Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 22, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

I wrote this on the spur of the moment and it hasn't really got a lot to do with Parts 1 and 2 but it does happen about a month after the school holidays end. It's probably more 'English' than the others with the babble about Job Centres and the dole, etc.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.


PART 6 - Stan


G. Cutter


Thursday was my signing on day and if you're outworlders that means that in the U.K. if you are unemployed you have to sign on at a Job Centre, formerly called a Labour Exchange. The idea being they can get you in a back room with a rubber hose and thrash you until you admit to being a lazy bastard and a drag on the shiny New Labour Welfare State. Ho hum, that's my juvenile political protest so let's get on with it.

In fact, as you know from previous readings I had a job, an illegal job I might add. Nick paid me cash in hand which means I got the crinklies and the taxman got sod all, pretty anti social but I do believe hopping into bed with the boss is a bit iffy as well especially if he's a twenty two year old man and you're a sixteen year old bum. The age of consent in our green and pleasant land is sixteen but it's not as straightforward as that, it's 'ringfenced' I think the expression is... a sixteen's partner must be not more than three years older and blah, blah, blah. Surprising the gaols aren't full as we have a law (one amongst many as Nick says) that you need to have a degree in law to understand.

Anyway, to cut a short story even shorter I managed to evade many of the training courses and efforts to get me into legitimate work by claiming that I had to look after an ailing mother and all the rest of it. As mum was getting a slice of my earnings from Nick she was perfectly happy backing up my story and I got away with murder in a manner of speaking but the one thing I couldn't get out of was the weekly signing on. This Wednesday and the story is about this particular day, I had done the obligatory peep at the jobs on display and as none of them offered a handsome young man who'd pay seventy quid a week for an occasional shag and maybe shagging plus the opportunity to keep a tasty little schooly as a sidekick I plonked myself in a chair and awaited my turn to sign on the dotted line.

I cast the eyeballs around as one does and it was the usual mix of youngsters and older guys who were going through the motions but weren't all that interested. With the older people the dole, rent rebates and all the rest of the benefits it often made it a better proposition to be out of work rather than gainfully employed. One guy did catch my eye and it was more on a personal front than anything else.

Jeez, he's a good looking geyser... that's what went through my head not what I said, ho ho. The good looker in question was clearly older than myself, slender and lithe and all those beautiful words. He was a light brown in colour not an African type and not really a West Indian, could even be some sort of Latino I suppose. I didn't know what he was actually although I found out later. He was like a good looking European but brown if you can sort that one out. I sussed him out as around eighteen, maybe nineteen.

'Toleram,' the bitch at the desk called out and he trotted over with a face like thunder, handsome thunder that is. Toleram, weird surname but at least I had something. I did my usual crafty peep as he bent over the desk seemingly having a little discussion with the female Hitler running the joint. Nice arse.

The arse comment applied to Toleram not little Miss Hitler by the way.

At the end of it he plonked himself down right alongside me with a grunt and I heard him mumble under his breath. 'Cow.'

I couldn't help it, I laughed and he gave me a look that would have burned a Christian and then he grinned. 'Well she is,' he whispered.

'I'm with you, mate,' I gave him a grin back. 'Me, Patric,' I pointed a finger at my chest. Sod it... faint heart never won fair lady or dark boy for that matter.'

'Me, Stan,' he pointed to himself and laughed. 'You gotta sign on Patric?'

'Yeah, she always keeps me hanging on,' I grumbled. 'She's probably doing a course in school bullying.'

'Probably,' he agreed and we sat in companionable silence whilst everyone else got called up and we remained like a pair of lemons.

I tired to make conversation but he replied in one word sentences and I gave up in the end. Finally he got called up and I was the last one left in the queue. Situation normal for when this particular bitch had the chair but I didn't care. I was too busy oggling Stan's back and imagining him in the pool all naked and shiny, pervy or what.

Woops. I came awake as Stan stood and wandered over, I heard my name called and stood up as well, the end was in sight.

'I'll hang on for you,' Stan said as he walked by me and I saw him start to look at the job boards. Not quite realising what was going on I sat down in front of the dragon and started to answer the routine questions giving the same old tried and tested answers. After five minutes or so she gave up trying to crack my story and made me sign on the line. I was clear for another week.

I walked over to where Stan was standing and looked at the board. 'Anything interesting?'

'Nah, load of crap.' he grinned at me. 'Fancy a cuppa and a bun?'

'If you've got any dosh,' I replied. It had suddenly come to me that he may be one of the Employment Department's spies, the one's that go out to trap the unwary fiddlers or as they call them, frauds. Well, I was certainly one of them so I didn't want to start flashing around money although I had around fourty quid in my pocket.

