a year ago and the place had remained empty ever since.

'How would you like to be the House Manager of Mayfield House. Meaning that you do what you do now only more of it and on a steady contract, monthly wages into a bank account etc. etc.'

'Sounds fun.'

'You will have fun but this is a very serious job offer.' Smithsky butted in. 'You will have a job description and you will be expected to comply with it. You will be left on your own for long periods of time but when we want to use the place we expect it to be maintained and sparkly as you people say. Ship shape and Bristol fashion. You understand?'

'Yeah,' I nodded.

'Show me around this house, Patric,' Smithsky stood and I looked across at Nick, he nodded slightly and I suspected I was being tested. Fuck him. I gave the Russian a tour upstairs and downstairs and even into the garden whilst Nick and Pavel sat in the lounge sipping tea and chatting from what I could see.

'Can you handle the task?' Smithsky looked at the house and stood there with his legs apart surveying the place like an army general. 'You keep this place nice but Mayfield is a lot bigger but you will have a budget for cleaning, gardening and whatever else... you are going big time and you are a young man, sixteen, seventeen?'

'Nearly seventeen.'

'A baby,' Smithsky laughed. 'You have a partner?'

'Yes.' Well, I had to admit to Dennis as the guy clearly knew.

'Fine. Pay him as a cleaner but make sure he works for it,' he walked on and I trailed him as he had a look at the swimming pool half in and half out of the house. 'Mayfield has an inside warmed pool and a smaller outside one, none of this shuttering nonsense,' he glared at the drop shuttering and grilles. 'Interested?'

'Yeah,' I looked at him and he grinned, very unRussian. 'Good boy, I like people with ambitions. You will be looking after people like Pavel now and then so I expect you to be firm with them but also to coddle them... you understand?'

'Not really,' I looked at him. 'In English being firm and coddling don't really go together.'

'They do if you are a diplomat,' he gave me a brief smile. 'Lots of people love next door's President Putin but a lot hate him as he is an ex Secret Policeman... coddling and being firm he knows how.'

I felt like saying I hadn't got a bloody great Army and Police Force to back me up but thought better of it. 'I'll have to learn,' I sounded a bit limp but there you go. I couldn;'t turn down the offer it would provide me with a job and Denis part time work, how bad was that.

'Let's have more tea, I don't trust Pavel to boil a kettle.'

'I'll have to teach him.'

'Iron fist,' he grinned again. 'Velvet glove.'

I laughed, I could get to like Smithsky but I wouldn't like to get the wrong side of him, no sir. Upset him and you might find youself on a slow train to Siberia, Britkid or not. Maybe even floating down the Channel wearing concrete wellies. Foreigners were taking the country over but funnily enough I've always preferred Krauts and Ivans to the Frenchies, their boys are better looking, so there!

The funniest things come on you in times of stress (which this was for me) and all I could think about was where Pavel was going to sleep, he was quite nice in a dopey sort of way, Dennis would like him. I think and I hoped I was in the clear with Smithsky, I don't particularly like older men not that I'd had one apart from Nick. Mr Smithsky had a wedding ring on anyway which cheered me up no end.

We went back into the lounge and Smithsky must have give Nick the nod as Nick fished out his briefcase and handed me a folder. 'A contract for you to read at your leisure. We estimate three to four weeks before the move so I need you onboard or gone by then.' Wow, now that was very plain speaking from Nick, it didn't leave much room for maneuver. As they say in the Job Centre it was take it or leave it time. I just nodded, my little man inside was tempted to tell him to fuck off but we all have that now and then, I'd have my Nicky on his knees begging if he wanted a shag in the near fiture that was for sure.

'Thanks,' I tucked the folder away, I'd have a look through it later with Dennis, he was better with forms and paperwork than I was, bright little bastard.

'If you can look after Pavel for a full week or maybe more,' Nick went on and slid a card across the table. 'Get him kitted up in a full set of muck about gear and a decent set of parade gear. You know two of everything. I'll give you a PIN for the card later.'

'My pleasure,' I looked at the youth and he gave me a little smile. Yeah, he was quite nice and thinking back one of the first things he'd learn was how to boil a kettle, I wasn't a fuckin' waiter.

