Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 8, 2006


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter


It was a hard night I must admit. Dennis was like a sex maniac, he'd gotten a taste for it and there was no stopping him but I think we'd both shot our bolts in a manner of speaking and finally dropped off to sleep sometime after midnight. I slept well, I hadn't had sex for some time other than with Nick and I really enjoyed Dennis, he was sweet, he was cute, he was a laugh and he was a bloody good fuck. No more to be said there I fancy.

I awoke to the sound of the phone which rang in Nick's bedroom and down in the lounge, Nick's bedrom being the nearest I made a naked dash whilst Dennis sat up rubbing his eyes like the dopey Doormouse in Alice in Stressed Out Land or whatever.

I sat on the edge of his bed and listened to a set of revised instructions. Apparently overnight one of the boys from Wimbledon had got sick, mumps, hangover, split ring or whatever this mob suffered from and their weekend was delayed. In fact, Jo the guy in Wimbledon was wanting to come down for a ten day spell with his little harem and stay... all this due to the bad weather, it seemd he was getting stressed with his little zoo and needed space. As for Dennis and myself, we weren't off the hook. Nick and the latest boyfriend were visiting and would arrive in the evening, they were staying overnight as Nick often does and he expected me to have the place spick and span. He also wanted to meet Dennis and when Nick says 'meet' he means big time. I think wife swopping was mentioned so I had to brief Dennis. This job was good for me and Dennis would get a good spinoff as well so I needed him to toe the company line as it were. I knew perfectly well that I'd got the job on looks and the willingness to 'join in' as they say and I didn't want Dennis to balls it up. After his performance of last night I had no fears though, he'd jumped in the water cold cocked and was enjoying the deep end just fine. I wondered what Nick's latest partner was like, they usually came in all shapes and sizes. Not to big and beefy I hoped, I liked his little uns.

I went into the kitchen and made a couple of mugs of tea and trundled them back upto the Sleeping Beauty, it was half past eight and Nick would expect the place sparkly or at least looking like a home and not a rubbish tip by the time he arrived. Shouldn't be too much of a struggle with two of us on the job provided we could keep our hands off each other for an hour or so.

'Greeting, Dennis the Menace,' I shook his shoulder and waved the mug in his face as he surfaced.

'I wasn't asleep.'

'Of course not, sweetmeat,' I smiled down at him. 'Working morning and a change of plan for this evening.'


He sat up in the bed and listened to me as I broadly outlined what the Bossman had told me, even the bit about wife swopping.

'So, what are you saying; I have to zonk with this guy Nick and you have to kip in with his boyfriend ?'

'Something like that,' I watched his face keenly. I didn't want to lose him so soon after making friends but this was part and parcel of the job and to me as an unemployable school leaver it was a good job. Nick paid me fine and the fringe benefits were good. Nick was away a lot and it did get lonely looking after an empty house, I wanted a playmate and if that playmate didn't like the sex aspect I was in trouble, if he did, then I was on a roll.

'Could be fun,' he grinned to my relief. 'That's if you don't mind, that is.'

'It's only for the night, they'll be leaving around lunchtime. The rest of the week we have the place to ourselves. I shrugged off my dressing gown and slipped into bed... sod the housework, Nick would never notice, he never did.

'What about this housework?' He reached over me and put his mug on the bedside fitting and rubbed his hard little pecker against mine. 'We having a bit of a lie in,? He kissed my nose.

'Yeah,' I groaned and pumped up grasping his firm young boy's bottom. 'Aaaah,' I sighed my satisfaction as I felt his legs open and capture my jerking erection.

'Nice,' he whispered as he moved his belly wanking himself between our smooth tummies, I just lazily fucked between his legs and fondled his totally beautiful bum. 'Pat...' he squealed with laughter as I rolled over putting him underneath.

'Jeez, I want you so hard, Den.'

'Take me then,' he whispered gazing into my eyes. 'Take me I'm yours,' he softly crooned slowly lifting his knees either side of my torso. 'Love doing it with you, Pat,' he softly kissed me as my head dropped before I knelt up and reached for the lube. Hell of a way to start a day...

'Gonna fuck you silly,' I whispered as I nudged my aching hardness upto his tight little hole.

'Cor, my bum's a bit sore,' he grinned up at me later as I finally slid free smearing my cum up under his tight nuts.

'How's the dick?' I enquired hopefully.

'Hard,' he laughed. It was indeed hard, the randy little rat even had a bead of precum at the pee slit and which was slowly rolling down his dark red glans.

'What was that song you were singing a while ago?'

'Dunno,' he wrinkled his face up trying to think back.

'Take me I'm yours,' I laughed and flopped onto my back. 'Come on, do your duty and we'll sort out some food.'

'Yeah, yeah,' he hollered and knelt up close to my totally exposed pucker. 'Where's that stuff.'

'You don't need it,' I reached out and smeared his driblet of precum over his dry glans and guided his hot little sweetmeat down to my hole.

'This is the bit I like,' he gave me a toothy smile and gently pressed in.

I gasped as I felt him open me up and his hot cock entered my body. Once in he started to move slowly to and fro gaining depth and I grabbed his neck bringing him down for a gum numbing kiss. 'That's the bit I like as well,' I held his narrow hips as he started to pump in and out until I felt his mons pubis up under my nuts. I stroked his smooth back and his tight little buns savouring the velvety texture of his dark skin. Gawd, I loved this little boy so bad it bloody well hurt.

He lasted longer than I did, in fact, he took his time and I lay there gazing at his sweaty face and into his brown eyes as he made love slowly and sensually, he really tried and I loved him for it. He was good sex and when he finally came his hot little splashes in me I was well and truly satisfied. Now it was time for more mundane things... like breakfast and a bit of a cleanup. Tonight? Ah, well, who knew what tonight would bring. I just hope that he and Nick struck it off although I was pretty sure they would. Of course, I was forgetting that he had actually seen Nick perform from a distance so he had some idea at least.

Another thing we saw eye to eye on, neither of us were breakfast people, coffe and toast was enough and we got straight down to work. Me doing a wall of death with the hoover and he doing a crash bang wallop with the duster and polish. All in all after a sweaty forenoon the place did look a bit better and as a bonus we had a sunny afternnon to waste.

'We'll have a decent meal when Nick gets here, he's taking us out for dinner,' I told him as we finally moved from coffees to Cokes.

'Did he give a time?'

'Around six, so we need to be ready.'

'OK,' he grinned. 'Five hours, what we gonna do?'

'Swim and lounge,' I suggested. I knew what I wanted to do, four hours had elapsed since our early morning session and I could see by his half smile that we were on the same wavelength.

'Great,' he grabbed his can and laughed. 'Last one's in's a poof.' With that he shot out of the kitchen door racing for the back of the pool. A second later I was in hot pursuit.

I followed his trail of discarded flip flops, t'shirt and blue shorts and found him already in the pool larking around and laughing up at me. My Monkey Boi... God he was gorgeous. I threw my clothing off and dived in alongside grabbing his slippey body as I came to the surface.

'Gerrof, gerrof,' he shouted and giggled as I grabbed him in a bear hug and managed to slip my reawakening penis between his legs. 'Aaah, that'll do,' we stood swaying in the warm water with our feet just about touching the bottom.

'Turn around and hold onto the side,' I ordered.

'Then what?' He grinned at me cheekily but turned around all the same and holding the side spread his legs. We'd never done it in the pool before but it seemed great minds thought alike. 'Aaah, Pat,' he moaned as I moved in behind him and placed my now fully hard erection against his tight little ring. 'Take it easy.'

'Of course,' I whispered and holding his flat belly with one hand and my hardness steady with the other gave a gentle push.

'Aaaah,' he groaned and his legs buckled a little but I was in him. I felt his sphincter part and then his delicious heat and tightness welcome me as I slipped in an inch or so and began to slowly move to and fro opening him up and filling him with my rampant boy sex. We were off.

'Yeah, you are so good, Den.'

'You keep saying that,' he laughed and pushed back onto my thrusts. 'Ain't too bad yourself, Pat.' He craned his head around into my frantic kisses as I began to pound into his soft bottom. No two ways about it, I was gone, I was as bent as a three bob watch, I was madly and sadly in love with my little twelve year old Dennis.

It didn't take long, I climaxed in a flurry of movement digging in deep and hard and he loved it, he pushed back so hard at one stage he nearly ruptured me but I squirted in the end. Spurt after spurt of my creamy boy spunk deep into his smoothy little belly and he literally squirmed on it and at the end went limp as I slowly moved in and out until I softened and slipped free.

'Geez, I gotta lie down,' I gave him a final kiss and clambered from the pool and collapsed on one of the foam rubber lilo things. Not the bed the one just tossed on the floor, I knew what he wanted and I didn't want the bloody bed collapsing on me as it had in the past. Cum in, cum out was our private little motto. I was thinking of getting it translated into Latin and engraved on his and his bracelets but someone at his school would suss it out.

