Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 7, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.


PART 5 - Davey and Henry


G. Cutter

Dennis talking.

We were sitting in the upstairs lounge watching the television on this Friday night, basically we were waiting for the film to come on and have a nice, easy and relaxing night. A full week had passed since the Wimbledon lads had returned and we'd got the place back to spick and span just in time for a flying visit from Nick and yet another young Russian on Tuesday. He didn't even stay overnight, he settled us up with cash and left more, in fact, a month in advance. I found out that I was getting paid for the weekends at least to help and assist Patric and to carry out any other tasks he may get lumbered with whatever they maybe. Nick hinted that he may even dump a couple of Russian kids down here and we'd have to look after them. How that would work out God knows, I was back to school the week after next.

No matter, I had a room with Patric and we'd settled down to married life in a manner of speaking. We still had a sex fest every night but the urgency had gone out of it and it was a lot more relaxed. We'd broken a record the other night and even had a sexless night, now that is married life. Mind you I'd given him a blow in the early hours but I didn't know if that counted or not.

'We walking down the chippy?' I asked him around seven.

'I'd prefer a pizza, I like that delivery boy of theirs,' he grinned.

'Upto you Bossboy, your shout.'

'Pizza tonight, fish and spuds tomorrow?'


'Jeez... who's that,' he cursed, the phone in the corner had started to shrill.

'Double glazing, new driveway, yaddah yaddah, could be anyone.' Non constructive I know but I tried to be helpful.

'Fuckin' Friday night,' he cursed and whinged as he ambled over to the corner of the room. You know it was all of ten paces not ten miles. 'Hello,' he shouted into the mouthpiece deafening anyone on the other end. 'Yeah?' His face split in a grin. 'Great.' It seemed it wasn't a salesperson after all.

After listening to three minutes of a one sided conversation I gave up and focused on the television, I rather assumed it was one of the boys from Wimbledon giving us a call. Loren seemed to send us EMails every five minutes now they had a decent computer organised.

'Your mate,' Patric sat down and smiled at me.

'Like I've got loads of mates. Who?'

'Diddy little Dave the Rave.'

'Oh, Jeez. The sex maniac one.'

'That's the one,' he grinned. 'He's been confined to barracks thats grounded to you, after staying last weekend the extra night without asking. His mum went ballistic he said.'

'Rightly so, he should have phoned her, she seemed OK.'

'True. He forgot though and got all kinds of shit when he got home but it's over now. He wants to know if he can come over and...'

'And what?' I asked.

'Sleepover,' Patric laughed. 'He didn't mention sleep though, he said stop over, I think he has designs on your beautiful body.'

'Well, he's got good taste,' I laughed dodging a playful slap, at least I think it was. 'I don't like this threesome caper to be quite honest, I prefer a good old fashioned one on one.'

'So do I,' Patric smiled. 'I've got to phone him back. I'll phone up and say he can stay tonight and the weekend, I'll give his mum some bullshit about we're decorating and he can earn a few shillings.'

'Ten pences you mean.'


'Go for it. No threesomes though.'

'Don't worry, we'll sort that out before he gets his little sweaty feet under the table.' He stood and walked back to the phone. 'I'll make the pizza for three with all the trimmings.'

'What if he doesn't like pizza?'

'He's on bread and jam then.' Patric laughed and picked the phone up. Another one sided conversation with a change of tone half way through, he must have been chatting up David's mother. Phone replaced, phone picked up... another brief conversation and a super pizza with drinks and all the rest of it were ordered for ten o'clock. Seemed our evening guest was sorted out.

'All fixed,' he sat with a satisfied sigh. 'She's going to tell him that he's got to do exactly as he's told and behave himself. She wanted to talk to the lady of the house but I said she was up in London and I was in charge.'

'Nick would appreciate that but you got lucky there.'

'Well if he spends a bit of time here and doesn't come to harm she won't bother, she didn't seem all that fussed anyway.'

'Probably glad to get rid of him.'

'Well if he wanks at home like he did here the place must smell like a cum factory.'

'Dirty sod.'

'I know,' he laughed as we relaxed again and watched some crap on the box awaiting our visitor.

'Here...' I'd suddenly remembered. 'What was this drivel you were spouting about about the pizza delivery kid the other night?'

'He's not a kid, he must be around seventeen to drive one of those bloody moped things.'

'Yeah, go on.'

'And he's gorgeous, I think he's game as well, sorta Spanish or something like that, very boyish,' he whispered as if the Mafia and a squad of SAS were lurking in the corner.'

'Bit of an expensive romance,' I laughed. 'If we have to spend ten to fifteen quid every night just for you to oggle this vision.'

'Well, you'd see what I mean if you ever answered the door, pal.'

'Don't get shirty.' We lapsed into an uncomfortable silence for a while but it never lasts.

'Hope David pulls your dick off,' he snarled.

'I should be so lucky,' I laughed and the phone rang again. I answered it this time and it was David, he'd started walking and he'd be with us in twenty minutes, he was so looking forward to seeing us again and blah, blah. I gently put the phone down. 'He's on his way.'

Patric just nodded. 'His name's Henry, probably Enrico by rights .'


'The delivery boy, youth, man or whatever he is, he's a student does the evening deliveries for the money.'

'Figures,' I laughed. 'You seem to know all about him are you serious about this kid or whatever?'

'Yeah, I know he's game,' he looked at me with that grin of his. 'I can feel it in my water.'

'That's what you said about the plumber's mate, the seventeen year old who nearly punched your clock.'

'Can't win 'em all.'

David arrived spot on time, he must have a stop watch but he was all giggles and carried a holdall like he intended to move in for a week or so. He still looked as manic as ever and promptly plonked himself down in the centre of the sofa. 'It's just started raining,' he told us and casually handed over his damp coat as Patric held his hand out.

'Anything else for your Lordship?' Patric asked but it passed over the boy's head, he was more interested in trying to nudge me off the sofa. God, the brat wasted no time at all.

'Behave yourself,' I told him. 'There's a film on in an hour and a bit and we have food coming in just before that.'

'Great,' he rubbed his hands. 'I haven't had a wank for three nights,' he remarked conversationally.