'Place next door,' Stan walked off with me in tow. Jeez, he was so bloody hansome, I felt like a teenage girl about to wet her knickers over a pop star. I must be further down the road than I'd thought, the road to perdition that is.

We walked into the greasy spoon next door and Stan ordered up two mugs of tea and a couple of rather suspicious cakes. I don't mean that they were bugged, I just wasn't sure if they were e-coli buns or salmonella tarts, the flies were giving them a miss anyway.

'She give you a hard time?' He looked at me as we sat opposite each other at the small and rather grubby formica table.

'Not really,' I too a sip at my mug. 'How about you?'

'No, the problem I have is this,' he fished in his pocket and pulled out a Student's Union card and a letter. 'Read it.'

I did. The letter stated that his course was winding down through lack of students and offering him further courses. It was all a bit over my head but he explained that until he was back on track at the Uni, his grant was in abeyance and he had to scurry around trying to raise funds. The Employment Department thought he should be jobhunting, he thought that with a course more or less assigned he didn't need to bother.

'So, you're not an Agency spy?' Well, I had to ask.

'No. Why, should I be?' He looked genuinely puzzled.

'The thought just crossed my mind,' I replied. 'I could be a target for them.'

'Jeez,' he looked at me and grinned. 'Paranoid Boi.'

'Mmmm.' I shrugged. 'Thanks for the tea anyway.'

'That's alright. I suppose we have time on our hands being out of work.'

'We do,' I smiled. The conversations as far as conversations go was pretty trite but I could look at his handsome face all day, he had nice hands as well, long and well manicured pianist's fingers. I shuddered as I thought of them running over my body and toying with my privates. 'Don't want to be rude, Stan. Where are you from?'

'Lewes,' he laughed.

'Nah, racially I mean.' What a dumb thing to say, I felt myself go crimson, I dropped my eyes to study the crumbs on the formica.

'It's alright, don't fuss,' he gave a very boyish giggle. 'Guyana, it's in Central America... that's why I don't say ganga and hey mon every five minutes. Plus I was born in this country so I'm really an Black Anglo Saxon.'

'Brown,' I corrected him. 'Beautiful brown,' I spoke before realising what was coming out and I did the crimson tide bit again.

The silence seemed to go on forever.

'Calm down,' he whispered and I felt his warm hand come down on my fist. 'I think you're a beautiful blonde, so now we've both said something silly.'

'Sound like a pair of poofs,' I croaked feeling my blush receeding.

'Indeed,' he grinned and giving my fist a final squeeze he picked up his mug. 'This tea's foul.'

'Pop in my place for a cuppa if you've got time. I gotta make a better mug of splosh than this joint.'

'Well...' He looked at me with a slight smile. 'If you have nothing better to do...'

'Not really. Maybe chill out a bit, it's a nice day.' That bit was true, it was a beautiful day. It was eleven o'clock on a Thursday morning, my boyfriend, Dennis was at school. My boss, Nick was in London and I had a bloody big house with a swimming pool and a huge garden at my disposal.

'Sounds good,' he laughed. 'I've got nothing on.'

'Yeah, you have,' I grinned

'I like you, Patric,' he stood and I looked up at him, I couldn't believe this was happening, I clumsily got to my feet before he decided to flee. By now he must have realised that I was after something and that was a bit more than a mug of tea and a natter.

'It's only ten minutes away,' I gabbled as I led the way from the cafe. Had I or hadn't I made my first swag and this wasn't a little Dennis to be bullied and overawed his was a grown man quite capable of tearing me up like a roll of bog paper.

We strolled throught the bright midday sunshine and I thought he began to tail a little as we turned into Mayfield Road which should be called an Avenue with the tall trees bordering the road.

'You live down here?'

'I live on the Phipps Bridge Estate,' I told him. 'I look after a place down here.'

'Look after?'

'A sort of gardener cum cleaner cum houseboy. A favour job of course.'

'Of course,' he laughed. 'No payment involved?'

'Of course not,' I grinned. 'I have the use of a private room, the pool, etcetera and etcetera.'

'Sounds cool,' he glanced at me. 'What's the houseowner like?'

'Just one guy with a guest here and there, he spends most of his time in London.'

'Nice little scene for you,' he looked up at the house as we walked up the short drive. 'Very nice scene.'

'Even lets my little mate come over on sleepovers,' I laughed. I suppose that one was testing the water a bit although I think I was on pretty safe ground unless he was a serial molester which perversely I wouldn't have minded at all. Dreamboat Stan could molest me any time he liked.

'Very accomodating employer.'

