The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Nov 3, 2023


This is a fictional story involving sexual relations between two or more males. If you are under the legal age of consent to read such material, or if you are offended by the subject matter, then you are in the wrong place and should not read any further. This is a Fictional story and any Relation to any real person is purely coincidental.

Remember that in this fantasy world, there are no sexually transmitted diseases. We are not so lucky in the real world, so remember to play safe and wear a condom when performing the acts mentioned in this story. Feel free to email me at

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yuri started telling me that Greg forced him into doing what he did to me. Apparently Yuri's parents are here illegally and Greg was going to have them deported if he didn't obey. The look in his eyes was so sincere, I had half the mind to just hug him, but the other side wanted revenge. I opted on neither, I went and got his clothes and found his wallet. I showed him that I had his license and that if he ever tried anything I would make his life a living hell. After all it wasn't really him I was after, Greg was going to pay for all the shit he had done to me and he was going to pay big. I made Yuri help me set up the sling and I created a remote flesh jack that whispered all the possibilities to me. It was getting late and I knew Greg's workout would almost be over soon. So I called a cab and had the guy take me to the gym. Luckily for me Greg was the type of guy who never locked the doors to his car. I got in the back seat and made sure he couldn't see me. Twenty minutes later I saw him coming, my heart was racing, was I really going through with this, what if it backfired, many questions came running through my mind.

He puts his bag in his trunk, he opens the door to his car but he hesitates, I panic thinking he's going to catch me. But he pulls out his cell phone and gets in the car and before he can even realize what's happening I have the towel of chloroform around his mouth and nose. I drive him to my house, gleaming with the knowledge that this little piggy is not going home. Finally I enter my driveway; I made sure to go through the garage fearing witnesses to my kidnapping. I carried him to the basement and fastened him to the sling. I pulled out the ball gag for his mouth, I pried open his lips and was a little surprise to see one of his teeth looked like they were decaying. (I guess even dentist don't always have perfect hygiene.) It was time for him to wake up so I wafted a q-tip of ammonia around his nose, and right when he was becoming conscience I pulled my dick out and started pissing on his face. He started gagging it was like I was water boarding him with urine. When he came to he finally realized who I was, if you could see his eyes you would have seen not only anger but actual fear, may be he was afraid of what I could do to him in that moment and I loved it.

Next I wanted his dick hard for all the festivities so I got the flesh jack and began to stroke his dick. What was limp became a steel pole; I wanted to keep it that way so I grabbed some floss and tied it around his cock. He winced when I nicked his sack, feeling a dribble of blood trickle out. He looked so cute; I had to take pictures maybe for our facebook. I took out my whip and began to flog him from the neck down. By the time I was through his entire body was red, he screamed when I smacked his dick a couple times. But the sense of empathy had dissipated from my body; I wanted him to suffer like he made me. After I felt like he got the message I decided it was time for his enema. I inserted the spigot inside his lovely virginal asshole then I turned it to full blast. His stomach looked like a giant bowling ball with indentations brimming from his tight abs. I stopped the hose; he began to moan like a little whore unable to take all the water flowing through his lower body. I released the nozzle and water began to burst out of him like a collapsed dam. He was screaming through the gag, I could virtually make out every curse word he threw at me. I smacked him and told him to shut up, he still kept on yapping so I thought he needed another round of enema. This time I was going to leave it on just a little longer. Tears started streaming from his face; in a little way I was surprised yet annoyed that he was breaking so quickly. I decided that I wanted to hear his voice so I removed the harness from around his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING Greg howled with fury. When I get out of hear you are really going to suffer, I'll turn your little sons into bottom bitches, THEY'LL BE CRAVING MY COCK WHEN I'M THROUGH!!!" Another punishment was in order; I waved the bottle of Bengay in his face and placed a drop of it on my finger. He didn't know what to expect until I placed the drop on the head of his angry dick. "Please, Please wipe this shit off" he cried. "Oh did you say put some more on, okay I'll jerk you off and use this for lube," I told him. His cock was hot to the touch, I could feel the heat emanating out of the pain I was inflicting on him. The sense of pleasure and pain had overloaded his brain. It was time to clean him up, so I threw some dawn soap on his body and hosed him down. He wasn't even worth the soap I put on my dishes, I contemplated. I forced some Spanish fly juice in his mouth and placed the flesh jacker on low. I thought a couple of hours of an agonizingly slow jerk off would do him some good.

