Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 24, 2006


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are TOTALLY FICTIONAL.

Dedicated to the unknown boys who starred in DePa01 and DePa02. Oh yeah, and I have got some pix of them and I love the little dark one I cast as Dennis. This is a 'one off' and these boys will re-appear in 'Young Porn Stars' which will start in around a week on Nifty.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.



G. Cutter

Dennis Clarke adjusted his perch in a rather shaky erection he had found in his explorations some weeks ago. It was on a rarely used piece of wildwood that backed onto the new houses in Mayfield Road. It was old MOD Property and Green Belt so it would probably remain as wilderness forever more. The newish houses were all a bit posh for Dennis and his pals and the discovery of the almost derelict vantage point was a major find amongst the old oaks that overlooked the back gardens of around three houses and their gardens. The perch may have been a tree house in the past but wind and weather had taken their toll. All that remained were a couple of short lengths of wood carelessly tied between a couple of quite high branches. With the thick summer growth the hideaway was totally invisible from the people being spied on, not that Dennis considered himself to be a spy by any means more a scout tracking enemies or doing recon on enemy positions.

It was twilight and darkness was near, Dennis glanced at his cheap watch and then back to the house he was observing, he was due to go home but he just couldn't tear himself away from the unfolding scene in one of the undraped windows. He'd been in his lookout trying to fix firmer woodwork an hour previously and spotted a familiar figure trudging down one of the overgrown animal runs that meandered through the unused woodlands. It was one of his neighbour's kids a certain Patric O'Shea, Dennis thought he was fifteen or maybe sixteen but was certainly going somewhere and not just aimlessly wandering. Dennis huddled in his makeshift hideaway and watched the older boy, perhaps Patric was going to try a bit of burglary. By the way, our Dennis at twelve tended to keep well clear of the older boys on his Estate, some were not all that 'nice' as his mother would have said.

Patric was around five feet ten and had the slight build of a runner, not a body beautiful but certainly no slouch, he had buzz cut blonde hair and was in Dennis' view tasty. Tasty happened to be a word Dennis was using in his mind more and more as recently he'd been given the gift of cuming and he was, in a phrase, pigging out. The thing that was confusing him and giving him a very bad case of nerves was that all his fevered imaginings involved boys and not girls. If he got a stiffy, sure as hell another boy would have caused it. Dennis was concerned that he may be getting smitten with the gay disease but in school his SexEd classes had informed him that boys and girls for that matter did get same sex crushes... so, no probs, he fancied some boys, he also fancied a couple of girls... well, sort of. Dennis himself was short and dark haired, his hair was almost black in fact and it was Sod's Law that he'd fancy the almost gangly fair haired Patric from down the road.

'Mmmm,' Dennis peered through the leaves, Patric had seemingly gone through a gate and he could be seen quite confidently walking through the garden of this house and then knocking on the back door. Dennis' eyes popped as he saw a young man of probably around twenty open up and with a grin grab young Patric and then drag the blonde boy inside. 'I wonder what that's all about,' Dennis muttered to himself. Being a bit of a loner most of his conversations were with himself.

Dennis studied the house for a while and then to his delight a light came on in one of the upstairs rooms that was clearly a bedroom and Patric and the man appeared clearly visible by the window. As Patric looked idly from the window onto the darkening garden Dennis saw the man move in behind and begin to unbutton the boy's shirt. Once the shirt was undone the man's hands began to run over Patric's smooth torso and play with his nipples shedding the shirt at the same time. Dennis gasped as he saw the mystery man nuzzle at Patric's neck and then they kissed again as Patric craned his head around searching for his companion's lips.

'Jeez...' Dennis wriggled on the increasingly hard woodwork. He was as hard as a rock and his erection was painful, he swiftly unzipped and returned his gaze to the window. This time his hot cock was totally exposed in the warm night air and his hand was around it slowly moving to and fro.

By the time his eyes were back on the bedroom window the two were on the bed and they were just about visible from his perch. Cock still jutting from his jeans Dennis moved up the branch a little to get a better view.

'Un-fuckin'-believeable,' he breathed. The pair on the bed were undressing each other. No fumbling and no fuss, just clothed to naked in around three or four minutes. They lay belly to belly grinding against each other unaware of their very own Peeping Tom no more than fifty or sixty yards away. Dennis prayed for a pair of binoculars and remembered he had a rather tatty pair at home but he would miss this show going to get them.

'Aaaah,' he groaned as he saw the older man, more a youth really assume a crouching position putting Dennis in mind of a dog on the bed and then Patric moved in behind him. Patric was erect, Dennis could see that, he couldn't see all the details but it looked like a nice one. Dennis blushed in the gloom and played with his own stiffness as he saw Patric put some shiny stuff on his cock and the proceed to fuck his crouching partner. They were on the bed like a pair of rutting animals. There was no mistake and no two ways about it. His neighbour a mere boy himself was physically fucking someone in one of the posh houses on Mayfield Road. Dennis was mesmerised watching the show and began to wank furiously, it was getting dark and he had to get home soon.

Dennis wriggled aroound in the fork of the tree as he watched the show. It was soon over, Patric slid free from his companion and then lay on his back with his knees upto his chest. Dennis wanked like a maniac as he saw the house owner shove himself deep into Patric's body making the blonde boy yell but to no avail, the man began to well and truly fuck Patric and he was no midget in the cock department, Dennis could see that quite clearly but he had other things on his mind. He unclipped the waistband of his jeans and hurriedly tugged them and his briefs down a little to expose his complete groin to the warm night air.

'Yesssss,' he breathed raggedly as he felt himself pump and spurt stream after stream of creamy white cum into the air. It was one of his better cums, it was all over his knuckles, some on his jeans and even splashes on the surrounding leaves. He looked up to see Patric slowly arising from the bed and lean over to kiss the apparently exhaused man. Dennis could see the gleam of what was possibly spunk on the blonde boy's butt as he wandered to the window.

To Dennis' shock Patric gave a broad grin and a little wave, a sort of mini wave, just wiggling his fingers into the darkness before turning his back on the night and returning to the bed and the waiting man. It seemed their night was not yet over.

'Shit,' Dennis tugged his jeans up and clambered down the tree and ran. He didn't see how the hell Patric could know he was there. Come to think of it, was Patric just putting a show on for the man or was he some sort of exhibitionist. Dennis panted as he ran, he could be in trouble on the Patric front, he could also be in trouble if he didn't get home by nine o'clock... that was his curfew.