'Pal, not employer, I don't do it for money,' I flashed him a smile and led him down the side of the house through the side gate.

'Of course not,' he smiled. Did I tell you he had a beautiful smile? Well, of course he did, he was beautiful all over or I was sure he was going to be once I got his clothes off.

'Wanna cold drink,' I led him into the kitchen after isolating the alarms with the secret squirrel number.

'Love one,' he wiped sweat from his brow. 'He must trust you,' he flickered his eyes as the control box.

'Yeah, I'm being a bit silly bringing a complete stranger home.'

'Don't worry,' he sat down on one of the kitchen stools and looked at me. 'I'm not a scag, I don't rip off people I like.'

'Wanna try the pool?'

'Upto you,' he looked at me and I knew we were pussyfooting around the real reason he'd come back with me and why I'd asked him.

'Yeah,' I croaked. 'I need to cool down.'

'Me too but I haven't got a costume.'

'Good,' I grinned. 'We never use them, they get in the way.' Gawd, I was getting brave.

'Excellent,' he laughed and stood up clutching his can, 'Lead on, Patric. Skinnydipping with you sounds a good way to spend the afternoon.'

'It's what comes after the skinydipping,' I laughed by now feeling really bold.

'Indeed,' he murmured and followed me as I left the kitchen and took him around the outside of the house to the semi enclosed pool.

'Wow... that is something else,' he gazed at the clear water and the reasonably tidy surrounds.

I tugged my top off concious of his eyes on me and sitting also disposed of my trainers and socks. 'Nice high hedge as well.'


'Complete privacy,' I explained. 'We had six of us here a couple for weekends ago, we had a lotta fun.'

'I bet,' he grinned. 'All boys?'

'A twenty two year old as well but boys twelve to fifteen.. with me sixteen I suppose.'

'Sounded a hoot.'

'It was.' I knew the moment had come as he also sat and took off his shoes and peeled off his socks. I swiftly dropped my shorts, shed the briefs and was in the water in a cannonball chucking up a fair sized splash that drenched the side and him.

'That's war,' he shouted and hurriedly peeled off his shirt exposing his magnificently totally smooth brown torso and then fumbled at his waistband. I swam around trying not to lose sight of the first glimpse of his bits but his body was every bit as good as I'd anticipated. Not a jock by any means but broad shoulders with a trim waist and all a delicious brown, more of a coffee colour than mahogany, more a half cast than maybe a full blood but erection making all the same. At last the trousers were down and he stood by the edge of the pool exposing his all.

'Wowsie wow,' I muttered, Dennis would have cum in the water. I knew my little pal liked the seventeens and eighteens and this guy was there. He stood there like a light brown Adonis with a fair size softy dangling between his legs. It seemed to hang at a pretty massive length, God alone knew what size it would grow to given sufficient encourangement.

'You like,' he laughed and held his arms upwards like a winning track champion.

'Yeah,' I managed to get out just before he performed a classy dive and disappeared into the water alongside me. Jeez, he was quick, I felt his hands grip my ankles and I was arse over tit with his slippery body all over me. Needless to say amid the drowning scenario I popped an instant stiffy... I needed to spend more time down that Job Centre.

'This is lovely,' he grasped me from behind and rubbed up against me as I pressed back against him and grinned .I could feel his sex stiffening and slipping up between my legs. 'So are you,' he kissed my wet neck for the first time.

'Ditto,' I giggled and reached behind me holding his hips as he bobbed up and down his cock getting harder and harder. 'Relax on the edge,' I moved toward the shallow end side and he came with me. 'Sit up,' I patted the poolside flooring.I think he must have seen the same film as I had as he hopped up and sat on the edge with his legs in the water looking down at me with a half smile on his handsome face... Christ, I gotta stop saying handsome.

Water lapped at my nips as I got between his dangling brown legs and swiftly ducked my head and nuzzled at his smooth chocolate coloured scrotum, his hardness not total slipped against the side of my face and it was big as in very big. It was certainly bigger than Nick's. I grasped the firm meat and lifting up a little ran my nose in his silky pubics which weren't tight and curly like a full blooded negro but jet black and soft, spread over his groin and peaking in a treasure tail upto his navel. I brought his hard shaft downwards lapping across his slit and tasting the tartness of precum, it was so fat I had trouble grasping the damn thing. As he groaned and wriggled I took his plumlike glans into my mouth licking and sucking the smooth spongey mass.

'You do that well, Pat,' he sighed moving forward right to the edge and grasping my head ruffled my short blonde buzzcut as my head moved to and fro on his solid cock.

