Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 29, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter


I sat out with Dennis my little simian boyfriend enjoyjng the sunshine. I know he hates being called simian that's why I stuck it in. We're still happily married after all these months and we still shag away quite happily and that's got to be a basis for a long term relationship. I glanced at him as he lay there soaking up the sun in his bright blue shorty shorts, I had baggies on but Den likes to display his sweet body. I like him to display it as well, I just hoped that other like minded young men feel jealous of me. Den's mine and I am his, tra la la.

I looked around and relaxed feeling the sun warm on my half naked body, we were on a slope overlooking the same place that we'd brought the Jo's boys some time back and although it was quieter it was just as nice. Silly Den was a little to close to the water and a blonde kid seemed intent on annoying him by splashing water around. Needless to say Den was getting some of it and I couldn't understand why he hadn't copped the hump and then I twigged. Dennis had the hots or at least an interest for the kid who didn't seem to be a lot older than eleven or maybe twelve. Nice but a bit too kiddy for me, then again Dennis liked the babies.

One thing I did notice was the way Dennis was laying the kid was located to look right up his shorts and he was, looking up his shorts I mean. I squinted through half closed eyes pretending not to notice but it was pretty obvious, this blonde brat was oggling my boy's bits and pretty blatantly too. I was sprawled on my towel the other way so that my head was about a foot away from Den's.

'That kid's peeping up your shorts,' I observed.

'I know,' Dennis laughed. 'Baby perv, his brother's nice though.'


'Big blondy boy sunbathing about ten yards to my right, a bit bulky on the front. Got a green cossy on.'

I did a craft peep across Den's head and clocked this kid who was probably around fourteen, a nice age and right in my swagging bracket. Unfortunately that was the time for the kid to do a super splash that soaked Dennis who promptly lost it.

'Do that again and I'll fuckin' well drown you,' he snarled at this kid with all his old world charm coming to the fore.

'Yeah?' The boy stood in the shallow water and I must say he was nice as in bloody beautiful but then again most wet eleven year olds are pretty tasty. I noticed that the older boy had raised his head and was glaring across and he seemed a bit of a toughy. Time to gird up the loins and stand by to protect my little lover I fancy.

'Yeah, you little prick,' Dennis stood and I realised he was getting angry, in a nutshell he was losing it big time. To my amazement the little blonde brat flathanded the water and sent another spray of water over my irate mate. That was when the shit hit the fan. Dennis let out a furious howl and tore after the kid who beat a hasty retreat half walking and half swimming to the other side of the river. Dennis was in hot pursuit and I saw them start fighting but mercifully it seemed to be mainly on the splashing front.

'What's up with your mate,' the other boy had come upto me silently and gave me a scowl.

'My cousin,' I lied. 'I think he got annoyed with that twerp, the blonde one.'

'That's my brother,' he frowned at me. 'He's only a kid, he doesn't mean any harm.'

I just gave him a frosty look, you know the one, where the Lord of the Manor sneers at a peasant sort of thing. 'They seem to be getting on OK now,' I smiled abandoning the stance. Looking across to just under the bridge I could see that Dennis and this kid were frolicking and messing around like a pair of pals. Amazing what two minutes in the water and a bit of touchy feely could achieve.

I sat down on my towel again and Mr Butch plonked himself down alongside me without being invited. Not that I was fussed. He was nearly as big as I was and just as blonde but he looked a toughy. He had a nice body, nice and muscular I mean and I felt my eyes drawn to his tight trunks. Dunno what he had inside but it certainly wasn't a noodle, it looked like a curled up space ship if you can visualise that. Not the best description but Shakespeare I ain't.

'They seem to be getting on alright, how old's your cousin?'

'Dennis is fourteen,' I gave him a carefully rationed smile. Let him do the running. I stretched myself out making sure he got a good eyeful. 'How old is your brother?'

'James is eleven, well nearly twelve.'

'They make a nice pair,' I smiled as we watched our two youngsters performing in the water. If I didn't know any better I'd say that Dennis was trying to shag young James. God, how could this be? Dennis trying to make out with a young boy, whatever next?

This kid looked across at them and giggled and I tell you, he looked delightful with the sulky look gone. He looked at me with a broad grin. 'I think they've got married or something.'

A bit of a strange remark but I ignored it. 'I'm Patric without the k.'

'Hi, Patric, I'm Mark without the z.'

'You from around here, Mark,' I smiled politely. What a wit the sarcastic prat was but still nice. I was wondering how I was going to get inside his green speedos to be honest but I always think along those lines.