After a night's sleep and convincing himself that the little wave was a trick of the light Dennis was back on the waste ground in the afternoon of the following day. Typical school holiday, grey and drizzly but Dennis was undeterred, he had a mission. He'd nicked a handful of nails from his dad's garden shed and was searching for any old wood laying around on the disused land. He planned an extension to his vantage point or at least wanted to make if more a tree house than a tree perch.

The overgrown area was deserted as usual, most of the holidaying kids would be glued in front of their televisions Dennis guessed. Finding an old kitchen cupboard that someone had dumped he kicked the doors off and struggled with the lumps of wood to his favourite tree. He spent a couple of hours there and even spent time studying the house again. He saw the young man who seemed to be the only occupant wandering about but no sign of Patric. He gave up at teatime but decided to return with his binoculars about half seven or eight, an hour before it got dark, he may even get lucky enough for a second session. More to the point, he wanted to see a naked Patric in much more detail and the old binoculars would serve the purpose. He was old enough to appreciate that he'd really enjoyed the show and he really found the blonde boy a turn on, he'd developed and instant crush on the older boy and actually had an early morning wank with the image of the naked buzz cut blonde firmly in mind. The thought of Patric laying on him with his long fair skinned dick pressed against his was even giving him a stiffy as he walked home.

In fact he never did get to return in the evening as the rain became heavier and his parents forbade him to venture out. He suffered a night of family television and went to bed early to enjoy his favourite game which, naturally enough, involved penis and hand, after that he slept. However, he was out like a lark the following morning and by eleven o'clock he had resumed his watch. He'd spent fifteen minutes up his tree and this time he had the old binoculars with him. He saw movement, it wasn't the man of the house but Patric again. The blonde wandered about the garden with a hose damping down the various bushes and whatnot and finally to Dennis's delight kicked his trainers off and removed his shirt, he then continued his chores barefooted and in his shorts.

Dennis watched this for an hour or so just enjoying spying on lust object and groaned with disappointment as Patric disappeared.

After about half an hour Dennis gave up, he suspected that Patric was working for the homeowner and the sexplay of the previous evening must be either part and parcel of the job or just something that had developed. He clambered down the tree intending on creeping nearer to the house and try and peer through the dense hedge.

'Gotcha.' A heavy hand fell on Dennis' shoulder nearly giving him a heart attack.


'What are you doing spying on me?' Patric asked in his half naked glory.

'I wasn't spying,' Dennis denied the charge fiercely. 'I was just sitting up the tree.'

'Yeah, yeah,' Patric grinned, funnily enough seeming to be in a good humour. 'The sun flashes off your binocular lenses, you know that.'


'Huh,' Patric mocked and Dennis realised he was being gently steered towards a board door in the garden hedge. 'I have binoculars in the house as well, I soon picked you out lurking in your perving tree.'

'I wasn't perving,' Dennis snapped peevishly.'

'Get in,' Patric shoved him through the door and quickly followed. 'I need to talk to you... you can have a cold drink as well,' he added.

Feeling a little better Dennis allowed himself to be guided to the back door which opened into an airy kitchen. There wasn't much point in arguing, Patric topped him by a head anyway and didn't seem too upset at the spying. Dennis just assumed that the previous evening he'd been lucky and hadn't been noticed in spite of the wave out of the window. The wave he'd decided was a trick of his imagination. He looked up from his drink to see Patric was studying him with a calculating look.

'You're a neighbour of mine, aintcha?'

'Just up the road from you.' Dennis mumbled beginning to get a bit worried by the older boy's stare.

'You're nice,' Patric grinned. 'How old are you?'

'Twelve,' Dennis blushed rather taken aback by the remark.

'Just about right,' Patric suddenly moved over and snapped the catch on the kitchen door.

'What are you doing?' Dennis tried not to sound afraid. 'I told my people I'd be home in an hour or so.'

'An hour's long enough, they'd hardly call the coppers out if you're a bit late. Mind you, you could have the Flying Squad hiding in the bushes I suppose.' Patric grinned and moved in standing inches away from the now very nervous smaller boy. 'Did you enjoy the show the other night?'

'Dunno what you mean,' Dennis had broken into a sweat.

'Yeah, you do.' Patric ran a finger up Dennis smooth cheek. 'I knew you were up there I got eyes like a bloody hawk, t'was a good job Nick didn't spot you.'

'Nick the guy you were...? Dennis flushed bright red, he'd walked right into it. What a dummy.

'Yeah, that's him,' Patric grinned. 'Take you're shirt off, you look all hot and bothered.'

'No, thanks.'

'I wasn't asking, I was telling. Take it off.' Patric stood looking menacing as the normally cheery Dennis sullenly removed his shirt and stood there bare chested under the older boy's scrutiny.

'Very nice,' Patric suddenly moved in and clasped Dennis around the waist pulling them tightly together, Dennis could feel the heat from the older boy's body. 'Wanna come up stairs and play,' he whispered.

'I'm not into that sorta thing,' Dennis whined feeling his treacherous penis hardening at Patric's proximity.

'Mr Dick say's you're a liar,' Patric whispered and pulled them tightly together his hands resting on Dennis' flanks. Dennis almost unconciously put his hands onto Patric's bare waist and surrendered to the moment. 'That's better,' Patric breathed as he felt the smaller boy press up against him. He could feel Dennis' hardness against his own and felt the boy's hot breath on his chest. 'An hour or so?'

'Orrite,' Dennis choked. He couldn't keep up the pretence any longer and the nearness of Patric and the feel of the older boy's body against his own was almost making him faint. It was hot in the house and the thought of laying naked on a bed with the taller blonde was making his head spin. 'Where's that guy?'

'Don't worry, baby. He's away for a couple of days, I'm house minding.'

Dennis just looked up and grinned, he'd never been callled 'baby' before. God was in his heaven and all was well with the world.

Patric guided Dennis up the stairs to the bedrooms but took him into a room which was heavily curtained and not at the rear of the house as far as Dennis could see, it certainly wasn't the room he'd been observing the other night.

'Um..?' He looked at the stained and scruffy mattress on the floor and the old televison perched on a sideboard that had seen better days.

'This'll do us, it's nice and comfy,' Patric grinned and walked over drawing the slightly curtains allowing sunlight to filter into the room. Dennis didn't think it looked a lot better but he was only a guest after all. 'Nick likes taking pictures of me cavorting in here.'

'Cavorting?' Dennis looked puzzled. Was cavorting some sexual thing he hadn't heard of?

'You know, rolling around, flashing the bits, having a wank,' Patric laughed and grabbed the smaller boy bearing him down onto the grotty mattress. 'Now then...' he held Dennis tightly and gazed into his eyes. 'I like you kid, I've been watching you fuck around out there for a few days.'