'Charming,' I looked at him. 'Try and act like a normal human being for a couple or three hours and then I'll take you to bed and shag you all night, OK?'

'Is that a promise?'

'I'll try,' I said glancing over his shoulder to see Patric pulling faces. God knows how I'd managed to volunteer for first watch on the tyke from hell. Patric saved the day by sorting out a couple of music discs and we relaxed until finally the bell rang, it seemed the food was here. Patric naturally enough answered the door and he seemed to be chatting forever, I could hear a conversation going on and finally the door slammed and I heard him on the stairs. Correction, there were two people on the stairs, I looked curiously at the room door as David's eyes remained glued to the screen.

Patric came in with a big smile on his face, he was actually glowing and he was trailed by a very nervous and shy Mediterranean type who could have been anywhere between sixteen and twenty, he gave me a faint smile and a nod.

'This is Henry,' Patric announced. 'We're his last drop and as it's raining I invited him in to wait it out (readers of 'The Pizza Boy' might recognise this bit). 'He was driving home to see the film anyway.'

'That worked out well,' I tried to keep the sarcasm from my voice, mind you the boy-man was nice. David had actually torn his eyes away from the screen and was blatantly oggling the rather embarassed youth.

'Yeah,' Patric gave me a little sneer and took the youth's coat and settled him down on the sofa, he also put the fire on again which was totally unecessary. He dished out the various packets and we set to after we'd fixed Henry a coffee. He claimed to have had supper so we had no problems there. I was too hungry to worry about his sensibilities, anyway. Patric had asked him in, Patric could look after him .

Surprisingly David started chatting to him probably making him feel more comfortable and he slowly relaxed. Just a general natter about school, the takeaway and the state of the nation kept us amused until the film credits began to roll and that was it. I was on the end of the sofa with David alongside and Patric was on the other end with Henry inside him (sounds bad but you know what I mean),so we all had grandstand seats. It was a rerun of The Lost Boys and surprisingly I was the only one who'd seen it, it was fresh for the other three. I just prayed that David behaved himself being situated as he was between myself and our delivery youth, I had to settle for youth, he couldn't have technically been a boy unless he was on an American porn site and their 'boys' go upto thirty. If he was riding a moped so he had to be seventeen at least.

I tried to study him a little but it was hard with David jumping around like an idiot and God know's what our guest thought of him... the mind boggled. However, I did notice Henry had two thin circular earings in his right ear and a thin gold chain around his neck, he also looked as if he didn't shave yet, so all in all, a bit of a smoothey cutey. Having dumped his riding gear out in the hall presumably, he had grotty trainers on, slightly baggy jeans and a dark blue summer shirt with a bar across the front. All in all he was quite tidy for a youth who'd spend some hours driving around on a moped in the rain. He seemed rather solemn and shy, even standoffish, I hoped Patric knew what he was doing. Mind you, you could rely on David to break the ice like one of those bloody great Russian ships.

'I'm staying over,' he spoke to Henry as if they'd been mates for years. 'Sleeping in with Den,' he patted my knee. 'My mate Den.'

'Really,' Henry looked at him and then to my surprise burst out laughing.

'What's funny?' David squeaked indignantly.

'You are,' Henry retorted burying himself in his drink.

'Watch the film, it's just about to begin,' Patric tried his schoolmaster act which quietened things down for a bit, David snuggled upto me as if he was scared Henry was going to bite him. I casually draped my arm around the boy's shoulder, that would give Henry something to think about. The film started and they were engrossed, I liked it anyway, I'd seen it about three times already so I was able to watch points as it were. I'd given David a very quiet whisper not to try anything funny with the guest and he seemed to be behaving himself although his leg seemed to press against mine more than strictly necessary.

At the first commercial break he shot over to the window and looked out whilst I went downstairs and rustled up some coffee.

'It's chucking it down,' he declared after peering through the curtains. 'Monsoon time.'

'Fuck it.' I heard Henry say which shocked me a bit but we were all boys after all.

'Don't worry,' Patric siezed his chance. 'Worstways you can alway sleepover unless you have to go.'

'I'm not in any rush,' Henry replied and I smiled over my coffeemaking. Pat might have been right after all in his suspicions.

The film kicked off again and I served coffee, no reason why not, I'd seen it enough times. Patric gave his normal curt nod but Henry gave me a quite charming smile before returning to his normal po face. David, well... David was David, he managed to spill half of it and created havoc trying to clean up. I had an overwhelming desire just to roll him onto the carpet and shag him on the spot which might bring a smile to Henry's solemn face.

The film ended and everyone relaxed, good crash, bang, wallop finish and a happy ending. Patric actually fished some cans of Fosters from the chiller. Henry tried to refuse but seeing David slugging away went with the flow. We all sat around idly nattering about the film and Henry seemed to relax, he hadn't made any move to collect his gear and go, I think he was awaiting the final invitation which was bound to come. I'd looked from the window and it was absolutely belting down, I wouldn't throw a dog out in this weather and neither would Patric, especially not a puppy he had the hots for.

I wondered if Henry was gay, he'd made absolutely no indication but then again he wouldn't, we in the Firm in a manner of speaking were different.

'What time we going to bed?' David piped up again. He most certainly knew how to say the right thing at the wrong time or was it the other way around.

''The can after this, buttercup,' I looked at him and grinned. 'Don't be impatient, good things come to those who wait.' He had to bite, it was in his nature.

'You conceited dickhead,' he spluttered. I saw Patric blush and Henry grin. Well that was another small iceberg shattered.

'Come on let's have another can,' I grabbed David and dragged him down to the kitchen, there was a chiller upstairs but it gave Patric and Henry five minutes to have a chat, five minutes for Patric to use his charm. Looking out of the window he was in with a good chance, the rain showed no sign of easing.

'When we going to bed,' David whined and then grinned at me. 'I keep getting a stiffy.'

'Just do these cans and we'll call it a day.'

'Great and he fronted me up standing on tiptoe to kiss me, he didn't really have to but he was into his Shirley Temple mode tonight.

'Hope you haven't left lipstick on me you tart,' I scowled at him which set him off on his giggles again. If Henry was listening upstairs he must have thought he'd gotten into a right nest of pervs. We returned upstairs to find Patric and Henry watching the late news, the difference being that when I offered the olive skinned boy a can he took it without any qualms, it seemed like he was staying. I didn't say anything and just prayed that David didn't open his big mouth but for once he had the sense to keep quiet.