'Gnngg,' I gobbled as he fed more and more of his seven or maybe more inches into the back of my throat. Dunno, if my little white bottom could take it but it wouldn't be through lack of trying. I had a momentary vision of the huge thing sliding in and out of little Dennis' tight derriere but that was for later, depending upon whether Stan had enough stamina for two white boys.

'Come up on the lounger,' he slipped free from my mouth and stood above me as I clambered from the pool with my own erection jutting out with it's red knob almost glowing. 'Yeah... very nice,' he breathed heavily as he clutched my wet body and our hardnesses slid between our bellies. We swayed kissing for a moment and subsided onto one of the poolside beds still kissing and fondling each other's slippery bodies. 'Move around,' he whispered and began to kiss down my chest. I knew what he wanted and began the move that finished with me back to sucking his big brown root and he sucking my much smaller paler skinner variety. A traditional sixty-niner just out of the sun in the shade with the glare of the early afternoon sun bouncing of the smooth paving just outside the big sliding door.

'Love white boy's cock,' he grinned at me wanking and sucking at my now well and truly fully engorged meat. 'I thought you said you were sixteen.' He suddenly stopped.

'I am,' I spluttered around his suddenly still but twitching meat.

'No pubes?'

'Boss likes Den and me smoothy.'

'Den's the boyfriend?'

'Yeah, he'll be home around four,' I grabbed his slender hips. 'Come on then,' I prodded my penis in the direction of his mouth and he resumed normal service as they say on the television.

'Mmmm,' he slurped at my stiffy taking it right in and I felt his nose rubbing on my belly as he swallowed me whole and at the same time grasped my buns and moulded and clasped at my smooth flanks. 'Lovely bum,' he spluttered around my slippery meat.

'Lovely cock,' I grinned around his brown slick shaft as I took what I could of it right into the back of my throat, he was oozing precum and I could taste the slightly salty flavour of his fluid as I lapped and sucked. 'Shit, I'm gonna cum,' I heard myself whine as I felt the familiar heat in my groin.

He redoubled his efforts and I clenched my bum as I felt one of his long fingers push inside me and dig deep.

'Aaaaaah,' I tensed and then relaxed as I felt myself spurt three or four nice creamy ones into his mouth and he sucked and drank it all down. A moment later without any warning at all I felt his massive cock jerk and a flood of thick creamy spunk splattered into the back of my throat and gagged in my gullet. I choked and laughed as he continued to cum even as I let his thick cock go and swallowing just put my mouth over his slit as he fired another two bursts and then just oozed.

'Jeez, that was good,' he grinned at me as I reversed and crammed onto the lounger with him safe and secure in his strong arms.

'Wicked,' I grinned back and we shared a spunky kiss, he could taste his own and I could taste mine as our tongues battled and in the end we just lay gazing at each other with silly smiles on our faces. 'Betcha couldn't do that three times in an afternoon.'

'What is this...?' He laughed. 'A challenge?'

'Sort of,' I looked at him. 'One later on for me and one for Dennis.'

'How do you know your pal is going to like me?'

'He will,' I smiled confidently. 'Dennis likes what I like and I like you... and that.' I grasped his flaccid cock which had gone limp but hadn't shrunk. I slowly worked the brown meat to and fro and felt it twitch. Goody, it wasn't dead and I had one further adventure before Dennis returned and hopefully joined in.

'How old did you say he was?'

'I didn't but he's twelve coming on thirteen.'

'Jeez,' he grinned at me and kissed me again. 'I've never done a boy that young before.'

'First time for everything.' I propped myself up on one elbow and looked at him. This was the tester. 'Fancy a shower upstairs, we can have a lay down in my room as it's a lot cooler up there.'

'Sounds good,' he grinned in return and I felt his meat throb as I felt my own begin to fill out again. Brilliant... things were not over yet.

We went upto my room and got straight into the shower, we just had the water slightly warm and my soapy hands soon had him at full stretch again. he knew exactly what he was doing, he flipped me around in the shower so that I was facing the wall and he had two of his long brown fingers deep inside me massaging and easing my little muscle. Of course that has the side effect of an erection, I was as hard as a flagpole by the time he was finished and about as loose as an old seaboot I would have thought.

'Let's dry off,' he grabbed a fluffy towel and patted me and stroked me until I was damp dry and ready for the pleasure or for the ordeal. No matter, I wanted that thick brown cock and I was going to have it. In any event, it was too late to turn back now. I was a stuffed goose in a manner of speaking or I soon would be. I kept having visions of sucking Dennis' sweet dark skinned root whilst Stan rampaged in and out of his tight little boy pussy but that was for later and I just hoped that they were both going to go for it.

I loved watching my little boyfriend fucking and getting fucked, I suppose it was one of my private perversions but I did get a buzz out of it. He liked watching me getting topped so it was fair play I suppose.