'Have you?' Dennis allowed himself to be hugged realising that in his amateur spying he had been spied on in his turn.

'Yeah, I have,' Patric whispered and Dennis groaned as he felt the bigger boy's groin press up against his and then horror of horrors, Patric's lips brushed his smooth neck and he felt a tiny kiss. Another on the side of his jaw and as he closed his eyes he felt Patric's lips settle on his. What to do? What not to do? He opened his mouth and allowed Patricks probing tongue to taste his lips and then parted his teeth to admit Patric's eager tongue into his mouth. This was French kissing, at least he knew what it was called and it was nice. Opening his eyes and staring at his lover he joined battle with the older boy, tongue against tongue, slippery organs doing a dance all of their own.

'Aaaaah,' Dennis gasped as Patric's face drew away and he grinned 'That was different.'

'So is this,' Patric said huskily and dropped his head again but this time his wet lips and hot tongue nuzzled at Dennis' throat and moved down onto his nipples. Dennis groaned as he felt the suction and hot wetness on his tiny teats and then the feel of Patric's hands unzipping his jeans exposing his briefs to the bedroom's cool air. 'Undo me,' Patric croaked.

Dennis wriggled on the mattress feeling his jeans going down and Patric grasp him through his thin blue briefs. 'Sod it,' he thought and unclipped the taller boy's trousers tugging then down as they both slowly wrestled and gyrated smooth, naked boyish bodies slipping and pressing against each other.

'You are so fuckin' nice,' Patric growled and then seemed to lose it pinning Dennis to the bed with a gum numbing kiss and tugging the skimpy briefs down with the jeans exposing the younger boy's jerking spike. 'Jeez,' Patric gave a huge grin. 'That's nice big 'un' In fact Dennis' penis was darker skinned and fatter that Patric's but the blonde had the length. Both boys admired each other as they slowly undressed each other until they were totally naked on the bed. 'You haven't got to rush off in an hour, have you?'

'Not really,' Dennis gave up the lie. In for a penny, in for a pound as they used to say. With a broad grin he slipped up alongside his blonde mate and planted a kiss on Patric's lips. Patric smiled in return and grabbing Dennis by the back of the neck mashed his lips against the other's until they both fell apart gasping. The next ten minutes was spent in mutual stroking accompanied by little kisses and nibbles. Both boys had given up any pretence of just 'having a lark', they were in an empty house and they had all the time in the world. Patric wanted Dennis totally, body and soul. Dennis? He didn't really know what he wanted but Patric was right up the top of the list.

'Nick started me off on a little game,' Patric cuddled his little chum. 'Whatever I do to you, you have to do to me.'

'What's it called?' Dennis looked mystified but he didn't really want to play games, he wanted sex.

'That's what it's called, Sweet Pea. Listen up.' Patrick spoke slowly and clearly. 'Whatever I do to you, you have to do to me.' He smiled at Dennis and put his hand on the smaller boy's chest flattening him on the bed, a quick kiss and his head moved down Dennis' flat belly and planted a soggy kiss on the end of Dennis' jerking cock and then to Dennis' surprise and delight Patric's hot and wet mouth decended on and over his throbbing glans. Dennis thrashed about and moaned on the bed as for the very first time in his young life he felt a boy's mouth around his cock salivating and then slipping up and down his rock hard shaft.

It ended too soon. Patric moved off with a huge grin and looked at Dennis who lay there looking dazed.

Dennis wasn't stupid and he knew that in a minute he was going to do something he'd previously thought of as perverted and disgusting but with a seductive smile he raised himself and kissed Patric's belly.

'Good man,' Patric sighed and lay flat.

Dennis kissed and lapped around Patric's jerking knob and finally took a tentative taste. Not finding it all that awful he finally held it up with one finger and slipped his lips over the bulging glans. A second later he was sucking and moving his mouth up and down Patric's stiff penis, it was his first mutual blow job. If he'd had know at the time it was the first of many he was to share with the blonde lad who was to become his first lover.

'I want us to cum together,' Patric mumbled and started to move around on the mattress. Dennis disn't quite know what was going on but he continued to suck and slurp. He'd had his doubts to begin with... sucking a cock, yeuchy! Nothing of the sort, it was only flesh. There was a curious taste but it wasn't unpleasant and he grinned around Patric's hardness as he realised what the other boy was doing. The older boy had reversed himself and they were now toe to tail. Dennis was a bit unwordly but he knew that this was called a Sixty-Niner and he stopped sucking for a moment to groan again with pleasure as he felt Patric's hot breath on his cock and then his pal's wet mouth envelop his stiffness Both boys prodded into his partner's mouth and both boys sucked avidly at the juicy morsels slipping between their lips. If they wanted air they moved onto smooth thighs and scrotums for a moment and then back to spit slicked meat.

'Ooooooh,' Dennis groaned around Patric's swollen organ and let fly. He would have warned but it was too late, he felt his cock jerk and splat into Patric's mouth and Patric suck like a kid with a lolly. Dennis was in heaven, as he slowly drained in messy squirts and trickles. He sucked like a baby on a teat and was rewarded with splashes of hot cum into the back of his throat. Patric had swallowed Dennis' offerings and by hell or high water Dennis was going to return the favour, he was going to suck Patric dry and he did.

Gasping and with cum smeared lips the giggling boys met face to face and kissed long and hard tasting each others spunk and delighting in it.

'Now that was a first,' Dennis grinned with shining eyes and gazed adoringly at his teacher. 'You cum gallons.'

'You did alright as well,' Patric smiled and kissed his little lover on his little button nose. 'We go well together. Den.'

'We do, Pat,' Dennis giggled. There was more to come on this little training course in love, he knew that and he couldn't wait.

Some time later Patric produced another rabbit from the hat. 'Wanna cool off, we can have a swim. We can have something to eat later?'

'Swim, eat?'

'Nick does run to an semi enclosed pool which I have the use of,' Patric declared proudly. 'I should do, I clean the bloody thing,' he added.


Patric and Dennis just put on their trousers and the blonde led the way down through the house. There was a small pool built into the side of the house fully protected by a huge hedge and totally invisible from either the road and even the wildwood to the rear of the house. They donned swimming shorts which weren't strictly necessary and were in the water in a flash. The shorts lasted two or three minutes and then they were naked swimming, splashing and messing around. At the end of it Dennis rested his forearms on the edge of the pool half in and half out of the water to find Patric behind him.

'Watcha doing,' he mumbled tiredly feeling Patric kissing his bottom and stroking his legs under the water.