'Henry's stopping over,' Patric looked at me briefly and that was it. David gave me a little smirk but that was all, shortly after that we bade them good night. Collecting David's bag we made for bed. I would be very interested to know how they got on but I'd have to be patient, for the time being I had the infant from hell to put to bed. The one consolation was that I used our room and Patric would use Nick's so that left us with our own bathrooms and a decent distance between us, David could scream his head off all night.

As soon as we got in our room it started, the questions, the cross examination and I was no wiser than he was.

'Is that Patric's new pal?'

'Well a pal, I suppose.'

'Does he do it, are they shagging?'

'How the hell do I know,' I growled. 'It's their first night, anything could happen.'

'He wasn't showing much up front that kid,' David sniffed. 'No package... you know what I mean.'

'I know what a package is, Dave and keep your voice down.'

'Grumpy sod,' he threw himself onto the bed and kicked his shoes off and began to peel his socks off as well.'

'Shut up for just two minutes,' I lay on the bed alongside him and grabbed him pulled him on top of myself, arms around his skinny waist and he was captured.

'You're in the mood aintcha,' he breathed Foster's fumes on me and rubbed his groin against mine. 'Fancy little David?'

'Of course,' I slid my hands into the back of his baggy jeans and grasped his tight little buns, I was a bit surprised to find he was wearing briefs, perhaps his mum checked him out before he left home. They were no problem, I ran my hands up his squirming body and then back down only this time my hands went inside his briefs and I clasped his smooth skin squeezing and savouring the feel of his jellylike buttocks.

'Mmmmm,' he nuzzled against my neck and I felt his tongue flicker at my ear lobs. 'We going to bed?' He sounded tired but I'd take even money he'd be jumping around like a maniac as soon as I wanted to go to sleep.

'Yeah, come on it's cuddles time.'

'Sex time,' he grinned and started to festoon the room with his clothing. I guessed he must have been minor royalty, he was obviously used to having a servant running around after him. The next time I grabbed him I was down to my boxers and he was down to his skimpy white briefs which looked very much like the ones he'd made off with last time he was here. I wanted to peel them off him, that was my little kink, exposing his childish body inch by inch until his skinny little butt was laid out ready for the banquet. He obviously had the same kink as I as we had a giggle or two de-knickering each other but at last we were under the duvet naked and both as hard as little choccy frogs.

'Full frontal,' he smiled and I knew he had the need, he'd clamped his thighs on my hardness and was trying to roll onto his back and take me on top, I helped and slowly moved between his clamped legs as he kissed and stroked my back. 'A nice slow one,' he whispered.

'Yeah,' I fucked upwards under his smooth little scrotum and raised his legs tenting the bedding. He took his knees down onto his chest and I felt the pressure off me and my jerking erection just rub up and down under his tight nuts.

'Just a bit of spit,' he croaked and that was exactly what he got. I dribbled some on my palm and rubbed my glans but I was oozing a little anyway. He moaned a little when I pressed against his pucker but just one little push and I felt him open up and my swollen glans followed by my rigid shaft enter his delicious heat. 'Aaaaah,' he tensed but then just to show me he was OK he smiled. 'I like doing it with you Dennis, you're ace.'

'Thanks,' I grabbed him around his trim waist and pulled him up and onto my raging hardon and he just slipped onto it as if he was made for it. His bottom was nestling against my shaved pubic area and he flexed and clamped grinning at the expression on my face.

'Come on,' he whispered. So much for taking my time. He rested his calves on my shoulder as I started to move in and out of his body quite easily and gently toyed with his own fat cock keeping it on the boil but not enough to boil over. 'Come on,' his eyes sparkled but his speech was slurred. He was a little nymphomaniac there was no doubt about it, he just lived for being shagged, bonked, fucked or all three together.

I moved faster and he wriggled upon me still wanking away, he was good sex and I forgave him his childishness as I plundered his tight little boy's fanny. In and out, in and out, he was tight but not too tight and he appeared to enjoy it. In fact, he enjoyed it a little bit too much for a 'natural' boy but he fucked as well so what did that say? Who knows, who cares, I just fucked on feeling that tingle and burning.

'You're gonna cum,' he giggled. 'I can feel it.'

'Good,' I slid in hard and deep and gave an extra shove clonking his head onto the bedboard as I felt my penis jerk and twitch my semen deep into his little tunnel. 'Ahhh, Davey, you little monster,' I gasped and slowly moved to and fro feeling another juicy spurts and then the relaxing as I drained. He'd had all I had to give for the moment and I slowly and carefully slipped free from his spunk filled hole.

Cum kid,' he grinned and lay across my chest idly fingering my slippery noodle as it limpened. 'I wonder what they're doing?' He whispered as if Patric and Henry were under the bed.

'Shagging if Pat gets his way.'

'Mmmmm,' he grinned. 'They might be having a punch up.'

'I doubt it,' I smiled and manhandled him so that he way laying on top of me and his stiffy slipped between my slightly parted legs. I clasped and stroked his jiggly bottom as he made vague prodding motions. He'd go for sex in a minute but he was too concerned about the others at the moment.

'He's nice that Henry.'

'I thought he was a bit po faced, you know a bit solemn or is it sullen?'

'Nah,' he laughed. 'He was shy with you two oggling him.'

'Yeah,' I mocked. 'You helped a lot queening around.'

'I'm not a queen.'

'Course you are,' I needled him.

'Am not.'

Are,' I laughed.

'Am not,' I flashed his teeth in what he fondly imagined was a butch film star mode but made him look like a slightly bewildered pixy. As an actor he might do for Shrek or similar but he's have no chance with Romeo and Juliet. Nevertheless, to prove his male creds he hoisted my legs up with a struggle and moved in.

'About time, little lover.'

'Less of the little,' he did his cartoon snarl again and folding my knees down to my chest pressed himself in for a kiss. I grabbed his neck and mashed our lips together slipping my tongue into his mouth as I felt his slick glans nudge against my sphincter. The little bastard gave my tongue a nip with his sharp teeth and pushed home in one thust making me spasm and nearly choke but he was in and he was fucking. Demented little prick... but he was good.