He stood above me and gave his chipmunk grin. I just opened my legs and he knelt between them, he knew what he wanted and he knew what I wanted, something to do with that darker skinned spike of his jutting up and out from his belly, all four inches of stiff boymeat and it was mine all mine.

'Where's the stuff?'

Silently I handed him the suntan lotion, the lube of choice for around the pool, it looked a little better than tubes of KY strewn around the place.

As I lifted my knees to my chest in invitation he smeared some on his rigid spike and moved in.

He slid straight into me as we both gave satisfied groans. He happy with entering me and me totally enjoying the feel of his boyish mass sliding into my bottom just where it belonged. We'd come a long way in twenty four hours and it was getting better by the minute. He liked his sex slowly did Dennis and I liked what he liked, the steady in and out and the constant tongue on tongue was erotic and I was hard again as he well knew. He did his usual trick, as my legs slipped down his back he lay on me and fucked in tight, belly to belly actually wanking me between our guts, his slippery cock sliding in and out of my boy fanny was a bonus.

It ended to soon. My legs went up again for the last lap giving him total access as he started to move faster and I saw the sweat beading his forehead and in the end he rammed into me with his mouth glued to mine and I felt his sperm slipping into me and filling my passage. He'd cum well but my little Dennis always did.

'Now we're both shagged,' he declared proudly as his slippery and softening noodle slid from me. I just nodded down my belly. A quick grin and he ducked his head bringing me to yet another mini climax. 'Both dry,' he chortled with my spunk glistening on his lips.

'Come here,' I grabbed him pulling him down for a long tongue wrestling session.

We decided in the end to have a lay down and actually have a snooze to harbour our strength for the evening. The master plan was to set the alarm for five, shower and be ready willing and able to meet the boss and his tame rent boy or whatever he was dragging around at six as per our instructions.

Nick rolled up just after the appointed time to find myself and Dennis at the front door forming a welcoming committee at the front door like the old servants used to do when the aristocracy had been away for a few weeks. He was escorting this boy or youth, it was a bit difficult to say which. His companion could have been anything between sixteen and twenty four, a baby faced boy on what appeared to be a pretty fit body. On closer inspection the baby face was debateable, a doll's face maybe. He was bent though, of that there was no doubt. I don't know if you'll run with this or not but he walked queer, he didn't swish, don't get me wrong but he walked more like a girl than a boy and I wondered briefly if he was a juvenile sex change. And Dennis...

Dennis was out of it, his eyes were glued to Nick. My handsome and rather randy landlord or rather my employer had a fan and that fan was my Dennis. I was bloody mortified. All we'd done together over the last day or so was out of the window, Dennis was gazing at Nick like a lovelorn calf or a lovelorn thingy of some sort or t'other.

'Intoduce me to your charming little friend.' Nick walked in and parked his arm around this other guy's shoulder. 'Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine,' he grinned cheerfully ignoring my face which must have been like thunder.

'This is my new boyfriend, Dennis,' I replied quite boldly.

Dennis nodded his head like a puppet and stood alongside me with a shy smile on his face.

'Greeting Dennis,' Nick camped on. 'This is young Gringa who likes to be called Gregory or Greg, he'll be staying with me and then we're off to Paris for a week on business... we can talk about that later.'

Both Dennis and I ducked our heads to the boy/man but he bounded over and started shaking hands like a lunatic, most un-English if I say so myself.'

'Greg, is Russian,' Nick told us pulling a face behind Greg's back as if this explained it. 'They're into shaking hands amongst other things.'

'Yes, I shake everything,' Greg smiled speaking in what I thought was excellent English if a bit stilted. I decided then and there I was rather fond of that deeeep, dark Russian accent.

'Come on, let's go and eat,' Nick clapped his hands as if we were a troupe of performing seals and away we went. Actually it wasn't as horrendous as it sounds from what I've written. Nick made enough conversation for all of us as we drove into Lewes centre, Greg or Gringa who sat upfront with Nick seemed fascinated by the amount of young people, mainly students trolling about the town although it was early evening and set to be a pleasant one at that.

We had a nice meal in a local hostelry if that's the word and Greg got to chatting a bit. It seemed he was a student chef although he didn't say where he studied, he had all the legitimate paperwork to be in the country which he told us at least three times. Oh yeah, he was gay or queer depends what word you prefer. He didn't say that but it was obvious to me and probably to Dennis as well the way he held his eating irons, the way he talked and the way he moved. In fact with that thick Russian accent he looked a bit like a midget transvestite which isn't very kind but a thought that just sorta flitted through my mind.

Of course I had a vested interest. I knew my Nick and he was going to swag Dennis at bedtime as sure as God made little apples. I don't know if Greg was aware but he and I were scheduled to share a bed, I could read Nick like a book. Bloody good job I'd more or less briefed Dennis although the way he was oggling Nick he was going to have no trouble with the assignment.

As I've said, a pleasant meal and it wasn't until around nine that we piled into the car and and we were on our way back to the old hacienda. Chez Nick.

We got home and we helped when Nick and Greg lugged in their bags and then Greg went back and got a box. I was curious Nick never brought booze home with him and here was the Russian trucking in a case of Smirnoff Ice which I knew with my limited knowlege was alcoholic although favoured by the younger drinkers. Greg proceded to fill the fridge with them giving me quite a sweet smile in the process.

'I think I am sharing with you tonight,' he suddenly spoke out.

'I thought you might,' I said dryly, Nick and Dennis were in the lounge nattering away.

'I would rather have stayed with Nick,' the Russian replied artlessly.

'I'd rather have stayed with Dennis but there you go.'

'Never mind,' his voice had dropped. 'I shall give you a good time.' He smiled and then quite calmly groped me you know where. 'Yes, I shall give you a good time,' he whispered.

'Good,' I grabbed him around the waist as he wasn't much bigger than I was and grabbed his bum. Yeah, he'd do, he had a tight little arse like a fourteen year old schooly and as I felt him press into me I could feel his stiffness mash against mine. Yeah, I'd miss my little Dennis but Greg would do. Duty is a stern taskmaster after all.

'Four all round,' Nick called. 'If they're cold enough that is...'

Greg smiled at me and shrugged. We took two bottles of the Smirnoff each and returned to the lounge to join the other two.

'Jo and his boys will be arriving on Friday evening, he'll probably phone when he leaves.' Nick started. After opening our bottles we all found somewhere to perch as Nick waved us to sit. I finished up with Greg sharing an armchair, the Russian kid seemed to have gotten himself a case of the Patric hots... what an excellent judge. Dennis sat alongside Nick watching the boss like a right little hero worshiping slut. God, I was going to abuse his tight little bottom once Nick was out of the way.

'You going to be here?' I asked.

'I shall be,' Nick replied but just to get them setled in and to introduce you two who are tasked with keeping them happy.'

'How happy?'

'About a hundred notes a week happy, that's each of course and anything he pays you for mixing in and modelling is yours.'

'We should be able to handle that,' I grinned at Dennis and he nodded eagerly. I shouldn't have thought he'd ever seen a hundred quid in crisp banknotes in his short life. Things were looking up for our Dennis, a boyfriend, a bit of concubinage if that's a word and a ten day paid holiday. Wowsers as a friend of mine would say.

So, what do we fancy apart from an early night.' Nick leered at us wolfishly. 'Peter Pan or porn?'

'Porn.' That was Dennis, myself with the Russian a close third.

'OK. then,' NIck went to his briefcase and took out two videos, held one up and grinned. 'Loren and Florian on this one, just a ten minute sampler and a good mixture of kids on this one,' he slid the first one into the machine and we settled back to watch. I vaguely recalled that Loren and Florian were two of the names of this incoming Friday night mob. Should be interesting to see what the opposition were like in action.

I felt Greg's arm around me as I settled back to watch and it was two of the boys we had seen on the computer. They started off with a basic kiss and snog and then amongst giggling the shorter one, Florian got down into Lorenzo's crotch unzipped him and extracted the kid's limp uncircumcised noodle which soon grew into a fair sized boy cock. Florian then gave what I considered an above average blow job and the grinning Lorenzo squirted all over the place especially over his pal's face. Cue for more spunky kisses and more giggles. All over.

'Wow,' Dennis stared at the flickering screen.

'Double wow,' I exclaimed concious of Greg's hand in my lap and craftily feeling my awakening penis. Thankfully the others couldn't see through the arm of the chair. 'Not bad.'

'Not bad for their first experimental film,' Nick said and once again I wondered what sort of business he was in, he'd never told me and I'd imagined everything from gun running to dope, perhaps it was pornography, he always seemed to have loads about the house.

'The blonde had a nice cock,' Greg looked at Nick sorting out the second film.

'Not as nice as Patric's,' Dennis smiled at me and I promptly forgave his adulation of the leader. Dennis, my number one fan.