'This,' Patric laughed and spread the smaller boy's legs and ducked his head. Dennis shrieked as he felt Patricks busy tongue between his cheeks probing for his ring. A second or two later he tried to spread his legs even further apart, the sensation was incredible, a hot slavering tongue between his little buns probing for and finding his tiny pucker.

'You dirty perv,' he giggled and held onto the side of the pool.

'Looks clean to me,' Patric laughed and slid up Dennis' body, Dennis tensed as he felt Patric's reawakened tumescence slip between his legs and then his buns as the older boy rose higher.

'Not here, not like this,' he pleaded. He knew what Patric was after and he was scared. Jeepers, that's all he needed, to drown with a dick up his bum. He just about had a footing, one slip and he'd be under water.

'You're right,' Patrick said softly and kissed his ear. 'We'll do it on my bed nice and slow and nice and romantic. Yeah?' He slowly worked his hardness between the smaller boy's brown legs and toyed with Dennis' thickening cock.

'Do I get a go?' Dennis croaked.

'Thought you'd never ask. Of course you do, that's the name of the game, remember?' Patric giggled and continued to move to and fro. Dennis clamped his legs. 'Let's sit in the sun for a bit, get our strength back.' Patric gave a final long, slow and sensual thrust up between Dennis tight buns and slipped free. 'Come on,' he urged the smaller boy from the pool and led him to a sheltered nook which contained a couple of sunbeds and assorted towels and robes.

Dennis stood awkwardly whist Patric shuffled a couple of beds together and lined them up with the sun.

'Nice and quiet,' Dennis smiled gradually feeling more at home. 'You can't even be seen from my tree.'

'Just as well,' Patric motioned Dennis to a lounger. 'Stay naked I like to look at your body, you're quite beautiful.'

'Silly sod,' Dennis flushed darkly and collapsed onto his back on the bed. 'I'll get a sunburned willy.'

'Roll over then I can oggle your bum.'

'I'll get a burned bum then,' Dennis giggled but rolled onto his belly anyway, he didn't want to stare into a bright sun and the thought of tantalising Patric was just a bit of a turn on.

'I wouldn't have thought you'd burn being dark skinned, sorta sallow.'

'I will in this without lotion.'

'No probs,' Patric grinned as if a master plan had come right and indeed it had. He produced a tube of Ambre Solaire from a corner and uncapped it. 'Stretch out Dennis, my man. Super masseur is on form today. At least there's someone a bit tasty to oil up.'

'What about your mate, whatsit?'

'Nick?' Patric laughed. 'He brings some of his rent boys from uptown sometimes but they're usually about the seventeen, eighteen mark. They think they're God's gift to a lovelorn gay. A right load of tarts.'

'What's a rent boy?' Dennis was puzzled and squirmed as he felt the first squirt of the oil across his shoulders.

'Young male prostitutes. Never heard the phrase?'

'New one on me.'

'Little Master Innocence,' Patric laughed and worked his oily hands acros Dennis' shoulder. 'You have nice skin.'

'You have a nice touch,' Dennis squirmed under Patric's massage. He was tired and the soothing feel of his friends hands across his shoulders was relaxing, more than that it was getting him hard again.

'Anything for a pal... a lover,' Patric whispered and moved to the side working his way down Dennis' side and under his arms. Dennis smiled as he felt Patric's soft lips on his oiled neck. Patric was going for it, he knew that and he was quite happy to relax and let it happen, after all, Patric had said Dennis would get his turn. 'You've got a fat cock.'

'I can't help it,' Dennis laughed.

'No, I didn't mean that,' Patric laughed as well. 'I meant a nice fat cock, mine's too skinny.'

'I like it,' Dennis whispered hiding his face and his embarassment.

'Good,' Patric's oily hands were on Dennis' slim hips now and more oil was squirted this time across Dennis' buns which were slightly paler than the rest of his body. 'Beautiful,' Patric whispered and Dennis felt lips on his skin and then the tickle of a tongue at his cleft. This time he opened his legs as he felt oily hands massage across his tight little butt.

'Mmmmm,' he pushed his bottom up a little as Patric's hands massaged his soft flesh and his thumbs slipped into the crack. 'Mmmmmm... nice.' He knew he was acting like a slut but he knew what Patric wanted and the thought of being taken by the blonde in the strong sunshine aided by the sun tan lotion actually had his own erection super stiff and dribbling it's own natural lubricant. He was ready.

He flinched as he felt oiled fingers slip across his pucker, slip around it then, finally, a little prod. He held his breath as he felt Patric's finger slowly slip through his ring and into his body and then a gentle movement as Patric's finger moved in and out smearing and forcing the oil into his very gut.

'Relax,' Patric whispered and kissed the back of his neck and then he felt the older boy get onto the sunbed and move his legs open wider. More oil trickled down his crack and he felt the finger joined by another and then Patric's two finger probe moved in and out faster with a critcular relaxing movement. Dennis was so hard he could hardly breath, his erection was actually hurting as he felt Patric's fingers inside him sink into their knuckles.

It came to a feeling of real loss as he felt the slippery digits slide free but almost immediately he felt a bulbous mass between his cheeks and prepared himself to be taken.

'Relax,' Patric whispered again and his lips nuzzled and kissed at Dennis' neck and his hips slowly dropped.

'Aaaaah,' Dennis clutched the frame of the bed as he felt Patric's penis finally nudge at his pucker and then the sensation of being opened by the meaty mass. 'Patric.......'

'Good boy,' Patric murmured as with his knob end firmly lodged in Dennis' hot flesh he gained another inch and then started to gently and slowly move in and out, moving to and fro.

Dennis remained silent savouring the strange sensation of another actually inside him, the initial hurt had gone and now there was this extraordinary feeling as Patric sank deeper and deeper into willing flesh gradually sheathing his slender five inches of boymeat. At last he felt Patric's belly on his spine and the warmth and hardness of the blonde's cock firmly seated in his bottom.

'Why haven't you got pubic hair,' Dennis suddenly spoke and experimentally flexed his buns on the invading spike.

'You still alive?' Patric laughed and stirred himself in Dennis tight heat. 'Nick runs his electric shaver over me, he likes plucked chickens.' He held the frame of the bed and withdrew most of his slippery hardness and slowly sheathed it again.

'Ooooh... do that again,' Dennis giggled and pushed his pert bottom upwards.

'Right.' Patric supporting himself on the bedframe started to move up and down as if doing pressups, his hard meat speared in and out of the younger boys bottom and in the end Dennis clamped onto the thrust and relaxed on the withdrawal. 'I can't keep this up for long.'