'No we're on holiday from London, the 'rents have rented a caravan at South Malling, just outside Lewes.'

'Yeah, I know it. Dennis and I have a place in Lewes just up the road from you.'

'Got your own place,' he looked a little puzzled.

'Yeah, I look after a big house and Dennis helps out over the holiday.'


'Got a built in pool,' I laid out a little bait. 'You hiking or...'

'No we brought our bikes down,' he looked up at a scream but it was only Dennis doing something which had given the younger James hysterics. I hated to think what that was all about.

'They seem to be having fun.'

'Yeah, it's getting bloody hot.' We looked at each other, a slight smile and that was it. We got to our feet and we were in the water together.

As I'd just said once in the water the barriers go down. I splashed him and he splashed me and away we went. We had a bit of a slippery wrestle and naturally or maybe unnaturally I popped one. The bastard grinned at me, he knew and he played on it. He kept slipping up against me and giving a sexy little wriggle at each bodily contact, no shrinking violet this one. Glancing across at Dennis and his limpet, sorry I mean his boy I saw that the kid was now perched on the bank and Dennis was alongside chatting away like an old mate.

I swam towards them trailed by Mark. 'Alright, Den?'

'Yeah. Meet James.'

'Hi, James.' I stood tuummy deep in the water and Mark came up alongside me.

'I invited James to our private pool but he thinks I'm after his body,' Dennis smiled and pulled a face. James went all red and did a most attractive giggle.

'Gropey boy,' he shrilled.

'You can talk.' Dennis laughed. 'Willy snatcher.'

'Bum grabber,' the kid shrieked at the top of his voice.

'Alright, alright,' Mark frowned. 'Keep it down, keep it down. Don't let everyone know you're a loony.'

At that we sat on the bank with them and then we had to swim back to the other side. Dennis had bravely volunteered to get the ice creams in forgetting our money was buried under our towels. Anyway, we made it and Denis trailed by his new fan went to the van to get the chillies whilst Mark and I lay in the sun.

'Our place is only fifteen minutes bike ride from here,' I observed.

'Is that an invite?' He looked at me and smiled slightly. He was up for it as sure as God made little apples. His brother was game and so was he, it was as plain as the lump in his green speedos. It was a hot day, sweaty hot at that, boy hormones were bubbling up and we were both so ripe it wasn't true.

'Hi di hi,' James plonked himself down and handed his brother an ice cream, I was handed a lolly by Dennis.

'Must be a bit awkward in a caravan with your 'rents,' Dennis remarked blatantly shuffling up close to the kid. That didn't need clarifying, we were all boys, we were all together in private and we all knew what he meant.

'We've got our own tent, we don't sleep in the thing,' James grinned. 'Mark and I camp out, we only go in for food .'

'And money,' Mark tacked on with a grin.

'It's bloody hot out here,' Dennis grumbled. 'A lot better at our place, a lot more shade..' He wiggled his eyebrows at James doing a Groucho Marx.

'I'm game,' James grinned.

'I hope so,' Dennis growled raising a laugh. 'Come and look at my etchings, little one,' he whispered and James promptly dissolved into giggles again.

'Etchings?' Mark looked at me and smiled. 'You can do better than that, Pat.'

'Just cum,' I whispered.

'I heard that,' James shrieked but after that it was all over bar the cycling. It was only two o'clock and it was going to be a long hot afternoon... teeny paradise.

We stuck our shorts on over our swimmers apart from James who had to be different, he tried cycling with his over his head... kids!

To say they were surprised would be an understatement. We parked the bikes around the side of the house and they watched me goggle eyed as I did the alarm bit and took them into the kitchen.

'Wow,' Mark breathed looking at me as if I was some sort of alien. 'Posh as in super posh.'

'That's my Boss not me,' I distanced myself from the obvious wealth. 'Den and I are the servants.'

'With the run of the place,' James commented.

'We do favours,' Dennis said which raised two sets of eyebrows. 'Cop some Cokes and we'll show you the pool.'

Suitably canned up we took them around to what Nick now called the Pool Annex, Nick loved his titles. James promptly freaked when he saw it was half in and half out of the house. As Dennis worked the big shutters the poor little sod nearly wet himself. 'You could do what you like here.. and it's warm,' he squealed as he dangled his foot in the water.

'Nice,' Mark looked at me and his eyes very obviously dropped down my body. 'Very nice.'

'Wanna explore?' I said as Dennis dropped his shorts and boldly peeled off his blue swimming shorts and just jumped into the water naked. James squealed and after a quick look at his brother promptly shed his swimmers and leapt in with Dennis both as naked as thet day they were born. I had time just to see that the kid was circumcised before they were scrambling around and splashing each other to death.