'This one is a compilation, lots of young Russian boys and youth... it jumps around a bit but I like it,' He smiled at us with that take it or leave it look he has. It gets bloody annoying at times but I suppose he's the goose that lays the golden eggs and he really is a totally different person in bed. A much nicer person in bed I've got to add.

We sat through this thing for an hour plus and as he's said it was disjointed but good, I think Greg had seen it all before and he was more interested in sorting out my goodies or goody than watching the film. From Dennis' odd remarks he fell madly in love with a little raver called Serge, I was rather taken with a bigger boy called Nickolai or Nick, he was a rather well equiped and very good looking. God knows where they filmed this lot but they did it all ways from Sunday, at one stage the cameraman wobbled and you could see that there was an actual audience of other naked boys... talk about Sin City. I think the classic was one called Golden Boys 99 which featured a blonde angel with sticky out ears who I'd have paid a month's wages to bed. He was absolutely gorgeous, even Greg laid off my meat for a while to oggle this dream kid.

By the end of it we'd all had three of the Smirnoff Reds and although Nick and Greg seemed completely untouched Dennis and myself were going wobbly probably Dennis more so than myself, he was giggling and kissing Nick oblivious of myself and Greg and even I'd got bolder and had delved into Greg's baggy trousers and fondled his stiff cock. He was beginning to look better by the moment.

'Well, I'd like to get on the road by midday tomorrow, Patric,' Nick finally tore himself away from Dennis' embrace. 'Maybe an early night would be in order.'

'Why not,' I looked up at Greg who smiled at me. 'What about when you're away?'

'Just the normal, a good clean up for Friday and I'll probably give you a call in the week... more likely an EMail so check the PC every evening.'

'H'OK Boss.' It was time to go, I had a Greg-man or Greg-girl to entertain. Dennis was having his first session with Nick so it was fun and games all round. We eventually said goodnight to each other and Greg and I went to my bedroom at the front of the house, Nick escorted the slightly wobbly Dennis to his at the rear, my boy Dennis wouldn't feel a thing.

In my bedroom I just flopped on the bed. 'I'm not used to drinking,' I ruefully admitted to Greg. 'Twas nice but I feel woozy.'

'As long as you are active,' he gave me a camp little smirk and started to pull my trainers and socks off. No peace for the wicked is what my mum always says that seemed about right.

'Come here,' I reached out and grabbed his neck pulling him down and took a sample. Yeah, he wasn't a bad kisser and he had very busy hands, he had me exposed in a nano second.

'Yummy,' he smiled and ducked his head. Jeez, he was going into a full scale blow without even getting undressed, most uncivilised. but perhaps Dennis and myself were born naturalists. We got naked every opportunity that we had, we seemed to get off on the sight of each other's bodies... must be true love maybe true lust, it was one or the other anyway. 'Your pal is very nice,' he looked up my stomach briefly.

'Yeah,' I agreed. I didn't want to talk about Dennis, I'd be feeling guilty. Although he was older I started to undress him, sex was supposed to be a partnership after all, he just kept sucking away like he was starving, I just kept fucking into his mouth as I managed to get rid of the rest of my clothes and get him naked. He had a body like a boy in spite of his rather wordly face, he probably sold well in Russia and his dick wasn't the biggest in the world but my experience of adult cock was limited so I took it in hand anyway... natch!

'You like Russian?' He looked up at me and grinned.

'Dunno yet,' I smiled back. 'Now's a good time to find out.'

'I sit on you,' he hopped up and flathanded me onto the bed. A final shlurp at my stiffy and he perched on it and slowly sank his tight little arse on me in one long and slow movement. I nearly passed out, this was a new one on me, even Den didn't just throw himself on me although after tonight we might be trying. He settled lightly on my belly and in a crouching position began to move up and down with every signs of enjoyment. he was babbling away in Russian so I hadn't got a clue what he was on about but after the shock wore off I grabbed his skinny hips and started to fuck upwards into his incredibly tight bum. If he was rent then God know's what Russian virgin boys are like.

'Yeah, go on,' I urged him on and he bounced up and down like a kid's toy, one misjudgement and I'd have a bent dick for the rest of my life. Sod this I rolled him onto his side and started to shag making my own speed and it worked. He made more and more of his growling moans and groans pushing back onto me like he wanted to swallow me whole.

In the end I made one final move rolling him onto his belly and spreading his legs until his schooly bum elevated onto my rampaging cock. 'Yes, yes, yes,' he babbled as I finally rammed into him like a pile driver and exploded my spunky offering deep into his hot and sweaty body. 'Yesssss...' he fell onto the bed and so did I still rammed up his cum filled chute. 'Oooh,' he laughed and clamped on my now softening cock. 'You fuck like a Moscow boy.' I took that one as a compliment and rather to his surprise started to fuck him for the second time. Moscow boys... eat you're hearts out.

'It feels so messy,' Greg wailed as I pummelled his soft bottom, I knew that, I'd lost all traction but I fucked away all the same. I felt quite chuffed, I thought the night was going to be a disaster and it was turning out well. As my litle pal Dennis would say with all his schooly charm ... Greg was a good fuck.

I came at last but I was shattered although feeling a little proud, I'd held up the national end to use a pretty sad pun. I hadn't let the side down although I'd probably peg out when I was around eighteen or nineteen, I needed cuddly Dennis and a good week's rest, small chance and no chance there I thought.

'You are a machine,' Greg giggled. 'But now it is my turn.'

Well that was pretty blunt, so much for a bit of Russian small talk this curious mixture between a man and a boy knew exactly what he wanted and I wasn't too concerned, his stiffy wasn't a great deal bigger than Dennis' and certainly a lot smaller that Nick's.

'Lay on your belly, I wish to admire your beautiful white bottom.'

When you get a request like that in a sexy Russian accent what can you do? I just rolled over and let him get on with it, it would be interesting to see if he even approached charm or if it was going to be a straight plug and play.

It turned out to be kissy kissy all the way. He started at the back of my neck kkssing and lapping down my body and all the time his hands skimmed over my buttocks lightly at first and then kneading and squeezing my buns. It was quite nice really and as he gently parted my legs I slipped a pillow under my groin for a bit of elevation.

'Nice,' he whispered and I felt his hot tongue at the top of my clevage. 'Nice bum,' he giggled and I felt him spread my cheeks and his tongue intrude into my personal little valley.

'Ooooh,' I warbled as I felt his tongue lick at me and then slide across my pucker. 'Come on, Greg.' I urged him on but he was taking his time. 'Oooooh,' Even weirder, I felt the wetness of his dribble as he salivated and let his excess spill right onto the top of my crack just below the tailbone. It was the strangest sensation as I felt his mouth juice trickle down and puddle in my ring. Perhaps they had a shortage of lube over in the old Evil Empire. The next thing was the finger but he must have been satisfied as I felt this bony knees inside mine and the his slippery glans nudge at my spit slicked pucker.

'You OK, Patric?'

'Fine,' I muttered and felt myself opening up as he slowly dropped his hips spearing his stiff meat dead centre. He felt bigger than Dennis and he probably was a little but he was no trouble. I gasped at first but then sighed as I felt the familiar sensation of a young male taking me yet again. His crisp pubes touched on my bum and away he went. He was nowhere as near gentle as Dennis in fact he fucked like a robot, a sort of Steely Dan but I bore it all, it was only one night after all and generally things were going better than I expected. He must have been seriously hyper as he came in about three minutes flat and I lay there with his warm body on my back feeling his cock jerk and spurt his juices deep into my little honeypot (well, that's what Dennis calls it).

I think we kept going until way past midnight, a bit of a cuddle and then he was at it again. A sleep and in the early hours I took him in a full frontal and he did the same for me. We were even up and Gregory was doing breakfast by the time Nick and Dennis surfaced. I'd forgotten that he was a trainee chef amongst other things which turned out handy, at least he could fix a breakfast for four. Anyway, it was all over, my job was secure for another week. The boss and his concubine would be away at lunchtime and I would have Dennis all to myself again for the week until the mob from Wimbledon arrived.


I would have much rather slept with Patric but as he says so often: Duty is a stern taskmaster. If I wanted to fit in with him and his lifestyle for what it was worth I had to lose some of my inhibitions and get with it, go with the flow and all those crap expressions. The problem was that now I'd found Patric I didn't want to lose him but unfortunately sleeping with Nick was part and parcel of the deal. I just felt like a slut, even a rent boy, a male prostitute to be blunt and I didn't like the feeling. On the other hand Nick was quite dishy and if it was a choice between Nick and Greg I reckoned Patric had drawn the short straw in a manner of speaking. I knew from my observations at the window some nights previously that I'd gotten the long straw of that there was no doubt.

Another little problem was that I never drank, I wasn't a twelve year old alcoholic, I wan't one of these schoolies who slurped lager or cider out on the common in the evenings with his mates. That wasn't my scene. I was feeling fit to drop but once in the bedroom Nick was a changed man. The veneer of arrogance, the bossman attitude seemed to disappear as he closed the door.