I wrapped my legs around him and tried to clamp on his slippery dick but he didn't care, he hammered away as if he was trying to damage me. No chance there, if I could handle Pat in one of his horny moods I could handle this one.

'Jeez,' he slid in and out of my well used bumhole and the sweat flew off him, his little face was screwed up and I thought he was going to die on me. How the hell to you explain a dead boy stuck up your bum when you call the paramedics? 'I'm cuming,' he hissed.

'Thank Christ,' I muttered but kissed him again hoping he didn't bite again but this time he didn't. I could feel his slippery tongue in the back of my throat and just before we both ran out of air I felt his fat little cock jerk and spew his juicy load up my rear. He was done.

'We gonna do that again?' He looked amazingly chirpy as he slipped free.

'Later, Bugs Bunny,' I pulled the messed up bedding over us both, I could still hear the rain and the temperature would drop overnight. Not really something to worry about with a sex driven hot water bottle in the bed but I liked a bit of decorum, Pat and Henry may pay a visit but probably not on their first night. I drifted off to sleep with a hot and sweaty David glued to my back like a smooth backpack, you know the ones, the one that always has a bit sticking in you.

I awoke in the early hours and slipped from the bed leaving the warmth of my little partner and peered through the windows, from what I could see it was still raining and it was definitely cooler. I galloped into the bathroom and business done returned to the bed. David stirred but didn't wake as I snuggled back upto his warm body. He smelt of sweat and spunk, a good young boy odour, I snuggled in even tighter feeling my penis lengthening and solidifying. He just made with a sleepy mumble and slept on. I kissed the back of his neck just under his scruffy hairline and fed my rapidly stiffening erection between his cheeks which parted quite easily on the residue of our last little joining.

I wouldn't have even thought about this normally but being in a bed with David has it's drawbacks, one of them is that his sex mania is contagious, well, that's my story anyway. As he slumbered on I guided my now fully hard organ upto his little pucker and pressed in. He opened up and I slid into his warmth without even a break in his breathing, he was probably dreaming of being shagged by Brad Pitt or someone equally handsome just like me. I didn't go mad, I waited until I was up close and my belly pressed against his back and then started to move slowly in and out of his over slick little back passage. I knew I was fucking on my own cum but I didn't care, I just wanted it again and so did Dennis Junior. Davey spluttered and did a little wheeze but still didn't awake, just gave a little groan and pushed back seating himself firmly on my now steadily moving hardness.

This was so lazy, I reached over his smooth hip and reached for it and found it. He was as stiff as a flagpole and I worked his foreskin to and fro as I gently moved in his juiced up bum.

Another groan and he pushed back harder but still didn't wake. I could feel and hear his steady breathing as my chest pressed against his back and my hips made tiny but steady prods driving my hardness into his soft flesh.

I could feel my organ getting harder and moved a little faster, he didn't make a move although his dick seemed to harden even further.


Shit. The spell was broken but instead of him slipping free and starting a war he just pushed back really hard this time and sleepily mumbled. 'Nice...'

That was it. I kissed the side of his sweaty neck and went for real slipping and sliding in his flooded bottom until I felt my sore cock spurt what I could only call a mediocre cum but one all the same. He gave one of his litle giggles and I felt him splash his own spunk over my knuckles. Minutes later I slipped free and we both returned to our respective dreams.

The second time I awoke it was to the sound of movement and a quick feel assured me that it wasn't the Street Arab from Hell, someone was in the room. I opened my eyes and peered over the covers to find Patric and Henry both in towelled bathrobes looking out of the window at the rain. Henry seeing me alive picked up a tray and approached the bed with Pat in tow.

'Tea?' Henry actually smiled, their night must have gone well.

'Cheers,' I sat up shaking the little one's bony shoulder.

'Wassup, wassup,' he mumbled and poked his head up. 'Oh,' he blushed red seeing our visitors and clutched me and promptly went back to sleep again or pretended to.

'Don't mind him, he's mad,' I told Henry and accepted one of the mugs after he'd sugared it up. 'Two spoons for the muppet.'

'Nice mad,' Henry murmured and ever so accidently sat on the edge of the bed on David's side.

'Tip his tea over him,' Patric suggested callously and sat on my side letting his gown fall open to give me a glimpse of his belly and shaved pubic area. 'OK, Den?'

'Yeah, fine,' I slipped my hand onto his smooth thigh. 'Good night?' I asked him and glanced at Henry who was trying to awake David who was playing silly buggers pretending to be in a coma.

'Excellent,' Henry grinned and slowly tugged the bedding down exposing David's bare shoulders and childish torso.

'Hot cock works,' I suggested.

'I thought you'd never ask,' Patric stood up and dropped his gown and slid into the bed on my side. Good job it was a big bed, I had the funny idea things were going to get busy and crowded. Seeing Patric act must have given Henry the all clear as he too dropped his gown and stood there giving me a good viewing of his slender light brown almost golden form before kneeling on the bed and straddling the now wide eyed David. The boy now laying on his back reached out and grasped Henry's semi hard penis and gently squeezed.

'Treat me gently, I'm a virgin,' he declared and promptly dissolved in a fit of near hysterical laughter.

'Really,' Henry smiled and pinning the laughing boy on the bed shuffled up until his swinging dark skinned dick was level with David's face and then lowered his hips until his dark purple knob just grazed David's lips. Davey boy's mouth opened up like a crocodile and he lifted his head absorbing half of Henry's meat in one mouthful.

It seemed our overnight guest had been both well briefed and had found his feet at the same time. There was no shyness here just basic lusty boy play and Davey was quite happy obliging. He didn't care one little bit, he just liked dick and that wasn't Dick van Dyke by the way.

I lay on my side and felt Pat's stiff meat slip between my cheeks and a sudden jerk, the bastard had pronged me but fortunately I was still pretty loose from the boy's performance and I just laid there and accepted his little bit of loving, David on the other hand was going into one of his frantic sex mad spells.