'What's to explore?' Mark looked at me with a crooked smile on his face. 'Just tell me it's minus the Rugrat.'

'Yeah, Den can look after him,' I saw that the boys had moved out into the sun. 'Is James OK... you know?'

'More than a match for your rather sweet Dennis.' Well, that was bold enough.

'Come on,' I laughed. 'Let's have a wander.'

I gave him a swift tour and naturally enough finished up in Nick's room. Nick was away for another two weeks and this was the best room after all. It was also a room that Dennis was unlikely to drag his booty off to, privacy in a nutshell.

'Ah, a computer,' Mark remarked and here I was offering my body. What a dickhead.

'Yeah. Oh look... a bed.' I flopped onto the bed and looked at him surely he wasn't going to bottle out now. No way, he laughed and fell on me and that was it, snuggles, cuddles and gropes all the way. we managed to get undressed, it was a bit of a struggle with the damp swimwear but we made it and at last I had his well muscled young body naked and warm in my arms.

'This is nice,' he looked at me and grinned. His lips parted slightly and settled onto mine, seconds later our tongues entwined and I fet his hard boy's cock mashing against mine as we slowly moved against each other. He was circumcised like his brother and it was big, at least big for a fourteen year old.

'Do you go both ways?' He aksed me bluntly.

'Who says I go,' I grinned. 'Perhaps I just like the foreplay.'

'Yeah, right,' he scoffed. 'You and your cousin are goers, I can tell.'

'Bully for you, Mark,' I rolled over and lay on top of him grinding against him feeling myself getting harder and harder. Bugger the foreplay, I was up for it like right now.

'Do you,? He smiled up at me stroking and squeezing my tight bum. 'Tell me you go both ways.'

'With you and James I do... and Dennis.' That told him.

'Excellent... wicked,' he parted his legs allowing my stiffy to slide under his smooth nuts. I reached under grabbing his clenched buttocks bonding us together and moved in between his smoothly clamped thighs. 'Nice,' he kissed me again. 'I like your cousin as well.'

'I like your brother as well,' I grinned still humping slowly between his legs.

'Slut,' his warm lips brushed gainst my neck and I felt his wet tongue and moist breath on my skin and as I gently pressed against his blonde hair his head dropped lower working onto my nipples. I was up for it, as he moved South I started to move around on the bed, he had a fat juicy boy cock and I wanted it. In the end we got where we wanted to be and I took his thick kosher cut cock into my mouth relishing the taste of his hot hardness in my mouth as he gently pumped. He, for his part took me and skinned my foreskin back licking and lapping at my exposed glans and finally taking it all in. We lay there in slurpy silence sucking on each other and each stroking and clasping the other's bums. It was clear what we were both after and it was only a matter of the place and the time.

I could taste his tart precum and when he squirted his thick creamy spunk I swallowed the lot and jiggling his easing scrotum teased the last little dribble before going into spasm myself.

'Uuungh,' he gobbled and swallowed my own thick streamers of cum and in the end climbed back alongside me with gleaming lips and smears on his jaw. He was smiling with pleasure and forcefully kissed me and then withdrew. 'Makes a change from Jamie juice.'

'You suck your kid bro,' I asked. I wasn't being judgemental or anything just wanted to know a bit more about them especially as me and mine were probably going to keep a tight reign on them whilst they were on our patch. Let's face it, good boys are hard to find especially in pairs.

'You're not disgusted or anything?' He looked at me sharply with a trace of his old aggression.

'No, mates of mine are brothers and they do it all the time, Loren and...' I pulled up before I got into names.

'Loren and Anthony?'

'You know them?' Unbelievable!

'Can't be two brothers Lorenzo and Ant... from North London?'

'That's them,' I exclaimed excitedly and sat up. 'Come on I'll show you something.' I dragged him from the bed over to Nick's computer and turned it on soon finding the home photography files coded 'AmPhot'... very original. A further point and click and a screen full of thumbnails of Loren and Florian filled the screen doing things that are best kept 'in house' to coin a phrase.

'Jeez...' he gawped and studied them. 'Can I?' he grabbed the mouse and double clicked to enlarge. 'We met them in Cyprus last Christmas, between Christmas and the New Year.'

'Yeah, right.' I enlarged a few more. 'He EMails Dennis quite a bit and told him about the holiday, he didn't go into gory details just said he'd met townies and scored.'

'James and I were the ones who scored,' Martin laughed. That was it we were still cruising through the files when Dennis and little Jamie hunted us down.