Stan and I tottered from the shower reasonably dry but the room was warm so that didn't matter too much. We collapsed onto the bed and were at it again. The kissing, the stroking and the little laps with the tongue. He must had tasted every little bit of my body as he moved me around on the bed. I tried to reciprocate but I was hooked on his bits. It was either his dark brown nipples or his heavy ballsac but in the end I was back time after time to his big cock now stiff once more and oh so tasty.

'You're a little raver,' he grinned and stroking my hair sighed his satisfaction as I licked and slurped at his now fully hard cock. It was a beauty. I revised my estimate, it was more than the average six, it had to be seven and I had to have it. I also had to see my little lover Dennis pinioned on it but that was for later. I just hoped and prayed that he didn't bring anyone home with him. This was definitely an evening for the old firm to use and abuse the delightful Stan or maybe the other way around.

'Mmmmmm,' I snuggled in as he held me tightly and slipped his tongue into my mouth again. There was no rush and it was nice to chill out and relax. We'd both done a squirt and it was now time to relax and build up a head of steam for the next session. I know it sounds a bit mechanical but there you go, in stories kids do endless shags but in fact you do need to build up the juice. That's the one advantage of being sixteen, it doesn't take too long doing it's building bit.

'What's he like, this lover baby lover of yours?' Stan lay his cheek against mine and I could smell after shave even after our shared shower.

'My Monkey Boy... Den,' I slipped from the bed and grabbed a picture frame containing a snapshot of Den and myself.

'Aah...' Stan laughed. 'You shouldn't call him names. He's sweet. I bet he's a dish with his clothes off.' I know it was silly but I think we were friends now, I went into the bedside cupboard and raked around finally finding one of Denis and myself playing the oiling game by the pool. In this one Denis was fully hard as I was. 'Oh, dear me,' Stan grinned from ear to ear and studied the picture. 'A pair of angels.'

'Balls,' I flopped on the bed again to be enfolded in his arms. 'Den's no angel, nor am I.'

'Well, I know you're not,' Stan chuckled and pressed me flat onto the bed. His lips attacked my nipples and his strong hands grasped my nuts and fondled and gently squeezed until I was sporting a fully fledged erection once more. 'No, you're no angel,' he smiled at me and his head dropped. I gasped as I felt his warm mouth take me in again and this time he was taking it nice and slow building me up for what was to come, I contented myself stroking his smooth brown shoulders and gently prodding into his wet suction as he sucked and slipped his lips up and down my pale shaft.

I knew he was going for the honey pot (Denis' phrase not mine I hasten to add) as soon as he lifted my legs and started to suck my balls, in fact, he had my scrotum in his mouth and was slurping and sucking away until I felt my nuts uptight. I could have cum again there and then but he had different ideas. Pressing my knees down to my chest he began to take long slurpy cow licks at my pucker and probing and kissing working on me hard until I was on the verge of begging for it but I wouldn't do that, yet.

I swear his pointed tongue entered me as he worked away, glancing down I could see he was fully hard and his thick brown cock jerked as he continued to work on my bum. At last I felt two fingers slip inside me and he moved up my body still finger fucking but kissing my chest and getting between my legs. His hot lips settled on mine and I could feel his oozing glans slip across my leg. His fingers came free and I felt each buttock being grasped in his strong hands and held steady.

'Go on,' I growled and felt his slippery glans against me. One determined push, a brief pain as I stretched and then the delicious warmth as his slimy cockend sank through my ring filling and expanding my back door. 'Aaaaah...' I heard myself wail but he was in me and moving. His hot cock was opening me up and glutting me with his mass as he sank deeper and deeper into my body.

'Gawd, you are so tight,' he muttered and smiled at me kissing again. 'So nice...'

I smiled back and returned his kisses as he ploughed away, most of it was in me now and I felt bloated but there was more to come.

The movements were easier and he was moving on a coating of precum and saliva. He held my hips and pulled me onto himself and started to move regularly digging deep until I felt his black pubics pressed up against my flesh.

'OK,' he grinned. Whatta clown, he could see from my expression that I was alright, I was loving it. I clasped hard in response and he moved faster going into full shag mode. I just wriggled on his hot cock and held his hips as he fucked me hard and fast, it would be a slow one next time, I had gone through this all before don't forget. Mind you, Stan was something else, I was used to boys and I suppose youths, Stan was a young man and I could feel that as he slipped in and out and his cock which now felt massive spread my plumbing and ran over that spot time and time again. I think I was threshing about like a girl getting shagged by the boyfriend but I didn't care, I was.