'We'll walk up to Mayfield in a moment,' Nick wobbled on looking at his watch. 'I have the plans here,' he produced more crap from his briefcase and unfolded a big plan. I looked at it as he span it around on the table and was pretty amazed. It was a ground and first floor and as Smithsky had said both an inside and outside pool. From what I could see it was totally enclosed by a high wall but I knew that as I'd sniffed around the place when I was younger and more adventurous. It seemed to have an upstairs lounge and a dowstairs one as we had but hundreds of bedrooms, well, I counted six and there were a couple of other rooms just marked with question marks.

'What are these?' I pointed at the mystery rooms.

'A nursery and a play room would you believe,' Nick grinned. 'Maybe make them into studios... Jo in Wimbledon is in on this and is coming in under the Company umbrella.'

'Oh, yeah,' I smiled as I had fond recollections of Jo and his mob of loons.

'Yeah, he's got a tie up with a guy in Addlestone which is a sort of halfway house so we expect a lot of production both indoors and out. That's where the huge garden will be handy especialy being private.'

He was right there, the end of the road petered out into common land and there were no houses overlooking Mayfield House. Even the surrounding wall was backed up by those bloody great leylandii, the place was as good as a prison, Smithsky probably had it down as an English Gulag with all the mod cons. I was still curious about their business and would be pumping Pavel in the near future, probably pumping him on more than one front. Poor baby, he was beginning to look bored, he certainly looked like he could use a bath and a kip, he must have come across in a container and probably had done. Naughty thoughts there, I must learn not to be too nosey with this mob.

We finished our tea and we all trooped off with Nick leading the way, I tailed behind with Pavel and tried to talk to him but he just replied in grunts and I wondered how good his English really was.

Mayfield's gates were back and I noticed one of those black boxes on the pillar alongside probably for a remote, also a camera up in a tree just inside. Top security prison I thought as we alll went up the small drive. There was a little office just inside the front door which was being used by the builder in charge it seemed. He recognised both Nick and Smithsky so the pair had been here before, crafty sods.

'Two weeks, gentlemen,' this guy spoke. 'All completed and the boys out apart from two I'll leave for snagging.'

'There shouldn't be any snags,' Nick observed mildly.

'As you say,' Builderman agreed. 'But better safe than sorry.'

'Then carpets and furnishings?' Smithsky looked at Nick.

'Yeah,' Nick nodded. 'Operational for the end of the month. We can tie in Pat and his pal plus a driver and van for the stuff we need to move across.'

'Mmm,' Smithsky seemed to agree and then we took the tour. The place was huge, well it was compared to our old place as I was starting to call it. I really lost count of the rooms and the building work seemed to be more in the way of renovations than actually building anything. Builderman pointed out that each guestroom would have a small en suite shower, toilet and washing facility but there were also two bathrooms upstairs with proper baths and one downstairs for some odd reason.

I must have looked puzzled when the guy was wobbling on anout the downstairs bathroom and bedroom until Nick whispered one word to me. 'Staff'. Now I knew. We had a wander out into the garden which was pretty overgrown and a couple of guys were taking down a big wire cage... I had to ask.

'What's that? Punishment cage?' What a sense of humour the boy has. Pavel laughed anyway, his English couldn't be that bad.

'Grass tennis court,' Smithsky observed sourly. 'We can use it for a play area or posing.'

'Put a little pond in,' Nick suggested. 'Fish,' he explained to a doubtful looking Smithsky who didn't seem to know what a fish was. Perhaps they don't have them in Russia. Fishky? Nah.

We spent about two hours in and out, up and down and my legs were beginning to buckle at the end of it but Nick and Smithsky were still going like good uns. In the end we took a slow stroll back and then Nick and Smithsky decided to split and return to London.

'Spend some time in that place now you know the builder in charge,' Nick told me right at the end. 'Try and come up with a reasonable staffing scheme... part time cleaner to help yourself and Dennis, gardener so many days a week, window cleaning, weekly, fortnightly. Get some prices and put down some thoughts. We'll talk in about another week. Check the computer for EMails, I don't want to have to wait a day plus for a reply... we need to keep good communication going.'

'Right, Nick.' I really did like him, he was good sex but he did get carried away a bit now and then. Then again, someone or somebody was fronting up a hell of a lot of money for all this so things were getting serious.

'Right, Patric,' he said mockingly. 'This is a golden opportunity for you and maybe Dennis... keep on top of things. The Company pays well and rewards loyalty. Remember that one.'