Shame, Dennis thought. He was just beginning to enjoy himself. Being fucked wasn't a thing he'd ever thought he'd like but here in the sun and in complete privacy with his hero and lust object Patric he was getting a taste for it. The feel of Patric's hot meat slipping inside him and the feel of Patric's smooth belly on his back was such a turnon it wasn't true. Of course, the other thought was that if Patric kept his word there was more to come. Incredibly he willed himself to soften, he was so hard he knew Patric's thrusts were enough to send him over the edge. If he came whilst being shagged there'd be no juice for his blonde lover and he sensed Patric wanted it both ways, he was certain in his own mind that Patric wanted a role revesal and that very day.

'Fuck me, Pat,' Dennis heard himself say.

'Yeah,' Patric grunted and started to move faster pulling his oil coated cock out as far as he could and then slamming in back in accompanied by a sweaty and oily thwack.

'Yeah. Yeah, harder,' Dennis groaned and pushed him back onto Patric's fuck, he clutched the top of the sunbed as Patric slipped in and out thrusting harder and deeper with every motion.

'Dennis......' Patric wailed and collapsed on the younger boy with only his hips moving as he spurted and shot streamer after streamer of his boy spunk deep into his pinioned partner.

Dennis just clutched the bed and clenched his buns as he felt the older boy's cock seem to pump and throb inside him and then the sticky wetness as his back passage was filled and Patric's creamy climax leaked around the older boy's still gently moving penis. 'Jeeeezus.....' Dennis sighed and went limp. Patric continued to slowly move out and into the sticky and slippery mess until he began to feel himself limpen.

'God, that was so good, Den,' Patric gently withdrew feeling himself smear inside of his little lover's thighs and then they were together in a close lip numbing embrace. 'Did I hurt you?' Patric noticed a tear at the corner of one of Dennis' eyes.

'Just a bit,' Dennis grinned cheerfully. 'It was OK once you got going.'

'More than OK by the racket you were making,' Patric's hand slipped down and grasped his new friend's stiffness. 'Want to come upto my bedroon?'


'Not the one with the old matress, that's the rumpus room... I mean my proper bedroom. It's got it's own bathroom,' he added proudly.

'What we gonna do up there?' Dennis asked coyly.

'Gonna take your virginity big time,' Patric laughed and sprang to his feet hauling the smaller dark boy off the sunbed.

'Thought you'd just done that.'

'Not quite,' Patric held Dennis around his waist and grasped the boy's turgid penis again. 'With me, shrimp.'

'Yeah,' Dennis grinned. Apart from the unspoken offer he could use a bathroom anyway. Yeucherooni.

Patric dragged Dennis through the house and up onto the first floor, they passed the room that Dennis recalled had the matress in it and little else and moved around to the rear of the house. Dennis reckoned in his hurried tour that they must be pretty close to the room he had viewed the other night but Patric opened a door and they were in a smaller room.

'Mine,' Patric announced. 'Toilet and bathroom over there,' he pointed to another door and Dennis fled, things were stirring inside his belly, he needed to sit down. Five minutes later he crept from the bathroom softer in the penis department but feeling a lot easier around the back end. He supposed in his juvenile mind that there must be a down side to boy on boy sex and he'd just experienced it. Perhaps things improved with practice. 'Whatcha reckon?' Patric asked sprawled on the bed.

'What do you mean? You or the room?' Dennis grinned feeling a little more in charge of himself. He looked at the naked blonde laying on the bed and felt his hormones kick into overdrive, the now familiar warmth in his groin and the thickening of his boy cock.

'Me for now,' Patric smiled encouragingly and crooked his finger. 'Come on, Den. Take charge... act the rapist.' He stretched out and closed his eyes.

Dennis stood in some shock for a moment and then with a laugh leapt onto the bed and crouched over the older boy. Tits first, he thought, they at least were safe. He lapped and licked at Patric's darker skinned nubs and stroked the boy's smooth pubic area.

'Mmmmm,' Patric groaned and wriggled under the darker boys ministrations, at the same time he in turn stroked Dennis' smooth body guiding the younger boy betwen his legs. Once he had his victim, his so called rapist in position he grasped the boy's head and planted a kiss on Dennis' sweet lips. 'Full frontal, Den,' he whispered.

Jeez, Dennis didn't know what to do. He found himself crouched between Patric's outstretched legs and still continuing the kiss found his erection nudging against Patric's which had also thickened and grown.

'Move down a bit, put some lube on it and take it easy,' Patric instructed in a whisper as he slipped a tube from under the pillow.

Dennis was still operating on a wing and a prayer but he soon got the idea as Patrick folded his knees back onto his chest exposing his all. The younger boy took the tube and uncapped it, it was pretty obvious what was expected of him. It was do or die time. He quickly smeared some of th shiny oil from the tube onto Patric's pucker, he didn't really want to touch it but it felt no different from any other part of the body. When he applied the same stuff to his own jerking cock he felt it harden even more under his slippery hand. As Patric lay there with his knees to his chest Dennis felt confident. He may not be as long as Patric but his was thicker and he was about to take his outing into the land of boy sex. No more the passive partner, he was in charge.

Carefully positioning himelf, he heard Patric warn him once again to take it easy and he slowly, ever so slowly pushed up against the blonde's portal. To his surprise he felt Patric's pucker part and he slid in quite easily. That was the understatement of the year, he groaned with the exquisite pleasure as he felt Patric's body accept him, the tightness and the heat of Patric's flesh making him almost faint as he sank in a fraction at a time watching his dark skinned cock spearing into Patric's pale flesh.

'In and out, you dickhead,' Patric moaned a little less than romantically. 'Fuck me, monkey boy.'

'Fuck off,' Dennis stopped and glared down at the blonde.

'I like monkeys,' Patric opened his eyes and grinned. 'Fuck me, Den.'

Dennis didn't like being called a monkey boy but he did like being told to fuck. With a snarl he plunged in deep and hard grinning as he saw Patric's eyes widen and his mouth open in a soundless yell as he began. As Patric clutched Dennis' hips and rested his calves on the boy's shoulders the darker skinned boy began to move to and fro, slowly at first but faster and faster. This was absolutely incredible. Patric made no more comments he just moaned and groaned as Dennis rooted in and out, slowly then quickly, rotating and pushing up and down determined to drain every last feeling from this his very first fuck.

As they built to a climax of sweaty slapping and Patric's legs pressed down on Dennis' back as if trying to blend them together Dennis rammed in harder and harder and Patric enjoyed it. He actually urged the smaller boy to fuck harder and deeper but Dennis couldn't keep it going. He knew his balls were uptight and he knew what that meant, as if that wasn't enough he had the tingling and the heat... he was on the verge.