This was totally awesome, a private pool and brilliant sunshine. Not a worry in the world and a tall, dark handsome stranger very clearly after my body. Great fun. Well, Den wasn't all that tall but if his sticky out dicky was anything to go by he had a taste for eleven year old blondes. As Highlander says 'There can be only one' and I was the one for him he, was so yummy I could eat him and fully intended to when he stopped buggering around.

Mark and his latest capture were wandering about the house somewhere and Den and myself lay out on the hot slabs in the sun soaking up the cancer rays with wild abandon. As we were all gonna be drown by the North Sea or a Muslim Invasion within twenty years it didn't seem worth the worry. Make hay whilst the sun shine, that's a good one to take through life's struggle, how's about that for a bit of philosophy. See, just because you're eleven doesn't make you a dummy (mind you Mark helps me out with the composition).

'I'd better put some oil on you, you'll burn to a crisp,' Den said in his sexy country boy accent. 'Something nice and slippery,' he whispered and I shivered. God, he was such a sexpot, I was gonna suck him to death.

'Only if I get to oil you,' I looked at him and grinned. 'All over.'

'All over,' he agreed. He stood and I studied his dark skinned arse as he walked off for just a moment. A rake around in the towels and he dragged a couple of lilos back and I saw he's also got himself a bottle of something that looked pretty exnpesive on the suntan front.

'How do you want me?' See, I could talk sexy as well.

'I'n not going to answer that,' he grinned. 'Lie on the lilo, Sweetnuts.'

'How do you know? You haven't tasted them yet.' I lay my towel over the rubber thingy and lay on it on my back, my dicky was sticking up on my belly but I'd got past the stage of trying to hide it the same as he had. He just smiled again and knelt by me with his hardness nearly touching my side. One big squirt and I had this sweet smelling lotion on one big streamer from my neck down to my belly button.

He leant over me and I felt his stiff cock slip against me as he rubbed the stuff under my neck and then over my chest taking his time and stroking and squeezing me like he was really enjoying himself. I loved it, his fingers played with my oiled nipples until they were sticking out like little sticky out things and then he was going down. To my surprise he avoided my jerking boyhood and went around it, under and between my legs and then down onto my shins and feet. Now that was a bummer. He came up again and again he missed my straining cock, the bastard was winding me up.

'Do my middle, it burns,' I croaked.

'I thought you'd never ask,' he leant over me and his brown eyes drilled into mine. His lips were inches away. 'Cost you a kiss' he whispered.

I grasped the back of his neck and drew him down onto me and we shared our first kiss, it seemed to go on forever and as soon as I felt his tongue flicker at my lips I opened my mouth to allowing his slippery to mate with mine. 'You've been practicing,' I giggled as he carefully squirted another dollop of his lotion from my tight balls upto the tip of my dick.

'Ready for this?' He grinned and gently massaged my balls and then grasped my shaft working in the oil until it was so hard it hurt.

'Yeah,' I croaked and reached out for him. I grasped his stiffness working the loose skin to and fro gently as he more or less wanked me with his oil covered hand. He put his hands under me and turned me over and I settled on my belly wondering what came next hoping that he wasn't going for a shag. We had stacks of time for that and I didn't want to rush, I was enjoying the foreplay too much. 'Whoa,' I flinched as I felt another long streamer of lotion land on my back trailing from the back of my neck right down to my tailbone.

'You are fuckin' beautiful,' he husked and I felt his lips on my neck and his dicky glance across my flank and then his busy hands were at it again. This time he tried a bit of massage and it was great. I just lay there like a very contented pussy lapping up all the attention and loving he wanted to give me. His hands eventually drifted to my hips and then one buttock to each hand. I groaned with pleasure. My dicky was beyond hard, if I kept humnping that air bed I was going to come. 'Calm down,' he laughed softly and then I felt his tongue at my crack followed by oiled fingers seperating my buns and coating the inside with his lotion.

I gasped as I felt his fingers at my pucker and one slip inside and start to move. 'Stop it, stop it. You're going to make me cum.'

'Turn over,' he rasped and I did so, at that stage he could have fucked me, I was gone but he didn't. He raised my legs in the position and then I felt a jerk as two well oiled fingers enter me and start to move in and out.

'Dennis...' I wailed. He just smiled and his head dropped. As his fingers fucked me and relaxed my ring his tongue flickered out and I felt it's warmth and wetness on my hardness and then his hot mouth swallowed me. God, I was being finger fucked and blown at the same time. Every time I pumped my hips upwards into his wetness he rammed his fingers in deep twisting and probing at my prostate. I couldn't hold it... I had no chance.