'I hope so,' he smiled and we went through the handshaking again. Ten minutes later I was on my own with one slightly bewildered and pretty scruffy Russian lad. All mine, to have and to hold, to worry about and to coddle. Loved that word. The sooner he had a bath and we got acoddling the better.

'How's your English, Pavel?' I had to ask as I'd only heard please and thank you so far.

'Quite good,' he replied in a curious mixture of throaty Russian and nasal American. An ENT Specialist's dream (that's Ear, Nose and Throat to you not familiar with hospitals and also a bit of a limp joke).

'Excellent,' I grinned inanely. He'd cut the ground from under me, I was dreading cocked up English so maybe not a bad thing.

'I am not so good at the street talk.'

'Never fear, pal. Neither am I,' I laughed. 'Do you mind if we leave the clothing trip until tomorrow?'

'Up to you.'

'OK. Let's get you bathed and get that lot in the machine,' I said. 'I can lend you some fresh clothing for the day.'

'Thank you,' he smiled slightly and stood there like a lump so I chivvied him upstairs and into my room. I began to suspect this kid was a dog in the nicest possible way, he just waited to be told what to do. I suppose he'd be alright once he settled in. He was a stranger in a strange land after all and probably didn't know what the hell was going on. I found him a nice big bathtowel and ran the bath with stacks of foamy in it and left him to it. I also told him to sling all his stuff out into the passage which effectively left him only the towel at the end of it, shrewd or what? Nick had told me way back that it was a good way of getting rid of someone's clothing and it seemed to work. I should finish up with one slightly damp Russian and one towel, from there it was anyone's guess.

'Gimme a shout if you need anything... back washing, etcetera'

'Etcetera?'He looked at me with a squinty eyed smile. 'What is etcetera?'

'It's Latin...'

'I know it's Latin,' he laughed. 'Even some Ukrainians can speak Latin like, etcetera, per se, ad infinitum, etcetera. What do you offer apart from a backwash, Patric.' All this accompanied by a smirk more than a smile. and spoken in perfectly good English. This kid was having me on and so much for the Russian bit, I was a few miles out.

'A frontwash?' I gave him a goofy look.

'Sounds good,' he entered the bathroom and very firmly closed the door but I noticed that he didn't snap the catch. What do do? Decisions, decisions... I lurked and awaited the call to arms. All I got was a pile of dirty clothing but it was a start. I shot downstairs and put everything in the washing machine excluding the rather stinky trainers. Of course I checked his pockets and found them empty, no paperwork and no money, not a scrap, not a coin. I wandered back up and before I even got to the landing I heard his call, he sounded a bit nervous but he was calling my name anyway.

Yeah. All cylinders afire I swanned upto the bathroom door and stuck my head around, he was seated in the bath with his wet and soapy back to me and as soon as he heard the door open he craned his head around and gave me a smile. He seemed to have a wonky right eye, sometimes it was half closed in a squint and sometimes it was wide open, I wondered if it was natural or an affectation, time would tell.

'Alright, Pavel?,' I flapped my hand at the steam. 'Your gear is all in the wash.'

'Thank you, Patric,' he gave me one of his smiles and handed the soap laden sponge up. Taking it I sat on the edge of the bath and soaped across the top of his shoulders and down his back to the waterline.

'Stand up,' I muttered after a decent pause.

'Front or back?' He gave a nervous giggle and rose in a tidal wave but kept his back to me. That would do fine. He had a beautiful bum, pure white, almost alabaster. He clearly didn't do any sunbathing and I'd have to change that in the coming week but that arse... perfecto! I stood up alongside him and did his back but worked my way down and finally soaped his gorgeous cheeks, firm yet so bouncy. He purred like a big cat as I slowly drifted between his legs and let my hand brush against his hanging scrotum. Without a word he shuffled around and that was it. He stood with his eyes fixed on the towel hanger and then gazed at me as I moved him around so that he was facing out, directly facing me that is. He wasn't ginormous but he was bigger than both myself and Den, a nice meaty standard six, maybe even a little less but he was hard. So hard. His stiff penis jutted out and up and his forekin was well retracted exposing his swollen dark pink glans.

'Alright?' He croaked then coughed.

'Perfect, Pavel my man,' I soaped across his chest and belly avoiding his jerking cock and finally took pity on him wrapping my soapy hand around it squeezing and fondling his hot sex.