'Pat... ooooooh.' He thrust in hard and as deep as he could go as he felt his boy cock jerk and spurt inside the other's belly. The bestest cum of his life. He felt that he was going to squirt and spurt forever as he moved in and out on a coating of his own spunk and at last slowed to a stop.

'There's my little lover,' Patric's legs dropped as Dennis flopped onto his sweaty belly his dick slipping free with the motion. 'You did well,' his arms clutched the smaller boy and his hands ran up and down over Dennis' sweat sheened back and taut butt.

'I'm knackered,' Dennis gasped and grinned at his new friend. He rubbed his nose against Patric's and then gently kissed the blonde.

'Next time around a bit more sedately, I fancy,' Patric grinned and rolled onto his side taking the smaller boy with him. 'We need to fix a sleepover, have a proper honeymoon night.'

'I thought you were married,' Dennis laughed the thought of an all nighter with his friend giving him a minor twing. Would he survive all night with this blonde sex maniac. Good way to go though, he thought.

'What, Nick?' Patric laughed. 'No, he has his own boyfriends he brings down here now and then. I'm like the old servants, he uses me when he's caught short... he always sees me alright,' he added with a smirk.

'So, he's not your lover sorta thing?'

'Now and then,' Patric grinned. 'I'd like a boyfriend my own age or maybe a little younger,' he gazed at Dennis. 'I've got the room and the privacy, all I want is the boy.'

'Mmmm,' Dennis laughed, now there was a thought. 'Your Nick isn't going to burst in on us, is he?'

'Told ya, he's away for a couple of days. Anyway. he always rings before he comes back just in case I'm entertaining.'

'He doesn't mind...'

'Nah,' Patric grinned. he might want to share though,' he laughed and nipped Dennis' ear. 'What about this all night in then.'

'Yeah, let's fix it,' Dennis grinned. How could he say no.

They shared a shower and after further playing and exploration of each other's bodies got dressed. A brief chat in the lounge and stories prepared they wandered around to Dennis' house in the mid afternoon sunshine. Dennis was committed and if he didn't get his mum's permission he'd break out anyway, he was determined that the 'honeymoon' would happen by hooky or by crooky.

Surprisingly enough, after a long and rather complicated story by Patric stressing the fact that Dennis would be wined and dined in a manner of speaking and that he would be in bed by eleven being a holiday the deal was done. In fact, Patric gained a whole week from Mrs Clarke the one condition being that young Dennis phoned home each evening in case any problems arose, it wasn't as if he was the other end of the planet. Dennis' mum didn't seem to find anything untoward in an Estate sixteen year old minding or caretaking a house over on Mayfield Road, the residents over there wouldn't normally want Estate kids running up and down their leafy avenue. Just not very 'in keeping' with the ambience and all that crap. Mrs Clark took the pragmatic view that if Dennis was with friends he could hardly come to any harm and at least he was only half a mile away. Mind you, our two heroes didn't intend to do too much adventuring, they had a swimming pool and a bedroom. what more did they want.

An hour and a half later, flooded with weak tea and clutching a small holdall Dennis walked alongside Patric back through the scattered trees on the waste land at the rear of the Mayfield Road house.

'Nice swim and supper?' Patric suggested. 'It's gone five.'

'Upto you,' Dennis giggled. 'I can't believe mum believed all that crap you told her.'

'My honest face,' Patric grinned.

'What about your bloke? This whatsit guy.'

'Nick? He's alright, he's just likely to wanna get in on the act unless he has one of his sluts with him.'

'Oh,' Dennis thought about it. He remembered the young man plunging into Patric's body the other night and the blonde crying out. 'He's a bit huge... er, down below sorta thing.'

'Yeah, around the seven inch mark,' Patric blithely announced. 'He was a bit randy the other night though,' he grinned at his smaller companion. 'He's very gentle normally.'

'I would hope so.'

'Don't worry about it, he's nearly always got a bed pal with him, he just calls on me when he gets caught short. In fact, the other day he was saying how surprised he was that I hadn't got a little playmate running in and out of the place.'

'Now you have.' Dennis laughed.

'Yeah,' Patric swung open the back door in the hedge to admit them to the privacy of the garden 'Home sweet home.'

Dennis was lounging by the pool naked and admiring Patric's similarly undressed form on a lilo just under the overhang of the swimming pool extension, they'd decided that the sun was still too strong and although healthy kids both were a little tired after their lunchtime exertions and the visit to Dennis' home.

'Peace and quiet,' Patric stretched like a cat and grinned at Dennis. 'You are a good looking rugrat, you know.'

'Gee, cheers,' Dennis grinned and then jumped as the silence was broken by the ring of a phone.

'Shit, that's the Boss,' Patric got to his feet and looked down at Dennis. 'Don't panic, I'll see what he wants.'

Dennis slipped from the lilo and into the cool water, it looked like his meeting with the mysterious Nick may be going to happen quicker than anticipated. He shuddered at the thought of the houseowner's seven inch dick but if Patric could handle it then why couldn't he. If it the act was rewarded by shacking up in an empty house with his lover, free food and a swimming pool he was game.

Patric was back in five minutes and looking down at Dennis in the water grinned. 'He's coming down Friday night with friends for the weekend. I'll tell you all about it when we have something to eat,' he assumed the position and made a neat and clean dive into the deeper end of the pool. 'Gotcha,' he surfaced under a surprises Dennis.

'Got you too,' Dennis giggled and held onto his slippery friend. Their bodies slid together as they caressed and wallowed in the tepid water working their way into the shallow end.

'God, you've got a munchable body.' Patric grinned devilishly and bent his head to nibble at one of Dennis' nips as the darker skinned boy leant back on the pools surround.

'Munch then,' Dennis put his arms behind himself and hoisted himself onto the edge of the pool, his dark skin penis jutted up from his groin fully hard once more and just begging attention... which it got. Patric got between his friend's legs and sliding Dennis right to the edge stood and placing his hands on Dennis's thighs ducked his head only this time he had his sights set on bigger things than nipples. 'Aaaah,' Dennis let a low groan escape his lips as he felt his hardness engulfed by Patric's warm and wet mouth again. Patric's tongue swirled around his exposed glans tracing a path around the flared edge of Dennis' swollen dark red knob. A tickle at the pee slit and Dennis was jelly in the older boy's hands.

'Supper,' Patric looked up with a wide smile.

'Oh, Patric... you prick teaser.'

'I know,' Patric chortled. 'Come on Monkey Boy, supper, a bit of porno and bed... a nice early night.'

'Yeah, alright,' Dennis sulkily replied standing poolside with his abandoned erection drooping. 'And stop calling me Monkey Boy.'