OK, so Denis was the boyfriend but he'd get his share. I'd suck his stumpy whilst Stan gave him babies. Dunno what Denis would think about it but it sounded good to me. Of course, after a rest we could both abuse Stan... there you go, all plotted and planned.

Stan had me bent nearly double now and he was hammering in savagely when he groaned and I knew he was about to cum and what a cum. He slammed into my tenderised bottom and stayed in, I felt his cock jerk once, twice and theee times and each time a searing hot spurt of spunk into my gut. I felt my eyes get all teary as he slowly moved and I felt more of his juice lazily squirt inside me, I even felt the excess trickle down to my tailbone. The randy bastard had flooded me, I was so squishy I felt like a bucket of slugs (hows about that for an image?).

'Jeeezus, that was good... you are good,' Stan hastily amended his romantic chit chat.

'Brill,' I agreed. What could I say, I was carrying his child or his bloody children. More mouths to feed, ho hum. Mind you Denis, Loren and the others had all done me enough times and I hadn't produced any offspring apart from some rather spectacular farts. Anyway, let's keep the story out of the gutter.

As my legs came down he slipped free and we cuddled in a sweaty mess. It was nice, I felt like that Roman guy: Veni vidi veci and all that crap. I saw, I wanted, I lusted and I got shagged. Wicked as they say nowadays. Stan was beautiful, I'd scored well and I wanted to pass him onto the other half. Well, put it this way, it was pass him on or get a hard time from Den and he wasn't to be crossed when he got his knickers in a twist... love the runt.

'That was nice,' Stan grinned. 'Of course, I do like other things.'

'Like white boy cock,' I suggested bluntly.

'You have a way with words,' he laughed grabbing my semi erect meat and handling in gently until it responded. 'Yeah, that'll do until your little pal gets home.'

'Nice,' I replied but then shut up. He was lapping at my nipples and to my amazement they were perking up... so weird but he didn't linger. His busy tongue tracked down my belly heading South and I guessed where it would finish up and I was right. His hot maw swallowed my five inches or whatever and he began to suck and slurp. He wasn't trying to make me cum, he was making me nice and slippery though and he had this thing where his lips took the foreskin back and the tip of his tongue attacked my pee slit. Jeez, something else.

'Come on then' he looked up at me briefly and then turned his back to me laying on his side, I got the message and snuggled in behind him with my stiffy nudging up between his firm cheeks right into his crack. 'Slowly,' he instructed and shuffled back a bit as I located and pushed. Fantastic, I pierced his tight pucker in one saliva coated thrust and felt his muscular bottom clamp for a moment and then ease. 'Slowly,' he said once more and clutched the pillow. I nuzzled at the back of his brown neck and slowly trook him with what I had, he may have had bigger but he seemed to enjoy it. All the requisite moans and groans and when I finally bottomed out pressing against his firm young man's bottom he pushed back hard against me. 'Is it in?'

'Cheeky sod,' I reached around his front and his spunk stained noodle was as hard as a bar again, I must be having some effect.

'Nice one, Pat,' he murmured and wriggled his sweet bum against me as I started to move. He was good and it wasn't his first time but who was I to shout, I was a signed up member of Gangbangers Inc. In fact, since the visit of Jo's Boys from London I'd lost count of who I'd done it with and that's giving and taking. It seemed lately every time Den came home from school we'd share a shower and shag, not a bad routine as it happens, it eased his schooly stress and it relaxed me after a busy day doing bugger all.

I thought Stan was going to be all butch and not into being a bottom but he was doing fine and pushing back and taking every thrust with pleasure. 'Faster... harder,' he demanded and I did so. I couldn't last but this was the first time after all. In the end I took him onto his belly and shoved a pillow under him as I spread his muscular brown legs. He took it like a man as they say. When I did my squirts he hoiked his bum upto meet my thrusts and it was great. I flopped onto his sweaty back like a dead man as I voided my juices into his hot bum.

Just as an anti climax when we split and had a little kiss and cuddle we slept.

The next thing I remember was the alarm clock going off. I always set it for aropund fifteen minutes before Denis was due so that I was awake when he arrived. I did have this bad habit of nodding off on sunny afternoons and I didn't want him to think he was unloved. Well, he wasn't but I didn't want him to get the idea anyway.

'What's that?' Stan came to life.

'Quarter to Denis, the other half.' I announced.

'I'd better have a shower,' he looked at me anxiously. 'Is your pal going to be OK with this?'

'We'll soon find out if he throws a screaming tantrum,' I tried to smile. I was a bit worried but Denis tended to bounce back, the trouble was he was like a rugby ball, he could go in any direction.