'Hold it,' he grinned up at Henry flathanding the youth's belly back and reversed around in the bed. He lay on his side and took me into his mouth and waggled his stumpy cock in my face, naturally enough I took him in and settled down to Patric fucking me in the normal place and David's cock fucking into my mouth. Henry was left out in the cold but he soom realised what David's game was and settled in behind the smaller boy and after a bit of a wriggle thrust home.

'Took long enough,' David gobbled around my slippery cock and stared to push back onto Henry quite happily as the delivery boy started to give him a good shagging.

'Henry's coming around tonight,' Patric announced as he shagged without missing a beat. 'I offered him you,' he nuzzled at the back of my neck.

'Fine by me,' I glanced at Henry and he grinned back. Yeah, I liked him, I'm sure we'd get on alright.

'I'll look after The Little Bitch from Hell,' Patric continued reaching around and tweaked David's nose.

'Yeah, I'll give you bitch.'

'Don't talk with your mouth full,' Henry chuckled from David's back and I could hear his flesh slapping against David as Pat's slapped against mine. God knows what the bed was going to be like after all this. I don't know who came first but I got another load as did David and we finished off our mutual blow with Pat and Henry flopped out sucking in lungfuls of air.

Three very slightly shagged out boys and one young man were depleted and David and I celebrated by exchanging spunky kisses and grinding our limpo noodles against each other.

'That was a good 'un,' David exclaimed brightly. I suddenly realised the kid was from another planet. No normal human being is entitled to be that cheerful and lively after something like ten hours of non stop sex, not unless it was a mini twerp from the Planet Cum.

'Shut up, Davey,' Pat and I chorused, Henry just laughed and stretched in the bed. He must have thought he'd arrived at boy sex heaven and he seemed quite happy with his introduction, induction, enrolment or whatever you want to call it.

We just lay there idly chatting and listening to the rain, it was far too early to get up although Henry was a bit worried about his moped. We soothed him or rather David soothed him whilst Pat and I just did our normal morning cuddle.

It was quite a relief to find out that Henry was a reasonable short order chef and soon knocked up a minimal breakfast, well not quite as minimal as boiled eggs on toast it was a bit better than that. Even David kept quiet as we sat around in the kitchen and ate. In the end Henry decided that he had to go and he left, he left us with the washing up but that was reasonable as he'd done the cooking and we made David the duty slave, mind you, we had dangled a carrot, we'd promised to run through all the boys pictures on the computer and have a chat to Loren if we could raise him online.They'd be at it for hours, two nutty bois together.

Pat and I did our normal Saturday morning clean up leaving diddy David on the computer having showed him how to go through the collected items and he was still trawling and slobbering when we'd finished.

We had the makings of a lunch in the fridge, it was oven ready chips and a shambles of a salad but that was about our top limit on the cookery front, anyway, with enough bread and butter it was enough to keep us happy and David didn't have anything to say, he just ate everything that was put on the table. I really thought he was going to save the washing up and eat the plates but no such luck, I really don't know how anyone so small could eat so much but then again, how could anyone that age be so active (and passive I suppose I should add).

'You could take some films of me practicing my diving,' he suggested as we relaxed at the end of the meal.

'I could make a mini film of Pat oiling you up and abusing you,' I suggested.

'Even better,' Pat grinned. 'I fancy a starring role.'

'I get to do Pat as well,' David grinned. 'Fair's fair.'

'Why not,' Pat just shrugged. Why not indeed, we had an afternoon to get through and a bit more sex wouldn't go amiss.

I'll see if Nick's camcorder is charged up,' I left them to it.

By the time I got back to them they had relocated to the pool and were sitting naked with their feet in the water which was still warm with the heating in spite of the weather outside, they were just sitting on the edge splashing around.

'Take your places,' I called and kicked a couple of the inflatable lilios to the best lit part of the decking. 'Stick a couple of nice big beach towel on those,' I instructed. David leapt to it, that boy was keen and for a moment I was envious of Pat but then again I'd had David all night and I needed to keep my strength up for the evening.

''What do I do?' David sprawled on the towels in all his naked glory.

'Let Pat get you all oiled up and act naturally.'

'Yeah,' Pat agreed. 'Stacks of dick and fanny shots as well. You're a star.'

'Right,' David extended his arms and legs and lay there like a big starfish. Cue for Pat to start oiling. Of course, what I really wanted was them both oiled up and both having sex, a film for me on the cold winter nights to come. Wanky film, my two favourite people doing the dirty. Well, Loren and Alex were also favourites but they were up in London town and these two were here.

They were having fun, there was oil everywhere and David in particular was as slippery as an eel and Pat was getting that way. Both of the randy sods were hard as I was and they wrestled and slipped and slithered all over the towelling both trying to get an advantage on the other. David seemed to have forgotten his offer to play the bottom and was trying to get on top of Pat but my lover boy was far to strong for him and somewhere along the line David gave a long moan and I saw Pat pentrate him in one long slow thrust. The came the contortions, Pat went from on the boy's back to on his side, then a movement of the legs and he was doing it from David's front. more maneuvering and they were at it fully doggy and then back to the full frontal. All the time I was moving in and out taking movement shots and also a lot of closeups of Pat's fat cock spreading and moving in and out of David's well spread little pucker. Quite gory in a way but great fun.

I think it was towards the end and Pat was laid out on his back and David was on top facing out, you know, actually laying on Pat with Pat fucking upwards into David's well stretched hole. I surveyed the situation for a moment and put the camcorder down, this could work. I moved in and knelt between both their legs and told David to hold his ankles down to his shoulders. I don't really think he knew what I intended but I leant right in and aimed for Patric's slowly moving penis and David's stretched ring. One well aimed thrust and I felt my penis glide in on Pat's, push against David's yielding flesh and I was in.

David gave a hell of a yell but it was too late, he had two cocks in his tight little passage and now Pat was fucking him from beneath and I was doing the same more or less from the front.

'You bastard,' he groaned and there were tears in his eyes but he clasped me and tried to kiss as both erections stretched him and moved in and out slowly and jerkily but both within him all the same. The sensation of fucking into the same hole as my lover Patric was extraordinary, I could feel every one of his movements and the feel of his hardness and mine constricted in such a tight passage was the turn on to end all turn ons.

'I've gotta cum,' Pat moaned.