'Patric is a very lucky boy,' he remarked conversationally.

'Mmm.' What was there to say?

'But not tonight,' he grinned and pulled me in. I felt myself embraced and drawn down onto the bed. I knew he was going to do me but didn't feel afraid or anything I just felt like going to sleep. They say that alcohol has a funny affect on some people, it had turned me into a zombie. I felt him pull my jumper off over my head then tug my jeans down. 'You are a little angel,' he whispered and his lips and tongue went to work. I just blacked out.

I must have gone into coma, I didn't dream and didn't wake at all untii the dawn broke through and the pearly grey light filtered through the curtained windows. I was busting for a pee and seeing that Nick was dead to the world I slipped from the bed and scampered for the bathroom, an en suite bathroom I hasten to add. It wasn't until I was draining down my bladder that I realised that I was naked. Naked as a new born baby and from the feel of my bum I was untouched, still a virgin, ho ho. Well, one consolation he hadn't shagged me whilst I was asleep. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and I didn't look too bad, nevertheless I swilled my mouth out with Listermint and had a quick think about things. Dawn meant it was around five o'clock the time Patric and I normally had a little bit of nooky but Patric was occupied and I wondered how he'd got on with the weird looking Russian kid. Probably shagging all night knowing Patric.

I sat on the toilet and thought and really didn't know what to do. It was obvious that Nick hadn't got his oats, at least not with me and I was a bit worrried. Was he going to be annoyed? Was he going to be amorous or was he going to sling me out? In the end I screwed up my courage and returned to the bed. Go with he flow, one of Patric's favourite expressions.

As soon as I slipped into the bed Nick turned towards me, he was wide awake. 'You've been plundering my mouthwash.' he smiled sleepily. Hardly a declaration of war.

'My toothbrush is up in Patric's bathroom,' I explained lamely and snuggled in as he reached out. It was nice and cosy and I rested my head on his smooth chest as his hand moved up and down my back stroking me like a cat. 'Mmmmm...' I slipped my hand down and grasped his hard flesh pressing against my thigh. 'That's a monster,' I grinned up at him as he kissed my forehead.

'Not really,' he smiled and grasped me. As soon as I'd pressed up against him I'd shot to instant erection, I couldn't help it, must be the hormones they just won't lie down .

I moved in the bed a little and moved his hardness between my legs and clamped on the hot flesh. I felt his hands slide down onto my cheeks and he massaged them squeezing and moulding my pliable flesh.

'Nice arse.'

'Thank you, kind sir,' I giggled and maneuvered so that the head of his cock was slipping under my scrotum and running into bottom of my cleft. I wanted him to take me, it must have been my constant sex with Patric but I wanted a fuck, I'd got used to it in the morning for Christ's sake.

'You were out of it last night so I didn't pester you,' his lips sought mine and his mouth then covered mine. I opened my teeth to allow his flickering tongue to invade my mouth.

'Thanks,' I pulled away and looked at him eyeball to eyeball. 'I'm not out of it now, Nick,' I felt his precum slippery on my hand as I slowly wanked his foreskin over his glans. Poor Nick, he must have been frustrated to hell last night and I'm surprised he just didn't take me but he didn't and here we were.

He just looked at me and smiled and rolled me over onto my side so that I was facing way from him, I steeled myself, it was coming as sure as God had made little apples. I was gonna get a Nick dick. I giggled into the pillow at the thought of it.

'Lift a leg,' he whispered.

I did so and the only thing in my mind was the fact that Patric and I hadn't done it this way before, we'd done every other way but the spoony up bit was a new one. 'Take it easy,' I whispered and my traitor voice trembled.

'Don't worry,' he returned the whisper. The next thing I remember is cold oily fingers at my exposed pucker and then the familiar feeling of one entering me and opening me up ready for bigger things to come.

'Ouch.' Well I had to say something.

'You alright, baby?' He asked but he didn't stop and he had bigger fingers than Patric.

'No, I'm OK,' I wriggled back on his probing, I was as hard as a rock and he'd finally hit the spot. I pushed back hard and his oily digit slipped in and out quite easily. Suddenly it slid free and as I lay there with my leg hoisted up in the air awaiting two fingers which never arrived, I felt his slippery glans nudge at my hole and then push. 'Gaaaah,' I yelped and grabbed the pillow but he'd taken me in one smooth thrust and I could feel his bulbous glans and thick pole in me and it was sinking deeper as he kept up a steady pressure. No in and out with this guy, he just pushed and at the same time put his arms around me and drew me onto his well lubricated hardness. I screwed my eyes shut and bit the pillow but now he was moving to and fro and it was easier. I gave a tentative push back and he must have got the message, He began to move faster and with one hand started to wank me.

'Yessss...' He breathed hotly on my neck and kissed me around the side and under the jaw as I craned my head around to meet his kiss. ''Jeez, you are good,' he moved faster and I thought I was going to explode. I could feel his crisp pubics now and his belly was slapping against my lower back, he was going into rabbit mode and I was being moved across the bed. I pushed back hard before I finished up on the floor and he crushed me in his embrace thrusting hard and deep with his king sized cock.

His stage two was to roll me on my belly and shove a pillow under my middle. He got between my legs and really went to town, I had visions of when he'd done Patric and pushed back only this time harder getting myself into a doggy position. He laughed and knelt behind me rooting away like a real alpha male. I thought my head was going to fall off as he battered away at my tender bum and continued to wank my own stiffness which was now verging on sore to raw.

'Yes. Yes. Yes.' At each shout he slammed into me and shot. Each 'yes' was a squirt and I felt his hot spunk shoot inside me and his movements got easier, I could feel the bloody stuff oozing and trickling down my leg. Still deep in me and with his hardness nestling in it's spunky sheath he jerked me off until I felt my own climax and looking down saw my long white streamers shoot out and splatter over the pillow... more laundry.

'Phew, that was something else,' he chuckled as we fell on our sides onto the mess below with his softening prick still deep in my gut.

'I'm sore,' I belied the point by pushing back wriggling on his softening member which he slid free in a gush of cum. The bloody stuff was everywhere, he must have cum like a horse.

'Oh dear,' he pulled me around and kissed me on my lips and then promptly flipped me over and parted my legs. I didn't believe this guy, he parted my legs and his head dropped. I felt his busy tongue and sucking, he was actually cleaning his own mess from between my cheeks and it felt good. I wriggled once more on his lapping and licking as his tongue slid across my pucker and probed as he spread my cheeks. 'Tastes good,' he remarked quite cheerfully.

'Dirty sod,' I giggled.

'Indeed,' he flipped me over again and his head dropped yet again. This time he took my shrunken and cum coated noodly into his mouth and sucked and washed. I just lay there ruffling his hair and felt myself get harder again. Everyone and everything dies and I was sure this was my morning, I was getting harder again and he'd raised one leg slightly and had slipped two fingers through my battered ring and was finger fucking me using his own cum as lube.

'Aw, Jeez,' I opened my legs wider and fucked up into his mouth. I didn't know if I could cum so soon, I might die in the attempt but I had to try.

It must have taken a good ten minutes but I got there in the end, his fingers flashed in and out of my wrecked fanny and he sucked like a sucky thing and I finally came two or three weak squirts but I came all the same and he just drank it and smiled up my belly.

'Spunky boi,' he smirked. 'Remarkable recovery.'

'I'm drained,' I closed my eyes and felt him move up alongside me and the bedding come back up.

'Snooze for a couple of hours, it's far too early to get up,' he kissed me again and cuddled me in tightly. 'You did well, I hope you have some left for Pat this afternoon.'

'Might just manage,' I smiled tiredly and drifted off in his strong arms. I had the bossman's seal of approval, Patric would be pleased.

The next time I awoke the sun was actually filtering through the curtains, thank Gawd for that, another fine day and as a bonus Patric and myself would be on our own again after lunch. I suppose we should do the mandatory call on his mum and mine, I know he gave his mother money to keep her sweet and I suppose if I was going to earn as well the least I could do is see my ma alright for a quid or so. Then again why worry, she was saving on food with me out of it that is presuming she'd noticed me missing.

I purred as I felt Nick's strong hands carress my body and then felt his penis slip between my legs, he was hard again and I had a pretty good idea what that meant.

'You alright,' his tongue flickered at my ear.

'Fine,' I turned to face him and queezed my legs on his hardness which was getting even harder. 'Seconds?'

'Mind reader,' he grinned and rolled me onto my back. Nudging my legs apart he guided my knees upto my chest and knelt at my butt, it was the 'stuffed chicken' mode coming up. 'Mmmmm, well slippery,' he put his bulbous glans against my beat up pucker and just pushed. He slid inside and I just gasped a little, this one was easy, I must have been as slack as a yak.

He was slower and if anything more gentle this time as he took me. He fucked me and he wanked me and we both had decent cums at the end of it, his inside me and mine all over my belly which he then proceeded to lap up. Funny guy, he did like the taste of cum, he even flipped me over and gave me a bottom bath as before.

