The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Oct 19, 2023


This is a fictional story involving sexual relations between two or more males. If you are under the legal age of consent to read such material, or if you are offended by the subject matter, then you are in the wrong place and should not read any further. This is a Fictional story and any Relation to any real person is purely coincidental.

Remember that in this fantasy world, there are no sexually transmitted diseases. We are not so lucky in the real world, so remember to play safe and wear a condom when performing the acts mentioned in this story. Feel free to email me at

I couldn't believe what came over me last night. My head was really hurting, could I have gotten a hangover by being drunk on cock I contemplated. I started waking up to the morning light and pictures of what I did began to surface. Oddly when ever I thought about it my dick was pulsing between the sheets. Then I remembered that Yuri had gone to bed with me last night. I looked around the room and his clothes were still there but he wasn't. I called his name out and I got no answer, I was just about to get up when he came through the bedroom door fully dressed in my son's baseball attire. His body was a little snug in my son's clothes but it was such a turn on.

"How do I look," Yuri asked in that sexy accent. He walked over to the bed, I was so stunned, and I couldn't believe the affect this guy was having over me. He grabbed my head and began to shove it in the skin tight trousers, feeding me his tube steak through the cloth. Any sign of a headache began to dissipate. I wanted this sexy kid, and his long cock to boot. "Take off my shirt," he ordered. You mean my son's shirt, I told him. THWACK! He smacked me across my face and demanded that I never talk back to him ever again. I was shocked this punk kid was ordering me around like I was some prison bitch; I mean last night he was so gentle and caring and now he was Joseph Stalin.

I began to take his shirt off, his muscles were straining the material to the point that I thought if I pulled any harder it would tear. Finally I got it off, the pants were next like the shirt it was nearly impossible. He ass looked like two melons, like two bubbles, it was perky and strong. It brought back memories of when I ate him out in front of all the other guys how his hole would wink at me in approval. When the pants were gone the only obstacle between me and the prize was a white jockstrap that had cum and pee stains, it looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks. I knew it couldn't have been Yuri's so by process of elimination it had to have been Tim's. Yuri forced my face into the jock, I gagged, this wasn't right it was like I was sucking my son's cock by proxy. This was too close to incest and I was not comfortable with what we were doing. I pleaded with Yuri not to do this, I tried prying my head from his grip but he was one strong mother fucker. He slapped me again and said my pleasure was none of his concern and that I was going to do what ever he wanted me to do no questions and no debate.

Reluctantly I complied, I began to lick the cup and whatever particle that had dried and crusted over began to loosen and regain its liquidity. I wanted to throw up, here I was basically drinking my son's urine and cum. Yuri then pulled the jock to the side exposing that horse of a cock. He started to slap it across my face, leaving his precum along the way. I felt so humiliated; I was now a cock hungry whore beholden to someone who was more than ten years younger than me.

"Turn around," he barked. I no longer had any fight in me, so I slowly turned. My ass was still sticky from all the cum that was dumped in me last night. I bent over and had my ass exposed to open air, Yuri then slapped my ass a good five times. I flinched my ass was burning from the sting of his big hands. "I can't have you moving around everywhere, where are your ties?" I pointed to my dresser; he went over and grabbed a couple. Then he tied my hands to the bedpost, to the point that I couldn't even feel them. "I got a little surprise for you baby Nate," I looked up and saw Tim's baseball bat in his hands. I was freaking out I didn't know what he was going to do with it but it couldn't be good. I started yelling at him to untie me and that this had gone on way to long. He started to laugh in this maniacal manner, and then he slipped off the jock and stuffed it in my mouth.

He then went to my night stand and grabbed the tube of lube. "Before you take my cock, I want you to take this bat." I began to shake with fear; tears were streaming from my eyes disbelieving what I had become. He stuck a couple fingers in my hole. I leaned back, I became relaxed, and by now from all the fucking my ass had taken, this was heaven. Then he added two more fingers, it stung for a minute but my body began to get used to it. And now as if that wasn't enough he began to fist me, shoving his entire fist up my chute. I couldn't breathe; it was to much not enough lube in the world could make that feel good. I was screaming through the jock that was still in my mouth. It hurt so bad that I started to pee on the bed; my body couldn't comprehend the pain I was going through. In and out, he began to retract his fist and arm, and then he would punch my hole like a dart on a board. I could feel him literally punching my prostate, there was neither gentleness nor any loving kindness, and it was all just brutality.

And as if he was board with his fist he removed it from my bowels and replaced it with the fat end of the bat. The aluminum felt cold to the touch and there were marks on it that scratched my pucker. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, the veins in my neck began to bulge like Jose Conseco's arms after a cocktail of anabolic steroids. He began to twirl it around in my ass, ensuring that I felt every inch of that fucking bat. There was no way that a normal person to have taken such an obscene object anally. I could peel it punching my stomach from the inside. After a couple minutes I began to get used to it and it actually started to feel kind of good, but Yuri must have noticed the change so he moved his mammoth cock along side the bat and began to double penetrate me causing me to just pass out.