We must have cum at around the same time and the volume of boy spunk shooting up into David's now well stretched bottom flooded him. I felt squishy and cum was actually spilling from the boy's battered ring, he just bounced about between the two of us like a well juiced up rag doll. I think I slid free first and then David slipped off of Patric, his hole was weeping stale spunk and his sweaty body went limp as both I and Patric cuddled him to death.

'You made me cum,' he moaned pitifully. Well, that explained some of the mess anyway. 'Good though, wannit!'

There was no putting that boy down, he crammed one of the smaller towels between his cheeks and lay there like the Belle of the Ball. Far from being upset at the near rape he was as pleased as Punch, he'd probably tell all his pervy mates in the week.

'Sorry about that, I got carried away.' I muttered and kissed him gently.

'It was an experience,' he said quietly for once. 'Absolutely wicked.'

We must have lay there for a good hour satisfied and played out. Somewhere along the line David retired to the bathroom and returned sometime later exagerating a bandy walk, he still managed to slip between us and he'd have been ready for more if either Pat or myself had the energy but we were played out and we had a long night to look forward to. We had a quick rinse off in the poolside shower and spent time splashing around and buggering about without any real intent of swimming. The end shutter was down anyway which considerably shortened the pool. Peering through the shutters we saw that it was still drizzling and eventually retired to the upstairs lounge again and got the fire going. It wasn't cold at all but it made the place cosier and it was a bloody big room.

Pat and I spent the afternoon going through old videos and DVDs, much to our amazement David actually went to sleep on the sofa but we didn't awaken him, in fact, we both appreciated a bit of peace and quiet. Never mind, he was fully awake around six o'clock keen to watch the Saturday sport and keen to feed his little belly. Jeez, that kid could eat.

Pat knocked up sandwiches and soup reminding us both that there was a meal incoming with Henry so we eventually gave the television the elbow and settled for a couple of horror films, a nice quiet Saturday night indoors in the rainswept English countryside. David disappeared halfway through the film and we knew that he'd returned to the computer probably to oggle nude kids and try and raise his mate nutty Loren on IM or even one of the others. That did us, we were an old married couple and it was nice to be free of the child for a little while at least and do what married people do... nothing.

Dave the Rave had just returned to us and we were all stationed in front of the television when the bell went. Needless to say Dave went racing down the stairs assuming it was Henry and it was. They came back up clutching boxes and bags and it looked like we were in for a feast of sorts. David was all over Henry like a right ittle tart but he'd missed out, Henry was my assignation for the night and I was looking forward to it or rather him. I must day I had a kink for the darker skinned boys, I had good sex with Alex who was a Paki and even David who had some sort of raghead in his bloodline. Henry was a bit more of the same, odd really as the love of my life was a blonde Irish Scandinavian type but enough of that.

With the amount Henry had brought with him we settled around the table to eat, at least all the rubbish would end up in the same place and it would save spillage other than what David managed to tip onto the carpet.

'Betcha like this weather,' David gabbled and looked across at Henry.


'Well monsoons and all the rest of it, just like at home.'

'I was born in this country,' Henry smiled looking slightly mystified. 'I suppose you prefer sandstorms.'

'Why?' It was David's turn to look puzzled.

'Cos you look like a fuckin' Arab,' Patric chortled.

'I'm just sallow.' David had clearly had the raghead accusation before.

'Sallow?' I chipped in my twopennyworth. 'You're khaki... you're a bloody wog.'

'And fuck you too,' David shouted and flinging his fork down and stormed from the room no doubt headed for the computer.


'I think you'd better go and apologise,' Patric said. 'That was a bit unkind.'

'Well he is,' I said stubbornly I suppose and maybe a bit childishly as well but I hadn't thought he'd fly up in the air like that.

'Maybe he needs a bit of a kiss and a cuddle,' Henry grinned. 'A bit of the old Dennis charm.'

'Suck his dick,' Patric laughed. 'Works for me.'

'Slut,' I grumbled but doggedly shovelled down the remainder of my food down before I stood.

'Get him in a good mood,' Patric smiled encouragingly. 'I don't want him grizzling all night.'

'Alright.' I left them to finish and clearup and wandered downstairs. I knew that I'd been out of order but I hadn't realised that our mouthy little guest was so thin skinned. Perhaps I'd insulted him, having some inkling of David's strange mentality, he probably saw himself as a blonde Nordic god... he was a bit of a weirdo.

Of course, as suspected he was on the house computer - well, we wouldn't trust him on Nick's - and I could see on the screen that he was chatting to Lorenzo as I thought he maybe.

'Sorry, buttercup,' I put my hands on his shoulders and nuzzled his smooth neck.


'Hey, hey,' I flickered my tongue under his ear and then took his dusky shell-like into my mouth. 'That's a bit strong.'

'Pervert,' he giggled as my tongue snaked into his ear and my hand slipped inside his t-shirt and fingered one of his nipples. 'Don't get me going...' he sighed and I felt him relax. He was dead easy, our David was a little sex maniac... easy peasy.

I'M BEING SEDUCED, he typed.




HI. LOREN, I reached over and typed one fingered, David had now turned his head and was accepting a little mouth to mouth.

YOU UPSET DAVE.... U DICK. That was Loren straight to the point as usual.


ROFW... that was Loren's alternative to ROFL, his was 'Roll on the Floor Wanking' but that's Loren.

'You don't want to shag a raghead do you?' David squirmed and wriggled as I bore him to the carpet kissing and flattening him out like some sort of sacrifice.

'Not really,' I straddled him and looked down at his disappointed face and shuffled up until my knees were abreast his chest. Quickly unzipping and a fumble later I dangled my half hard penis by his lips. With a broad grin he held it gently and guided it into his wide open mouth. As he lay there with his hands on the top of my thighs I gently slipped in and out of his slippery suction getting harder and harder.

I stuck it right down in the back of his throat until he choked and then slipped it out. 'Am I forgiven then?'

'Just about,' he gave his familiar nutty grin and grasping my saliva coated stiffy tugged it down to his mouth. Good, we were pals again. I gently moved into his avidly sucking mouth but I didn't really think I was going to cum but David was an expert with that little slippery tongue of his and the next thing I knew it was the familiar tight balls and a mouthfull of spunk for him. He was pleased, mind you he was very easily pleased. 'I'll sleep like a log tonight, I'm worn out,' he chirped like the mini loon he was.