'You settling in with Patric then?' He questioned me as we lay sated and knackered at the end of it.

'Yeah, we seem to go well together.'

'You do,' he agreed with me. 'Well, he skips a lot of the work but I'll scribble a list out for you both before we leave. Keep him at it, there's a lot to do in a place this size and I like it kept nice.'

'Fair enough.'

'I'll pay you cash in hand, no cheques or anything silly but I want this place sparkly and I want this Wimbledon lot to feel really welcome.'

'How welcome is welcome?'

'I'm sure you and the boyfriend can work that one out, I expect Jo, the main man will pay you for any posing so you should do well out of it. Jo tells me that they're all good kids whatever that means.'

'Your wish is our command, sir.'

'As the Arabs say: Sarcasm is the Devil's language, young Dennis so get your arse in the bathroom and run the bath.'

'Yea, sir,' I gave him a giggle and fled before he got stressed. Now I was as good as on the payroll I didn't want to upset the Boss. He was good sex as well but I had noticed that I hadn't got the chance to shaft him as Patric had done, perhaps that honour was reserved for top boy, no matter, all things come to those who wait or that's what my ma says. Probably why she lives in a grotty little Council house.

By the time we got cleaned up and dressed after a rather soapy canoodle in the bath we joined the others. The miracle was that this Greg guy and Patric had breakfast underway and it was even a cooked breakfast, dunno what the ugly sod's sex was like but his breakfast was OK. Later on Greg and I trailed Nick and Patric as Nick did a house inspection writing things down on a big pad, from the things being noted Patric and I were in for a pretty busy week.

The morning passed pretty quickly and we even had time for a naked swimfest before they left promptly at midday, Nick was a pretty keen timekeeper as I was to find out. In bed he was a cuddly lovable sex machine, out of bed he was an efficiency expert, a little dictator and a right nasty bit of work when he wanted to be. Of course all this wasn't obvious at the time but I picked it up as we went along and from what Patric told me.

Noon came and went and we went back into the cool of the house after waving good bye to our Boss Nick and his current companion the slightly weird Greg. I suppose the rest of the Sunday was a bit of a climax. We swam, we snoozed and we swam again. The day was a first however, the Sunday was the first day we didn't have sex. I don't mean the romance ended or we fell out we just didn't get it on, we just spent the day like normal boys larking around, watching TV in the evening and finaly falling into bed. It was a shared bed so we had the mandatory snuggles and snogs, we even both got hardons but didn't actually do the dirty. Maybe married life was beginning to bite.

Monday was another day altogether. We had a window cleaner due at nine. It seemed that this was an old guy who visited on a monthly basis and took the whole day working around the house. Patric said the guy was a pain in the arse as he was about as fast as a snail but Nick found him cheap and reliable. I think that I commented that Nick seemed happy enough throwing money around so why was he concerned with cheapness, Patric just said that he thought Nick knew the man from wayback and that was the end of it.

We had jobs to do so we could make a start on them whilst the windows were being cleaned.

'We can get all the top floor done, all the bedooms and the attached bathrooms... yeah?' Patric looked at me as we lurked for the window man.

'You're the organiser,' I conceded. 'As long as we work our way down his list and the place is tidy for Friday.'

'It will be,' Patric declared confidently. 'Here's old Oates,' he looked up as we heard the sound of a vehicle on the driveway. 'Let's go and sort him out and we can have a cold can.'

We walked out the front to meet the man who'd arrived in a battered old van with a rack of ladders on the top, as he got from the van a youngster got from the other side.

'Hello, Mr Oates,' Patric greeted the man and grinned at his companion. 'Hi, Pete. Whatcha doing here?'

'Come to give my old man a hand,' the boy who seemed to be about Patric's age smiled and started to help the man unship the ladders, I thought it was a pretty fair assumption that we had one window cleaner and son who was probably drafted in to help out with the school holidays in full swing.

'My son, Peter,' Mr Oates did belated introductions. 'He'll be doing the ground floor work for me, helping out for a couple of hours in fact.'

'Yeah, I get the afternoons free,' Peter Oates laughed. 'The old man's a bit of a slave driver but he pays up.'

'Get on with it, Peter,' Oates spoke good naturedly to his son. We stood and chatted for a moment which gave me a chance to study Peter who Patric seemed to know quite well. In the end we went back into the house with a small order for a mug of tea and a cold can, the day's work had begun.

'Jeez,' I sat at the kitchen table and watched Patric make tea for Oates Senior. 'That Peter's a good looker... bloody gorgeous. Where do you know him from.'

'School of course,' Patric laughed. 'Same class. He stayed on for further education and I left to make my fortune in the wide and wonderful.'

'Jeez... it was getting to be my favourite word. This Peter Oates was probably slightly taller than Patric, he was also slender and blonde but his hair was longer more schooly than prison like Pat's. He had a harder face than Pat, tougher looking all round in fact but looked to be a ready smiler. I was making a reasonable wish in view of the weather that he'd strip off his shirt at least, I fancied that with some clothes off he'd prove to be a bit lankier than Patric, slimmer or rangier, you know what I mean. Tell you something else, if he even looked like getting his trousers off I'd be into his crotch like a mongoose on a snake. I've said gorgeous once so I'll go for it again, he was bloody gorgeous.

'Dreamer, dreamer,' Pat ruffled my short hair. 'Dunno if he is or isn't.'

'Is or isn't what?' I asked innocently.

'Game,' Patric laughed out loud. 'You are so bloody obvious, Dennis Clarke.'

'Well,' I huffed. 'I'm a bit surprised you never mentioned him.'

'Why should I?' He handed me a Coke from the fridge. 'He was a classmate more than a friend. Anyway, take the can out, I'll track down the old boy.'

Quite happily I trundled out to find that Peter had started working his way across the front of the house, there was no sign of his dad.'

'Here's your Coke,' I gave him the can and stood watching for a bit. He seemed to know what he was doing, he was very quick and seemed to leave a nice job. 'Do you want the windows opened up for you?'

'No need,' he gave me a sunny smile as he snapped the can. 'We only do the outsides.'

'Where's the other gu... your dad?'

'He's started around the back, I don't want him working over my head.'

'Ah, gotcha,' I did a little embarassed shuffle. 'OK, see you later. Give us a shout if you need anything.'

'Orrite,' he gave me another of his killer smiles and a nod. I think I floated back into the kitchen on a fluffy pink cloud. I was in love again. Now to get the boyfriend organised.

'It's baking out there,' I observed.

'Has he got his shirt off yet?'

'Not yet,' I looked at Patric sensing he was in one of his micky taking moods. 'We could invite him for a swim and whatnot if he finishes around lunch or whatever.'

'And you're providing the 'whatnot' suppose,' He laughed, the cruel bastard.

'Well, we'll probably be using the pool anyway.'

'Undoubtedly,' he agreed.

'Could be fun...'

'Could be,' he agreed again. 'Especially with no cossies.'

'Do you think he'd go for it?' I asked eagerly.

'No harm in trying and you're voted the bait.'

'The bait?'

'Well, if he doesn't fancy a beautiful twelve year old monkey boy he hasn't got any sex drive at all.'

'Thank you,' I grinned. 'And it's nearly thirteen and it's less of the monkey boy.'

'Shurrup,' he laughed and grabbed my by the waist and pulled me in close. 'Don't fall in love,' he kissed me gently which I returned with a squirm against him. 'Don't pester him, give him an hour.' He kissed me again and this time it was fiercer and the tongue was in action.

'Let's get this hoover working before we get carried away,' I tore myself free. 'We'll get nothing done like this.'

And that's how it was, we got stuck into our work which took a lot longer than we'd anticipated and I finally got down to see Peter around eleven thirty, it was obvious even to me that he was running behind his schedule.

'Wanna drink,' I relished the sight of him with his shirt off and his muscular body slightly sweaty in the high sun, he was around the side of the house just entering the shade of the tall leylandii. 'Where's your dad?'

'He gave up, he's got heatstroke,' Peter stepped down his short ladder with sweat streaming from his face. 'I'm finishing at twelve and leaving my gear here. What we want to do is start at the crack of dawn tomorrow before the sun gets too high.'

'Yeah, no probs. I'll get you a can,' I rushed off he looked like he was going to collapse. It was a damn sight cooler indoors, I don't think that I or even Patric realised it was so hot, he was in the kitchen and he seemed to have found a second case of Smirnoff Red which he was racking into the fridge.

'Where'd they come from.'

'Dunno, Greg must have brought them in and just dumped them in the corner. How's Peter?'

'Hot. His dad's gone home with sunstroke or heat exhaustion but they're both going for a very early start in the morning. Before the sun is up that is.'

'Hope the old guy's OK,' Patric looked at me and grinned. 'We'd better make sure we're out of bed when they get here, we could finish up in the gossip column.'

'We could ask him to relax after he's finished.'I suggested for the second time that morning.

