The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Nov 11, 2023


This is a fictional story involving sexual relations between two or more males. If you are under the legal age of consent to read such material, or if you are offended by the subject matter, then you are in the wrong place and should not read any further. This is a Fictional story and any Relation to any real person is purely coincidental.

Remember that in this fantasy world, there are no sexually transmitted diseases. We are not so lucky in the real world, so remember to play safe and wear a condom when performing the acts mentioned in this story. Feel free to email me at

I woke up and stared at Greg for a couple minutes, thinking how much of a sexy guy he is, his broad shoulders, his plump lips, and his curly black hair. I snuck out to go downstairs and make us some breakfast, surely he had to be ravenous from all the, shall I say action I gave him. In my mind I thought we could finally bury all the strife and anger we had built up against each other and at least be civil. Thirty minutes later Greg came walking into the kitchen. He was wearing one of my shirts and boxers, you could tell it wasn't his size because with every step a little of his dick would peak out of the slit. He sat down at the bar, "Would you like some coffee," I asked him. He just nodded his head in affirmation. I poured him some in a mug and told him that breakfast was going to be ready in ten minutes so he should wash up. "I don't want your fucking breakfast" he retorted. "Well too bad, we have a lot to discuss and I want you to be 100 % aware of what I have to say to you," I fired back. "After what you fucking put me through, you think I want to hear a fucking word you have to say?"

At that moment I stopped cutting up veggies for the omelet, I looked him dead in the eye and said "after what I fucking did to you, before you came in my life I was a happy heterosexual male, now I'm a sadistic cock hungry faggot." When I said those last few words it hit me that I was finally taking control of my sexuality that I was accepting the fact that I was no longer and may never was truly a straight man. "Anyways I have the keys to your car and so if you want them back you are going to eat this breakfast that I am spending my time making and enjoy it." He was silent, "here quit moping around and set the table." Greg got up and did what I asked, when he stood up I couldn't help looking over and seeing that luscious ass cupping my boxers.

Finally, I was finished, if any normal person had seen what I had made they would have thought it had to have been the dietary nutrition of a 500lb man. There was sausage, bacon, spinach omelets, oatmeal, pancakes, Belgian waffles, and French toast. Cooking was the only way I could relieve all the tension I was feeling.

We ate in silence; I stared at him, looking at how he would just move everything from one side of his plate to the other. "Will you stop playing with your food and eat," I exclaimed. We looked at each other and then he spat on his plate. The blood in my veins began to boil; there was fury in my eyes.

I reached over and yanked him by the neck; I placed him over my knee and pulled his boxers down. Then thwack! THWACK! I spanked him over and over getting his ass cranberry red. He tried to pull away but I had such a tight grip of his hips that no matter how hard he struggled he was not getting away. He began to yell and a couple of times he tried to take a swing at me, if he was going to act like a spoiled child then he was going to be treated like one. "Are you going to be a good boy and eat your breakfast?"" Yes sir, I'll be good, please stop it hurts!" I relented and sat him in the chair, he tried everything to stop the tears from flowing but he couldn't, he felt trapped never in his wildest dreams did he think that I would become stronger than him, it became apparent that though he could dish it he obviously couldn't take it. The oddest thing was that when he tried to pull up his boxers he couldn't conceal that tasty hard on, brimming with a load waiting to explode.

He slowly started eating, I tussled his hair in appreciation, and he looked at me with hate in his eyes. For some strange reason that hurt me more than anything, even through all the shit he did to me, I couldn't help but care for this bastard. I finished eating and began to wash the dishes; Greg came up from behind and presented his empty plate.

I took it from him and pulled him into a hug, this caught him off guard. The marble statue before me began to melt like a snowman in June. He put his chin in the nape of my neck and just rested his head there. I placed my hands over his ass but he flinched obviously from the sting I had inflicted earlier. I took his boxers off and grabbed the bottle of olive oil. While he hugged me I began to massage his glowing tight ass with the oil. This guy really has buns of steel, I worked his cheeks over and over taking away his pain and sending him much needed relief. I slicked two of my fingers and began to play with his hole, he cooed in my ear "ohh don't stop please don't stop." He began to grind his dick on my shorts; his precum began to paint my apparel.

With my free hand I yanked his head back and I started nibbling on his neck. "What are you doing to me," he whispered exacerbated by the situation he was in. I moved us back to the breakfast table and sat down, without even thinking he climbed up on top of my lap. I aimed my dick straight for his hole, he gasped when the head of my cock kissed his anal lips. I tore his shirt in half, feeding into the moment; there were hickies all around his nipples obviously from our last rendezvous. Every time he would bottom out in my lap he would leak on my stomach that sweet nectar from the gods. I placed my palm over the tip of his dick, getting my hands extra sticky, and then I licked it clean. I went back to the source for more, when I looked up I saw Greg staring at me like a lost puppy, I moved my hand to his face and he readily slurped up all the juices.

I then picked him and laid him on the kitchen counter, I put just the tip of my dick in his clit and for two minutes I gave him little strokes. "Please shove it in!" I would inch forward pushing in a couple inches but I would quickly pull out molding Greg into the perfect cum dump. This man who was so guarded and suspicious of the world began to let the walls around him crumble. I think for so long he was in control and now with me, he was no longer the domineering top, I was really falling in love with the putz.

Once more I picked him up, but I flipped him over. I held him by my dick and hands, I had his arms in my hands and my cock was impaled in his ass. His feet were in the air and from his vantage point it looked like he was flying on my cock. It took all the strength that I could muster to stop him from falling; the veins in my arms were bulging like Lou Ferrigno as the incredible hulk. I pushed him up against the refrigerator and I shoved my dick straight up his mussy. "Oh my god I'm about to cum," he was on the verge of dumping another load without touching himself. I slammed into overdrive, as I bit his ear, his butt tensed up squeezing my dick like wringing a towel. There was no way I could pull out his ass had such a grip on me that my balls gave up, we came at the same exact time. I looked over Greg's shoulders and my stainless steel fridge looked like someone had thrown white paint all over it.

We both were breathing heavily unable to speak, the sex was so intense that all we could do was look at each other and laugh. I pulled him into my arms and kissed his succulent lips. This day was starting off as one of the happiest days of my life. I stared into Greg's eyes and was overcome with loving affection, may be it was the sexual afterglow or may be I was truly falling in love with the guy.

"Hey dad, hey Greg," I instantly snapped out of my period of doting to recognize that my son was standing in front of us. How long had he been there, how much did he see, how the hell did he know Greg's name? I felt like I was hyperventilating, then my son reached out and caught some of the cum that was leaking out of Greg's ass, he put it to his face so Greg could readily receive and said, "I think you guys have some explaining to do."

To Be Continued...

Thanks for all the support feel free to email me at, I'll do my best to try to respond back. Thanks again!!!

Next: Chapter 8

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