'I don't think Patric will be too happy with that,' I observed.

'Oh, I'll shag him first,' he grinned. 'Get off me, we'd better get back upstairs.'

'Shut the computer down first.'

'OK,' he seemed pleased being trusted with something. 'Show me how, Den-Den.'

After that we wandered back upstairs to find the others sprawled on the floor by the fire listening to some low romantic music like a pair of lovebirds. My keen nose picked up the scent of cum, they must have had a quicky before splitting for bed then again so had I so fair enough I suppose.

'You made up, you two,' Patric asked stretching out like a big cat.

'Yeah, he grovelled,' David lied cheerfully and flopped down alongside Pat, not to be left out I subsided to the carpet as well. Needless to say I was inches away from Henry, it was partner changing time and the night was till reasonably young. It was Sunday tomorrow and the rain seemed set in for the weekend so we may as well stay in bed as we knew the pizza place didn't operate on a Sunday. Henry hadn't said anything about going home and no one was hassling him.

I craftily grasped the back of Henry's trousers and squeezed one soft buttock and felt it tense in my hand, it was nice amd Henry didn't make a sound. A firmer graps and I felt him edge back a bit onto me as we lay there by the fire. Why not? David had already started on Patric.

'Gerroff,' Patric muttered trying to shrug the boy off but David wasn't having it, he snuggled up to Patric and started moving like a mongrel up against my lover's back. Patric sighed and rolled his eyes heavenwards. 'Jeeezus.'

'I think he's got the hots,' I remarked.

'He's always got the bloody hots,' Patric grumbled but I noticed he didn't push the ever randy David away, he just accepted the monster's affections. I couldn't grumble, Henry was quite happy with me fondling his bottom but all the same I'd rather feel it in the flesh.

'I'm just about ready for bed,' I gave Henry's tight little arse another squeeze. Well someone had to say it, to lead the way sort of thing.

'Yeah, me too,' Henry stretched and I felt his bottom clench, I nearly popped off on the spot.

I got up and held my hand down to Henry who grasped it and pulled himself to his feet.

'We can have a tidy up in the morning,' Patric reminded us of our duties but his seriousness was slightly spoilt by David clinging to his back like a manic dwarf and grinning like an idot. God, the life in that boy was totally freaky.

'Yeah, yeah,' I gave them both a little smile and Henry and I were off to bed.

'Deary me, I am so tired,' Henry flopped onto the bed still fully dressed and gazed up at me with is brown eyes. 'Absolutely exhausted.'

'Not too tired, I hope?' I asked jumping up and straddling his body. He'd thrown me a bit, I expected him to take the lead being the older but it looked as if I'd have to push the boat out.

'Well... I dunno,' he reached out and grabbed me around the waist dragging me down alongside him. He looked at me for a moment and then smiling kissed me fully on the lips. 'You are so sweet.'

Yeuch. Just what I didn't want to hear, here I was as hard as a rock and ready to go Rambo and he was calling me sweet. I returned his kiss passionately and grabbed him between the legs. To my relief he was up for it. I could feel his hardness in my hand and he groaned probing at my teeth with his tongue. The next thing it was tongues entwined and bodies as I unzipped him and fished around for his stiff chocolate bar. Nothing like a brown cock to get you on your way. He wasn't exceptionally big but bigger than myself and Pat that was for sure. It was hot and hard and that was the main thing.

'We going to bed dressed or naked?'

'I love that word naked,' I grinned down at him ripping my top gear off as he lay there admiring my great little body, what taste the pizza man had. He reached up and unzipped me as I'd done him and parted my jeans at the top, pulling my briefs down he took my raging erection in his hand and slowly moved it to and fro.

'Nice,' he edged me closer and licked the tip, a second later my glans was in his mouth and his head stared to move. Shades of David earlier on but this one could be allowed to last a bit longer. We had all night, no need to hurry.

Of course, I shuffled around and grabbed his dark brown cock which seemed huge after David, well, it was huge after David's but enough of the brat. I went down on him feeling his meaty mass fill my mouth and start to move to and fro. Whilst he was busy gobbling me I licked one finger and reaching under his smooth scrotum holed in one. He groaned around my cock and I felt his tight arse clamp on my finger as I probed and moved it deeper and deeper into his sweet bum. For a boy or a young man that was older than both Patric and myself he was as tight as a budgie's hole and more to the point he seemed to be enjoying it. He turned the tables slightly when he returned the compliment and I felt his slippey digit in me moving and relaxing my ring. We sucked and slurped finger fucking for a while until he moved around and I felt his lips on mine again, he rolled me flat and I felt him between my legs. It was time. I could feel his brown meat as hard as a rock and knew it was time, he had the hots and that was fine by me.

'Come on,' Henry,' I laughed softly as he rolled me onto my side and then onto my belly. I felt his legs inside mine and then his hot breath on my neck. He wasn't playing games, he was going for it. I tensed and then relaxed as I felt his slippery glans slip between my cheeks. The bulbous mass pressed at my pucker and with a jerk he was inside me. It hurt a bit but nothing to worry about, he was bigger than the boyfriend after all.

'Yessss....' He sighed with satisfaction as his hot cock opened me up and he started to move, slowly and gently he took it all the way until his crisp black pubics mashed against my cheeks and he spread my legs even further pentrating as deep as he could in that particular position. The next time we'd do a frontal but this was fine for starters. 'OK,' he grunted nibbling the back of my neck.

'Fine,' I clamped hard on his cock and pushed upwards as he began to move. I'll say one thing for him, he took his time. He pushed it right into the hilt and then gave an extra push before sliding it right out until he was nearly clear and then repeated the process again and again. It wouldn't last it never does but he made sure I felt it, he was tugging on my hips almost pulling me into a doggy pose and then he started to move faster. he was full of surprises though, he slipped free and quickly rolled me onto my back and hoiseted my legs into the air. I grinned - been there, seen,it done it and got the t-shirt sorta thing.