"Wait you can't leave me like this, where the hell are you going??? I began to walk slowly upstairs, making the point that his fate was sealed. I could hear him struggling, trying to jerk himself off but wasn't able to through the binds that held him. I went to my kitchen and decided to make myself a sandwich; I sat down in front of the TV and just relaxed. I watched the news and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and checked the time; I couldn't believe it I had slept for five hours. I ran to the basement and there Greg was, stuck in this catatonic state. His dick was still hard as a rock, I got a water bottle and he began to sip it. "Please let me cum, I'm sorry for what I did to you, I thought I was helping you," he whispered. "You tried to help me, FUCK YOU, the only person you were helping was your fucking self." It was time to fuck him, I grabbed a purple dildo, and his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "Look man, I fuck I don't get fucked" I laughed at his futile attempt to save face this top was going to turn into a bottom bitch and I would be the one to seal the deal. I wanted him to know that every time he sat in a chair I was the one who fucked his hole, that every time he squatted to pick up something I was the guy behind him stuffing him with my meat stick, every time he saw a hot dog in a bun it would remind him of when I stuffed my sausage down his little tunnel. I tried to dry fuck him with the dildo, ensuring that the only lube I used was his own panicking sweat, but I wasn't satisfied. It was time to really make him scream.

I snapped the glove around my hand and dipped it in the jar of Crisco. Greg began to scream for help but it was obvious that no one was going to save him. It was actually nice to know that he still had a little fight left in him. I placed one finger at his ring teasing it to open for me, he tried with all his might to push me out of him but it only made my cock leak even more. When I finally got one finger in, it felt like he could almost cut it off, he was so tight that I felt giddy knowing that he was really going to milk my cock. I added another finger but this time I wanted to massage his cock with my bare hand. He was virtually on the verge of cumming. I licked his head just so I could remember how sweet his precum tasted. With that one lick his hole gave up the fight, and that's when I added a third finger. I didn't want him to cum so soon so I took my hand off his cock and started tweaking his nipples. I reached down with my fingers still in his ass and began sucking his tittles. He began to moan like a bitch in heat after thirty minutes of sucking them; when I looked at them again they had doubled in size, what used to be little almond Hershey kisses were now bright red pepperonis. "Please finish me off, I cant take anymore of this," he exclaimed. I ignored him and continued and added another finger. He began to pull on the chains desperately trying to free himself from my grip not willing to realize that he had no where to go. I gently ran my fingers over his prostate his cock was telling him to just go with the floor but his mind was making sure he fought a valiant effort. I bit his nipple and we looked at each other face to face.

Then he did something I should have expected from the asshole. He spat in my face, I felt like he almost blinded me. I grew up in a house where the worst thing you could ever do to another person is spit in their face. I decided enough with the foreplay, I clinched my fist and began pummeling his asshole. "How do you like that you little bitch," I screamed at him. He was howling like a wolf on that show The Gates, I was tempted to offer him some poppers but I wanted him to be fully aware of what I was really going to do to him. "Please take it out I learned my lesson, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry,' he cried out in vain. I jammed my fist so far up is ass that his sphincter was circling around by elbow. I began to flex my forearms driving him into a state of panic. I could see the face of a guy who looked like he was drowning, he was gasping for air unable to piece together all that he was feeling.

I extracted my arm and let him recover, not for his sake but because I wanted his hole to tighten long enough for my dick to have a good time inside him. His breathing began to settle; I lifted his head and gave him the bottle of water that had some Spanish fly in it. When I was feeding him it reminded of when my kids were just babies, how I would hold them in my arms and they would just drink up, staring into my eyes. Greg made the same facial expressions, when he had finished the bottle I even tried burping him lost in the moment. "Now are you going to behave," I asked him. For one long minute he just stared at me and turned his head to the side. "I see you need a couple more lessons in etiquette." I grabbed his legs that were still suspended in the air and pulled him closer to my cock. He instantly turned his head towards me begging me not to do what I was about to do, but his cards had already been dealt and he was really going to lose.