While I was unconscious I dreamed, that I was swimming in the ocean while getting fucked, and the person who was fucking me was not a man but a cruise ship delving in my gaping hole. In my predicament fantasy and reality seemed too crazy not to be one and the same. I mean in this dream I could feel the waves crashing over me, the water was warm and I was being impaled by a giant ship. Then it started to rain, it felt so cold that it woke me from my unconsciousness. This is when I realized that Yuri had taken me into the bathroom and he was fucking me in the tub.

This time he was gentle. We looked each other in the eyes and he came down to kiss me. I moved my face angered that he could treat me like a dog and now he wanted me to be his confidant. He got upset and smacked me again on the face; I could feel his hand print on the top of my skin. He squeezed my dick and told me to open my mouth. I relented as he came in for a kiss. "You know if you would just accept your fate as my bitch, life would be a lot smoother for you," he told me. I succumbed to his body as his dick hit my prostate; my cock began to expand from his light massage. I begged him to fuck me harder, the water made his dick feel ten times bigger, as it reached into my bowels, and pulled me back on to his dick. I was in ecstasy; I was on the verge of cumming. Then Yuri bent over and started biting my nipples. That is all it took, I came like a geyser. Yuri cupped it all in his hand and fed it to me. Every shot of cum, Yuri caught, he was still massaging my overly sensitive cock, making sure I was milked dry. Then he pulled out of me and made me suck his dick. I inhaled all of it, I had become a cum whore and I wanted to taste his man milk. I bobbed my head up and down like Kobe dribbling the ball, plunging my face in his pubes. And for my efforts I was rewarded with the subtle signs of Yuri on the verge of cumming. The tip of his dick began to expand, it almost cut off the air to my lungs, but I didn't care I had to have his cum. I pulled him out of my throat so I could suck on the head, then my started to swell like a dam about to be run over by a hurricane. Yuri unloaded a monsoon of cum in my mouth; I could feel some of it trickle out of the sides of my mouth. The more I gulped down the more he came. I think even he almost panicked wondering how much was left in his gorgeous body.

We finally came down from our sexual high; I began to bask in his glory, kissing him from his lips to his tight nipples. "Wow you are one great fuck," I giggled at his response. I swear I was drunk off of so much cum; he scooped some off of my cheeks and fed it to me. "I have a surprise for you," I looked at him quizzically thinking what could get better than this. "I want you to look to your right," I quickly looked expecting some awesome surprise. When I turned my head I could feel all the color leave my body, I was colder than ice. I began to hyperventilate and once again I passed out.

I came to and no it was not dream, I looked over my shoulder and my beautiful wife was sitting in a chair bound and gagged unable to even look at me in the eyes. "I see you finally woke up," Yuri sinisterly said, "well I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about so I'm going downstairs to fix myself a snack." When he left the room I jumped up and started untying her. She was mortified, she was screaming when did you become such a faggot and who the hell was that guy. I tried explaining to her the situation I was in but she obviously didn't want to hear it.

"I'm letting you know now that I want a divorce and what ever sick and twisted thing you got yourself into is none of my concern." I wanted to cry my whole world was crashing right before my very eyes. She packed her suitcase and said that until she found a place of her own she would be staying at her sister's. I begged her not to leave but her mind was made up, she had seen enough to know that I clearly wasn't the man she had married years ago. She told me that she thought she was coming home to surprise her man, with a night of no kids, not to walk in on her husband in bed with another man. She wanted to press charges on Yuri but wondered what the neighbors would say about her and her husband's lifestyle. She stormed out of the house and peeled out of the drive way. I was trying to get some clothes on to run out and get her back, but I realized that hopefully she didn't mean half of what she said and that time would ease her level of reason.

I went back inside the house and Yuri was sitting on my couch with a sandwich he had just made. And like a bull seeing the color red, I leapt on top of him. We got in this tussle rolling all over the floor, breaking lamps and tearing pillows. With the strength of the incredible hulk I gave him one solid punch to the jaw and knocked the fuck out of him. His body was lame; I went up to my bedroom and found the hand cuffs my wife liked to use on me. I dragged him to the basement, and cuffed him right beside the boiler. I went back to my bathroom and decided to take a bath. I washed the blood that had spackled on my body, I didn't know if it was his or mine, but like a baptism I dunked my head and washed away the old me. I was no longer going to be a passive little bitch to the guys that ruined my life, they were going to pay and I was the guy who was going to cash those checks. I got out of the bath and looked at myself in the mirror. My lips were more pronounced like it was obvious that I was a natural born cocksucker and when I turned around to checkout my ass, my hole looked like a large tin can. I couldn't take anymore of looking at the shell of a man in the mirror so I got dressed and decided to drive to a sex shop that I usually passed on my way to work. I had to get some supplies if the plan that I was making along the way was ever going to work. First I would get Yuri and Greg then I would get my life back in order.

Thanks for all then positive feedback, a lot of people wanted me to continue writing this story. I swear I will get back to the original fantasy a little later, if you want to leave a comment my email address is

Next: Chapter 6

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