I clasped his narrow hips as he really started going to town digging deep and hard and when he finally glued his lips to mine our tongues slid together as I felt his thick brown cock swell and begin to spurt. Jeez, he was good, I don't know what sort of diet he was on but he seemed to cum forever, I clamped and gasped as his warm splashes coated my gut and his movements got really slippery and slidey. In the end I grasped his sweat sheened flanks holding him in tight as he lay his cheek against mine breathing heavily like an exhausted athlete which I suppose he was. My hands slipped and clasped at his firm buttocks, I was so hard I was weeping, I could feel the slip of my precum between our bellies as he lay on me and his own relaxing penis slipped free.

'Good?' I grinned fucking up between our bellies.

'Wicked,' he pulled off a bit and looked at me. 'Patric said you were good.'

'My number one fan,' I grinned.

'Well, I'll be your number two,' he rolled onto his back taking me with him. Looking up into my eyes he smiled again. 'You feel about right...'

'I am, I am,' I chuckled and moved down a bit placing my knees inside his and then moved up forcing his brown legs up and then down onto his chest. We didn't need any starters or lube, I could see the sweat on his back and the moisture in his crack. I was oozing liberally and just placed my erection at his hole and pushed.

'Aaaaah...' He gasped and his legs slipped off my shoulders and clamped around my waist. No long fuck this, as soon as I was firmly seated in his flesh I started to go for it. Mine was going to be a quicky but we had all night after all. I rammed deeply into his tight flesh and fucked his tight brown arse with all the power at my command. I actually shoved him up the bed until he really clamped his legs restricting me to short and hard jabs but I was there. I could feel my balls tight in their sac and the burning which was the giveaway. I almost cried out as I felt the searing surge and then actually flopped on him as my erection spewed my juices deep into his body. I was done, I made a few more movements but it was all over, I felt my slimy but sated cock moving in his slippery passage and he grabbed the back of my neck dragging me in for a long and hard kiss.

'Patric was right,' he sighed. 'You are a little manic rabbit.'

'Not that little ,' I smiled tiredly.

'True,' he whinced as I slipped free and pulled the bedding over us. 'We gotta do that again.'

'Indeedy,' I cuddled up to his warm, sweaty and tacky body. Damn sure we would, I just need a couple of hours snooze and I'd be as good as new.

We did indeed do it again in the middle of the night and it was equality all around, he did me and I did he.

I don't know what itme it was but I could just about hear the birds and I could hear the sound of rain so no change there. Henry's body was tucked up ahainst mine and I could feel his semi hardness pressed against my bum and the warmthof his chest on my back. I could feel something else on my face and I didn't know what it was, I slowly opened my eyes half expecting one of those bloody great spiders that sometimes get into the house but to my relief was face to face with a boy noodle being lightly drageed across my cheeks and lips.

'You are so sick,' I muttered as I recognised the dusky middle portion of one demented house guest. Yeah, you get two guesses and it shouldn't be to hard. 'Davey, it's Sunday morning,' I whined.

'Pissing down,' he cackled. 'End of the world time. Floods, burst rivers....'

'It's going to be end of the world time for you unless you get in the bed or fuck off.'

'Right,' he giggled and managed to force himself between Henry and myself waking up Henry in the process. There was no going back to sleep now. 'You know what we did by the pool yesterday?'

'Yeah,' I tried to cuddle Henry but it was difficult with a kewpie doll stuck between us. 'I remember... you want it again?' I suddenly realised what the sex mad little shit was upto.

'Yeah, you and Pizza here.' I looked across at Henry as he was looking slightly mystified as well he might.

'Davey took us both yesterday,' I explained. 'At the same time.'

'What?' Henry laughed. 'In his demented dreams,' he pushed Davey as the tyke shoved back onto him and then thought better of it squeezing the slender brown body in a sandwich between us.'

'True,' I looked at Davey and he gave me a little smirk, he was up for it again. 'What's Pat doing?'

'Snoring,' Davey was brief.

'You up for an experiment, Henry?'

'I'm hard if that's what you mean.'

'That'll do... stick it in the slut.'

'Oi, oi,' Davey laughed and I saw his expressin change as it happened. An opening of the eyes and mouth and then his little sigh of satisfaction as he got what he wanted... what he always wanted, a stiff cock up his bottom. 'Yeah, nice,' he wriggled back onto Henry's slow movements. It looked like I had to do the hard bit again but this time it should be easier.

'Go onto your back, Henry, keep the child in posotion and then hold his legs right back.' I issued the orders and as they lay there with Davey ontop impaled on Henry's brown spike Davey put his legs right back and Henry held them. He seemed to accomodate Davey's slight weight OK so I parted Henry's legs and knelt between them I was as hard as a rock looking at the stump of Henry's stiffness outside davey's well stretched brown skinned pucker. I coated myself with KY and brought my glans down so that it slipped against Henry's hardon or what I couid see of it.

I did exactly as I had yesterday but more carefully, I pushed against the rim of Davey's pucker and felt it give.

He pulled a strained face and gave a groan but he opened up accepting my cock alongside Henry's. This time as I slid in I clasped Henry squeezing Davey between us and Henry and I made out first tentative little moves. This was better than yesterday, Davey was wel stretched and we both fucked away in unison savouring the feel of each other's stiffnesses gliding in and out of Davey as he thrashed about speared on two cocks.

There were tears at the corner of his eyes but he refused to thrown himself sideways and slip off which he could have done. He lasted the course until I came and then felt Henry's cock pulse alongside mine and more young spunk get added to the mess inside Davey.

'God, that was an experience,' Henry gave an almighty push up and we slipped apart and lay there as an exhausted and sweaty shambles.

'Gotta do that again,' Davey laughed in spite of a fanny that must have been totally wrecked. 'You and Pat,' he looked at Henry and Henry looked at me with despair in his eyes. I think Henry was probably like myself and my attitude was quite Christian, Sunday was a day of rest. With Davey in the house Sunday could turn into a day of torture but then again, what a way to go.

'I gotta go to the bathroom,' Davey sprang from the bed and you could see the spilt cum shiny between his cheeks and down his legs.

'Snoring does it every time,' Patric observed from the doorway with a tray in his hands. 'He thinks you're asleep.'

The soap will continue with

Part 6... Stan

MixPix of the characters.

Next: Chapter 6

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