God, it was so good and it was a cracker. I felt my belly tense as my balls screwed upto my groin and a burning sqirt splattered into his mouth and then another two meaty squirts and after that just a couple of lazy dribbles. It was a personal best and I was wiped out. He sucked me dry and slowly slipped his finger free with a smile and then he kissed me gently on the lips.

'Very, very good, little one,' he picked me up with a struggle. I thought: How romantic, he's bearing me off to bed. He dropped me in the pool with an almighty splash and dived in groping and hugging in the cooling water. I think my ticker went into overdrive but it was great. I hugged him tightly, I'd have done anything at that moment, he could have shagged me silly but all he wanted was a bit of oral attention. 'Your turn.'

'Face down, Handsome,' I clambered from the pool fully aware he was getting a close up of my hole but I didn't care, he could have it any time he liked. Talk about holiday romances, I was it, I was head over heels with the dusky Dennis... his mate was nice as well.

'What do you mean, face down,' he laughed as he slipped by me and flopped onto the lilo, his stiff dark skinned dicky slapped back onto his brown water beaded belly. Golly, I was bloody well dribbling. I scooted over and put one finger under his hot meat and held up upright. His dark red knob was fully clear of his foreskin and as I slowly lowered my head I opened my mouth and bared my teeth like a big wolf. 'Don't you dare,' he muttered but I took it in and ever so gently squeezed it with my teeth and then took it right in as I do with Mark. I could feel the slippery mass right down in my gullet and then reverted to normal just sliding my lips up and down his shaft and tickling his slit with my tongue. I'd done all my basic training with Mark and now Denis was getting the benefit. From his groans and lightly held hands on my head he seemed to appreciate it.

'We gotta do it, I mean the big deal before you go away,' he whispered.

'Shag?' I tried not to laugh.

'In a nutshell,' he giggled and gently stroked my hair as my head bobbed up and down. he was going to pop, it was so thick and so hot, his dicky was going to explode.As I sucked I managed to part his legs a little and got my hand in, he was wet and sweaty enough and even lifted his bum a little so I could play under his smooth balls and finally managed to stick a finger in his hole. This one always gets Mark going and I worked my finger in and out until it was moving smoothly and he relaxed.

'Alright, Denny?' I glanced up his flat belly.

'Gonna cum in a bit,' he gasped and started to fuck up into my mouth.

'Goody,' I resumed gobble mode.

'Aaaah,' he grabbed my head and rammed his cock in deep nearly choking me and then squirted. Jeez, that kid could cum. I felt it slimy in my gullet, then it filled my mouth and as I swallowed the sweet and sour he filled me again, in the end the sticky ol' slimey was trickling from the side of my mouth onto my chin. I loved it and as he dragged me up for a kiss I let his own spunk smear onto his lips and we went into a tongue fest. It was past brill, it was fuckin' wicked.

'Jeez, you cum gallons,' I spluttered breaking free and probably looking at him like a little girl.

'Next lot's in your belly,' he grinned wolfishly, well, he probably thought he looked wolf like, I thought he looked cuddly. 'After...'

'After what?'

'After we see the other two and find some privacy,' he smiled at me and I nodded eagerly. 'And after...'

'After?' I was beginning to feel like a bloody parrot.

'After you have a go my randy little lover boy,' he purred and we were back to spunky kisses again.

By the time we managed to get ourselves sorted out and have a quick shower I was beginning to get worried. Where was Mark? It was most unlike him to abandon me, to leave me in the clutches of a dark skinned villian even if he was only thirteen or fourteen. That reminded me, I hadn't found out how old Denis was but who cared. The way he did sex he could be six for all I cared.

'We'll have a look around for the others,' Denis said as we dried off. He was beginning to thicken out and harden up again so we weren't finished yet, at least I hoped not, I was on a promise.

We found the other two grouped up around a computer of all bloody things and Mark was all excited which was a change for him, the laid back Mr Kewl.

'OI, guess what, shrimp.'

'Go on,' he'd probably found a new sex site.

'These two know Loren, Anthony and all that lot... you remember, the guys in Cyprus.'

'Yeah?' I laughed. So it was right, truth was stranger than fiction. Would you believe it, of all the teeny pervs ion the planet they knew the same ones as we did. Incredibubble. I had a look at some of the images and there were the tough looking Anthony, sweet Flo and the dishy Lorenzo the Magnificent as he liked to be titled. Every gay boy's partner of choice. 'I think Denny wants to drag me away and do something dirty,' I spoke out boldly, bugger it everyone knew the score.