'Do it,' Patric laughed. 'You fancy him...'

'And you're not interested?'

'I didn't say that,' Patric laughed again. 'But you can do the hard work you sultry little bitch you,' he pinched my cheek. 'Go on, try the seduction bit.' He shooed me from the kitchen and cold can in hand I was on my way back. If I couldn't invite a boy for a swim in a nice custom built pool in this weather I may as well give up.

When I got back Peter was propped against the side of the house obviously trying to gain some coolness from the brickwork. 'Whoa... this so so hot, no wonder the old man nearly flaked out.'

'Have this,' I handed him the can. 'Why don't you pack up and come around the pool, you can have a splosh.'

'Really?' He looked at me and popped his can. 'Patric alright with this?'

'His suggestion,' I lied. 'Technically he's in charge.'

'Well I wouldn't mind,' he wavered. 'Trying to clean windows in this heat is killing.'

'That's it then,' I tried not to show my delight. 'Stick your little ladder and stuff around the corner and I'll lock the sidegate.'

'Right,' he made his decision and scooping his sqeegee and cloth from the windowsill threw them in the bucket. By the time I'd set the alarm on the sidegate he had his short ladder in hand and was ready to go. 'Can you cop my shirt?'

I grabbed his shirt resisting the urge to sniff at his perspiration and led the way around the back, we dumped his working gear outside the kitchen and I took him in to where Patric was still lurking obviously dodging the uncompleted work upstairs. I had the feeling that this was the end of the working day, the hoovering and the rest of it would keep until tomorow.

'Hi, Pete,' Patric smiled at his old mate. 'How's school?'

'Quieter since you left,' Peter laughed. 'Prefer the holidays to the term all the same.'

'That's for sure,' Patric agreed. 'Sit down for a bit, relax, it's a bit cooler in here.'

'That's for sure,' Peter repeated Patric's phrase and grinned. 'So what do you and matey here do in this place?'

'Well,' Patric started as both he and I grabbed chairs. 'I suppose I'm the housekeeper or houseboy, whatever. I look after the place for the owner and Dennis is here just helping out and keeping me company over the holidays.'

'Ah, I see,' Peter said although he still seemed a little mystified. 'I didn't know 'houseboy' was a career, I thought it was something they had out in the Far East.'

'No, not at all,' Patric flushed. 'You have au pairs, nannies and housekeepers... well, one bright guy is worth three females and cheaper.'

'If you say so,' Peter laughed out loud. 'Anyway, thanks for the drinks and the invitation.'

'I told Peter he was welcome to use the pool with us this afternoon,' I quickly interrupted before Patric could put his foot in it.

'Of course,' Patric recovered. 'There is a shower in there so you can wash off first,' he took an obvious sniff in Peter's direction.

'Cheers,' Peter laughed. I was liking him more and more, he really was a pleasant kid, I was so looking forward to seeing him in the raw but that particular point was about to be raised. 'I haven't got a costume, have you got any spares?'

'Ah, we don't bother,' Patric waved his arm carelessly. 'The pool's totally private.'

'Whatever you say,' Peter repied although he looked a bit doubtful. 'Do you go naked with your houseowner around?'

'Yeah, he likes naked boys,'Patric grinned and then did a clumsy rather staged recovery. 'Well, he doesn't mind them I should have said.'

'Aah,' Peter came back, what a wealth of meaning you can put into one non word like aah.

'Anyway,' Patric slurped his drink with all the charm of a wart hog. 'He's not here, Batman and Robin are in charge.'

'Fair enough.'

We had another can apiece and it was probabaly around one o'clcock that we decided or Patric decided, that the sun was over the yardarm and preceded to crack three bottles of the Smirnoff Red now nicely chilled.

'My old man doesn't like me drinking,' Peter took the bottle and a hefty swig all the same.

'My head doesn't like me drinking,' I supplied.

'He's anyone's after a drink,' Patric managed to bring the conversation down to sewer level as usual.

'Was that anyone's or yours?' Peter asked casually.

'Anyone's,' I looked at him as boldly as I dared, Patric just looked on with a big smile.

The conversation rather collapsed at that point and turned to football and school always safe subjects for boykind. In the end we all wandered through the house taking the indoor route to the pool. We had the big screen door open so we had the option of shaded swimming or swimming out in the sun's mid afternoon glare. There's got to be a lot said for the half in and half out style of pool.

I think Patric was a bit bolder now he had a few units of alcohol inside him, he quite casually stripped off to his briefs and collapsed into one of the cane chair just out of the sun's reach. Emboldened by this I did the same chucking my gear in the corner and taking a seat opposite. Naturally enough Peter just followed our example and did the same. Gawd, he had such long slightly fuzzy haired legs reaching all the way up to... grrrrr. I was nearly dribbling and Patric glancing at me nearly choked as his drink went down the wrong way.

'Whasup Doc?' Peter smiled uncertainly sitting in one of the other chairs, mind you he let the side down, he was wearing a God-awful pair of boxers that showed exactly nothing.

'Patric's dribbling,' I tried to deflect attention away from myself.

'Not as much as you are,' Patric coughed.

'Weird pair,' Peter seemed totally obvivious of the effect he was having on both myself and the boyfriend. I could see in Patric's briefs that he was hardening up slightly, he never could control himself so I decided to force the pace and take the easy way out. Standing and turning my back to them both I peeled off my skimpies and hopped into the water with a huge splash, at least I'd managed to give Peter a nice flash of the best bum on the block. Oh my God, it was so nice after the heat and with it a slight humidity. This was heaven I just sploshed about quite happy with my own company. There was an almighty splash and another body just missed me, I even felt a slick form brush by me and a hand slip up my leg.

'Gerroff,' I yelled and did a backflip and shot through what I thought were Patric's legs. Standing up and shaking the water from my eyes I saw that it was Peter.

'Gotcha,' Peter's arms snaked around me and we were under water again. After the initial surprise I fought back and we broke the surface again gasping and spluttering. 'This is fantastic,' Peter blew a mouthful of water at me and I splashed it back into his face. He leapt on my again but this time when I went under I opened my eyes. Glory be, there it was shrunken but clearly visible; one sixteen year old fully circumcised cock... now that made a nice change.

'Enough, enough,' I gasped and floundered to the side and hovered with my forearms and chin on the decking staring up at Patric. 'Coming in, Pat?'

Peter popped up beside me blowing water in Patric's direction. 'You know what?'

'What?' Patric and myself answered together.

'If I was the boss in this place I think I'd like a pair of pretty houseboys all naked and slippery cavorting around me.'

'Pretty?' Patric snarled and jumped to his feet, without removing his briefs threw himself into the pool in an almightly splash nearly drowning both Peter and myself. By the time I sorted myself out Patric was struggling with a laughing Peter and I joined in, on Pat's side of course. It had to come sooner or later, I managed to get between them and finished up with Peter on my back and Patric to my front. I could feel Peter's soft genitalia pressed against my bum and gave a crafty little push back. As we swayed in the chest high water I felt Peter's hands slip onto my hips and he made a very clear and deliberate push against my bottom, naturally enough I pushed back but Patric wasn't going to be left out. He pushed against me so that Peter was backed up against the side and I was sandwiched in the middle, the playing around and mock fighting was finished. This was the real thing.

'I meant what I said about the houseboys,' Peter spoke thickly but now his arms were around my belly and I could feel his sex harder if not fully hard pressed against my crack.

'Well, a couple of underworked houseboys might be able to look after a bit of meaningful company on a sunny afternoon,' Patric spoke past me. 'What say you, Den?'

'Mmmm.' I just pushed back against Peter's hardening flesh.

'Meaningful company?' Peter laughed. I felt his hand drop and it rested on my own half hardon but he'd miscalculated he got two for the price of one for naturally enough Patric had managed to shed his briefs and his stiffness was nestling alongside mine. 'Dirty buggers,' Peter giggled and I felt him press against my bottom and this time he was really getting aroused. I gave a bit of a bob and a wriggle and his meaty stiffness slipped between my legs which I quite obviously then clamped tight. 'Aaaah,' he moaned and gave a little dig.

'It's better in a nice cool bedroom,' Patric murmured.

'Covered in strawberry jam,' I threw in for a laugh.

'Dunno about the jam,' Peter said quite seriously and I felt his lips brush my neck one side and then Patric's lips on the other. 'The bedroom sounded interesting.'

That was that, the conversation was ended, we all clambered from the pool and grabbed assorted bathrobes and beach towels. Of course Patric and myself oggled the sixteen year old boyfish that we had snared or maybe he had snared us. No matter. He was fully erect and his good six inches of circumcised cock jutted up and out at full stretch. Patric and I had never played the measuring game but we always assumed that we both went at around a healthy five although mine was maybe a trifle shorter than Pat's but much fatter.

'I want boy,' I declared boldly, I was with friends and I was tired of beating around the bush. I'd recovered from Nick. I'd got over the drink and I was desperate for action on both fronts if you know what I mean. I just wanted an orgy or was it technically a threeway.