I gave him a few minutes in the bathroom for the private bit and then joined him in a shower, of course, that led to a fumble and a bit of a snog but I think we were both worried just a bit about Denis in our different ways. Out and dried we were tidying up the bedroom when I heard the the shout from the back garden. Denis the Menace was home.

'Oi, you in or what?' God, he was such a charmer.

'Yeah,' I opened the window and leant out. 'I've just been having sex with a charming Gyanain and it's your turn.' The shout had decreased to a normal talking tone you understand.

'Dreamer,' he scoffed and dumped his bag of school books carelessly.

'Call my bluff,' I beckoned Stan to the window. 'Say hello to Stan.'

Den looked up disbelievingly and did a double take. 'Shit.'

'You can do better than that, Denis,' Stan smiled and hung out of the window. If Denis couldn't see that we were naked he must have been blind.

'I'll be up,' Denis was off at the run.

'Toldya,' I looked at Stan in all his beautifully brown skinned squeaky clean glory. 'Den thinks it's Christmas.'

'As long as he hasn't picked up a kitchen knife on the way.' Stan grinned but I could still see that he was nervous. As I heard the clatter of super Den on the stairs I got behind the door. He rushed into the room and stopped dead oggling the naked Stan like an rather dim goldfish (well, they all look a bit dim to me).

'Where's Pat,' his voice broke in a squeak.

'Right behind you, Buttercup,' I slipped behind him and put my arms around his waist and nuzzled his neck. He had the sweaty school funk about him but who cared. My Den was home and it was treat time. 'You two like each other?' I asked and my heart really was up in my mouth.

'Yeah.' The two voices spoke as one and I breathed a sigh of relief.

'Stand still, Den, I'll do the hard bit.' As he stood motionelss and Stan sat on the end of the bed I slowly unbuttoned Den's shirt exposing his dark skinned chest, so smooth, so abso-bloody-lutely muncheable and I could see Stan the man begin to rise to the occasion. Luckily Den only had his shirt on and I peeled it off making sure I smothered his neck and shoulder with my kisses. He was warm and he trembled a little but he was excited, mind you, the sight of Stan sitting there with his big cock beginning to stiffen was enough to make any boy tremble.

'So nice,' Stan made move at last and approached us. He undid Den's leather belt and unclipped the top of the school trousers. Den pressed back as I nuzzled his neck and thrust his hips out. Stan didn't mess around, he tugged Den's trousers down and looked at my boy's groin. Dennis' five incher jutted up to his hip and Stan bent in and gave it a dry kiss. Dennis whimpered as he got a second kiss and I worked my own hardon up against his bottom only protected by his tighty whiteys.

'Jesus,' he groaned and prodded his hips out as Stan hooked his fingers in the waistband of the briefs and slowly pulled them down. Den's dark skinned erection popped free and swayed gently until Stan took it in hand. Denis moaned as he felt my hardness slip between the cheeks of his exquisite bubble butt and Stan started to slip Den's foreskin to and fro over his swollen glans. 'Jeeeezus,' Den moaned again as Stan's mouth swallowed the oozing boy cock in one, at the same time he reached around and clasping Den's cheeks pulled them apart exposing his tight little pucker.

'Tasty,' Stan slobbered around Den's straining hardon and tugged my partner's trainers and trousers free, a bit of a fumble and away went the briefs. We had Den naked now and his only covering were a dodgy pair of navy blue socks. I for my part got to my knees behind Den and sucked and lapped at his sweet little fanny. He wriggled and giggled as Stan went into full suck mode holding him firmly by the hips. Denis moved to an fro doing little pelvic thrusts as Stan sucked and I slobbered.

I began to slowly rise up Den's body as Stan continued to suck and more importantly still grasped Den's cheeks keeping them slightly parted. Dennis moaned as he felt my slippery and now oozing glans slide between his crack and press in. I sighed with satisfaction and I sank into his hot flesh, he gave his normal little push back as Stan attacked his scrotum. A few moments later I was doing the upright tango, now get me straight, this is one way I don't like doing sex but duty called and I know Denis' little hole would benefit from a nice easy fuck from me before he took Stan... well that was my story anyway. Thinking about it Dennis had handled Henry alright some time ago so he should be alright. Anyway, I just kept up my fucking, it was pretty routine for us now, we weren't exactly strangers and Stan seemed to be be getting some sort of buzz out of it, he parted Den's legs and peered up through them watching me moving in and out. He actually put his hand between us fingering my slippery shaft as it moved in and out.

As the urge came I moved faster and Stan stood and held Dennis firmly as I slapped and thrust my way to a climax. Dennis moaned into Stan's kisses as I squirted my juice into his gut and slowly slid free. I was done, I was drained and knackered but now it was time for a floorshow or a bedshow, this I wanted to see in closeup and glorious technicolour.