Well, I've heard of people speaking their mind but litttle James who wasn't all that little by the way had said it all. I shouldn't have thought his brother and Pat were too fussed, from the smell and the state of the place they were about to get it on ar maybe they had already.

'We'll do a supper around eight,' Patric said after one of those meaningful glances at the big lad, Mark.

'Great,' I wrapped my arm around the dishy James and squeezed him in tightly. 'We'll use the spare room.'

'That means, keep out,' Patric said in a stage whisper to Mark. 'Well use this one,' he said to me. That was it, all organised and before anyone started a conversation or started talking a load of shit to be blunt I swagged the giggly James away. We had a date.

We ran down to the room I had in mind, I suppose scampered it the word really. I felt like a kid after his first bonking sesson. By the way, for the unEnglish 'bonk' or 'bonking' is the new posh word for shag or fuck just to keep the standard high as our Nifty hosts like. Anyway, he was going to bonk me and I was going to bonk him, sounds a bit like a new fun game and hopefully it would be. Once in the bedrom we both hopped onto the bed like a pair of bunny rabbits intent on breeding, well scrub around the breeding but the rest of it's pretty spot on. I flattened myself onto the bed and drew his warm wriggling body down onto myself. We lay belly to belly with our erections mashing against each other as we did the sexy wriggle and grope. God, his smooth bottom was perfecto, I couldn't get enough of his sweet body stroking and mauling like a real pervo.

'Wanna fuck me?' He whispered. Ah well, so much for being posh. 'Come on,' he wriggled on me squashing and moving my stiffy up and down. 'You're hard again. Rambo.'

'So are you,' I opened my legs and he snuggled in. 'Gonna give you a hard time,' he threatened obviously returning to his little Miss Butch mode pretty swiftly.

'Nice and slow, nice and romatic. we have all the time in the world.'

'Great,' he made his move at last. He opened my legs a little wided and knelt up onto his knees looking down at me with a lopsided grin. I hoped he liked what he saw and I think he must have. His four inch spike was sticking out like a baby ram and his cheery red end was almost glowing. I raised my knees to my chest giving him a flash at the goodies and he almost drooled. This kiddy boy wasn't an amateur after all, he did it with his bigger brother from what I could gather and he proceeded to prove it. He bent over to kiss me fully on the lips gently and with feeling, he pressed my knees back until I was nearly doubbled up and I felt his boyish cock slip across my exposed ring. He was making all the right moves and he made just one other. He lapped his hand and transferred his saliva to his already slippery glans, located and gently pushed in. I may have suggested earlier in this story that I wasn't a virgin and I took him quite easily feeling his warmth and hardeness slip into me and then the movement. He fucked his way in slowly until he bottomed out and then he allowed my legs to grip him around the waist and he gave his final push. His whispy pubics pressed against me and I clamped savouring his boy cock in my gut. Wonderful and even more wonderful as his sweet lips descended on mine and he started to move in and out staring at me with his sparkly eyes. 'This is soooo nice,' he whispered.

'Innit,' I grinned back at him and clasped his firm bottom as it moved up and down. God, I wanted to fuck him so bad but I had promised him first innings and he was doing a good job. His brother or maybe even Lorenzo had taught him well, he moved in and ourt slowly but gave an extra little dig and corkscrew at the end of it, for a kid he was a good little lover and as he slid in and out I tried to caress every bit of him I could reach. His smooth narrow chest, his coral pink little titties, his smooth back and even his gently rounded belly until we joined. At the end of it he began to move faster as we all do. He began to dig as deep as he could and as hard as he could and I enjoyed that even more, I took my legs up again giving him all the depth he could handle and he started to hammer away like the aforementioned bunny rabbit.

Sweat was flying off him and he was giving me a good shagging to be perfectly honest and me, well, I was enjoying it... what else. He was good, what more can I say. Patric would be pleased when it came to turn around time which if all our plotting and planning worked out would be tomorrow. I thought briefly of the rather tough looking Mark but dismissed the thought, James was worth a little more than that. He was worth concntrating on as he shagged his brave little heart out. My little Prince Valiant... aaaah, so sweet.

'Yeah, yeah,' he hissed as he worked upto his climax. He was doing the sweaty slaps and actually driving me up the bed when he froze and stared at me with his mouth open. I felt his body spasm and then his noodle inside me jerk and give me two or three squirts of his slippery and doubtless watery boy juice but he'd done it. He'd come for the second time in short order and that isn't bad for a kid.