'My God,' he moaned and pumped his hips slowly as I took care of his scrotum and even up into his crack, he was completely at ease even if he did avoid my eyes for most of the time. He looked everywhere but at me. 'I understand you have a friend, a close friend.'

'Yeah, Dennis. He's fourteen, nearly fifteen.'

'So young,' he smiled from the dizzy heights of his seventeen year or maybe he was eighteen. I'd have to give him a cross examination later. It was at that point I saw his paperwork on the small stool. Euros by the look of the notes, a passport and a foreign ID card, he must have been legal then. 'Is he your lover?' All this as if discussing the weather.

'Yeah, we're boyfriends. We share.' That told him.

'Ah so,' he gave me that twisted smile again. Perhaps the week may be interesting.'

'Not may be, will be,' I grinned. I dunked the sponge and squeezed away the soap and trickled warm water over his sticky out bit until it was soap free, I hated the taste of soap. I then flashed up the shower attachment and handed it to him to do his short hair which he did. I didn't let go of his meat though, I kept up the little squeezes and tugs keeping it on the boil. The only concern now was how far was he prepared to go and did he swing both ways. OK, all a bit basic but things one needed to know. He stepped out of the bath and I helped him towel down paying particular attention to his bottom and his still stiff penis and he didn't mind in the slightest and just as we finished he reached out for my groin. He grinned this time widely and chuckled, I was as hard as a rock and fully extended.

'Perhaps a lie down,' he suggested.

'Great minds think alike,' I grinned as he looked a tad puzzled. 'Old English expression... I've got loads.'

'Yes, you seem quite well built,' he grinned. Jeez, this Ukrainian spoke better English than Den or I did. Before we headed for the bedroom he detatched my hand and wrapped a dry towel around himself and collected his paperwork. He flashed me his ID card and I studied it for a moment noting the picture which was awful but then again they normally are. It had his birthday on it which I needed to work out later but more importantly it was stamped Kiev. Remembering recent news Kiev wasn't in Russia, it was the capital city of the Ukraine which tied up with what he'd said earlier . Perhaps he wouldn't like being called a Russian I know lots of Englishmen and Scotsmen don't like people getting them confused. Oh well, you live and learn.

'Ukrainian boy?'

'Just ten kilometres outside Kiev, small place. Bedroom?' He smiled.

'Yeah.' I gulped, he seemed keen.

I followed him back to my room and he turned to face me just inside the door and he started to undress me just like that. I shuffled around until I backed onto the bed and he gave me a little push and I fell on my back. He gave a little wriggle and his towel dropped and he was crouched above me. I grasped his firm flesh and moved it to and fro slowly as he sealed his lips onto mine and contined to undress me. It wasn't hard I wasn't wearing that much and once the t-shirt was off over my head it was easy. He was a great one for kissing, his soft lips were everywhere, on mine, down onto my titties and then my navel and at last he took me into his mouth moving around the bed until his own erection was moving about above my face. I held it and guided him down and we slowly moved in and out of each other's mouths. This kid was an expert. God knows what they got upto in Kiev but they must have a Cocksucking Academy, he was an expert and he soon had me wriggling and writhing on the bed trying to hold his own juicy erection to my lips.

We fell onto our sides and I took him in as deep as I could and he reciprocated swallowing my aching hardon right down to the root until I could hold back no longer. I gobbled a warning but he held me in tight by grasping my buttocks and when I came it was a cracker. He choked, gagged and spluttered but swallowed it all apart from a trickle from the side of his mouth. He gave me a quick grin and flipped me over onto my tummy parting my legs with his own exposing my pucker and my now eager hole.

'You alright with this,' he whispered and I felt his saliva coated glans moving between my cheeks.

'Go, Pavel.'

He did. I felt his bulbous cockend press against my pucker and then it gave and I felt his warm mass slip inside me as he sighed his satisfaction. He only moved slightly seating his end in me and then he slowly and sensually started to fuck working his way into my gut a smidgeon at a time. He was gentle and quite passionate, slobbering and kissing at my neck as his solid shaft expanded and stretched my flesh. I pushed up loving the feel of his hot cock inside me and hoping that Dennis didn't come home too early, he could handle the second of Pavel's sessions. We had to win, it was two against one unless our guest was some sort of sexual athlete.

'Nice,' he muttered and slippped in and out of me quite easily but as he started to go faster I shoved my bum up relishing in his hot meat sliding in and out. 'I'm cu...'