I saw Den's little bum moving back and forth and suddenly Stan was swallowing, choking and wiping his mouth. He stood and held the now almost comatose Denis and laid him gently on the bed. 'That's a little cum machine,' he said admiringly stooping to give Den's depeleted noodle a final lick and suck. 'You're a lucky man, Pat.'

'Yeah,' I leant over to give my lover boy a kiss.

'Do I get a decent fuck now?' Dennis muttered and wriggled himself into the centre of the bed.

'Looks that way, Prince Charming,' I grinned as I saw Stan kneel on the side of the bed with his hugio brown skinned cock at full stretch. This should shut the Muppet Queen up for a bit. 'I wanna watch this,' I told all and sundry. 'My treat.'

'Scooby Doo,' Dennis giggled and don't ask. He just says daft things now and then, part and parcel of being a loveable little retard I suppose.

Stan was on heat again however and he didn't waste any time, he spread Den out and then tucked lover boy's knees back onto his chest exposing his tight little hole smeared and even oozing some of my cum. No need for starters this time around.

'Oh Jesus,' Den wailed as he must have felt Stan's engorged glans slip across his oozing pucker. Well, I'd done my bit and opened him up a bit now was the time for a bit of meaninful stretching if you know what I mean. 'Oooooh....'

I just lay alongside them and watched as Stan's oozing glans pushed against's Den's well spread little ring and I saw it give. Absolutely amazing. I saw the tip of Stan's erection flatten tightly and then Den's pucker gave way, it opened up around Stan's thick brown staff and our guest was indoors in more ways than one. He must have got his glans plus a bit of his shaft inside Dennis and was now gently rocking to and fro but it was going in. It wasn't even messy as I thought it might be, I could see Stan's brown shaft going in and then slipping out a little and then back in. All the time Den's pucker seemed to grip it and I even saw traces of my own creamy spunk come out as it clung to Stan's dick. He was going faster now and I gazed totally entranced as this big butch student type proceeded to fill my little Den with his hot cock.

In and out, in and out, Stan was bedding in and Den was now just giving little moans and absorbing Stan until I saw Stan's black pubes press against Den's beautiful bottom. I was as hard as a rock again and so soon but I couldn't help it, my own cock was as stiff as a stick and I had to handle it just to stop the ache, I could go again, I knew it and started a slow wank as I watched Stan moving in and out of Den's clinging boy fanny and going faster. Suddenly Stan stopped and with a screwing motion glanced at with a wide grin.

'Wanna party?'

I just nodded as one does.

'Climb aboard,' he gave me a final look and then bent over Den squashing him and crushing his lips to my friend's whislt I thought about it. I know, I'm as thick as a plank but I got there in the end. I knelt behind Stan and after a couple of badly aimed prods slipped into his slick brown bottom. Jeez... this was fun. As I started then Stan started again and we worked on a rythm, poor old Denis was on the bottom and taking the brunt of Stan and my banging Stan.

'Gonna fuck you for this,' Pat,' he mumbled from the bottom of the heap.

'Can I watch?' Stan laughed.

I wasn't laughing however, I was depleted and I knew it, this was going to be hard work but I set to. Stan tried to keep his pace and I was glued to his broad brown back shagging away like a little bunny right upto the stage where he rammed into Den and I heard him moan. When Den gave a little titter and slowly kissed I reckoned on climax. If I was in any doubt the feel of Stan's buttocks clenching on me did it. I rammed in hard and clung to him as I felt my own pecker jerk and squirt. Alright it wasn't the mother of all squirts but at least I did it. I put some back into the pot to coin a phrase. I slowly moved in and out of his juiced up bum and then collapsed. Stan was laying on Dennis and bore the weight for a while. 'Geffoff, gerroff,' he grunted and we fell onto our sides and parted.

I think we must have laid there for around fifteen minutes doing absolutely nothing. Oh yeah, Denis slipped into my arms and Stan clung to my back, I just hoped he wasn't going to prong me again as I doubted that I could handle it. We were all shagged out, it was as easy as that.

Well, that was my day with Stan and how we got into a threesome. There was a lot more to it as he stayed on and off until he returned to his Uni, he even met Nick and paid his dues (as they say), he got to be a regular visitor especially on the Thursday which got to be quite a day to look forward to by Den and myself . I forgot to mention that he did stay the night but boring, boring... all we did was have sex and how boring can that get.

The soap goes on, look for

the next instalment.

This saga continues with with a visit from old friends from The Addlestone Boys. Pix as usual in MixPix 1.

Next: Chapter 7

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