'You are,' Patric climbed the steps and standing by the smaller boy hugged his wet body, hands clasping Dennis' taut buns. 'Lovely monkey face, lovely monkey bum and a lovely monkey dick.'

Whatta wanker,' Dennis grinned bad humour gone as he too reached out and grasped Patric's firm, pale skinned buttocks. 'Keep calling me names and I'm gonna fuck you silly.'

'Promises, promises,' Patric laughed and grabbing Dennis' hand towed him into the lounge and thence into the kitchen.

An hour later and settled in front of the television with cans of Coke they just passed the time, idly chatting with the occasional kiss and grope. They were on their own for another night and a day before Nick arrived with his guests.

'Did you tell Nick about me?' Dennis thought it was about time he found out what the earlier telephone conversation had been about.

'Yeah, I told him you were a school mate and you were staying a week.'

'He didn't mind.'

'Not once I told him you were a two way boy,' Patric laughed. 'AC/DC sorta thing.'


'He's invited a young guy callled Jo down for the weekend. Jo, apparently is into boy pictures big time and with the naff weather up London way he wants some of his young models to do the pool biz, the suntan lotion biz and the poolside sex biz.'

'Sex?' Dennis' voice broke in a squeak.

'Jo's into porn.'

'Jeez,' Dennis couldn't believe his ears. His first day of sex with another boy, a near proposal of marriage from the same boy and now a busload of kiddy pornographers invading for the weekend. 'How many of them?'

'Three or four boys from what Nick understands.' Patric was on the floor raking through video cases. Between twelve and sixteen, coupla brothers in the mix as well.'

'Jeez,' Dennis was running out of words.

'Come up his room, he's sent me an EMail with their pictures,' Patric said excitedly. 'Let's have a look at the meat.'

They ran upstairs laughing and Patric turned to the rear of the house, a bend in the short passage and another bedroom, this one had a keypad on the door. Dennis watched as Patric punched up a number and the door swung open. This was the room he had overlooked the other night, the night he'd seen Patric and Nick having sex. It was bigger than Patric's room and set up in an alcove was a computer and monitor.

Patric sat down quite confidently and flashed up the machine. Moments later he was opening up an Email and indictaed for Dennis to view over his shoulder. Dennis read the short mail which more or less confirmed the message that Patric had already relayed. he watched as Patric downloaded the Attachments which were in a zpped file. Patric opened the file and four boys pictures were displayed each having a name underneath.

'Well...' Patric glanced around at Dennis. 'What do you reckon?'

'Don't look too bad, I suppose,' Dennis sniffed.

'That Lorenzo's rather tasty.'

'Rather skinny,' Dennis bent over and rested his jaw on Patric's shoulder for a closer view. 'That Leo's nice.'

'I'd like to see him with that swimming costume off.'

'All of them with their clothes off,' Dennis corrected his new lover.

'Well, that's the four of them,' Patric seemed to lose interest. 'Let's go and watch some filth before bed.'

'OK,' Dennis waited whilst Patric shut down and followed the older boy from the room which Patric locked behind him. The four boys he's seen all looked pretty nice, at least there wasn't an ugly bugs amongst them and although the pictures were all clothed that would no doubt changed once the boys arrived. Dennis had another thought. Where the hell was everyone going to sleep, he did a mental count of the bedrooms and he could only muster three and that included the so called rumpus room.

'How many bedrooms up here, Pat?'

'Three plus a small single next to Nick.'

'Oh, I didn't see that one.'

'You weren't looking that's why,' Patric laughed. 'Used to be mine but Nick let me have a large en suite one once I settled in. In the past most of his out of towners stayed in with him but this is the first time he's had a sorta group session.'


Back in the lounge Patric slipped a video in the slot and they settled back to watch. Dennis looked at the clock, it was late enough for his bedtime and he'd rather be in bed with Patric than watching a load of crap but if it turned his blonde mate on then so be it. The video when it eventually came and was American, it was also dated 1977 and both boys had a giggle at the Donney Osmond haircuts and the flairs. The action was good though and both felt the familiar stirrings in their groins and Patric finished laying on the sofa with his head in Dennis lap.

'I can feel that bit of string of your poking in my ear,' he said at one stage.

'Didn't say that when you were sucking it,' Dennis retorted giving a little pelvic thrust. 'Which one did you fancy?'

'What? Of those on the computer?'

'Who else?' Dennis laughed.

'I thought that kid in the red trunks was nice, Leo I think it was. What about you.'

'Quite liked that Florian or whatever he was called, the little one but that Lorenzo rings bells, he's like younger and skinnier version of you.'

'Cheers,' Patric looked up at his friend. 'This is crap... wanna go to bed? He added in a whisper.

'Why not?'

That was the end of the evenings entertainment. Both boys knew what they wanted and it wasn't be found lounging about watching a second rate gay porn movie. What they wanted was each other and the perfect setting to satisfy that need was in Patric's bedroom and more specifically on or in his bed. Securing the place for the night was a bit of a circus but Patric showed Dennis all the locks that needed locking and finally the master burglar alarm.

'Most important, this,' he showed Dennis the control panel. 'We wouldn't want a couple of slender, slinky, sexy, sixteen year old burglars to break in and rape us.'

'Leave it off, leave it off,' Dennis laughed.

'We always leave the occupied bedroom windows isolated on the board for fresh air and in case of fire... and sixteen year old burglars,' Patric grinned. 'Come on, lover.'

They made their way to the bedroom at last, the day and it had been an eventful day for them both was over. The night, their night was upon them.

Patric quite sensibly drew the curtains and turned off the light just leaving a bedside light for illumination. The night was silent other than the sound of a fox or vixen out in the woods, there was no traffic noise and the night outside was as black as a coal cellar. 'Spooky,' Patric closed the window making sure there were no chinks in the curtaining. 'Don't want any pervy kids perched up trees watching us,' he explained to Dennis.

'Too late, too cold,' Dennis had kicked his trainers off and removed his socks, the room was warm enough and he just wanted to get naked with his blonde pal.

'Right,' Patric stood by the bed and looked down at his young lover. Kicking his own slippers off he got on the bed and crouched over Dennis. Ducking his head he gently kissed the smaller boy on the lips. 'We should have taken a shower.'

'Shurrup,' Dennis laughed and grabbed the older boy's neck bringing their faces and lips together. 'Fuck the shower,' he mumbled sighing as Patric's body lay on his. Reaching out he grasped Patric's firm buns through his shorts as the blonde ground against him. 'We'd better get undressed,' he choked as he felt moisture in his briefs, he was oozing already.