'I know,' I laughed and eased back down as I felt his first blast of thick juice spurt inside me. God knows how long he'd been abstaining for but he just cum and cum. I could feel his slime trickling from my battered ring as he pressed down on me a gave a little stir.

'Thank you,' he whispered and kissed my sweaty neck as we rolled onto our side.

'The last Russian who came here spoke good English,' I remarked as I clamped my cheeks and did the squishy expelling bit.

'We are groomed,' he rolled me over and hugged me. 'Good sex, fit in well and nice and cheap,' he scowled.

'Mmmmm...' I let it go. I felt he was on the verge of spilling the beans on this Company I was about to work for and the less I knew for the moment the better. I'd settle for House Manager and a steady wage I didn't fancy being some rich Arab's kept boy or whatever destination he may have. Being a sex object is OK I suppose but it's nice to be able to say no when you want to. Mind you these kids weren't dumb, they could earn, stash it and do a runner and get lost in the general population with the amount of illegals floating around.

'You ready?' he smiled at me.

'What?' I looked down at my semi hard but semi limpo. Sureley he didn't want sex, I'd just cum.

'You can do it, my little Patric,' he laughed at the expression on my face. 'Jig-a-jig, and then your little friend.'


'Keep everyone happy.' he laughed just before he ducked his head and his hot mouth swallowed me again.

I've got to say he was good, in fact, he was excellent. I wondered if they had Sex Academies in Russia or rather the Ukraine, the dog Greg who had stayed yonks ago hadn't been a beauty but he sure knew how to keep a boy happy. Pavel did the slobbery and suck it and I was soon standing erect, well Mr Dick was. He got it nice and hard and then just played around with my nuts keeping the main man on the boil and then he straddled my body. Oh my Gawd, I knew what came next. He shuffled up my trunk with his knees either side as if intent on fucking my mouth but I knew his main game. He held my slippery cock upright and when he was in position gently lowered himself onto it inch at a time. He had his eyes closed and let out a little sigh as he absorbed it all and lightly sat on my chest.

'OK?' I croaked.

'Fine,' he opened his eyes and smiled at me. 'Lovely boy cock,' he growled and stated to move up and down. Wonderful, I just lay back and put my hand behind my head giving the occasional prod up into his tight heat whilst he did all the work. I haven't made up a name for this position yet but I like it as it always leads to the bouncer scrunged up kissing the bouncee and the bouncee fucking like a maniac with a sweaty body on top of him. Instant heart attack but what a way to go. In the end I rolled us both over and had him on his back and was fucking down into his hot and tight little boy arse as if I was up for some sort of medal. It was great and much to my surprise I did a decent cum and he lay there grinning like a tart as I slipped out of his slippery hole on a trickle of my own cum. 'See, you have hidden talents,' he smiled tenderly and reeled me in for a soft kiss. 'I like you Patric, I shall enjoy the next week.'

'Better keep Dennis happy then, he should be home shortly.'

'No problemo... is that right.'

'All right if you're Arnie Swartzyknickers,' I grinned.

'The Furlong boy,' he grinned.

'Nice but not a boy now,' I laughed. 'You saw the Terminator in the Ukraine?'

'It is in Europe,' he laughed. 'And Kiev is a mighty city... a bit bigger than your Lewes and we do have theatres.'

'Sorry, Lenin.'

'Enough... shall we get clean for your lover boy?'

'Shower and swim?'


God, I was a bit doubtful when I'd got lumbered with this one but if all the future Moscow and St Petersberg boys were as good as this Kiev lad I'd be well pleased and so would Dennis. I knew they would get on well, Dennis got on well with anyone who was between eleven and eighteen and had a good shag in them.

We had a nice shower and finished off swimming and generally buggering around which was what we were at when the Dennis child arrived.

'Hi guys,' he walked into the swimming from the garden and grinned at us both. He wasn't surprised to find a guest, he knew that Nick had been down and may even have stayed but he hadn't. Dennis was quite happy with Nick and whoever Nick dumped on us, Dennis got a slice of the cake and he was quite happy helping me on the entertaining front. I had a lot to tell him about the forthcoming move and my changed role but all that could wait, the mission for now was to entertain Pavel and later we could sit down and do some organising.