Slowly my cock began its journey trying to pry open his harder than a walnut ass crack. There was actual sweating pouring down my face draining me of a lot of energy but with a loud whoosh by dick finally popped his cherry. He tried squeezing his glutes hoping to expel the intruder, but this cock had found a new house to roost its head in. I pushed half of my cock up his ass, this sense of determination reinvigorated me to push the rest of my cock in. as I was going in and out I could feel his anal ring follow my lead, I was molding his hole into the perfect pussy that I was going to tap from here on out. I started rotating my hips like I was doing the salsa or juking the whole defensive team for the winning touchdown. In the far reaches of my mind I could hear these insane moans, I stopped to look down and there was Greg screaming for my cock. Once again we looked each other in the eyes but this time there was a sense of longing in his. "Please Nate don't stop, I need you to keep fucking me," he pleaded and who was I not to deliver. I started jamming his love nut, coaxing his cock into giving up more precum.

I began to rotate from really fast strokes to long winded almost teasing endeavors. Drool started to escape his lips, running from the sides of his mouth. I picked it up in high gear melting his taint like a hot knife to butter. Before I could even pull out his cock exploded, sending cum barreling at 90 miles an hour. I just kept on fucking him, his pussy would be impossible to ever give up. He began to squeeze my dick like a biker revving up his Harley. I thought he was done but his dick didn't go down, I went out to touch it and it exploded one more time. There must have been at least eight volleys of cum shooting at my hand; it was almost searing my skin. ""Please stop I'm about to cum again," Greg started to enter panic mode. His face was red and flustered, "Oh no I'm about to cum please stop, please!" His head was bouncing from left to right and then he held his breath trying to stave off the inevitable. This time the only thing that came out of his dick was a dribble of cum. What use to be balls the size of duck eggs were now shriveled lima beans. He had cum now three times and me, not even once. I began to hump him harder than before swaying my hips attacking his prostate of every side imaginable. I could feel the load in my balls as they slapped against his buns of steel. When I heard "NOO I'm cumming," I began to chuckle thinking this was almost comical but instead of cum it looked and smelled very different, then I realized that he was literally pissing on himself. Not one hand was on his dick but each time I hit his nut a stream of piss shot in the air. There was no cum left in his body so as a safety mechanism his bladder took over.

I gotta tell you normally I think urine is gross but there was something fragrant about his, the smell was releasing endorphins inside my brain, turning me into an animal. I kept bull dicking him when he moaned that he was about to cum for the fifth time. His mouth had blood in it from biting his tongue, trying desperately to stop the wave of another orgasm. When he started screaming my dick had decided that we were going to cum together. So once I felt his mussy strengthen its grip on my stick I roared like a lion. My cum was like lava bathing Greg's intestines with steam and heat. It began to bubble out of his hole raining on the ground below us. His lower abs began to puff out completely filled with my boiling man milk. I collapsed on top of Greg drained from all the festivities.

Before I completely pulled out of him I wanted to leave him a special gift so I inserted an extra wide butt plug up his chute, I thought that if we were going to again at least he would be ready. Next instead of wiping my dick off I placed it in his mouth, he was sucking me like a baby cow on a teat. "You like drinking daddy's milk baby," I asked him. "Yes daddy I wuv your milk," he responded.

I didn't want us to be caked in cum and piss so I decided we needed a bath. I unfastened all the locks on Greg, who was by now lost in a dream, and picked him up. He put his arms around my neck and tried to keep his legs wrapped around my waist, it was kind of cute seeing this grown man regress to the state of a child. "Daddy can I go to sleep now," he asked me. "Yes son but let's get you washed up," I told him. I carried him up the two flights of stairs and ran the bath water. I got in and put him between my legs, he was too tired to wash himself so I did it for him and bit his ear while I was doing it. I massaged his nipples, cupping his Pecs with my bear hands. His dick started to stir but it was obviously too exhausted to maintain an erection. I dried him off and placed him in the bed, I put the covers over both of us, he scooted his tight ass over so that my dick was hitting the top of his crack and the butt plug still lodged in his hole. "Good night daddy," "good night son," then we drifted off to sleep.

Thanks for all then positive feedback, a lot of people wanted me to continue writing this story. I swear I will get back to the original fantasy a little later, if you want to leave a comment my email address is

Next: Chapter 7

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