'Yeah,' Patric agreed and stood. Watched by his lazy eyed boyfriend he stripped off, his slender pale skinned erection jutted out and up as he fell on the bed alongside Dennis. 'You now, I want to watch.'

'H'OK,' Dennis giggled and stood by the bed treating Patric to a strip tease, nice and slow, nice and sensual.

'You are so fuckin' nice,' Patric groaned idly playing with his stiffy. 'Come let us make love,' he affected a deep French accent. 'Pretend I'm the skiny Lorenzo.'

'Can't,' Dennis frowned. 'Lorenzo's a fuck, you're my boyfriend.'

'Well said, Monkey Boy,' Patric smiled. 'Let's fuck,' he grinned invitingly and lay back on the bed with his legs slightly apart.

Dennis knew he was being invited to take the lead and clambered between Patric's legs forcing them apart and upwards, at the same time he bent forward over his lover rubbing his own now oozing penis against Patric's. A long kiss when their eyes locked and Patric's legs folded back to his chest.

'Where's that stuff?' Dennis asked raising himself to his knees.

'You're providing your own,' Patric grinned. 'Hurry up, Monkey Boy before I changed my mind.'

'I'll Monkey Boy you,' Dennis snarled and bending a little positioned himself and slowly pushed.

'Aaaah,' Patric yelped but relaxed as Dennis froze. 'Go on, go on, I was just teasing.' He held Dennis' smooth hips and then literally pulled the smaller boy in accepting Dennis' dark skinned fat cock without another murmur. 'Nice one,' he wriggled on Dennis as the smaller boy began to slowly move in and out. 'Make it last, lover.'

'I'll try,' Dennis slowly withdrew most of his slippery hardness and then slid it back again groaning with pleasure as he felt Patric's muscles clamp on him and then relax as he bottomed out. 'Grrrrrr... love this,' he gave another shove clonking the blonde boy's head on the headboard on the bed.

'Take it easy,' Patric grinned as Dennis started to move faster. He should have realised telling a randy schooly to make anything last was a waste of time. Little dark skinned Dennis was fucking away like a manic rabbit and Patric just pleasured himself with the feel of Dennis smooth shoulders and back. Feeling the smaller boy about to climax he held the boy's sweaty buns tightly joining them as if superglued.

'Aaaaaah,' Dennis croaked feeling Patric's hands on his bottom as well as the other boy's legs on his back. He was barely able to move as he felt his cock swell and then jerk sending searing spurts of his creamy love juice deep into his lover. 'Gawd...' he wailed as he felt a second and third jolt. This, without a shadow of a doubt was his best cum ever, he felt exhaused, drained and totally shagged but that was to come... he knew the rules.

'You little animal,' Patric murmured fondly as he felt Dennis move within him on a coating of cum and perspiration. 'That was a DSC.'

'Really?' Dennis looked puzzled.

'A Dennis Super Cum,' Patric laughed. 'You did well,' he clamped his bottom and whinced as he felt Dennis' shrinking and limpening cock slide free, he also felt a trickle of cum ooze from his ring, Dennis had excelled himself. He hoped he would do just as well when he took the dark skinned boy which was going to be very soon.

'I'm pleased that you're pleased,' Dennis said formally and smiled at his older lover. Their young coltish bodies with a fine coating of sweat blended together as they moved in for a bout of kissing which seemed to go on for ever and left both boys breathless and gasping for air.

'I do love you, Dennis, my little Monkey Boyfriend,' Patric cuddled the smalled boy feeling Dennis turn away in his arms.

'What about this Leo, the kid with the red swimming cossy?'

'Eye candy... maybe a quicky,' Patric laughed and moved in spooning upto his mate. 'Anyway, you were on about this French kid, Lorenzo or whatever.'

'Eye candy... may be a quicky,' Dennis laughed repeating Patric's phrase and pushed his bottom backwards into Patric's groin. The older boy got the message, his little pal had a need and his new job in life was fulfilling that need.

'Right,' Patric fed his hardness between Dennis' slippery buns and gave a gentle thrust. As Dennis' body jerked he slid his hands around Dennis trim waist and pulled the wriggling boy onto his rigid cock.

Both Dennis and Patric sighed with satisfaction as they felt themself join again only this time Patric's slender pale meat slid fully into Dennis' sallow skinned bottom. Once again they were a unit.

'OK?' Patric whispered slowly stirring himself in the tighness and heat of Dennis firm young body.

'Great,' Dennis grinned and pushed back onto his lover. 'Just puuuuurfect.'

'Puuuuurfect,' Patric agreed slowly working his way into Dennis' slick tunnel and reached around to fondle the boy's limp and sticky noodle. He gently moved in and out seating himself firmly in Dennis' tight heat and began to move faster. All this about making it last was great, making it happen was harder. As soon as he was in Dennis' yielding and willing body he just wanted to fuck the arse of his little lover. No two ways about it, the animal in him took over.

'Yeah, go on...' Dennis groaned ramming his soft bottom back onto Patric. 'Gimme babies,' he giggled.

'I'm trying,' Patric groaned and in one move rolled Dennis onto his belly and spreading the boy's legs slid between thrusting as hard and as deep as he could. 'Yeah,' he sighed with satisfaction as he felt Dennis push upwards onto his thrustings getting sweatier and more fluid by the minute. 'Jeez...' he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw ramming into Dennis sweet honeypot.

'Yeah, yeah...' Dennis subsided onto the bed as Patric bore down on him, he was shattered and Patric finally lay on him belly to back he knew the older boy was spent as well. 'Ooooooh....' He bit the pillow as he felt Patric's slender cock jerk within and then the hot slimy splashes as the older boy climaxed and then slowly moved to and fro stirring his spunk within Dennis' tightly clenched young bum.

'Love you, Monkey Boi.'

'You keep saying that,' Dennis giggled feeling a warm glow not only from the hard cum covered spike up his bottom but from Patric's eager lips on his ears and now on the side of his face. 'Love you too, Pat.'

'Good, you can do the hoovering tomorrow,' Patric cackled and started to move up and down again moving quite easily into Dennis cum drenched back passage.

'You can't....' Dennis wailed.

'Watch me,' Pat laughed and grabbing a pillow stuffed it under Dennis middle. He took a crafty feel as he started to move once more in and out of Dennis' still willing body. He smiled at the results of his grope, his young lover was hard again... it was going to be a long night.


Dennis and Patric will feature in 'Young Porn Stars' soon to appear on Nifty. I have a few pix of the boys if anyone is interested. Please use the story title as your subject line in Emails if you wish to write.

Next: Chapter 2

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