'Pavel this is Dennis and Dennis this is Pavel.' I clambered out of the water and gave Dennis his welcome home snuggle just to let Pavel know where he stood. He was a guest and he got to sample the goodies but Dennis was my main man at the end of the day.

'Gerroff, gerroff,' Dennis went all girly. 'You'll get my gear wet.' He was referring to his school uniform for what it was worth. They wore crappy old maroon blazers and greys which made them look like a bunch of schoolies... no surprise there but the uniform seemed to take years off them, totally weird. When they got into their cargoes and hoodies they reverted to their normal state, local yobs. Dennis wasn't one to waste time after sitting in a classroom, I'd been waiting forever for him to bring one of his classmates back but I'd been waiting in vain, maybe one day. Seeing that Pavel and myself were fully naked Dennis took his cue and stripped right down to his dark skinned glory and grinned down at Pavel oggling him from the pool and did a cannonball right alongside him. The party was off as I dived in right after and Pavel and I were soon at play with the slippery Dennis clearly up for a game. Goody.

We had a good lark around for about fifteen minutes and I could see that Dennis was up for a more serious game and I knew one, they called it 'threesomes', it was a good one and it involved three bodies which was hardly surprising.

'Wanna do Pavel?' I whispered to Dennis at one stage. 'You can suck on mine.'

'Nice,' Dennis grinned easily dodging Pavel who was making like a porpoise with a severe dose of the groping disease. 'He can do me, I need a lie down,' he cackled as Pavel grabbed his noodle and hung on for dear life.

'You are my prisoner,' Pavel declaimed as he held onto Dennis's extended penis and hugged him, just to get the message across I clung to Dennis in the water. He was at our mercy... sorta.

'Oh dear,' Dennis laughed. 'I hear the Red Army used to do a lot of raping.'

'He's Ukrainian,' I put in.

'All the same to me. Ukrainian... Shmukrainian.' Dennis cackled again. 'Want it or not?' He climbed from the pool and flopped onto the towels with Pavel and myself in hot pursuit.

I was hard already and Dennis now refreshed with his little swim got up and crouched over me and started to kiss and we went into our usual routine working our way into a sixty niner. Of course, his sweet bum was waving in the air and Pavel soon got the idea. Placing his knees just up from my head he shoved his face onto Dennis's bum and started to lick and lap at my lover's little crack, Dennis moaned around my cock as I sucked him and Pavel worked his way upto something a bit more meaty. What with Dennis fat dark skinned joint in my mouth I couldn't see too much but I saw his legs part a little more and heard the slurping and sucking as Pavel pigged out on Britboi fanny. It couldn't last and it didn't Pavel withdrew and I saw him slop sunoil on his rigid spike and it neared. It disappeared for a moment and I heard them both give long drawn out and satisfied sighs, Pavel had quite clearly pronged my Dennis and was now working his way in as we attempted to keep the sixty niner going. No way would Dennis last too long with Pavel's cock up in his guts and me sucking him like a giant lolly. He mouth left my hardness and his head dropped onto my belly as Pavel shagged away and the rythmic oily and sweaty slapping started.

'Yeah, yeah,' Dennis sighed as he gently kissed my belly and licked the end of my weeping cock. I was on the verge of poppping myelf but hang on... I gently slid from under leaving Dennis on his hands and knees and Pavel glued to his back shagging his heart out and moved around to the back.

I oiled my spit slicked penis and crouched behind Pavel. Holding his hips steady for a moment I just gave a gentle push and entered his delicious heat, now this was a threesome, assuming Dennis didn't cum in the excitement he could finish off with Pavel and I could flake out and have a snooze. It's funny, it is such a bloody hassle working up a good threeway rythm but we got there in the end and Dennis stood for two bodies on his back and Pavel was over the moon. A boy bum in front and a boy cock to the back. He probably thought he'd gone to Ruski heaven... 'cos they're all pervs anyway. I had to watch myself with Pav the Slav, I don't think he was too keen on being called Russian.

Pavel was the first to cum and it seemed a good one as he seemed to tremble and twitch forever and as I shagged into his soft bottom he took Dennis down and poor old Den finished up squashed under both of us until I finally came in a spasm of spurts and jerks. Dennis didn't fuck around, he untangled himself and manhandling the laughing Pavel onto his back lifted his legs and plunged in deep and hard. Pavel closed his eyes and munching away at Dennis' lips took it like a man.