'Aaah,' I stroked his sweat covered back as he fell on me and his softening dick slid free. I felt a bit like a mother hen with a chick but that's fairy story crap, he was a randy little boy who had made love to me and actually spermed into my body, he was no chick. 'You done well, baby,' I cuddled him and rolled him over onto his back laying atop and feeling his hot flesh against mine.

'Do me now,' he looked at me and smiled. 'Then we can get cleaned up and eat.' What is it with kids and their food? This should be a beautiful moment and he starts babbling on about food, mind you, I was ready to eat as well but first down business. Pleasuring my little partner and myself incidently.

'Frontal, doggy or any variation inbetween?

'Woof, woof,' he giggled and without any messing around at all he clambered up and got himself onto his hands and knees presenting his sweet little bottom for my loving.

'Grrrr....' I knelt behind him and lay on him. I think he thought I was going to go straight for it but I pulled two pillows down and shoved them under his middle. Once they were in place I had a little munch on his neck and then kissed and lapped my way down his sweaty back until I neared his bottom. Next step was to flathand his soft little bottom apart and take in his sweaty crack and his almost eatable boy funk. Dipping my head I licked at his tailbone and went in with long sloppy cowlicks coating his crack with saliva. The final step was to really force his cheeks apart and prod and probe at his ring with my tongue. It was at this stage he got a fit of the giggles and collapsed onto the pillows as I knew he would. This time I went for broke, talk about eat him out, I nearly munched him a new arsehole. He was wriggling and writhing but I kept my head in there and my hands on his smooth thighs until I felt him start to push up onto my mouth. I blew spit into his now open hole and slid up his body in one swift movement.

'Denny....' he wailed loud enough to wake the dead as I nudged my swollen knob up against his slick pucker and slid in. God, he was slippery but he was so tight. I felt him spasm but then he clamped on what I had in him and started to push up onto my entry. I slowly and firmly fucked my way in until my belly rested on the small of his back and I could feel his constricting heat squeeze me and his body relax totally. 'That feels huge,' he muttered and cranked his head around trying to look at me. I messily kissed the side of his face and started to go. I couldn't wait, he was so bloody soft and cuddly and at the same time muscular where it counted. His tight little arse was massaging me, almost milking me as I slid in and out hearing a little huff and a puff every time I bottomed out. I envied his brother Mark, the thought of doing it every night to young James was sending my mind into meltdown. I was so hard I felt like my penis could explode at any minute. I rammed and slapped into his young body like a maniac and he shoved back up strongly until I went. I couldn't control it, I cum before I realised what was happening, a sudden jerk and then the familiar pulsing as my constricted cock pumped a super load of my boy juice up into his gut. 'Denny...' he yelled into the pillow as I stayed rammed in deep in his cum sodden hole and finally just lay there drained and satisfied.

'You cum loads,' he groaned and with an effort pushed up and we finished on our sides. I made a few more ins and outs but I was all shagged out and he knew it. 'Feel me,' he ordered. I reached around to his boy cock to find the slippery lump as hard as a rock again, I slowly began to wank it to and fro but his hand fell on mine. 'Don't, it's sore,' he whined and then spoilt it by giggling. 'That was great.'

'Good. I do like happy bunnies,' I nibbled at his ear but kept myself inside him. I had the funny feeling he was going to start leaking if I slid out and I managed to find one of the towels from our shower. I crammed it between myself and him and slowly slipped free. Spillage taken care of to be crude about it. He rolled over with a big grin on his face and we got back into some more kissing.

'Do I get a go at Patric today?' He looked at me brightly.

'I think he's occupied,' I responded marvelling at his stamina. I felt like a wrung out dishcloth.

'We can come around tomorrow.'

'Now that sounds good,' I laughed and held him tightly. What a boy, what a day and the was an elder brother still to be sampled.

In the end we did what we had to do and had a shower, funnily enough that was a pretty laid back concern as I expect we were a bit drained and that was putting it very mildly. I was a bit worried about breaking in on Pat and the other boy but no problems there. As we tippytoed down to their bedroom I heard them downstairs so we went down to joint them.

'How'd it go?' Pat and Mark asked the same question almost simultaneously and then laughed. We, of course gave an embarrassed little nod and that was it but not quite all.

'I was talking to Mark,' Pat started. 'I thought that as they're sleeping in a tent they may as well sleep here for the night, in fact, do a couple of sleepovers.' Mark nodded agreement. 'All we have to do is to cycle over to see their parents and pop the question.'

'And then what?' I asked. 'It's normal for a mum to check it out with the other mum... how do you get around that?'