'I want boyzzzz,' Patric had to go one better.

'Here I am,' Peter laughed and raised his arms like a winning boxer allowing his gown to open and his stiffy to poke out.

'That'll do,' I gave him and Patric a grin and we were off.

As soon as we got to the bedroom I was first in the door and tossing my towel aside I jumped on the bed and rolled onto my tummy, from here it was down to Patric to take the lead and how it was going to work out was anyone's guess.

Patric sat alongside me and put one hand on my still damp bum and queezed gently. 'Nice bum.'

'Yes, it is,' Peter croaked and I felt him sit the other side. I kept my face turned to Patric as far as I was concerned he was now running the show.

The next thing I felt was Patric's soft lips and a sigh of appreciattion. 'Sooooo smooth.'

'Yeah?' I felt a hand stroke me gently and then another pair of lips brush across my flank. 'Gawd, I'm so hard,' Peter whinged. Like a dutiful slut I opened my legs, someone had to go for the jackpot sooner or later. I reached out to the left and found Peter's leg and stroked him, it felt as if I was stroking a peach with just the suggestion of fuzz beneath my hand. Peter shuffled closer and I felt his hot hardness contact my hand. What was a poor girl to do? I clasped it firmly feeling the heat and the hard core stiff in my grip. I reckon this boy, youth, whatever he was wasn't going to last too long.

'At this stage... ,' Patric spoke softly. 'I'd normally make love to Den and then he'd do me, we've never done it with an audience before.'

'There's always a first time,' Peter's voice broke and his cock twitched.

'You don't mind?' Patric perservered.

'I might be inclined to hop on you if your bum's bobbing around in the breeze.'

'I'll risk it,' Patric laughed. He knew as well as I knew that Peter was willing, it was just a matter of getting the mechanics out of the way.

'I've never done this sort of thing before,' Peter was still hedging his bets but I knew he wanted to and he was going to, it was only a matter of time.

'Demonstration time then,' Patric laughed and slid a pillow under my groin elevating my bottom just a little, I opened my legs even further, surely Peter could now see the target.

'Oooh, boy pussy,' Peter giggled. Yeah, he could see it alright.

I felt Patric's hand slide under the pillow and then he found what he was looking for.

'What's that?' Peter asked.

'Makes life easy,' Patric spoke and the next thing I felt was an oily finger slip across my pucker. I felt a bit like one of those bodies they use in the CSI Series, sorta; 'Now this is a boy dick and this is a boy fanny, blah, blah.'

'Jeez,' Peter had just about lost his voice as I felt Patric's finger press against me and slowly slip though my ring. 'That's a bit much.'

'Doctors do it all the time,' Patric chuckled and his finger moved in and out.

'Yesssss,' I sighed pushing my bottom up and wriggling making like a real slut, purely for the cause of course. I felt lips on my flank again but this time it was Peter acting without a lead.

'Gawd, that is so smooth,' he took a tentative lick and I felt his finger slip in alongside Patric's. Patric's slid free and Peter's took it's place. I clamped and wriggled on it, we were so near.

'Go on, Peter, please.' I cricked my head around and looked at him. 'Please.'

'Go on,' Patric added softly. 'Don't make him beg.'

'You ain't gonna hop on me?' Peter asked uncertainly.

'Not this time,' Patric laughed. 'Just kneel between Den's legs and take it easy... just remember sex is a two way thing.' Now that was a bit deep coming from Patric but it was the sort of thing I liked to hear. I grabbed his leg and pulled, he shuffled up and lay his head alongside mine. 'Alright, baby.'

I just smiled, I'd just felt Peter's fuzzy legs slip inside mine. 'Sucky,'I smacked my lips at Patric and he got the message. he shuffled up the bed even further and his groin came to my face's level.

'Aaah,' I gave a little moan but didn't overdo it. I'd felt Peter's cum oozing knob slip into my crack and press against my pucker. 'Go on, Peter. Gently.'

He said nothing but his lips brushed across my neck as I felt his bulbous mass open me up and his hard heat spear into my well battered fanny. He wasn't as big as Nick so I wasn't worried on that score. I just wanted the handsome sixteen year old window cleaner in me and I wanted his boy juice. It looked like I was going to get a double dose as I felt Patric's slippery organ slide across my lips. I opened my eyes, gave him a grin and opened my mouth, he knew what to do.

'Gawd Almighty,' Peter grunted as his erection slid inside me opening me up and I clamped as he started to move. 'Jeezus, Dennis,' he started to actually kiss my neck. I'd loved to have returned the kisses but my mouth was now wrapped around Patric's cock as he slid in and out. I concentrated on my big sex scene but did wonder if Peter was going to join in or just be a predator, I had the funny feeling he was going to be a joiner but what did I know.

'You wait 'til you take Pete's cherry,' Patric whispered, I couldn't answer for the obvious reasons.

'I heard that,' Peter let out a very unbutch squeal.

'Well it's only fair.'

'I get a go at you as well?' Peter seemed to be drawing up some sort of menu.

'I don't see why not,' Patric laughed. 'Just like the Musketeers - one for one and all for all or whatever it was.'

'I'll have to think about it when you stop stroking my bum,' Peter laughed and dug a bit deeper. 'Cor, I could do this all night.' And there's me thinking he was a premature ejaculator type... no chance with this one, he was set for the afternoon.

'Go doggy and wank me,' I managed to splutter around Patric's swollen organ and I pushed up. I think I confused Peter but he got the idea and was soon kneeling behind me working his way into sweaty slaps as he pounded away at my well loosened arse. I liked his dick and I liked his fucking but that's between you and I dear reader, don't tell Pat or he'll take the micky.

'Aaw, Denny,' Peter collapsed on my back with only his hips still moving and I felt his jerks and twitches, our guest was enjoying a climax and I was absorbing his youthful spunk as it spurted and splashed in my well used tunnel, Tunnel of Love maybe. Har har. He slipped free but as we collapsed onto the bed with Patric just watching he kept hold of my root and slowly continued to wank it running my foreskin over the head, my weeping head I've got to add. 'Nice cock,' he observed peering at it. 'Nice and sorta velvety, smooth as silk.' He really semed to enjoy giving it gentle squeezes, peering at it and then running the foreskin over the head again.

'Taste it,' I whispered.

'Fuck off,' he giggled.

'I'll go down and get some drinks if you're going to go all romantic on me,' Patric slipped off the bed.

'You can fuck off too,' Peter laughed and lay back with an exprression of total pleasure on his handsome face, his limp cock was stuck to his belly and I was tempted to suck it and give it good clean up but I thought that was a step too far.

'Go on,' I gave a little pelvic thrust as Patric left the room.

'OK,' Peter's face reddened a little and his eyes dropped. 'There's one thing I want to try out first...'

'What's that?'

'This.' He raised himself on his elbow stared straight into my eyes and then dropped his head. His lips met mine and we shared one of those innocent kisses until I grabbed the back of his neck and the kiss got fiercer. I probed at his lips and then his teeth with my tongue and his mouth and we were tongue on tongue. 'I bet you want to fuck me,' he whispered. 'I think Pat does.'

'We call it making love, it sounds better,' I grinned at him. 'But yeah, I wanna fuck you silly.'

We kissed an cuddled for what seemed an eternity and there was no sign of Patric, he must have fallen asleep or decided on a swim.

'You've got such a smooth dick,' he fondled my penis which was as hard as an iron bar understandably so with all this going on.

'Taste it,' I pleaded. 'Just a bit,' I whinged.

'Anything for my first fu... lovemaking,' he hurriedly corrected himself. To my amazement and relief he dropped his head down my taut belly drifting his lips across my skijn. He paused for just a moment and holding me gently just lapped acros the top taking the beading of cum away and then after pulling a face of mock disgust took my glans and half my erection into his mouth in one swift movement. Holding it upright he glanced up my belly, he flashed his teeth and pretended to take a big bite which put the frighteners up me for a moment but then took it ALL in his mouth right down to the root. I could feel my slippery bobby's helmet deep in his throat and then his head began to move up and down. His hands slipped under me and he clasped my damp buns and went to town. I was in heaven, if this was his first blow he was good. Maybe a few subtle questions would come later but for the moment I was happy just enjoying his soft mouth and his hot wetness around me.

'You got there in the end,' Patric bounded in with three misted can's in his hand. 'Just ignore me, just call me Mr Spare Prick at a Wedding.'

'You said it, Pat,' I giggled as I lay there in my little bit of paradise as Peter ignored Patric and carried on with a nice slow and gentle blow. I think he really did like my dick, he was even toying with the loose skin inside his mouth running his tongue around my glans and then sucking the foreskin as far as it could come up, to cap it off he was just gently jigging my balls which were uptight in their hairless sack. Our guest was going to get the suprise of his young life in a minute or so. Patric sat on the edge of the bed and watched. he knew what came next.