I flopped onto the other lilo and thought about the day's news. I had to put it all across to Dennis later on and we had some plotting and planning to go through. Nick and his Mafya mates has put a lot of trust in both myelf and Dennis, I didn't want to let them down.

What did that old Haggis used to say: 'The oft laid plans of mice and boys are oft to gang agley'... something like that anyway and he was dead right. Still, as Scots will very modestly admit they are superior in brain to the average human being.

We were sitting down to a delivered takeaway around eight o'clcock and the bell rung. As we were in the top lounge I bounded downstairs cursing generally and opened the door. It was Eddy with his normal cheeky grin fixed in his usual manic fashion. 'Hi di hi,' he carolled like the sweet chump he is. 'Busy?'

'Come in,' I smiled with my good humour back up front. 'I've got a Ukrainian for you.'

'Yeah,' he squealed. 'All big and hairy?'

'Slender and smooth.'

'Even better,' he chortled as I took him up the stairs. At least I would get some peace and quiet with Dennis, Eddy would look after Pavel of that I had no doubt. I didn't know if Pavel liked slightly demented ragheaded midgets but he wasn't going to get a lot of choice if I knew our Eddy.



'Ere, 'ere. I gotta finish off the Chapter, Pat says so.

I only went around on the offchance as I was off school sick... sick of school that was but mum's pretty free and easy. I said I'd probably stay with the Pat and Den combo and she knows them and curiously likes them so that was OK. She seems to think that they're 'good for me'... yeah, right. Anyway, here I was swinging off the bell and Patric opens up with blood in his eye but immediately smiled when he saw me, he must have fancied a jolly shag but not so. Evil Pat was in plot mode as I realised once he said he had a Ukrasian or something upstairs. I wouldn't know a Ukrasian from a hole in the floor but he told me it was slim and tasty so that was good enough.

Fuckin' hell, it was gorgeous and it spoke English, it was called Pavel. Sorry, I mean he was called Pavel and he was a sweety, didn't look much older than Pat in fact.

'This is Eddy, the village idiot,' Pat announced and Dennis had to put his two pennyworth in.

'The village slut,' he smirked at this Pavel.

'Hi, Pav,' I moved over and plonked myself alongside him. 'I've got night leave,' I announced to all and sundry.

'Have you?' Pav looked at me like I was one of Osama Bin whatsit's boys.

'Yeah,' I gave him the grin, that usually wins them over. 'You Uklasian, sorry Ukrasian?'

'Ukrainian,' he looked at me like I was mad, just like most of our teachers. 'Don't you do geography at school.'

'Yeah, not South American though.' That got a laugh and even Pav relaxed. They'd given me up as a lost cause. I wasn't that daft, I knew Ukrasia was down by Thailand somewhere.

'Shutters down on the pool?' Patric looked at Dennis.

'Yeah, bolted and barred for the night.'

'What does that mean?' Pav asked, he seemed a bit unsure of himelf but I didn't know that he'd only arrived that day and was probably still to find his feet.

'Means it can be used still if we want, if the shutters are left up it gets freezing in there at nights.' Dennis told him. 'Quite romantic in the spooky lights.'

'Yeah, can I use it?' I asked. I was a bit hot and sweaty and wondered who was going to go for my sexy little body, it's normally Dennis but maybe not, Pav was looking a bit interested now that I knew where Ukrasia was.

'You've got to be supervised, you're a lunatic,' Dennis distanced himself.

'And you've got to shower first,' Patric chipped in.

'Looks like I've got a job,' Pav smiled at me and I could see it in his eyes. Doncha just love it when a plan appears out of nowhere.

'Come on then.'

'In a few minutes,' Pav checked me, 'Let me finish my meal.'

'I'll help,' I swiped a nice lump of his pizza and we settled down to eat.

We finished up the food and as Pat and Dennis settled down to their boring evening's TV Pav and I wandered off, we didn't make a big deal of it just slithered out like a pair of snakes.

I knew they wouldn't follow or even check up on us, Pat had given me the word during the meal when Pav had gone to the toilet. My rent for the night was giving Pav a good time, seemed pretty fair to me a Ukrasian was something new. I liked the pool at night when it was shut down as well, the main lighting came from the pool with just a few wall lights... 'twas indeed spooky, but nice. Once down there I stripped off very aware of Pav sitting watching me like a hawk.