'Easy peasy. I brief my old lady.' Pat smiled. 'As it happens I've already done so and she's OK with it, no skin off her nose, she think's I'm running some sort of youth club up here anyway.'

'Can't be that easy,' I was playing the wet blanket but it sounded a good idea to me. 'We could have the brothers for the night and the next day as well, maybe for the whole week we clearly had shared interests even if they didn't extend above the beltline.'

'And you can sleep in with Mark and I'll look after the toddler,' Pat grinned adding a bit of bribery but I could see Mark grinning as well so they'd been talking about it already. he was nice in a tough sort of way and I did a little quiver. Yeah, let's go for it.

'Hey, that sounds a good idea, maybe a little less of the toddler,' James piped up looking at my big blonde Pat like a lovelorn loon. God, it was sickening but I was in the mood, I'd got a taste for it.

'To the bikes then,' Mark spoke up. 'You can have some supper, mum always cooks too much. Funny thing was she was telling us to shop around and find a couple of mates for the holiday.'

'Close mates?' Pat grinned.

'Yeah, she didn't mention how close,' Mark looked at me and winked. Yeah, he was nice. I wasn't talking myself into it but he was sitting there in his briefs and his meaty cock was clearly visible, he wasn't hiding anything away.

'Come on, let's get some clothes on first,' Pat fed a bit of realism into the conversation, I think the brothers were about ready to cycle down the road in their underwear.

It all worked out so well - easy peasy as Pat had said. We got invited to eat with them, Mark told mum and dad that they'd been invited to sleep over whenever they liked (which was a bit of improvisation) and their mum phoned Pat's mum. All done and dusted as we say around here. Fait accompli as Loren would say in his slightly less than perfect French.

It was well and truly into dusk as we cycled home so we had to be careful as none of us had lamps on our bikes but we got home safely enough. We'd been fed well and weren't feeling all that energetic plus we had our sleeping arrangements all worked out so there was no panic. 'Cokes or lagers?' Pat asked.

'Can I have a lager, Marky. Can I?' James looked at his brother like a child after sweets.

'Yeah, only one,' Mark looked at Pat. 'He'll be peeing all night else.'

'We wouldn't want that,' Pat smiled and wandered out to the kitchen. 'Put something on the box for them, Den.' I knew what he wanted, his usual ploy when we have guests in is to play some of Nick's foreign porn just to get the ball rolling and that suited me fine, I'd get a chance to feel out young Mark.

'Come on, upstairs lads,' I shepherded them to the top lounge which was more of a shambles than the lower. This was the one where we really relaxed, the lower one was more for the wine and cheese parties, anyway, it opened out onto the garden by the pool and tended to get chilly at night. Yeah, I liked the top opn and of course all the dirty tapes and DVDs were stashed up there.

One other thing was the big sofa, ideal for group viewing or maybe grope viewing. 'Make yourself comfortable,' I invited the brothers after they'd done eyeballing the place. 'What sort of viewing do you fancy?'

'Got any horrors?' James kicked his trainers off making himself at home.

'Get real,' Mark grinned and knelt down alongside me.

'Russian or maybe French?' I asked.

'Whatever turns you on baby,' he smirked.


'Good,' he laughed and sprang up as Pat came in with the cans. Excellent, a nice relaxing evening. I put on the Cadinot one one, the Sacre College thing, it was old and tested and Pat and myself knew it off by heart but it was a good one and young enough without being overtly kiddy. I expect all the 'students' were probably all over eighteen but they looked younger. A good one for first time viewing even if the quality was crap with it being so old, Nick reckoned it was a transfer from 8mm whatever that was and he was probably right, it was in black and white for God's sake.

'Oi, Den,' Patric said as I settled back with Mark scrunched up beside me, James by now had attached himself to Pat like a Siamese twin.

'Yeah,' I looked across.

'You know who is due at crack o' dawn tomorrow?'

'No.' I had visions of Nick arriving on an inspection tour just to upset the applecart.

'Our mate Peter, the windowcleaner.'

'Oh, yeah, I haven't seen him for yonks.'

'I wondered if he'd like to stay the afternoon after his work, maybe have a swim and mess around.'

'Messing around he likes,' I laughed. I had fond recollections of Peter. We didn't have the windows done all that often but it was a day for hanging the flags out. Of course, the other two, the guests were mystified but after we told them Peter was a blonde with an urge they settled down to watch the film. Pat and I didn't bother too much, we'd seen it more times than enough, it was only to get them warmed up and it worked.

Next: Chapter 8

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