'Ten, nine, eight, seven, six....' Pat intoned.

'Aaaah, shit,' I thust into Peter's mouth and came. He must have known that it was going to happen but he swallowed some and then drew back a little also that two streamers and a couple of spurts splashed across his nose and jaw.

'You litttle monster,' Peter rolled about trying to wipe my spunk from his face with the bedding but Patric and myself were on him, Pat tried to hold him down and I attacked his face with my tongue lapping and licking until his wriggling and giggling nearly passed into hysteria. 'A pair of monsters,' he whispered finally as we ended up laying in the centre of the messed up bed with him in the middle and myself and Pat giving him the super lick and suck. That was the one from his nuts right upto his hair. He just lay there just giving contented sighs and the odd movement as Pat concentrated on his torso and I looked after his face and sweet mouth.

'I always thought you were a bit dodgy,' Peter finally remarked looking at Patric.

'Dodgy like you, you mean?' Patric looked at Peter and grinned. 'Mr Straight Window Cleaner.'

'I suppose,' Peter whispered and gazed at the ceiling.

'Never mind,' Patric looked at the clock. 'Time for the pool and I'll ring up for some pizza.'

'Hey, I don't want to get in your way if you have things to do,' Peter sat up on the bed. 'I'd better confirm with the old man about the early start and let him know what time I'll be home.'

'Never fear,' Patric took charge and flathanding Peter's chest pushed him back onto the bed. 'Do you have any problem staying out at nights?'

'Not really,' Peter grinned slowly. 'It just needs a phone call, dad's pretty laid back about that sort of thing.'

'OK, then,' Patric slid back up on the bed and cuddled Peter whilst I moved in tighter as well, I think we both grabbed for our guests tacky softy at the same time. 'Give your dad a bell and tell him you'll be here for whenever in the morning, then the pool and then the pizza and then...'

'Then what?' Peter asked with a broad grin on his handsome face.

It was my turn. 'Then I make love to you, you make love to Patric, Patric....'

'I think I get the idea,' Peter reached out and took my dark skinned half hardon in one hand and Patric's paler but harder edition in the other. 'Phone call in a minute,' he murmured.

The minute lasted for ever but just as he'd got both Patric and myself moaning, wriggling around and just about on the verge he hopped from the bed with an evil grin. 'Better call home,' now he laughed and ran.

'That earnt you a good shagging,' Patric hissed in frustration.

'Me first,' I reminded him.

'Down by the pool,' Patric whispered as if Peter were still in the room. 'Do the old sunoil routine.'

'Think he's up for it?'

'Yeah, he has been all afternoon,' Patric claimed confidently. 'Hey... he's willing to stay the night and even Superboy can't fuck all night, someone else has to have a go.'

'He's nice,' I just lay back and thought of my dark spike stuck up Peter's pale skinned bum... yummy.

'Dirty sod,' Patric laughed. 'I can read your evil mind. Come on lets have a shower down the pool and get cooled off.'

'We charged down to the pool shouting through on the way to Peter telling him to join us and we were in the water by the time he got off the phone.

'No probs,' he announced as he wandered into the pool area. 'He's going to be up here for seven so that gives us a good three hours before it gets too hot, should be long enough to finish off if we get stuck in.'

'Right on,' I punched the air.

'Shower's there,' Patric pointed to the corner. 'You can make yourself useful and get three drinks from the fiidge when you're done.'

'Yes sir,' Peter grinned and disappeared.

'Love his dick, a circumcised one makes a nice change.'

'You just like dick,' Patric laughed splashing water over me.

'Nah, seriously. For a supposedly straight guy he soon converted or whatever.'

'Balls.' Patric laughed. 'He's not straight, suppressed maybe and when they get the first taste they go down like a load of bricks.. He stopped bobbing up and down and clung onto the side and looked at me. 'Same as you. Once you knew that you were safe and no one was going to grass you up or anything away you went. Peter's just the same. A twelve year old sweetheart, a sixteen year old ex crush, he's gonna pig out big time tonight you see.'

'I'll take your word for it Professor Freud,' I laughed.

Peter emerged fromn the shower dripping wet and looked down at us, his circumcised cock hung heavy from his groin framed by his blonde bush. 'Whatcha want to drink, girls?'

'Smirnoff,' Patric called out.

'Ditto,' I decided to risk another.

'Ditto for me too,' Peter turned to leave giving us a wiggle of his sweet bottom on the way out.

'Told you,' Patric claimed triumphantly. 'He's crying out for it.'

'He's gonna get it as well,' I vowed, I was even getting a hard on under the water... I couldn't wait.

Peter came back five minutes later with three bottles, to my disappointment at least he had a towel draped around his waist which hid his obvious charms. He gave Patric and botle and I claimed one as I climbed from the pool and grabbed a towel.

'You're insatiable,' Peter grinned and stared pointedly at my stiffy. 'Nice one though.'

'Mmmm,' I just returned his smile and sat on one of the lilos.

'Bloody shoulders are sore, I should have kept my shirt on.' Peter moaned and took a deep swig at his drink. 'How do I join your gang then girls?'

I looked at Patric and Patric looked at me, we both grinned. I don't know if Peter had overheard us babbling on about the sun tan lotion or if it was just serendipity but he had just played into our hands.

'I think it's time for me to go and sort our bedroom out, Patric stood reluctantly. 'I'll leave you two alone for an hour.'

'What does that mean?' Peter looked at Patric and then at me.

'It means I get to do the sun tan stuff, ' I laughed.

'I'm off,' Patric said with bad grace. 'I've got a headache coming on.'

'Yeah, I've got a bit of one as well,' Peter was trying to be polite I think, he sensed something was going on but didn't know what.

'Have fun boys,' Patric finally smiled and away he went, probably going to have a wank if I knew my Pat.

'He didn't seem very happy,' Peter looked at me and grinned. 'You do, did you get the prize?'

'Yeah,' I smiled back and picked up the suntan bottle. 'I get to rub your shoulders and...'

'That's nice,' Peter turned around and lay on the lilo full length still with his damp towel around his waist which I proceeded to remove. 'Take it easy,' he whispered. He must have know what I was going to do, he wasn't a complete idot.

'Just relax.' I rather spoilt that buysquirting a stream of the oil right across his shoulder and then down his spine in a thin letter T.

'Jeez,' he shuddered that's cold. But he shut up as my hands smeared the sweet smelling oil across his shoulders and then started working at his shoulder blades and down his back lower and lower. 'I'm as hard as a rock.' he remarked conversationally.

'Ditto,' I laughed and getting between his legs spread them and continued with the oily massage. he had tensed up as I'd parted his legs but relaxed almost immediately. I leant over and kissed his neck. 'You need to make love to Patric when he comes back.'

'But before that?' He croaked.

'Just relax,' I repeated avoiding the question, I could have shoved it up him there and then as I was so hard but that wouldn't have been very nice. I worked the oil across his well muscled buttocks and then into his crack, he leapt a bit when I touched his pucker but he knew what was going on. As he'd said, he wanted to join our gang, there was just the small matter of the memebership fee. I smeared oil onto his ring and then gently pushed. He groaned as my finger slid into his tight little tunnel but didn't object, he didn't even move as I got closer to him and slipped my stiffy between his cheeks and moved it from top to bottom.

'Go on then,' he groaned and tensed up.

'Relax,' I told him yet again and then just dropped my hips spearing into his hole in one.

'Jeeezus,' he clutched the lilo frame but I was in him and I stayed. 'That was sudden,' he giggled. 'Brought tears to my eyes.'

'I'm the little one,' I smiled with satisfaction, I know he was a bigger boy than I was but he had a small bottom and he was well tight, to make it better he was squeezing on me as I moved to and fro sinking deeper and deeper.

'Your's is fatter than Pat's,' he groaned and pushed up. 'You win on volume.'

I smiled again as I started to slowly fuck him, I love compliments. I just hoped that Patric didn't decide to reappear and go for a meat sandwich with me in the middle. Thank the Lord he didn't and I was able to enjoy my sex with Peter and at the end he was actually pushing up onto my thrusts and making all the right sounds.

'Shit,' he groaned right at the end after his bottom had done a really tight squeeze on my slippery meat. 'You made me cum, how the hell did that happen?'

I ignored him and started to hammer away with a series of slippery slaps. A double cum, just the way it should be, I felt my climax cuming and speared in for the last time sending my boy juice up into his gut and almost eating the back of his neck. At the end we slid apart and we lay belly to belly with our cum slick and tacky pricks sandwiched between our bellies.

'They say good things cum in small packets,' he grinned. 'But I'll tell you one thing...'

'What's that?'

'When I've serviced your mate and when I've got my strength back I'm gonna fuck you rigid, my little Dennis.'

'Sounds like a plan,' I grinned at him. 'Gotta be better than sleeping.'


for now

Next: The Depa boys meet the Wimbledon boys.

Next: Chapter 3

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