Fine bum' he grinned.

'Yeah, I go both ways, butch,' I waggled the willy at him and slipped into the shower. Soap was supposed to be banned down here but I found a bar and soaped up well to get rid of the days sweat. Mind you I nearly jumped out of my slippery skin when I felt strong hands on my waist, the rather butch Pav had crept in behind me.

'Yummy,' he pulled me onto his wet body and I could feel his willy hardening against my back, we'd have to be careful with the sex, he was a sight taller than I was and he was big compared to both Pat and Den, big down there I mean. I gave a little shudder as I pressed back againt him, time for a taste. I span around in his soapy grasp and dropped to my knees. 'You don't waste any time,' he smiled.

'True,' I dropped to my knees and took his now hard cock in my hand and slowly and sexually wiped my tongue across his head and he groaned. Good, got him.

He turned the water off for some reason and started to soap my hair and the back of my neck and as I sucked his nice big stiffy he slowly pumped into my mouth. He must have got a bright idea as he pulled me up continuing his soapy massage as I slipped up his body. It was his turn now as he dropped to his knees and still merrily soaping me he took my erection into his mouth and began to suck. His soapy hands continued their work and I was beginning to feel like some sort of eel as he tended my legs and then moved onto my bottom. He loved it. He payed around for yonks finally slipping a finger into me and moving it in and out of my slippery sphincter as I fucked into his mouth.

'Down,' he grunted and pulled me down onto the sudsy tiles. He was all over me and I was covered in his white creamy soapy mix as he managed to keep leeched onto my ragingly hard penis and lay me on my back.

'Sexy,' I whispered as he finally lay me out like a chicken ready for stuffing and his head moved up my body. I knew what he was going to do and I lifted my legs resting them on his shoulders.

'So are you,' he grinned and I felt his bulging knob at my hole. He gave a gentle push and slid in effortlessly on a coating of soap.

'Aaaaaah.' His thick cock speared into me and kept going until I felt his pubes crush against me and away he went. I could have told him it was more fun dry but he seemed to like his soap and he hammered away sliding me all around the shower as he fought for some sort of traction. I clung to him but it was no good as he kept slipping out and then slipping back in again. It was something like a quintuple initial entry, shagged time and time again, it was bloody different I'll give him that. In the end it was a failure, I had to pull free and turn the shower again before the poor sod had a heart attack.

'That wasn't very clever,' he moaned and had the grace to look sheepish.

'Good idea,' I grinned and held him tightly. His dick looked red raw and his nuts were so uptight it was unbelievable, he must be frustrated to hell and back. 'Rinse off and we'll try the lilo.'

'Yeah,' he grinned.

We got rid of the soap and his rock hard stiffy eased off a bit, I was hard but he was ultra. I've never seen anything like it, mind you the way he was dribbling (from his cock that was) he wouldn't have any cum left in him. Finally, soap free, I dragged him by his thing to the lilo and flung myself on it. 'Come on, Pav. Do me.'

He laughed and this time tried a variation, there was no need as I was as slack as the bloody Chunnel, you could have parked buses in my fanny, tell ya! Nevertheless (great word that one) as soon as I hoiked my legs up his mouth covered my virginal hole (har har) like a bloody bog plunger and he was away. His tongue penetrated me easily but it didn't last for long. His head came up and then wham, he did it in one again. One long and slow thrust, All the way with Pavel... sounds like a George Michael song.

He shagged me hard and fast and much to my annoyance I cum at the same time as he did, I squirted right up to my titties, a good one for me and he filled me and I mean filled. He seemed to jerk and pump forever and squishy wasn't in it. His bloody slimey was dripping from me and it was messy but good. We clung to each other puffing and panting as we came down from wherever you go to when you have a good shag.

'I want to sleep with you,' he looked at me quite seriously as we slowly moved in our mess.

'Sounds good to me,' I grinned back. Great. Another one under the Eddy spell, it could be an interesting evening and I was off with a sick note, I didn't have to get up in the morning. I love it when a good plan comes together. Hang on, I think I said that earlier on. Never mind, it's true. Anyway, I rolled onto Pav the Slav and started to give him mouth to mouth, it was the very least I could do.

The Soap continues.

Sorry about inflicting nutty Eddy on you again but I fell short on my target figure. Pavel finally explained where The Ukraine was but that was the next day.

Next: Chapter 10

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